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Purpose of Life… Is Finding Your Purpose Creating a Limitation on Your Possibilities…

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Isn’t it interesting that many people, who are seeking the “purpose”, feel this sort of contraction and angst as they try and “find their purpose”…

curious, right?

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We would think that the whole energy around our “purpose” would be

expansive… since by definition, purpose, is “the reason for something’s being”…

Which begs the question… why is it so contracted?

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I submit, that to live without limitation is to have no purpose, because purpose is a limitation…

Purpose is finite and has an energy of judgment that you have to live up to it once (if) you find it.

It’s so single minded, that it forecloses other possibilities...

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As humans, we are born into the world to explore, experience, experiment, taste,

see, move, try and BEYONDS!

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As children, we think we can be a doctor, lawyer, fireman, because all things are possible… then

as we grow, we are taught to pick. Worst yet, we are told once we pick we have to stick with it,

because sticking with something (even when it kills our spirit) is a good quality. After all, you

don’t want to be labeled a flake or something… right?

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What if you have more than one purpose??? Well, that’s not possible, right? There is one

“true purpose”.

How many times, do we hear of the doctor who sells his practice to become an artist, or a lawyer

who walks away from law to become a kindergarten teacher?

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Is that person praised for that? Heck no… what’s the first thing

people ask, “ WHAT?? Why would you walk away from that???” Or

“Are You Nuts”???

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Then there are others, who are “living” their purpose and are miserable. They

are holding themselves to this ridiculous standard of success because

“they are living their purpose”.

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Can you imagine, that if you believed your purpose was healing others or a divorce counselor… and your

success rate was let’s say, 5%? Well, that person would be a failure, right? How can you fail at your life’s

purpose?? Man, talk about pressure.

I don’t want to even get into the notion of having a “higher purpose or true purpose”, I mean, my gosh…

there is judgment contraction and limitation written all over that one.

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What if, instead of purpose, we looked at more of gifts, talents, priorities… notice the lightness of energy?

Expansive right? We don’t say you can’t have but one gift, or one talent, right? Certainly, as a working mother,

we have more than one priority…

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We share gifts, we share talents, we welcome and invite help with

priorities… in this way, it frees up the space to contribute without attachment and judgment.

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Remember, judgment good or bad always creates limitation… and we want to live in the land of Infinite


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Gifts, talents, priorities allow for “even more, or greater possibilities”… when you have a gift, you can say, “what

else can I do with this gift, who else can I contribute to”… and if you are a gift and a contribution how much

money and goodies would you allow yourself to receive?

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Flip to purpose… when you are doing your purpose… isn’t there a sort of air, of, it should be for free? Like, somehow, it

involves charitable work? Come one, isn’t there a little part, however small that says, it’s your purpose, so do it for free??? Think mega church pastors, doctors, attorneys?

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In this way, we can look at Iyanla VanZant who is a former lawyer turned spiritual leader and teacher, or Bill Gates who obviously has Microsoft, but also in inventing a new form of toilet of all


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For those of you with deep spiritual gifts, talents, intuitive

urges, healers, and the like, it’s not true that you are responsibility for

someone else through your purpose.

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Certainly if you have a gift, then it would be so very cool for you to be a

contribution to others, but you cannot judge yourself as failing to live your

purpose when the outcome is based joint energetic participation.

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Each of us has the power of choice and you can chose for

someone else…

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I would love to hear what your purpose is, and how you can now create a more generative energy

around it… something that expands you and creates and generates

possibilities and opportunities…

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If you have found value in the video, please share it with your

friends and others… always share the YAY!

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Feel free to leave a message comment question or hey Tiph below I would

love to connect.

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This is Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt sending RADICAL YAYS your way, bye

 Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt, Esq.