Download - Question 5 how did you attract your audience

Page 1: Question 5 how did you attract your audience

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

Page 2: Question 5 how did you attract your audience

I think my magazine cover could be distributed in shops large and small which is how most mainstream magazines are distributed. Here is just a few examples:

Page 3: Question 5 how did you attract your audience

Magazines in a small shop:

Page 4: Question 5 how did you attract your audience

I think my music magazine would be beneficial in the large superstores because more people come through a larger shop like Tesco's or Asda’s than in small shop and are more likely to have a look at the magazine section as it just as you go through the entrance in the larger stores and possibly the teenagers will pick it up and like it then buy my magazine.

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However it could also be beneficial in small corner shops because news agents are very popular in the community and my magazine could appeal to a wide range of audience within the community and as the magazine gets more popular word gets around the community about this magazine, and because if they only want to go and get one thing they go to there local newsagents because it is nearer. I think all this because shopping Is a huge part of family life and is also stereotypically what a family do and they need to do there essential shopping and the first thing they will see is the magazine aisle.