Download - Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

Page 1: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

Quartz Plates R&D Status

F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. OnelThe University Of Iowa

V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.WinnFairfield University

L. Cremaldi, E. EllisonThe University of Mississippi

Page 2: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Quartz Plates as Radiation-Hard Detectors

• As a solution to the radiation damage problem of HE Scintillators, we propose to use quartz plates.

• Quartz plates will not be affected by high radiation, but with quartz the light is from Cerenkov radiation.

• The Challenge: To develop a highly efficient method for collecting Cerenkov light in quartz.

• With the quartz plates, we propose to collect photons in the range from 400 to 200 nm and re-radiate them as blue at ~420 nm.

Page 3: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


What do we have so far..

• Original HE Tiles along with waveshifting fibers

• UVT Plates from GE PolymershapesCheaper, same refractive index as quartz, easy to machine. We purchased 2 thicknesses: 3mm – 6mm.Put keyhole shaped grooves, with different geometries.

• Waveshifting fiber from Saint-GobainWe use UV absorbing, blue emitting waveshifting fibers to collect Cerenkov light from plates.

• UV Reflecting material (Tyvek, or Mylar) to wrap the plates

Page 4: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


What do we have so far..

• Quartz Tube filled with UV absorbing waveshifting liquid.

• Quartz Plates from Pacific Quartz Company We have 3 (6 x 200 x 200) mm GE quartz plates, UV cutoff

atabout 230nm.

• Grooved Quartz Plates from Polymicro– 6 (2 x 100 x 100) mm HIGH OH (same material as HF

quartz fibers), quartz plates, arrived in Oct. `04. Grooved to hold fibers.

– 4 (2 x 100 x 100) mm LOW OH quartz plates arrived in Dec. `04.

Page 5: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Fiber Geometries on Plates

HE Geometry S-Shape Y-Shape

O-Shape S&O Shape PEACE Shape

Page 6: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Liquid and Fiber WLS

Page 7: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Tyvek/Mylar Light Sealed Plates

Page 8: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Tests Performed

• At Cern - July `042 UVT plates: Y (3mm) and S+HE Geometries Combo 100 GeV electronbeam• At Fermilab - August `046 different geometries, 2 different thickness of UVT, GE Quartz Platehas been tested. 120 GeV proton beam at 45 & 90 degrees. We usedHamamatsu R7525 PMT (regular HF PMT)• At the U of Iowa – August `04 - presentSurface scans of all quartz plates with radioactive Sources Co60 (5μCu),Cs137 (7 mCu)• At the U of Mississippi – September `04 - present GE 214/219 Fluorescence Measurements, Ti-quartz investigations. • At Fermilab – Jan `056 High OH and 4 Low OH quartz plates from Polymicro, and 3 quartz

platesfrom GE Quartz were tested. We compared the performances of liquidWLS versus WLS fiber.

Page 9: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


First Test at Cern July`04We tested UVT plates with 100 GeV electron beam at CERNWe saw the first signal from quartz plates:

Y-Shape, 3mm UVT, 100 GeV electron3mm S-shape + 3mm HE-geometry UVT

Page 10: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Test Beam at FNAL Aug`04

We tested HE Scintillator, UVT Plates (3mm and 6mm thicknesses with 4 different geometries) and GE-Quartz plate in M-Test area at FNAL, with 120 GeV Proton beam.

Page 11: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Test Beam at FNAL Aug`04

Absorber thickness

5mm quartz plate 3mm quartz plate

17.8 cm 2.14 % 1.32 %

22.8 cm 2.15 % 1.28 %

28 cm 2.11 % 1.26 %

•We got ~6% of HE Plate signal with the same size UVTs.

•Different geometries help, Y-Shape is the most efficient.

•We also simulated this Test Beam via Geant4.The simulations showed that #of Cherenkov photons produced is around %2 of the #of Scintillation photons produced.Geant4 Simulation Results !

Page 12: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Test Beam at FNAL Jan`05

• We tested; • 3 GE Quartz Plates, 6 High OH and 4 Low OH Polymicro Quartz Plates, • Wavelengthshifting liquid and fiber,• Tyvek and Mylar as wrapping material,• with 3 different energy beams 16GeV, 66GeV and 120Gev.

Page 13: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Test Beam at FNAL Jan`05

Preliminary Conclusions:

•The Polymicro Quartz Plates give better signal than Ge-Quartz

•Low-OH has slight edge on High-OH

•With smaller plate size photon collection ability increased dramatically.

• Reading the signal from both ends of the fiber gives extra %30-%40.

•Beam was not focused enough for surface scan. But we sprayed the beam to all plates with the help of X-Y scanner to smear the geometry differences. The signal is around %20 of the HE Plate.

The Plates used on Test Beam:1 - LOHY - Low OH Y Shape2 - LOHHE - Low OH HE Shape3 - LOHHE2 - Low OH HE Shape 2 Fiber4 - LOHS - Low OH S Shape5 - HOHY - High OH Y Shape6 - HOHS2 - High OH S Shape 2 Fiber7 - HOHS - High OH S Shape8 - HOHHE - High OH HE Shape9 - UVTQ - UVT and Quartz10 - QQ - Quartz-Quartz11 - LWS - Liquid WS12 - UVT-GWSF13 - HOHPEACE - High OH PEACE Shape14 - HE - Original HE Plate

Page 14: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


U. of Mississippi Tests

Progress on Bulk Quartz Light Enhancement

-In Ti-Doped Quartz Ti++ ions absorbs in the UV and reemit in the Visible. Lifetime of fluorescence is an issue.

- Highly doped quartz samples (>100ppm) are not readily available. Work in Progress.

- WLS (Pterphenyl, …) may give some additional gains. Radiation hardness is an issue and tests are being scheduled.

- Measurements with 1”x1x1/4” ge124 +acetylsalicylic acid give some indication of improved light yield. (next page)

- Work in conjunction with Iowa and Fairfield groups.

Page 15: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05



1”x1”x1/4” SiO2Sr90 - 2.3 MeV -

ge124 + tyvek wrapper






Tyvek + WLS






•Sr90 ’s range out in quartz.•Salycylic Acid (aspirin) tested. - some gain w WLS.•Pterphenyl better choice. - tests pending.

L.Cremaldi, HCAL Srping 05 Mtg- South Beach, FL


U. of Mississippi Tests

Page 16: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


U. of Mississippi Tests

Page 17: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Future plans

• SLAC Test Beam, June 2005• New plates coming

- Solarization plates “UV radiation <300nm degrades transmission in standard

silica fibers resulting in solarization. Solarization resistant fiber maximizes UV throughput. UV – Visible (190 - 800 nm)”

– 100 X 100 X 2mm high OH solarization plates– 100 X 100 X 2mm medium OH solarization plates

• Radiation tests are performed on solarization fibers in Aug-Sep ’04, at Argonne. We don’t have the results yet…

Page 18: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Future plans

• Surface scans continue at Iowa and Fairfield UV laser spot (i)Rayleigh Scattering, (ii)surface

roughened spots on bottom, (iii) edge illumination• Geant4 simulations continue.• New quartz tubes and capillaries -20 cm long quartz tube, 1mm inner, 3mm

outer radius, one end sealed, the other is open with waveshifting liquid in it.

-Fairfield- core wavelength shifting liquids based on n=1.55 benzyl alcohol.

- Liquid Chromatography Quartz Capillaries Core ID = 300 m, Wall thick=20 m - Flexible!

Page 19: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Future Plans (cont.)

• New tech ideas: - We located new sapphire fibers producer

• impurity dopants (ex: Ti) for WLS under consideration.

Length 2-4m, NA 0.12Core sizes 150, 250, 325 and 425 micrometer

- ZnO(Ga) Fibers – Scintillator & WLS ZnO(Ga) rad-hard - used as phosphor

30% scint. Decay Constant 0.6 ns; =375nm 1960’s ZnO fibers competed w/ glass fibers

(GE, Corning, AT&T)

Page 20: Quartz Plates R&D Status F. Duru, S. Ayan, U. Akgun, J. Olson, Y. Onel The University Of Iowa V.Podrasky, C. Sanzeni, D.R.Winn Fairfield University L.

F. Duru, U of Iowa, HCAL Winter Meeting at FIU, 02/26/05


Future Plans (cont.)

• New tech ideas (cont):

- Porous Alumina (boehmite) Cladding (high NA) 50 nm pores; 85% air, n=1.31, rad-hard Formed by proper anodization of thin Al

films Can be used as cladding on quartz or plastic

- Impurity Dopants for Quartz Fiber WLS; Ti..

- Methods to pull plastic WLS fibers through Quartz Plates