Download - Re inventing the language lab

  • 1.Bonnie Smithers Spanish Teacher K-5 Preston Veterans Memorial SchoolWebsite:

2. What is ANVILL? From the University of Oregon through a Federal GrantProgram Features: Free for public school teachers and students Avoids Security/Privacy issues associated with free internettools Fully functional program Email technical support is very responsive. Limitations or Obstacles It is easier if students have an email to register and haveaccess to your course so that you can retain their responses. You can also post a link for them to navigate to. Runs on Flash player ANVILL will not work on Macs 3. Este es un seal de la doctora Ligia Porras. Ella es unadentista y tiene su clnica dental en la Antigua Guatemala.Aqu tiene su seal en la pared afuera de la oficina. Y tiene suhorario lo cual es de lunes a viernes desde las ocho y media dela maana hasta las doce y media de la tarde. Despus delalmuerzo, vuelvan a abrir otra vez a las catorce horas. (14:00son las dos de la tarde.) Y estn abiertos hasta las diez yocho horas y media, lo cual es las seis y media de la noche.Los sbados estn abiertos desde las ocho de la maana hastalas doce y media horas. Y claro que domingo, no abren. Sutelfono es siete, ocho, tres, dos, uno, seis, ocho, ocho. Y esoes la informacin de la clnica dental de la doctora LigiaPorras. 4. 1. Look at the photo and make some observations.2. Listen to me read the sign. Practice reading the sign.3. Listen to an explanation of the sign.4. Listen to the explanation of the sign and follow along as I say it. Learn some new words!5. Participate with your classmates by saying one of the sentences of the transcription.6. Practice dictation: Fill in some missing words of the transcript. Answers to missing words.7. Comprehension Quiz 5. 6. The onus of the Oral Test ANVILL Teachers record the questions once Assessing the wrong skill. ANVILL listening vs reading; speaking vs writing Absenses, failing students, re-tests, rising stars. Previous lessons always available. Practice quizzes and activities are always available. Students can re-take a test or quiz without you. Advanced students will use Voiceboards to showcasethemselves. 7. 1. Practice recorder - students record themselves2. Students comparing their voices to yours.3. Quizzes can require a spoken and/or written response.4. Reading assessments for fluency5. Video tape themselves speaking Spanish on Voiceboards 8. 1.T-Cast Teacher Cast - A virtual you. 1.Every T-cast is saved and can be inserted in other lessons. 2.Multiple uses:1. Introduce a lesson,2. new concept, new unit,3. a cultural point4. as a study guide.2.Quizzes, Assessments and Surveys 1. Spoken audio and/or video teacher input 2. Student output for open-ended questions 3. Dictation practice 4. Guided reading practice 9. Collaborative voice input through Voiceboard. Simply type in a question or topic and students can respondto the question and to each other. Students can type, record their voice or make a video ofthemselves talking. Good place for students to talk about themselves, theiropinions and their ideas. Excellent place for brainstorming at the start of a new unit.(What do you think we will be learning in this unit?) Time saving way to learn more about your students. If you teach the same class as another teacher in yourschool, share lessons on ANVILL or take turns designinglessons. 10. 1. Teacher created audio and/or visual input 1.Teacher can place a recording of the question on the same page as the written question and a visual cue. 2.Teacher can also read multiple answer choices 3.Teacher can place a document or any other visual cues2. Student output options 1. Spoken responses (voice output)1. Ss can re-record themselves as many times as they want.2. Ss can not listen to other Ss responses. 2.Scored multiple choice responses 3.Open ended written or oral responses.3. All student responses can stay on the server indefinitely. Student has a virtual portfolio. 11. Free Internet Language Lab tools Vocaroo Voice Thread Fotobabble Stand alone computer Language Lab PowerPoint narration Centers 12. Uses Excellent way for oral homework to be completed and then emailed to you. Instead of just writing the homework, they could record it. Easy way for students to practice listening to themselves speaking a foreign language Can be used to assess reading fluency Advantages No registration Easy to use and can be sent via email, or shared on Facebook, Twitter and othersocial networks Limitations Access from your school may be blocked. Here is the information you should give your IT person: Vocaroo currently requires TCP ports 1935 to 1938 to be opened on your network. Your recordings are not kept forever on the Vocaroo site. Save them to your computer if you need them for longer than 30 days Better for shorter recordings because the quality declines with length of audio. It can be a little unreliable. 13. 1.Reading assessment objective: I can read aloud inSpanish in a comprehensible manner.2.Assignment a) Read the book Dentistofobia b) Listen to the book Dentistofobia c) Go to and record your voice reading thefirst three pages. Please remember to begin the recordingwith Me llamo _____. d) Listen to your recording and re-record it until you aresatisfied with it. e) Send it to me via email: [email protected] 14. Students could record their answers to questions thatyou have reviewed in class. Picture dictation: listening comprehension formative assessment on new vocabulary Summative assessment of vocabulary from a unit. 15. Objective: I can draw a picture that is described to me. Prepare lesson: Draw a picture or use a photograph or clip art. Record a description of a picture. Upload to Vocaroo. Place Vocaroo link on your website, or give to students. Assignment: Have students listen to the description on Vocaroo. Have students draw what you describe. Example: There is a sign. It is on a wall. 16. Uses Listening comprehension practice: Teacher can describe a picture. Then ask and answer questions. Read a book aloud. Lesson presentation of a particular concept covered in class. Scripted or unscripted oral proficiency practice Present a picture or set of pictures and have students add sentences to describe the picture. Drawings or pictures of a story can be annotated with audio Advantages Collaborative multiple student and teacher input Student-driven activities Instant teacher feedback Students and teachers can use the same username and password to protect privacy and prevent public from accessing. Limitations Limit to 5 Voicethreads for free account. For-pay School subscription is very powerful, but expensive 17. 1.Establishing Meaning Pre-test find out what they alreadyknow.2.Listening Comprehension and Recognition 1. Respond non-verbally to questions about the picture. 2. Draw a picture as described.3.Connection to Literacy 1. Fluency - Reading aloud 2. Reading for Comprehension 3. Dictation Quiz4.Oral Production 1. Answer questions about the picture 2. Describe the picture 3. Produce an original picture and describe5.Recognizing cultural differences 18. Uses Excellent way to present comprehensible input for developinglistening skills. Can be used as a dictation device. Can be an assignment for all students to make their ownfotobabbles for presenting. Advantages Teachers can embed code into web pages or copy the link andpaste it into an email, blog or webpage. Students may comment or ask a question Fotobabble has a mobile version too. Limitations 19. Example: Record a telephone message for your students to listento. Then have them leave you a message as a reply Limitations: 3 minute time limit on free version 20. You tube videos by ANVILL author Jeff Magoto Ian James TOEFL teacher whose blog was invaluable to thispresentation See his blog at Russell Stannard How-to videos on how to use the other websites I mentioned. Good source for pictures: New York Public Library: 21. 1.I want to have audio recordings of student responses toquestions or visual prompts.2.I want my students to take a listening assessment outside ofclass.3.I want to embed documents, and other media with mystudents in one place in preparation of the next class.4.I want my students to go to lesson-related Internet sites.5.I want to have a secure place where students can : 1.Respond to a topic . (e.g. How do you like chicken cooked? 2.Ask me questions about a topic (e.g. How do you say fried) 3.Respond to other student responses (e.g. Dave does not like fried chicken. 22. 1. Creating Teacher accounts2. Creating student accounts 23. Internet access Check site access at school Microphones for recording spoken responses Headsets with microphones Some laptops have microphone and cameras built into computer Helpful to have a camera, but not critical Have students create an account. 24. You mustuse yourpublicschoolemailaddress. 25. Pick an easyto remembergroupregistrationkey such as You should create a course for every levelthe initials of of class that you teach (i.e Spanishyour school.I, Spanish III, etc.) 26. ManageCourse is a veryimportantbutton! 27. ClickCreatenewstudentaccount 28. I contacted the people at ANVILL and theywere able to create the student accountswithout students validating their emails.