Download - Questionnaire Vinay

  • 1. JAI SHREE GANESHAH NAMAH Very Good Evening

2. Well Discuss

  • What are we doing?
  • What is questionnaire?
  • What is the need of questionnaire?
  • Importance of questionnaire.
  • How should we design a questionnaire?
  • Steps for a good questionnaire.


  • Marketing research:
  • The function that links an organization to its market through thegathering of information (DATA) . This information allows for the identification and definition of market-driven opportunities and problems.
  • The information allows for the generation, refinement and evaluation of marketing actions. It allows for the monitoring of marketing performance and improved understanding of marketing as a business process.
  • Data is a collection of facts or natural phenomena from which conclusions may be drawn

4. Research Process Phase I Determination of Research Problem Research Methodology Execution of Information Communication of The Result Phase IV Phase II Phase III

  • Understand clients requirements and problems
  • Proposal presentation to determine
  • objectives of research
  • Determine time line and frame research design
  • Evaluate the research design and data sources
  • Determine the sampling plan and sample size
  • Determine the measurement issues and scales
  • Control the data collection process
  • Coding and data entry
  • Data processing
  • Generate tables
  • Do Bivariate and multivariate analyses
  • Charting and presentation of findings
  • Comprehensive report including executive
  • summary and recommendations
  • Present final report to management

5. Structured Questionnaire FGDs In-depth interview Secondary dataQualitative or Subjective Research

  • Discussion Guide
  • Audio Transcription
  • Analysis
  • Executive Summary
  • Recommendations
  • Final Report

Formal ratingProcedureto gatherinformationContentanalysisFrom exitingData sources Data Collection There are six ways to gather information, literature search, talking withpeople, focus groups, personal interviews, telephone surveys, mail surveys 6. Basics of Questionnaire Design 7. Questionnaire design encompasses :

  • How to write questions
  • How to draft and organize a questionnaire

8. The Art of Asking Questions

  • We must ask the right question
  • Respondents must understand yourquestion
  • Respondents must know the answer
  • Respondents must be willing andable to tell you the answer

9. Three Simple Rules for Writing a Good Questionnaire

  • Think through your research questions and objectivesbeforeyou write questions
  • Prepare an analysis planbeforeyou write questions
  • Ask yourself, in relation to points #1 and #2 above, if each question on your list is necessary? Even if the data would be interesting it has to ultimately be used in analysis to make the cut!

10. Types of Survey Questions

  • 1) Those that ask about behaviors or facts
    • Non-threatening behavior questions
    • Threatening behavior questions
    • Demographics
  • 2) Those that ask about psychological states or attitudes
  • 3) Those that ask about knowledge

11. What Is A Good Question?

  • One that yields a truthful, accurate answer
  • One that asks for one answer on one dimension
  • One that accommodates all possible contingencies of response
  • One that uses specific, simple language
  • One that has mutually exclusive response options
  • One that produces variability in response
  • One that minimizes social desirability
  • One that is pre-tested

12. Ask questions one at a time

  • Bad question :
  • In the past 6 months, what major appliances has your household purchased new from the store?
  • Better question :
  • Now Im going to read a list of household appliances. As I read each one, please tell me whether or not your household has purchased this type of appliance new from the store during the past 6 months. How about
  • a refrigerator?
  • a kitchen range or oven?
  • a microwave?

13. Ask questions one at a time

  • Bad Question:
  • Compared to one year ago, are you paying more, less, or about the same for your auto and life insurance?
  • Better Question :
  • Compared to one year ago, are you now paying more, less, or about the same for
  • a. auto insurance?
  • b. life insurance?

14. Specify

  • Specify who, what, when, where and how .
  • For example, whose income?Whats included? Over what period of time? Example :
  • In 2002, what was your total household income? Please count income from all members of your household, including wages.
  • Specify through cues for Example
  • People drink beer in many places for example, at home, at restaurants, at bars, sporting events, at friends homes, etc. During the past 30 days, did you drink any beer?

15. Use words with singular meanings

  • Ambiguous:
  • How would you compare how close you are to family in your current neighborhood to how close you were in your old neighborhood? Would you say your family is closer here, further here, or the same?
  • More Clear:
  • Compared to your last neighborhood, do you now live closer to your family, are you further from your family, or are you about the same distance?

16. How to draft and organize your questionnaire 17. Ordering the Questions

  • Segment by topic
  • Ask about related topics together
  • Salient questions take precedence over less salient ones
  • Ask recall backwards in time
  • Use transitions when changing topics give a sense of progress through the questionnaire
  • Leave objectionable questions (e.g., income) for the end
  • Put demographic questions at the end

18. How to Start the Questionnaire

  • Start with easy questions that all respondents can answer with little effort
  • First questions should also be non-threatening
  • Dont start with knowledge or awareness questions
  • First questions should be directly related to the topic as described in the introduction or advance/cover letter

19. Survey Intro/Cover Letter

  • Introduction should indicate:
    • who is conducting the survey
    • the topics to be covered in the survey
    • an assurance of confidentiality
    • whether you offer how long it will take depends on mode, topic, population

20. Physical Format of the Self-Administered Questionnaire

  • Careful formatting is necessary to decrease errors and increase motivation
  • Respondents needs mustalwaystake priority, followed by interviewer and data processors

21. Physical Format Checklist

  • Number all questions sequentially
  • Use large, clear type;dont crowd
  • White space: Place more blank space between questions than between subcomponents of questions
  • List answer categories vertically instead of horizontally
  • Avoid double/triple banking of response choices
  • Be consistent withdirectionof response categories
  • Be consistent withplacementof response categories

22. Physical Format, Continued

  • Dont split questions across pages.If necessary (e.g., question requires 1.5 pages), restate question and response categories on next page
  • Put special instructions on questionnaire as needed, next to question
  • Distinguish directions from questions
  • Pre-code the questionnaire (vs. check boxes)

23. Questionnaire Design Steps

  • 1.Decide what information is needed
  • 2. Search for existing questions
  • 3. Draft new questions/revise existing ones
  • 4. Sequence the questions
  • 5. Get peer evaluation
  • 6. Revise and test on self/co-workers
  • 7. Think-aloud interviews
  • 8. Revise/eliminate questions
  • 9. Prepare interviewer instructions for pilot test

24. Questionnaire Design Steps

  • 10. Pilot test (10-20 cases)
  • 11. Revise eliminate questions based on respondent and interviewer comments
  • 12. Pilot test again, if necessary
  • 13. Prepare final interviewer instructions
  • 14. Be prepared to modify questionnaires if interviewer training raises problems
  • 15. After interviewing is complete, debriefinterviewers for potential problems
  • 16. Use experience from one study for future planning

25. Decide to lead Thank you