Download - Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:

Page 1: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:

Question 21:

• Republican: keep it in the southern part • Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where

the constitutional authority extends: • Democratic: Lets SCOTUS decided about slavery • Constitutional Union: Only care about the laws,

constitution and the Union

Page 2: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:

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Page 3: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:

Path to Civil War and

ReconstructionREVIEW GAME

Page 4: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What was the set of ideas developed by Stephen Douglas that said the exclusion of slavery in a territory could be determined by the refusal of the voters to enact laws or "unfriendly legislation" that would protect slave property or freedom, depending on the will of the ppl in that area? It was unpopular with Southerners, and thus cost him the election.• Answer: Freeport Doctrine

Page 5: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which political party’s platform during the Election of 1860 meant to broaden the party's appeal in the North by calling for a high protective tariff; and excluding slavery in new US territories, including a railroad, and the condemnation of slavery as inappropriate business. • Answer: Republican Party

Page 6: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:

Question :

• The Reconstruction Act of 1867 was the plan of what group of people in Congress after the civil war? • Answer: Radical Republicans

Page 7: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which political party’s platform in Election of 1860 was to abide by nothing more than the constitution and the laws and hold the Union together.• Answer: Constitutional Union Party

Page 8: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• In which battle in 1863 did Union army's blockade the city in Mississippi, that led the city to surrender of the confederates after 7 weeks of the bombing campaign and gave control of the Mississippi River to the Union?• Answer: Siege of Vicksburg

Page 9: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What was the strategy by General Scott to win the Civil War for the Union by holding Border states, Control Mississippi river, Take Richmond, VA, Blockade from Chesapeake bay to Rio Grande? • Answer: Anaconda Plan

Page 10: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which battle was of the civil war was fought in a Federal Fort in South Carolina, which the Confederate leader stated that "Under no circumstances [is Lincoln] to allowed to [send] provisions” and leading the first Confederate fires?• Answer: Battle of Fort Sumter

Page 11: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which speech is made as a last ditch effort to prevent secession by the South, and the speaker promises that he will not abolish slavery where it currently exists and emphasizes the illegality of secession? • Answer: Lincoln’s 1st Inaugural Address

Page 12: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What event happened on May 24, 1856 that occurred with the slaughter of 5 pro-slavery men from the Law and Order Party in Kansas by John Brown and his followers and was done in reaction to the Sack of Lawrence done by the Pro-Slavery delegation?• Answer: Potawatomie Massacre

Page 13: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• After which event did John Brown's give his last words in the Virginia Court in which he was trying to convince the audience that what he did was for an honorable and noble purpose?• Answer: Raid on Harper’s Ferry

Page 14: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What were the set of laws passed after the civil war in which Southern blacks could be arrested for quitting job, limited where Blacks could purchase or rent property, fined for vagrancy, did not allow them to testify in court except w/in members of their race, Fined for seditious speeches, absence from work, violating curfew, and/or possessing firearms?• Answer: Black Codes

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• Which amendment outlaws forced imprisonments except as punishment for a crime? • Answer: 13th Amendment

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• What’s the name given to the time period after the civil war where the country was trying to Reorganize of the southern states back into the Union?• Answer: Reconstruction

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• Which speech discussed reconstruction of the nation as victory against the Confederacy was near, called for reconciliation within the states, and the speaker addressed religion and that this war was God's punishment for slavery?• Answer: Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address

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• Which document was issued before the end of the Civil war by the President of the Union States that free all slaves in Confederate lands, but essentially did not free any slaves until the 13th Amendment?• Answer: Emancipation Proclamation

Page 19: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which political party’s platform in Election of 1860, wanted to spread slavery to the territories and to remain legal in the south and that it was the federal gov't duty to protect slavery "everywhere the constitution extends?”• Answer: Southern Democratic

Page 20: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• During which Event did Lincoln forced Douglas to comment on his stance on slavery, in which Douglas supported popular sovereignty, Lincoln asserted that slavery should not spread to territories and Lincoln emerged as strong Republican candidate for the upcoming presidential election?• Answer: Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Page 21: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which amendment states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States… are citizens of the United States…No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” ?• Answer: 14th Amendment

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• Which Amendment explains that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude?“• Answer: 15th Amendment

Page 23: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Where can we find evidence that the U.S. Had plans in in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S. and they would be justified in doing so b/c of a “national security” issue? • Answer: Ostend Manifesto

Page 24: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What is a document or image whose author was present in the time of question?• Answer: Primary Source

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• What law allowed government officials to arrest any person accused of being a runaway slave, required northerners to help capture runaways if requested, and automatically made children born to fugitives into slaves?• Answer: fugitive slave act Or “bloodhound” law

Page 26: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What law prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 36°30 north except ′within the boundaries of the proposed state of Missouri?• Answer: Missouri Compromise of 1820

Page 27: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• When understanding history, what is a document created by a person who investigates primary docs and makes a case or argument about that certain time in history? • Answer: Secondary Sources/Docs

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• What is a document that uses secondary and primary sources to create a historical narrative? • Answer: Tertiary Source

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• What was issued in 1828 that taxed imports coming into American in order to persuade Americans to buy from growing American manufacturing and businesses?• Answer: Protective Tariffs of 1828

Page 30: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:

• Which amendment states that "Powers not delegated by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the ppl?”• Answer: 10th amendment

Page 31: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What ideas supported that slavery is a threat to the white male economic independence - working class men competed with each other which maintained economic independence, but they could not compete with slavery and if slavery spread west it would destroy their chances of being able to make a living?• Answer: free Labor Ideology

Page 32: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which law repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by allowing settlers in those territories to determine through Popular Sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each territory?• Answer: Kansas-Nebraska Act

Page 33: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which law passed by congress admits California was as a free state, requires Texas gives up some of New Mexico lands for $10 Million, allows the territory of New Mexico and Utah to decide popular sovereignty on slavery, the slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C., and passes the Fugitive Slave Law?• Answer: The compromise of 1850

Page 34: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What case does SCOTUS decide that the Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional, declared slaves to be "property" that could not be removed without due process (Fifth Amendment), and that black were not citizens and could not sue in federal court?• Answer: Dred Scott v. Sanford

Page 35: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• Which battle was a Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win, had 50,000 people died, and the South’s moral was defeated?• Answer: Battle of Gettysburg

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• What speech was given after an important battle, in which the speaker praised the bravery of Union soldiers and renewed his commitment to winning the Civil War and finally supported the ideals of self-government and human rights for all? • Answer: Gettysburg Address

Page 37: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What plan for reconstruction in which amnesty/pardon would be given to all except Confederate Officials and after 10% oath of loyalty in each state they could vote members to congress?• Answer: Lincolnian OR Presidential Reconstruction

Page 38: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• In what event did the pro slavery delegation ride in anti-slavery city and burn down the Free State Hotel and the printing offices?• Answer: Sack of Lawrence

Page 39: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What speech Given by a senator that outlined the issues with the Voting fraud in Kansas and how evil it was to spread slavery to all over the United States, focusing on insulting Senator Butler from South Carolina?• Answer: “Crime Against Kansas”

Page 40: Question 21: Republican: keep it in the southern part Southern Democrats: Wanted slavery every where the constitutional authority extends: Democratic:


• What violent event led to the final end of talks about Slavery among senators and to physical fighting and disunion among the leaders of the country? • Answer: Canning of Charles Sumner