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1.  Cybercrime is basically criminal activity done by using computers and the internet. A. True B. False

3.  Spam floods the internet and leaves people with no option other than to recieve it.

A. True B. False

4.  The act of stalking an individual through a group or electronic means is called cyberstalking.

A. True B. False

6.  Your social security number should not be kept private? A. True B. False


Identity Theft is a type of crime in which personal information is stolen to commit fraudulent activity.

A. True B. False

8.  Social networking sites have nothing to do with the percentage of missing kids annually.

A. True B. False

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7What is a “Hacktivist”?

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A)Politically motivated hacker

B)Denial of service attacker

C)A proponent of Napster

D)A person engaging in an intentional act involving a computer in which the person may have gained at the victim’s expense

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19 What is the primary distinction between viruses and worms?

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A)Worms do not rely on a host program to infect.

B)Worms masquerade as legitimate while causing damage.

C)Viruses do not rely on a host program to infect.

D)A computer virus is active without a host.

Malware is simply a nuisance and does not pose substantial risk to large organisations.A.TrueB. False

Cyber ethics and cyber laws are being formulated to put a stop to cyber crimes? A. True B. False

If you use a public Wi-Fi network (in a café or hotel, for example) that assigns you a password, it’s okay to send confidential business data.a.Trueb.

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Is email software with built-in spam filtering a way to protect yourself from email spam? A. Yes(Missed) B. No

25 Which of the following techniques do not help prevent computer crime?


B)Digital forensic analysis



Computer hacking is the practice of modifying computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal outside of the creator's original purpose. A. Yes B. No

You should NOT respond to Spam mail because it puts you at greater risk of receiving more spam mail. A. True B. False

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Email Spoofing

Changing the email header so it looks like it’s coming from someone else. This is also used to try to trick people into giving out personal information.


A scam where an official-looking email is sent to an unsuspecting user to try to trick them out of their username, password or other information.  They are usually directed to click onto a link that goes to a fake (spoofed) version of a real organization’s website.


A fake version of a real organizations website. The address bar can be altered so it appears to be the official website.


Short for “voice phishing” and is the latest scam. Starts with an email or phone call asking you to verify the last three digits of your credit card number to verify who you are.

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Keystroke Phishing

When a Trojan program is unknowingly downloaded onto your computer that tracks the keystrokes you enter into the computer and sends it back to the schemer, who hopes to get a username and password from it.

Identity Theft

A person gathers your personal information and poses as you to get credit, merchandise, services or to commit other crimes.

Spear Phishing

Personalized Phishing

Cookie Poisoning

The modification of cookies that are put on your computer by an attacker to gain information about a user.


Software that is downloaded onto a user’s computer without his knowledge and used for malevolent purposes.

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Cyberstalking A crime where the attacker harasses the victim using electronic communication such as email, IM’s, chat rooms, discussion groups, etc.


The practice of driving around in a vehicle with a Wi-Fi enabled laptop looking for available signals to use.


The malicious software that is developed for the purpose of doing harm.