Download - Quarterly March-2020 :Vol.-2 Issue-1 E-Newsletter Encode IT


Dear students, colleagues and alumni

I am very happy that our Information Technology

department is releasing 2nd issue of quarterly e-news letter “Encode IT”

where we are sharing some of the exciting news over the past three

months. I take this opportunity to congratulate our staff editorial team for

their great effort to make this news letter. Also I invite the readers of

‘Encode IT’ for their contribution and suggestions for the forthcoming


Encode IT

Government Polytechnic for Girls,Surat


To provide quality education with best resources to achieve academic excellence.

To create favorable environment that inculcate self learning, soft skill and adaptability to latest technology.

To develop competent professionals having highest ethical values and commitment towards the society.


To be a pre-eminent information technology programme that empowers girls to meet the dynamic demands

of Industry & society.


Message from Head of Department



E-Newsletter March-2020 :Vol.-2 Issue-1

Mrs. Jigna J Desai

Head of




A warm welcome and lots of good wishes to Mr. R. I. Pradhan on becoming

part of our growing team. Your remarkable skills will be a great addition

to our team. Congratulations on behalf of all the members.

Our students have made us all proud by securing 1st position in

result of 3rd semester GTU examination. We have organized expert

lectures and industrial visit for second and third year students. Along with

academic activity, we have celebrated sports week and annual function

“Goonj – 2020”. Now we are almost at the end of the academic term. It is

the time for us to work hard for getting good results in exams.

Good Luck.

Blockchain (BC), the technology behind the Bitcoin crypto-currency system, is

considered to be both alluring and critical for ensuring enhanced security and (in

some implementations, non-traceable) privacy for diverse applications in many

other domains - including in the Internet of Things (IoT) eco-system.

Intensive research is currently being conducted in both academia and industry

applying the Blockchain technology in multifarious applications. Proof-of-Work

(PoW), a cryptographic puzzle, plays a vital role in ensuring BC security by

maintaining a digital ledger of transactions, which is considered to be incorruptible.

Blockchain comprises of two different components,

as follows:

1. Transaction:

A transaction, in a Blockchain, represents the action

triggered by the participant.

2. Block:

A block, in a Blockchain, is a collection of data

recording the transaction and other associated

details such as the correct sequence, timestamp of

creation, etc.

The Blockchain can either be public or private,

depending on the scope of its use.

A public Blockchain enables all the users with read

and write permissions such as in Bitcoin, access to it.

Blockchain Technology

w IoTWorks ?

Technology Fundamentals of


Mr. Rajeshkumar

I Pradhan


Department of




However, there are some public Blockchains that

limit the access to only either to read or to write.

On the contrary, a private Blockchain limits the

access to selected trusted participants only, with the

aim to keep the users’ details concealed.

This is particularly pertinent amongst governmental

institutions and allied sister concerns or their

subsidies thereof.

One of the major benefits of the Blockchain is that it

and its implementation technology is public.

Each participating entities possesses an updated

complete record of the transactions and the

associated blocks.

Thus the data remains unaltered, as any changes will

be publicly verifiable. However, the data in the blocks

are encrypted by a private key and hence cannot be

interpreted by everyone.

• There is no single device that stores the data

(transactions and associated blocks), rather they are

distributed among the participants throughout the

network supporting the Blockchain.

• The transactions are not subject to approval of any

single authority or have to abide by a set of specific

rules, thus involving substantial trust as to reach a


• The overall security of a Blockchain eco-system is

another advantage. The system only allows new

blocks to be appended. Since the previous blocks are

public and distributed, they cannot be altered or


According to the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging

Technologies 2017, shown in Figure 2, below,

Blockchain still remains in the region of “Peak of

Inflated Expectation” with forecast to reach plateau

in “five to ten years”. However, this technology is

shown going downhill into the region of the “Trough

of Disillusionment”. Because of the wide adoption of

the Blockchain in a wide range of applications beyond

cryptocurrency, the authors of this paper are

forecasting a shift in classification from “five to ten

years” to “two to five years” to reach maturation.

Blockchain possesses a great potential in

empowering the citizens of the developing countries

if widely adopted by e-governance applications for

identity management, asset ownership transfer of

precious commodities such as gold, silver and

diamond, healthcare and other commercial uses as

well as in financial inclusion. However, this will

strongly depend on national political decisions.

The Future of Blockchain

Operation of the blockchain

Advantages of the Blockchain


The application of the Blockchain concept and

technology has grown beyond its use for Bitcoin

generation and transactions. The properties of its

security, privacy, traceability, inherent data

provenance and time-stamping has seen its adoption

beyond its initial application areas. The Blockchain

itself and its variants are now used to secure any type

of transactions, whether it be human-to-human

communications or machine-to-machine. Its adoption

appears to be secure especially with the global

emergence of the Internet-of-Things. Its

decentralized application across the already

established global Internet is also very appealing in

terms of ensuring data redundancy and hence

survivability. The Blockchain has been especially

identified to be suitable in developing nations where

ensuring trust is of a major concern. Thus the

invention of the Blockchain can be seen to be a vital

and much needed additional component of the

Internet that was lacking in security and trust before.

BC technology still has not reached its maturity with

a prediction of five years as novel applications

continue to be implemented globally.


[1] Nir Kshetri, "Can Blockchain Strengthen the Internet of

Things?," IT Professional, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 68 - 72, May

2017, Available:

[2] Mahdi H. Miraz, "Blockchain: Technology

Fundamentals of the Trust Machine," Machine Lawyering,

Chinese University of Hong Kong, 23rd December 2017,


[3] Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, Blockchain

Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is

Changing Money, Business, and the World, 1st ed. New

York, USA: Penguin Publishing Group, 2016.

[4] Maaruf Ali and Mahdi H Miraz, "Cloud Computing

Applications," in Proceedings of the International

Conference on Cloud Computing and eGovernance -

ICCCEG 2013, Internet City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates,

2013, pp. 1-8, Available:




Q1. Two Items are sold for the same price. In one item you got 25% profit in another you got 25% loss. Are you

in profit or loss? Find the % profit or loss?

Q2. In a class there are:

8 students who play football and hockey

7 students who do not play football or hockey

13 students who play hockey

19 students who play football

How many students are there in the class?

Q3. In a class there are 30 students.

21 students like Maths

16 students like English

6 students don't like Maths or English

How many students like both Maths and English?

Q4. What will you answer when interviewer will ask you “Introduce Yourself”?

Q5. Bay of Bengal is in which state?

Q6. How can a man walk for eight days without sleep?

Previous Number Puzzles Solution



Sr. No. Enrollment No. Name Of Student Rank Semester SPI

1 186150316050 PATIL MAYA MACHCHHINDRA 1 3 9.53

2 186150316051 PATIL NIKITA VASANT 2 3 9.37

3 186150316041 PATEL KHUSHI SUNITA BEN 3 3 9.2

4 176150316046 PONIKAR SANGITA PRABHAKAR 1 5 9.44

5 176150316009 CHAUDHARI TRUPTI BHIKAN 2 5 9

6 176150316045 PATIL MADHURI GULAB 2 5 9

Placement Questions Corner

End Semester Exam: Winter-2019 (Top 3 Students)



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Advancement of Technology

I truly realized how far technology has come and what a difference it can make. I have grown

up my entire life with all of this “modern” technology, and I have always taken it for granted.

Never before I stopped to think about how all of this technology reached the point it is at

today, or how much of an impact it has had on todays society ranging from businesses to

friendly communication. It is has become a universal language that people from all over the

world have become fluent in. This became evident after reading Elizabeth Daley’s article,

“Expanding the Concept of Literacy,” when she claims it is the today’s “current

vernacular.” Technology is a major part of our everyday lives, and it is often how we form

opinions, communicate with others, and even explore new ideas. This “current vernacular”

is taking control of society just as the latest technology has always done.

It was almost unheard of to own a TV in your house less than a century ago. It has now become

one of the most common pieces of modern technology we have.

Cell phones are another major advancement in technology. Today we can reach another

person half way across the country, or even the world, in a matter of seconds. No matter

where someone is, people are virtually never off the grid and can always be reached. No

longer do people need to send a letter on a boat over seas to contact someone, hopefully

within a few weeks, on another continent. This has been crucial for the progression of

everything from manufacturing to learning. By taking away the waiting time to find out

how to specifically do each task, progression never stops and much more can be


Then, the Internet has revolutionized communication on all levels. There are no more letters

or waiting with email, text, instant messenger, video chats, Skype, etc… It is fast and easy.

And again, less waiting time means better production and progression.

Technology provides all of the tools needed to be as productive as possible, but it is up

to man to choose either the path of progression or pleasure.

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Student Corner:


Sanskriti Vyas,



Department of

