Download - Quality of River Water in Malaysia is Decreasing



Quality of River Water in Malaysia is Decreasing1. Social- Lack of responsibility on the cleanliness of environment. People do not have a further perspective on the future of the nature. This causes them to throw rubbish in the river as an express method to dispose wastes. Economic- Deforestation for the purpose of tourism, architecture, agriculture and manufacturing. A lot of soil suspension flow into the river due to these activities. 2. Lack of education provided to the rural residence. High demand of natural resources to be exported to the other country. High rate of population growth in Malaysia cause an increasing demand of area for housing.

3. Depletion of total dissolved oxygen in the river water due to decay of waste material especially the organic material in the river. These organic wastes will also cause the increase in pathogenic microorganisms population growth. This will lead to a higher level of water pollution whereby the people who use this water source will get disease.4. The public should take the responsibility to solve this problem since they are the one who contribute to the waste dumping and disposal. 5. Early recommendation can be given to the government to do promote more research on environment-friendly method of developing an area. Or Malaysia can share other technology from other developed country such as Japan in order to develop our country without harming the environment especially the water quality in the river.