Download - Quick Liners There is a mean bully from the high school who is giving you trouble. Which Sesame Street character(s) would you want to have your back (and.


Quick LinersThere is a mean bully from the high school who is giving you trouble. Which Sesame Street character(s) would you want to have your back (and why)? Put on back

of new Page 1 Notes

Quick LinersIf you could be one inch tall for a day, what specific place would you most like to explore?

The Beginnings

of Civilization

in Italy

Are you a “True Taylor” or a “False


(1) According to legend, the twin brothers Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome.

(2) The Latins were Italy’s first highly civilized people.

(3) The Etruscans had a very strong army.

(4) Catacombs were used by Etruscans to worship their gods.

(5) The Etruscans would have hated the gladiatorial games that the Romans later loved.

Beginnings of Civilization in Italy – Notes (page 1)

Beginnings of Civilization in Italy – Notes (page 1)

Ancient people made up legends to _____________.

The Aeneid

•_________ (1) famous Roman _______ that

connects the city of Rome to _________

•The Aeneid (1) famous Roman _______ that

connects the city of Rome to _________

•The Aeneid (1) famous Roman epic poem

that connects the city of Rome to _________

•The Aeneid (1) famous Roman epic poem

that connects the city of Rome to the Trojans

(2) tells the story of _____(a) __________________(b) one of ________________________________

(2) tells the story of Aeneas(a) __________________(b) one of ________________________________

(2) tells the story of Aeneas(a) Trojan hero and prince(b) one of ________________________________

(2) tells the story of Aeneas(a) Trojan hero and prince(b) one of the few to survive

the destruction of Troy

Aeneas flees burning Troy

(c) he meets _________ of _______ in __________

(c) he meets Queen Dido of _______ in __________

(c) he meets Queen Dido of Carthage in __________

(c) he meets Queen Dido of Carthage in North Africa

Aeneas Tells Dido About the Fall of Troy

* they fall in love, but __________ _________________ – __________ ___________

* Dido is very ____ – ____________

* she ____________________ _________ – ________________ ______________________ (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – __________ ___________

* Dido is very ____ – ____________

* she ____________________ _________ – ________________ ______________________ (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – his

destiny is to found Italy

* Dido is very ____ – ____________

* she ____________________ _________ – ________________ ______________________ (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – his

destiny is to found Italy

* Dido is very upset – ____________

* she ____________________ _________ – ________________ ______________________ (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – his

destiny is to found Italy

* Dido is very upset – she kills herself

* she ____________________ _________ – ________________ ______________________ (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – his

destiny is to found Italy

* Dido is very upset – she kills herself

* she curses Aeneas and all his descendents – ________________ ______________________ (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – his

destiny is to found Italy

* Dido is very upset – she kills herself

* she curses Aeneas and all his descendents – hatred always exists

between Carthage and Rome (foreshadows ____________)

* they fall in love, but he is told by the gods to leave her – his destiny is to found Italy

* Dido is very upset – she kills herself

* she curses Aeneas and all his descendents – hatred always exists

between Carthage and Rome (foreshadows the Punic Wars)

(d) he travels to _______________ __________ – he ___________ ___________________

(d) he travels to Italy___________ __________ – he ___________ ___________________

(d) he travels to Italy and marries a Latin______ – he ___________ ___________________

(d) he travels to Italy and marries a Latin princess – he ___________


(d) he travels to Italy and marries a Latin princess – he and his people mix with Latin tribesmen


(3) _________ is very similar to __ ______ (a) written by ________________(b) written in _____________

(3) The Aeneid is very similar to __ ______ (a) written by ________________(b) written in _____________

(3) The Aeneid is very similar to the Odyssey

(a) written by ________________(b) written in _____________

(3) The Aeneid is very similar to the Odyssey

(a) written by Virgil, a Roman poet

(b) written in _____________

(3) The Aeneid is very similar to the Odyssey

(a) written by Virgil, a Roman poet

(b) written in Latin, not Greek

Quick LinersIf you could be one inch tall for a day, what specific place would you most like to explore?

Business•Hand-backs•Tonight’s homework•Go over quizzes•Trip to Florida•The Romans – Beginnings

(d) he travels to Italy and marries a Latin princess – he and his people mix with Latin tribesmen


• ______ and _____ – myth of ______ ________________

• Romulus and Remus – myth of ______ ________________

• Romulus and Remus – myth of how the city of Rome is built

(1) ______ and _____ are __________ – sons of Mars (___) and a ____

______, who is ____________ _____

(1) Romulus and Remus are __________ – sons of Mars (___) and a ____

______, who is ____________ _____

(1) Romulus and Remus are twin brothers – sons of Mars (___) and a ____ ______, who is ____________


(1) Romulus and Remus are twin brothers – sons of Mars (Ares) and a ____ ______, who is ____________ _____

(1) Romulus and Remus are twin brothers – sons of Mars (Ares) and a Latin princess, who is ____________ _____

(1) Romulus and Remus are twin brothers – sons of Mars (Ares) and a Latin princess, who is a descendant of _____

(1) Romulus and Remus are twin brothers – sons of Mars (Ares) and a Latin princess, who is a descendant of Aeneas

(2) twins are ___________________ – punishment to princess

_________ ______________________

(2) twins are set adrift on – punishment to princess

_________ ______________________

(2) twins are set adrift on Tiber River – punishment to princess _________ ______________________

(2) twins are set adrift on Tiber River – punishment to princess because she is not supposed to have kids

Rhea Silvia

(3) saved by _____________________

(3) saved by a she-wolf____________

(3) saved by a she-wolf (a female wolf)


Claire Blankemeyer

Lupa, Romulus, and Remus

Ringling Museum Courtyard

Sarasota, Florida

(4) rescued by _________

(4) rescued by a shepherd

(5) ______ and _____ argue over ___________________________

(5) Romulus and Remus argue over ___________________________

(5) Romulus and Remus argue over founding a city on the Tiber


(6) each _________(a) ______ climbs ______________ –

sees _________ - claims _____________________________

(6) each climbs a hill(a) ______ climbs ______________ –

sees _________ - claims _____________________________

(6) each climbs a hill(a) Romulus climbs ______________ –

sees _________ - claims _____________________________

(6) each climbs a hill(a) Romulus climbs to top of

Palatine – sees _________ - claims ____


(6) each climbs a hill(a) Romulus climbs to top of

Palatine – sees 12 vultures - claims _____________________________

(6) each climbs a hill(a) Romulus climbs to top of

Palatine – sees 12 vultures - claims it’s a


(6) each climbs a hill(a) Romulus climbs to top of

Palatine – sees 12 vultures - claims it’s a

sign his city will last 1200 years

(b) ______ and _____ fight – ______ ____

(b) Romulus and Remus fight – ______ ____

(b) Romulus and Remus fight – _____ is killed

(b) Romulus and Remus fight – Remus is killed

(7) ______ becomes king ________ _____________

(7) Romulus becomes king ________ _____________

(7) Romulus becomes king of the new city called ____

(7) Romulus becomes king of the new city called Rome

• The true story(1) _____ first settled _________

___________________(2) ______ – village ____________

• The true story(1) Latins first settled _________

___________________(2) ______ – village ____________

• The true story(1) Latins first settled on the

Tiber River around _________

(2) ______ – village ____________

• The true story(1) Latins first settled on the

Tiber River around the Palatine

(2) ______ – village ____________

• The true story(1) Latins first settled on the

Tiber River around the Palatine

(2) ______ – village of 1000 people

• The true story(1) Latins first settled on the

Tiber River around the Palatine

(2) 776 BCE – village of 1000 people

Side Note* __________ – ______* ______________________ ___???

Side Note* Fall of Rome – ______* ______________________ ___???

Side Note* Fall of Rome – 476 CE* ______________________ ___???

Side Note* Fall of Rome – 476 CE* Was the mythical prediction


Side Note* Fall of Rome – 476 CE* Was the mythical prediction


(1) What is the name of the poet who wrote the Aeneid? In what language did he write?

(2) In what North African city did Aeneas meet Queen Dido?

(3) What type of animal rescued Romulus and Remus from river? What was the name of the river?

(4) Who won the fight between Romulus and Remus?

(5) Historically speaking, what was the name of the tribesmen who first settled Rome around the year 1000 BCE?

BonusWhat was the name of the center hill among the 7 hills of Rome (the one that Romulus climbed to the top of)?

Beginnings of Civilization in Italy – Notes (page 2)

The Pre-Romans

• Historical Founding of Rome (1) _______________

(a) settled in ____________________________________

The Pre-Romans

• Historical Founding of Rome (1) Latins (pre-Romans)

(a) settled in ____________________________________

The Pre-Romans

• Historical Founding of Rome (1) Latins (pre-Romans)

(a) settled in Latium, south of_______________________

The Pre-Romans

• Historical Founding of Rome (1) Latins (pre-Romans)

(a) settled in Latium, south of Tiber River,_____________

The Pre-Romans

• Historical Founding of Rome (1) Latins (pre-Romans)

(a) settled in Latium, south ofTiber River, about

1000 BCE

(b) ______ tribe – _____________ _____

(b) barbaric tribe – _____________ _____

(b) barbaric tribe – not an advanced culture

(c) settled along ____________ * used it for ________________ _______________

(c) settled along the Tiber River* used it for ________________ _______________

Tiber River

Allison Chang

(c) settled along the Tiber River* used it for defense,

highway for trade, fishing, etc.

(2) __________________(a) Italy’s 1st ___________ _____

(2) Etruscans (pre-Romans)(a) Italy’s 1st ___________ _____

(2) Etruscans (pre-Romans)(a) Italy’s 1st highly

civilized people

(2) Etruscans (pre-Romans)(a) Italy’s 1st highly

civilized people

What does “civilized” mean?

(b) settled land ______________ ___________________________

(b) settled land north of the ____ ___________________________

(b) settled land north of the Tiber River_______________________

(b) settled land north of the Tiber River called__________________

(b) settled land north of the Tiber River called Etruria ___________

(b) settled land north of the Tiber River called Etruria about 900


(c) called _______________________ _____

(c) called “People of the Sea” -______ _____

(c) called “People of the Sea” – good at sailing

(d) had a _________ * used __________________ ______

(d) had a strong army * used __________________


(d) had a strong army * used phalanx (borrowed

from ______

(d) had a strong army * used phalanx (borrowed

from Greeks)

(e) by ___________________________ ____* took over

_______________ * ________________________ ____________________

(e) by 616 BCE, they controlled _______ ____* took over _______________ * ________________________ ____________________

(e) by 616 BCE, they controlled northern Italy

* took over _______________* ________________________


(e) by 616 BCE, they controlled northern Italy

* took over the Romans / Latins * ________________________


(e) by 616 BCE, they controlled northern Italy

* took over the Romans / Latins * Lucius Tarquinius – 1st Etruscan king over Romans / Latins

(f) loved _________* __________________


(f) loved a good time* __________________


(f) loved a good time* sports, music,

dancing, games, feasting, etc.

(g) women _______________________

(g) women were considered to men

(g) women were considered equal to men

(h) dead ______________________ _______________ * covered __________________

(h) dead were buried in __________ underground tombs* covered __________________

(h) dead were buried in catacombs - underground tombs

* covered __________________

(h) dead were buried in catacombs - underground tombs

* covered the walls with ______

(h) dead were buried in catacombs - underground tombs

* covered the walls with frescoes

(i) King Tarquinius – last Etruscan king of Rome

* kicked out in 509 BCE by the Latins

Beginnings of Civilization in Italy – Notes (page 3)

Etruscan Contributions to the Latins/Romans

• __________ and _________ skills(1) ___, __________, _____________

Etruscan Contributions to the Latins/Romans

• Architecture and _________ skills(1) ___, __________, _____________

Etruscan Contributions to the Latins/Romans

• Architecture and engineering skills(1) ___, __________, _____________

Etruscan Contributions to the Latins/Romans

• Architecture and engineering skills(1) ___, __________, _____________

Etruscan Contributions to the Latins/Romans

• Architecture and engineering skills(1) arch, sewer system,

drainage system

• Funeral ________________(1) became ____________

• Funeral slave fights to death (1) became ____________

• Funeral slave fights to death (1) became gladiator fights

• Written language - ____

• Written language - Latin

• _____ – _______________

• _____ – Rome’s public square

• Forum – Rome’s public square

(1) Founding of Rome

(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(2) Map of Early Rome and Italy

(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(2) Map of Early Rome and Italyright elbow

(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(2) Map of Early Rome and Italyright elbow

(3) Something cool you did over the recent break (3 words or less)

(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(2) Map of Early Rome and Italyright elbow

(3) Something cool you did over the recent break (3 words or less)

either knee

(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(2) Map of Early Rome and Italyright elbow

(3) Something cool you did over the recent break (3 words or less)

either knee(4) Favorite sports team or favorite


(1) Founding of Romeleft fist

(2) Map of Early Rome and Italyright elbow

(3) Something cool you did over the recent break (3 words or less)

either knee(4) Favorite sports team or favorite
