Download - Rabbi: Yehoshua Weber Rabbi Emeritus: Yitzchok Kerzner ...T H E C L A N T O N P A R K H E R A L D Rabbi: Yehoshua Weber Rabbi Emeritus: Yitzchok Kerzner President: Dr. Moshe Shields



Rabbi: Yehoshua Weber Rabbi Emeritus: Yitzchok Kerzner President: Dr. Moshe Shields

P E S A C H 5 7 6 8

חחח """ ססס ששש תתת חחח ססס פפפ


Volume 5, Issue 4

Address : 11 Lowesmoor Avenue, Downsview, Ontario M3H 3H6 Website: Telephone: (416) 633-4193 Email: [email protected]

קהל מחזיקי הדת


Your community Orthodox Shul dedicated to Torah study and acts of generosity and kindness

Rabbi Weber’ s Hilchos Pesach Compendium


Special Pullout Section

From the Editor’s Desk

Welcome to the Pesach issue of the Clanton Park Herald bulletin !

In this issue, in addition to the usual information, there is a 16 page supplement from the Rav on hilchos Pesach. As well, in recognition of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, a special article on Israel and Aliyah is included. As always, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Rav and the shul members who have contributed articles and sponsored ads for the bulletin. Yasher Koach !

A full colour version of the bulletin is available on the shul website at

If any announcement in this bulletin is inaccurate or if any has been omitted, it is a result of the information not being available. In order to ensure that your Mazel Tov announcement is not overlooked or the information in it is accurate, please email the details to [email protected].

• Mazel Tovs – Births David & Esther Taub and Steve & Pam Neumann on the birth of a grandson, Baruch, to Eli & Shira Taub of Israel. Mazel Tov

to the great-grandmother Mrs. Piri Newman .

• Tu B’Shevat/Shabbos Shira Shalosh Seudos The Shabbos Shira Shalosh Seudos, was sponsored by both the Wellman and Tencer families in memory of Menachem

Mendel Wellman, ע”ה,



Please note the following omissions/corrections to the Purim issue of the bulletin (Volume 5 Issue 3):

Chag Kasher V’Sameach !

My one year term as Editor concludes with this issue of the bulletin. It is time to move on and give someone else an opportunity as Bulletin Editor ! (Note: A new editor will be elected shortly after Pesach at the shul’s Annual General Meeting, the date to be determined.)

Although, at times, hectic, exhaustive, harrowing and chaotic, I have received much enjoyment and satisfaction from my term as Editor. There are many people to thank: the contributors of the content, the advertisers/sponsors, the publishers (Harold, Thomas & Hamida - HNE Printing Ltd.) and of course, you, the readers for all your support, compliments and positive feedback. A special hakaras hatov to the Rav, the President and the Executive Board for their continuous support and encouragement.

As I began my position as Editor, I set 2 goals for myself: (1) publish an expanded and “different look” bulletin and (2) minimize and, if possible eliminate, any net cost to the shul for publishing the bulletins. I am pleased to say that I managed to achieve my goals and I hope that, at the same time, I was able to provide you with an informative and entertaining product.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish, whomever the incoming Editor may be, much hatzlacha !


Hope you enjoyed

reading the bulletins! !

Articles! Articles ! Articles !


Rabbi Yehoshua Weber

The showing of favouritism, the Sforno tells us, was the result of a conscious decision on Yaakov’s part. Yaakov, cognizant of his own eventual demise, was intent on appointing one of his sons to be Klal Yisrael’s uncontested leader. Yaakov knew that such uncontested leadership was necessary; movements bereft of strong leadership can, and do, disintegrate. Disintegration might happen because of internal schisms, disintegration might happen because of external challenges, but the avos’ dream and the family that carried that dream, without a strong leader, might well have disintegrated. To prevent such a calamity, Yosef was appointed to be that leader; the special garment was an unambiguous message about Yosef’s role as Yaakov's posthumous heir.

Yosef's brothers understood. They realized that only one person could don the leadership mantle; they accepted that Yosef was that one person. But to the brothers' alarm, Yosef began to look less and less like a concerned leader and more and more like an adversary. They watched Yosef being unduly attentive to his appearance. They listened as Yosef recounted grandiose dreams in which sheaves of wheat, the sun, the moon and the stars bow down to him. They understood that Yosef watched them, informing their father, if and when they veered somewhat off course. Yosef, it seemed to them, was taking his role much too far. Yosef by acting differently, by talking differently and, now, by dressing differently, was doing more than leading; he was disconnecting, breaking ties with and rejecting the brothers that he was meant to work with.

This was not the Yosef that they had once known. It was all so frighteningly familiar, wasn't it? Within their very own family, brothers had been divided from one another twice before. Their great-grandfather Avraham Avinu had two sons. The chosen son, Yitzchak, was given the right to carry the mantle of his father's beliefs; the rejected son, Yishmael, cut loose from his heritage, was physically and spiritually expelled. Such sundering of familial ties carried over into the next generation as well. Yaakov received a beracha that designated him as heir to Avraham Avinu's heritage. Esav, the rejected brother, was condemned to a vastly different, far less spiritual fate; rejected and disconnected he was adrift without an anchor. It was obvious to the brothers, it was obvious to all; fraternal division happened and when it happened it was a disaster for the brother on the wrong divide. The brothers were afraid.

They were afraid that history was repeating itself, that family division and that fraternal banishment were on the horizon all over again. They were afraid of being banished from their heritage by a Yosef who seemed to be usurping the entire patriarchal legacy for himself. The jealousy, the apprehension and the resulting hate came together and caused the brothers to turn on Yosef.

But it didn't have to be that way. If not for the special garment, the Gemara seems to say, it would not have been that way. A man should never differentiate between his children for because of two coins worth of fine garment that Yaakov gave Yosef (in excess to his brothers),

the brothers became jealous of Yosef and the matter resulted in eventual exile in Egypt" (Talmud Bavli, Shabbos 10:).

The Gemara does not fault Yaakov for favouring Yosef with the leadership; appointing a leader was necessary. Nor does the Gemara emphasize Yosef's dreams. Yosef, the interpreter of dreams might have been obligated to explore the messages of those dreams. And the Gemara doesn’t highlight that Yosef had informed on his brothers. Perhaps this was his responsibility as leader. None of these issues seem critical.

The Gemara mentions the garment and only the garment. It was that special garment, too blatant, too visceral and too hurtful that spawned the enmity. If not for the garment, everything might have been different.

The message for those raising children is crystal clear. Different children have different strengths. And yes, it is only fair to allow a more talented child to achieve as much as he or she can in his or her field of expertise. Nevertheless, we dare not drape our high achiever in a special garment. We dare not ask one sibling why he or she does not match up to the other sibling. We must make it absolutely clear that although all children are different; our love for all of them is the same. It is no easy matter. If an individual as extraordinary as Yaakov could stumble, we are certainly capable of stumbling as well. But we must try. And if the net result of all that effort is siblings who live harmoniously with one another, then all that effort could not have been expended in a better way.


This year rather than focusing on our redemption from Mitzrayim let us, instead, focus on understanding why Klal Yisrael was punished with the Egyptian exile in the first place. The Talmud Bavli, Shabbos 10: tells us that this exile was, at least partly, the net result of an act of paternal favouritism. “A man should never differentiate between his children for because of two coins worth of fine garment that Yaakov gave Yosef (in excess to his brothers), the brothers became jealous of Yosef and the matter resulted in eventual exile in Egypt. " The Gemara is, of course, referring to the beginning of parshas Va’yaishev, "And Yisrael loved Yosef more than all his other sons, since he was a wise child and so he made Yosef an embroidered cloak."

This paternal act of overt favouritisim is troubling, isn't it? Why give a favoured son a special garment, the wearing of which would only make its wearer’s unique status painfully obvious to the less favoured brothers? Is there, perhaps, more to this story than meets the eye? Is there, perhaps, something positive to be had in making the less favoured brothers aware of Yosef's special status? Surprisingly, the answer, at least according to the Sforno, is, yes, there actually was something positive in Yaakov’s favouritisim.

Message From the Rav …

Message From the President …

With the approach of Pesach this year, it is with mixed emotions that I also end my term as President of Clanton Park Synagogue. As I try to write a dvar torah relevant to both occasions, I keep returning to the theme of “hotzianu me’avdus

l’cherus”. This is a central theme of Pesach as we relate sippur yetzias mitzraim during the seder. We thank Hashem for taking us out of slavery in Egypt in order to enjoy freedom as a Jewish nation and to receive the Torah. It would be quite easy for me to simply say baruch shepetarani; to thank G-d that I am now free of my obligation to the shul and able to return to life as any other member. I could sit at my seder with my family and have extra personal kavana when I say “hotzianu

me’avdus l’cherus”. The Mishna in Pirkei Avos tells us: “Lo alecha hamlacha ligmor.” This is usually translated as “It is not your duty to complete the work” and it is used as an admonishment to those not involved in tzorchei tzibur in order to tell them that they do not need to

do everything – just get involved. However, it can also be read as a caution to the leadership. “It is your duty not to complete the work;” you must leave room for others to get involved. The work for the tzibur is never really complete. For one who wants to be involved - and we all have an obligation to become involved - there is always a project to work on. There were many goals that I tried to achieve over the past few years since becoming Vice President. Many we have accomplished, some are on their way and others are still in development. However, the one accomplishment for which I take the most pride is in getting more people involved in the shul. Currently, nearly half of the Executive members have been in place for fewer than five years, with representation from a broad range of shul members. We have a thriving Sisterhood that involves many of the women in the shul in chesed, social and fundraising projects. Many different people have gotten involved in youth programming, scholar-in-residence

programmes, social programmes, to name but a few. To those not yet involved, or who have been involved in the past, I remind you “lo ata ben chorin

l’hibatel mimena.” None of us is truly free to desist from becoming involved in tzorchei tzibur.

Whether it is learning, administration, chesed or bedek

habayis, there is a project suitable for you. Don’t wait to be asked ! I would like to express hakaras

hatov to the Rav and the members of the Executive who served with me and helped us achieve our goals. In particular, I wish to thank our Vice Presidents, Ken and Bobby, whose support and sage advice have been invaluable. Most importantly, I want to thank my wife and children who have given up so much of their precious time for the sake of the shul.

On behalf of my family, I wish all members of the shul a Chag

Kasher V’Sameach. Moshe Shields



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“May we only meet b'simcha”

Gary & Margaret Kopstick on the birth of a grandson, Pinchas Yehoshua, to Aaron & Rachel Kopstick. Mazel Tov to the great-grandmother Mrs. Francis Kopstick. Gary & Margaret Kopstick on the birth of a granddaughter, Naava Chana, to Yonah & Rivka Kopstick. Mazel Tov to the great-grandmother Mrs. Francis Kopstick. Jerry & Ruth Warner on the birth of a grandson to Mr. & Mrs. Roth of Miami, Florida. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Sam & Freda Warner. Dr. Jack and Terri Levy-Sandler & Les & Sarah Melamed of Ottawa on the birth of a grandson, Dov Mordechai, to Saul & Penina Melamed. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Vivian Sandberg of Jerusalem and Izzy & Rita Miller of Capetown, South Africa. Max & Ruth Neuburger and Mrs. Anne Lehmann of New York on the birth of a great-grandaughter, Judy, to Bruria and Jackie Siegel of Los Angeles. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Yitzchak and Barbie Siegel, of Silver Springs and Rabbi Yaakov and Peshi Neuburger, of Teaneck, New Jersey. Jerry & Madelaine Greenberg and first-time grandparents Chaim & Wendy Brecher of Lawrence, New York, on the birth of a grandaughter, Aliyah Chaya, to Elisha & Shifra Greenberg. Mazel Tov to the proud uncles and aunts, Nesanel, Michaella & Benyamin, Rahma and Immanuel & Gemma.Mazel Tov to the great- grandmothers, Mrs. Mozelle Kanner and Mrs. Itka Greenberg, Ud Meah Veesreem Shana. Mazel Tov to the great uncles and aunts, Hersch & Penny Kanner, Daniel & Rhona Grodzinski and Manuel & Shani Kanner. Pearl Hochman Isaac and George Isaac on the birth of a granddaughter, Baila Rivka, to Shlomo & Hadassa Moskovits of New Jersey. A special Mazel Tov to the great-grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Hochman. Beryl & Frimchu Werzberger on the birth of a great-grandson, Meir, to Leiby & Meira Werzberger. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Dr. Shea & Sabi Werzberger of Monsey, New York.


May the baby boys and baby girls grow l'Torah l'Chupah ul'Maasim Tovim and be sources of Yiddishe nachas to their families and all of Klal Yisrael !


Howard & Chavie Lyons on the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Tamar. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Dr. Yehudi & Ruth Shields and Anotole & Faye Tennenbaum of New York. Mazel Tov as well to the uncles and aunts, our President, Dr. Moshe & Renee Shields and Wayne & Zeldie Kurtz.

Chaim & Tovit Ruben on the engagement of their daughter, Tamar, to Rafi, son of Martin & Faith Yunger. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Stern, Mrs. Malka Rubin, Reverend Olsberg and Mrs. Yunger. Paul & Naomi Rechnitz on their engagement of their son, Sholom, to Chaya Rochel Lewin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Lewin of Lakewood, New Jersey. Murray & Evelyn Silverberg Hoffman on the engagement of their granddaughter, Deena, daughter of Yaakov & Robin Nussbaum, to Bency, son of David & Esther Eichorn. Mazel Tov to Lloyd, Ray, Max, Gabriel, Yehuda & Solomon Hoffman, the Silverberg, the Nussbaum and the Eichorn families. Chanoch & Celia Bernath on the engagement of their daughter, Sara, to Sruli Millstein of Boro Park, New York, son of Rabbi Chaim & Pessie Millstein. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Reuven & Devora Bernath and Mrs. Millstein. Mrs. Hindy Markovic and Rebbetzin Sheindy Bulman on the engagement of their grandson, Meir Bulman, son of Heshy & Debbie Bulman to Rachel Malka Horowicz, daughter of Dovid & Faigy Horowicz of Monsey, New York.

Dr. George & Esther Rothenstein on the marriage of their daughter, Penina, to Moshe, son of David & Debbie Popper. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Israel Green, Mrs. Jolan Moskowitz, Mrs. Eve Goldman and Mrs. Stephanie Popper. Dr. Brian & Simmi Kleinberg on the marriage of their daughter, Ariella to Doni Goldstein, son of Zev & Shaindy Goldstein. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Howard & Nancy Kleinberg, Moishe & Rochelle Rosenbloom, Mrs. Goldstein and Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cohen and families. Dr. Leibe & Leah Warner on the marriage of their daughter, Shoshana, to Ari Belzberg son of Brian & Shirley Belzberg. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mark & Julie Sapir,Sam & Freda Warner and Mrs. Belzberg.



May the weddings take place b’sha’ah tovah umutzlachas and may they be a source of joy and Yiddishe nachas to their families and all of Klal Yisrael!

May each couple be zocheh to build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael and be sources of joy and Yiddishe nachas to their families and all of Klal Yisrael !


May the Bas Mitzvah grow l'Torah l'Chupah ul'Maasim Tovim and be a source of Yiddishe nachas to her familiy and all of Klal Yisrael !

Mazel Tov to Murray & Evelyn Silverberg Hoffman on the election of their daughter, Mindy Silverberg Stein, of Teaneck, New Jersey, as National President of Emunah, of all of America. We wish her much hatzlacha as she takes on the important responsibilities of her new position. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann on his appointment to the position of Director of the Beth Din of America. Rabbi Weissmann is the husband of Deborah Socken and son-in-law of Professor Paul and Rochelle Socken. We wish him much hatzlacha as he takes on the important responsibilities of his new position.



In an effort to make the process of reserving the Meyer Pik Social Hall more efficient, members are asked to contact the shul's Hall Chairman, Arthur Herzig, by e-mail at [email protected] and provide the following details: 1. The date(s) the hall is needed. 2. Whether the event will be a daytime or evening affair (or both). 3. The nature of the event (e.g., Bar Mitzvah, Aufruf, Sheva Brachos) and 4. A daytime and evening contact telephone number. Members are also urged to contact the shul caterer, Menchen's Catering, to confirm their plans and to receive details of the hall rental and maintenance fees. Sh'koyach ! Arthur Herzig


Weekday morning Kiddush Basic: $75 Deluxe: $140 Eli Yafe (416) 636-0597 Shabbos morning Kiddush $250 Mendy Goldman (416) 636-0395 Shabbos Shalosh Seudos starting at $100 Irwin Diamond (416) 630-2823 Dolly Edell library card, sefer Fay Goldman (416) 636-0395 Sanctuary siddur, chumash, etc. Gershon Kaplan (416) 630-8032 Memorial plaque $375 Joseph Edell (416) 633-4871


Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Klein and family

The shul extends a warm welcome to our new members.


Mr. Mendel Goldband and Mrs. Salla Honigsberg on the passing of their sister Mrs. Helen Rosen עײה, mother of the late Jackie Rosen, עײה and his three sisters. Jeff Dorfman and sisters on the passing of their father, Mr. Zalman Shalom (Bud) Dorfman עײה, in Vancouver. Gary Muzin on the passing of his sister, Phyllis Dubrofsky עײה. Margaret Kopstick on the passing of her father, Arthur Simons עײה, in Monsey, New York.

May the families only know of simchas !


Saturday April 12th ( ניסן' ז ) will mark the 1

st yahrzeit of Annie Kohn עײה ( עײה דניאל ר׳ מה רבקה אדל בתיבל ). Everyone is

reminded to complete their chosen mesechta of shas prior to the yahrzeit. A siyum will take place at lunch on Sunday April 13

th at 12;30 p.m. at the shul. Men and women are welcome to attend the siyum and lunch.


It is a mitzvah to visit someone who is ill. It brightens up their day and shows them that you care and are interested in their well-being. The appreciation and joy experienced by an ill person, as a result of a visit, cannot be adequately expressed in words. Please make every effort to visit the cholim of our shul and the community at large. If you are unable to visit in person, even a telephone call is appreciated! Please call before making a visit! May all the cholim have a speedy and complete Refuas HaNefesh and Refuas HaGuf and may they have Arichas Yamim v’Shanim together with their families and all of Klal Yisrael.

For a list of cholim or if you are aware of

someone who is ill, please contact: Tibor Klein (416) 636-7425 or

Sid Wellman (416) 636-0672

The Canadian Friends of Yeshiva University will be holding a Gala Celebration Dinner launching the Yeshiva University Toronto Partnership Project.

The Gala Celebration Dinner will take place on Monday, April 7, 2008 at the gracious Copper Creek Golf Club, 11191 Highway No. 27, in Kleinburg, Ontario.

The dinner will be commemorating the life and legacy of

a Community Builder, Mr. Bill Rubinstein זײל, one of the founding members of Clanton Park Synagogue. Mr. Rubinstein זײל, was integral in the building and advancement of our shul for many, many years, in addition to his valuable contribution to the community at large.



With 5768 being a shemittah year, between Mincha and Ma’ariv during the weekdays and on Sunday, the Rav will be resume, following Pesach, discussing the laws of Shemittah, their practical applications outside Eretz Yisrael and the opinions from the various poskim regarding them.

PIRKEI AVOS (ETHICS OF THE FATHERS) The Pirkei Avos shiurim with the Rav will commence following Pesach. They will take place, in the main sanctuary, on Shabbos afternoons 45 minutes prior to the regular minchah davening. Men and women are encouraged to attend these shiurim.

MAOS CHITIN (מעות חיטין)

It is a mitzvah (the act of tzedakah) to provide assistance to the underprivileged at all times, but particularly as one approaches a Yom Tov. Contributions to those in need provide them with the opportunity to adequately prepare for and enjoy the Yom Tov. Your contribution can help make the Yom Tov a joyous one for those in need.

The Gemilas Chesed Committee of Clanton Park is currently in the midst of its Maos Chitin campaign for Pesach. Its goal is to collect $20,000 from the shul’s membership. Funds collected will be distributed to those in need within our shul – should funds remain thereafter they will be distributed within our local community. With the cost of food items traditionally increasing for Pesach, there is an even greater need to assist.

If you have not already donated to the fund please

do not wait any longer – PLEASE BE GENEROUS AND GIVE EARLY - so

that an underprivileged individual or family can have an enjoyable Pesach !

Donations should be given to Mordechai Weiszberger, Irwin Diamond, Bobby Silberstein or Moshe Shields. Cheques should be made payable to Gemilas Chesed of Clanton Park.

The Gemilas Chesed Committee of Clanton Park thanks you for helping others ! Yasher Koach !

TZEDAKAH FOR MESHULACHIM Over time, the number of meshulachim and frequency of their visits to our shul has increased considerably. In order to minimize disruptions during davening, the Shul Executive has decided to implement the following policy regarding giving tzedakah to Meshulachim during the Shacharis minyanim. Meshulachim will not be permitted to walk around during the shacharis minyanim collecting tzedakah. Instead the “Gabbai Tzedakah”, Nathan Kirsh, on behalf of all mispallelim, will give a donation to each meshulach who has a valid certificate from the Vaad Tzedakah. The Gabbai Tzedakah will be available after the second minyan. Each meshulach will be given one donation a year. The Vaad Tzedakah has been requested to ensure the meshulachim are aware of the shul’s policy when issuing them certificates, and will inform the drivers as well. Signs have been posted in the shul, informing the meshulachim of the new policy. Implementation of this policy is anticipated to begin Sunday , April 6

th, 2008.

Members of the shul are requested and encouraged to cooperate and adhere to the policy and should you be approached by a meshulach, you are requested to tactfully direct the meshualch to the posted signs in the shul. Initial funding has been donated by several members of the shul, and the rest of the congregation is being encouraged to voluntarily contribute to the fund, as well, so that the shul could sustain this policy. In order not to interfere with the Maos Chitin drive, which is currently in progress, members can submit their voluntary contributions following Pesach. Be part of the mitzvah of giving Tzedakah by participating in this endeavour. The Executive thanks you for your cooperation.

!ל ערבים זה לזה כל ישרא !חברים כל ישראל

On March 15

th - 16

th. 2008, Parshas Vayikra, Shabbos Inspire, sponsored by Project Inspire,, took place at

Clanton Park Synagogue. Guest speakers at the event were Rabbi Motty Berger, Harold Gans, Max Antibes and Rabbi Paysach Krohn.

The renowned speakers addressed the audience on understanding the importance of kiruv in this generation, learning how to answer questions posed by secular Jews and understanding more about how to reach out to

your secular friends and family. The intent was to Get Inspired to Inspire Others !

The weekend included :

- a Shabbos morning drasha by Rabbi Motty Berger and a Kiddush followed by a lecture by Max Anteby on “7 Wonders of Jewish History”,

- on Shabbos before Minchah, a lecture by Harold Gans on “The Signature of G-d”, followed by a lecture by Rabbi Motty Berger on “Is There a G-d and What is the Difference ?”; Rabbi Berger also spoke at Shalosh Seudos.

- On Sunday night, a lecture on “Kiruv: Igniting the Spark” was given by Rabbi Paysach Krohn. The guest speakers were extremely informative and very eloquent in conveying their message. The culmination of the event, on Sunday evening, was an extremely powerful and enlightening presentation by Rabbi Paysach Krohn. Following the presentation there was a brief video presentation on the subject. Attendees at the Sunday evening presentation were encouraged and given the opportunity to enrol in a 3 day Kiruv training course focusing on how one can reach out to fellow Jews and “bring them into the fold”. A Yasher Koach to Suzanne Birenbaum for her tremendous effort in organizing this most successful event !

KIRUV TRAINING A 3 day Kiruv training course is currently taking place at Clanton Park Synagogue. Starting Monday March 24


2008 and for 3 consecutive Monday evenings, attendees are being encouraged and empowered on how to reach out to fellow Jews without being highly trained professionals in kiruv. The overriding message is “JUST START DOING IT !”.




Max Anteby

Torah Conferencing Network (TCN)


Rabbi Reisman (Motze’ei Shabbos)

Rabbi Becher (Wednesday)

8:45 p.m.

Rabbi Solomon (Wednesday)

10:00 p.m

Rabbi Frand (Thursday) 9:00 p.m.

April 5, 12 10:15 p.m. April 30 May 28

April 30 April 10 May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 10:30 p.m. May 28 May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 June 7 10:45 p.m. June 5, 12, 19, 26

July 3, 10, 17

For more information email: [email protected].

NOTE: Rabbi Reisman’s shiurim are now available, for a fee, for downloading from website


TCN invites men and women of the community to our state-of-the-art Torah Conferencing Network. This exciting program utilizes 21

st century technology

to enable you to SEE and HEAR a live broadcast of one of America`s most popular weekly shiurim. They take place at CLANTON PARK SYNAGOGUE. Watch shiurim in Topical Halachic Issues relevant to the Parsha with Rabbi Matisyahu Solomon. Watch shiurim in Topical Halachic Issues relevant to the Parsha with Rabbi Yissocher Frand. Note: SHIRA SMLES – a Parsha shiur ever Sunday morning for women.


In addition to calling the Eruv hotline in order to check the weekly Eruv status on Friday, the Toronto community can now get a weekly email alert as soon as the Eruv is checked regarding the Toronto Eruv Status. To subscribe: Go to (when you register to become a member, which is free, you have the option to subscribe to eruv alerts, or click on to the Eruv flashing light on the right hand side of the home page, which will direct you to the eruv website and on the left is ‘eruv alerts’ option) or directly access the above mentioned eruv alerts from eruv website at and request an email alert.


Take advantage of to place any community events into the community events calendar - free - or check the community events on the calendar. Also available are free classified, free message board, zemanim, city-wide minyanim, directory listings, and much more, providing the facility to ensure that Simchas and (lo aleinu) condolences get distributed city-wide in a fast and efficient way. Condolences posted on our site automatically get deleted after 7 days, as shiva is usually over by then, otherwise, any other blog remains and can be accessed via the category heading.

The web site also has the capacity to send emails to anyone who would like to be alerted to Simchas, condolences, events posted on the calendar, etc. The emails would automatically be sent out as soon as the subscribed item is posted actively on the site (members could post anything on the site, but it is on hold until a staff checks that it is not spam). This email option is available for Eruv status right now, and other email alerts are being considered. Please email or call with any questions. This is being done as a community service, so if there is something else you would like to see, please let them know.

Don’t Yell “Bagels” In A Matzah Factory: Cleaning A Jewish Home & A Jewish Mind

Chaim Gad & Gill Ginsburg

Opening the cupboards and contemplating their contents can be a truly sobering experience. What will I find? So many head south to a kosher resort, or a cruise, and avoid what can be a rewarding experience. The drama of cleaning is a veritable window into your life leading you towards transformation. Certainly the rigors of changing over all of the dishes, pots and pans and taping shut cabinets that hold year-long sets of crockery and flatware can be tiring. So, what is really happening? In our gallut, our homes are like a mishkan for our personal lives, and this Pesach practice is a reminder to ascertain that what you stock should only be sacred and holy. Visiting a child’s room for example can yield far more than just a little chametz; it can provide you with a keen insight as to who they feel they are. A friend reports that when he did this and saw beyond the mess in his son’s room he found a troubled soul. Until then, he had no idea his child was depressed and angry.

Cleaning is another kind of seder, a means of reestablishing order in the home. This ordering effect also takes hold when you restock and restack your cabinets both for Pesach and even after the chag. Everything that is chametz goes out of the house, and is replaced by things that are pure and stringently assessed and packaged. Chametz though is not just around us, it is also within us. Parashat Shmini and Acharei Mot refer to an Aish Zarah (foreign fire) which if left unchecked can consummate a complete change in our physical and spiritual selves. This haughtiness can blind us into thinking that we are better than we really are. It is no wonder that the Torah reminds us twice of the need to keep this fire at bay, and to focus on those duties for which we were created. A foreign fire is something that drives us negatively, after all, we use a descriptor such as “burning” desire for a reason. It is therefore not surprising that things that serve to hold us back from proper celebration and spiritual amendment, such as ridding our physical spaces and personal selves of chametz, must be purged and disposed of using aish (fire). The ultimate intent of the soul’s descent into this world is not for the sake of the soul alone but in order to elevate the vitalizing soul as well as the corporeal body; this can only be accomplished through mitzvot that require physical speech and action. The physicality of the body is derived physiologically by fire in and of itself through nerve conduction. Therefore, the expenditure of effort in a mitzvah in concert with full power

of concentration and awareness and not mere meditation will serve to fulfill one’s obligation in the performance of mitzvot (Berachot 20b, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 62:3).

The matter that sustains us, for example lechem (bread), warrants a bracha of “hamotzi lechem min haaretz”. Our corporeal form is of haaretz, whence we derive livelihood from working haaretz. In order to be balanced and sustained fully we require mayim (water). Too much water in flour will prevent anything from being sustainable as a food; too much flour will only make glue. Both ingredients need to be combined with heat if they are to render a source of nourishment, though water alone will still sustain the body for a longer period than just flour. Torah is often compared to being like water, and through this analogy we can appreciate that only through a balanced combination of Torah and the requisite Avodah or physical application can we achieve success in performing mitzvoth. Matzah is a bread that is physically and allegorically symbolic of our flight and redemption from Mitzrayim. It was made quickly and allowed only to rise slightly; the balance of water and flour was just enough to provide us with physical sustenance to make our exodus from Mitzrayim, and to be able to prepare our spiritual selves to receive the Torah. Do we need elaborate breads and leaven to sustain us? Not really. Does leaven bring levity? Perhaps the wrong kind, which is why we need to do such a thorough physical and spiritual Pesach cleaning. There needs to be an absolute balance therefore in our Torah and Avodah observances as well.

“Hachodesh hazeh yi’yeh lachem rosh chodeshim…This festivity shall be for you the head of all months, the first of all the months of the year” (Shemot, Bo). Just as we focus with such fervor and over preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Pesach marks so much more for us, and the Torah reminds us explicitly that Pesach is truly the head of the year. It marks our unity physically, spiritually, and traces our origins to physical and spiritual redemption as one nation that was cleaved closely to Hashem. It is our responsibility to do a thorough cleaning of ourselves as much as our homes, and recall what it is we are called upon to do for our nation as a whole. May we be zoche to celebrate a Chag Kasher V’sameach and merit to see the building of the Beit Hamikdash Hashlishi, Beviat Mashiach Tzidkeinu Bimheirah Veyameinu.

Motzei Shabbos Wine Tasting Event

“It was a fabulous evening…fun and warm and just gave everyone a chance to schmooze in a homey atmosphere…and not being a simcha, we didn’t have to shout over loud music…the wines were wonderful and the nibbles…divine! You did an amazing job…” “It really was a fun evening. Unique! And I learned something too! When are you doing the next one?”

These are just a few of the many compliments that followed Clanton Park Sisterhood’s Wine Tasting Event. Fine wine, fine food and fine company: a great combination enhanced by a wine expert who taught us a few basics about tasting wine and how different foods impact on its flavour. Graciously hosted by the Kanner Family, more than 60 guests entered to beautifully set-up stations of fruit, cheese, savoury snacks, chocolate and baked delights, and a cozy lit fire. Meanwhile in the back room, wine judge Steve Duening tasted each of the selections and was jotting notes with his findings. With glasses in hand, Victor Arrobas from Simcha Wines served our guests as Steve led us through the whites, reds, and dessert wine. Much discussion took place between each sampling as everyone expressed their opinions on their favourites. At the end, guests purchased their wines for Yom Tov, based on their new-found knowledge and experience.

“What a wonderful social event!”

Consulting wine aroma wheel ! Smelling the wine !

Swirling the wine ! Tasting the wine !

What do you taste in this wine ? L’Chaim !

Checking the label ! Don’t judge a wine by price !

Yasher koach to all the cooks, bakers and drivers who volunteered their time and effort to produce, pack and deliver (on a very busy Friday) the Sisterhood’s very beautiful and tasty mishloach manos packages. In the past three years, the participation in this important mitzvah project has really grown! Many thanks too: Brina, Rachel and Nadine Bressler, Esty Edell, Gill and Chaim Gad Ginsburg, Drs. Juda and Judy Habot & family, Michael and Naomi Levi & family, Joshua and Bronya Levi & family, Renee Shields, Faye, Ezra & Ken Stollon, Miriam Walfish and Leah Dina Weber.


Women’s Health Forum

On Sunday, May 4th

, 2008, Clanton Park Sisterhood is hosting a women’s health forum open to the community. Please mark this date in your calendar ! Don’t mi

Pre-Pesach Cooking Extravaganza

Need New Ideas & Inspiration for Pesach

On Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Sunday, April 6

th, 2008 at 8:00 p.m., there will be a pre

pesach live cooking extravaganza with Denise Levin at the home of Terri Levy-Sandler, 115 Laurelcrest Avenue. All women are invited to attend.

Women’s Health Forum

Clanton Park Sisterhood is hosting a women’s health forum open to the community. Details to follow.

Please mark this date in your calendar ! Don’t miss it !

Cooking Extravaganza


Sunday, April pre-


Licensed Public Accoun

Email : [email protected]

416 830-7740


(Just Kidding !)

TIBOR & SUSIE KLEINWish the Clanton Park a Chag Kasher V’Sameach

for your patronage over the years!

Licensed Public Accountant

Email : [email protected]


TIBOR & SUSIE KLEIN Wish the Clanton Park Kehilah

Chag Kasher V’Sameach and

Thank You patronage over the years!

S O C I A L N E W S Purim 5768 was celebrated in our shul with several activities taking place, both before and after reading of the megillah.


During the reading of the megillah by Moshe Shields, our mysterious guest meticulously followed the reading, at times, standing on the President’s chair, leaning against the Aron Hakodesh. Following the megillah reading and Maariv davening, which our guest did with great fervor and kavanah, our guest bid the Rav and kehillah a silent farewell and proceeded to decsend the bimah and disappear from whence he came. A Yasher Koach to our “mysterious guest”, Rabbi Yisroel Travis for his creativeness and spirit of levity which got the Purim celebrations off on the right foot. As an aside : Rabbi Travis did such a tremendous job of disguising himself, that only a few members recognized him.


The Annual Clanton Park Adult Purim party was held on Leil Purim, Thursday March 20

th, 2008, following the reading of the megillah. The event was a

tremendous success !

The party began with a light dairy meal consisting of rolls, bagels, soup, salad, pizza, hamantashen, soda pop and coffee. After everyone had an opportunity to satisfy their hunger needs following a day of fast, Ken Stollen (Clanton Park`s own Alex Trebek) hosted a trivia contest challenge with each table of participants competing against each other. The contest covered trivia questions on such subject areas as Jews in sports, Torah tidbits and Jews in Popular Culture. The contest was very spirited and competitive with the winning table of participants squeeking out a one point victory. The participants at the winners table included Paul & Roberta Tobias, Ernie & Susan Greenewald, David & Zeldy Markovic, Sruli & Nurit Ochs, Sruli’s sister-in-law and Drs. Juda and Judy Habot.

Following the trivia contest, there was a Purim Schpiel narrated by Arthur Birenbaum, the host and coordinator of the evening`s events. The schpiel written by Leib Birenbaum, Avraham Birenbaum, Avi Perl and Dovi Rosen was very entertaining and enjoyed by all. Performers in the schpiel included: Martin Hoffmitz as King Achasveirosh , Richard Posner as Queen Vashti, Chaim Gad Ginsburg as Queen Esther, Bobby Silberstein as Haman, Dovi Rosen as Norman, Achasveirosh`s Chartered Accountant and the rest of the audience providing special vocal effects prompted by the banners held aloft by Avi Perl.

The evening concluded with an audience participation “sing-song” under the musical direction of Arthur Birenbaum, Clanton Park`s own lyricist and musical director. The “sing-song” began with Arthur, along with his trusty banjo, leading the audience in the singing of ``I Used To Have an Old Banjo!`. This was followed by “The Rattling Bog”, complete with special visual effects (banners) held high by our current President Moshe Shields, previous Presidents, Yehudi Shields, Bobby Silberstein and Joseph Edell and other members of the shul including, Rabbi Shlomo Jakobovits, Paul Socken, Sam Nussbaum and Zack Rosen. A fun time was had by all !

A Yasher Koach to Arthur Birenbaum for his tremendous effort in organizing and coordinating the evening`s event ! As well, a Yasher Koach to the youth, Leib and Avraham Birenbaum, Dovi Rosen and Avi Perl for writing the Purim Schpiel.

The Annual Clanton Park Youth Purim party was held on Leil Purim, Thursday March 20

th, 2008, following the reading of

the megillah. The event was a tremendous success !

The party began with the Youth joining the adults in the Social Hall for a light dairy meal. Following the meal, the Youth proceeded to head to the Bais Hamidrash where a surprise special entertainer awaited them.

The entertainer,Yehudit, a ventriloquist along with her puppet sidekick, Moshe, was well received and a fun time was enjoyed by all. Balloons were distributed, as well, to the youth.

Following the performance, the youth headed back upstairs to the Social Hall and joined the adults in the “sing-song”.

A Yasher Koach to Moishe Cohen for his tremendous effort in organizing and coordinating the party !


On Leil Purim, between Minchah and Maariv, during the Rav’s talk on Hilchos Purim, unexpectedly, to everyone’s surprise, the Purim festivities began. Suddenly, a natily clad gentlemen in a cream coloured suit and fedora. with a megillah in hand, calmy ascended the stairs of the bimah, made his presence known to the Rav and kehillah and proceeded with his “act”, while the Rav, after greeting our guest with a Shalom Aleichim, calmy continued with his talk. Our guest proceeded to wander to and fro across tha bimah, walking up to the Aron Hakodesh, occassionally gesturing to the kehilah and eventually making himself comfortable in the President’s chair while unrolling his megillah, periodically reading it.


Following the megillah readings on Purim day, Friday March 21

st, the Rabbi and

Rebbetzin hosted their annual “greet and eat” Purim gathering at their home. There was a steady flow of well-wishers complete with their shlach manos and the Rebbbetzin provided plenty of delicious food and drink for all !


Submitted by Dr. Leibe Warner

The Hebrew word פורים starts with the letter פ (Peh) and finishes with the letter ם (Mem). The first passuk in the Torah which also begins with a Peh and finishes with a Mem mentions someone who shared a similar fate to that of a character in the Purim story. Identify the two people.


The two people who shared a similar fate were: Haman (המן) and Sar HaOfim (שר הא˙פים)

The passuk in the Torah is Parashas Miketz 41:10 (מקץ מ‟א:י)

� ֹאִתי ְ�ִמְ�מַ ; ֲעָבָדיו� ָקַצ� ַעל, ַ�ְרֹעה�.ְוֵאת ַ#ר ָהֹאִפי , ֹאִתי��ֵ�ית ַ#ר ַהַ"ָ�ִחי , רַוִ�ֵ

The Clanton Park Post-Purim Shabbos Dinner was held following Ma’ariv on erev Shabbos, Friday March 21, 2008 (Parshas Tetzaveh), in the Meyer Pik Social Hall. As was the case with the previous two Community Dinners held this past fall and winter, this event was a tremendous success, attended by approximately 120 people of all ages. This was an opportunity to leave the cooking to the shul’s caterer (Menchens Catering), participate in singing zemiros, hear an informative dvar torah from the special guest speaker Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Ohr Chaim, as well as to mingle and enjoy the company of both family and friends.

We have now enjoyed our first few of many Community Dinners at Clanton Park. A great opportunity to share Shabbos with community friends, enjoy good food, fine words of Torah, singing and overall Shabbos spirit! Close to two thirds of our membership has already enjoyed these gatherings. Watch for announcements of future dates. Don't miss out on a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and take a break from preparing your own Shabbos !! A Yasher Koach to Chaim Gad and Gill Ginsburg for organizing the dinner !





HELP IS ON THE WAY !!! Enjoy a delicious, worry free Shabbos Hagadol dinner on erev Shabbos, Friday April 18, 2008 (Parshas Acharei Mos) in the Meyer Pik Social Hall, Clanton Park Synagogue. Cost for the dinner is: $30 per adult $20 per child (Children under 3 years of age are free) For more information and to make reservations please contact: Menchens Catering @ (416) 638-8381

Please reserve by Sunday April 13, 2008.


If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please feel free to contact our Youth Leader Moishe Cohen.

Shabbos Mevorchim Program

A Shabbos Mevorchim program for high school boys is held every Rosh Chodesh at the home of one of our members. The boys are provided with refreshments followed by an informative discussion with Rabbi Weber on pertinent halachic and hashkafic issues. A Yasher Koach to Josh & Bronya Levi for hosting the Nissan program, held on erev Shabbos March 28

th, 2008.

If you are interested in hosting future Shabbos Mevorchim programs please contact Rabbi Weber or Moishe Cohen.

Yeshiva Bein Hazmanim

The shul’s annual Pesach Bein Hazmanim program will again be offered this year starting on Sunday April 13

th, 2008.

Shiurim will be given on “Inyanai Deyoma” from Roshei Yeshiva from various Yeshivos as well as from Rabbonim at different organizations around the city. The mornings will start with davening and a full hot breakfast followed by a shiur and chavrusa learning.

Pesach Chol Hamoed Activities

Moishe Cohen will be organizing a fun event for the children during Pesach Chol Hamoed. Stay tuned for more details.

B A T T E R U P !


Please remember to set aside the night of Lag BaOmer for our annual barbeque Details will be available following Pesach.

With spring having arrived, it will soon be time to register your children for the Clanton Park Baseball League. Details for registration and the registration form can be found on the next page of this bulletin. Additional registration forms will be available in the shul foyer.


Separate leagues for boys and girls!


And as always, after the last game all players and coachesgo to a super fun and delicious bar

Sunday April 13th there will be a signThis year’s registration fee is $30 per child for Clanton Park shul members and $45 for non members. A late fee of $20 applies to each child signed up after April 28 only $25 per child! The success of this league depends largely on the participation of parents as coaches. If yo please let us know.

If you would like to be a coach or have any other questions or comments please e Moshe Kopstick for more information at (647) 231-4625 any time after 4:00PM.


Player’s name_____________________________ Shul________________________________ Phone number_________________________ School______________________________ Grade_______ Parent’s E-mail adress____________________________________________________ Emergency contact/number__________________________________________________ Shirt Size (circle one): Kids M Kids L Kids XL Adult S Adult M

Pay by (select one): Cash Check Please use a separate form for each player All applications must be given along with paymDrop registration and payment off at 43 Edinburgh Drive, Toronto, ON, M3H 1B5 or at the special drop off time at Clanton Park: Sunday April 13


FOR AGES S.K. through grade 6

Separate leagues for boys and girls!

WE PLAY BALL Every Sunday from May 4th until June 22 Between the hours of 5:00-6:30 p.m.


- A baseball hat - A t-shirt - A trophy - A great time!


- -


- -

- -

- -



- -

And as always, after the last game all players and coaches go to a super fun and delicious barbeque banquet filled with music and prizes!

Registration info: there will be a sign-up booth in Clanton Park Shul from 3:30

This year’s registration fee is $30 per child for Clanton Park shul members and $45 for nonmembers. A late fee of $20 applies to each child signed up after April 28

The success of this league depends largely on the participation of parents as coaches. If you are interested and would like to volunteer your services,

please let us know.

If you would like to be a coach or have any other questions or comments please ek for more information at [email protected]

4625 any time after 4:00PM.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2008 Registration Form

Player’s name_____________________________ Shul________________________________

Phone number_________________________ School______________________________

mail adress____________________________________________________

Emergency contact/number__________________________________________________

Shirt Size (circle one): Kids M Kids L Kids XL Adult S Adult M

Check Please make checks payable out to Clanton Park Synogague.

Please use a separate form for each player – Teams are assigned on a first come first served basisAll applications must be given along with payment or will not be accepted Drop registration and payment off at 43 Edinburgh Drive, Toronto, ON, M3H 1B5 or at the special drop off time at Clanton Park: Sunday April 13th from 4:00-6:00PM


until June 22nd

beque banquet filled with music and prizes!

3:30-5:30 PM. This year’s registration fee is $30 per child for Clanton Park shul members and $45 for non-

members. A late fee of $20 applies to each child signed up after April 28th! Coaches pay The success of this league depends largely on the participation of

u are interested and would like to volunteer your services,

If you would like to be a coach or have any other questions or comments please e-mail [email protected] or call


Player’s name_____________________________ Shul________________________________

Phone number_________________________ School______________________________

mail adress____________________________________________________

Emergency contact/number__________________________________________________

Please make checks payable out to Clanton Park Synogague.

Teams are assigned on a first come first served basis

Drop registration and payment off at 43 Edinburgh Drive, Toronto, ON, M3H 1B5 6:00PM


Disposal trucks will be parked in front of the shul the morning of Friday April 18

th, 2008 (times to be announced and

posted shortly). You will be responsible for carrying your waste items to the appropriate disposal trucks. City of Toronto employees will be on hand to guide you as to where your garbage should be deposited. Under no circumstances should anyone leave their garbage on the shul lawn prior to or after the announced times when the trucks will be available for receiving the waste. Also, please do not leave any garbage in the shul parking lot or the caterer’s disposal area. Garbage left on the lawn, parking lot, or caterer’s disposal area will remain there during Pesach. In order to continue in future years to have the City provide this special service it is crucial that everyone follow and abide by the instructions provided. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.

MECHIRAS CHAMETZ Rabbi Weber will be available for Mechiras Chametz after the first shacharis minyan, and before and after mincha/maariv, starting Tuesday, April 8

th, 2008.

The mechiras chametz form can be found on the following page. It is also downloadable from the Clanton Park website and copies will be available in the shul.


Pesach, this year, begins on Motze’ei Shabbos April 19th 2008/5768. Some of the do’s and don’ts that govern a Pesach

of the sort, which, incidentally, last occurred back in 2005/5765 might be unclear. When to prepare the seder? When to burn the chametz?

Rabbi Weber has prepared a 16 page halachic summary that should help answer your questions. A copy of the summary is inserted as a supplement to this bulletin. As well, a “searchable” version is available on the Clanton Park website

GARBAGE DISPOSAL Once again this year, the Waste Management Branch of the City of

Toronto has graciously agreed to provide the Jewish Community with special arrangements for disposal of compost, recycling material and other garbage prior to Pesach.


Bedikas Chametz - Thursday April 17th after 8:16 PM

Biur Chametz - Friday, April 18

th 12:08 PM

End Time for Eating Chametz – Shabbos April 19

th 10:59 AM

Bittul Chametz – Shabbos Aprill 19

th 12:08 PM


Please list types of chametz (i.e. groceries, medicine, liquor, toiletries) that you will be selling. The chametz that I possess includes, but is not limited to, the following:

The value of all the chametz that is to be sold is approx. $__________ Where value is difficult to approximate, underestimate, rather than overestimate value. =============================================================================== OPTION 1, PLEASE COMPLETE PART 1, FOR A HOME OR OFFICE:



I, ______________________________(print name), fully empower, Rabbi Yehoshua Weber to act in my place and my stead and, on my behalf, sell, to a non-Jew, all chametz, as defined by the Torah & by Rabbinic Law, that is, knowingly or unknowingly, possessed by me and to lease, to a non-Jew, all places in which chametz owned by me may be found, in particular, at the following address(es): Please list exact addresses & locations in which the sold chametz will be stored at each address (i.e. kitchen cabinets, closets), come erev Pesach:.

ADDRESS location of chametz at this address

ADDRESS location of chametz at this address

ADDRESS location of chametz at this address

Additional addresses can be added on the other side of the document WILL YOU BE AWAY FOR A PART OF PESACH? If yes, to allow access to the chametz… Keys can be found with their address their phone number is Your signature Date Your tel. # during Pesach:________________ =============================================================================== OPTION 2, PLEASE COMPLETE PART 2 FOR A HOME OR OFFICE THAT:



I, ________________________________(print name), fully empower, Rabbi Yehoshua Weber to act in my place and stead and on

my behalf to sell, to a non-Jew, all chametz possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly, as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic

Law, and to lease, my entire home/office, (except for areas of this home that are excluded in the following paragraph) to a non-Jew.

My address is: If you wish to retain ownership of a specific area in this property so as to perform the mitzva of bedikas chametz on this property, please specify which area is being retained (i.e., living room, etc.)

Keys can be found with their address is their phone number is Your signature:____________________Date:_____________Your tel. # during Pesach:________________ =============================================================================== I, Rabbi Yehoshua Weber, will sell, to a non-Jew, all chametz as defined by the Torah and by Rabbinic Law and also lease, to a non-Jew, all areas where chametz is found, including that which belongs to me and all that belonging to the signatories listed in the Powers of Attorney, to the non-Jewish buyer listed in a separate sales document, in accordance with the details of the said sales document.

It is preferable that you deliver this document directly to Rabbi Weber. If need be, please mail this form to: Clanton Park Synagogue, 11 Lowesmoor Avenue, Toronto, ON M3H 3H6, or email this form to [email protected] ATTN: Mechiras Chametz. This form must be received by Friday morning, April 18

th, 2008

IIISSSRRRAAAEEELLL AAATTT 666000 !!! This year marks the 60

th anniversary of the State of Israel. To commemorate this anniversary, this article has been written to

demonstrate the strong commitment our shul has to Israel, recognizing, in particular, the members and children of members who have chosen Aliyah.

Our shul has demonstrated its commitment and contribution to the well-being of Eretz Yisrael in many ways. We buy Israel Bonds, make donations towards special projects in Israel (e.g. the recent funding for a portable bomb shelter in Sderot), contribute funds to support mosdos in Israel, invest in infrastructure projects, visit the Holy Land and some live part of the year in Israel. These commitments in no way should be underestimated nor forgotten.

However, one of the greatest commitments one can make is Aliyah. This is a very commendable and difficult decision. There are many children of current shul members who have made Aliyah. We pay tribute to and recognize their tremendous commitment to Israel. The following is a list of who they are. In addition, previous members of the shul who made Aliyah are also listed.

Gershon Tobias (Rehovot) son of Paul & Roberta Tobias Eli Moshe Davids (Ramat Beit Shemesh) son of Dr. Leo & Faigie Davids Leora Chana Davids (Ramat Beit Shemesh) daughter of Jack & Esther Erez Rena Sonya Ben Chaim (Moshav Mey Ami) daughter of Jack & Esther Erez Dr. Danielle Erez (Jerusalem) daughter of Jack & Esther Erez Nachum Shore (Neve Yaakov, Jersualem) son of Murray & Clara Shore Michael Shore (Gush Etzion) son of Murray & Clara Shore Melanie Mayer (Ramat Beit Shemesh) daughter of Murray & Clara Shore Gita Weinberger (Mitzpe Yericho) daughter of Harry & Sally Weitz Gavriel Frohwein (Jerusalem) son of Michael & Lea Frohwein Boaz Fletcher (Efrat) son of Chaim & Rachel Fletcher Tzvi Fletcher (Efrat) son of Chaim & Rachel Fletcher Elisheva Behar (Jerusalem) daughter of Morris & Doreen Sosnovitch Eli Taub (Kiryat Sefar) son of David & Esther Taub David Greenwald (Ramat Beit Shemesh) son of Dr. Ernie & Susan Greenwald David Schwartz (Jerusalem) son of Phil and Faygie Schwartz Sharon Glustein (Jerusalem) daughter of Phil and Faygie Schwartz Adrienne Green (Ranana) daughter of Phil and Faygie Schwartz Jonathan Koschitsky (Ranana)son of Henry & Julia Koschitsky Leelah Gitler (Ranana) daughter of Henry & Julia Koschitsky Tamar Koschitsky (Ranana) daughter of Eli & Renee Rubinstein Erez Rubinstein (Tel Aviv) son of Eli & Renee Rubinstein Malka Isaac (Moshav Nechalim Petach Tikvah) daughter of Yitzchak & Rivka Eizokovich David Javasky (Ramat, Jerusalem) son of Baruch זײל and Ruth Javasky Gabrielle Klein (Efrat) daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mandel



Rabbi Leo Davids

Many of us Clanton Parkers turn our backs on the cold and snow of Toronto in December, January and / or February by heading to warmer places, sometimes for several months. Miami [translated as “Waters of My People”] is a very common destination, while others choose Mexico, Arizona, or even more exotic places to spend time and obviously money in, during these seasonal getaways. Is there a Jewish or mitzvah angle connected with this winter travel which is being overlooked ?

Perhaps there is something in choice of destination which makes some places more appropriate or virtuous than others. If we spend our time in places that offer daily minyamin, ample kosher food and shiurim, that makes more sense than going to nice spots where any of these may be lacking. Beyond that, if our winter vacation spending supports a Jewish economy and society – Israel is that Option – then we are really doing multiple mitzvos by going there rather than supporting tose other resorts !

True, if someone is able to get away for a very short visit only, say for a long weekend of 3 or 4 days, I would not encourage them

to make the long flight to the Holy Land. But for those who can go for many weeks or months, and therefore, can justify the demanding trip to and from, that destination is the one that makes sense to me.

Personally, I have been doing 5 – 6 weeks in Israel every winter during the past few years, and it feels great to know that this time and expense is not just for my own benefit but “its gut far Yidden”. I have never seen Miami or Florida, but that can wait. In the meantime, I encourage our dear readers to get comfortable with winter in the Holy Land. They rarely see snow there, except if ones going skiing on the Hermon. Let’s make those loonies really fly home, where we fit in very smoothly. Let’s invest there, that way !


Professor Noah זײל and Rochelle Meltz and family Ahuva daughter of Avi & Judy Weisbrod Yehuda Danziger son of Percy זײל & Gertie Danziger Bayla daughter of Carole Brown and Paul Brown Mr. & Mrs. George London & family Mrs. Lea Shumacher and Irving Cymberknopf Michael Shumacher son of Lou זײל & Lea Shumacher Marvin Shumacher son of Lou זײל & Lea Shumacher Cheryl Klein daughter of Lou זײל & Lea Shumacher Dr. Leo & Anne Wolfson & family Dr. Norman זײל & Lil Shaul and family Rabbi & Rebbetzin Nachum Rabinowitch & family Eli & Gertrude Munk and family Dr. Joe זײל and Hilda לזײ Weil and son Yumi זײל and Shani זײל Kurtz and daughter Yitz זײל and Bella Feldman and family Leo & Anna Weil Sam זײל and Annette Grafstein and sons Mr. & Mrs. Jack Levenstein and family Lou & Becky Korzon and family Simcha Edell and family Miriam Simon daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Rosen זײל

A L E R T !When doing your pre- Pesach cleanup, their “Shaimos” to the shul as it wilthere will abe a city-wide shaimos


Pesach cleanup, Shul members are requested as it will not be disposed of by the shul. As noted below

shaimos collection taking place prior to Pesach


members are requested NOT to bring . As noted below



We Are All Letters in the Scroll

Professor Paul Socken

A Letter in the Scroll by the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, Jonathan Sacks, is a book for Jews on any part of the Jewish continuum, from neophyte to learned scholar. The subtitle – Understanding our Jewish Identity and exploring the legacy of the world’s oldest religion – gives the reader only an incomplete glimpse of the important subject matter. The fundamental question he addresses, in an age of decreasing religious affiliation, is “Who am I and why should I remain a Jew?” His answers are powerful, meaningful and eloquent. They are instructive and inspiring even for committed Jews. There have been four times in Jewish history that Jewish survival was in peril: the Babylonian conquest, the Roman persecutions, the Spanish expulsion and the Holocaust. The effects of the Holocaust are not over sixty years later as Jews continue to opt out. He begins by asking what claim the past has on the present. How does the covenant apply today? After a beautifully touching presentation, he concludes poetically that we are called upon to be letters in the scroll of Torah – hence the title of the book: “I am a Jew because, knowing the story of my people, I hear their call to write the next chapter…I cannot be the missing letter in the scroll”. He examines a midrash about Abraham which compares Abraham’s wanderings to a man seeing a palace in flames. “Is there no owner?” asks Abraham and the

owner looks out and says “I am the owner”. The midrash ends by asking if the world lacks a ruler and Hashem answers, “I am the ruler, the Sovereign of the Universe”. Rabbi Sacks takes this profoundly enigmatic passage to be a rejection of the notion that there is no Ruler of the world, that there are only flames, meaning evil and injustice. It is also a rejection of the idea that there is a Ruler and therefore there are no flames – no questions that need to be answered. Rather, there is the Almighty, whose palace is always in flames, endangered by disorder and chaos. Judaism is not a celebration of the world as it is but a protest that the world is not as it ought to be. We must prevent the palace from burning. Rabbi Sacks boldly asserts that “the significance of Judaism to the moral environment of mankind is not just that it thought new truths, though it did. It is that Jews continue to live them, so that if Judaism were to cease to exist, something fundamental to Western civilization would die”. His essay on the Idea of Man concludes that the Almighty is not “about power but about relationship, that religion is not about control but about freedom, that Gd is found less in nature than in human society…Biblical faith is about the dignity of the personal, and it can never be obsolete”. Rabbi Sacks explores the revolutionary Jewish concepts such as the moralization of power – the idea that all relationships involve power and that those who exercise power are bound by rules. That

fundamental notion applies to everything from family life to political power to the Covenantal relationship between the Creator and Man. Judaism is not as much about the universal as it is about the particular, the application of the universal to the character and conduct of the everyday. Rabbi Sacks goes on to discuss the meaning and relevance of the exodus and revelation for today, Judaism’s concept of political theory and even broaches the thorny topic of why so many Jews today do not appreciate the great gift called Judaism. The modern era has experimented with the proposition that we change the individual by changing the world. Nazism and Communism implemented this idea with results known tragically to all. It has also experimented with the philosophy of no change: Accept the world as it is through mysticisms and therapies of various kinds. Judaism, rejecting both of these ideas, has at its core the conviction that individuals are not powerless: “We can create families, communities, even societies, around the ideals of love, faithfulness and trust. We can change ourselves, and through covenantal relationships with others, we can change the world”. This short overview does not do justice to the book’s range of topics, depth of exploration, novelty of thought and elegance of expression. It is a mere taste of the rich intellectual discussion within.