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Jordan Rich

In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

Front Cover

For my front cover, I followed the codes and conventions of a professional magazine. The first code i followed was ensuring that the main image links to the genre of the magazine. As I went for an EDM based magazine, i analysed a few front covers and looked at how the photographs had been taken. Therefore I got Declan Kinnear, the star of the magazine, to wear a pair of Beats by Dre. This is simply because many DJs nowadays wear designer headphones and since the acquisition of Beats by Apple, the popularity of the headphones from DJs has increased even more.

The masthead of the magazine was created in Photoshop and coloured in using a vibrant purple, in order to blend in with the genre, as well as to make it stand out. The colours used in the background tie in with this genre as bright, vibrant neon colours tend to be associated with EDM as these colours are predominantly spotted in the majority of nightclubs.

ContentsFor my contents page, I once again followed codes and conventions from a real magazine; however, this time, I analysed the codes and conventions from a real contents page.

The image which stands out the most is the image of the DJ turntable. I decided to go with this image as I decided to offer the fans the chance to win it for a competition. I thought that making this the main image would make the competition stand out on the contents page, which will get the reader interested in reading the rest of the magazine.

I also followed the main code of professional contents pages by adding the page numbers to the contents page articles, to ensure the audience easy navigation if they are only interested in reading one article.

Finally, the font size was kept to the standard 11; however features a different font to my front cover, as I thought the font used on the front cover was only suitable for that and I felt it would look better if I used a different font

Double page spread

Finally, for my double page spread, I followed the codes and conventions of a Mixmag double in order to structure this. I went with taking a picture of Sam Nolan, before manipulating it on photoshop. I give the image a neon-like glow, which has been used previously by Mixmag for front covers and double page spreads. It is also similar to the effect Disclosure use on their album art, and this is why i believe it is a good match for the genre.

I created the title for Sam Nolan suing a brush stroke and a bright, vibrant turquoise in order to create a smooth, laidback look which has connotations of EDM. The drop cap remains the same colour as the title which is another convention which I followed, and i have also typed up a quote of what Sam said as part of the interview, which is what many magazines do with their interview articles.