Download - Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation

Page 1: Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation


Quality assurance fornuclear power plants

1 General 3

2 Quality assurance programmes 3

2.1 Quality policy 32.2 Quality assurance requirements 32.3 Establishment af quality assurance programmes 42.4 Implementation af quality assurance 4

3 Regulatory contral of quality assuranceby the Finnish Centre for Radiation andNuclear Safety 4

4 References 5

This Guide is valid as af 1.11.1991 until further notice. This Guide replaces Guide1.4 iS5ued on 20.10.1976.

Second, revised editionHelsinki1992Erweko PainotuoteISBN 951-47-6566-4ISSN 0783-2311

Page 2: Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation

AuthorizationThe Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK) issues detailedregulations concerning the safety af nuclear power plants by virtue af Section 55,second paragraph, point 3 af the Nuclcar Energy Act (990/87) and Scction 29 afthe Decision af the Council af State on the General Regulations tor the Safcty afNuclcar Powcr Plants (395/91).

The YVL Guides are ruIes an individual liccnscc ar any olher organizationconcemed shall comply with unIess some alher acceptable procedure ar solutionis presentcd to STUK by which the safcty lcvcl laid down io an YVL guide isachicvcd.

Translation. Original text io Finnish.

Page 3: Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation


1 GeneralAccording to Section 2 of the Decision of theCouncil of State on the general rcgulations forthe safety of Iluclear power plants (395/91),quality assurance shall refer to all the planncdand systematic actions nccessary to provideadequate confidence that a component, pIantor aClivity will satisfy given reqlliremcnts.The prercquisitcs essential for efficient quaJityassurancc areclearIy defincd responsibility andauthority, proven methocls of work andmanagcment, good working conditions, thepersonnel's rcsponsible attitude and familiaritywith own dulies as well as systematic reportingand keeping of records.

QuaIity assurance appiies to all activities andorganizations which affeet the safcty af nuclearpower plants (sueh as design, eomponcntmanufaeture, oD-sile conslrlletion andinstallation, 5tart-up tests, eommissioning andoperation).

Quahty assurance acttvlhes are dcscribcd mquality assurance programmes.

quaIity and safety culture. It shall he ensuredby training and guidance thai quality assuranceis corrcctly understood and impIemented.

2.2 Quality assurance requirements

The Decision of the CnunciI of State on thegeneral regulations for the safety of nuclearpower plants contains La. the followingrequirements for the planning andimpIemcntation af quality assurance:

When designing, constructing andoperating a nuclear power pIant, anadvanced safety clllture shall bemaintained which is based on the safetyoriented attitude of the topmos!managcment of the organizations ioqueslion and on motivation of thepcrsonncl for responsiblc work. Thispresupposes wcll nrganiscd workingconditions and an open workingatmosphere as well as the encouragementof alertness and initiative in ordcr tadetect and eliminate factors whichendanger safcty (§ 4).

This guide prescnts the general requiremenlsfor the quality assurancc programmes rcquircdof the organizations which partieipate innuclear power pIant design, construction andoperation as well as for the establishment,implcmentation and controI af theseprogrammes. This guide also appIies to othernuclear facilities as welI as to nuclear fuel andwaste managcment.

The licencing and regulatory controI procedurewhich appiies ta nuclear power plant design,construction and operation is presented inGuide YVL 1.1.

2 Quality assuranceprogrammes

2.1 Quality policy

The applicant/licensce and other organizationsaffccting the safety of the nuclear power plantshall present, in documcnts confinned by theutility's management, the objectives of theirquaIity policy and their commitment to high

Advanced quaIity aSSllrance programmesshall bc employed in all activities whichaffect safety and rclate to the design,canstructioll and operatiun of a nuclearpower pIant (§ 5).

Jn design, construetioll and operation,provcn or atherwisc carefully examinedhigh quality technology shall bcemploycd ta prevent operational transientsand accidcnts (preventive measures) (1stparagraph of § 13).

The systems, structures and componentsimportant to safety shan be designed,manufacturcd, installed and operated 50

that thcir quality levcl and the inspcctionsand tests required to vcrify thcir qualityIevcl are adcquate eunsidering any item'ssafety significance (2nd paragraph af§ 21).

Jn aJl activities affecting the operation afa nuclcar power pIant and the availabilityof componcnts, a systcmatic approachshall bc applied foe cnsuring the pIantoperators' continuous awarcness uf the


Page 4: Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation


state af the plant and its componcnts (1stparagraph af § 24).

Detailed quality assurance rcquirements fOI

uudear power pIant opcration are stated ioGuide YVL 1.9.

Detailed quality assurancc requirements foruudear tuel are statcd io Guide YVL 6.7.

2.3 Establishment 01qualily assuranceprogrammes

nuclcar power plant project is aimed ta beachieved.

The quality assurance programmes shaUpresent how the company concerned strivesto develop and maintain a safety eulturecommitted to high quality /2/ by theapplication of design, guidance, controI,follow-up and by the cvaluation ofthe recordsmaintained of activitics affecting quality.

2.4 Implemenlalion 01qualilyassurance

The applicant/licensec shall eslablish qualityassurancc programmes for uudear powcr pIan!design, construction and operation. Jo addition,the applicant/licensee shall ensurc that

ooly suppliers and organizalions with theprerequisites and will tor high qualityperformance and with clearly defincdproccdures related to quality assurancemay participate jo the performancc afduties which affecl the safcty af theuudear power pIant, and tha!

a quality assuranee programme shall berequired from the facility's main supplier,the suppIier of fuel as well as otherorganizations taking pari in the design,manufaeture, installation andeommissioning of the facility, whoseaetivities affeet the safety of the nuclearpower pIant.

STUK considers it aeeeptabIe that, whenestabIishing quality assuranee programmes, thegeneral quality as..<;uraneerecommendationspresented in IAEA Standard 50-C-QA /1/ aretaken as a starting point. In case Standard 50-C-QA is deviated from, it shall bedemonstrated that the quality assurance 3procedures adopted ensure suffieient quality.DetaiIed quaIity assurance requirements to betaken into account when applying Standard50-C-QA are presented in the YVL guides.

The quality assurance programmes shaUdescribe, as regards the rclevan! organization'severy area of rcsponsibility, the duties,responsibilities and procedures reIated toquaIity, safe!y and rcliability according towhieh a sufficientIy high IeveI of quality of the


.The Iicensee bears the overall responsibilityfor the taking into account (lf valid regulalionsand the provisiolls of the YVL guides in thequality assurallCC programmes of variousorganizatiolls. The licensee bears principaIresponsibility also for adhcrence to thecstablished quality assurancc requirements andfor the achicvement af a sufficiently high leveluf quality.

The Iicensee's qualily assurallCC programmeshall state the procedures by which thelicensee ensures implemcntation and viabilityof the quality assurancc activities of theorganizations referred ta in sub-scction 2.3.

The liccnscc and other organizations referredto in sub-section 2.3 shall maintain anorganizationaI unit independent of other unitsand which is vestcd with sufficient authorityand status to develop, maintain and controlquality assurance. The quality as..<;;uranceprogrammes shall state the procedures forcontrolling the implemcntation and viabilityof quality assurancc.

Regulatory contral ofquality assurance bythe Finnish Centre forRadiation and NuclearSafetyAccording to Section 35 of the NuclearEnergy Decrcc (161188), when applying fora construction liccnce, the applicant shall

Page 5: Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation


submit to the Finnish Centre for Radiation and 4Nuclear Safety a dcscription of qualityassurance for the construction of the nuclcarfacility (quality assurance programme duringdesign and construction). The quality assuranceprogramme shall bc forwarded to STIJK forapproval. The quality assurance programmepresents the systematic measures which theorganizations taking part in the design andconstruction af the nuclear facility apply intheir operations whieh affeet quality.

Rcview of the qualily assurancc programmesofolher organizations taking pari in Ihe facilityproject to a significant degree are addressedin the relevant YVL guides or STIJK decidesscparately on their revicw in conncction withthe review af e.g. manufacturing liccnces,eonstruction plans or inspcction rights.

Quality assurance programmes for nuclear fuelare forwarded to STIJK in accordance withGuides YVL 6.1 and YVL 6.3.

According to Section 36 of the Nuclear EnergyDecree, whcn applying for an operatinglicenee, the applicant shall submit to STUK aquality assurance programme for the operationof the nuclcar facility. The quality assuranceprob'Tamme and subscquent amendmentsthcreto shall be forwarded to STUK forapproval.

Jn addition to document revicw, STUK controlsthe implementatian af quality assurancc byquality assuranec audits focused on theactivitics of the applicant/1icensec and otherorgani7...ations.The implementation af qualityassurancc is also cOntrollcd in conneetion wilhother inspections related to the various scctorsof the facility projcct.

References1 IAEA Safety Serics No 50-C-QA, Safety

Standards, Code on the Safety of NuclearPower Plants: QualilY Assurance, Vienna

2 IAEA Safcty Scries No. 75-INSAG-4, SafctyCulture, Vienna

3 IAEA Safety Serics No. 50-SG-QAl, SafetyGuides, Establishing ofthc quality assuranccprogramme for a nuclcar powcr plant projcct,Vienna

4 IAEA Safcty Scrics No. 50-SG-QA2, SafetyOuides. Quality assurancc records system fornuclear powcr plants, ViemJa

5 IAEA Safety Scrics No. 50-S0-QA3, SafctyGuides, Quality assurancc in the procurcmentof items and serviccs for !luclear power planls,Vienna

6 IAEA Safety Scries No. 50-SG-QA4, Safe!yGuidcs, Quality assurance during siteconstruction af nudcar power plants, Vienna

7 IAEA SafelY Serics No. 50-50-0AS, SafetyGuides, Ouality assurance duringcommissioning and operation of nuclearpower plants, Vienna

8 IAEA Safcty Serics No. 50-SG-OA6, SafctyGuidcs, QualilY assurancc in the dcsign ofnuclear pOwtr planls, Vienna

9 IAEA Safety Scrics No. 50-S0-QA 7, SafetyGllides, Quality assurancc organizalion forlluclcar powcr planls, Vicnna

10 IAEA Safcly Scries No. 50-S0-0A8, SafetyGuidcs. Quality a'isurance in the manufaetureof ilems for nudear powcr plants, Vienna

11 IAEA SafclY Serics No. 50S0-0A1O, SafetyGuides, Quality assurancc auditing for nuclcarpower plants, Vienna

12 lAEASafelY Serics No. 50-SG-QAll, SafetyGuides, Quality assurance in the procurc-menls, design and manufacturc af nudcar fuelassemblies, Vienna


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YVL guides

General guides

YVL 1.0 Safety critcria tor design af ouclear powcrplants, 1 Dee. 1982

YVL 1.1 The Finnish Centre for Radiation andNuclcar Safcty as the regulatory authority in contralaf the use af nudcar cllcrgy, 27 Jan. 1992

YVL 1.2 Documcnts 10be submitted 10the FinnishCentre tor Radiation anti Nudcar Safety concemingthe regulation af ouclear facilities, 22 May 1991 (inFinnish)

YVL 1.3 Mechanical componenls anti stru<..:lurcs afnudear power plants. Inspcction licenses, 25 M<lTCh1983

YVL 1.4 Quality assurance af ouelear power plants,20 Scp. 1991

YVL 1.5 Reporting ouelear powcr piant opcration10 the Finnish Centre for Radiation anti NudearSafety. 18 Aug. 1989

YVL 1.6 Nudear powcr pian! operator licensing,3 MaTch 1989

YVL 1.7 Qualifications of nuctcar powcr plantpcrsonncl, 12 Jan. 1978

YVL 1.8 Repairs, modifications and prevcntivemainlcnancc at nuclcar facilitics, 2 Oet. 1986

YVL 1.9 Ouality assuranee of nuclear pnwer planloperalion, 13 Nov. 1991 (Jn Finnish)

YVL 1.13 Regulalory inspeelions relaled 10shutdowns at nuclear power planls, 9 May 1985

YVL 1.15 Mechanical components and structuresinnuclear installations, Construction inspection, 16April 1984


YVL 2.1 Safety classification of nudear powerptant systcms, structurcs and components, 22 May1992 (in Finnish)

YVL 2.2 Transient and accident analyses forjustification oftechnical solutions at nuclear powerplants, 7 Oel. 1987


YVL 2.3 Prcinspcction af nudear power plantsystems, 14 Aug. 1975

YVL 2.4 Over-pressure pIOtcetion and pressurecontral during disturbances in the primary cireuitand steam gcncrators of a PWR planl, 19 Sept.1984

YVL 2.5 Prcopcratinnal and Slart-up lesting ofnudear power planls, 8 Jan. 1991 (in Finnish)

YVL 2.6 Provisioll agamsl earthquakes affecting·nuclcar facilities, 19 Dee. 1988

YVL 2.7 Failure crilcria fm the design of a light-water rcactor, 6 April 1983

YVL2.8 Probabilistic safety analyses (PSA) in thelicensing and regl11alion uf nuclcar puwer plants,18 Nov. 1987

Pressure vessels

YVL 3.0 Pressure vessels in nuclear facHities.General guidelines on rcgulation, 21 Jan. 1986

YVL 3.1 Nudear power pian! pressure vcssels.Conslruction pian. Safety dasses 1 and 2, 11 May1981

r'VL 3.2 Nuclear power pian! pressure vessels.Construclion pIan. Safety dass 3 and dass EYT,21 June 1982

YVL 3.3 Supervision of the piping af nuclearfacilities, 21 May 1~84

YVL 3.4 Nudcal' pOWCl'plant pressure vessels.Manufacluring liccnsc, 15 April 1981

YVL 3.7 Nudear power plant pressure vesscls.Commissioning inspcclion. 12 Dec. 1991 (inFinnish)

YVL 3.8 NucJear power plant pressure vessels.Inservice inspections, 9 Sep!. 1982

YVL 3.9 Nuclear power platH pressurc vesscls.Cotlstruction ane! wclding filler materials, 6 Nav.1978

Page 7: Quality assurance for nuclear power plants - STUK · general regulations for the safety of nuclear power plants contains La. the following requirements for the planning and impIemcntation

Buildings and structures


Radialion protection

YVL 4,1 Nuclear power plant concrete structures,22 May 1992 (in Finnish)

YVL 4.2 Steel structures for nudear facillties, 19Jan. 1987

YVL 4.3 Fire proteclion at nudear facilitics,2 Feb. 1987

Other structures and components

YVL 5.3 Yalvcs and their aetualors al nuclearfaeililies, 7 Fcb. 1991 (in Finnish)

YVL 5.4 Supelvision af safety rehef valves mnudear facilitics, 3 June 1985·

YVL 5.5 Supervision of electric and inslrumentationsystems and componenls at nuclear faeilities, 7 June1985

YVL 5.7 Pumps al nuclear facilities, 27 May 1986

YVL 5.8 Hoisting appliances and fuel handlingcquipment at Duc/car facilities, 5 Jan. 1987

Nuclear materials

YVL 6.1 Nuc/ear fuel and other nuclear materialcontrol at nuclear powcr planls, 19 June 1991 (inFinnish)

YVL 6.2 Fucl design !imils and general designcriteria, 15 Feb. 1983

YVL 6.3 SupervisioD af fucl design andmanufaeture, 28 Feb. 1983

YVL 6.4 Supervision of nuclear fuel transponpackages, 1 March 1984

YVl 6.5 Supervision of nudear fuel llansp0l1, 1March 1984

YVL 6.6 Survcillance of lluclear [uel performancc,5 Nov. 1990 (in Finnish)

YVL 6.7 Quality assurance of nuclear fuel,11 Oct. 1983

YVL 6.8 Handling and storage of nuclcar fuel,13 Nov. 1991 (in Finnish)

YVL 6.11 Physical prolection of nuclear powcrplants, 13 July, 1992 (in Finnish)

YVL 6.21 Physical protection of nudear fueltransports, 15 Feb. 1988 (in Finnish)

YVL 7.1 Limitalion of public exposure fromnuclear installations, 7 Oct. 1987

YVL 7.2 Evalualion of population doses in theenvironment of nudear powcr planls, 12 May 1983

YVL 7.3 Evaluating the dispersion of radioaetivercleases from nuclear powcr planls under operatingand in accident conditiolls, 12 May 1983

YVL 7.4 Nuckar power plant cmcrgcncy plans,12 May 1983

YVL 75 Metcorological measurcmcnts ofnuclearpower planls, 28 Dee. 1990 (in Finnish)

YVL 7.6 Measuring rclcascs of radioaclivcrnaterials from nuclear power plants, 13 Jul y, 1992(in Finnish)

YVL 7.7 Programmes formonitoring radioactivityin the environment ofnuclear powcr plants, 21May 1982

YVL 7.8 Reporting radiological control of thecnvirons of Iludear powcr plants 10 thc Instituteon Radiation Prolcetion, 21 May 1982

YVL 7.9 Health physics programmes in nuclcarpowcr plants, 21 April 1981

YVl 7.10 Individual monitoring and rcporting ofradiation dose:>, 1 March 1984

YVl 7.11 Radiation Illonitoring systems andequipmcnl in nuclear powcr planl:>, 1 Feb. 1983

YVL 7.14 Action lcvcls for protection ofthe publiein nuclear powcr plant accidcnts, 26 May 1976

YVL 7.18 Radiation proleclion in design of nuclcarp{)wer plants, 14 May 1981

Radioactive waste management

YVL 8.1 Disposal ofreactor w<lSle,20 Sep. 1991(in Finnish)

YVL 8.2 Exemptioll from regulalOry contro1 ofnuclear wastcs, 19 Man:h 1992

YVL 8.3 Trealment and storage af radioactivewaste at the nuclear powcr plants, 1 July 1985