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RECOMMENDED STUDENT: Rocky Worley August 10, 2016 To Whom It May Concern,

This letter serves as a recommendation of Rocky Worley for graduate studies. Rocky has established himself as an intelligent, well-spoken individual with a dedicated work ethic and propensity for scholarly research. I recently completed service as Rocky’s faculty advisor for his independent study capstone research project. Even after the official course was completed, Rocky has continued his enthusiastic work on the project, which is focused on fans’ reactions to rivalry in sports. In undertaking this ambitious project for an undergraduate, he has proven himself to be adept at executing quality research with the potential for academic conference presentation. Given his aptitude for analytical research and work to date, it would not surprise me to see Rocky pursue his PhD at some point in his career.

I also had the pleasure of instructing Rocky in two other courses for undergraduate Sports

Business majors. The courses—entitled Moneyball: The Economics of Sports, and Rivalry and Ritual in International Sports—challenge participants to strategically analyze several sport business situations through the application of economic and sociological frameworks. This challenge of applying theoretical frameworks to real-world business dilemmas is often a difficult adjustment for undergraduate students. However, Rocky quickly adapted to the demands of an applied learning perspective and not only excelled in the courses, but also helped his peers to focus their own skills.

In the classroom, Rocky repeatedly demonstrated excellent critical thinking ability by

sharing his insights and leading others to contribute their own perspectives in discussion. Unsatisfied with mediocrity, he would often draw out deeper analysis by respectfully challenging the surface assumptions and first conclusions. His deliberative approach and willingness to thoughtfully debate several sides of an issue were assets to our learning environment. Beyond his skills in the public classroom setting, Rocky is a pleasure to interact with personally. He continually took a genuine interest in utilizing his interactions with faculty and peers to grow his intellect and professional maturity.

Given my own graduate work at OSU and UMass, I am highly familiar with the demands

and expectations that potentially await Rocky. I have no hesitations in recommending Rocky for graduate level work, and I expect him to excel in such an environment. If you have any further questions regarding Rocky Worley, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, Joe Cobbs, Ph.D. Associate Professor [email protected] 859.572.7960

Department of Marketing, Sports Business, & Construction Management Nunn Drive Highland Heights, KY 41099 P: 859-572-6582, F: 859-572-5150