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Quarter 1: My Idea, Your Idea, Our Ideas Topic: Major World Religions

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Judaism World Religions: Genesis: Creation Isaiah: Chapter 43 Isaiah: Chapter 45 Maimonides: Last Will Old Testament: construction of the Temple of Solomon Talmud: Sayings of the Rabbis Ten Commandments Isaac M. Wise on the importance of Moses Mendelssohn Ketubah from

World Religions: Introduction to Judaism Babylonian captivity of Hebrews English Expulsion of the Jews Hanukkah Passover Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hodesh Sabbath Shavuot Sukkot Tu Bi-Shevat

World Religions: Berlin synagogue Judaism: Star of David Studying the Torah Judaism: synagogue in Cochin, India Pilgrims on Mount Sinai Torah being carried at Western Wall, Jerusalem Jewish observance of the Sabbath Jewish traditional dress Rabbi blows shofar

World Religions: How did the Hebrew Prophets impact the development of monotheism? How was Jewish daily life affected by the Spanish Inquisition? What does Zionism mean today?

World Geography: Judaism, Israel, and the Middle East (Research List) World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Monotheism and the Hebrew People (Research List)

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Kerkyra, Greece (1773) Law of Return (1950) Johlson, Joseph: excerpt from Instruction in the Mosaic Religion Leeser, Issac: Catechism for Younger Children Appendix Leeser, Issac: Catechism for Younger Children excerpt Abraham Geiger: Nationality—Slavery—Woman's Position (1865) Reform Judaism: Declaration of Principles (1885) Isaac M. Wise on Jews in the 18th century

Abraham Hillel Isaac Jacob Judah the Pious Moses Temple in Jerusalem ancient origins of Judaism Judaism in the diaspora Talmud Hebrew resurrection Jewish soul Kabbalah marriage in Judaism Orthodox Judaism

Reading the Torah Rabbi reads and discusses a Jewish prayer Judaism, ca. 2000 BCE–Present Hasidic Jews celebrate the Jewish Purim holiday Hanukkah menorah Jews at Wailing Wall Jewish Orthodox worship Jews in Jerusalem celebrate Purim Men and women in Orthodox Judaism Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism Ultra Orthodox Jews

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Isaac M. Wise: Reformed Judaism Isaac M. Wise: The Threefold Covenant

Ark of the Covenant Hebrew calendar Hasidism Mount Sinai synagogues bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah Conservative Judaism Orthodox Judaism Reform Judaism Zionism

pray at the Wailing Wall U.S. Reform rabbis pray at Wailing Wall


World Religions: Edict of Milan (313 CE) Augustine: Conversion (399 CE) Bede: The Synod of Whitby (ca. 663 or 664 CE)

World Religions: Introduction to Christianity Council of Chalcedon Filioque Controversy Great Schism

World Religions: Athanasius John Calvin Christian fish symbol Easter celebration in Southern Spain

World Religions: Why did Martin Luther's ideas gain widespread support in northern Europe in the 16th century? How important were Irish

World History: Modern Era: The Protestant Reformation and Responses to It (Research List) The Spread of Protestantism (Research List)

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Benedictine Rule (ca. 543 CE) Saint Jerome: Letter 22 (384 CE) Martin Luther: Ninety-Five Theses (1517) Augustine of Hippo: quote on understanding God Tacitus: quote on Nero's killing of the Christians Thomas Aquinas: Five Proofs for the Existence of God (1265/66-1273) Boniface VIII: papal bull (1302) Fénelon: "Rules for a Christian Life" Saint Louis: Instructions to His

Iconoclastic Controversy Sunday Synod of Whitby Thomas Aquinas John Calvin Jan Hus Jesus of Nazareth Martin Luther Saint Paul Saint Peter Christian apologists Christian martyrs Christianity during the Middle Ages baptism Catholicism

Deesis (Deisis) mosaic at Hagia Sophia Pentacostal church service in Nigeria Virgin Mary and Child: fresco River baptism Shroud of Turin Palestinian Christians attend Easter mass People pray at the Stone of Anointing in the Church of Holy Sepulchre Christianity, ca. 30 CE–Present Pope Benedict XVI in Angola Beatification of Pope John Paul II Catholic priest recites Holy Communion

monasteries in preserving classical literature?

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Medieval Europe Before Luther: Early Reforms of the Catholic Church (Research List)

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Son Pius X: "Syllabus of Errors" (1907) John Calvin: Ecclesiastical Ordinances (1541), excerpts John Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) Martin Luther: The German Mass and Order of Divine Service (1526) William Penn: selections from "Fruits of Solitude" John Wycliffe: Rule of Life John Wesley: Advice to a People called

origins of the Christian concept of Heaven Origins of Hell (Christian) Last Judgment Particular Judgment Protestantism Catholicism (Overview) First Vatican Council Holy Days of Obligation Vatican II John the Baptist Virgin Mary Saints (Roman Catholic Tradition) Catholic ministry and magisterium

prayer Scenes inside Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires Popes, 1492 to Present Seven Sacraments Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Eastern Orthodox personal practice The family of Eastern Orthodox churches

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Methodist (1745) Basil the Great: letter to Gregory of Nazianzus on monasticism (ca. 358 CE) John of Damascus: Discourses on Sacred Images (ca. 730) Gregory of Nazianzus: letter of consolation for Basil the Great's death (379 CE)

Catholic sacraments purgatory Protestantism (Overview) England's break with Rome Protestantism and holy people Reformation Eastern Orthodox (Overview)


World Religions: Han Wen-Kung: a Confucian tract against Buddhism The Analects of Confucius: chapters 1–4 The Analects of Confucius: chapters

World Religions: Confucianism Asian Days of the Dead Confucius's Birthday Confucius Kaibara Ekiken

World Religions: Cemetery and temple of Confucius in Qufu, China Confucianism regains popularity in China Confucian Classics

World Religions: What are the core elements of Neo-Confucianism and what influence did that philosophy have on East Asia?

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: The Zhou Dynasty Through Quotes (Research List)

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5–7 The Analects of Confucius: chapters 8–10 The Analects of Confucius: chapters 11–12 The Analects of Confucius: chapters 13–14 The Analects of Confucius: chapters 15–17 The Analects of Confucius: chapters 18–20 The Works of Mencius, Book One, Part One The Works of Mencius, Book One, Part Two

Mencius Xun-zi Zhou Dunyi Zhu Xi Confucian culture heroes Shohei Gakumonjo Qufu Confucianism and holy people

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Xun-zi (3rd c. BCE), "A Discussion of Heaven"


World Religions: Dao as a Moral Principle, or “Virtue” Dao in its Transcendental Aspect and Physical Manifestation Tao-te Ching: Lowliness and Humility Tao-te Ching: Paradoxes Tao-te Ching: The Doctrine of Inaction

World Religions: Daoism chiao Spring Dragon Festival Ge Hong Guandi Laozi Wang Chongyang Zhang Daoling Zhuangzi Chinese Daoist Association Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove Taoist Tai Chi Society

World Religions: Temple of Heaven in Beijing Daoist paradise carved in jade Jiu-Hua Shan, sacred Daoist mountain Daoist temple Taiwanese gather at a Daoist temple to celebrate Lunar New Year

World Religions: How are the core values of Daoism reflected in art and architecture?

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Zhengyi Daoism Heng Shan Song Shan Daoism and holy people history of Daoism Daoist alchemy Healing Tao Quanzhen Daoism De Eight Immortals


World Religions: Anguttara Nikaya: death's messengers Buddhism: Buddhist Beatitudes Buddhism: precepts and commandments Mahavagga: first

World Religions: Introduction to Buddhism Mahayana Theravada Vajrayana Dalai Lama III

World Religions: Bodhisattva surrounded by deities Buddhism: dharmachakra symbol Potala Palace Japanese depiction of the Buddha as

World Religions: What were the consequences of the spread of Buddhism in Japan and Korea? What are the distinguishing qualities of Tibetan

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Buddhism (Research List) World Geography: South Asia: Religion (Research List)

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events after the attainment Milindapanha: transmigration and rebirth Sumangala-Vilasini: The Buddha's Daily Habits Visuddhimagga: attainment of Nirvana Zen Dharanis Zen Gathas and Prayers Udana: Sariputta and the Two Demons

Dalai Lama V Dogen Siddhartha Gautama Kukai Lamas Pomun Order Soto Zen Buddhism Thai Forest Monks World Buddhist Sangha Council World Fellowship of Buddhists Benares Bodh-Gaya Caves of the Thousand Buddhas Sarnath

Siddhartha Gautama Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Life painting Candles burn during Buddhist butter lamp festival Buddhist festival of Obon Bodhgaya, India: Bodhi tree Giant reclining Buddha in Thailand Buddha and the importance of compassion in Buddhism Day of prayer and celebration at Buddhist temple Female monks in Thailand Buddhist monk talks about growing up in a

Buddhism? Why has it been the focus of repression by the Chinese government? Is Buddhism different from other belief systems?

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Buddhism and holy people Buddhism's cycle of holidays spread of Buddhism in East Asia spread of Buddhism in Southeast Asia spread of Buddhism in Tibet Buddhist statues Buddhist temples stupa Buddhist heavens Nirvana Reincarnation Wheel of Dharma Zen Buddhism bodhisattva

Buddhist monastery Importance of love and kindness in Buddhism Buddhist belief Buddhist practice Buddhism, ca. 400s BCE–Present Dalai Lama interview

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World Religions: Aitareya Upanishad: on the creation of the universe Bhagavadgita: chapters 1–6 Bhagavadgita: chapters 7–12 Chandogya Upanishad: on the human soul Mahabharata: Ganesha agrees to act as scribe Satapatha Brahmana: Manu and the flood (eighth–sixth centuries BCE) Srimad Devi Bhagavatam: on the

World Religions: Introduction to Hinduism Shaivism Shaktism Vaishnavism Smarta Tradition ancient Vedic expressions in Hinduism Brihadisvara Temple Ellora Caves Hindu temples Varanasi classical period of Hinduism in India Hindu epochs

World Religions: Hindu festival of Mahasivaratri Hindu festival of Vaikunta Ekadashi Hindu festival of Ganesha Chathurthi Krishna and Arjuna scene from the Mahabharata Krishna and Radha Vishnu rescues the earth Hindu belief and practice Hindu dance Hindu greeting Hindu Holi celebrations in India

World Religions: How does the Bhagavadgita illustrate Hindu beliefs? How did the early Vedic religion influence Hinduism?

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Indo-Aryan Belief Systems (Research List) The Mahabharata: Hindu Epic of Awe and Wonder

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description of the Devi’s powers

Hinduism and holy people festivals and holidays of Hinduism medieval period of Hinduism in India modern Hindu reform movements in India universal themes in Hinduism Aditi Agni Bhagavadgita Krishna Upanishads Vedas

Hindu weddings Hindu women's traditional dress Hare Krishna service Hindus practice their faith along the Ganges River in Varanasi Hinduism, ca. 1750 BCE–Present

Aryan Migration

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era:

World Geography: Who Composed the Vedas?

World Geography: Map of Harappan civilization, about

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era:

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hymns from the Rigveda

Indus River Valley Harappan civilization Aryans Aryan conquest of India Sanskrit World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Vedic warfare Harappan religion Indo-Aryan Belief Systems (Overview)

1700 BCE Mohenjo-Daro ruins World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Harappan brick-lined drains Stone tablet from Mohenjo-Daro

What happened to the Harappans?

Caste System in India

World Geography: Constitution (1950) Daily Life Through History:

World Geography: caste system untouchable

World Geography: Brahmins at Brihadishwara Temple Daily Life Through

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Vishnu Purana: on the caste system (ca. third–fourth centuries CE)

Daily Life Through History: Social Structure in India: Ancient World Class and Caste Experience in India: Modern World World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: varna Brahmins Kshatriya Vaishya Sudra jati World History: Modern Era: Bhimrao Ramji

History: Man of the Dalit caste repairs shoes World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Indo-Aryan Belief Systems (Visual) Brahmins

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Influence of Buddhism in India

World Religions: Theravada Buddhist Creation Myth On Believing in Mind (Shinjin-No-Mei)

World Religions: spread of Buddhism in South Asia Ambedkar Buddhism Bihar Asoka mahasiddhas Nalanda Maha Bodhi Society Kamalashila Atisha Sanchi

World Religions: India: Religion Statistics Ruins of Nalanda, Indian Buddhist center and university Buddhist monks at Mahabodhi Temple Maha Bodhi Society Dharamsala Great Stupa at Sanchi, India

Topic: Spread of Islam

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Development of Islamic Law & Sunni and Shi’ite Split

World Religions: Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (1990) al-Baladhuri: special laws governing Mecca World Geography: National Action Charter (2001) World at War: Ayatollah Khomeini: quote on laws Daily Life Through History: The Sunnah: Of Women and Slaves

World Religions: Introduction to Islam sharia Koran: Sura IV, (Muslim Women) shahada Day of Assembly Abu Hanifa Ahmad ibn Hanbal Suleiman I Companions of the Prophet Malikite School of Islam Hanafite School of Islam

World Religions: Islam, ca. 610 CE–Present Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Ashura procession in Ahmadabad Iranian women visit tomb of Imam Reza Shiite Muslims pray at mosque Muslim Ashura festival Prayers at Iraq's Abu Hanifa Mosque Sunni Muslims pray

World Religions: What has been the status of women in Muslim countries? What role did Shiism play in the rise of the Safavid Empire? What are the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam?

World Geography: Islam and the Middle East (Research List)

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Hanbalite School of Islam hadith ijtihad qadi al-qudat Shia Muslim Civil War of 656–661 Umayyad dynasty akhbar Sunni Ashura Abu Bakr and the Caliphate World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Sunni Islam Shiites

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Aisha bint Abu Bakr Karbala World Geography: Bahrain: Contemporary Issues Ali al-Sistani World at War: Battle of Siffin: Wars of Muslim Expansion

The Quran & the Five Pillars of Islam

World Religions: Koran: passage on heaven and hell Thomas Roe: description of Muslim prayer practices (1665) World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Koran: passage on Islamic tradition

World Religions: major themes of the Koran sura Koran Five Pillars of Islam Ramadan zakat hajj

World Religions: Afghan Muslim at prayer Indian Muslims pray during Eid al-Fitr Kaaba in al-Masjid al-Haramat, Mecca Page from the Koran Egyptian Muslim men during prayer

World Religions: The Five Pillars of Islam (Lesson Plan)

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World Geography: Richard Francis Burton: a non-Muslim‘s pilgrimage to Mecca (1856) Joseph Pitts: An Account of Mecca and the Hajj (1704)

Beginning of Islamic Eid al-Fitr service Mecca, Saudi Arabia Poverty and Ramadan Prayer in Islam Virtual Hajj

Muslim Rule

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Sidi Ali Reis: The Mirror of Countries, on the journey to Basra (1557) Daily Life Through History: Views of a 19th-Century Muslim on Religion, Women, Slaves, and War

World Religions: Muslim Civil War of 656–661 Muslim Civil War of 861–870 Muslim Conquests Al-Mansur caliphate Wahhabi Islam Ismaili Islam

World Religions: Islam: star and crescent symbol Ayatollah Khomeini World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Map of spread of Islam The Transformation of Constantinople into an Islamic City (Visual)

World at War: Wars of Muslim Expansion (Research List)

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Abbasid dynasty Fatimid dynasty His Highness Prince Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council Shiah Fatimi Ismaili Tayyibi Dawoodi Bohra Muharram World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Muslim Conquests The Transformation of Constantinople (Overview)

Ottoman Empire, 1453–1520 CE Constantinople in 1453

Muslim Civilization

World Religions: Averroes: On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy (ca. 1190) Islamic creation

World Religions: Ali ibn Abi Talib Fatima bint Muhammad Muhammad

World Religions: Muhammad's name in Arabic calligraphy Close of Islamic Eid al-Fitr service

World Religions: Why are depictions of the prophet Muhammad a continuing source of controversy

World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: Sufi Mysticism (Research List) The Rise and Rapid

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Koran: passage on Islamic tradition Thomas Roe: Muslim burial customs (1665) Masnavi: Story VI: Omar and the Ambassador Masnavi: Story VII: The Merchant and his Clever Parrot Masnavi: Story XI: The Lion who Hunted with the Wolf and the Fox Masnavi: Story XII: Joseph and the Mirror Masnavi: Story XIII: The Prophet's Scribe

Umar I Masjid al-Haram, al- Mecca Medina historical development of the Islamic faith Islam and holy people jihad and Islamic terrorism Islamic architecture Islamic fundamentalism Islamic literature Muslim martyrdom during the Crusades Muslim soul Islamic calendar ulema Zaydites

Discussion of the essence of Islam Eid al-Adha Obtaining spiritual perfection in Islam Radio Zeituna Importance of ethics in the Islam What it means to be a Muslim girl in America World History: Ancient and Medieval Era: The Rise and Rapid Spread of Islam (Visual) Abu Bakr with Muhammad and Ali

around the world? What is jihad and how do Muslims view the concept of jihad today?

Spread of Islam (Research List)