Download - RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

Page 1: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

1 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

RE Unit Spring Festivals:

What is the significance of Easter and how is it celebrated?

Part 1

How to use this workbook

When you are working through the questions in this workbook, remember:

1. To write your answers in your best handwriting in your home learning / exercise / notebook.

Don’t try to answer the questions in boxes in the workbook.

2. “Blue box is book” = The blue boxes are there to show you what to write / say and how to set out your work

/ ideas. Anything in the blue boxes is what you write in your book.

Don’t write the black, write the blue – but without drawing the box round it!

3. When you are answering reading comprehension questions, you should always answer in complete thoughts

(full sentences) and use the exact words from the text to prove your answer.

The blue boxes will show you how…

Page 2: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

2 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

RE Unit Spring Festivals:

What is the significance of Easter and how is it celebrated?

Part 1

General Glossary

Passover A Jewish festival to remember how the Jewish people left slavery behind them when they were led out of Egypt by Moses 3,000 years ago.

Messiah Christ

The Hebrew word for ‘the chosen one’. The Greek word for ‘the chosen one’

crucifixion An old way of executing someone by nailing them to the cross and leaving them to die.

crucify To execute (kill) someone by crucifixion.

resurrection When someone comes back to life after their death.

Pharisees religious leaders in Jerusalem

Learning Overview

Lesson Lesson Question You will learn:

1. What is Easter? Who celebrates Easter. Why is Easter such an important festival. When Easter is celebrated. What Lent is. How Easter is celebrated.

2. Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

How we know about the life of Jesus. What Christians believe about Jesus. Why Jesus is important to Easter.

3. What is Passion Week (also traditionally known as Holy Week)?

Why Christians call the last days of Jesus’ life ‘Passion Week’. When Passion week starts and ends. The key events of Passion Week.

4. What is Palm Sunday? When Palm Sunday happens. What happened on Palm Sunday. Why Palm Sunday is important to Christians. How Christians commemorate Palm Sunday.

5. What happened at the temple on the day after Palm Sunday?

Why Jesus visited the temple. What Jesus saw at the temple that made him shocked and angry.

Page 3: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

3 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

What is the significance of Easter and how is it celebrated?

Learning Activity: Connect with what you already know / think you know

Lesson 1: What is Easter?

When I think about Easter, I think about _______________________________________

I think / I know that Easter __________________________________________________

My family and I usually celebrate Easter by ____________________________________

If I could ask one question about Easter, it would be: _____________________________

Think to yourself: what does Easter mean to me? Write down everything you know or think you know about Easter

in your home learning / exercise / note book. Remember to use complete sentences.

The sentence stems are there to help you.

Page 4: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

4 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Easter is the most important festival in the

Christian calendar. It is the day when

Christians celebrate the day when their

spiritual leader, Jesus Christ, rose from the

dead, three days after he was executed

and buried.

Christians call Jesus’ coming back to life

the resurrection.

The date of Easter Sunday varies from

year to year. It is celebrated on the first

Sunday after the full moon, on or after 21

March – usually between March 21st and

April 25th.

Lesson 1: What is Easter?

Easter is a Christian festival.

The date changes from year to year.

Easter is not just one day.

Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent.

Lent is a time for fasting (not eating much).

The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.

Page 5: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

5 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

In Christianity, Easter is not a single day.

The week leading up to Easter Sunday is

called Holy Week or Passion Week.

The six weeks leading up to Easter Sunday is called Lent.

Lent is the period of 40 days before Easter in the Christian calendar; it is a time of reflection for many Christians as they prepare to remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent and the Easter season. Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent and the Easter season.

Lent is traditionally supposed to be forty days long. That is because the Bible says that Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness, preparing for his death and resurrection.

It is traditionally a time for fasting (not eating much). This is because Jesus fasted during his time in the wilderness, and so Christians identify with his suffering by staying away from particular foods during this time, including meat, fish, milk and egg products.

For some people nowadays, Lent is a 40 day period of giving up chocolate, caffeine, sugar or something else after Pancake Day.

Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent and the Easter season. Many people celebrate Easter Sunday with a big family meal and treats such as chocolate and cake, which they did not have during Lent!

The Easter story is at the heart of

Christianity because Christians believe

that when Jesus died, he saved everyone

by earning God’s forgiveness.

They believe that because God had

forgiven all human beings, they would be

allowed to go to Heaven and live there

after they died, just like Jesus.

Many Christians worldwide celebrate

Easter Sunday with special church

services, music, candlelight, prayers,

flowers and the ringing of church bells.

Easter processions are held in some

countries such as the Philippines and

Spain. It is a day of joy and celebration.

Page 6: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

6 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Lesson 1 Learning Activity: Retrieve what you have just found out about Easter

Step 1) Metacognition Without looking back at the text you have just read, look at the four questions in the grid below. In your home learning book, write the numbers 1), 2), 3), 4). Put a star next to the numbers if you think you will be able to answer them correctly. Put a question mark next to the numbers if you don’t think you know the answer.

4 Questions to test yourself (remember, no looking…!)

1) Can you put these 3 parts of the Easter calendar in chronological order (the order they happen in)?

o Easter Sunday o Lent o Pancake Day

2) What date is Easter Sunday?

3) What is the week before Easter Sunday called? (Can you remember both names?)

4) Can you name 4 ways in which Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday?

Now your book will look like this (remember blue is book!):

Or maybe like this:

Step 2) Test yourself Without looking back at the text you have just read, answer at the four questions in the grid in

complete sentences.

Your book will look something like this (remember blue is book!):

Step 3) Self-marking and correcting Now look back at the text for Lesson 1 (What is Easter?) and mark or correct your answers in purple

pen (or any colour will do).

Step 4) Learn from your mistakes If you got any wrong, make sure you learn the right answer for tomorrow!

RE Lesson 1: What is Easter?

1) 2) 3) ? 4)

RE Lesson 1: What is Easter?

1) 2) ? 3) ? 4)

1) In order, the 3 parts of the Easter Calendar are___________________________________________________

2) The date of Easter Sunday____________________________________________________________________

3) The week before Easter Sunday is called____________________________or___________________________

4) 4 of the ways in which Christians celebrate Easter Sunday are_______________________________________

Page 7: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

7 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Retrieval Practice: What can you remember about Easter from Lesson 1?

Remember to answer the questions in complete sentences. Your book will look like this:

Now look back at the text for Lesson 1 (What is Easter?) and mark or correct your answers in purple pen (or any colour will do).

Lesson 2: Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

Lesson 1: What is Easter?

Easter is a Christian festival.

The date changes from year to year.

1) What do Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday?

2) What date is Easter Sunday?

Easter is not just one day.

Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent. 3) How long is the festival of Easter?

4) When does Lent begin?

Lent is a time for fasting (not eating much).

The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.

5) Why do Christians have Lent? 6) Why is Easter so important to Christians?

Without looking back at your work from Lesson 1, answer these questions in your home learning / exercise / note book.

Lesson 2: Who do Christians believe Jesus was? Retrieval Practice 1) On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate__________________________________________________________ 2) The date of Easter Sunday ____________________________________________________________________ 3) The festival of Easter ________________________________________________________________________ 4) Lent begins on _____________________________________________________________________________ 5) Christians have Lent_________________________________________________________________________ 6) Easter is important to Christians because________________________________________________________

Page 8: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

8 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Christians know about the life of Jesus

from the Bible.

The part of the Bible that was written

after Jesus was born is called the New


The first four books of the New Testament

are called the ‘Gospels’ because they

contain the ‘good news’ about Jesus’s life,

death and resurrection.

Four people wrote about Jesus’ life. These

accounts are called the Gospels. By

reading them we can find out what Jesus

was like.

The four authors – traditionally identified

as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – had

different audiences in mind when they

wrote, so the accounts are quite different.

(You can read stories about the life of Jesus by finding the

book and references numbers in purple brackets in the


Lesson 2: Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

Christians know about the life of Jesus from

the New Testament.

By reading the Gospels we can find out what Jesus was like.

Christians believe that Jesus is God’s son.

Christians believe that Jesus showed his divine

power as a miracle worker.

Christians believe that Jesus' teaching and life give

humans the perfect example of how to live.

Christians believe that Jesus was The Messiah (‘the

chosen one’)

Page 9: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

9 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Christians believe that Jesus was not just a

man. They believe that God wanted us all

to know him personally. So he came to

earth in the form of a man – Jesus – and

that if we find out what Jesus was like we

can learn what God is like. We can know

God through Jesus.

Christians believe Jesus was God in the

flesh – Jesus was the incarnation of God.

Most of us can remember the story of

Jesus’ birth, which is celebrated at


It tells us where Jesus was born- in a

stable in Bethlehem - and that his parents

were called Mary and Joseph from

Nazareth. (Matthew 1: 1 – 23)

It also tells us that Jesus was no ordinary

baby: he was visited and worshipped by

many people, including three kings when

he was born.

The Gospels tell that throughout his life,

Jesus performed many amazing miracles

and helped many people.

The Gospel of St John tells Christians

about seven miracles performed by Jesus.

1) Turning water into wine at a wedding in

Cana. (John 2: 1 - 11)

2) Making a very sick person well again in

Capernaum. (Matthew 9: 1 - 8)

3) Making a person who could not walk

better, so that they could walk without

crutches. (John 5)

4) Feeding five thousand people with only

five loaves of bread and two fish by the

Sea of Tiberias. (Matthew 14: 15-21)

5) Healing the blind so that they could see.

(John 9: 1 – 12)

6) Bringing back to life a man called

Lazarus, who had been dead for four days.

(John 11: 1 – 44)

7) The greatest miracle of all: Jesus’

resurrection. (Matthew 28: 5-6) (John 11:

25 - 26)

The other Gospels tell Christians about

other miracles.

Christians believe that part of the reason

why Jesus did so many amazing things is

because he really wanted us to know that

he was the Son of God, who had been sent

to live among people and show them that

God loved them.

Page 10: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

10 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Christians believe that Jesus said:

‘I am the light of the world. Whoever

follows me will never walk in darkness, but

will have the light of life.’ (John 8 : 12)

They believe that throughout his life, Jesus

tried hard to be the best person he could

be, so that his followers could live their

best lives too, as God would want them to.

He resisted the ‘darkness’ of the

temptation to do bad things because he

was determined to do only good.

Christians also believe that Jesus said: ‘I

am the good shepherd. The good shepherd

lays down his life for the sheep.’ (John 10:


They believe that this means that Jesus

was sent by God to guide and look after

people, just as a good shepherd looks

after a flock of sheep and protects them

from danger. Even if that meant sacrificing

his own life to save them.

As part of his role as ‘the good shepherd’,

Jesus travelled the countryside as a

preacher, teaching people about God’s

love and telling them how to live a good

life, as God intended, by looking after each

other and not being selfish or greedy.

He did this even though he knew that it

would get him into trouble with the

people in charge of the country.

The Bible tells Christians that the Jews,

God’s chosen people, believed that a

‘Messiah’ would come to save them.

‘Messiah’ is a Hebrew (Jewish) word which

means ‘the chosen one’. The word ‘Christ’

is the Greek word which means the same

thing: ‘the chosen one’.

The land of Palestine where the Jewish

people lived at that time was ruled by the

Romans, and many Jews expected the

‘Messiah / Christ’ to be a military figure

who would fight the Romans and drive

them out and save the Jews from slavery

and ill-treatment.

Jesus did not want to be a warrior or king

like that. He believed he was chosen to

lead his people peacefully back to God and

a life of good. This is what Christians

believe he was sent to Earth to do.

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11 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Lesson 2 Learning Activity: Retrieve what you have just found out about Jesus

Step 1) Metacognition Without looking back at the text you have just read, look at the four questions in the grid below. In your home learning book, write the numbers 1), 2), 3), 4). Put a star next to the numbers if you think you will be able to answer them correctly. Put a question mark next to the numbers if you don’t think you know the answer.

4 Questions to test yourself (remember, no looking…!)

1) What are the 4 books in the New Testament that tell Christians about the life of Jesus called? Who wrote them?

2) Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

3) Can you name at least 3 miracles performed by Jesus in the Bible?

4) What two things did Jesus say about himself and his job on Earth? What did he mean when he said those things?

Now your book will look like this (remember blue is book!):

Or maybe like this:

Step 2) Test yourself Without looking back at the text you have just read, answer at the four questions in the grid in

complete sentences.

Your book will look something like this (remember blue is book!):

Step 3) Self-marking and correcting Now look back at the text for Lesson 2 (Who do Christians believe Jesus was?) and mark or correct

your answers in purple pen (or any colour will do).

Step 4) Learn from your mistakes If you got any wrong, make sure you learn the right answer for tomorrow!

RE Lesson 2: Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

2) 2) 3) ? 4)

RE Lesson 2: Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

1) 2) ? 3) ? 4)

1) The 4 books that tell Christians about the life of Jesus are called_____________________________________ They were written by _________________________________________________________________________

2) Christians believe that Jesus was ______________________________________________________________

3) 3 of the miracles performed by Jesus are: _______________________________________________________

4) Jesus said_______________________________________ and ______________________________________ He meant that_____________________________________and_______________________________________

Page 12: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

12 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Retrieval Practice: What can you remember about Jesus from Lesson 2?

Remember to answer the questions in complete sentences. Your book will look like this:

Now look back at the text for Lesson 2 (Who do Christians believe Jesus was?) and mark or correct your answers in purple pen (or any colour will do).

Lesson 3: What is Passion Week (also traditionally known as Holy Week)?

Lesson 2: Who do Christians believe Jesus was?

Christians know about the life of Jesus from

the New Testament.

By reading the Gospels we can find out what Jesus was like.

When was the New Testament written? What are the 4 Gospels and who wrote them?

Christians believe that Jesus is God’s son.

Christians believe that Jesus showed his divine

power as a miracle worker.

Why did God send part of himself down to Earth to live among men?

Why did Jesus perform so many miracles?

Christians believe that Jesus' teaching and life give

humans the perfect example of how to live.

Christians believe that Jesus was The Messiah (‘the

chosen one’) What 2 things did Jesus say about himself and his job on Earth?

What do Christians believe it was Jesus’ job to do as the ‘Messiah’?

Without looking back at your work from Lesson 2, answer these questions in your home learning / exercise / note book.

Lesson 3: What is Passion Week (also traditionally known as Holy Week)?

Retrieval Practice 1) The New Testament was written after __________________________________________________________ 2) The 4 gospels are ________________________. They were written by ________________________________ 3) God sent part of himself down to Earth to live among men so that____________________________________ 4) Jesus performed so many miracles so that _______________________________________________________ 5) Jesus said ________________________________and ______________________________________________ 6) As the Messiah, Christians believe it was Jesus’ job to_______________________________________________

Page 13: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

13 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Passion Week (also called Holy Week)

takes place between Palm Sunday and

Easter Sunday (Resurrection Sunday).

Christians chose to call the days leading up

to Jesus’ death and resurrection ‘Passion

Week’ because that name represents the

strong love Jesus felt for all human beings

and the passion with which Jesus willingly

sacrificed his life on the cross. Christians

believe that he did this did this to pay for

the sins of all of His people, so they could

be saved.

Because there are so many accounts of

Jesus’ last days on Earth in the Bible, it is

difficult to know exactly what happened in

Passion Week (Holy Week).

To study the biblical accounts of Passion

Week, you read the following chapters

from the Bible: Matthew 21-27, Mark 11-

15, Luke 19-23, and John 12-19.

However, most Christians agree on the

following timeline of events during the 7

days leading up to Easter Sunday.

Lesson 3: What is Passion Week (also traditionally known as Holy Week)?

Passion Week (also called Holy Week) takes place between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

The name ‘Passion Week’ represents the strong love Jesus felt for humanity.

It is difficult to know exactly what happened in the last days of Jesus’ time on Earth.

People who study the bible generally agree on a

timeline of major events leading up to Jesus’ resurrection.

Page 14: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

14 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Lesson 3 Learning Activity: Learn the key events of Passion Week

Step 1) Draw the timeline of key events on a blank page in your home learning book. You don’t have to write the words (unless you want to), but you should draw the timeline and pictures.

Step 2) Now trace the timeline you have just drawn with your finger, saying what the pictures mean and what happened on each day.

Step 3) After that, find a blank page at the back of your home learning book and draw as much of the timeline as you can from memory (WITHOUT looking at it). You CAN do this!

Step 4) Finally, look at the timeline on this page again. Self-mark and correct your timeline in purple pen (or any colour will do), adding any pictures or labels you forgot.

Page 15: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

15 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Retrieval Practice: What can you remember about Passion Week from Lesson 3?

Now look back at the text and the time line of key events in Lesson 3 (What is Passion Week?) and mark or correct your answers in purple pen (or any colour will do).

Lesson 4: What is Palm Sunday?

Lesson 4: What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is the first day of Passion Week.

Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festival of the Passover.

People were surprised when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

They waved palm branches and shouted, ‘Hosanna’.

Palm Sunday is sometimes called ‘Passion Sunday’.

For many Christians, Palm Sunday is an important day.

Without looking back at your work from Lesson 3, write down everything you can remember about Passion Week in your home learning / exercise / note book.

Can you draw the timeline of key events without looking?

Page 16: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

16 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter

Sunday. Holy Week (or Passion Week)

begins on Palm Sunday.

On the Sunday before he was arrested,

crucified and resurrected, Jesus travelled

to Jerusalem with his disciples to celebrate

the Jewish festival of the Passover.

Passover is a Jewish festival held to

remember the time that the Jewish people

left slavery behind them when they were

led out of Egypt by Moses over 3,000

years ago.

You can read about how the Jewish people

were led out of Egypt by Moses in the Old


Jesus knew that many people had heard of

him because of the miracles he performed

and that people thought he was a great

teacher because of the sermons (religious

speeches) he gave.

He knew that they called him ‘King of the

Jews’ and that they thought he would save

them. But Jesus did not want to be a

warrior or king like that. He believed he

was chosen to lead his people peacefully

back to God and a life of good.

So he asked his disciples to find him a

donkey and its young colt and surprised

the people of Jerusalem by arriving like a

servant on a donkey instead of on a horse

or chariot like a king.

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, crowds

of people came out to welcome him. They

spread their cloaks on the ground in front

of him. They waved palm branches. And

they shouted, ‘Hosanna’, which is a

Hebrew (old Jewish) word which means

‘save us, I pray’:

"Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is

he who comes in the name of the Lord!

Hosanna in the highest!" (Matthew 21:6-9).

You can read about Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem in the Gospels (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19).

Christians believe that Jesus rode into Jerusalem knowing that he would soon

Page 17: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

17 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

give up his own life to save everyone. He knew that it was the beginning of the end of his life on Earth. They believe that even though he knew what would happen, he carried on with with a strong positive emotion – a ‘love’, or a ‘passion’. That is why Palm Sunday is sometimes called ‘Passion Sunday’.

Every year, on Palm Sunday, many churches have special services to celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

It is also a time for many Christians to remember his suffering before his death and resurrection.

Many churches provide congregation members with small crosses made from palm leaves at special Palm Sunday services. The priests or ministers bless these palms, which are also used to make the Ash Wednesday ashes for the next year. Many churches distribute palms in the shape of a cross.

Churches may also have a procession that involves people singing songs and waving palm leaves. Some churches give people pax cakes (small round cakes like short-bread) at the end of a service.

Children’s activities on or around this event may include story telling about biblical events relating to Palm Sunday and crafts such as making palm crosses.

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18 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Lesson 4 Learning Activity: Retrieve what you have just found out about Palm Sunday

Step 1) Metacognition Without looking back at the text you have just read, look at the four questions in the grid below. In your home learning book, write the numbers 1), 2), 3), 4). Put a star next to the numbers if you think you will be able to answer them correctly. Put a question mark next to the numbers if you don’t think you know the answer.

4 Questions to test yourself (remember, no looking…!)

1) Why did Jesus travel to Jerusalem? 2) Why did Jesus choose to travel on a donkey and not on a horse or chariot?

3) When is Palm Sunday? 4) Can you name at least 3 ways in which Christians commemorate Palm Sunday?

Now your book will look like this (remember blue is book!):

Or maybe like this:

Step 2) Test yourself Without looking back at the text you have just read, answer at the four questions in the grid in

complete sentences.

Your book will look something like this (remember blue is book!):

Step 3) Self-marking and correcting Now look back at the text for Lesson 4 (What is Palm Sunday?) and mark or correct your answers in

purple pen (or any colour will do).

Step 4) Learn from your mistakes If you got any wrong, make sure you learn the right answer for tomorrow!

RE Lesson 4: What is Palm Sunday?

3) 2) 3) ? 4)

RE Lesson 4: What is Palm Sunday?

1) 2) ? 3) ? 4)

1) Jesus travelled to Jerusalem to ________________________________________________________________

2) Jesus chose to travel into Jerusalem on a donkey because __________________________________________

3) Palm Sunday is _______________________________________________________

4) Christians commemorate Palm Sunday by______________________________________________________, by______________________________________and by_______________________________________

Page 19: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

19 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Retrieval Practice: What can you remember about Palm Sunday from Lesson 4?

Remember to answer the questions in complete sentences. Your book will look like this:

Now look back at the text for Lesson 4 (What is Palm Sunday?) and mark or correct your answers in purple pen (or any colour will do).

Lesson 5: What happened at the temple on the day after Palm Sunday?

Lesson 4: What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is the first day of Passion Week.

Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festival of the Passover.

When is Palm Sunday? What is the Jewish festival of Passover?

People were surprised when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

They waved palm branches and shouted, ‘Hosanna’.

Why were people surprised when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey?

Why did people wave palm branches and shout ‘Hosanna’?

Palm Sunday is sometimes called ‘Passion Sunday’.

For many Christians, Palm Sunday is an important day.

Why is Palm Sunday sometimes called ‘Passion Sunday’?

Why is Palm Sunday important to Christians and how do they commemorate it?

Without looking back at your work from Lesson 4, answer these questions in your home learning / exercise / note book.

Lesson 5: What happened at the temple on the day after Palm Sunday>Retrieval Practice

1) Palm Sunday is___________________ __________________________________________________________ 2) The Jewish festival of Passover is held to celebrate ________________________________________________ 3) People were surprised when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey because____________________________ 4) People waved palm branches and shouted ‘Hosanna’ because _______________________________________ 5) Palm Sunday is sometimes called ‘Passion Sunday’ because _________________________________________ 6) As the Messiah, Christians believe it was Jesus’ job to_______________________________________________

Page 20: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

20 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

The temple in Jerusalem was a very special

place for Jesus. He had been coming to the

temple to worship God with Mary and

Joseph since he was a child.

He believed that it was the one place

where God could meet with his people

and where they could meet with their


Many other people believed the same.

Each year they travelled to the temple in

Jerusalem to worship God and to ask for

forgiveness for their sins (the bad choices

they had made).

On the day after Palm Sunday, like many

Jewish people, Jesus went to the temple to

worship God as part of the Passover


Passover is a Jewish festival held to

remember the time that the Jewish people

left slavery behind them when they were

led out of Egypt by Moses over 3,000

years ago.

Lesson 5: What happened at the temple on the day after Palm Sunday?

The temple was a very special place for Jesus.

Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem on Monday.

Jesus was shocked and angry about what he found in the temple.

Jesus chased out the animal sellers and money exchangers out of the temple.

The Pharisees (religious leaders) saw what Jesus did and were angry.

Jesus told them why he was so shocked and angry and what would happen.

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21 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Jesus was looking forward to meeting with

God in his temple, but when he got there,

he was shocked and angry about what he


The temple was very crowded, but not

only with people who wanted to pray and


The temple looked like a market place or

shop. It was full of people trying to make

money by selling animals and ‘temple


In those times, people used to sacrifice

animals to God in the temple to ask him to

forgive their sins. Because people were

travelling from miles away to get to the

temple, they couldn’t always bring their

animals to sacrifice, so people started

selling them at the temple – at outrageous


As well as sacrificing animals, people used to bring coins to the temple as offerings to God. The religious leaders in the temple said that the Roman coins made God unhappy because they had a picture of the Roman Emperor Caesar on them, and Caesar claimed to be god. So, they told the people that they had to buy special “temple coins” to put in the offering. The religious leaders over-charged people on purpose so that they could become rich!

Jesus was so shocked and angry about the

way that the religious leaders were using

God’s temple to make money out of

people that he turned over their tables

and chased the animal sellers and coin

exchangers out of the temple.

He would not allow anyone to carry items

for sale through the temple courtyards.

The Jewish religious leaders (the Pharisees) saw what Jesus did and it made them really angry (Matthew 21:15). They wanted to know who in the world

Jesus thought he was to tell them what to

do in their own temple.

Jesus told them it was because the temple was God’s House, a place where people from everywhere could come and pray – but they had turned it into a place of robbery and greed. He said: It is written that the Lord said, "My house will

be called a house where people from all nations

can pray.” (Isaiah 56:7)

But you have made it a 'den for robbers.

(Jeremiah 7:11)

Page 22: RE Unit Spring Festivals: What is the significance of Work/Home Learning... · Jesus performed many amazing miracles and helped many people. The

22 RE: What is Easter and how is it celebrated? (Workbook)

Lesson 5 Learning Activity: Retrieve what you have just found out about what happened on

the day after Palm Sunday

Step 1) Metacognition Without looking back at the text you have just read, look at the four questions in the grid below. In your home learning book, write the numbers 1), 2), 3), 4). Put a star next to the numbers if you think you will be able to answer them correctly. Put a question mark next to the numbers if you don’t think you know the answer.

4 Questions to test yourself (remember, no looking…!)

1) Why did Jesus go to the temple in Jerusalem on the day after Palm Sunday?

2) What 2 things did Jesus see at the temple which made him angry?

3) What did Jesus do in the temple?? 4) Who were angry with Jesus when they saw what he did?

Now your book will look like this (remember blue is book!):

Or maybe like this:

Step 2) Test yourself Without looking back at the text you have just read, answer at the four questions in the grid in

complete sentences.

Your book will look something like this (remember blue is book!):

Step 3) Self-marking and correcting Now look back at the text for Lesson 5 (What happened in the temple on the day after Palm

Sunday?) and mark or correct your answers in purple pen (or any colour will do).

Step 4) Learn from your mistakes If you got any wrong, make sure you learn the right answer for next time!

RE Lesson 5: What happened at the temple on the day after Palm Sunday?

1) 2) 3) ? 4)

RE Lesson 5: What happened at the temple on the day after Palm Sunday?

1) 2) ? 3) ? 4)

1) Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem on the day after Palm Sunday so that ___________________________

2) The two things Jesus saw at the temple that made him angry were that _______________________________

3) In the temple, Jesus _______________________________________________________

4) The _________________________________ were angry with Jesus when they saw what he had done in the temple.