Download - Question 6


Question 6By George Ring

What have you learnt about the technologies from the processing of creating this product?

Nikon D3200

When constructing my film opening. I learnt a lot about the physical technology which is used to create film openings. In our group, Frankie and I both have the same camera which is a Nikon D3200. The camera gave us a Full HD video, 24MP sensor and allowed us both to film the opening from 2 different angles.

Nikon D3200

From the storyboard, we then went out to film four times, although the first day was not successful as the actor we used pulled out and we had to scrap all of the footage which we had amounted. Following this, we went out to shoot in the locations we used. By using two cameras, it meant that editing was easier as we both had footage from the same shoots but from different angles. One of the jump-cuts we created was easily done as we simply had the same shot twice but from the different angles.

We had two tripods as well the first time, which was helpful as it meant that we could use both steady and handheld shots. The use of the screen on the camera was also helpful as it meant that we could watch back after a shot and see if it needed to be improved or if we liked it. This was helpful as the raw footage was able to be reshot at once as possible,as appose to going back at a later date and attempting to reshoot the same shot as accurate as possible.


When editing our film opening, we did it all on Apple Mac computers. Personally, I prefer using Mac’s a lot more to other computers as I feel they are much easier to use and they are a lot more reliable when you get the hang of them. I also have several Mac’s at home, so I was able to transfer the project so that I could edit it at home.


Adobe was the main company we used when editing and putting together the shots from our final film opening. The initial classification screen we made to fit industry standards were made by using Photoshop.

By doing photography, I had a wide knowledge on Photoshop and how to use it, therefore by researching on different film websites we were able to create a screen which was nearly exact to what we had seen on other films.

Then, by uploading our footage to the Macs, we began editing on Premier Pro. This and After Effects were two editing software's we used while editing our film opening. We were able to change different colours, tinting the footage to adapt it and ensure that it conformed to what people would expect of a flashback shot. We were also able to add our titles, and music all on one programme.

After Effects was a programme I had not previously used, and it helped us create our company logo.


The use of my own blog enabled me and Frankie to share the work we had done individually in the group when we were not together. It meant that we were able to get real-time updates on how we were progressing, and what we had left to complete on the checklist. It also meant that everything was in one place and it was accessible anywhere.

For example, if it was to have been printed and done in folders, we would have not been able to complete the work in a lesson if we had not remembered to bring the folder.


However, we always had access to the internet and therefore the blog meant we could post the work and keep it in one place. It also meant that no work could be lost, the blogs were regularly checked to ensure all of the work was there and once it was, it could not have gone missing.

It also meant that no work could be lost, the blogs were regularly checked to ensure all of the work was there and once it was, it could not have gone missing. It also gave us added security, as when we had completed work on PowerPoint or Prezi and then uploaded it to the blog, we had numerous files of it.


Another reason that using Blogger was useful for the process of constructing my film opening was because when I was researching previous film openings and the conventions used, I was able to collate them through labels on my blog. It also meant that I could embed videos onto my blog, and other pieces of information instead of printing them out and keeping them in a folder.


YouTube was a great piece of technology on the internet for me to construct this product as it was a quick way for me to upload my film opening at the different stages. I was able to put tags on it, so that it was accessible to anyone. I could then publish the embed links onto my blog, so that the YouTube video was able to be viewed quickly on my blog.

When I was on YouTube and other video sharing websites, I could also look at videos that related to mine. For example, I could look at other amateur film makers work and see if my work was following the same conventions.


YouTube also allowed to me to look at other film openings in the horror genre, from different films that were worldwide box office successes and independent film makers. I was able to look at different soundtracks which people had made, both independent and studio work.

Most of these were free to use in the media product as long as we credited the artists work. This was helpful for me as it saved time scrolling through numerous different websites trying to find different sound tracks when I could easily scroll through a variety by different artists on one website.

Social Media

The use of video websites such as YouTube  also made it possible for me to upload the video onto the social media websites we used to promote the film opening. By creating a Twitter and Facebook account, I was able to target different audiences and share the ideas of my film opening. I could share videos, gain audience feedback and show stills from the filming that we have done in order to know that the film we are creating is what our audience wants to see. Overall, they will be the ones who go and see the film eventually.

Social Media

All of the students in the class had a social media website and followed each other on them. This meant that we were able to see how each other was progressing and get feedback on our ideas and work. This worked well for my genre as our target audience was around 15-25 year olds. Our media class is all aged between 16-17 and therefore it is the peak age that we were approaching for our film.


IMDB was a great way for me to research other films of similar genres and find out the audiences behind the most popular films made. By looking at the category for Horror, I was then able to look at the demographics of what different ages rated the film on a scale of 1-10.

Researching different films in this category, I found out that Males and Females Under 18 usually rated horror films higher than most other ages; showing that they preferred the horror films more than anyone else. I was also able to look at budgets, and which film companies produced and distributed the films which I have researched.

IMDB also shows photographs, the equipment which was used in the films that were produced and the different trailers which were made in order to market the film. It gave facts which helped me in the research process and techniques which I could have applied to my film opening.

What have you learnt about the technologies from the processing

of creating this product?

Overall, when creating my media product, I learnt a lot about the range of different

technologies in creating my media product. One of the main things I learnt was progressing my skills when using editing software Premier Pro. I looked up a lot of videos and techniques on YouTube in order to further my knowledge

and create a more sophisticated film opening. I also learnt a lot about the different information sites there were, where I could find facts and

figures on the Horror film genre.