Download - Pyrford Church of England Primary School · 2017. 6. 9. · SHOOL DATES FOR 2016—2017 AADEMI YEAR changes & additions in bold ... as long as good reasons are given for the choice.

Page 1: Pyrford Church of England Primary School · 2017. 6. 9. · SHOOL DATES FOR 2016—2017 AADEMI YEAR changes & additions in bold ... as long as good reasons are given for the choice.

In this week’s


Golden Book

Ice Cream Sales

Valentino Offer

PTA Golf Day

Fun Run

Diary & next

year’s term


Church Coffee


SEND Webinar

Big Iftaar Month


Day of Peace



Summer Fayre

Good morning. Welcome back after the half term break.

What a week! As I write this, the leadership of the country is unknown. In the

educational world we have been sitting on tenterhooks, waiting to see the

direction of travel and more importantly the guarantees which we are all so

desperate for around funding, as well as decisions about curriculum and

assessment. I shall endeavour to keep you all posted in the coming weeks and

months as policy is decided by whoever is Secretary of State. As part of our

work on British Values, children have been learning about democracy and

government this week and have come in with many questions today. This week,

we have also been sympathetic to children's understanding over the recent

terrorist attacks in both Manchester and London. Staff and children have shown

their solidarity together, respecting all our faiths, beliefs and communities. As a

school community we participated this week in the 1 minute silence observed on

Tuesday for those affected by the London attack.

It's been a short week for the children, culminating in mufti day which is causing

high excitement! Thank you to all of our families who have sent in donations for

the summer fayre; they are much appreciated. We are looking forward to the

event which is happening on Saturday 17th June.

Next week will be just as busy. This half of the summer term is always full of

trips, visits and activities. Year 2 are all heading out to Alice Holt for a visit, so

we will hope the weather is better for them than it has been this week. The

choir are also performing in the Primary Music festival on Wednesday and Year

5 are visiting Fullbrook on Friday.

On Wednesday we are looking forward to welcoming parents of our new

Reception classes. It only seems like yesterday that we were welcoming our last

intake who are now getting ready to move to Year 1. Just to highlight to

everyone that as the new school year approaches, you may be purchasing new

uniform. Valentinos are offering a discount (see the voucher on the next page).

We also have a large stock of second hand uniform at school with lots of Year 3

sized blazers, so please feel free to stop by the Office who will be happy to

help. I also believe Marks and Spencers are currently running a 20% discount on

all uniform items should you be interested.

Wishing you all a good weekend.

Kathryn Krynicki


9 June 2017

Pyrford Church of England Primary School

Lunch payments

for this half

term are now

due. If you wish

to order just the

special meal on

14th July (details

on the website),

please send in

£2.20 with a

note of your

child’s name.

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KS1 not awarded this week as assembly on

first day back

Juniper - Aisha Rehman & James Swindells for

working hard on their adventure story.

Maple - Oliver Krikorian & Truly Keenan for

writing descriptively about a character in our


Alder - Isabelle Cuttle for a thoughtful and

imaginative Tin Forest story board.

Larch - Sam Attrill for a thoughtful and

imaginative Tin Forest story board.

Birch - Mia O’Sullivan for a thoughtful and

imaginative Tin Forest story board.

Rowan - Sami Salim for a wonderful Georgia

O’Keeffe picture.

Willow - Austin Barker for a wonderful

Georgia O’Keeffe picture.

Laurel- Alayna Hussain for a detailed sketch of

a bird in Art.

Holly- Oliver Gorton for a detailed sketch of a

bird in Art.


The Friends will be selling ice creams after school on Fridays for the rest of this term.

They’ve moved! - You’ll find them outside the Practical Room (on the cricket field side of the


PTA GOLF DAY - Friday 14th July at


Meet at the Clubhouse from 8:30 am for

coffee and full English breakfast.

Tee offs from 9:45 - 10:45

Richard Bohan is organising the Golf Day this

year. The price will be £55 per person (payable

on the day) and is open to school and non school

parents. It’s teams of 4 which can be made up on

the day if you can’t make your own team. It

would be great to encourage some women to

play which we haven’t had before. We will play 18

holes and there will be a presentation made for

closest to the pin and longest drive.

Why not make a day of it and meet up at the

BBQ at school later?

If you would like to take part,

please contact Richard on

[email protected]

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For inspiration, the school's 480 children, aged 4-11, were joined for the morning by Aspire to Greatness

Academy's GB triple jumper, Nathan Fox. Nuffield's Dance Shack kicked things off with a fabulous warm up

routine and Nuffy Bear's antics soon had everyone smiling and ready to go. Spectators gathered in glorious

sunshine to see each year group rise to the challenge: a 1k run for infants and a 2k run for juniors.

Young sports leaders from two local secondary schools, George Abbot and Fullbrook, came to lend a hand.

They showed real community spirit, some leading the way as hares, while others ran side by side with the

youngest and most timid, offering encouragement and support.

Runners were rewarded for their efforts with water and medals sponsored by Nuffield Health and bananas

kindly donated by the Pyrford Co-op. Thanks to generous local support from Libra Estate Agents, AAT events,

Pyrford Cricket Club, Flower Show and Scouts, it was possible to put on the whole event for next to nothing.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the Fun Run by offering encouragement and cheering

along. We are also grateful to all friends and family who have sponsored the children for the Fun Run. Please

return your sponsorship form as soon as possible and by no later than Friday 23rd June so we can award prizes

to the top fund raisers.



Girls 1st Alice Craigen Boys 1st Samuel Darling

2nd Charlotte Anderson 2nd Finlay Boulby

3rd Amelia Neenan 3rd Jared Efedje

Year 1

Girls 1st Hannah Lamb Boys 1st James Krikorian

2nd Eadie Chandler 2nd Henry Hope

3rd Isadora Schifano 3rd Rhys Goslett

Year 2

Girls 1st Amelia Theodorou Boys 1st Benjamin Porter

2nd Lexie Skilton 2nd Finley Barnes

3rd Kendall Goodrich 3rd Leo Snelgrove

Year 3

Girls 1st Scarlett Davies Boys 1st Tom Purnell

2nd Jessica Attfield 2nd Drew Jones

3rd Anaya Awais 3rd Ollie Neenan

Year 4

Girls 1st Charlotte Wass Boys 1st Ollie Eliot

2nd Sophie Wass 2nd Alfie Walker

3rd Alice Clark 3rd Will Abbott

Year 5

Girls 1st Lois Wong Boys 1st Edward Broadhead

2nd Rania Zareen 2nd Daniel Krikorian

3rd Katie Dearden 3rd Tom Giddings

Year 6

Girls 1st Amaea Dean Boys 1st Bobby Lockwood-Cowell

2nd Connie Clifton 2nd Daniel Wass

3rd Charlotte Lambert 3rd Christopher Batten

On Friday 26th May, every pupil at Pyrford C of E Primary School took to the

village cricket field to run for fun.

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changes & additions in bold

Description Date Time

Cedar class to Alice Holt Mon 12 June

Hawthorn class to Alice Holt Tue 13 June

Sycamore class to Alice Holt Wed 14 June

Meeting for parents of Reception 2017 children Wed 14 June 10:00

Yr 5 Away Day to Fullbrook Fri 16 June

Summer Fayre Sat 17 June

Yr 4 Tropical Zoo workshop Mon 19 June

Yr 1 to Chessington Tue 20 June

Assessment Week w/c 26 June

Yr 6 Residential to Newland Park 26— 30 June

Leavers’ Service at Guildford Cathedral Mon 26 June pm

District Sports - Field Events Mon 26 June 16:00-17:30

Juniper class to Pizza Express Woking Wed 28 June

Yr 5 parents meeting with Fullbrook Headteacher Wed 28 June 14:30

Maple class to Pizza Express Weybridge Thu 29 June

District Sports - Track Events Thu 29 June 13:00-16:30

New Reception children visit classes Wed 5 July

Pyrford & Wisley Flower Show Sat 8 July

NSPCC assemblies & Yrs 5 & 6 workshops Mon 10 July

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day Tue 11 July 09:30

KS2 Sports Day Thu 13 July 09:30

Yr 2 class(es) Pedals Course Thu 13 July

Yr 2 class(es) Pedals Course Fri 14 July

Friends’ Summer BBQ Fri 14 July

Yr R Ugly Bug Ball Tue 18 July

Leavers’ Service at CoGS Fri 21 July 09:30

Last Day of Summer Term Fri 21 July finish at 13:30

2017/18 Term Dates & INSETs

INSET DAY Mon 4 September First day of Spring term Mon 8 January

INSET DAY Tues 5 September Spring Half Term 12 - 16 February

First day of Autumn term Wed 6 September Last day of Spring term Thu 29 March

Autumn Half term 23 - 27 October Easter Holidays 30 March - 13 April

Last day of Autumn term Thu 21 December First Day of Summer term Mon 16 April

Christmas Holidays 22 December - 3 January Summer Half term 28 May - 1 June

INSET DAY Thu 4 January Last day of Summer term Fri 20 July

INSET DAY Fri 5 January INSET DAY Mon 23 July

An Invitation from the Church of the Good Shepherd

Join us in the Coffee Shop, which is held in The Good Shepherd Hall at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The Coffee Shop is open on Friday mornings during term time between 9.00am and 12.00 noon, with cooked breakfasts served until 11.30am.

Everyone is welcome; please pop in whether for a cup of coffee and a slice of home made cake, a full English breakfast, or just for a chat.

No matter how old or how young you are, there is always someone to talk to.

The Coffee Shop operates on a donation basis.

Go for a full monty - they are great!

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Are you interested in your child having some extra

English tuition?

I am a tutor with experience across all the key

stages up to GCSE, with up to date knowledge of

the syllabi. I also prepare pupils for common


I have tutored many children from Pyrford School

over the years and could provide references.

I teach pupils in their own homes.

If you are interested, please ring me on either:

01483 750010 O7506441263

Thankyou. Kate Pottinger

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International Day of Peace Celebration, Saturday, 23rd September, 2017

Competition for Woking School Children

Dear Mrs Krynicki,

International Day of Peace is being celebrated on Saturday 23rd September, 2017 in Woking town centre. Woking People of Faith in partnership with Surrey Faith Links are sponsoring our annual competition for the chil-dren of Woking primary schools for the fifth year.

The competition has two categories: 1) posters; 2) essays. This year’s competition theme is:

‘What person do I think has done most to help world

peace and why?’ Children must remember the following points when entering:

The person chosen can be anyone, living or dead, from any part of the world (eg Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King etc ), as long as good reasons are given for the choice.

Posters to be a maximum of A3 in size and can use a variety of media. Essays to be on A4 paper - they can be handwritten or typed. No credit is given for illustrations.

Children must fill in the form on the sheet below and attach it to their entry, or it cannot be accepted in the com-petition. Closing date: Wednesday, 19th July, 2016.

Schools will receive the winners’ names and details of the prize-giving ceremony, in early September and they (plus family, friends & teachers) are invited to Mercia Walk, Woking town centre, on Saturday, 24th September, for the event.

The prizes in each category for years 3, 4 and 5 are: 1st prize - £20 gift voucher; 2nd prize - £15 gift voucher; and 3rd prize - £10 gift voucher.

Your school can also participate in International Peace Day by going to and

signing up for some of the many activities available.

We are very happy to come in to school to talk about the competition to the children at an assembly. To contact us, please email [email protected] or tel 07956-336965. With kind regards,

Kauser Akhtar and Simon Trick (07956-336965)

Supported By:

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Entry form for International Day of Peace Competition 2017

Name ___________________________________________________

School ___________________________________________________

School Address ____________________________________________


Year Group _______

Type of Entry (circle the correct one): Poster ; Essay

Hand this entry to your teacher

All entries to be sent to:

20 Priory Close, Woking GU21 5TN

To arrive no later than: Wednesday, 19th July, 2016.

Supported By:

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