Download - RDA Fourth Plenary Opening and welcome by Peter Doorn, Director, DANS

Page 1: RDA Fourth Plenary Opening and welcome by Peter Doorn, Director, DANS

Welcome to the 4th Plenary

Peter Doorn


De Meervaart Conference Centre

September 22-24, Amsterdam

Page 2: RDA Fourth Plenary Opening and welcome by Peter Doorn, Director, DANS


“Johnny saw some fine plums hanging,

Oh, like eggs, so very large...”

“Jantje zag eens pruimen hangen

O als eieren zo groot…”

(Reaping the fruits from the first Dutch

children’s book “Kleine gedigten voor

kinderen” by Hieronymus van Alphen,


Tuesday 23rd, 10:00 AM:

First Work Group Outputs

Theme of the 4th Plenary: Reaping the Fruits

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Breakout Sessions get maximum time: seven sessions in 10-12 rooms!

17 Working Groups – 15 meetings

36 Interest Groups – 39 meetings

12 Birds of a Feather meetings

Three Plenary Sessions:

Today: Robert-Jan Smits, Neelie Kroes, Carl-Christian Buhr, Barend Mons

Tuesday: Jos Engelen, Christine L. Borgman, Andrew Treloar

Wednesday: Panel, RDA business, RDA P5, Closing

Science Stream parallel to breakout sessions, almost continuously (6

sessions) in Red Hall. Topics:

Data in Motion (today, Monday)

Industrial Perspectives (Tuesday morning)

Bridging with the Scientists (Tuesday afternoon)

Knowledge Networks (Wednesday afternoon)

What’s new this Plenary?

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Previous Plenaries: “Minute Madness” Would now become “Complete Madness”

Therefore: RDA Group Marketplace Supported by our charming Marketplace Ambassador Ms. Gerry

Every Group has a stand in the Marketplace.

Chairs are to be at their stands, everybody can move around to visit

the stands they like

Reporting back has already started

Marketplace Tabloid “The Plum“

available on big sheets and as

Powerpoint template

How to report back from 65 parallel group sessions?

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5Tuesday: Conference dinner at Zandvoort aan Zee

Seawater temperature: 19.6o

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Peter Doorn (chair Conference Management Team)

Jeroen Rombouts (member, also chair Satellite Events Committee)

Cees de Laat (member, also chair Programme Committee)

Herman Stehouwer (member, also RDA/E liaison)

Lisa de Leeuw (member)

Ingrid Dillo (member)

Andrew Treloar (liaison from Plenary 3 Organising Committee)

Hilary Hanahoe (member, also RDA liaison)

Wouter Los (member)

Jacco Konijn (member)

Patrick Aerts (member)

Timea Biro

Emilie Kraaikamp

Organising Committee

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7Research Data Netherlands:

Towards a collaborative data infrastructure

Mission: the promotion of sustained access and responsible re-use of digital research data

Cooperation of DANS & 3TU.Datacentre (training, Dutch Data Award), SURFsara will sign Wednesday afternoon

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8Special RDA P4 Issue of E-Data & Research

In connection with:

50 years of data archiving

in The Netherlands and

the Dutch Data Award

Featuring several keynote

speakers such as Robert-

Jan Smits, Barend Mons

and Christine Borgman

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Crowd Computing 2014 23-25 September, Big Data Value Centre, Almere

3rd EUDAT Conference: Bringing Data Infrastructures to Horizon 2020,

24-25 September, De Meervaart

Data Seal of Approval (DSA) Conference 2014, 24 September, De Meervaart

The Dutch Data Prize Ceremony, 24 September, De Meervaart

APARSEN/EUDAT/SCIDIP-ES/DPHEP Joint data preservation Workshop, 24

September, De Meervaart

ODIN ORCID and DataCite: Towards Holistic Open Research, 24 September, De


EGI Conference on Solutions and Challenges for Big Data Processing, 24-26

September, Science Park, Amsterdam

AMS Data 2014, 25 September, de Meervaart

RECODE Workshop WP5: Policy guidelines for open access and data preservation

and dissemination, 25 September, de Meervaart

PaNdata ODI 2nd Open Workshop, 25 September, de Meervaart

CReATIVE-B: Workshop 'Global Roadmap for biodiversity research infrastructures',

26 September, Brussels, Belgium

11 Co-located Events

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10Our sponsors

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Enjoy the Conference,

Enjoy Amsterdam!