Download - QCE presentations for schools Data handling. 2 To develop an understanding of processes and procedures for: Transfer students (slides 3–7) Ceasing learning.


QCE presentations for schoolsData handling


To develop an understanding of processes and procedures for:• Transfer students (slides 3–7)• Ceasing learning for transferring students (8–12)• Reporting an accurate history of learning (13–15)• Finalising VET courses at end of Year 12 (16–17)• Transfer student and VET (18–20)• Variable progression rate (21–24)• Notional Sound (25–31)• Provisional statements (32–33)• Eligibility reports (34–35).

Presentation focus

3Students transferring to a Queensland school from interstate or overseas

The receiving school should:• submit an Application for credit transfer and/or

relaxation of completed Core form (download from QSA website)

• ensure the Application form is complete• attach authenticated copies of statements of

results for previous studies• attach S1 printout generated by SDCS showing

current enrolment

4Transfer students (cont.)Queensland Certificate of Education Application for credit transfer

For Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) candidates undertaking studies in the senior phase of learning in Queensland who seek to obtain credit and/or relaxation of the Core credit rule on the basis of previously completed or partially completed study.

Section 1 – applicant to complete

1.1 Applicant details

Title Family name

Given name/s Preferred name

QSA Learner Unique Identifier (LUI)*

* If unknown, QSA LUI is available from the enrolling Queensland learning provider.

Street/Unit/Lot No.

Street name



Contact address


Phone Contact details


5Transfer students (cont.)

Deadline for receipt of applications

Last day of Term 3

Transfer applications received in Term 4 can only be guaranteed to be processed in time for the July

issue of the QCE.

6Transfer students from another Queensland school

In SDCS the receiving school enters:• the subjects undertaken at the previous school• provisional results for any subjects not continued

as reported on the S1 printout from the previous school

• the actual number of semesters for subjects studied at the receiving school

• all semesters of Authority subjects undertaken over 2 years, for OP calculations.


English and Chemistry were not continued at the receiving school.

English and Chemistry results were provided by the previous school.

The student began Geography at the receiving school for Semester 2.

The student changed from English to English Communication at the receiving school.

Transfer students from another Queensland school (cont.)

8Ceasing learning for students who transfer out of a Queensland school

in SDCS for Authority and Authority-registered subjects: • indicate the number of semesters actually completed at the

school• enter provisional results• enter a “Left early” date.

If a student transfers part-way through a semester, the receiving school should report partly completed semesters when completed.

In SLIMS, enter a notional Sound for literacy or numeracy if applicable.


Indicate the number of semesters completed.

Enter a “Left Early” date.

Enter a provisional result for each subject.

Ceasing learning (cont.)

10Ceasing learning (cont.)

For embedded and stand-alone VET courses in SDCS:

• enter an outcome for each competency• enter “Yes” in the “Completed” column for each

competency of “Other VET” courses• enter an end date that is before the “Left early” date

for each competency.


Enter an end date that is before the “Left early” date for each competency.

Enter an outcome for each competency

Ensure that competencies from the current syllabus are used.

Ceasing learning (cont.), embedded VET


Enter “Yes” in the “Completed” column for each competency of “Other VET” courses.

For each competency enter an outcome.

For each competency enter an end date that is before the “Left early” date.

Ceasing learning (cont.), stand-alone VET

13Reporting an accurate history of learning

Across all Queensland schools attended by the student, a true and accurate history of learning should be reported.

If a student transfers part-way through a semester, the receiving school should report that semester.


By the end of Semester 2 the receiving school was reporting a Limited LOA for Maths B.

The receiving school has correctly reported Semester 1 of the previous school.

The receiving school has validly reported 3 semesters of Marine Studies started in Semester 2.

Reporting an accurate history of learning (cont.)


The student has left the school part-way through Semester 2 (30/08/2007).

Only whole semesters should be reported: in this case, one semester not two.

An incorrect history

16Finalising VET Courses at the end of

Year 12

In SDCS a completed stand-alone VET course must have the “Complete” button ticked if all requirements have been met as well as:• an outcome for each competency• a “Yes” in the completed column for each competency• an end date for each competency.


Tick the “Complete” button for completed qualifications.

For each competency enter an end date.

For each competency indicate that it is no longer being undertaken.

For each competency enter an outcome.

Finalising VET Courses at the end of Year 12

18Transfer student continuing a

VET Course

For students continuing VET courses across schools, the receiving school need only report those competencies delivered at the receiving school.

If all competencies are completed between the schools the final school should ensure that the “Complete” button is ticked.

19Transfer student not continuing an

embedded VET Course

Embedded VET courses (modules and results) that are not continued need to be entered into SDCS by the receiving school.

The receiving school should enter the previous school as the provider.

20Transfer student not continuing a

stand-alone VET Course

The receiving school does not need to enter modules or results for stand-alone VET courses not continued at the receiving school.

21Variable progression rate (VPR)

Some students may complete senior studies over a longer or shorter period of time than usual under a VPR arrangement.

The requirements and procedures for VPR arrangements can be found on the QSA website.


VPR button is ticked.

The semester tabs open up to enter year and semester.

Biology was undertaken in 2007 and 2008.

English was undertaken in 2006 and 2008.

Ensure the Cert. year is correct.

VPR — Reporting learning over 3 years

23VPR — Two semesters in one

A student may compress two semesters of study into one provided they genuinely undertake the learning and assessment.


Prevocational Maths has been completed in a single year.

Semesters 3 and 4 have been undertaken in Semester 2, 2008.

Semesters 1 and 2 have been undertaken in Semester 1, 2008.

VPR – Two semesters in one (cont.)

25Notional Sound

If a student exits an English or Mathematics subject with a Limited or Very Limited Level of Achievement, literacy or numeracy requirements may be met if a single semester is assessed as a notional Sound.

26Notional Sound (cont.)

• Use the student’s folio of work for a particular semester of an English or Mathematics subject and any other relevant information.

• Use the exit standard descriptors as a guide.• Map the student’s achievements against the exit

standard descriptors.• Retain one annotated student folio for each subject in

each year in which a notional Sound was awarded.

To determine whether a student has met the requirements for a notional Sound in literacy or numeracy the school will:

27Notional Sound (cont.)

Learning providers should be familiar with the contents of the booklet, The Quality Assurance of Authority-registered Subjects.

28To enter a notional Sound into SLIMS

1. Log into SLIMS as the Main Learning Provider

2. Retrieve the specific student learning account

3. On the personal details page, select the drop-down arrow for literacy (or numeracy) notional Sound

4. Select appropriate subject and semester combination for literacy or numeracy

5. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

29Recording a notional Sound


Select subject – semester combination

Click on drop-down arrow

30Recording a notional Sound (cont.)

• Notional Sound can only be recorded by the current main learning provider.

• Other learning providers wishing to have a notional Sound recorded for a student should make formal application to the Certification Unit of QSA.

31To remove an incorrect notional Sound

1. Log into SLIMS as the Main Learning Provider.

2. Retrieve the specific Student Learning Account.

3. On the personal details page, select the checkbox Remove literacy notional Sound or Remove numeracy notional Sound.

4. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

32Provisional statements

Provisional statements are generated in August and October each year for Year 12 students.

These need to be carefully checked by each student to ensure accuracy of personal details and learning.


Students should check spelling of names and correct address for posting of SEPs.

Correct subjects and a true transfer history should be indicated.

VET and other recognised studies will appear if reported at the time of issue.

Provisional Statements (cont.)

34Eligibility reports

Eligibility reports are issued in August and October each year for Year 12 students and in October for Year 11 students.

These reports list students who are eligible for a Senior Statement (SS) or a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) and predict for schools QCE-eligibility and OP-eligibility based on assumed success in learning programs.

They should be read in conjunction with provisional statements or information in the students’ learning accounts.


36Further information

Queensland Studies Authority

Last updated November 1010