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Real Sociedad EspaÇola de Qu&micaPrizes 2017

The Real Sociedad EspaÇola de Qu&mica (RSEQ;Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry) has honoredseveral outstanding scientists in its 2017 prizescheme. We feature the winners of the mainprizes here; the international prize winners willbe highlighted in another issue.

Claudio Palomo (Universidad del Pa&s Vasco;UPV/EHU) is the winner of the “Medalla de Orode la RSEQ”, which is the highest award that thesociety presents. Palomo studied at the Universitatde Barcelona, and worked with Ramln Mestres atthe UPV/EHU for his PhD (completed in 1983).After two years of postdoctoral work at the sameinstitution, he joined the faculty there and wasmade professor in 1989. Palomo and his group areinterested in the development of strategies forenantioselective catalysis and their use in solvingproblems in organic synthesis. He has reported inChemistry—A European Journal on stereoselectivemetal-free a-functionalization reactions.[1]

The “Premios a la Excelencia InvestigadoraRSEQ” are presented for outstanding researchachievements. The winners of the 2017 prizes alsoinclude Jos8 Mar&a Asua Gonz#lez (EPV/EHU andPOLYMAT).

Mari# Elena Fern#ndez (Universidad Rovira iVirgili) was featured here when she won the Awardfor Excellence in Organometallic ChemistryResearch from the RSEQ Grupo Especializadode Qu&mica Organomet#lica.[2a] Fern#ndez and hergroup are interested in the activation and reactivityof borane compounds. She has reported in Chemis-try—A European Journal on the gem-silylboryla-tion of carbonyl compounds.[2b]

Fernando Langa (Universidad Castilla-laMancha; UCLM) received his PhD in 1981 forwork supervised by Rafael P8rez-Alvarez-Ossorioand Carmen Fern#ndez at Universidad Complu-tense de Madrid. From 1985–1987, he carried outpostdoctoral research with William Horspool at theUniversity of Dundee, and in 1991, he joined theUCLM, where he is currently professor. LangaQsresearch is focused on organic photovoltaics andchemistry of carbon nanostructures for electron-transfer processes. He has reported in ChemPlus-Chem on organic solar cells containing pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrrole.[3]

Antoni Riera (Institute for Research in Bio-medicine (IRB) Barcelona) studied at the Univer-sitat de Barcelona, where he completed his PhD(supervised by FHlix Serratosa and Miquel A.Peric/s) in 1987. After a postdoctoral fellowshipwith Amos B. Smith III at the University of Penn-sylvania (1987–1988), he joined the faculty at theUniversitat de Barcelona in 1988, and was made

professor there in 2003. In addition, he has beengroup leader at the IRB Barcelona since 2005.RieraQs main research area is asymmetric synthesis,including synthetic methodology and the synthesisof biologically active products. He has reported inAngewandte Chemie on the enantioselective iri-dium-catalyzed hydrogenation of cyclic enamides.[4]

Eliseo Ruiz (Universitat de Barcelona) studiedat the Universitat de Barcelona, where he com-pleted his PhD in 1993, subsequently joined thefaculty, and was made professor in 2011. He was apostdoctoral or visiting researcher with Dennis R.Salahub at the Universit8 de Montr8al (1993–1994), Michel Verdaguer at the Universit8 Pierreet Marie Curie, Paris (1997–1998), and Jean-MarieLehn at the Universit8 Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg(2000–2001). Ruiz and his group are interested inmolecular magnetism and transport properties insingle-molecule devices, and the synthesis andcharacterization of molecules with magnetic orphotochemical properties. He has reported inChemistry—A European Journal on magnetic ani-sotropy in CoIII complexes.[5]

The “Premios de Reconocimiento a una CarreraDistinguida” are awarded to recognize researchersfor their distinguished careers.

Gregorio Asensio (Universidad de Valencia)studied at the Universidad de Zaragoza, where hecompleted his PhD (supervised by Vicente Gomez-Aranda and Jos8 Barluenga) in 1973. He carriedout postdoctoral work with George A. Olah atCase Western Reserve University, Cleveland, andsubsequently joined Jos8 BarluengaQs group inOviedo, where he was appointed to the faculty in1977. In 1984, he was made Professor of OrganicChemistry at Universidad de Valencia. AsensioQsresearch interests mainly involve electrophilicreactions, in particular palladium and gold catalysisand C@H activation by oxygenation or metal-carbene insertion in supercritical CO2 . He hasreported in ChemCatChem on the role of super-critical carbon dioxide in the functionalization ofalkanes.[6]

Joan Bosch (Universitat de Barcelona) studiedat the Universidad de Barcelona, where he com-pleted his PhD in 1973. He subsequently joined thefaculty in Barcelona, where, apart from an appoint-ment as Professor of Organic Chemistry at theUniversidad de Valencia (1981) he spent theremainder of his career and became emeritusprofessor in 1997. He is co-author of a report inthe European Journal of Organic Chemistry onfacial selectivity in annulation reactions.[7]

The “Premios a Jlvenes Investigadores RSEQ” arepresented to outstanding young researchers.

Jesffls Campos (Universidad de Sevilla) studiedat the Universidad de Sevilla, the University of


Awarded …

15499Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15499 – 15500 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Manchester, and the Universidad InternacionalMen8ndez Pelayo, and worked with Ernesto Car-mona in Seville for his PhD (completed in 2012).He carried out postdoctoral research with Carmona(2013), Robert H. Crabtree at Yale University(2013–2014), and Simon Aldridge at the Universityof Oxford (2014–2016). He returned to the Uni-versidad de Sevilla in 2016 and is currently atenured scientist there. Campos and his group areinterested in combining fundamental concepts oforganometallic catalysis, main-group chemistry,and molecular clusters to develop novel strategiesin the field of cooperative catalysis. He is co-authorof a report in Angewandte Chemie on differentialaggregation in indium “metalloid” clusters.[8]

Anna Company (Universidad de Girona) wasfeatured here when she won the Clara ImmerwahrAward.[9a] CompanyQs research interests includesmall-molecule activation and the design of cata-lysts for oxidation reactions. She has reported inAngewandte Chemie on the properties of a terminalcopper–nitrene species.[9b]

Marek Grzelczak (CIC biomaGUNE, SanSebasti#n) studied at the Adam Mickiewicz Uni-versity, Poznan, and worked with Luis M. Liz-Marz#n at the Universidade de Vigo for his PhD(completed in 2008). He subsequently carried outpostdoctoral research with Maurizio Prato at theUniversit/ degli Studi di Trieste (2008–2010) andwith Markus Antonietti at the Max Planck Instituteof Colloids and Interfaces (2011–2012). After aresearch fellowship in Vigo (2011) he joined theCIC biomaGUNE in 2012 and is currently aresearch associate there. GrzelczakQs research is inthe field of nanochemistry with particular emphasison the bottom-up integration of inorganic nano-particles and carbon-based materials into func-tional nanoarchitectures. He is co-author of areport on gold nanowire forests for SERS detectionthat was featured on the cover of Chemis-tryOpen.[10]

Manuel Moliner (Instituto de Tecnolog&a Qu&-mica, Valencia) completed his PhD at the Uni-versitat PolitHcnica de ValHncia under the guidanceof Avelino Corma and Maria J. D&az in 2008. Hesubsequently carried out postdoctoral work with

Mark Davis at the California Institute of Technol-ogy (2008–2010). In 2011, he joined the Instituto deTecnolog&a Qu&mica, where he has been a tenuredscientist since 2015. MolinerQs research lies at theinterface of heterogeneous catalysis and materialsdesign, focusing on the molecular-level preparationof selective materials for their use as efficientcatalysts in industrially relevant chemical proc-esses. He has reported in ChemCatChem on aniron-containing zeolite for selective catalytic reduc-tion reactions.[11]

[1] I. Bastida, M. San Segundo, R. Llpez, C. Palomo,Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 13332.

[2] a) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 393; Angew.Chem. 2015, 127, 401; b) E. La Cascia, A. B. Cuenca,E. Fern#ndez, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 18737.

[3] R. Dom&nguez, N. F. Montcada, P. de la Cruz, E.Palomares, F. Langa, ChemPlusChem 2017, 82, 1096.

[4] E. Saloml, S. Orgu8, A. Riera, X. Verdaguer, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7988; Angew. Chem. 2016,128, 8120.

[5] A. Kumar Mondal, J. Jover, E. Ruiz, S. Konar, Chem.Eur. J. 2017, 23, 12550.

[6] R. Gava et al., ChemCatChem 2015, 7, 3254.[7] C. Estarellas, F. Arioli, M. P8rez, C. Are, D. Hevia, E.

Molins, F. J. Luque, J. Bosch, M. Amat, Eur. J. Org.Chem. 2017, 3969.

[8] A. Protchenko et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017,; Angew.Chem. 2017,

[9] a) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 4705; Angew.Chem. 2015, 127, 4787; b) T. Corona, L. Ribas, M.Rovira, E. R. Farquhar, X. Ribas, K. Ray, A.Company, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 14005;Angew. Chem. 2016, 128, 14211.

[10] A. La Porta, M. Grzelczak, L. M. Liz-Marz#n,ChemistryOpen 2014, 3, 146.

[11] N. Mart&n, P. N. R. Vennestrøm, J. R. Thøgersen, M.Moliner, A. Corma, ChemCatChem 2017, 9, 1754.

International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201710990German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201710990

In this section, we report on various awards forchemists who are closely connected withAngewandte Chemie and its sister journals asauthors, referees, or board members.


15500 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15499 – 15500