Download - [Recap] Girl Who Sees Smells - Episode 16 (Koala's Playground)


The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 16 Recap

Posted on May 21, 2015 by ockoala

Another drama has come to a close and this conclusion brings a mixed bag of

opinions forming one general takeaway. All in all, I really liked The Girl Who Sees

Smells, half-developed plot lines and spotty police investigating and all that

lackluster detailing. If I close my eyes and think of the drama, all it does is bring a

soft happy smile to my face which is why I know I like it more than the little fails

annoy me. Deferring to my heart on this one never felt more satisfying, going easy

on the critical nitpicking because none of it amounted to take down everything else

that worked so well. The balance is tipped in the direction of thumbs up and rather

inexplicably Smelly Girl clicks for me.

Nothing has been as fun as falling for the collective cuteness of Yoochun and Shin

Se Kyung thanks to this drama. I don’t just mean their characters, both are

awesomely written in the story, but also loving their acting and chemistry. I won’t

take back any prior criticism or disdain for their previous acting performances, each

gig merits its own critique, but for Smelly Girl it washed away all prior impressions

leaving me only with full blown love for them. They didn’t just do a swell job, they

succeeded to the point of carrying a haphazardly written show, with a side helping of

support from solidly awesome second leads Namgong Min and Yoon Jin Seo. With

all that, Smelly Girl ends up a easy to watch little winner.

Episode 16 recap:

Cho Rim is kidnapped from her wedding to Moo Gak, leaving the attending

detectives frantically searching for her to no avail. Jae Hee has spirited her out of the

wedding with little fuss, why am I not surprised.

Moo Gak gathers with the detectives to watch the surveillance video from the

aquarium and confirms Jae Hee was the kidnapper as he’s caught boldly on video

wheeling an unconscious Cho Rim out. Team leader Kang allows Moo Gak to

participate in this investigation and assures him that Cho Rim will be found safe and


Detective Yeom has also returned to this team for this investigation and reminds

Moo Gak not to try anything alone and work with the team.

Jae Hee stops his stolen ambulance in a warehouse to swap Cho Rim out to another

unmarked getaway car. Cho Rim notices Jae Hee in possession of a bomb and

hears he plans to use it on Moo Gak. Cho Rim manages to scratch her ring on the

bomb before tossing it out the window without Jae Hee noticing.

Following Jae Hee’s tracks on the highway surveillance footage, the cops have

arrived at the same warehouse but only finds the empty ambulance inside. Moo Ga

finds Cho Rim’s dropped ring on the ground which provides a clue that they are on

the right track. Moo Gak figures it was dropped on purpose and should be sent to

forensics for testing.

The team convene to discuss the kidnapping, with Detective Yeom correctly pointing

out that Jae Hee purposely revealed his face to the surveillance camera so this isn’t

his usual kidnapping style. He’s clearly planning something different and may even

reach out to the cops first.

Jae Hee takes Cho Rim to a place that is decorated exactly the same way as her

newlywed apartment with Moo Gak. He refuses to tell Cho Rim what he’s planning

so she demands to know why he killed her parents. Jae Hee is surprised she’s

gotten her memory back and doesn’t seen upset when Cho Rim calls him a killing


Jae Hee calls Moo Gak to inform him that Cho Rim is fine since she’s not his target.

He wants Moo Gak so from now on Moo Gak needs to do as he says. Moo Gak

demands proof that Cho Rim is still alive but is told not to make demands. Jae Hee

orders Moo Gak to Cho Rim’s old home and if he brings cops with him then he’ll

immediately receive a video of Jae Hee killing Cho Rim.

Detective Yeom appears to notice Moo Gak’s conversation on the phone but doesn’t

call him out on it. Moo Gak tries to act nonchalant as he gets up and leaves the


Moo Gak arrives at Cho Rim’s old house and texts a picture of him inside the

residence to Jae Hee who calls back. Jae Hee links to a video feed of Cho Rim

bound and gagged. Moo Gak claims he’ll be there soon to save Cho Rim but she

keeps shaking her head. Jae Hee orders Moo Gak to stay put and do nothing

otherwise Cho Rim is dead.

After hanging up the phone, Jae Hee takes out a key to Cho Rim and Moo Gak’s real

newlywed residence. He shows Cho Rim a real bomb that he plans to leave in the

entryway to the residence. When Moo Gak runs inside to save Cho Rim, he’ll be

killed instantaneously. Jae Hee ominously tells Cho Rim it’ll be fine because

afterwards it’s her turn.

Jae Hee goes to Moo Gak and Cho Rim’s newlywed apartment and plants the bomb

under the floor mat in the entryway.

The cops are tracking Moo Gak’s location using his cellphone, finding him stationary

at Cho Rim’s old house. They figure Moo Gak is doing what Jae Hee orders and the

tactic seems to be buying Jae Hee some time. Moo Gak figures out the same thing

for why Jae Hee is making him stay in an empty house.

Jae Hee plants the bomb and goes across the street to another building with direct

view. He then sends Moo Gak a video of Cho Rim again where she’s shaking her

head. Jae Hee orders him to go to their newlywed home where he is holding Cho

Rim in an hour. Moo Gak assures Cho Rim that he’ll save her while running off.

The detectives can see Moo Gak is moving locations now. Detective Yeom gets the

test results from Cho Rim’s engagement ring which has residue from bomb making

materials. Jae Hee waits in the other building as Moo Gak unlocks the door to the

apartment and walks in. Jae Hee then sees an explosion from the unit and smiles

happily to himself.

Jae Hee drives back to the real location where he’s keeping Cho Rim hostage,

informing her that Moo Gak has been blown to bits. He takes out a chloroformed

handkerchief for Cho Rim while telling her that he won’t be as cruel to her and will

end her life cleanly.

Moo Gak runs in before Jae Hee can chloroform Cho Rim and knocks Jae Hee down.

Jae Hee has a knife and manages to graze Moo Gak on the belly before running off.

Moo Gak chases Jae Hee onto the rooftop and the two men tussle. Moo Gak has the

upper hand but before he can deliver the killing blow, Jae Hee calls Moo Gak to wait

a minute and not kill him. Jae Hee wants Moo Gak to let him live which only gets

Moo Gak to scream at Jae Hee for being so cowardly as to be scared of his own

death. Jae Hee laughs that his death won’t fix anything. Moo Gak decides not to dirty

his own hands to kill Jae Hee and leave him in the hands of the law.

Before Moo Gak can handcuff Jae Hee, he tosses dirt in Moo Gak’s eyes and grabs

an iron bar to attack Moo Gak. The two men push each other towards the edge of

the building but Moo Gak turns himself at the last minute so Jae Hee ends up falling

over the building and plunging to his death.

Moo Gak walks up to the dead Jae Hee on the sidewalk as the other detectives and

Cho Rim join him at the crime scene after they have rescued her.

The team gather to debrief on how Moo Gak avoided Jae Hee’s trap. Turns out Moo

Gak kept watching the video of Cho Rim being held in the newlywed apartment and

realizes the table beside the chair is missing. Thanks to Cho Rim’s ring left at the

scene, the cops figured a bomb was present and was able to defuse it and set off a

fake bomb explosion to fool Jae Hee. The team change to a lighter topic of the

interrupted wedding, with Moo Gak wanting to call it married already but Cho Rim

wants another wedding since she didn’t walk down the aisle.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim have settled into newlywed life and the bride is very bossy in

ordering her groom to rearrange the apartment and unpacking their household wares.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim pay their respects to Cho Rim’s adopted dad, with Moo Gak

assuring Dad that he will take good care of Cho Rim forever. Dad wants to change

Cho Rim’s name back to her real name Choi Eun Seol but Cho Rim doesn’t want to.

She wants to be Dad’s daughter and also pay respects to her real parents. Dad

reveals he plans to move to Jeju now that his job is done, taking the newlywed’s

hands and asking them to be happy.

Cho Rim and Moo Gak sign their wedding papers and discuss finding people to be

their witness. Both want to find the person who is the other person’s mentor to be the


Cho Rim sits down with Detective Yeom and asks her unni to sign as a witness on

the marriage certificate. Detective Yeom is more than happy to sign, she likes both

Cho Rim and Moo Gak and it makes her so happy to see the couple together. Cho

Rim says Detective Yeom is so awesome that she would like her unni if Cho Rim

was a guy. Detective Yeom reveals her professional illness that makes her profile

any guy who comes close so they all run away.

Moo Gak asks the comedy troupe leader to sign as witness, revealing that he feels

troupe leader really looked out for Cho Rim. Sunbae orders Moo Gak to be happy

with Cho Rim and she’ll be upset if Moo Gak is mean to Cho Rim. Troupe leader

signs the paper and gives Moo Gak advice that he learned being a comedian. Life is

about making people laugh so Moo Gak should always try and make Cho Rim laugh.

The detectives investigate a death inside an apartment with the victim being known

as a cheapskate landlord. They immediately think about getting help from Cho Rim

and Moo Gak, too bad the couple is on their honeymoon. But then Detective Lee

remembers they are leaving tomorrow for the honeymoon.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim come home after registering their marriage, with Moo Gak

kissing Cho Rim on the sofa as their first married kiss. He then runs off laughing to

take his first married man shower.

Team leader Kang rings the doorbell and makes small talk asking if Cho Rim is

happy after marriage before revealing his real reason for coming here. He asks Cho

Rim for a favor that will affect his career. Moo Gak comes out of the shower all ready

for sexy times only to find himself alone in the apartment with a note from Cho Rim

that she went out with team leader Kang.

Cho Rim is brought to the crime scene and asked to look around. Cho Rim sees the

smell of seafood from under the table and the cops find a woman’s outfit button

discarded there. Team leader is ready to escort Cho Rim back so that Moo Gak

doesn’t wait too long after his shower LOL.

Detective Ki and Lee go to a restaurant that sells seafood which is in the same

building as the crime scene. The restaurant owner is a woman and there is a button

missing on her sweater which is the same as the one left at the scene. She’s taken

into custody as a suspect and all she does is keep apologizing and saying she did

wrong. The detectives retrieve the bloody murder knife after interrogating the

suspect ahjumma.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim are packing for their honeymoon trip but Moo Gak remains

surly from his newlywed bride ditching him to go help with an investigation. Cho Rim

claims she was just there to take a look and smartly goes to placate her pouting

hubby with aegyo and hugs. Moo Gak can’t help but smile. Cho Rim claims she can’t

investigate without Moo Gak which gets her lots of tickling in return.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim are driving to the airport and both are laughing about the

prospect of being in Thailand in a few hours. They are pulled over by a flashing

police car and forced to stop. Out pops Detectives Ki and Lee who are frustrated the

case just got complicated. The ahjumma may not be the killer as her son just


The detectives manage to get both Cho Rim and Moo Gak interested enough to go

back to the police station so that Moo Gak can question the ahjumma. Moo Gak

correctly guesses that the ahjumma found the victim dead when she got there and

recognized the knife so believed her son did it and disposed of the weapon. He

urges the ahjumma to reveal the truth but she insists she killed the man.The son also

sticks to his confession that he killed the victim and his mother had nothing to do with


Cho Rim notices that the son’s shoes scent and calls Moo Gak out of interrogation to

add new details. She saw different shoe scent trails at the crime scene, the right foot

was a strong seafood smell and the left foot a strong oriental medicine smell. Cho

Rim sees the same scent on this son but switched up, the right foot smells like

oriental medicine and the left foot smells like seafood.

Moo Gak goes back into interrogation and tells the son that neither him nor the

mother are the killer. He wants to know if anyone wears the same shoes as the son

and hears a guy recently came to live at their house and his mom bought both men

the same pair of shoes. The police go and bring that guy in for interrogation and find

him working at an oriental medicine shop.

The two men are placed in the same interrogation room and Moo Gak places the

other guy under arrest for the murder of the victim. Detective Ki comes back after

searching the guy’s locker at the oriental medicine shop and finds cash stolen from

the victim. He recounts how the guy was trying to steal from the victim who came

home early and was killed.

The seafood ahjumma was paying her rent and found the victim dead and the

seafood store knife at the crime scene. She thought her son killed the man so took

the knife away to dispose of. The real killer accidentally put on one wrong shoe as he

was taking off. The cops crack this case and as usual Moo Gak gives all the credit to

team leader Kang.

The ahjumma and her son gratefully thank Moo Gak and Cho Rim for clearing their

names. The team leader of the missing persons squad heard Cho Rim and Moo Gak

helped crack another case and offers to have them join his team anytime.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim sit down to dinner, with Moo Gak enjoying all the dishes

because Cho Rim got paid in fresh food from all their neighbors as she helps them

find missing things and culprits to their problems. Moo Gak and Cho Rim are

supposed to finally go on their honeymoon tomorrow so both turn off their phone and

don’t answer when the detectives start calling them again.

The newlyweds adorably pray that they will be able to go on their honeymoon at long

last and not be disturbed one more time.

Team leader Kang thinks it’s not wrong to bug Moo Gak and Cho Rim because there

are so many cases to solve and innocent people to help. Detective Ki is at the airport

waiting to stop them from getting on the plane to Thailand while Detective Lee is

trying to find them around the apartment. Detective Yeom walks up to team leader

Kang to introduce herself as the new team leader as she’s returned to work at the

police force.

Moo Gak and Cho Rim are riding bikes in the park, with Cho Rim pleased with this

honeymoon instead of going to Thailand. Moo Gak thinks it’s a shame he didn’t get

to see Cho Rim in a bikini so Cho Rim whispers that she’s wearing her bikini

underneath. Moo Gak wants to see it now and tells his blushing bride not to be shy

since they are married already. He suggests riding the bike all the way to Thailand.

I’m sorry, this is way too cute to not rewatch on an infinite loop.

The couple take a break from biking and Cho Rim cries tears of happiness over how

happy her life is right now. Hubby Moo Gak wants wifey to stop calling him Detective

Choi so she tells him to pick between darling, honey, and hubby. Moo Gak says “I

love you wifey” so Cho Rim says back “I love you hubby.”

As Moo Gak is biking off, he casually suggests they go back to investigate. Cho Rim

demands to know who he talked to since he told her to avoid all calls from the

detectives. Moo Gak reveals he talked to Detective Yeom who is back on the force

on a new special investigation team. Cho Rim acts all pretend upset and claims to

not be curious at all about a missing persons case being investigated.

Then both drop their act and quickly turn the bike around to happily bike off to join

the police force.

- END -

Thoughts of Mine:

And that’s a wrap! Smelly Girl was good for me from start to finish without ever once

making me want more from it, including any longing that it’s over now. The drama did

what it set out to do, tell the story of a girl who sees smells as she found a second

chance at life that in many ways is pretty darn perfect. The ending foreshadowed

newlyweds Moo Gak and Cho Rim joining the police force together, unable to give

up the desire to solve crime and help the innocent, and armed with special skills that

make them suitable to pick the profession. Cho Rim’s scent seeing was never

probed for an explanation or solution, only integrated here and there when

necessary for a particular plot point. If she’s saddled with it for the rest of her life,

having her become a detective alongside Moo Gak makes sense, especially since

she was so bad at the comedy but quite good adding value in investigations. I also

like that Moo Gak probably went back to bring a cop, for the entire drama he was a

cop and had the attitude and aptitude for it. It was nice seeing Moo Gak and Cho

Rim surrounded by support and affection from all the people around them, the cops

in the investigation team and members of the comedy troupe, so in the end they had

a choice and choose something that was so organically tied to their life together. The

ending was satisfying in both the romance and future aspirations, a fitting and

complete closure for the audience.

With the ending being satisfying aside, this final episode was generally low energy

again. Jae Hee’s final threat never felt dangerous or credible, especially with the

bajillion loopholes in the entire execution from his plot to how he was captured. I was

hoping for more urgency and further elucidation into Jae Hee’s murderous madness

but he turned into a vengeful coward with none of his smarts and attitude at the end.

His plunge to death felt anticlimactic especially since I never felt that Cho Rim or

Moo Gak were in real danger. The only welcome bit was seeing Jae Hee back

onscreen for one final round of his menacing glare and soft spoken voice saying the

most evil things out loud. Namgong Min did an excellent job bringing Jae Hee to life,

leaving a memorable and impactful performance behind that is one of the strongest

aspects of this drama. It’s not his fault the writing around the crimes and the

subsequent police lameless in trying to catch him really lowered his danger level

towards the end.

His counterpart in Detective Yeom is also worth noting as an asset to the story, with

the soothing calm acting of Yoon Jin Seo a refreshing change to the unlikeable

second female leads with only unrequited romance on their minds. The lack of

muddled romantic complications kept the second leads focused only on the

professional side of their story, showing how second lead characters don’t have to

be in or out of love to be useful and interesting in a drama. It was doubly nice in the

end to have Detective Yeom return to the police force as well, completing the unit

once again that has grown on me. I wish Jae Hee would have gotten life in prison so

he can experience what it’s like to be locked up like he did to those victims, but a

quick death does avoid the spectre of his coming back thanks to his super human

plotting skill plus the general incompetence of the law enforcement agencies. If I

were the detectives on the scene, I would have spit on him a few times for good

measure for the senseless tragedy he created for so many people all to satisfy his

own perverted emotional needs.

I really want to end the entire recap series on the highlight of Smelly Girl, namely the

central romance of the leads Choi Moo Gak and Oh Cho Rim. I don’t even feel the

need debating any nitpicks on why they are not a stellar OTP, all I know is that they

made me so happy with their relationship it brought back all the personal feels of

romance. While the situation that brought them together was heavily contrived, the

natural flow of their friendship to falling in love was as natural as any I’ve seen

onscreen. I don’t know what Yoochun and Shin Se Kyung’s relationship is offscreen,

whether they have become friends or are just comfortable work colleagues, whatever

they have going on it translated beautifully to the sweetest of onscreen interactions.

Even better was how well their characters matched up in personality, the happiest of

happy endings couldn’t have happened to a better drama OTP because they made it

work. They talked through issues, worked through problems, and always had each

other’s back from the first moment on. I would have wanted a bit more mature

tension and moments, but it felt natural for them to remain playful and fun rather than

smoldering with pent up affection. It was nice of the drama to wind down on so many

newlywed scenes, showing us how life would go on for Cho Rim and Moo Gak now

that their mutual enemy is gone for good. It’s time to send them off, and for us to do

so with a smile knowing they finally earned their lifetime of happiness together with

plenty of fun times along the way.