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This particular young man in

the picture, now holds a very

important position in the

United States government. He

has a double major in History

and Political Science and came

506th in his class of 688

;another example of how little

grades matter making it big in

life. As a undergrad in the

University of Delaware,

Newark, he played halfback

with the Blue Hens freshman

football team and even

dropped a junior year plan to

play for the varsity football

team as a defensive back. He

holds the title of being USA’s

youngest senator when he was

elected at the age of 30.

Identify him.

Joseph Robinette

"Joe" Biden, Jr

The 47th and current Vice

President of the United


This is a 1902 mugshot of

23 year old X. He was

born Ioseb Besarionis dze

Jughashvili but later

changed his name to X by

which we now know him.

X is a very important

figure of recent history

being the leader of Y

from 1920 to 1953 till his

death. Under the

leadership of X he is

famously known to have

introduced "socialism in

one country” in Y. X is the

successor of Z and both

had cities named after

them for sometime in the

past before the cities

being renamed to their

current names.

Joseph Stalin, The Red


Highschool photograph of one

of the most prolific actors of

our times. Starring in two

hugely successful film

franchises apart from many

other successful movies. In

1997, he was ranked No. 1

in Empire 's "The Top 100 Movie

Stars of All Time" list. At one

point, four of the top six box-

office hits of all time included

one of his roles. Seven of his

films have been inducted into

the National Film Registry.As of

July 2008, the US domestic box

office labelled X the 4th

highest grossing U.S. domestic

box-office star. Id X.

Harrison Ford

Some of the people featured in Montblanc series of

luxury pens.

X is a weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by

a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a

strong electric field in the atmosphere (such as those generated

by thunderstorms or created by a volcanic eruption).Often seen on

the masts of sailing ships it is hailed a good omen by some sailors

while others call it a bad omen. Benjamin Franklin was intrigued by

the occurrence of X and tried testing it’s occurrence. What is X?

Picture on the next slide.

St. Elmo’s Fire or Saint Elmo’s Light, named after the

patron Saint of sailors, Saint Erasmus of Formia.

This is a 1926 photograph of

women exhibiting a very

particular fashion

statement. What would you

call these women?


X, in psychoanalytic theory, is a desire for sexual involvement

with the parent of the opposite sex and an associated sense

of rivalry with the parent of the same sex. Sigmund Freud

introduced the concept in his Interpretation of Dreams

(1899). Though Freud considered it to be a subconscious

longing in all humans it has been proved otherwise and has

been termed as an extremely unhealthy psychological

ailment. It has been proved that Freud himself suffered from

X and so did Shakespeare’s Hamlet. What is X?

Oedipus Complex

One of the stories that The Roman orator Cicero made use

of in his Tusculanae Disputationes, V. 21, is about the

sword of Damocles. According to the story, pandering to his

king, Dionysius, who was known to be tyrannical, his

coutier Damocles exclaimed that, as a great man of power

and authority surrounded by magnificence, Dionysius was

truly extremely fortunate. Dionysius then offered to switch

places with Damocles, so that Damocles could taste that

very fortune firsthand. Damocles quickly and eagerly

accepted the king's proposal. Damocles sat down in the

king's throne surrounded by every luxury, but Dionysius

arranged that a huge sword should hang above the throne,

held at the pommel only by a X. What was the sword of

Damocles held at the pommel by?

A single strand of horse hair


Bathtub gin

Mountain dew

white lightning




Home brew

These are the different names/varieties of what?


This statue was

unveiled in September

2003 as a tribute to X,

at Watchet

Harbour, Somerset,

England. The name of

the statue is also the

name of X’s most

famous work Y.

Identify both X and Y.

X- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Y- Rime of the ancient mariner.

This picture is a timeline of the gradual development of

mathematical design starting with the development of

the Vastu Shastra in 3000 BC and the most recent

development being in 2009. This is a original graphic of

a 27 page long explanation of the development of X.

What is X?

The new Pepsi Logo

A X is a road or street that appears on maps but does not

exist in reality. X generally occur when city

planners or subdivision developers lay out and dedicate

streets that are never built. Commercial street maps based

only on official subdivision and land records may show

these streets, which are legally public rights of way though

usually undriveable. In popular culture there is an

interesting play on the phrase as the main character of

Chuck Palahnuik’s novel, “Fight club” and also it’s movie

adaptation lives in a house on X. What is X?

Paper Street

In Hindu mythology, X was the daughter of Shukracharya and his

wife Jayanti, who is the daughter of Indra. In her early life, she

was rejected by Kacha, the son of Brihaspati. Thus X cursed him

he will never be able to use his knowledge, in turn Kacha also

cursed X that she would not get married to any devas. She later

married Yayati, son of Nahusha whom she encountered when the

princess Sharmishtha pushed her into a well. X asked Yayati to

marry her as he had clasped her hand while lifting her out of the

well. Yayati and X had two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. X also means

"main goddess" or "mastermind“.

Devajani/ Devayani :P

Ad campaign by whom?


This is a very specific color scheme

of something. What?

The X is a river in Greek mythology that formed the boundary

between Earth and the Underworld .The rivers

X, Phlegethon, Acheron, and Cocytus all converge at the center

of the underworld on a great marsh, which is also sometimes

called the X. Apparently the gods were bound by X and swore

oaths to it. X had the power to make one invulnerable. The

great warrior Achilles is said to be dipped in the X by his mother

except for his heel which his mother was holding to prevent him

from drowning in the river. Give me the name of the river.

X- Styx

X is the centerpiece of AT&T Plaza at Millennium Park in

the Loop community area of Chicago, Illinois. Constructed

between 2004 and 2006, the sculpture is nicknamed The

Bean because of its bean-like shape. Made up of 168 stainless

steel plates welded together, its highly polished exterior has

no visible seams. The design was inspired by

liquid mercury and the sculpture's surface reflects and

distorts the city's skyline. Visitors are able to walk around and

under X’s 12-foot (3.7 m) high arch. On the underside is the

"omphalos" (Greek for "navel"), a concave chamber that warps

and multiplies reflections. Identify X.

Cloud Gate

Identify the singer.

Munmi Borah.

A X is a structural part of the above-ground anatomy of a number of

species of plants, a diaspore that, once it is mature and

dry, detaches from its root or stem, and is carried away by the

wind. In most such species the X is in effect the entire plant apart

from the root system, but in other plants a hollow fruit or

an inflorescence might serve the function. The X's association with

the Western films has led to a highly symbolic meaning in visual

media. It has come to represent locations that are desolate, dry,

and often humorless, with few or no occupants. A common use is

when characters encounter a long abandoned or dismal-looking

place: a X will be seen rolling past, often accompanied by the sound

of a dry, hollow wind. This is sometimes used, for comic effect, in

locations where Xs are not expected. Identify X.

X- Tumbleweed


Bidexot apun manuh

First row- Thames, Missisipi, Subansiri (Lower subansiri hydel

power project),

Second row- Maple, Majuli, Deuka (Wings)

Third row-Akash (sky) (Aamir Khan’s character in Dil Chahta


The things that are mentioned in it’s title track.


The Indian National Anthem

Rabindranath Tagore is the creator of the Indian National Anthem. The

Indian National Anthem is based on the raag Ahilya Bilawal. The 2nd

picture is of Rani Ahilyabai and the 3rd picture is of Bilawal Bhutto.

Identify the theme song

X is a pejorative term used to refer to cheap popular serial

literature produced during the nineteenth century. The

term typically referred to a story published in weekly

parts, each costing a particular sum of money from which

it derives it’s name. The subject matter of these stories

was typically sensational, focusing on the exploits of

detectives, criminals, or supernatural entities. What is X?

Penny Dreadful

Print ad for?

Crossword audiobooks

The term X appears to have been coined by the feminist

critic Rosalind Coward in her 1984 book Female Desire in

which she writes:

"Cooking food and presenting it beautifully is an act of

servitude. It is a way of expressing affection through a

gift... That we should aspire to produce perfectly

finished and presented food is a symbol of a willing and

enjoyable participation in servicing others. X exactly

sustains these meanings relating to the preparation of

food. The kinds of picture used always repress the

process of production of a meal. They are always

beautifully lit, often touched up."

Food Pornography

Give Funda

Rugmark renamed Goodweave International. Founded in

1994 by Kailash Satyarthi.

X was launched in August 2012 by Sean Rad, Justin Mateen, Jonathan

Badeen, and Dinesh Moorjani of Hatch Labs. The app was initially

piloted on college campuses, the first being the University of

Southern California.

X won TechCrunch's Crunchie Award for "Best New Startup of 2013".

X is a match making app in which with the use

of geolocation technology, users can set a specific radius, and they

will have the option to match with anyone that is within that


Identify X.

X is an English actress, known primarily for her role as

Colonel Virginia Lake in the 1970s science-fiction television

series UFO, and for her recurring role as Pamela Parry in the

sitcom Only Fools and Horses from 1989–92. She has also appeared

in two episodes of The Saint alongside Roger Moore. Recently she

appeared in season 3 and 4 of BBC One’s TV series Sherlock. She

has a famous son Y. Id both X and Y

X- Wanda Ventham

Y- Benedict Cumberbatch

This is X. We know her from

playing Y very recently in Z.

X starred in the hit British TV

series “The Avengers” from

1965 to 1968 as Emma Peel.

X also starred in the Bond

film “On her majesty’s

secret service” in 1969 as

Tracy Bond (nee Draco) thus

being the only Bond girl to

have ever married James

Bond. Give me X, Y, Z.

X- Diana Rigg

Y- Lady Olenna

Z- Game of Thrones

Thank You