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How does your Media

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In our thriller opening our antagonist is a typical male, we choose to have a male antagonist rather than have a femme fatal as we wanted our character to appear more intimidating. For example: in our opening we are representing a stereotypical representation as the male is dominant over the female protagonist. By watching our opening you can see our antagonist has a close resemblance to the fictional antagonist ‘Hannibal Lector.’ Like Hannibal our antagonist is a “pure psychopath,” although our target audience do not know the exposition of antagonist it’s likely that him and ‘Hannibal’ had many similarities. For example; both may have been traumatized as a child, this is usually the cause of the choices some serial killers make. Both characters are similar also; in our cooking scene classical music is played, this connotes that like ‘Hannibal’ our antagonist is portrayed as cultured and sophisticated with a refined taste in music.

Similarities to the fictional character ‘Hannibal Lector’

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Differences to the fictional character ‘Hannibal Lector’

Compared to the fictional character ‘Hannibal Lector’ our antagonist is also portrayed differently in our opening. For example; in our thriller opening we had no dialogue, because of this we did not develop the antagonist’s personality, like Hannibal. Hannibal is known as a “social elite” rather than an introvert, like our antagonist in our thriller opening. Also, contrasted with the other films that ‘Hannibal’ is in connotes that they are different in the way they are viewed. For example; In ‘The Silence of the Lambs,’ Hannibal is described through protagonist’s eyes, however in our opening the antagonist is viewed purely by the audience themselves. This allows the audience to make their own judgements and views on the antagonist.

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Typical Female Traits and Similarities to Helen HudsonIn our thriller opening our protagonist is a typical female, we choose to have a female victim as stereotypically women are easier to manipulate. For example: in our opening we are representing the stereotypical representation of a female character, as the woman is connoted to be vulnerable. By watching the first few moment of our opening you can see how our protagonist becomes more vulnerable overtime. In the opening the way in which our character walks connotes she has some confidence even though she is alone. In Copycat the protagonist Helen Hudson starts of as a confident character, evidence of this is when she is giving her lecture. Commonly the protagonists in thriller films run on a rise and full structure as at least one point they become vulnerable. For example; Helen Hudson in Copycat is represented as a confident woman, however she soon becomes vulnerable when she is attacked in the university toilets.

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Character Vulnerability

Compared to the character Helen Hudson from Copycat our protagonist is vulnerable throughout the opening of our Thriller. For example; when the audience is first introduced to our protagonist she is walking alone, this allows her to become vulnerable when she receives a text message from the antagonist. This is similar to Helen when she goes to the toilet in the university , she becomes vulnerable in this scene as the police escort leaves her side. To make clear that our victim is vulnerable we used her costume to represent her lack of confidence, as the dull colours connote death. In the opening her body language also represents the increase of vulnerability, for example: when she receives a text from the antagonist