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It is argued that Global Jihad and Islamic Extremism are not what they seem- Religious Extremism threatening liberal open societies and secular democracies

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with Terrorism and a regression to Medievalist theocracy. But that this eponymous phenomenon of Islamic Terrorism is just a Diversion and ‘Ploy by the Right’ of the Political spectrum to misdirect our energies towards the former against Real Issues such as Poverty alleviation, Unemployment, Free Healthcare or Education loans.

In the Orwellian World where the Leftists and liberals live, there is no such thing called Islamic Extremism or Global Jihad, save as peripheral entities reserved for kid gloving disdain.

The real ‘threat’ or ‘enemy’ of the people, are the Right of political spectrum.

Their political dissidents and their pernicious ideas of anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, climate change denial, misogyny, jingoism, military interventionism, and lastly but not the least Islamophobia which is this Medusa’s head.

The Orwellian realist can show how this Islamophobia is now the last resort of the Right Wing to legitimize all the preceding negative values such as racism and xenophobia. In order to reestablish those defeated values back in society the Right fringe piggyback it with Islamophobia, foist defunct ideals on the minds of people.

The pertinent issue is about this Right wing deploying the political device of Islamophobia to win back approval of its historically discredited core ideas-such as anti-Semitism, Racism, Supremacy, xenophobia, fundamentalism, Ultra nationalism, national socialism aka Neo-Nazism.

Since Islamophobia, their self chosen political implement per se is not the issue, therefore should never be put to any serious scrutiny. It can only dismissed outright without any room for ‘discussion’ which is negotiation. There can be no negotiation with bad guys like terrorists or bad ideas like Islamophobia.

Its validity or worthiness as an argument against Radical Islam or its visible effects of Jihadism cannot be entertained because that may lead to a possible validification of a mere Political device. Even admitting to examine the issues

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behind “Islamophobia’ is a tactical error, since even a partial admission of such ‘issues’ as real and valid concerns, will grant an admission back doors passage of a political instrument behind which Right wing will gradually arraign the rest of the ‘Neo-Nazi’ agenda.

This is the reason why Left and Liberal establishment and the Political Media Industrial Complex has become so passionately committed to this ‘anti-fascist Line’ as the only Politically Correct Consensus in dealing with the whole phenomenon of Global Jihad and Islamic terrorism. These don’t exist except by way as false flags for the advancement of Political Right of spectrum.

This is why Left liberals are so refractory to reason when it comes to seeing things about Islam, Muslims and its ubiquitous Terrorism.

This commitment to antifascist’ line naturally deepened its opacity all the more the eponymous phenomenon of Islamic Terror and Jihad widened and dug roots far and wide and eventually the home grounds.

What were conveniently missed were the Fascist elements in this denialist Line of Political Thought and the advances of fascism of Islamo-fascism exploiting this lacunae and free passage of denialism.

While these Orwellian realists were imaging keeping at bay the fantasized return of Hitlerism, every single step and measure they were adapting in fighting this shadow enemy was conceding the ground to Islamo-fascism in the real world.

The Orwellian Political Correctness was steadily rendering service to Fascism with an Arab veneer and nomenclature imagining a struggle with a euro-fascism that was at best a relic.

Misogyny was getting institutionalized, Polygamy subsidized with State funding. Foreign Policy endorsed Palestinian Cause as noble which had Genocidal rationale about Jews, and this Hitlerism and anti-semitism was getting State recognition.

The Racist Segregation ideas were accepted without difficulty- the Jews cannot enter the Temple Mount and Pray since that would be ‘offensive’ to Islamofascists. The Double Speak was serving such Fascist principles at the service

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of a Religion that was held by them to be Tolerant and all about peace, but the Segregation is required and removing them would be a grave provocation.

To what an extent the Left Liberals have become Fascists in their anti-fascist zeal can be seen best in Israeli Settlements.

The entire Liberal tribe are in same page with rabid Islamists opposing such ‘Zionist’ occupation’ of Palestinian Arab lands.

As a multi Culturalist and liberal it never strikes them as hypocrisy to tell Christian countries to freely allow Muslim migrants to walk in and settle by the millions is not like ‘zionist occupation’. To even whimper a protest against this is declared as Racism and Xenophobia.

But if the Jews build new homes in a Muslim land, even if Jews had long ago been belonged there as biblical people, the demographic implications are at once understood!

The ‘Protests’ which invariably are about killing the Jews with a knife and violence are spontaneously endorsed as ‘natural reactions to grave provocations of building and continuing settlements activity’.

The Settlement activities of Muslim migrants in predominantly Christian lands however can never be seen in such light. Muslim Migration cannot be seen as an Islamist occupation the same way Jewish settlements are made out as Zionist Occupation though both leading to tensions. But the tensions in both cases from the side of Muslims- the Muslim migrant refuses integration and brings Terrorist violence. The Jewish settler doesn’t bring violence but is greeted with Violence by those who can’t tolerate the presence on their midst of this Jewish Other.

This Xeno-phobia of fascists was actually manifesting freely in de-facto No Go Zones where Muslims kept off non-Muslims from entering except in their own terms in what was their own country with Police acknowledging such areas where the long arm of the Secular State won’t go.

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In the wake of second Paris Terror attack on 13th November 2015 the NY Times which earlier screamed blood that No Go Zones were an Islamophobic myth and propaganda- without batting eyelid prints-

“Belgian Minister Says Government Lacks Control Over Neighborhood Linked to Terror Plots,”New York Times, November 15, 2015:

Belgium’s home affairs minister said that the government does not “have control of the situation in Molenbeek,” a working-class neighborhood of Brussels that has been linked to several terrorism plots in recent years

Robert Spencer of the Jihad Watch promptly reminds- What? Don’t only racist, bigoted Islamophobes believe in the existence of no-go zones? Isn’t that what the Times was telling us at the beginning of the year?.

Fox News issued an unusual on-air apology on Saturday night for having allowed its anchors and guests to repeat the false claim that there are Muslim-only “no-go zones” in European countries like England and France that are not under the control of the state and are ruled according to Shariah law.

The statement was referred to as “a correction” by the Fox Report host Julie Banderas, who said that “over the course of this last week, we have made some regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe, particularly with regard to England and France.”

The claim that such areas existed attracted widespread attention, and a wave of online derision, last weekend when Steve Emerson, a self-described expert on Islamist terrorism, told the Fox News host Jeanine Pirro that parts of France and the entire English city of Birmingham “are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in.” Mr. Emerson said such areas also included parts of London, Sweden and Germany, and he claimed, “You basically have zones where Shariah courts were set up, where Muslim density is very intense, where the police don’t go in, and where it’s basically a separate country almost, a country within a country.”

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It was this vehement Denial about any existence of No Go Zones that is coming out now as having enabled the murderers with safe houses beyond reach of law enforcers.

Nothing was done about these Launch pads of Terror because the Left liberals in media were scoffing at the very mention of No Go Zones as a big lie.

What the Left liberals were doing was standing guard for the Sanctuaries of Islamic Extremists inside their own countries and keeping the Law enforcement out like Trojan horse keepers.

To what extent they scuttle the Counter terrorist efforts of every nation that suffers a major Islamic Terror strike can be understood if we notice this story by Christina Boyle, Los Angeles Times, November 15, 2015.

The sob story is about poor muslims suffer from fears of imaginary reprisals that have so far never happened like continuing Islamic strikes!

“In this heavily Muslim suburb of Paris, there was a nagging fear in the back of many minds on Sunday: Would the latest spasm of violence in the name of Islam bring retaliation against their community?

“Of course we are scared,” said one worshiper at the Evry-Courcouronnes mosque, an ethnically diverse community full of low-rise public housing about 20 miles south of the center of Paris.”

Why this Paris suburb and particularly this mosque at Evry- Courcouronnes?

“Already, French officials have warned of the possibility of cracking down on mosques deemed as harboring Muslim radicals.

The French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said Sunday that the state of emergency declared Friday gives the government the means to act more quickly against those “who preach hatred in France,” including through expulsions and the “dissolution” of radical mosques.

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No public mention has been made of targeting mosques in Courcouronnes, but that hasn’t stopped residents here from worrying about the general atmosphere across Europe.”

Interesting if we note the Liberal media at once rushes to where the Counter terrorism efforts are expected by the Islamists!

Even as they kept the Law of the land out, the judicial system of medieval Arabs was getting enforced there and endorsed without check for any fascist elements in its codes of legislation. The Nuremberg Race Laws were now getting recognition in free western democracies as Sharia Laws and courts allowed to operate in parallel with State Legal system, without bothering if that lent a moral approval automatically to the rest of the Sharia penal code.

The anti-fascist obsession of the Left further turned the Democratic intuitions dysfunctional.

In any ideal if not normal Democracy, the functions of the Fifth estate is to be watchdogs of citizens’ interests and not a partisan stake holder in the contest of state power between Political parties.

Similarly the role of the Parties sitting in opposition benches is to offer an alternative to the Party running office. It’s very job is to claim having a better policy or capacity to execute the job of governing the nation state and point to the failings and short comings and even forecast a given policy line’s harmful effects before they occur.

The media instead ceased to be Critical of the ruling establishment if they were Left leaning and trained its guns on the Opposition. In other words the Democracy was becoming dysfunctional with an Uncritical Press and was becoming quasi fascist State.

If the Right leaning parties were in Opposition, this line up of an Uncritical Press and an unhindered Leftist orientated State practically meant a slide towards Totalitarianism. The very thing the anti-fascist line was supposed to be fighting.

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The normal functions of any Opposition parties were getting demonized and delegitimized.

This is best seen in the chorus immediately after any Islamist terrorist attack- that the only worry that people should have must be ‘how this would come in handy for the Right wing parties!”

This Left Political Media industrial complex would suffer no criticism of any Democratic opposition about its misfocusing on imaginary foe of fascism and thereby failing in its tackling of Global Jihad and its attacks.

It would delegitimize the Democratic right of the Right leaning parties to even contest the failing policies and on that basis ask for the dismissal of the governing party from office and be elected in its stead.

All such very normal healthy democratic functions get declared as sinister, diabolical and nothing short of almost a criminal plot.

One would expect a Media in a functioning democracy to reserve its harshest criticism for any Government that failed to protect the Lives and limbs of its citizens in case of repeated Terrorist strikes- such as Paris. But the Media instead was vitriolic against the Opposition Right wing.

Typical of this chorus slamming the Opposition could be Donna Kennedy’s piece

in the Daily beat - Can France’s Far-Right Marine Le Pen Use Paris Attacks to

Win Power? Edouard Ponsin, 81, a retired accountant who lives in the 11th arrondissement where gunmen burst into a show and killed more than 80 people at the Bataclan, said “these attacks always give political élan to right-wing arrivistes.”

“They jump on the fear of voters in order to elevate their profile and pander to the worst in human nature,” Ponsin said. “Sarkozy is actually salivating over the blood of these victims and can’t wait to exploit this tragedy to put himself back in the Elysee. LePen will exploit this to enrage the right even further, but she can’t

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do anything, alas, against determined murderers who have a network of support from groups like Daesh. We are a free society, we are generous and there are ingrates among us, young men who feel they have no future and they want us dead. But France will not go down on its knees. We have seen far worse. We are still standing. We are France. France is the gem of the world. We will shine through our tears.”

The above kind of Press, putting Partisan concerns about the windfall for Right Wing Parties in Opposition benches over Government’s failure to heed its warnings. First not to open borders and swell the numbers of a Muslim population already refusing to integrate and sending Recruits to ISIS and next let that Muslim Migrants over a million of them flood all over Europe even while ISIS was openly declaring they were sending its fighters by the thousands.

The last words put in the mouth of an alleged old man who lived close to the site of attack-reeks of indoctrination that only fascist propagandists can excel about dying a glorious death for the inglorious State!

“We have seen far worse. We are still standing. We are France. France is the gem of the world. We will shine through our tears.” Hail the Government that put us to the ground!

This failure to resist this creeping Fascism by the polity naturally left this fight to the masses.

The PEGDA was the first signal from the ground that the people were not going to take this fascistisation of their societies lying down.

The Orwellian reality saw something else in this dissent of the masses.

The left liberal Political Correctness had by now become so dogmatic and self righteous that any kind of dissent was held out as hallmark of Fascism.

While the Leftists were Islamo-fascisizing their societies, the Political Correctness was so thorough going in keeping a tight lid on information flow and Thought

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control, that methods not very different from Nazi Germany’s indoctrination of collective minds was adopted.

The academic and institutional purges of political dissenters were subtly Stalinist.

Despite all that common sense demands that if Left of Political spectrum takes things to a head in any direction, then in a democracy automatically the Opposition in other end of political spectrum would be calling attention to these failings.

Since the anti-fascist line sees any kind of dissent or critique of Islamofascism as illegitimate politics and believes that it is a Come back Ploy of fascism, the Pegda was seen as a sort of Fascist coup detat against the Liberal State.

It began cracking down on it joining hands with Islamo fascists.

The methods again were no different from Brown Shirts beating up communist gatherings and Union Meetings.

First they began an anti-fascist line without checking the fascist elements in Islam and Jihad.

Then they resorted to Fascist Indoctrination of masses and Purges.

Finally they wore Brown shirts and went after disrupting the PEGDA protest marches and appealing to Turkish immigrants to help with the street attacks.

When it was getting clear that the masses were not getting dispirited or that they would hit back in the electoral ballots by backing the very thing the Left establishment feared voting to power the Right Wing parties, the Orwellian Left did a Beer Hall pusht!

Kent Ekeroth, a senior Social democrat and Swedish MP warned that mass immigration is “Islamising” Sweden.

The firebrand politician told Breitbart London in an interview in September: “Hand grenades, rapes, violence, it all comes with immigration, to put it simply. It isn’t

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immigration from Norwegians or British people – it is from Middle Eastern and African Muslims.”

Teodor Stig the Liberal specimen of these Final Solution seekers almost spills the beans though he attempts to veil this Freudian slip as daring ‘sarcasm’-

He hit back against Kent’s warning about Islamisation and the grenades in its wake-

Teodor Stig-Matz wrote on Nyheter24 that he would “honestly fill the land with IS soldiers” if it meant the sort of people who vote for the Sweden Democrats (SD) disappeared.

In other words this the opinion editor of a left-wing news site has said’ as one report puts it-

‘Sweden should be “filled” with Islamist terrorists so that anti-mass immigration, rural, working class Swedes are forced into exile”.

“I will fill streets with ISIS soldiers”- interesting.

The Final Solution to fix the eternal peril of the Return of Neo Nazism should be the elimination of that very population that would vote for them!

If there were that fewer natives who could be persuaded by the foxy Right Extremists appealing to their xenophobia and racist impulses, there would that less the chances of the Return of Neo Nazis forever.

The Final Solution therefore requires putting European societies in a demographic tumble, where the Immigrants such as Turks who helped disrupt the PEGDA are in adequate numbers to surely and swiftly change the Demographic -Democratic power equation.

This is check mate for the ‘Right Fringe and Neo Nazi, Racists and Extremists’.

For its part the ‘Right Wing fringe’ are good at nothing if not disgusting shows of vicious xenophobia and baseball bat attacks on poor marginalized people like

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drifters of Roma people making it easy for the Liberals to caricature all Political dissent as of same ilk.

However, the Hungarian Prime minister who wisely shut his borders must have seen what this Merkelists were up to asking to open the doors to a deluge of Muslim masses-

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Friday on state radio that while he did not reject the right of any country to try to solve its demographic problems “with young men from the Arab world who look like warriors,” it was unacceptable “to have this forced upon Hungary.”

Later he added- “we know why Leftists want them as we know whom the Migrants vote”.

This was also the charge of Republicans against Obama’s amnesty plan for millions of Illegal immigrants in America and previous such moves by Democrats.

This sort of importing en masse Muslims from across the borders and trading their votes for this resettlement has already seen in India.

The resulting demographic dwindling of the native non-muslim populations was the issue behind Assam agitation in India where the North eastern Indian natives were flooded and overwhelmed by Muslim migrants entering across Bangladesh border.

Interestingly both the Marxists and Left of Center INC were resorting to this Competitive Demographic import of foreigners across Bangladesh border into border areas of Indian states to ensure a supporter base that kept going as a vicious cycle till natives were getting reduced to minorities.

Predictably the demographic destabilization also leads to some of the worst ethnic clashes and mass killings over the decades and Terrorist strikes.

Now we see that the Migrants have begun the Jihad in Paris.

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The anti-fascist line didn’t anticipate that before the Final Solution could be implemented and democratic uprooting follow the demographic uproot, the Migrants would start the Jihad.

The Orwellian Tunnel Vision never saw that coming. It saw migrants melting in the Multicultural Pot and in that process ensures perpetual Third Reich of the Leftist Run governments in Europe.

The anti-fascist line missed the fascism in islamofascism, and never imagined that the Immigrants would not need them any more to take over Europe.

The Left never saw that Islamofascim wouldn’t need democracy at all and if at all not eventually, but in steps displace the natives and establish their physical control of the territories.

The Orwellian vision didn’t figure that the Islamo-Hitlerism they were importing would now be going after them as ruthlessly as the Nazis in systematically eliminating all dissent and political powers.

Like Hitler, Islam fascists know the Left and Social Democrats have no choice but side with them and will need them and Muslim numbers to defeat the only political challenge to them which are the Right of center and Right wing parties.

With Jihad on the ground and demographic erosion European societies have set themselves up for a nightmare that may never end.


But they go on with propaganda for Global Jihad.

The Left liberals of Political- Media Industrial Complex are stepping up the Propaganda War even as the shaky foundations of their premise they built the Forts of Political Correctness are crumbling with escalating Jihad attacks.

They are sustaining this Orwellian Bubble with lies and plain distortions of Doublespeak.

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They are asking you to believe that Al Qaeda is Not Islamic Extremism- simply because it is now fighting a regime in Syria and so is actually ‘ethno-separatist, nationalist’!

Even the ‘genocide’ against Yezhidis is not Islamic Genocide but Ethno- Nationalist against dissident separatist yezhidis.The attack on Paris is not Islamic Extremism but retaliation of ‘a foreign State for French air force bombing its territories’!

There is No Danger from Mass Muslim Migration save ‘the danger of Right wing exploiting a single Syrian Refugee among the attackers in Paris’. It is ‘drawing wrong conclusions’ as Merkel tells us- about any such danger.

The crippling and sheer scale and staggering frequency of Global Jihad attacks- must not be given higher priority than the Leftist Causes like Student Debt or Poverty alleviation. In fact it is a ‘ploy’ of right wing to ‘distract’ our focus from such Real Issues- the Jihad of Islam is not an issue at all!

We can see this is Propaganda and Misinformation working on mass minds to internalize the Cognitive Dissonance of the Left elite.

Put in pub language – they are mind fucked and mind fucking us!

This Global Psychological Disconnect with Reality of Islam and Jihadis and Cognitive Dissonance that is required to sustain this Orwellian world with Double Speak is now the greater problem than Jihadis themselves.


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