Download - Rebels November Newsletter

Page 1: Rebels November Newsletter


President: Cary Petersen……….…...... 476-7828

[email protected]

V.P.: Renee Morrison ………………..….....423-0890

[email protected]

Secretary: Linda Masters…………..……...328-8123

[email protected]

Treasurer: Wanda Holstein………....…..440-8263

[email protected]

Coordinator: Scott Wuethrich …….525-1088

[email protected]

@ Large: Margaret Otley………….………786-3246

[email protected]

Sandy Ready…………..….(308) 390-0932

[email protected]


November 30

JJ’s at 1st & Cornhusker


NEWSLETTER November 2011

President’s Message

Newsletter Editor: Tracee Bougger

2702 South Street

Lincoln, NE 68502

Email: [email protected] PH: 441-4838

As November rolls in, we have to take time

to recognize our veterans. I'd like to

thank all of our veterans for their sacri-

fice of time, family and their own lives. I

have had a father, brother and now a son in

the military. The Rebels have shown their

appreciation by sending troop packages to

those in the military and will continue to

do so. If you know someone that would like

to receive troop packages, let Sandy Fran-

cisco know. Please take time to think about

those who served and are now serving. They

say to all of us that freedom isn't free. I had a great time at the Halloween Party at

the Masters'. Thanks again, Bill and Linda,

for hosting the party and Sandy Ready and

other members for organizing. November is nomination month for Rebels of-

ficers. Please note the changes for this

year's elections. Terms for President,

Treasurer, and one Director at Large will be

for a one year term and Vice President, Sec-

retary, Coordinator and the other Director

at Large will be for 2 years. Elections

will be held at the December meeting. It's

not too late to volunteer for an office.

Members need to step up and take their turn

at helping to run the club. New blood is

always welcome. The change in terms for of-

fice will always insure we have experience

on the board. If you are interested, con-

tact someone on the nominating committee,

Jim Holstein, Craig Foster and Sandy Fran-

cisco. It's time for most of us to store the car(s)

away for the winter. I will probably hold

out until after Thanksgiving. It's time to

work on winter projects for those with

heated garages or for the brave souls that

don't. It's always fun to see what happens

over the winter. I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiv-

ing. Hope to see you on the road soon.

Cary Petersen, President

Page 2: Rebels November Newsletter

10/26/11 Meeting held

at Valentino’s 70th &

Van Dorn. Attendance:

70 The meeting was

called to order at 7:30pm

by Renee in Cary’s ab-

sence: Welcome all and

thank you for coming.

*Vice President Report by Renee:

Welcome guest (s): Chris, Mitch and

Hunter from Lincoln Southeast High

School. Members of LSE Car Club and

Dan Overton. Dan is member Mike

Overton’s brother.

-Board member election nominations

are held at the November meeting,

please contact the nominating commit-

tee: Jim Holstein, Sandy Francisco or

Craig Foster if you are interested in

holding a board position.

Upcoming Club regular meeting Dates:

-November 30th: The Garage 48th &

Hwy 2

-December 28th: JJ’s 1st & Cornhusker


*Secretary Report by Linda:

-Minutes from 9/28/2011 meeting held

at Parkers Smokehouse approved with

no corrections or additions.

**Reminder: Membership dues are

coming up fast for 2012. Deadline is

December 31st**

-Newsletter info deadline to Tracee is

November 7th.

*Treasurer report by Wanda: Mo-

tion made to accept the October 2011

treasurer report as read.

*News and announcements:

-Bring your non-perishable food items

to the meeting(s), Renee has a basket

for collecting the items, Margaret Ot-

ley will take them to the food bank.

-Rebels Auto Club SCC scholarship’s.

4-$500 SCC Rebels Auto Club Scholar-

ships for this year. Sheryl Wright has

contacted the 4 winners and they will

attend the November meeting.

-Congratulations to Doug Weber win-

ner of the Wilderness Car Show.

-The Otley’s filled up their HHR with

the can tabs collected by members and

turned them into the Ronald McDonald

House. Won’t know a final count until

later this year. If anyone has like a

kitty litter container or something

similar so they can transport them eas-

ier please let Margaret know.

*Coordinator report by Scott


Thank you to all members who at-

tended all the great events in October.

The UNL parade, Rebels poker run

and Halloween Party.

-October 30th Troop Packages. 4pm at

The Garage 48th & Hwy 2. Signup

sheet. Sandy Francisco stated need

cookies, monetary donation would

greatly be appreciated and I will pur-

chase items and we need your help in

packaging the boxes. Have 3 soldiers’

names so far. Connie Brown stated our

soldiers greatly appreciate our pack-

ages. Stacy Brown stated the Rebels

are amazing with our support and the

troops would like anything from home.

Mike Brown should be returning home

before Thanksgiving. Great news.

-Soldiers returning home in November.

1 unit will return to Omaha and 2

units will return to Lincoln. When get

the exact dates and time will announce

to members so we can “Welcome them


*See upcoming events below and co-

ordinators report for more informa-


*New Business:

- Renee presented the gift from the

Nebraska National Guard to the Re-

bels on behalf of all our support to our

troops over the years. A large fantastic

beautifully framed picture. See news-

letter for picture.

-Chris West, president of the LSE Car

Club announced: LSE Car Show in

2012. No date set, but will be on a Sat-

urday in May. Want to make it bigger

and better this year, and wants to do

something for the Seniors that are

members of the LSE Car Club, wants

to get there club name out there. The

Rebels are like Family and appreciate

our support.

*Old Business:

-October 16th, 1st Annual Rebels mem-

bers Poker Run. Beautiful day to get

your cars out and about and fun time.

Sandy Francisco will again plan an-

other one next year and will announce

it sooner. Congratulations to Linda

Masters for High Hand and Ken Boug-

ger for Low Hand and the many win-

ners who won door prizes. Thank you

to the Francisco’s and the Wrights for

organizing this fun event.

-October 22nd Rebels Halloween Party.

Fun, Fun time with 80+ attending.

Boyd thanked the Masters for hosting

the event at their home. Also a big

thanks go out to all the members who


-Board member nominations November

30th meeting and elections will be held

at the December 28th meeting. Craig

Foster stated we have a lot of positions

open. We need the club members to

step up and serve.

*Members enjoyed Margaret Ot-

ley’s delicious cakes. Thank you so


Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm

Respectively submitted,

Linda Masters, Secretary

Meeting Minutes

It is time to renew your Rebels membership for 2012

Due December 31st, 2011

A membership application is in-cluded in this newsletter for your convenience. If you just recently joined during 2011 your membership is also due by December 31st. You can bring your completed application and payment to a meeting or mail it to the address on the application.

A Friends and Family Auto Club

Page 3: Rebels November Newsletter

Who is this young Rebel standing by the 1940

Ford? The year of this photo is 1956.

We will announce the name at the next meeting.

Upcoming Events:

Club meeting: Wednesday, November

30th, JJ’s 1st & Cornhusker Hwy

Club meeting: Wednesday, December

28th, JJ’s 1st & Cornhusker Hwy

All Club meetings begin at 7:30pm. If

you would like to eat prior please arrive


Ladies Night Out- Tuesday, November 15 th at The Press Box 6pm . See newsletter

for details.

Board Meeting: Tuesday, November8th @

Don N’ Millies. 56th & Hwy 2 @ 7:00pm.

Board meetings are open to all members.

Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each


January 21st 2012-Rebels Christmas

Party @ Knolls. Cost: Members; $10.00.

Non-Members; $20.00. Get signed up and

prepaid soon.

Margaret and Lydell Otley took another load of pop tabs to

the Ronald McDonald House in Omaha. Thanks to them

and to all the Rebels that contribute tabs. If you have kitty

litter containers, Margaret says they work great for the

tabs and she would appreciate it if you’d save them for her.

The little boy in this picture is now a grown up Rebel. Do

you have a guess? We will announce the name at the next


Page 4: Rebels November Newsletter

The Press Box

Please come join us for good food,

conversation and great company!

Contact either Jody White or Margaret Ot-

ley to let us know you're coming.

Jody White 402-423-2698

Margaret Otley 402-786-3246

via email, [email protected] or


Your current membership card can benefit

you for a discount on purchases at The

Auto Zone at 2904 Cornhusker Hwy and

A Street Auto Parts.


Anyone who knows of a Rebels

member who should have a

card sent to someone in the

hospital or flowers for a funeral,

Contact John or Carol Danielson



Don’t forget to bring your

canned goods to the next

meeting. Margaret Otley is

collecting them to take to the

Food Pantry.

At the November 30th meeting we will be welcoming home SSG Mike Brown from his year long deployment in Af-ghanistan . Please join us after the meeting for some cake (we’re giving Margaret a break this month) and hugs to wel-come our local Hero and Rebel mem-ber home!!!

It was just an old hand me down ford

With 3 speed on the column and a dent in the


A young boy two hands on

the wheel

I can't replace the way it

made me feel and

I would press that clutch

And I would keep it right

He would say a little

slower son

Your doing just fine

Just a dirt road with trash on each side

But I was Mario Andretti

When Daddy let me drive

Drive—Alan Jackson

Page 5: Rebels November Newsletter

Wow November has just snuck upon us!!! The

weather is changing fast but there is still a few

days left of driving the old toys!! Some have already

put them to rest for the winter. I always seem to

think that one more day isn’t going to hurt. This

year I am going to put it away sooner than last, so I

am not playing catch up the night before World of

Wheels. This just shows how slow this month is

when I am already bringing up the Omaha show.

I would like to thank all that showed up for the

Troop Packaging at The Garage, and once again I

had to miss it for work. These packages are very

appreciative. Thanks Again!!

There are a few events that need to be brought up

before I forget and we all know how I have been

forgetting things lately.

Santa Letters are going to be starting really soon.

Since Bruce isn’t around to run the show it has

been brought to my attention. WE ARE GOING TO

NEED VOLUNTEERS!!!! If you know of anyone

that is willing to help with this please contact me


Christmas Party: WE ARE GOING TO NEED

VOLUNTEERS to help with the decorating of the

room at the Knolls! Please contact me or sign the

sheet at the next meeting.

Christmas Party @ The Knolls, January 21,2012

Members $10.00 Non Members $20.00 All reserva-

tions need to be turned in by the 5th of January

2012. Please sign the sheet at the next meeting @

The Garage if you plan on attending.

Garage Scenes: It is getting to be that time and

the cold weather is going to be upon us and cabin

fever sets in. if you would like to host a garage

scene please feel free to contact me or Jim. There is

$50 for you to use towards refreshments, (Non Alco-

holic, Sorry)

November Events:

Nov. 30th Rebels Meeting @ JJ’s

We will be welcoming home SSG Mike Brown from

his year long deployment in Afghanistan.




If you have an event that would like to be

posted in the newsletter please feel free to

contact me

402-525-1088 or email onefast-

[email protected]


Coordinators Report



High card and low card Poker Fun Run Sunday

winners Linda Masters and Ken Bougger.

Thanks to Gary & Sandy Francisco, Alan Christ-

man and Bruce & Sheryl Wright for organizing the

Poker Fun Run Sunday. The day was beautiful

and it was fun and we all look forward to next


Page 6: Rebels November Newsletter

Soup Contest Winners

3rd Place: Sandy Francisco Taco Soup

2nd Place: Jeri Swanson Chicken Noodle

1st Place: Margaret Otley Cheeseburger Soup

Costume Winners: Male: Bob Spire (Son-in-law of Don & Jody White) Disco Guy

Female: Jody White Witch

Boy: Not 100% sure but think it was Taylor Morgan (they were guests) Transformer. Girl: Gretchen Swanson (Jeri Swanson's daughter) Pirate

The Rebels and guests had a great

time at the Halloween Party

hosted at the Master’s Shed.

Thanks go out to the Masters, the

decorating and teardown crews

and all of the people that helped

make this such a fun event.

Page 7: Rebels November Newsletter



New Renewal



City__________________________________ State______________ Zip_____________

Home Phone___________________________ Cell Phone_________________________

Birth date: ___________________________________

Email Address___________________________________________________________________

(Your primary email address)

Newsletter Option: By: Mail_________ Email________ Website_________

Updated Information regarding the Rebels Auto Club can be sent to my email?

(Example: new upcoming events, change in date of meeting location, etc.) Yes No

Classic Vehicles: Year, Make, Body Style

I understand that photographs are taken at Rebels club activities and events and by signing below I give consent to the use

of photographs of my spouse/self/child/vehicles to be used in Rebels editorial and/or promotional material produced

and/or published for the good of the club.

Applicant Signature:_________________________________________________________


Club officer_____________________________ Amount Paid____________ Date__________

Note: Cost: $18.00 per year for one adult member. Cost: $15.00 per year youth member, 18 years and younger. Mem-

bership fees are due each year by December 31st. No prorating of fees if join after December 31st of each year.

Mail completed application and appropriate payment to:

Rebels Auto Club P.O. Box 21996 Lincoln, NE 68542


Page 8: Rebels November Newsletter

Club members brought their goodies to The

Garage on October 30th to fill boxes for the

troops as we do every quarter. If you have

names , donations, pr questions. please

email or call Sandy Francisco

[email protected]


Page 9: Rebels November Newsletter



Shop these Rebels Advertisers

Do you want a great and inexpensive way to advertise your business?

Why not advertise in the Rebels Auto Club newsletter and website for only $40.00 per year for members and $50.00 per year for non members?

You can email your Business Card Size copy of your ad to newsletter editor Tracee at [email protected] and remit payment to the Rebels PO Box indicating advertising for newsletter. Any ques-tions contact Linda Masters, secretary.

Do you need help caring for a loved one?

Page 10: Rebels November Newsletter

Shop these Rebels Advertisers






PO BOX 21996

