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Rape Victims in Mexico Denied Abortion

Breonna, Tori, D.P, Shaea

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A.) What does this issue entail?

Mexican officials actively prevent rape victims from gaining access to legal and safe abortion, and they fail to punish rape and sexual violence inside and outside the family.

"Pregnant rape victims are essentially assaulted twice. First by the perpetrators who raped them, and then by public officials who ignore them, insult them and deny them a legal abortion." -Kenneth Roth, Executive Director, Human Righs Watch 

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 According to BBC News, more than 120,000 women in  re raped each year.

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California was one of this first of the United States to become pro-choice in the abortion conflict, and still remains so to this day. The only recent issue that has been presented is dealing with underage abortions without parental consent. California holds more abortions than any other state and at least 75% of the California population advocates for pro-choice.  

C) Are there connections to local issues? If so, what are they?

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      Can you give at least two examples?

In Mexico, abortion is illegal in general, but according to all state criminal codes, rape victims have the legal right to safe abortion.  A twelve year old Mexican rape victim was passed from one agency to another in search of obtaining a legal abortion. She went to clinics, social security, and hospitals, but everyone turned their backs. She was never authorized a legal abortion. A sixteen year old Mexican girl was raped by her father and taken to the hospital. When she explained her story to to the authorities they would not authorize a legal abortion.

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Article 21 B) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.   

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"The Guanajuato government has consistently shown its cruel indifference to the needs of rape victims, even though the law is on

their side..."

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Anti-abortion activists face off with riot police separating them from pro-choice activists near Mexico City's local legislature.