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Jongwook Woo



Recent IT Development and Women: Big Data and The Power of Women in Goryeo

KWiSE Annual MeetingChapman University, CA

Oct 20th 2012

Jongwook Woo (PhD)

High-Performance Internet Computing Center (HiPIC)

Educational Partner with Cloudera and Grants Awardee of Amazon AWS

Computer Information Systems Department

California State University, Los Angeles

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Jongwook Woo



Part I. Big DataFundamentals of Big DataData-Intensive Computing: HadoopBig Data Supporters and Use Cases

Part II. The Power of Women in Goryeo DynastyNorth East Asia before the Mongol EmpireKorea and MongolThe Empress Gi

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Part I

Big DataFundamentals of Big DataNoSQL DB: HBase, MongoDBData-Intensive Computing: HadoopBig Data Supporters and Use Cases

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Jongwook Woo


Experience in Big Data


Received Amazon AWS in Education Research Grant (July 2012 - July 2014)

Received Amazon AWS in Education Coursework Grants (July 2012 - July 2013, Jan 2011 - Dec 2011


Received Academic Education Partnership with Cloudera since June 2012


Certificate of Achievement in the Big Data University Training Course, “Hadoop Fundamentals I”, July 8 2012

Cloud Computing Blog

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What is Big Data, Map/Reduce, Hadoop, NoSQL DB on Cloud Computing





Big Data Era

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Big Data

Too much dataTera-Byte (1012), Peta-byte (1015)

–Because of web–Sensor Data, Bioinformatics, Social

Computing, smart phone, online game…

Cannot handle with the legacy approachToo bigUn-/Semi-structured data

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Two Issues in Big Data

How to store Big DataNoSQL DB

How to compute Big DataParallel Computing with multiple cheap

computers–Not need super computers

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Fundamentals of Big Data

Data-Intensive Computing: Hadoop

Big Data Supporters and Use Cases

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Data nowadays

• Data Issueso data grows to 10TB, and then 100TB. o Unstructured data coming from sources

like Facebook, Twitter, RFID readers, sensors, and so on.

Need to derive information from both the relational data and the unstructured data• as soon as possible.

• Solution to efficiently compute Big Datao Hadoop Map/Reduce

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Solutions in Big Data Computation

Map/Reduce by Google(Key, Value) parallel computing

Apache Hadoop Big Data

Þ Data Computation (MapReduce, Pig)

Integrating MapReduce and RDBOracle + HadoopSybase IQVertica + Hadoop Hadoop DBGreenplumAster Data

Integrating MapReduce and NoSQL DBMongoDB MapReduceHBase

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Apache Hadoop

Motivated by Google Map/Reduce and GFS

open source project of the Apache Foundation. framework written in Java

– originally developed by Doug Cutting • who named it after his son's toy elephant.

Two core Components

Storage: HDFS– High Bandwidth Clustered storage

Processing: Map/Reduce– Fault Tolerant Distributed Processing

Hadoop scales linearly with

data size Analysis complexity

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Hadoop issues

Map/Reduce is not DB Algorithm in Restricted Parallel Computing

HDFS and HBase Cannot compete with the functions in RDBMS

But, useful for Semi-structured data model and high-level dataflow query

language on top of MapReduce– Pig, Hive, Jsql, Cascading, Cloudbase

Useful for huge (peta- or Terra-bytes) but non-complicated data– Web crawling – log analysis

• Log file for web companies– New York Times case

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MapReduce Pros & Cons Summary

Good whenHuge data for input, intermediate, outputA few synchronization requiredRead once; batch oriented datasets (ETL)

Bad for

Fast response timeLarge amount of shared dataFine-grained synch neededCPU-intensive not data-intensiveContinuous input stream

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MapReduce in Detail

Functions borrowed from functional programming languages (eg. Lisp)

Provides Restricted parallel programming model on Hadoop

User implements Map() and Reduce()Libraries (Hadoop) take care of

EVERYTHING else–Parallelization–Fault Tolerance–Data Distribution–Load Balancing

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MapConvert input data to (key, value) pairs

map() functions run in parallel, creating different intermediate (key, value)

values from different input data sets

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reduce() combines those intermediate values into one or more final values for that same key

reduce() functions also run in parallel, each working on a different output key

Bottleneck: reduce phase can’t start until map phase is

completely finished.

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Example: Sort URLs in the largest hit order

Compute the largest hit URLsStored in log files

Map() Input <logFilename, file text>Output: Parses file and emits <url, hit counts> pairs

– eg. <, 1>

Reduce() Input: <url, list of hit counts> from multiple map

nodesOutput: Sums all values for the same key and emits

<url, TotalCount>– eg.<, (3, 5, 2, 7)> => <, 17>

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Map/Reduce for URL visits

…Map1() Map2() Mapm()

Reduce1 () Reducel()

Data Aggregation/Combine

(, <1, 1, …, 1>)(, <3, 5, 2, 7>)

(, 32)(, 17)

Input Log Data


(, 1)(, 3)…

(, 1)(, 5)…

(, <1, 5,>)

(, 6)

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Legacy Example

In late 2007, the New York Times wanted to make available over the web its entire archive of articles, 11 million in all, dating back to 1851. four-terabyte pile of images in TIFF format. needed to translate that four-terabyte pile of TIFFs

into more web-friendly PDF files. – not a particularly complicated but large computing chore,

• requiring a whole lot of computer processing time.

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Legacy Example (Cont’d)

In late 2007, the New York Times wanted to make available over the web its entire archive of articles, a software programmer at the Times, Derek Gottfrid,

– playing around with Amazon Web Services, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),

• uploaded the four terabytes of TIFF data into Amazon's Simple Storage System (S3)

• In less than 24 hours, 11 millions PDFs, all stored neatly in S3 and ready to be served up to visitors to the Times site.

The total cost for the computing job? $240– 10 cents per computer-hour times 100 computers times 24 hours

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Fundamentals of Big Data

Data-Intensive Computing: Hadoop

Big Data Supporters and Use Cases

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Supporters of Big Data

Apache Hadoop Supporters

Cloudera– Like Linux and Redhat– HiPIC is an Academic Partner

Hortonworks– Pig, – Consulting and training

Facebook– Hive

IBM– Jaql

NoSQL DB supporters

MongoDB– HiPIC tries to collaborate

HBase, CouchDB, Apache Cassandra (originally by FB) etc

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Similarities in Pig, Hive, and Jaql

• translate high-level languages into MapReduce jobs

o the programmer can work at a higher level than writing MapReduce jobs in Java or other

lower-level languages

• programs are much smaller than Java code.

• option to extend these languages,

o often by writing user-defined functions in Java.

• Interoperability

o programs written in these high-level languages can be imbedded inside other languages as well.

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• developed at Yahoo Research around 2006

o moved into the Apache Software Foundation in 2007.

• PigLatin,

o Pig's languageo a data flow language o well suited to processing unstructured data

Easy to write MapReduce codes

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• developed at Facebook

o turns Hadoop into a data warehouse o complete with a dialect of SQL for querying.

• HiveQL

o a declarative language (SQL dialect)

• Difference from PigLatin,

o you do not specify the data flow, but instead describe the result you want

Hive figures out how to build a data flow to achieve it.

o a schema is required,

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• developed at IBM.

• a data flow language

o its native data structure format is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

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Use Cases

Amazon AWS




HuffPOst | AOL

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Amazon AWS

Consumer and seller business

IT infrastructure business– Focus on your business not IT management

Pay as you go– Pay for servers by the hour– Pay for storage per Giga byte per month– Pay for data transfer per Giga byte

Services with many APIs– S3: Simple Storage Service– EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud

• Provide many virtual Linux servers• Can run on multiple nodes

– Hadoop and HBase– MongoDB

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Amazon AWS (Cont’d)

Customers on

– Smart TV hub sites: TV applications are on AWSNetflix

– ~25% of US internet traffic– ~100% on AWS

NASA JPL– Analyze more than 200,000 images


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Facebook [7]

Using Apache HBaseFor Titan and PumaHBase for FB

– Provide excellent write performance and good reads– Nice features

• Scalable• Fault Tolerance• MapReduce

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Titan: Facebook

Message services in FBHundreds of millions of active users15+ billion messages a month50K instant message a second

ChallengesHigh write throughput

– Every message, instant message, SMS, emailMassive Clusters

– Must be easily scalable

SolutionClustered HBase

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Puma: Facebook


Extract, Transform, Load– Data Integrating from many data sources to Data Warehouse

Data analytics– Domain owners’ web analytics for Ad and apps

• clicks, likes, shares, comments etc

ETL before Puma

8 – 24 hours– Procedures: Scribe, HDFS, Hive, MySQL

ETL after Puma

Puma– Real time MapReduce framework

2 – 30 secs– Procedures: Scribe, HDFS, Puma, HBase

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Twitter [8]

Three Challenges Collecting Data

– Scribe as FBLarge Scale Storage and analysis

– Cassandra: ColumnFamily key-value store– Hadoop

Rapid Learning over Big Data– Pig

• 5% of Java code• 5% of dev time• Within 20% of running time

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Craiglist in MongoDB [9]

Craiglist~700 cities, worldwide~1 billion hits/day~1.5 million posts/dayServers

– ~500 servers– ~100 MySQL servers

Migrate to MongoDBScalable, Fast, Proven, Friendly

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HuffPost | AOL [10]

Two Machine Learning Use CasesComment Moderation

– Evaluate All New HuffPost User Comments Every Day• Identify Abusive / Aggressive Comments• Auto Delete / Publish ~25% Comments Every Day

Article Classification– Tag Articles for Advertising

• E.g.: scary, salacious, …

build a flexible ML platform running on HadoopPig for Hadoop implementation.

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Era of Big Data

Need to store and compute Big Data

Storage: NoSQL DB

Computation: Hadoop MapRedude

Need to analyze Big Data in mobile computing, SNS for Ad, User Behavior, Patterns, Bioinformatics, Medical data …

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Part II

The power of Women in Goryeo DynastyNorth East Asia before the Mongol EmpireKorea and MongolThe Empress Gi

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Three kingdoms (AD 907 - 1125)

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Before Mongol

Three kingdoms balanced powerGoryeo, Yo (Liao, Cathay, Khitan, 契丹 ),

Song–Goryeo-Yo: 3 wars

• First invasion (AD 993): 서희 , • Second invasion with 400K (AD 1010):

강조• Third invasion with 100K (AD 1018):

강감찬– Goryeo became famous after this victory

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Three kingdoms (AD 1115- 1234)

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Before Mongol

Three kingdoms balanced power (AD 1115 - 1234)Goryeo, Gum (Jin, Jurchen, Yojin, 金

朝 ), South Song–윤관 invaded Jurchen Wanyan ( 完顏 )

clan (AD 1111) and many battles–Jin defeated Liao dynasty at AD 1121– wanted to keep a peace with Goryeo

• From the emperor of big brother to the king of little brother

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Part II. The power of Women in Goryeo Dynasty

Korea and MongolWars since AD1231 ( 고종 18)

Goryeo (Korea) dynasty Military dictatorship of Choe family ended at AD1258

( 고종 45)

MongolWas conquering China (the South Song dynasty)

since AD1257– Möngke Kahn

• Right battalion – Kublai

• Left battalion

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

Mongol Empire in 1227 at Genghis Khan‘s death []

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

Mongol Empire after Genghis Khan‘s death (1227) under Möngke Khan []

1236 Beginning invading Europe by Hulagu 

1231 Beginning invading Korea

1236 Beginning invading South AsiaBy Möngke Khan and Kublai

Ariq Böke controlled Mongol at Karakorum

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

World in AD1257 – 12601257: Mongols was attacking Vietnam1258: Mongols occupied Baghdad1259: Mongols was invading Syria

– The death of Möngke Khan1260: The succession war had begun

– By Möngke’s brothers : Kublai Khan and Ariq Böke. – Kublai and the youngest brother Hulugu returned to

KaraKorum: Capital of the Mongol empire• Kara: north, Korum: Khori (Space, 골 , 고을 )

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

Again Goreyo and Mongol in 1259Decided to have a peace treaty with Mongol

– Actually to surrenderApril 21 1259 ( 고종 46): The Crown Prince left to

meet the KhanMay 17th 1259: The Crown Prince met Mongol army

at Yoyang (Liao liang) who was about to invade Goreyo– Stop the Mongol army

June 30 1259: The king Go-Jong passed away July 30 1259: The Khan passed away

– Mongol army stopped the prince to hide the khan’s death

The prince met Kublai at Gaebong close to the Yellow river– Dec 1259: Kublai was returning back to KaraKorum

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

Mongol Empire after Möngke Kahn' death (1227) []


Goryeo’s Crown Prince


Ariq Böke controlled Mongol at Karakorum

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Goreyo and Mongol in 1260-1264

The great meeting and the great KhanKublai welcomed the prince with the glad favor

– Kublai was so happy and said • “The god is helping me. Goryeo kingdom surrendered

to me, who was never defeated even by the Chinese emperor Dang Tae-Jong”

• He knew that Goryeo is originated from GoGuRyeoKublai appointed the prince to the king of Goryeo

(Won-Jong)– as Go-Jong passed away

They came together to Beijing on Jan 1260.April 1260: Won-Jong’s enthronement ceremony in

Goryeo August 21 1264: Ariq Böke surrendered to Kublai at 

Xanadu (KaraKorum)

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The great meeting and the marriage

Sept 1264: King Won-Jong went to Beijing and meet the Khan Another great welcoming from the Khan

1269: Kublai decided his daughter to marry the crown price of Goryeo 1269, Aug 1270: Won-Jong and the crown prince asked Kublai for the

marriage 1271, 1272: the prince went to Beijing and returned back

– Volunteer to lead the invasion of Japan April 1273: Defeated Sambyolcho at Jeju island

May 1274: The crown prince of Goryeo and the princess of the Mongol (Holdorogerimisil, 제국공주 ) empire married at the palace of the capital in the Mongol empire

Aug 1274: The prince became the king ( 충렬왕 )

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

Mongol Empire in 1300 -1405: this map is not correct as Goryeo was an independent kingdom []

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Korea and Mongol (Cont’d)

Mongol Empire in []

The Mongol Empire and the Kingdom of Goryeo tied with marriages 

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The political position

The position of the king was the 7th ranked in the Mongol empire It is the power of the princess

– A daughter of Kublai Should know that Kublai Khan has 12 sons. Goryeo received many benefits from the empire

– “Only Goryeo in the world kept the king and kingdom”– When the king went to the palace of the empire, all mongol

officials wanted to give presents.– The king asked the Khan to suppress Mongol generals in


The position of the king was the 4th ranked in the empire The next great Khan Temur: The princess is his aunt The khan asked the king be the 4th ranked at the empire

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The Empress Gi ( 기황후 , 奇皇后 )

born to Gi Ja-o ( 奇子敖 ) in Haengju ( 幸州 ), GoryeoBecame a concubine of

Toghun Temür Khan– Became the first

empress in 1365Her son Ayurshiridar was

designated Crown Prince in 1353.– Supported by Korean

eunuch Bak Bulhwa ( 朴不花 ) 

– became a Khan called Biligtü Khan in 1370. 

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The Empress Gi ( 기황후 , 奇皇后 )

 Good for GoryeoShe prohibited the culture to send Korean women to

the Mongol empire for marriage and slavery She eliminated any discussion to make Goryeo

kingdom as one of provinces in the Mongol empire

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The Empress Gi ( 기황후 , 奇皇后 )

 An elder brother named Gi Cheol ( 奇轍 , Bayan Bukha).   Came to threaten the position of the king of Goryeo King Gongmin exterminated the Gi family in 1356

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The Empress Gi ( 기황후 , 奇皇后 )

 The Ming China occupied the capital of the empire, Dadu ( 大都 , Beijing), in 1368The empress was disappointed that Goryeo did not

send any reinforcementsFled north to Shangdu ( 上都 , Xanadu)

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Conclusion II

Woman has a power to control husband: King and Khan (Emperor) can promote their social positions to the higher

Woman can make a son to a Khan

Woman possess a political power to positively affect the motherland

We need to know history and educate kids

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References Part I1) Introduction to MongoDB, Nosh Petigara, Jan 11, 2011

2) Hadoop Fundamental I, Big Data University

3) “Large Scale Data Analysis with Map/Reduce”, Marin Dimitrov, Feb 2010

4) “BFS & MapReduce”, Edward J Yoon, Feb 26 2009

5) “Market Basket Analysis Algorithm with no-SQL DB HBase and Hadoop”,Jongwook Woo, Siddharth Basopia, Yuhang Xu, Seon Ho Kim, The Third International Conference on Emerging Databases (EDB 2011), Songdo Park Hotel, Incheon, Korea, Aug. 25-27, 2011

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References6) “Market Basket Analysis Algorithm with Map/Reduce of

Cloud Computing”, Jongwook Woo and Yuhang Xu, The 2011 international Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2011),Las Vegas (July 18-21, 2011)

7) Building Realtime Big Data Services at Facebook with Hadoop and Hbase, Jonathan Gray, Facebook, Nov 11, 2011, Hadoop World NYC

8) Analyzing Big Data at Twitter, Kevin Well, Web 2.0 Expo, NYC, Sep 2010

9) Lessons Learned from Migrating 2+ Billion Documents at Craigslist, Jeremy Zawodny, 2011

10) Machine Learning on Hadoop at Huffington Post | AOL, Thu Kyaw and Sang Chul Song, Hadoop DC, Oct 4, 2011

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11) “MapReduce Debates and Schema-Free”, Woohyun Kim,,, March 3 2010

12) “Large Scale Data Analysis with Map/Reduce”, Marin Dimitrov, Feb 2010

13) “HBase Schema Design Case Studies”, Qingyan Liu, July 13 2009

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References Part II1) 고려에 시집온 징기스칸의 딸들 , 이한수 , Nov 8 2006, 김영사

2) 쿠빌라이 칸의 일본원정과 충렬왕 , 이승한 , 2009, 푸른역사