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Page 1: Realizing Pico:Finally NoMorePasswords!tablets that areever more frequently being used: opposed to tradional keyboards, it takes considerable more time and results in more frequent

Realizing Pico: Finally No More Passwords!

Jens Hermans and Roel Peeters

KU Leuven, ESAT/COSIC and [email protected]


In 2011 Stajano proposed Pico, a secure and easy-to-use alternative for pass-words. Among the many proposals in this category, Pico stands out by beingcreative and convincing. However, the description as published leaves some de-tails unspecified, and to the best of our knowledge the complete system has notyet been tested. This work presents detailed specifications and future-proof se-curity protocols for Pico. Moreover, we present the first robust and efficient Picoimplementation. Our implementation allows to further mature the Pico conceptand can be used for large scale usability evaluations at negligible cost.

1 Introduction

It is generally acknowledged that passwords are problematic. The situation iseven worse when inputting passwords on soft keyboards of the smartphones andtablets that are ever more frequently being used: opposed to tradional keyboards,it takes considerable more time and results in more frequent errors [12]. Whilepasswords are very inexpensive to deploy, they suffer from major security andusability problems. Nevertheless passwords are widely used and are likely toremain so in the near future. This is mainly because password-based authenti-cation is cost-effective, widely supported by applications and accepted by usersas a security mechanism.

A plethora of alternatives for passwords, mainly aimed at web authentica-tion, has been proposed. Bonneau et al. [4,5] presented an overview of the mostpromising ones, reaching the conclusion that none of these is a worthy replace-ment for passwords. One of the discussed alternatives is the Pico, introduced byStajano [13]. The Pico is a dedicated hardware token to authenticate the userto a myriad of remote servers; it is designed to be very secure while remainingquasi-effortless for users. The Pico authenticates using public key credentials,making common attacks on passwords (e.g., sniffing, phishing, guessing, socialengineering) impossible. From a privacy and security perspective the Pico so-lution is also better then single-sign-on solutions, since users manage the cre-dentials themselves instead of relying on a third party. The Pico was deemed aninteresting proposal but no more than that, due to the lack of an implementation,and the impossibility to assess the user experience.

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Inspired by the Pico concept, we set forward to realize it in practice. Concretely,our contributions are:

– We define a comprehensible user interaction model for the Pico in Section 2taking Human-Computer Interface (HCI) design principles into account.

– In Section 3 we define a concrete communication architecture with detailedcryptographic protocols to ensure a high level of security. Provisions aremade to smoothen future security upgrades.

– We implemented a robust Android application (Section 4), allowing Picoto reach maturity at negligible cost per user and making it possible to doextensive usability testing.

– In Section 5 we evaluate our Pico instantiation and show its efficiency.

2 User Perspective

We first discuss the overall architecture of the system. Then, we go deeper intothe user interactions in general, taking HCI design principles into account. Fi-nally, we discuss the specifics of our Pico demonstrator with respect to usability.

2.1 System Architecture

Instead of a user logging in to a website (server) by typing his password intothe browser (client) on his computer or smart phone, a Pico will be used toauthenticate the user, together with the client, to the server directly. As a resultthe user will be logged in at the client. Figure 1 gives an overview of how theuser will authenticate to a server with the aid of a Pico. The Pico will also beused to create an account with a server or even authorize transactions, using asimilar process.

Fig. 1: User authentication using our Pico implementation. 1) The user surfs toa website. 2) Using the Pico, the displayed QR code is scanned. 3 a-b) The userconfirms his intention on the Pico. 3c) The Pico authenticates to the server. 4)The user is logged in.

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To ensure that our instantiation of Pico will be easy to adopt, one must beable to use it with any available client without having to install add-ons: i.e.,no browser extensions, hardware add-ons, drivers . . . This means that the Picoshould be able to communicate directly to the server and get all necessary infor-mation from the client (server identifier and a server-generated session identifierfor the client). This information can be acquired by the Pico, for instance, byscanning a QR code.

2.2 User Interactions

Molich and Nielsen [10] provided ten usability recommendations, among othersto be consistent and that preventing errors in the first place is better than gooderror handling. In order to prevent users from accidentally registering insteadof logging in to a server, the Pico will only offer a single button to start theauthentication process (see Figure 2a). By clicking this button, the Pico willstart its camera to capture a 2D visual code. The provided QR code will encodeadditional information that allows the Pico to determine the purpose: logging inwith an existing account, creating a new account, or authorizing a transactionfor an existing account at the server. Different QR codes for every purpose isalso consistent with current practices, e.g., the entry web page for a server hasdistinctly marked locations for logging in and creating a new account.

(a) Starting screen. (b) After being logged in.

Fig. 2: Main screen.

The principle of psychological acceptability [11] implies that a user interfacemust be designed while keeping the user’s mental models in mind and thus, byextent, the context he is working in. There is a big difference between loggingin to a newspaper website, logging in to your online banking account or evenapproving a financial transaction and this difference should be clear to the user.The context was clear to the end-user using different user names, more securepasswords for sensitive applications, easier passwords for less important ones, hisbanking card in combination with a reader . . . However, this is no longer the case

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when pointing your Pico to a QR code for all these different purposes withoutrequiring any further user interaction. Yee’s key principles for secure interactiondesign [15] require users to provide explicit authorization and visibility of allactive sessions.

For the user to establish context and give explicit authorization, the user willbe presented with a confirmation screen after scanning the QR code, before thePico authenticates to the server (step 3a in Figure 1). Depending on the purposea different confirmation screens will be shown to the user. Examples are givenin Figure 3, 5 and 6.

Visibility of all active sessions means that from the Pico, the user should beable to see to which servers he is currently logged in and have the possibilityto log out (see Figure 2b). To keep track of all active sessions, there will becontinuous authentication between the Pico and the server, after logging in. Tolog out, we choose to have the user swipe a label off the screen to avoid loggingout by accidental tapping. A helper text is displayed the first time the user logsin using his Pico.

Login After scanning the QR code, the user will be asked to confirm his login,by selecting the desired account (see Figure 3). This approach works as well forone as for multiple accounts exist with a given server.

Fig. 3: Selecting an account to log in with.

Create Account When creating a new account at a server, it is importantfor the user to verify that he is indeed communicating with the right server. Tofacilitate the verification of the received server parameters (URL, public key . . . ),the user will be presented with a visual hash to compare with a reference image.This reference image can be used in the server’s public communication (e.g., inadvertisements, letters ...) or be available at a trustworthy website with referencevisual hashes for different servers. Users only need to compare this image atregistration, since afterwards the server’s public key is stored on the Pico. Notethat the visual hash is only required to avoid phishing during registration.

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A visual hash converts a given input to an image, for which small differencesin the input lead to very distinctive images (see Figure 4). As such it will bedifficult for an attacker to alter the server parameters while tricking the userinto believing it generated the same image. As a visual hashing scheme, here wemade use of Vash [7].

Fig. 4: Vash images for minimal changes in the input.

We assume that creating a new account is started from within the client,where the user first enters some basic account information, e.g., a user name.Then the user will be shown a QR code, which also contains the necessaryparameters of the server and the selected user name, to be scanned with thePico. On the Pico, the user will first need to confirm the creation of a newaccount. This confirmation screen displays the server’s logo and url location, tohelp the user with establishing context. The server parameters will be verifiedby the user by comparing the displayed visual hash with the server’s referenceimage (see Figure 5a). However, if the user already has other accounts at thesame server, he can be relieved from this burden. The Pico will check that thereceived server parameters correspond with the ones of the existing accounts. Inthis case, the user is presented with a different screen, as depicted in Figure 5b.

(a) Default. (b) Pre-existing accounts.

Fig. 5: Confirming the creation of a new account.

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While an account is created in the background, the user will be requested toprovide an account name, which can be useful to later identify different accountsat the same server. As default account name, we used the user name that wasprovided through the client.

Transaction For transactions we foresee two scenarios. The first one is onlinebanking, where transactions need to be approved after the user logged in to thebank’s server. In this case, the transaction information can be send over thesame secure channel as the one that is used for continuous authentication. Themoment the Pico receives this information, a confirmation screen (see Figure6 ) is presented to the user. The user can verify the transaction specifics andconfirm these on his Pico. As a second scenario, we consider small paymentsin stores, where the merchant presents to the user a QR code containing thetransactions details. Given that the user authorised one banking account as thedefault payment account from his Pico, he will be presented with the sameconfirmation screen. In case of multiple payment accounts (e.g., a personal anda business banking account), the user will first need to select with which accounthe wants to pay.

Fig. 6: Confirming a transaction.

2.3 Demonstrator

In the above, a Pico device is assumed to have a few buttons, a screen, a cameraable to capture QR codes and wireless communication capabilities. All thesecapabilities can be found in the smart phone users already carry around, makingit the ideal platform for implementing a demonstrator. Because the majority ofsmart phones today runs on Android, we choose to develop an application forthis operating system. By making our application freely available through theofficial Google Play Store, it is easy to install, also for less tech-savy users.

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When browsing on the same device as our Pico application is installed on, itis possible to transfer the data in the QR code, directly to the Pico by clicking onthe QR code. This will open the Pico application, do the authentication, and goback to the mobile browser. At the same time the Pico application will keep onrunning in the back, as will be apparent from the Pico icon in the notificationbar (see Figure 7a). This icon will be visible as long as the user is logged inat some server, keeping Yee’s [15] principle of visibility of all active sessions inmind. From the notification drawer (see Figure 7b) it is possible to go directlyto the Pico application, and even to close the Pico application, logging out of allcurrently logged in sessions.

(a) Notification bar. (b) Notification drawer.

Fig. 7: Using Android’s notification capabilities.

3 Security Perspective

In this section, we will present a detailed description of the cryptographic pro-tocols and introduce the specification of the messages to be exchanged.

3.1 Server - Client - Pico Linking

We need to establish a link between the client-server session and the Pico-serversession. This link will be established indirectly by having the server communicatewith the user’s client, the client with the Pico and finally the Pico with the server.

The client will set up a connection with the server, and receives a messageSCP that contains a server identifier and a session identifier. This SCP messagewill be transferred by the client to the Pico over an authenticated channel,for example, by having the Pico scan a displayed QR code. By requiring anauthenticated channel, we ensure a proper binding between the client and thePico. However, this does not ensure that the transferred message is confidential.Thus, in order to avoid session hijacking at the client, the session identifier shouldremain separate from the typical browser session identifiers (as found in cookies).Therefore, the session identifier in the SCP message will be a random string setby the server or the hash of the browser session identifier.

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To avoid unnecessary user interaction and minimize the potential of usererror, we need to differentiate between logging in (existing account) and enrolling(creating a new account) at the time of establishing this link. This will be doneby also encoding a type (LOGIN or ENROLL) in the SCP message:

SCP = serverID,H(sessionID), type .

The Pico uses the server identifier in its account database to uniquely identifythe server. The server identifier remains static even when the server updates itskey in the future. In the case of enrolling, the server is not yet known to thePico and requires the essential parameters from the server, such as the server’spublic key and its validity period, the actual URL for connecting to the Picoserver (not necessarily the same as the URL where the user connects to withits client), the name and logo of the server as it is communicated to the generalpublic . . . . To keep the data that is transferred over the authenticated channelbetween the client and the Pico small, only the (tiny) URL to retrieve the serverparameters and a hash of the server’s public key will be encoded in the SCP

message in case of enrolling:

SCP = serverID,H(sessionID), ENROLL,

URL,H(serverPK) .

The server parameters will be requested by the Pico by sending a INIT

message to the received URL. The server will reply with an INIT message thatcontains the server parameters. The Pico checks that the received public keyof the server is correct by checking it with the hash value received in the SCP

message. To protect against phishing attacks, the user will be asked to confirmthe server parameters by verifying the visual hash of these parameters.

By having the Pico scan a QR code displayed by the client, one constructsan authenticated channel without requiring modifications to the client. If thisrequirement is abandoned, the above data can also be send through any othercommunication channel, such as a Bluetooth, NFC or USB link between the Picoand client. However, one still needs to ensure that the communication channel isauthentic (especially for wireless connections) to provide proper binding betweenthe client and Pico, necessary to avoid session hijacking.

3.2 Mutual Authentication

After the Pico established to which server (with which account) the user wantsto authenticate, the Pico selects the corresponding private/public key pair fromits database and authenticates to the server.

Our authentication protocol (see Figure 8) is based upon the SIGMA-I proto-col as proposed by Krawczyk [9]. The original proofs by Canetti and Krawczyk [6]still hold for our construction. SIGMA-I is a mutual authentication protocol withkey agreement that is very efficient and has the added benefit that the Pico candelay sending its (account-specific) identity until it is assured of the server’s iden-tity. The shared key K is derived using a key derivation function (KDF) from

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an unauthenticated Diffie-Hellman key agreement (here instantiated with theelliptic curve variant). By having each party sign (SIG and VER) the exchangedDiffie-Hellman values, the origin of the messages is established. As suggestedby Krawczyk, we use an authenticated encryption (AE and AD) mode [8] tooptimize the protocol.

Because we use the same protocol for different purposes (login, enroll ...),the purpose will explicitly be encoded in the type that is part of the signedmessage. Since the Pico already knows the identity of the server, this value canbe omitted from the protocol. For the identity of the Pico, we use the selectedpublic key (or a newly generated public key if enrolling). Before accepting thePico, the server will also verify that the provided credentials are registered init’s database (unless enrolling). The provided sessionID allows the server to linkits Pico session to its client session. This concludes the 3-way handshake, withmessages PS1, SP2 and PS3.

keypair: x,X = xP(selected account)


keypair: y, Y = yPregistered Picos: DB = {Xi}


a ∈R Z∗


A = aP

b ∈R Z∗

l , K = KDF(bA)type = SERV AUTH

B = bP, IV, α = AEK,IV


SIGy (type,A,B))

K = KDF(aB), σ ← ADK,IV



!VERY (σ, (SERV AUTH, A,B))? ⊥type = LOGIN/ENROLL, IV ′ = IV + 1

IV ′, β = AEK,IV ′


type,X,SIGx (type,A,B) , sessionID


IV ′ ≤ IV ? ⊥type,X, σ, sessionID ← ADK,IV ′



(type! = LOGIN && type! = ENROLL)||(type == LOGIN && !X ∈ DB) ||!VERX (σ, (type,A,B))? ⊥

Fig. 8: Handshake protocol between the Pico and server with public key Y.

When setting up a new account, the Pico creates an entry in its database withthe server parameters and the selected private/public key pair after successfullyreceiving SP2 and verifying the server’s identity. The server will create a newentry in its database for the received public key after successfully receiving PS3and having validated the signature using this key.

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The derived key K during the handshake can later on be used for subsequentmessages MSG between the Pico and the server, i.e., for continuous authenti-cation. These messages are of the form:



type, body)

where type indicates the type of message and body the optional body of themessage. Authenticated encryption requires a unique initialization vector IV

for each message. This will be enforced by incrementing the IV each time anew message is encrypted. An IV that has not been increased will lead to thetermination of the connection.

3.3 Continuous Authentication

After establishing a secure channel the Pico and the server engage in a continuousauthentication protocol. The server sends a MSG with type PING and a timeoutvalue to the Pico. The Pico needs to reply with a MSG of type PONG within thespecified time frame. Otherwise, the client session will be closed and the userlogged out.

The user can also end a session directly through the client, in which case theserver attempts to send the Pico a MSG with type BYE to alert the Pico thatthe user is no longer logged in. Likewise, the user can close a session on the Pico,in which case the Pico attempts to send BYE to the server.

When the user is logged out, this session will be removed from the list ofservers the user is currently logged in (see Figure 2a).

With this secure channel between the Pico and server, it is also possible tohave transactions directly authorized through the Pico. The server sends a MSG

with type TRANSACTION and a human readable description of the transaction tothe Pico (e.g., description of a money transfer). This message also contains atransaction identifier and a time out, by which the server should receive an an-swer or abort the transaction. After receiving user confirmation on the Pico, thePico confirms the transaction by sending a MSG with type APPROVED togetherwith the transaction identifier. Alternatively, the Pico can send a DECLINED withthe transaction identifier in case the user declines the transaction. Confirmingtransactions directly on the Pico ensures that the end user is always aware of thetransaction being confirmed. When confirming a transaction through the clientthere is always the risk of an insecure client displaying a fake description of atransaction.

3.4 Future Proof Security

A crucial aspect to take into account when designing the cryptographic proto-cols for Pico is algorithm and key agility. It is very likely that in the futurecertain algorithms will need to be replaced or key sizes increased out of secu-rity consideration. Keys will also need to be changed, regardless of algorithmchanges.

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Algorithm Agility Popular cryptographic protocols allow for negotiation ofthe parameters. Even though this is great for backwards compatibility, this comeswith the risk of an adversary negotiating both parties in the weakest protocolparameters. We have opted for a different approach, by strictly limiting the num-ber of protocol parameters. In essence, we only want to allow a single protocoland associated parameters, which should maximally satisfy all security require-ments. The only reason to allow multiple (in this case: two) parameter sets is toallow for fast upgrading in case one of the ciphers or protocols is broken.

We make a distinction between the temporary and permanent parameters.The temporary parameters are set by the server: the hash function, the ellipticcurve and key derivation function for key agreement, the authenticated encryp-tion scheme. The permanent parameters define the signature scheme that is used.For both the temporary and permanent parameters we define two versions, oneto be used initially and one to enable migration in the future to a more secureset of parameters. There is no intent to maintain an extensive list of brokenparameters for backward compatibility.

The server determines which version of the temporary parameters (tV ersion)are used, there is no margin for negotiation on the Pico side. This allows for avery fast migration of the temporary parameters, which is possible since no longterm keys are involved. The Pico should reject weak temporary parameters. Theversion of the temporary parameters is passed on to the Pico as part of the SCP

message.For the permanent parameters a similar approach is desirable, but due to

long term keys being involved it is impossible to do instantaneous upgrades.Using the SCP message the server indicates the preferred permanent parameterset. During the transition of the server switching from one version to the next, itis possible for the Pico to set the permanent version (pV ersion) to the previousversion. Afterwards, it will no longer be possible for the user to upgrade hisaccount and instead will be forced to create a new account using enroll. Thismeans that we have to augment the handshake to set up the secure connectionas follows:

a ) the Pico sends the version of the permanent and temporary parameters alongwith its first message to the server (PS1);

b ) upon receiving PS1, the server checks if this version is allowed (previouspermanent version, within transition period) or aborts otherwise;

c ) in SP2, the server will put a signature on(SERV AUTH, A,B, pV ersion, tV ersion);

d ) in PS3, the Pico will put a signature on(type, A,B, pV ersion, tV ersion).

The last two modifications will prevent man-in-the-middle attackers from ex-ploiting a version mismatch between the Pico and server.

Directly after the handshake the server will request that the Pico updatesits key according to the new version. This is done by sending a MSG with typeUPGRADE and a signature with the server’s new public key (suitable for the newversion) on (UPGRADE, A,B, pV ersion, tV ersion). Note that the pV ersion in this

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and the following message is now set to the version as selected by the server.The Pico will get the server’s new public key and validity period by requestingthe server parameters through a separate request to the server with an INIT

message (see Section 3.1).

The Pico generates a new key pair and makes a new entry in its database,using the received parameters and server public key.1 The Pico will send a MSG

to the server of the type UPDATE with its new public key and a signature withthis public key on (UPDATE, A,B, pV ersion, tV ersion). Upon validation of thesignature, the server overwrites the existing database entry for this user. Theserver will send a confirmation (MSG of type CONFIRM UPDATE) to the Pico,that can now remove the old account from its database.

Key Agility A similar protocol will be used for the server to update its publickey without migrating to a new version of algorithm parameters. This allowsthe server to update its key before it expires or to replace its key if there isdoubt about the private key being compromised. For this we will augment thehandshake by the server sending two signatures (during the transition period) inPS2, one with the new key and one with the old key. The Pico will try to validatethe first signature, and upon failure the second signature. When both signaturesfail to verify, the connection will be terminated. Given that the second signatureverifies, the Pico requests the new server parameters (by sending a separateINIT message) and checks the first signature, using the new public key of theserver. If this signature verifies, the Pico updates the selected account in itsdatabase. Even if this signature does not verify, the Pico will still continue bysending PS3 but not update its database.

3.5 Server

In order to support authentication with a Pico, server changes are needed. Firstof all, a Pico module needs to be installed at the server. Second, a referenceimage containing a visual hash of the server parameters (see Section 2.2), needsto be made public.

Third, for existing users at servers that already have authentication mecha-nisms (e.g., passwords) in place, a transition mechanism needs to be foreseen tochange authentication mechanisms. This could be done securely as follows:

1. the user authenticates to the server, using the current authentication mech-anism;

2. after being logged in, the user is provided with a QR code for enrollment;

3. the user enrolls using his Pico;

4. the server couples the received public key from the Pico with the user’saccount.

1 The server’s identity remains the same over all permanent versions.

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In comparison with a traditional password based authentication mechanism,supporting the Pico will require more computational effort. However, at thesame time the server’s security is enhanced. For a password based authenticationmechanism, a compromise of the users database gives adversaries an advantageto log in as genuine users (even at other servers in case the user reuses hispassword). The only way to recover from this, is by informing users and havethem pick new passwords. This is not the case with Pico based authentication,because the stored public keys do not leak any information that can be used tothe attacker’s advantage to log in at the server as a genuine user.

4 Implementation

The main goal of this paper is providing a more detailed specification of the Picoand demonstrating that this specification results in a practical implementation.As such, we have limited ourselves to a demonstrator on the Android platformwhich does not have any application security features in place. We also did notimplement database level security with a locking mechanism since keys remainlargely unprotected anyway on a smartphone. Additional security can however beleveraged by using a secure execution environment such as SIM, secure element,Trustzone . . .

The implementation was done using Java, with a native library (ZBar) forprocessing the QR code. The Vash library [7] was ported to Android.

On the server side we use a mix of a Java application and a PHP web applica-tion for the demonstrator server (a simple message board). The Java applicationimplements the Pico server module, which takes care of the connection with thePico and performs all cryptographic operations.

All protocol messages are encapsulated using Google protocol buffers and sentover an HTTP connection between the Pico and the Java application. HTTP wasmainly selected for simplicity of the implementation and to easily pass throughfirewalls. This however implies that all protocol round-trips must be initiatedby the Pico and require a connection identifier. For this connection identifier wechose the Diffie-Hellman key B since this is randomly generated by the server.For efficiency we however do prefer a dedicated, permanent TCP connection. Incase of loss of connection, it can be recovered using B.

All cryptographic operations have been implemented using the Spongycastlelibrary (which is based on Bouncycastle). We would like to stress that Spongycas-tle, albeit used in several security apps, contains little security measures againstimplementation attacks (i.e., side channels and fault attacks). In future versionswe will implement all cryptographic functions in a native library, incorporatingcountermeasures for implementation attacks. Table 1 shows the cryptographicalgorithms that we selected for the demonstrator. All algorithms were selectedbased on their security and their general acceptance.

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Table 1: Algorithm Agility.version 1 version 2

Temporary parameters- Hash SHA-256 SHA-384- Diffie-Hellman secp224r1 secp384r1- Key Derivation SHA-256 SHA-384- Authenticated Encryption AES-GCM-128 AES-GCM-192

Permanent parameters- Signature ECDSA ECDSA

secp224r1 secp384r1

We experimented with the displaying of the QR code and concluded thatonly a small amount of redundancy was required. As such, we can limit thedisplay size of the QR code, making it easier to incorporate in websites. Formobile browsing, we also implemented a direct link on the QR codes in theHTML source, and made sure that the Pico application listens for Intents. Thisway a user can simply click on the QR code to launch the Pico application andpass on the data needed to start authenticating to the server.

5 Evaluation

5.1 Properties

Bonneau et al. [5] performed an extensive comparison of several password re-placements, including the original Pico description by Stajano. They also de-scribe a general Usability-Deployability-Security evaluation framework, using aconcise list of properties. Table 2 shows the properties attributed to the originalPico description by Stajano [13] and the properties of our implementation. Notethat most of the security properties directly follow from the use of public keyauthentication.

When it comes to security the Pico clearly outclasses passwords. Our imple-mentation of Pico achieves all the listed security properties with the exceptionof Resilient-to-Theft. Due to the secure connection which is based on publickey cryptography, impersonation of a user without obtaining the Pico device orsomehow extracting the keys is impossible. We also protect against phishing byembedding the server identity in the QR code. Our implementation even goesone step further by also preventing phising at the time of creating an accountby having the user compare visual hashes. Explicit user consent is built into thePico user interface and all accounts are unlinkable since they use different keys.Resilient-to-Theft is not achieved due to the lack of a locking mechanismand the chosen platform. In order to deploy the Pico, this obviously needs to besolved.

Concerning deployability, the original Pico description only achieves Non-

Proprietary. Our implementation achieves Browser-Compatible since it re-quires no changes to browsers. Our implementation is a firm step forward to-wards achieving Mature. One usability property that remains open for discussion

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is Negligible-Cost-per-User: this is the case for an Android app, but whenmoving to a dedicated hardware devices this is no longer achieved.

Regarding usability, a more thorough usability evaluation is advisable, butat first sight our Pico instantiation achieves all the properties attributed tothe original Pico description: Memorywise-Effortless, Scalable-For-Users,Physically-Effortless,Efficient-to-Useand partially Infrequent-Errors.On top of those, our implementation also achieves the Easy-to-Learn and fullyInfrequent-Errors property due to a different design for user interaction, i.e.,only one button to start, explicit confirmation.

Table 2: Properties for the Pico.






Resilient-to-Physical-Observation • •Resilient-to-Targeted-Impersonation • •Resilient-to-Throttled-Guessing • •Resilient-to-Unthrottled-Guessing • •Resilient-to-Internal-Observation • •Resilient-to-Leaks-from-Other-Verifiers • •Resilient-to-Phishing • •Resilient-to-Theft ◦No-Trusted-Third-Party • •Requiring-Explicit-Consent • •Unlinkable • •

Deployability Accessible

Neglibile-Cost-per-User ◦Server-Compatible

Browser-Compatible •Mature ◦Non-Proprietary • •



Memorywise-Effortless • •Scalable-For-Users • •Nothing-To-Carry

Physically-Effortless • •Easy-to-Learn •Efficient-to-Use ◦ ◦Infrequent-Errors ◦ •Easy-Recovery-from-Loss

• fully achieved, ◦ partially achieved

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5.2 Performance

Extensive performance testing was done with different users and a range ofdevices running at least Android 4.0. Using our demonstrator website, both thelogin and enrollment procedures were tested. The overall login takes around 5seconds to complete, the more involved enrollment around 10 seconds. Most ofthe time is taken up by interacting with the user, there is hardly any perceivabledelay due the underlying communication and computations2. There are smallvariations due to varying communication times, also depending on the usedwireless connection: WiFi, 3G or EDGE. All the following reported timings areaverages.

When excluding user interaction, logging in takes 1.3 seconds. Of this time,only 0.9 seconds are spent on computations, the remaining 0.4 seconds is com-munication overhead. Similarly, creating a new account takes 1.5 seconds, withroughly the same communication overhead. By using precomputations, i.e., gen-erating elliptic curve key pairs beforehand, it is possible to shave off 0.4 secondsfor both the login and enrollment.

User interactions require far more time than the actual protocols. Scanninga QR code takes 3.1 second for login, respectively 3.6 seconds for enrollment.This is due to more information contained by the enrollment QR code, whichrequires a better alignment of the camera and QR code. Confirming a logintakes 2.3 seconds, also depending on the number of accounts to select from.Confirming the creation of a new account takes 5.3 seconds. Directly after thisenrollment, the user is asked to input a name to identify his account on the Pico.By providing a default user name (the one the user entered at the website tocreate a new account), inputting an account name only takes 1.7 seconds.

For continuous authentication, Pico needs to send and receive messages overthe authenticated channel that was set up during login. One round of communi-cation (PONG-PING, PONG-BYE or BYE-BYE) takes 0.2 seconds and is dominated bycommunication overhead. Please note that continious authentication happens inthe background and as such does not affect the user.

6 Related Work

Bonneau et al. [5] performed an extensive comparison of several password re-placements, including several two-factor authentication methods. In this section,we only discuss work directly related to Pico and our implementation.

We deliberately chose not to base our main security protocol on SSL/TLS(as is the case for Stajano [13]) but instead adapted the SIGMA-I protocolfor the Pico. This is mainly based on the poor security track record of theSSL/TLS protocols which be believe are overly complex and do not reflect recentadvances in protocol design. This can clearly be seen from the algorithm agility

2 While interacting with the user, part of the handshake protocol can already be runin parallel: the Pico can send PS1, receive and verify SP2 before getting explicitauthorisation from the user.

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perspective: SSL/TLS relies on negotiation of the algorithm suite, allowing fora myriad of algorithms of which several are sub-optimal security-wise.

Another major difference with [13] is the way a link between server, clientand Pico is established. Stajano uses a static QR code to identify the server andhence requires a secure wireless link between client and Pico to associate theclient. To differentiate between logging into and creating an account, the userhas to select one of the two dedicated buttons to start the process. The securewireless link also acts as a gateway for communication between Pico and theserver. This approach requires changes to the client which will hurt adoptabilityas it does not allow the user to just use any client available: the user first needsto install a browser plugin and possibly a hardware dongle for setting up a secureshort range communication. Additionally it might not be possible for the userto make any changes to the client as he does not have sufficient rights, e.g.,computers at work or at an internet cafe. This approach is also more prone toerrors, as the user might accidently hit the wrong button when scanning the QRcode and does not need to confirm his choice.

The work of Stajano also resulted in a Bachelor’s and a Master’s thesis withpartial implementations. Tian [14] augmented the static QR code with a sessionidentifier and the MAC of the bluetooth device of the client in order to createthe wireless link. This however seems to limit the scope to local logins where theclient is also the server. Bentzon [1] implemented the Pico on a Raspberry Pi.This implementation has one button to scan specific QR codes that differentiatebetween logging in and enrolling and also contain session identifiers. The specifiedTLS-alike protocol does not offer forward secrecy and lacks key agreement sincethe Pico chooses the session key. We consider both of these properties crucial forsetting up a secure communication channel.

7 Conclusions and Future Work

We realized Pico by providing a detailed specification of the user interface andcryptographic protocols with provisions for future security upgrades. Our robustAndroid implementation demonstrates that our design is feasible, allows to fur-ther mature the Pico concept and allows to evaluate its usability at negligiblecost.

Our current implementation on the Android platform has some clear disad-vantages and problems, which we have not dealt with yet given the scope ofthis paper. With respect to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms weclearly want to move away from the current Spongycastle implementation. Aninteresting library in this regard is NaCl [3], which is very efficient and has con-stant time implementations. Regarding the algorithms that we currently haveselected there are some potential optimizations. We consider moving away fromthe NIST curves and changing it for Curve25519 [2]. Curve25519 was specificallydesigned for high performance in software and with resistance to implementationattacks in mind. Moreover, it has several security advantages compared to the

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NIST curves. Also ECDSA can be replaced by Schnorr signatures, which are lessvulnerable to leakage of the secret key in the case of bad randomness.

As already indicated the current HTTP communication layer can be replacedby a permanent TCP connection. Regarding the overall platform the majorchallenge for future research lies in moving away from a smartphone to dedicatedhardware or at least add a secure element to the smartphone. This seems to bethe only way to rule out vulnerabilities in a complex software platform such asAndroid. Provided that a sufficient adaption of the technology can be achieved,the cost for a separate device is considered reasonable.


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