Download - Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Page 1: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz,

“Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste”

City College, Work and Family

Page 2: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.


Page 3: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Theoretical Perspectives of the Family: Post Modernists The family no longer conforms to a single

type It no longer makes sense to see the nuclear family

as the dominant family structure. Different kinds of household no co-exist.

Family structure is in a constant state of change and families are fashioned and refashioned to meet changing needs.

These changes as part of a transformation of intimacy, a move away from tradition, giving couples much more choice about personal relationships

Page 4: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Theoretical Perspectives of the Family: New Right

The ‘traditional’ patriarchal nuclear family with a breadwinner husband and homemaker wife is the kind best equipped to be self reliant rather than depending on the welfare state. Welfare has reduced the role of the father, and

created a dependency culture.

Page 5: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

What do we mean by “Caste”?Caste - an endogamous and hereditary social

group limited to persons of the same rank, occupation, and economic position.

1.Endogamy means marrying within the same social group

2.Hereditary meaning you are born into this social group

3.There is no mobility between social groups

When these conditions are present, we can say we have a caste system.

Page 6: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Examples of Caste

Caste System in IndiaCaste System in the US (pre 1960’s)

Page 7: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.


Page 8: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction”

“the breakdown of marriage in the United States – which began about forty years ago as divorce and out-of-wedlock birthrates started to soar – threatens America’s future. It is turning us into a nation of separate and unequal families” – p. 3

Page 9: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction”

“Most people assume that divorce, unmarried motherhood, fatherlessness, and custody battles are all equal opportunity domestic misfortunes…[but] the assumption that Americans are all in the same boat when it comes to marriage collapse is dead wrong.” – p. 3 and 4

Page 10: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction”Woman A In poverty/near poverty Have children at a young

age Lack skills and education Single

Woman A’s Children Lower academic

achievement In poverty/near poverty Have children at a young

age Less likely to be married

Woman B Middle class Delayed childbirth College educated Married

Woman B’s Children Higher academic

achievement Middle class Delayed childbirth More likely to be


Page 11: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction” There are two “castes” in the United States. The

single mothers and their children are one cast, and married families and their children are another.

1. Endogamy means marrying within the same social group (There are two groups of people – those who are married,

and those who are not)

2. Hereditary meaning you are born into this social group (The children of single women are born into the group

with lower expected academic achievement)

3. There is no mobility between social groups (Children born to single parents are less likely to marry

into the “marriage caste”)

Page 12: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction” Argues that American marriage was to be

different than marriages elsewhere. No arranged marriages No extended kin networks

American marriage was focused on the independent nuclear family

This is called “The Mission”: “a freely choosing, self-governing, economically independent couple grooming children to become free, self-governing, economically independent adults.” – p.6

Page 13: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction”

In the late 1960’s elements of society began to disconnect marriage from childbearing (the “unmarriage revolution”) Civil rights activists Feminists Academics

She argues that this was unfortunate because this was not the ideals in which America was founded upon (raising children who themselves could be independent)

Page 14: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction”The Life Script This is another word for “socialization”. Argues

that there is a middle class script that needs to be followed in order to have success in society today

For young men, they often want to be fathers, but do not have the necessary role models to show them how

For the children of single mothers, they do not have access to the middle class script…

Page 15: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Introduction”The Life Script

Argues that people in the “marriage caste” follow this script, and children of people in the “marriage caste” follow this script. Lower chances of being in poverty Children have better life chances

Page 16: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.


Page 17: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste”The Trends Argues that many people note that American

society is divided into the “haves” and “have-nots”, but focus solely on the economy

After the 1960’s, our opinions about marriage change

Up until 1980, women of all levels of education were divorcing at increased rates

Page 18: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste” But then, educated women stopped divorcing

at higher rates, and the rate of divorce for this group has decreased

Since the 1980’s more educated women were delaying marriage, and then marrying later

This is clearly a different interpretation of the statistics on marriage. Instead of looking at American society as a whole, or racial groups, she is looking at the difference between educated and non-educated women.

Page 19: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste”Statistics Supporting the Two Castes Idea 10% of mothers with a college degree live

without husbands…36% of mothers with less than a college degree live without husbands

36% of female-headed families live in poverty…6% of married couples live in poverty

92% of children who live in households making $75000 or more live in two parent homes

Page 20: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste” The environments that children are born into

are radically different…

Children of Married Caste Children of Single Parent Caste

Older mature parents Younger less experienced mother

More stable Less stable

More educated Less educated

Page 21: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste” The outcomes of these children are radically


Children of Married Caste Children of Single Parent Caste

Greater academic attainment Lower academic attainment

Higher probability of attending elite schools

Lower probability of attending elite schools

Higher occupational prestige Lower occupational prestige

Lesser psychological problems

More psychological problems

Page 22: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste”

The author notes that the nuclear family works far better than other types of two parent arrangements. It is not simply that two people are better than one. Step-fathers are not as effective as biological fathers People who cohabitate are not as effective as

married couples.

She is suggesting that post-modern theorists are wrong in celebrating changes to family structure.

Page 23: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste” She raises questions about the “marriageable

men hypothesis”.. Its not just unemployed men who are not getting

married, even working class men are not If there are no men good enough to marry, why

are they good enough to cohabitate with? Even men with low prestige jobs are a benefit to a


Page 24: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste”She asks a different question…

“Why do more economically independent, better educated women choose to marry, when they are the very ones who can afford not to?”

Page 25: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste”

She gives a CULTURAL answer…

Educated women tend to more dedicated to the “Mission”. They understand that in modern society having a husband is a must have for successful child rearing. High status women choose to marry because that is the best way for their children to retain their way of life.

Page 26: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Hymowitz – “Marriage and Caste”

She gives a CULTURAL answer…

The educated women still believe in marriage as an institution for raising children…this assumption is itself an invaluable piece of cultural and psychological capital.

Page 27: Reading Guide for: What are the benefits of traditional marriage? - Hymowitz, “Introduction” and “Marriage and Caste” City College, Work and Family.

Summary Hymowitz gives a cultural answer to the

question of single parent hood in the United States

She suggests that there two groups forming in society (two castes) Women and their children who are single parents Married families and their children

These two groups are headed in different directions in society, and this is damaging for the US