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  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    What is the total number of inhabited villages in Punjab?

    A) 11256

    B) 1754

    C) 25478D) 12581

    Show Answer

    According to 2011 census, there are total 12581 inhabited

    villages in un!ab"

    What is the total number of police stations and police

    posts in Punjab?

    A) 220

    B) #$5

    C) 15$

    D) 554

    Show Answer

    %he total nu&ber o' (olice stations and (olice (osts in un!ab is

    554" %here are #$5 (olice stations and 15$ (olice (osts" %he

    incharge o' a (olice station is called "*"+" tation *ouse+''icer)" -enerall. an /ns(ector ran o''icer is a((ointed *+, but

    at so&e (laces it can be a (olice&an o' higher or loer ran"

    Who was the first chief minister of Punjab?

    A) Dr" -o(i Chand Bhargava

    B) " arta( ingh airon

    C) " 3achh&an ingh -ill

    D) hri Bhi& en achar

    Show Answer

    Dr" -o(i Chand Bhargava as 'irst chie' &inister o' un!ab" Chec

    the 'olloing (age 'or &ore details

    irst Chie' inister o' un!ab"
  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    Punjab has international border with which of the

    following countries?

    A) A'ganistan

    B) aistan

    C) e(al

    D) China

    Show Answer

    un!ab shares its border ith aistan on the estern side" %he

    river avi and utle! 'los along this international border"

    Which district of Punjab is least populous?A) A&ritsar

    B) Barnala

    C) Bathinda

    D) 9alandhar

    Show Answer

    Barnala is least (o(ulous district o' un!ab" /ts (o(ulation is

    around 5"$5 lah"

    Who became the chief minister of Punjab most number of


    A) arta( ingh airon

    B) arash ingh Badal

    C) hivra! :" atil

    D) 9ustice -urna& ingh

    Show Answer

    The only stock exchange of Punjab is located in which city?

    A) Chandigarh

    B) 3udhiana

    C) A&ritsar

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    D) *oshiar(ur

    Show Answer

    %here is a stoc e;change in 3udhiana, called as 3udhiana toc

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    =hen /ndia got inde(endence in 1$47, hi&la beca&e the ca(ital

    o' un!ab" /t as earlier the su&&er ca(ital o' un!ab" hi&la,

    no in *i&achal radesh, is a 'a&ous tourist (lace in north /ndia"

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    D) aistan

    Show Answer

    /' .our anser is /ndia, that is not correct" aistan has the

    highest nu&ber o' un!abi s(eaing (eo(le in the orld" %he totalnu&ber o' un!abi s(eaing (o(ulation in aistan is around 8

    crore, hereas /ndia has onl. around # crore (eo(le ho s(ea


    Which river flows along the international boundry of !ndia

    and Pakistan in %urdaspur district of Punjab?

    A) atlu!

    B) Beas

    C) avi

    D) Chenab

    Show Answer

    iver avi 'los along the international boundr. o' /ndia and

    aistan, through A&ritsar and -urdas(ur districts o' un!ab"

    $ow much is the distance between Amritsar and &ew

    'elhi" the capital of !ndia?

    A) Around #00 &

    B) Around 450 &

    C) Around 1200 &

    D) Around 600 &

    Show Answer

    %he distance beteen e Delhi and A&ritsar is around 450 &"

    ational *igha. 1 *1), also non as -"%" oad connects the

    to cities"

    What is the literal meaning of the name Punjab?

    A) 3and o' 'ive rivers

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    B) 3and o' seven rivers

    C) Area near ount Abu

    D) ingdo& o' 'ive andavs

    Show Answer%he correct anser is 3and o' 'ive rivers" %he na&e un!ab is

    &ade o' to ords un! ive) Aab =ater) i"e" land o' 'ive

    rivers and these 'ive rivers o' un!abare atlu!, Beas, avi,

    Chenab, 9helu&"

    When was S( Parkash Singh )adal became chief minister of

    Punjab for the first time?

    A) 1$70

    B) 1$77

    C) 1$80

    D) 1$$$

    Show Answer

    " arash ingh Badal beca&e chie' &inister o' un!ab 'or the

    'irst ti&e in 1$70" /n 2012, he as sorn in as chie' &inister o'

    the state 'or a record 'i'th ti&e" /t is his second consecutive ter&as chie' &inister"

    Which town of Punjab has the largest grain market of


    A) 3udhiana

    B) a&rala

    C) Bathinda

    D) hanna

    Show Answer

    There is a railway link between &ew 'elhi and *ahore

    +Pakistan,( -n this route" which is the last railway station
  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    on !ndian side?

    A) A&ritsar

    B) =agha

    C) AttariD) 9alandhar Cantt

    Show Answer

    %he last raila. station on /ndia side is Attari" %he a&!hauta

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    A) uha&&ad Ali 9innah

    B) han Abdul -ha''ar han

    C) 3ia>uat Ali han

    D) alala ousa'@aiShow Answer

    han Abdul -ha''ar han as aarded Bharat atna in .ear

    1$87" *e as a 'a&ous inde(endece activist during British rule in

    /ndia and as non as arhadi -andhi orntier -andhi)" %his

    as the 'irst ti&e hen this aard as given to a non/ndian


    When did the allianwala )agh massacre occured?

    A) 1$1#

    B) 1$1$

    C) 1$20

    D) 1$#1

    Show Answer

    Correct anser is B the &assacre o' 9allianala Bagh occured on

    1# A(ril, 1$1$" %he british ar&. 'ired at the nonviolent(rotestors gatherd at 9allianala Bagh -arden) and illed &ore

    than 1000 (eo(le"

    $ow much is the total area of Punjab?

    A) 10,$$2 s>uare ilo&eters

    B) 21,2#1 s>uare ilo&eters

    C) 50,#62 s>uare ilo&eters

    D) 8,756 s>uare ilo&eters

    Show Answer

    %he total area o' un!ab is 50,#62 s>uare ilo&eters" /t is al&ost

    1"6E o' total land area o' /ndia"

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    Who is the current chief minister of Punjab?

    A) " arash ingh Badal

    B) " uhbir ingh Badal

    C) Ca(t" A&rinder inghD) hri Bhi& en achar

    Show Answer

    " arash ingh Badal is the current Chie' inister o' un!ab"

    Also chec the list o' Chie' inisters o' un!ab

    1irasat2e23halsa is situated in which city?

    A) 3udhiana

    B) A&ritsar

    C) Anand(ur ahib

    D) atiala

    Show Answer

    :irasatehalsa is situated in hri Anand(ur ahib"

    According to the 4566 census" what is the literacy rate in


    A) 75"8 E

    B) 7#"0 E

    C) 76"7 E

    D) 8#"6 E

    Show Answer

    According to the 2011 census, the literac. rate in un!ab is 75"8

    E" %o get &ore details, chec our (age about 3iterac. ate /n


    Punjab has international border with which of the

    following countries?

    A) A'ganistan
  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    B) aistan

    C) e(al

    D) China

    Show Answerun!ab shares its border ith aistan on the estern side" %he

    river avi 'los along this international border"

    Which district of Punjab is most populous?

    A) A&ritsar

    B) 3udhiana

    C) Bathinda

    D) 9alandhar

    Show Answer

    3udhiana is &ost (o(ulous district o' un!ab" /ts (o(ulation is

    #4"$$ lah"

    Who became the chief minister of Punjab most number of


    A) -urdial ingh

    B) arash ingh Badal

    C) hivra! :" atil

    D) 3al rishan Advani

    Show Answer

    " arash ingh Badal has the honour o' beco&ing chie' &inister

    o' the state &ost nu&ber o' ti&es" *e beca&e the chie' &inister

    in 1$70, 1$77, 1$$7, 2007 and 2012

    The only stock exchange of Punjab is located in which city?

    A) Chandigarh

    B) 3udhiana

    C) A&ritsar

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    D) *oshiar(ur

    Show Answer

    %here is a stoc e;change in 3udhiana, called as 3udhiana toc

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    A) Chandigarh

    B) A&ritsar

    C) 3ahore

    D) DelhiShow Answer

    Be'ore /ndia got inde(endence in 1$47, 3ahore as the ca(ital o'


    $ow many universities are there in Punjab?

    A) 6

    B) 10

    C) 22

    D) 18

    Show Answer

    %here are total 22 universities in un!ab" /n addition to that there

    are three dee&ed universities in un!ab" or details, chec

    our list o' universities in un!ab"

    Who is the current deputy chief minister of Punjab?" arash ingh Badal

    " uhbir ingh Badal

    Ca(t" A&rinder ingh

    hri Bhi& en achar

    Show Answer" uhbir ingh Badal is the current de(ut. Chie' inister o'

    un!ab" *e is the son o' chie' &inister " arash ingh Badal"

    7ateh2)urj +1ictory Tower," constructed in the memory of

    )aba )anda Singh )ahadur" is situated in which city?
  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey




    Anand(ur ahib


    Show Answer

    atehBur! is located in Cha(ar Chiri village in ohali" %his (lace

    is on the harar3andran &ain road"

    According to the 4566 census" how much is the total

    population of Punjab?5"10 crore

    #"45 crore

    8"7# crore

    2"77 crore

    Show AnswerAccording to the 2011 census, total (o(ulation o' un!ab is 2"77


    Punjab has international border with which of the

    following countries?A'ganistan




    Show Answer

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    un!ab shares its border ith aistan on the estern side" %he

    river avi 'los along this international border"

    Which city of Punjab is known as its industrial capital?





    Show Answer

    3udhiana is one o' the (o(ular industrial tons o' /ndia and is

    non as the industrial ca(ital o' un!ab" /t is also non as

    anchester o' /ndia"

    Who is the current governor of Punjab?-urdial ingh

    arash ingh Badal

    hivra! :" atil

    a(tan ingh olani

    Show Answer

    a(tan ingh olani is the current governor o' un!ab and he

    assu&ed the charge in 9anuar. 2015" *e is governor o' *ar.ana

    and as given additional charge o' un!ab" *e is also the Chie'

    Ad&inistrator o' Chandigarh" Be'ore hi&, hivra! :" atil as the

    governor o' un!ab"

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    The only stock exchange of Punjab is located in which city?Chandigarh




    Show Answer

    %here is a stoc e;change in 3udhiana, called as 3udhiana toc

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey



  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    $ow many lok sabha seats are there in Punjab?

    A) 17

    B) 20

    C) 22D) 1#

    Show Answer

    %here are total 1# lo sabha seats in un!ab"

    Which is the main religion of people of Punjab?

    A) *induis&

    B) ihis&

    C) /sla&

    D) 9ain

    Show Answer

    %he &a!orit. o' (eo(le in un!ab 'ollo ih religion" un!ab is

    the onl. state in /ndia having ih (o(ulation in &a!orit."

    Which river divides the .alwa and 'oaba regions of


    A) atlu!

    B) Beas

    C) avi

    D) Chenab

    Show Answer

    %he correct anser is atlu!" %he area on the north o' atlu! river

    is called Doaba and the area on the southern side o' the river is

    called ala"

    $ow much is the distance between *udhiana and &ew

    'elhi" the capital of !ndia?

    A) Around #00 &

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    B) Around 450 &

    C) Around 1200 &

    D) Around 600 &

    Show Answer

    %he distance beteen e Delhi and 3udhiana is around #00 &"

    ational *igha. 1 *1), also non as -"%" oad connects the

    to cities"

    Shiv 3umar )atalvi got Sahitya Akademi Award for which


    A) 3oona

    B) Birha %u ultan

    C) iran Da araga

    D) Alvida

    Show Answer

    hiv u&ar Batalvi got the ahit.a Aade&i Aard 'or his boo

    3oona" *e received this aard in 1$67 and beca&e the .oungest

    rece(ient o' this aard"

    The famous Punjabi novel 8Pavitar Paapi8 was written by

    which of the following novelist?

    A) 9asant ingh anal

    B) -urbash ingh reetlari

    C) -ul@ar ingh andhu

    D) ana ingh

    Show Answer

    ana ingh as the riter o' avitar aa(i"

    9handigarh" the capital of Punjab is also capital of one

    more state( 9an you name that state?

  • 7/25/2019 Punab Latest Information for Survey


    A) 9a&&u and ash&ir

    B) *i&achal radesh

    C) a!asthan

    D) *ar.anaShow Answer

    %he correct anser is D) *ar.ana" Chandigarh is a union

    territor. and is ca(tial o' both un!ab and *ar.ana"

    !n the independent !ndia" when was the first elections of

    Punjab Assembly held?

    A) 1$47

    B) 1$48

    C) 1$50

    D) 1$52

    Show Answer

    A'ter the inde(endence o' /ndia, the 'irst elections o' un!ab

    :idhan abha ere held in .ear 1$52"

    Which district of Punjab has highest number of cities and

    towns +counted together,?

    A) Bathinda

    B) 3udhiana

    C) atiala

    D) 9alandhar

    Show Answer

    Bathinda district has highest nu&ber o' cities and ton" %here are

    total 21 cities and tons in this district" Although 3udhiana is

    &ost (o(ulous district o' un!ab, but total nu&ber o' cities and

    tons in this district is 11"