Download - PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Page 1: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



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Report No. 11-16-2958





TO Planning and Priorities Committee

Day Month 2007

16 November 2016


IT IS RECOMMENDED that a Pupil Accommodation Review

be established for the following secondary schools: Kipling

Collegiate Institute, Richview Collegiate Institute, and Scarlett

Heights Entrepreneurial Academy.



Make every school an effective school



The purpose of this report is to request approval of the establish-

ment of a Pupil Accommodation Review that will include the sec-

ondary schools identified below:

Kipling CI

Richview CI

Scarlett Heights EA

A map showing the location of these schools can be found in Ap-

pendix A. All schools are situated in Ward 2 (Trustee Glover).

Rationale for Initiating This Pupil Accommodation Review

A Pupil Accommodation Review is required to address low enrol-

ment, underutilization, and program viability at Scarlett Heights

Entrepreneurial Academy.

Total enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA declined from 556 students

in 2006-07 to 227 students in 2015-16, a decrease of 59%. Mod-

erate declines of approximately 20-25 students were experienced

annually between 2008-09 and 2011-12. From 2011-12 through

2015-16, the annual decline in enrolment grew to 50-90 students.

Page 2: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

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The preliminary enrolment for Scarlett Heights EA as of Septem-

ber 30, 2016 was 222 students. The 2016-17 capacity for the

school is 843 pupil places, which results in a current utilization

rate of 26%.

Projections suggest that enrolment at the school will continue to

decrease over the short and long term, falling to approximately 184

students in 2020, and approximately 142 students in 2025.

Appendix B identifies the actual and projected enrolment, as well

as utilization, for each of the three schools to be included in the

proposed Pupil Accommodation Review.

Furthermore, an extract from the School Information Profile: Fa-

cility and Instructional Profiles for all three schools can be found

in Appendix C.

The proposed timeline for the Pupil Accommodation Review pro-

cess is outlined in Appendix D.

Local Feasibility Team’s Recommended Student Accommoda-

tion and Program Plan

A Local Feasibility Study was initiated to review program and ac-

commodation solutions to low enrolment, underutilization and

program viability at Scarlett Heights EA. The Local Feasibility

Team (LFT) developed and reviewed options that would best ad-

dress these issues.

As per the Ministry of Education’s Pupil Accommodation Review

Guideline released in March 2015, school boards must prepare an

initial staff report containing a recommendation to address the ex-

isting program/accommodation issue prior to the establishment of

a Pupil Accommodation Review. The student accommodation and

program plan included in Appendix E reflects the work completed

by the LFT and recommends the closure of one school identified in

the study.

Community Consultation

The Pupil Accommodation Review process requires a minimum of

five months to complete. The process must include at least two

public meetings and requires the formation of a Pupil Accommo-

dation Review Committee. If the Board approves the commence-

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ment of the Pupil Accommodation Review, the process would

begin with public consultation in January of 2017.

The process will include the establishment of a formal working

committee of local school representatives as well as opportunities

for the general public and broader community to review the initial

staff report and to provide their comments and feedback on the

recommended student accommodation and program plan. The

recommendations outlined within the student accommodation and

program plan in Appendix E may be amended through the com-

mittee’s work as well as the public consultation process and re-

vised recommendations would be presented to the Board of Trus-

tees in the final staff report at the conclusion of the process.


The Pupil Accommodation Review will be supported by existing




If approved, the Pupil Accommodation Review will begin in Janu-

ary 2017, and follow the Ministry of Education’s Pupil Accommo-

dation Review Guideline and Toronto District School Board Ac-

commodation and Program Review Policy (P068) and Pupil Ac-

commodation Review Operational Procedure PR598.

APPENDICES Appendix A: Location of Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and

Richview CI

Appendix B: Actual and Projected Enrolment, Capacity and Uti-

lization Data: Status Quo and Recommended Op-


Appendix C:

Appendix D:

Extract from School Information Profile: Facility

and Instructional Profiles

Standard Pupil Accommodation Review Timeline

Appendix E:

Appendix F:

Appendix G:

Student Accommodation and Program Plan

Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and Richview CI:

Existing and Proposed Collegiate Attendance


Summary of Comments Received from the City of


Appendix H: Summary of Comments Received from other Pub-

lic Agencies and Community Partners

FROM Carla Kisko, Associate Director, Finance and Operations at

[email protected] or at 416-397-3188

Andrew Gowdy, Chief Planning Officer, Planning at

[email protected] or at 416-394-3917

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Appendix A

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2012-13 402 48% 661 70% 999 117% 2062 78%

2013-14 331 39% 569 60% 979 115% 1879 71%

2014-15 280 33% 459 48% 923 108% 1662 63%

2015-16 227 27% 385 41% 971 114% 1583 60%

2016-172 222 26% 393 41% 958 112% 1573 59%

2017-18 209 25% 344 36% 954 112% 1507 57%

2018-193 198 23% 321 34% 1001 117% 1520 57%

2019-204 185 22% 327 34% 1034 121% 1546 58%

2020-21 184 22% 317 33% 1079 126% 1580 60%

2021-22 181 21% 310 33% 1105 129% 1596 60%

2022-23 167 20% 313 33% 1152 135% 1632 62%

2023-24 164 19% 300 32% 1168 137% 1632 62%

2024-25 154 18% 298 31% 1184 138% 1636 62%

2025-26 142 17% 278 29% 1210 142% 1630 62%

2026-27 141 17% 262 28% 1215 142% 1618 61%










2012-13 402 48% 661 70% 999 117% 2062 78%

2013-14 331 39% 569 60% 979 115% 1879 71%

2014-15 280 33% 459 48% 923 108% 1662 63%

2015-16 227 27% 385 41% 971 114% 1583 60%

2016-172 222 26% 393 41% 958 112% 1573 59%

2017-18 209 25% 344 36% 954 112% 1507 57%

2018-193 0 0% 519 55% 1001 117% 1520 84%

2019-204 0 0% 512 54% 1034 121% 1546 86%

2020-21 0 0% 501 53% 1079 126% 1580 88%

2021-22 0 0% 491 52% 1105 129% 1596 89%

2022-23 0 0% 480 51% 1152 135% 1632 91%

2023-24 0 0% 464 49% 1168 137% 1632 91%

2024-25 0 0% 452 48% 1184 138% 1636 91%

2025-26 0 0% 420 44% 1210 142% 1630 90%

2026-27 0 0% 403 43% 1215 142% 1618 90%

12016-17 Capacity (Current) 2September 30th, 2016 Actual Enrolment

52018-19 Capacity (Implementation of Recommended Option)

Status Quo

Scarlett Heights EA Kipling CI Richview CI Total






Recommended Option

Scarlett Heights EA Kipling CI Richview CI Total

2646843 948 855







3LTPAS 2016-2025 identifies a study to explore new FI/FEXT program pathway in Ward 1 to alleviate growing

enrolment at Richview CI. Study to take place during the 2018-19 school year. 4LTPAS 2016-2025 identifies a study to explore new FI/FEXT program pathway in Ward 3 to alleviate growing

enrolment at Richview CI. Study to take place during the 2019-20 school year.

0 948 855

Appendix B

Actual and Projected Enrolment, Capacity and Utilization Data:

Status Quo and Recommended Option

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Appendix C

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November 16, 2016



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Appendix D

Standard Pupil Accommodation Review Timeline

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Appendix E

Student Accommodation and Program Plan


The Board’s Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy (LTPAS) provides a systematic

approach to program and accommodation planning within a ten-year timeframe. The LTPAS is

reviewed annually to ensure that it is consistent with the Board’s ever-changing educational

planning context.

The LTPAS 2015-2024 identified a study that was to take place during the 2015-16 school year.

The purpose of the study was to explore a review of Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and Rich-

view CI to examine underutilization and program viability at Scarlett Heights EA. The study did

not move forward during the 2015-16 school year as a result of continued efforts by the Trustee

and Principal to explore partnership possibilities in an attempt to rebrand the school, improve

strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA.

One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified a study for the same cluster of schools, and is

described as follows:

Explore a review of Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and Richview CI to examine underutilization

and low enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA and Kipling CI. This study would consider the re-

branding of the schools and/or augmenting program opportunities as a means of attracting stu-

dents to the area while achieving an efficient use of space among this cluster of schools.

Having exhausted all prospects of a partnership opportunity during the 2015-16 school year, the

study was initiated and a Local Feasibility Team (LFT) was formed. The LFT was comprised of

the following members:

Chris Glover, Trustee - Ward 2

Angela Nardi-Addesa, Superintendent of Education

Annie Appleby, Superintendent of Education

Rizwana Jaffri, Principal, Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy

Rhonda Davy, Principal, Kipling Collegiate Institute

Sam Miceli, Principal, Richview Collegiate Institute

Bernadette Shaw, Central Coordinating Principal, Teaching and Learning

John Tancredi, Central Coordinating Principal, Teaching and Learning

Thor Plaxton, Educational Planning Officer, Planning Division

While the following TDSB staff members did not attend LFT meetings, their knowledge and ex-

pertise informed the decisions made by the LFT:

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Jeff Latto, Senior Manager, Major Capital Projects and Building Partnerships

John Borutski, Planning Officer, Transportation Services

Maria Lo Bianco, Supervising Principal, Special Education

The LFT met on three separate occasions to examine low enrolment, underutilization and pro-

gram viability at Scarlett Heights EA and Kipling CI, and to explore various program and ac-

commodation solutions to mitigate these issues. LFT meetings were held on 13 June, 27 Sep-

tember and 21 October 2016.

The LFT reviewed the actual and projected enrolment, capacity, and utilization rate, for each of

the schools identified in the study. Further enrolment analysis was undertaken and shared with

the LFT. After discussions regarding the program and accommodation options available to re-

solve the issues facing Scarlett Heights EA (low enrolment, underutilization and program viabil-

ity), the LFT determined that a school closure (Pupil Accommodation Review) should be ex-


Program and Accommodation Issues

Total enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA declined from 556 students in 2006-07 to 227 students in

2015-16, a decrease of 59%. Moderate declines of approximately 20-25 students were experi-

enced annually between 2008-09 and 2011-12. From 2011-12 through 2015-16 the annual de-

cline in enrolment grew to 50-90 students.

The preliminary enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA as of 30 September 2016 was 222 students.

The 2016-17 revised capacity for the school is 843 pupil places, which results in a current utili-

zation rate of 26%. Projections suggest that enrolment at the school will continue to decrease

over the short and long term, falling to approximately 184 students in 2020, and approximately

142 students in 2025.

Appendix B identifies the actual and projected enrolment, as well as utilization, for each of the

three schools to be included in the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review.

With a current enrolment of 222 students, the variety of programs/courses offered at Scarlett

Heights EA is severely limited, raising the question of program viability. Moreover, operating a

school with a utilization rate of 26% is not an efficient use of space, nor does it compare with a

target utilization rate of 80-90% established in the Board’s LTPAS. For these program and ac-

commodation reasons, a Pupil Accommodation Review should be initiated for the group of

schools identified in the LTPAS (Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and Richview CI).

An extract from the School Information Profile: Facility and Instructional Profiles for all three

schools can be found in Appendix C.


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The LFT is recommending that Scarlett Heights EA be closed effective 30 June 2018, and that

the existing Scarlett Heights EA collegiate attendance area be absorbed by adjacent TDSB sec-

ondary school collegiate attendance areas.

The LFT is recommending the closure of Scarlett Heights EA for the following reasons:

Enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA has declined to a point where the ability to deliver a

strong secondary program is compromised.

Projections suggest that enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA will continue to decline in both

the short and long-term.

TDSB secondary schools located in close proximity to Scarlett Heights EA (namely Kip-

ling CI) have sufficient capacity to accommodate the enrolment increase expected as a

result of the proposed closure.

Kipling CI is currently underutilized and has been identified as the school to receive the

majority of the Scarlett Heights EA collegiate attendance area. The introduction of new

students at Kipling CI will improve strength of program and utilization of the facility.

There is an adequate geographic distribution of secondary school sites in the area to ac-

commodate any potential long-term enrolment growth.

Planning staff undertook a thorough review of actual and projected enrolment, demographic data,

and residential development activity within the Scarlett Heights EA collegiate attendance area.

Through this review, staff established that sufficient capacity is available within nearby second-

ary schools to accommodate the secondary student population residing in the existing Scarlett

Heights EA collegiate attendance area.

Should the proposed closure of Scarlett Heights EA be approved by Board, the existing Scarlett

Heights EA collegiate attendance area would be divided among two adjacent secondary schools:

Kipling CI and Richview CI. The resulting collegiate attendance areas for Kipling CI and Rich-

view CI would be implemented for the 2018-19 school year. Appendix F identifies the existing

and proposed collegiate attendance areas for Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and Richview CI.

While the proposed collegiate attendance areas split the existing Westmount JS junior attendance

area and the Hilltop MS intermediate attendance area along Eglinton Avenue West, the proposed

boundaries are consistent with those of adjacent secondary schools. Additionally, the proposed

collegiate attendance areas result in the entirety of the existing Scarlett Heights EA collegiate

attendance area remaining within walking distance (4.8 kilometres) of their newly-assigned sec-

ondary schools.

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The impact of the proposed closure (“Recommendation”) on projected enrolment at the schools

identified in this study is outlined in Appendix B.

Kipling CI is a suitable location for the vast majority of students currently attending Scarlett

Heights EA. The preliminary enrolment for Kipling CI as of 30 September 2016 was 393 stu-

dents. The 2016-17 revised capacity for the school is 948 pupil places, which results in a current

utilization rate of 41%. Not only does the school have surplus capacity, but it is located in close

proximity to Scarlett Heights EA.

The proposed closure directs the southern portion of the existing Scarlett Heights EA collegiate

attendance area (that area south of Eglinton Avenue West) to Richview CI. The primary reason

for this decision is that this area is not located within walking distance (4.8 kilometres) of Kip-

ling CI. Moreover, Eglinton Avenue West is a logical physical boundary that can be used to dis-

tinguish between the two attendance areas. The proposed boundary also aligns with the colle-

giate attendance areas of adjacent secondary schools.

The preliminary enrolment for Richview CI as of 30 September 2016 was 958 students. The

2016-17 revised capacity for the school is 855 pupil places, which results in a current utilization

rate of 112%. While increasing the size of the Richview CI collegiate attendance area may seem

counterintuitive given their existing utilization, the proposed change is not anticipated to have a

significant impact, if any, on future enrolment at the school.

In order to maintain balanced enrolment among the Regular program and French Immer-

sion/French Extended programs at Richview CI, the school admits a small number of Grade 9

Regular program students on optional attendance. It is highly likely that the proposed increase in

the size of the Richview CI collegiate attendance area will yield additional secondary school stu-

dents. Residing in this area would give these students the right to attend Richview CI for Regu-

lar program studies. To avoid increasing Regular program enrolment at the school, the number

of students admitted on optional attendance will be reduced (by the same number of students

admitted as a result of the new collegiate attendance area) in order to maintain an optimal Grade

9 Regular program cohort. Board staff and the Richview CI school administration are aware of

the impact that the proposed collegiate attendance area will have on enrolment, and have agreed

to adjust their admissions process as required.

While the proposed increase in the size of the Richview CI collegiate attendance area is antici-

pated to have negligible impact on projected enrolment, the school is still expected to grow to

approximately 1079 students in 2020, and approximately 1210 students in 2025, resulting in uti-

lization rates of 126% and 142% respectively. Projected enrolment growth is attributed to an

increased interest in French Immersion/French Extended programming across the system, but

more specifically in Etobicoke.

Recognizing the need to explore the introduction of additional French programming at the sec-

ondary panel, the LTPAS 2016-2025 has identified two studies that are described below:

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Explore the introduction of a new secondary school pathway for French Immersion students,

such as Thistletown CI or West Humber CI, in the west and to relieve overutilization at Richview

CI, the current secondary pathway for French Immersion students.

Explore the introduction of a new secondary school pathway at Lakeshore CI for French Immer-

sion students in the west and to relieve overutilization at Richview CI, the current secondary

pathway for French Immersion students.

The studies are planned for 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively, and their collective outcome is

expected to resolve the projected enrolment pressure at Richview CI.

Implementation Plan

As previously stated, the LFT is recommending that Scarlett Heights EA be closed effective 30

June 2018. All of the schools named in the study (Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI, and Rich-

view CI) would therefore continue to operate throughout the 2017-18 school year.

It is not recommended that a phased approach be used for the closure of Scarlett Heights EA, as

enrolment is already critically low and there is growing concern surrounding the ability to deliver

a strong program in future years. For these reasons, all students should be redirected away from

Scarlett Heights EA in advance of the 2018-19 school year.

Students enrolled at Scarlett Heights EA on 30 June 2018 are expected to attend their new local

secondary school for the 2018-19 school year (Kipling CI or Richview CI depending on the ad-

dress of their residence). Provided the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review process is com-

pleted in a timely manner, students will be afforded the opportunity to apply to another second-

ary school on optional attendance, as outlined in Toronto District School Board Optional Attend-

ance Policy P013.

With that said, Scarlett Heights EA students in Grades 11 and 12, currently flagged as Business

and Entrepreneurship Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) students in Trillium, will be tracked

and provided with opportunities to complete their programs, and graduate with the Red Seal

OSSD. If the Board approves the proposed closure of Scarlett Heights EA, the SHSM status will

be terminated during the closing year, and no other students in preceding grades will be regis-

tered in the SHSM program.

The final staff report is expected to be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval in June

2017. Therefore, Grade 8 students attending Hilltop MS during the 2017-18 school year will be

provided with advance notice of the closure at Scarlett Heights EA, as well as the subsequent

changes to their secondary school pathway(s) taking effect in 2018-19.

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Program Considerations

The enrolment decline experienced at Scarlett Heights EA in recent years has led to significant

challenges related to program offerings and course selections. A composite neighbourhood sec-

ondary school should have the ability to provide opportunities for students within all four path-

ways: workplace, apprenticeship, college and university. The proposed closure of Scarlett

Heights EA will allow existing students to access an expanded range of programs/courses at their

new secondary school(s).

No programming conflicts are expected to arise as a result of the proposed closure of Scarlett

Heights EA. The LFT determined that the Business and Entrepreneurship SHSM, as well as the

entrepreneurship focus, would conclude with the proposed closure of the school.

Alternatively, Kipling CI will continue to build on the strength of their existing technology based

programs including STEM and Broadcasting. In the event that the closure of Scarlett Heights

EA is approved by Board, Kipling CI will be applying to the Ministry of Education for the In-

formation and Communications Technology SHSM. This unique combination of programming

opportunities is expected to garner substantial interest from the community and is anticipated to

attract new students to Kipling CI. In addition to improved program options and associated facil-

ity improvements (see Facility Considerations below), the Superintendent of Education and Prin-

cipal, in conjunction with the Communications Department, will be launching an extensive mar-

keting campaign to rebrand the school as an information communications technology school

serving central Etobicoke.

The Regular, French Immersion and French Extended programs at Richview CI will continue to

operate as they do today. No changes to these programs are being contemplated as part of the

proposed Pupil Accommodation Review.

Transportation Considerations

No students attending Scarlett Heights EA during the 2015-16 school year qualified for TDSB

transportation services. This is not unexpected; as all addresses within the existing collegiate

attendance area are located within walking distance of the school (4.8 kilometres as per TDSB

Transportation of Students Policy P020).

If the proposed closure of Scarlett Heights EA is approved by Board, the proposed collegiate at-

tendance areas for Kipling CI and Richview CI will not result in the need for any additional

TDSB transportation services. As noted previously, the proposed collegiate attendance areas al-

low for all addresses to be located within walking distance of their newly assigned secondary


No additional costs associated with transportation will be incurred as a result of the proposed

closure of Scarlett Heights EA.

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Facility Considerations

The LFT determined that additional capacity at Kipling CI is not required to facilitate the closure

of Scarlett Heights EA. The adjacent secondary schools that have been identified to receive

Scarlett Heights EA students have sufficient capacity to accommodate both current and projected

enrolment. As such, neither a permanent addition nor a new secondary school is being proposed

by the LFT.

Kipling CI has been selected to receive a majority of the students currently enrolled at Scarlett

Heights EA. An investment at Kipling CI will be seen as an investment the community and sub-

sequently an investment in the students. As such, the LFT determined that the following capital

improvements would be appropriate:

Conversion of existing library/resource centre to a “learning commons”

Conversion of existing classroom(s) to a robotics lab

Modernization of existing classroom(s) to align with the STEM Program and future ICT

SHSM (broadcasting/video production equipment, 3D-printers, communications technol-

ogy equipment, etc.)

Ensure wireless network connectivity (Wi-Fi) throughout the entire school building

Purchase of new/updated furniture for use in classrooms/learning commons

A business case will be submitted to the Ministry of Education to request funding for the im-

provements listed above. If funding does not become available, the improvements will not be

made. With that said, failure to make the proposed improvements would not prevent Kipling CI

from accommodating the additional students resulting from the closure of Scarlett Heights EA.

The current and five-year renewal needs (Facility Condition Index) for each school identified in

the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review are outlined in the School Information Profile: Fa-

cility and Instructional Profiles found in Appendix C.

The proposed Pupil Accommodation Review may result in the closure of Scarlett Heights EA;

however, the facility (property and associated buildings) will remain in the ownership of the

TDSB until a future review is undertaken to determine the status of the site (as a core holding or

a site that is surplus to the needs of the Board).

Partnership Considerations

None of the schools identified in the Local Feasibility Study feature any partnerships/affiliations

(Child Care, Section 23, Caring and Safe Schools, Educational Partnerships, etc.) that need to be

considered throughout the proposed Pupil Accommodation Review.

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Information from Municipalities, Other Public Agencies and Community Partners

Prior to the establishment of a Pupil Accommodation Review, school boards are to request tech-

nical information from the local municipality where a planned Pupil Accommodation Review

will occur. To satisfy this requirement, TDSB Planning staff corresponded with representatives

from the City of Toronto to receive comments. These comments, as well as any expressions of

interest from other public agencies and community partners, can be found in Appendices G and


Page 17: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



Board Services Agenda Record


Agenda Item 9.

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Appendix F

Page 18: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



Board Services Agenda Record


Agenda Item 9.

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Appendix G

Summary of Comments Received from the City of Toronto

Prior to the establishment of a Pupil Accommodation Review, school boards are to request tech-

nical information from the local municipality where a planned Pupil Accommodation Review

will occur. To satisfy this requirement, TDSB Planning staff corresponded with representatives

from the City of Toronto to receive comments.

City of Toronto representatives from the Community Planning, Children’s Services, Social De-

velopment, and Parks and Recreation departments were consulted on this group of schools in Oc-

tober 2016. A summary of the technical information and comments received from the City of

Toronto about Scarlett Heights EA, Kipling CI and Richview CI is provided in the following


The information provided by the City to TDSB represents an initial assessment of each TDSB

property included in the 2016-2017 PARCs. These comments are based on the City's own crite-

ria to assess its interest in school properties, the Community Asset Evaluation Framework, which

was adopted by City Council at its meeting of July 12-15, 2016 (item EX 16.21). These com-

ments are an early review of potential City interest under the following categories: Child Care,

Green Space and Recreation, Community Programming, and Growth. The information provided

by the City is to inform TDSB's analysis of each school site through the 2016-2017 PARCs and

does not represent a prioritization of City interests, or identify an intent to acquire a school prop-

erty at this time.

Page 19: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



Board Services Agenda Record


Agenda Item 9.

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City of Toronto Response to Toronto District School Board Request for Early Comments 2016-2017 PARCs

Name of Site:

Kipling CI 380 The Westway M9R1H4 Etobicoke York District

Growth Comments:

Official Plan Designation: Neighbourhoods

Community Programming Comments:

Area is not designated as a City of Toronto Neighbourhood Improvement Area (Willowridge-Martingrove-Richview)

Access to Community Spaces for Meeting in the Neighbourhood is below the equity cut off for Toronto (Red)

Level of Social Marginalization in the Neighbourhood is above the equity cut off for Toronto, but below the target level (Yellow)

Child Care and Early Learning Comments:

There is no child care located in this school.

Ward 4 is a priority ward for capital investment.

Additional infant spaces are required to meet the targets outlined in Children’s Services Capital Strategy 2015-2019. There are no proposed child care capital projects located in the vicinity of this school and no expansion of any adjacent child care centres on the horizon.

Green Space and Recreation Comments:

Parks, Forestry and Recreation does not provide recreation programming at this location.

The school site is located in an area with the 2nd highest quintile of parkland provision.

There is relatively high canopy tree coverage in the surrounding area.

Page 20: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



Board Services Agenda Record


Agenda Item 9.

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City of Toronto Response to Toronto District School Board Request for Early Comments 2016-2017 PARCs

Name of Site:

Richview CI 1738 Islington Avenue M9A3N2 Etobicoke York District

Growth Comments:

Official Plan Designation: Neighbourhoods

Heritage: Potential

Large Site – Official Plan Large Site Policies would apply Community Programming Comments:

Area is not designated as a City of Toronto Neighbourhood Improvement Area (Princess-Rosethorn)

Access to Community Spaces for Meeting in the Neighbourhood is below the equity cut off for Toronto (Red)

Level of Social Marginalization in the Neighbourhood is low for Toronto (at/above the target) (Green)

Child Care and Early Learning Comments:

There is no child care located in this school.

Ward 3 is not a priority for capital investment. Green Space and Recreation Comments:

Parks, Forestry and Recreation does not provide recreation programming at this location.

The school site is adjacent to the Eglinton Multi-Use Recreational Trail, in an area with the mid-dle quintile of parkland provision.

There is relatively high canopy tree coverage in the surrounding area.

Page 21: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



Board Services Agenda Record


Agenda Item 9.

G03(r:\secretariat\staff\g06\17\05\161116 scarlett heights 2958.doc)sec.1530

City of Toronto Response to Toronto District School Board Request for Early Comments 2016-2017 PARCs Name of Site:

Scarlett Heights EA 15 Trehorne Drive M9P1N8 Etobicoke York District

Growth Comments:

Official Plan Designation: Neighbourhoods; Mixed-Use immediately to the north

Community Programming Comments:

Area is not designated as a City of Toronto Neighbourhood Improvement Area (Willowridge-Martingrove-Richview)

Access to Community Spaces for Meeting in the Neighbourhood is below the equity cut off for Toronto (Red)

Level of Social Marginalization in the Neighbourhood is above the equity cut off for Toronto, but below the target level (Yellow)

Child Care and Early Learning Comments:

There is no child care located in this school.

Ward 4 is a priority for capital investment.

Additional infant spaces are required to meet the targets outlined in Children’s Services Capital Strategy 2015-2019. There are no proposed child care capital projects located in the vicinity of this school and no expansion of any adjacent child care centres on the horizon.

Green Space and Recreation Comments:

Parks, Forestry and Recreation does not provide recreation programming at this location.

The school site is located in an area with the middle quintile of parkland provision.

There is relatively high canopy tree coverage in the surrounding area.

Page 22: PUPIL ACCOMMODATION REVIEW FOR KIPLING COLLEGIATE ......strength of program, and ultimately increase enrolment at Scarlett Heights EA. One year later, the LTPAS 2016-2025 identified

Planning and Priorities Committee

November 16, 2016



Board Services Agenda Record


Agenda Item 9.

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Appendix H

Summary of Comments Received from other Public Agencies and Community Partners

TDSB’s annual meeting regarding Community Planning and Partnerships was held on 31 May

2016. The meeting was attended by representatives from the City of Toronto along with many

other public agencies and community partners. Of the three secondary schools named in the

proposed Pupil Accommodation Review, two have space available for potential partnerships:

Scarlett Heights EA and Kipling CI.

No specific interest was expressed in either of these two schools at this meeting.

In meetings with staff from the Toronto Catholic District School Board, general interest was ex-

pressed in a secondary school site in the Central Etobicoke area. This interest has been included

in the Toronto Catholic District School Board’s draft Long- Term Accommodation Plan - Sec-

ondary Panel that was presented at a meeting of the Board of Trustees on 20 October 2016.