Download - Q1


Harry Helyar

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation Question 01

Harry Helyar

After reviewing our media product, it is very conventional to thriller genres, something we were hoping to achieve. The main purpose of a thriller is to create suspense and excitement, something our piece does well.

Harry Helyar

Many enigmas are created in our film opening, this is something that is very conventional. The audience is left with the major question of who is Aaron Allen? This is backed up by why does the politician want to find him so badly.

Harry Helyar

It is likely in a thriller that the main plot is based around the solving of an enigma, this makes our opening very conventional, the idea would be to continue the plot we have vaguely introduced, this is something similar in most thrillers.

Harry Helyar

Another convention of a thriller is violence. We see some violence in our film opening, this is where the politician strangles someone. This creates another enigma – who is this person and why is he being strangled?

Harry Helyar

Thrillers are frequently political thrillers. Our piece is an example of one of these. The conventions of a Political thriller includes the use of government workers, normally a lot of the colour black, always shady characters and the use of files/documents that a non-government workers wouldn’t have access to. Our piece has examples of this.

Harry Helyar

“The Hunt” itself is a name that fits in with thriller genres well, it suggests that one of the characters is hunting for something, the enigma is what are they hunting for, hunting for someone or something is another conventional thing that happens.

Harry Helyar

Overall our piece develops these conventions a lot. “The Hunt” has proved to be a very conventional thriller. Everything you would expect to be see in the typical thriller is in our piece. The audience is inclined to watch conventional thrillers, therefore we tried to make it as conventional as possible without over-doing it.