Download - Receiving

Page 1: Receiving


• All establishments must have set down procedures for receiving, checking and accepting goods

• These goods must be checked against the purchase specification.

• The procedures involved in checking goods delivered will vary in different establishments

• The receiver of the goods needs to be competent and have knowledge of purchase specifications.

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What to CheckWhat to Check


• Quantity

• Quality

• Price

• Date of Expiry

• Freshness of Vegetables etc.

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• Goods received should stored as soon as possible.

• The goods received area should have an adequate space and be adequately lit.

• The goods receiver should have a copy of order sent to the supplier.

• The necessary documentation.

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• Trolleys

• Weighing Machine

• Veg. Baskets

• Elevated Platform

• Computers

• Desks

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Function of Receiving Deptt.Function of Receiving Deptt.• Aware of the commodities ordered .

• Inspection and receiving procedures should be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

• Experience receiving personals

• Receiving personnel should know the time and temperature at which different products may be stored.

• They should also know the shelf life of various commodities.

• It is advisable to have this information as wall charts and on the other easily understood illustrations.

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Cont..Cont..• Receivers should also be aware of specifications, description

of terms, weights and measures

• Receiver should have a copy of invoice or the delivery ticket

• The purchasing department should be promptly informed of any items that were not delivered

• If possible, the deliveries should be scheduled in such a way that there is even and smooth transfer of goods.

• Too many shipments at one time will interfere with adequate receiving and may result in food spoilage and other losses.

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Receiving of Food ItemsReceiving of Food Items

• Quantity

• Quality

• Price

• Expiry Date

• As per SPS

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Receiving Flow ChartReceiving Flow Chart– Be ready for the delivery.– Check the merchandise.

– Weigh each item separately. (Ice & Water consideration)

– Weigh meat orders separately.– Tag meat on delivery.– Check for quality.– Check for price.

– Check for expiry date & manufacturing date.– Check for leakage & damage.– Store items properly.

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Document by SupplierDocument by Supplier

• Advice Note-Advice notes are sent to the purchaser, informing him that goods ordered have been dispatched, giving the date of dispatch and method of carriage used. eg. Post, rail etc. Most suppliers on a regular basis do not use these procedures; the most common would be for equipment or deliveries of high value.

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Delivery NoteDelivery Note

• Sent by the supplier to the purchaser accompanying the goods ordered.

• The goods must be checked against delivery notes and then signed for.

• The delivery note should be in duplicate one copy for the purchaser and another for the supplier.

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Format- Delivery NoteFormat- Delivery NoteXYZ Whole Sale Supplier

DateTo Purchaser order No. Hotel ABC Delivery Note No.

S. No. Items SPS Qty Unit Price Checked

Goods Received By

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The supplier sends an invoice to the purchaser usually a few days after delivery has been made and accepted, giving financial details of the transaction (bill). Some suppliers will incorporate the invoice with the delivery note to minimize their paper work. A disadvantage of this system is complications that may be created when goods are returned involving the issue of credit notes. The layout of invoice will vary according to the supplier and their particular system; the supplier retains a copy for accounting purpose.

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Format- InvoiceFormat- InvoiceXYZ Whole Sale Supplier

DateTo Purchaser order No. Hotel ABC Invoice No.

S. No. Items SPS Qty Unit Price Total Cost

Total Less Discount Sales TaxSignature of Supplier Grand Total

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REQUEST FOR CREDIT MEMORANDUM is made up by the receiver when the goods have to be returned. It is signed by the delivery driver, who takes the duplicate copy back to the supplier as proof that the goods were sent back. The supplier will subsequently issue a credit invoice.

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Format- Format- Request for Credit Request for Credit MemorandumMemorandum

Hotel ABC

DateTo S No. XYZ SupplierPlease issue credit memo for items listed below

S. No. Items SPS Qty Unit Price Total

Reason- Liver not found Satisfactory Fish is Smelling Beef not delivered but invoiced

F&B Controller Accounting Department Van Driver Requested by

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Credit NoteCredit Note

Are advices to clients, setting out allowances made for goods returned or adjustments. They should also be issued when crates, boxes or containers are returned. Credit note is exactly the same form as invoices except the word “credit note” appears in place of the word invoice.

To make them more easily distinguishable they are usually printed in red, whereas invoices are always printed in black.

A credit note should be sent as soon as it is known that a client is entitled to the credit of the sum with which he has been previously charged by invoice.

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Are summaries of all invoices and credit notes sent to the purchaser during the previous accounting period usually one month.

They also show any sums owing or paid from previous accounting period and the total amount due.

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• Goods Received Book

• Daily Food Receiving Report.

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Goods Received BookGoods Received Book

• Large establishments will have their own goods received documentation, either in the form of notes or books specifically designated to meet their own needs. The information contained on such documents needs to include the following

• Date of delivery• Name of supplier• Order No.• Delivery note no.• Space for comments as to any variances in quantity and

quality.• Signature of the receiver

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Format- Format- Goods Received Goods Received BookBook

Goods Received Book ABC Hotel Date

Delivery note no.

Supplier Dry Store

Meat Poultry Fish Main Kitchen

Staff Kitchen

Signature of Receiving Clerk

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• It is prepared in duplicate for F & B Control verification.

• The receiving clerk from invoices received with goods purchased and delivered that day completes daily food receiving report at the end of each day.

• This report summarizes all daily food deliveries to the establishment. The main purpose of daily report of food received is to summarize purchase for that day.

• However, this daily report can themselves be summarized each day by transfixing the column totals to a receiving report summary.

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Format- Format- Receiving Clerk’s Daily ReportReceiving Clerk’s Daily Report

Receiving Clerk’s Daily Report No. _________ Date ________

Items SPS Quantity Unit price Total Distribution

Main Kitchen

Store Sundries

Total Signature of Receiving Clerk

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Beverage Receiving ReportBeverage Receiving Report


Week ending March 9 Date ____________

Supplier Wine Whisky Brandy Beer Invoice Total

Atlantis 215 230 230

Haig 400 400

Shaw Wallace 500 250 750

Total 215 400 500 480 1380

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Meat TagMeat Tag

Hotel ABCFood Copy

Item Name- Beef No. 2215

CutTotal CutCost/ UnitTotal CostSupplierDate ReceivedDate Issued

Rib22Kg200/-4400/-XYZ 10/02/1025/02/10

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Meat TagMeat Tag

Hotel ABCFood & Beverage Control Copy

Item Name- Beef No. 2215

CutTotal CutCost/ UnitTotal CostSupplierDate ReceivedDate Issued

Rib22Kg200/-4400/-XYZ 10/02/1025/02/10

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• Facilitation and supplementation of inventory records and the checking process.

• Shortage and discrepancies- Check• Assurance of checking procedures.• Assists the FIFO procedures.• Reweighing is eliminated.• It helps in the calculation of meat costs per day.• It helps in comparative evaluation of meat.• It helps for reordering of stock.• It aids in tracing the origin of meat in case of problem.• It helps to keep a strict control in general.• Receiving stamp to be affixed on invoice.• Items are send to respective storage areas.

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Methods of ReceivingMethods of Receiving

• Invoice Receiving

• Blind Receiving

• Partial Blind Receiving

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FRAUDS- By SupplierFRAUDS- By Supplier

• Excessive Packaging Material to Increase Weight.• Excessive iced Fish.• Placing Satisfactory Goods on Top.• Excessive Billing.• Deliberately not supplying the item but invoicing

them.• Supplying of Expired Goods.• Meat Full of Bones• Incomplete Shipment

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Frauds- By Staff Frauds- By Staff

• Over charging or under charging for items.

• Stealing of food, drink or cash.

• Billing with used cheques.

• Bringing own liquor in and selling it

• Under pouring of peg

• Adulteration of Drinks

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Fraud- By CustomerFraud- By Customer

• Deliberately walking out without paying.

• Unjustifiably claiming that the food or drink that they had partly or totally consumed was unpalatable and indicating that they will not pay for it.

• Disputing the number of drinks served.

• Making payments by stolen cheques or credit cards.