Download - PuppetConf 2016: Nice and Secure: Good OpSec Hygiene With Puppet! – Peter Souter, Puppet

Page 1: PuppetConf 2016: Nice and Secure: Good OpSec Hygiene With Puppet! – Peter Souter, Puppet

Nice and Secure: Good OpSec Hygiene with Puppet!

Peter SouterProfessional Services Engineer | Puppet


Page 2: PuppetConf 2016: Nice and Secure: Good OpSec Hygiene With Puppet! – Peter Souter, Puppet

@petersouter 2

Who am I?


Professional Services Engineer

5 years using Puppet

2 years @ Puppet Inc

Help customers deploy Puppet Enterprise

Teach Puppet classes

petems IRC/Slack/GitHub

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Warning: I speak quicklyAnd I have a different accent...


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My feelings on Q&A

● Tweet me @petersouter● Come up after this talk ● Meet me in the hallway


When will this QA be over so I can


We’ve got lots to cover - No Q&A!

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So, why are we here?(This room specifically, listening to this talk...)


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@petersouter 6

Every time someone uses this picture, Pete Cheslock gets his wings!

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Show of hands in the roomLet’s take the temperature of security here


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Why is Puppet good for security?

Infrastructure as code RBAC Auditing Enforcement


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Don’t let Puppet be the attack vector!aka. How do we make sure we’re not pushing the problem elsewhere?


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What is OPSEC?Before we talk about something we should define it


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“Operations Security, or OPSEC, is the process by which we protect unclassified information that can be used against us. OPSEC challenges us to look at ourselves through the eyes of an adversary (individuals, groups, countries, organizations). Essentially, anyone who can harm people, resources, or mission is an adversary.”


Department of Defense Education Activity

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● Keeping your code clear of sensitive information

● Approaches to secrets management with the Puppet toolchain

● Making sure security is part of your workflow, rather than an afterthought

What are we going to cover?

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Let’s start with secrets...


We’ve all got them...

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@petersouter 14

What are secrets in IT?

RadioactiveConsequences are dire from a leak

ExamplesPasswords, API Keys, SSH Keys, SSL Certs...

SmallA few kb at most

RequiredThe infrastructure won't work without them!

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Easiest to hardest● Avoid exposing secrets in logs

● Remove data from code and into the data layer (hiera)

● Encryption


How do we avoid exposing secrets in Puppet?

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Don’t expose secrets in logsKeep your secrets hidden


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show_diffThe first place for leaks


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@petersouter 18

root@homebox:~# puppet agent --show_diff

Notice: Compiled catalog for homebox.home in environment production in 0.10 seconds

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/etc/sensitive]/content:

--- /etc/sensitive 2016-08-14 23:01:37.036863915 +0100

+++ /tmp/puppet-file20160814-24654-ak1ywd 2016-08-14 23:01:56.852882307 +0100

@@ -1 +1 @@

-Not Secret

\ No newline at end of file


\ No newline at end of file

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/etc/sensitive]/content: content changed

'{md5}2ab96390c7dbe3439de74d0c9b0b1767' to '{md5}44c7be48226ebad5dca8216674cad62b'

Notice: Applied catalog in 0.20 seconds

How it looks...

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Anywhere reports go:

● syslog● interactive terminal output● PE Console● ENC● report processors


Where does the information from show_diff go?

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@petersouter 20

file { ‘/etc/secrets.txt’:

ensure => 'file',

owner => 'root',

mode => '0600',

content => 'hunter2',

show_diff => false,


Setting show_diff to false at the resource level

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@petersouter 21

An example from a Supported Module: mysql

file { "${::root_home}/.my.cnf":

content => template('mysql/my.cnf.pass.erb'),

owner => 'root',

mode => '0600',


# show_diff was added with puppet 3.0

if versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.0') >= 0 {

File["${::root_home}/.my.cnf"] { show_diff => false }


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Setting show_diff to false at resource scopeshow_diff = false


root@homebox:~# puppet apply secret.pp

Notice: Compiled catalog for homebox.home in environment production in 0.10 seconds

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/etc/sensitive]/content: content changed '{md5}d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00' to


Notice: Applied catalog in 0.19 seconds

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There’s a balance...Hiding diffs reduces visibility of change...


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inifile module to hide changesAllows you to only hide the sensitive fields


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ini_file now has show_diff from the 1.5.0 release

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Setting show_diff on individual sensitive fieldsshow_diff = false


ini_setting { 'ACME App Timezone':

section => 'TimeDate',

setting => 'TimeZone',

value => $acme_app_time_zone,


ini_setting { 'ACME App Password:

section => 'Settings',

setting => 'Password',

value => $acme_app_password,

show_diff => false,


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Sensitive typeNew for the Puppet 4.6+ release


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@petersouter 28

file { '/etc/sensitive':

ensure => 'present',

owner => 'root',

group => 'root',

content => Sensitive('hunter2'),


root@homebox:~# puppet apply secret.ppNotice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/etc/sensitive]/ensure: changed [redacted] to [redacted]Notice: Applied catalog in 0.18 seconds

Ability to redact strings with the new Sensitive Type

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@petersouter 29

$secret = Sensitive(‘Unwrapped’)

$unwrapped = $secret.unwrap |$sensitive| { $sensitive }

notice("Unwrapped: ${unwrapped}")

$secret.unwrap |$sensitive| { notice("Lambda: ${sensitive}") }

Unwrapping the secrets

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@petersouter 30

You can use a dedicated redacted resource

Still on < 4.6?


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newproperty(:value, :array_matching => :all) do

desc 'The value of the setting to be defined.'

munge do |value|

value = value.to_s.strip

value.capitalize! if value =~ /^(true|false)$/i



newvalues(/^[\S ]*$/)

def is_to_s( currentvalue )

if resource.secret?

return '[old secret redacted]'


return currentvalue



def should_to_s( newvalue )

if resource.secret?

return '[new secret redacted]'


return newvalue



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@petersouter 3232

Encrypt secrets on a node by node basis

Try binford2k-node_encrypt


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@petersouter 33

● Master encrypts secrets for each node using their own certificate● Secret can only be decrypted with the node's private key● Uses built-in Puppet CA, so the base case is zero-config

node_encrypt::file {'/etc/company_app/credentials':

ensure => file,

owner => 'root',

content => 'hunter2', # transparently encrypted


How does it work?

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$ puppet agent -t

Info: Using configured environment 'production'

Info: Retrieving pluginfacts

Info: Retrieving plugin

Info: Loading facts

Info: Caching catalog for master.puppetlabs.vm

Info: Applying configuration version '1450109738'

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/Node_encrypt::File[/tmp/foo]/Node_encrypted_file[/tmp/foo]/ensure: created

Notice: Applied catalog in 9.33 seconds

$ echo blah > /tmp/foo

$ puppet agent -t

Info: Using configured environment 'production'

Info: Retrieving pluginfacts

Info: Retrieving plugin

Info: Loading facts

Info: Caching catalog for master.puppetlabs.vm

Info: Applying configuration version '1450109821'

Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/Node_encrypt::File[/tmp/foo]/Node_encrypted_file[/tmp/foo]/content: content changed '<<encrypted>>' to


Notice: Applied catalog in 7.61 seconds

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So data is no longer exposed in logsBut the data is still visible in the code!


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Remove data from codeEspecially organisation specific data


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Bad!Don’t do this...


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@petersouter 38

class example_company_app {

if $::fqdn == '' {

class {'company_app':

ensure => 'present',

password => 'hunter2',

ssl_enable => true,


} else {

class {'company_app':

ensure => 'present',

password => 'example123',

ssl_enable => false,




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Good!Do this...


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class profile::example_company_app {

$app_password = hiera('profile::example_company_app::password')

$app_ssl_enable_password = hiera('profile::example_company_app::password')

class {'company_app':

ensure => 'present',

password => $app_password,

ssl_enable => $ssl_enable,



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Roles and profiles help a lotAbstracting implementation specifics away


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Allows you to set organisational defaults in your roles and profiles


● Keep organisational specific data in hiera● Move organisational specific setup into role and profile wrappers

Advantage: Not only more secure, cleaner code that’s more reusable!

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Default parameters are important!Abstracting implementation specifics away


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Storytime: OpenstackThe perils of bad defaults...


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The open source OpenStack project infrastructure

Fully public Puppet

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The more abstracted your control-repo, the less chance of leaking or compromising of secrets...


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Another gotcha: hierarchy lookupsAka. Why trusted facts are good!


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Take a look at this hiera config...


# hiera.yaml



- "node/%{fqdn}"

- "common"


- yaml

:datadir: '/etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/hieradata'

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Facts are spoofable!


[root@testbox]# facter fqdn


[root@testbox]# facter fqdn

Facts are spoofable

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Trusted facts got your back!


Locked in from the certificate request

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Trusted facts are stamped on Node creation


Trusted facts are stamped on Node creation

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We have a bunch of OIDs for this also...


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New, better hiera hierarchy...


# hiera.yaml



- "node/%{trusted.certname}"

- "common"


- yaml

:datadir: '/etc/puppet/environments/%{environment}/hieradata'

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Theoretically, you should be able to release most of the code you write publically

without any sort of security issues


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@petersouter 55

This is actually a tenet of 12 Factor Apps...

Apps sometimes store config as constants in the code. This is a violation of twelve-factor, which requires strict separation of config from code. Config varies substantially across deploys, code does not.

A litmus test for whether an app has all config correctly factored out of the code is whether the codebase could be made open source at any moment, without compromising any credentials.

Note that this definition of “config” does not include internal application config, such as config/routes.rb in Rails, or how code modules are connected in Spring. This type of config does not vary between deploys, and so is best done in the code.

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Example: GDSGovernment Digital Service, UK


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@petersouter 57

Meeting the Digital Service Standard

To meet point 8 (understand security and privacy issues) you must:

● Make all new source code open and reusable

● Publish code under an appropriate licence

● Explain your reasoning for any code you haven’t made open

You’ll have to explain how you did this at your service assessments.

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@petersouter 58

Meeting the Digital Service StandardWhen GOV.UK was first set up we were unable to publish our Puppet repository because our code and secrets were tied together. This goes against patterns like the 12-factor app which “requires strict separation of config from code”

This wasn’t true for our Puppet repository, but we gradually moved our credentials into a separate repository (rotating them as we did so).

“A litmus test for whether an app has all config correctly factored out of the code is whether the codebase could be made open source at any moment, without compromising any credentials.”

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@petersouter 59

$ strings modules/**/*.pp | tr ' '

'\n' | sort -n | uniq | view -

Check code for unique strings that look secret-y

Note: Requires zsh for the strings function!

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It’s not just Puppet code!Git commits can sustain sensitive data!


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@petersouter 61

$ git commit -a -m "Changed the

password to password1"

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$ while read line; do echo $line;

git --no-pager log -p -S $line; done

< puppet_search


Manually searching through git commits for sensitive information...

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Opening GOV.UK’s Puppet Repository

Git Repo

Want to know more?


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Your data is now separated. Hooray!But it’s still plaintext in Hiera. Boo! :-(


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EncryptionTold you we’d come back to it!


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Bad!Don’t do this!


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Good!Do this!


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@petersouter 69

Preso title goes here. To update, go to File > Page Setup > Header/Footer, paste title, Apply All

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@petersouter 70

Hiera eyaml

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hiera-eyaml is probably the best method for internal data encryption with PuppetIt’s widely used, and has a number of plugins


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The idea is that Puppet will natively support encrypted data in the future

Follow this ticket for the roadmap view: PUP-1974


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● TranscryptGit-CryptBlackbox

● Turtles All The Way Down: Storing Secrets in the Cloud and in the Data Center behind Closed Doors

VCS based encryption


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Dedicated secret devicesGoing deeper...


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Why use a secret server?


● Dynamic secrets● ACL (Access control policies)● Leasing and renewal● Revocation● Encryption● Auditing● Supportability

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Conjur, Vault, Keywhiz, Amazon KMS, Confidant

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@petersouter 78

Hiera will plug into any secret service app with a little bit of Ruby glue

Hiera is just key/value lookup A hiera backend to basically any secret server setup is possible

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@petersouter 79

$planet = conjur_variable('planet')

file { '/etc/hello.txt':

content => "Hello ${planet}!\n"


conjurize_file { '/etc/hello.txt':

variable_map => {

planet => ‘!var puppetdemo/planet’



Conjur and Puppet

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@petersouter 80


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If you want to know more about Puppet + Vault, Seth Vargo from Hashicorp is presenting tomorrow


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Behind Closed Doors - Managing Passwords in a Dangerous World by Noah Kantrowitz

● Really great in-depth presentation



● Great breakdown of secret management, advantages and disadvantages of approaches and tooling

Want to know more about secrets?


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Cleaning up the current codebase


How to find secrets currently exposed

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Manual Grepping


$ git grep -i -e


)" -- `git ls-files | grep -v .html` | cat

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gittyleaks' Bot Detective at work ...


file: site/profiles/templates/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT.erb

what: Key

value: (2048


Public-Key: (2048 bit)

num_of_revisions: 59



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Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet to detect leaked credentials or proper usage of encryption...


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A lot of it is about process, gating and reviews


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@petersouter 89

Sometimes the job is too big for a repository, and it’s better to migrate to a cleaner repo

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Ensuring it stays clean


After cleanup, ensuring it stays clean

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@petersouter 91

At a minimum, you want to make sure that what you’re doing with Puppet isn’t

making things worse!

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@petersouter 92

It’s largely a people and process problem

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Making sure security is part of your workflow, rather than an afterthought“Shift security left”


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@petersouter 94

“To keep up with the pace of Continuous Delivery, security must “shift left,” earlier into design and coding and into the automated test cycles, instead of waiting until the system is designed and built and then trying to fit some security checks just before release. In DevOps, security must fit into the way that engineers think and work: more iterative and incremental, and automated in ways that are efficient, repeatable, and easy to use.”

- DevOpsSec: Delivering Secure Software Through Continuous Delivery, Jim Bird

Shifting left!

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@petersouter 95

How do we check things aren’t getting worse?

● Game days and internal evil attempt teams● Continuous security integration (Gittyleaks/code-review)● Dedicated security stories for sprints

○ Evil users or (mis)use cases● Embedded security team members● Dedicated audits on sensitive apps/stacks from external firms

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@petersouter 96

Game Day example: Agent spoofingLet's say someone gets access to an agent.

What’s the worst they can do?

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As soon as security becomes a blocker, you’ve lost!Security has to be automated where possible, otherwise we’re back to the throw-over-the-wall problems of pre-DevOps!


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SummaryWhat have we learnt?


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Remove sensitive data from your logsUse the new sensitive type or write custom providers


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Use the roles and profiles pattern for original defaultsSeparate secrets, reduce the surface area for problematic setups and always read the docs before using Puppet modules


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Use Trusted Facts in your hiera hierarchyMake sure hiera lookups can’t spoofed


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Encrypt the separated dataHiera-eyaml or a dedicated secret server


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Ensure your code stays cleanPeople, processes and automated testing


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Move security leftMake it a part of your process, rather than an afterthought


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