Download - Rails workshop for Java people (September 2015)

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Ruby vs Java

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Ruby = Slower

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Java = Verbose

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Ruby == JavaWhat's the same?

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Garbage collected

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Strongly typed objects

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public, private, and protected

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Ruby != JavaWhat's different?

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No compilation

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begin...end vs {}

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require instead of import

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Parentheses optional

in method calls

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Everything is an object

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No types, no casting, no static type checking

Page 16: Rails workshop for Java people (September 2015) vs new Foo()

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nil == null

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under_score vs CamelCase

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No method overloading

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Mixins vs interfaces

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Example time

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class Person attr_accessor :name

def initialize(name) @name = name end

def say(message="default message") puts "#{name}: #{message}" unless message.blank? endend

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> andre ="André")> andre.say("Hello!")=> André: Hello!

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class RudePerson < Person def shout(message="default message") say(message.upcase) endend

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module RudeBehaviour def shout(message="default message") say(message.upcase) endend

class Person include RudeBehaviour # ...end

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Readability nazi'sUsually 5+ ways to do the same thing, so it looks nice.

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) # say message count times.end

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) loop do say(message) count -= 1 break if count == 0 endend

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) while(count > 0) say(message) count -= 1 endend

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) until(count == 0) say(message) count -= 1 endend

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) (0...count).each do say(message) endend

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) for index in (0...count) say(message) endend

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def repeat(message="default message", count=1) count.times do say(message) endend

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Meta-programmingChanging the code on the fly

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>> false> Person.include(RudeBehaviour)=> Person>> true

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# Add the 'shout' method to each object that has a 'say' method.> Object.subclasses.each{ |o| o.include(RudeBehaviour) if o.respond_to?(:say) }

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We can manipulate code

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class Person ["hello", "goodbye", "howdie"].each do |word| define_method("say_#{word}") do say("#{name}: #{word}") end endend

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>"André").say_hello=> André: hello

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Who even needs methods?The power of method_missing

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class Person def method_missing(method_name, *arguments) if method_name.starts_with?("say_") # Say everything after 'say_' say(method_name[4..-1]) else super end endend

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Your turn

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Animal kingdomBuild a Fish, Chicken, and Platypus

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4 Each animal makes a noise (blub, tock, gnarl)

4 All animals have health

4 Certain animals have a beak (chicken, platypus, NOT fish)

4 Animals with a beak can peck other animals (health--)

4 Certain animals can lay eggs (fish, chicken, NOT platypus)

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module RudeBehaviour def shout(message="default message") say(message.upcase) endend

class Person include RudeBehaviour

attr_accessor :name

def initialize(name) = name end

def say(message="default message") puts "#{name}: #{message}" unless message.blank? endend

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class Animal attr_accessor :health

def initialize = 100 end

def make_noise noise puts noise endend

module Beaked def peck(animal) -= 1 endend

class Egg ; end

module EggLayer def lay_egg endend

class Chicken < Animal include Beaked, EggLayer def make_noise super("tock") endend

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RailsA web framework

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DRY & MVCConvention over configuration

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GET http://localhost:3000/people

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Routing# config/routes.rbMyApp::Application.routes.draw do get "/people", to: "people#index"end

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The Controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController def index endend

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The view# app/views/people/index.html<p>Hello world!</p>

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This is a bit plain...Let's add some dynamic data

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The Controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController def index @people = ["André", "Pieter", "Matthijs"] endend

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The view (ERB)# app/views/people/index.html.erb<ul><% @people.each do |person| %> <li><%= person %></li><% end %></ul>

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The view (SLIM)# app/views/people/index.html.slimul - @people.each do |person| li= person

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What about a database?The default is SQLLite

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The model# app/models/person.rbclass Person < ActiveRecord::Baseend

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Migrations# db/migrations/00000000_create_people.rbclass CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :people do |t| t.string :name end endend

rails g migration create_people name:string

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Wait!!!?How does it know people belongs to the person model?

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Convention over configuration

Tables are plural, models are singular

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> rake db:create db:migrate

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The Controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController def index @people = Person.all endend

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The view (SLIM)# app/views/people/index.html.slimul - @people.each do |person| li=

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Convention over configuration

All columns are mapped to methods

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Okay, lets add some people.

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> "André").save> "Pieter").save> "Matthijs").save

> Person.count=> 3

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Validations>> true

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The model# app/models/person.rbclass Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, presence: trueend

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Validations> p =

>> false

> p.errors.messages=> {:name=>["can't be blank"]}

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Let's add a formThis will introduce two new 'actions'

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NEW & CREATEthe form, and the creation

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Routing# config/routes.rbMyApp::Application.routes.draw do get "/people", to: "people#index" get "/people/new", to: "people#new" post "/people", to: "people#create"end

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Routing# config/routes.rbMyApp::Application.routes.draw do resources :people, only: [:index, :new, :create]end

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Convention over configuration

index, show, new, edit, create, update, destroy

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The Controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController def index @people = Person.all end

def new @person = endend

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The view (ERB)# app/views/people/new.html.erb<%= form_for @person do |f| %> <div> <%= f.text_field :name %> </div> <div> <%= f.submit "Save" %> </div><% end %>

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The view (SLIM)# app/views/people/new.html.slim= form_for @person do |f| div= f.text_field :name div= f.submit "Save"

From now on, we will continue in SLIM, but ERB is just as good.

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The Controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController # def index ... # def new ...

def create @person = if redirect_to action: :index else render :new end end


def person_attributes params.require(:person).permit(:name) endend

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The view (SLIM)# app/views/people/new.html.slim- @person.errors.full_messages.each do |error| error

= form_for @person do |f| div= f.text_field :name div= f.submit "Save"

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Finally, destroying stuff.

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Routing# config/routes.rbMyApp::Application.routes.draw do resources :people, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy]end

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The view (SLIM)# app/views/people/index.html.slimul - @people.each do |person| li= link_to(, person_path(person), method: :delete)

NOTE: the method is the HTTP method, not the controller method.

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Path helpers> rake routesPrefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action-------------------------------------------------------------people GET /people people#indexperson GET /people/:id people#shownew_person GET /people/new people#newedit_person GET /people/:id/edit people#edit POST /people people#create PATCH /people/:id people#update DELETE /people/:id people#destroy

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The Controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController # def index ... # def new ... # def create ...

def destroy Person.find(params[:id]).destroy redirect_to action: :index endend

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Example time

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Installing ruby (OSX)> brew install rbenv ruby-build

Then add eval "$(rbenv init -)" to your .profile

> rbenv install 2.2.3


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Installing Rails> gem install rails

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Making your app> rails new [my_app]

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Structure- app - models - views - controllers- config- db- Gemfile / Gemfile.lock

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Dependencies# Gemfilegem 'slim-rails'

Add this line to your Gemfile to use slim, then install them:

> bundle install

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Running your app> rails s

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Build a small app (45 mins)Use the pdf for reference

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Your app should:

4 be able to add items

4 be able to edit items

4 be able to destroy items

4 be able to show a single item

4 be able to show a list of items

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Next up: relationshas_many, belongs_to, has_one, has_many_through

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The model# app/models/person.rbclass Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, presence: true has_many :skillsend

# app/models/skill.rbclass Skill < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :personend

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Migrations# db/migrations/00000000_create_skills.rbclass CreateSkills < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :skills do |t| t.string :name t.references :person end endend

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But this binds the skill to a single person...

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We need a link tableRails forces you to name it properly!

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# app/models/proficiency.rbclass Proficiency < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person belongs_to :skillend

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Migrations# db/migrations/00000000_create_proficiencies.rbclass CreateProficiencies < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :proficiencies do |t| t.references :person t.references :skill end endend

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Migrations# db/migrations/00000000_remove_person_reference_from_skills.rbclass RemovePersonReferenceFromSkills < ActiveRecord::Migration def change remove_reference :skills, :person endend

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The model# app/models/person.rbclass Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, presence: true

has_many :proficiencies has_many :skills, through: :proficienciesend

# app/models/skill.rbclass Skill < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :proficiencies has_many :people, through: :proficienciesend

# app/models/proficiency.rbclass Proficiency < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person belongs_to :skillend

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> andre = "André")> andre.skills << Skill.create(name: "Knitting")>

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Update your app (30 mins)Use the pdf for reference

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Your app should:

4 have a relationship through a link table

4 have the forms to create/update/destroy the related items (in our example: Skills)

4 should NOT be able to build the relationship using a form (yet).

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Building nested formsThough usually it can be prevented by making the link table a first-class citizen.

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The view# app/views/people/new.html.slim= form_for @person do |f| div= f.text_field :name = f.fields_for :proficiencies, do |g| div= g.collection_select :skill_id, Skill.all, :id, :name div= f.submit "Save"

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The controller# app/controllers/people_controller.rbclass PeopleController < ApplicationController # def index ... # def new ... # def create ...


def person_attributes params.require(:person).permit(:name, proficiencies_attributes: [:skill_id]) endend

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The model# app/models/person.rbclass Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates :name, presence: true

has_many :proficiencies has_many :skills, through: :proficiencies

accepts_nested_attributes_for :proficienciesend

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Update your app (30 mins)Use the pdf for reference

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Your app should:

4 should be able to build the relationship using a form.

4 you can pick: nested or first-class

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TestingPick your poison: rspec, test-unit,

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# test/models/person_test.rbrequire 'test_helper'

class PersonTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "Person has a name, that is required" do assert ! assert "André").valid? endend

Run your tests

> rake test

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# test/integration/people_get_test.rbrequire 'test_helper'

class PeopleGetTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "that the index shows a list of people" do # Build three people names = ["André", "Matthijs", "Pieter"] names.each{ |name| Person.create(name: name) }

get people_path assert_response :success

assert_select "li", "André" assert_select "li", "Matthijs" assert_select "li", "Pieter" endend

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Update your app (15 mins)Use the pdf for reference

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Your app should:

4 Test your validations, and relationships.

4 Test a few basic forms

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Building API'sMaking a JSON API for your models

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Routing# config/routes.rbMyApp::Application.routes.draw do resources :people namespace :api do resources :people endend

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The controller# app/controllers/api/people_controller.rbclass Api::PeopleController < ApplicationController def index render json: Person.all endend

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The response[ { id: 1, name: "André" }, { id: 2, name: "Pieter" }, { id: 3, name: "Matthijs" } ]

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Adapting the JSONMultiple ways to achieve the same thing.

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The model# app/models/person.rbclass Person < ActiveRecord::Base def as_json options={} { name: name } endend

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But this changes it everywhere

JSON is also a view

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The controller# app/controllers/api/people_controller.rbclass Api::PeopleController < ApplicationController def index @people = Person.all endend

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The view# app/views/api/people/index.json.jbuilderjson.array! @people, :name

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This means we can even merge both controllers

just drop the jbuilder view in the original views

the view will be selected using the request format

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Update your app (45 mins)Use the pdf for reference

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Your app should:

4 Have a view JSON api

4 Test the API

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Q & ASpecific questions go here

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EXTRA: Update your app (60 mins)

Use the pdf for reference

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Your app should:

4 Do something you want it too

4 We will help.