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Questionnaire Analysis

Here is where I asked my target audience what magazines do they read, how often, what genre, what magazine brand do they

like, ect.


• As you can see majority of people who done my survey would like a magazine which could be accessed online, as they could be reading it on their smart phones or tablets.


• People voted Rock/Indie as their favourite music genre, then it was R&B, Pop and Dub step tied in third place, Hip Hop and Jazz tied in fourth place and finally classical.


• I asked a general question on my questionnaire asking the users completing my survey their gender.


• As I will be creating my own magazine I would like to know what people like to see mostly on a magazine front cover. The popular vote was the main image, then came freebies, the puffs, title block and then the slogan


• I also asked if they would like to read about mains stream artist or new upcoming artists. It was a close call but the new upcoming artist won the vote as it could interest the reader and see how they progress in the music industry in the future.


• Often they buy a music magazine and a lot of them responded never and couple voted once a month and once every year.  Then I asked them how often they buy a music magazine and a lot of them responded never and couple voted once a month and once every year.


• I asked if they would like to see more images or texts about articles inside the particular issue of a magazine. They responded yes for images and only 2 voted for yes for texts and for both.


• I also asked the people using my survey their opinion on how much would they pay for a magazine. £1.50 and £2.00 tied for first place and £3.00 came last.


• On my 9th question I asked them what magazine they would buy. VIBE, NME and KERRANG came first place, then Q, and finally MOJO.


• I also asked them on my final question what colour scheme would they like on a magazine. The top vote was Black and White and tied second was Black, White and Purple and Black, White and Green.