Download - Racism on Campus

  • 7/25/2019 Racism on Campus


    Evan Schneider

    Profesor Wilson-Cartor


    December 13, 2015

    What Colleges Are Doing About Discrimination

    There is racism on college campuses, however the administration shows its support every time.

    When someone makes a joke that makes fun of an ethnicity or a religion it is discrimination. The people

    who make these comments will say they are only jokes. Dont take them so seriously. Unfortunately

    these people dont understand that these jokes are harmful and people have every right to be offended

    by them. Other people dont care who gets hurt and intend to hurt people because they are under the

    delusion that they are better than others. Discrimination is not only found in colleges, but that is where

    action should be taken first.

    There are people who make ethnic jokes that are not racist. These people dont mean to be

    offensive, but everyone else doesnt know that. A great example of accidental racism is at

    Pennsylvanias Lebanon Valley College. Students want to rename the schools Lynch Memorial Hall

    because, they say, it evokes thoughts of racism. These people are right to want to change the name of

    the hall. Even though the hall was named after a past president of the college; people still found it

    offensive. It is good of the collage for going through the proses of making all of their students


    However there are people who want to be make fun of and harm others for no other reason

    then because they can. These people have no problem using stereotypes, saying racist jokes, or violence

    to achieve their goal of proving that they are the group in charge and everyone else should get out.

    Because most people are agents racism resists are forced to share their points of view anonymously. An

  • 7/25/2019 Racism on Campus


    example of this is at Emory University where the administration is debating banning Yik Yak because of

    threats made on the website. Normally Yik Yak is a way to share gossip or opinions anonymously. But

    when racist comments appeared a ban of Yik Yak was proposed. The proposed Yik Yak ban was No. 11

    on a list of demands from black students published last month in the Emory Wheel, a campus

    newspaper. Thestudent or students who put the comments on Yik Yak are hatful people who want

    nothing morev then to hurt others with their words and let them know that they arent welcome at

    Emory University. By banning Yik Yak Emory University is removing the forum that the racist students

    have been using but it still remains to be seen whether or not whether the students will find other ways

    to get their racist message out

    Although there is racism on college campuses there are people willing to do something about it.

    Whether it is changing the name of a building because it is offensive to a group of students or banning a

    website in which some students wright resists remarks anonymously there are people who want to end

    racism. There will be racists but there will always be house who want to fight racism as well.

  • 7/25/2019 Racism on Campus



    Glum, Julia. "Yik Yak Ban At Emory University Proposed After Racist Messages, Shooting Threat."

    International Business Times. N.p., 11 Dec. 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.


    Sabia, Carmine. "College Students Demand Renaming of Lynch Memorial Hall; Evokes racism

    Read More: Http://

    memorial-hall-evokes-racism-283251?hvid=T8Kxn#ixzz3uFoGMz2b." N.p., 11

    Dec. 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2015. .