Download - M Kast I3U. at, two doort west of IrtaViv aud near l">puii.i-KVKs.Nos:^!;^: P1TY It · 2017. 12. 12. · hisui "Tf VV eiUi..* cl.*es will re, pen in Octoher next, IBhwimiii, ^.> M Kast I3U. at, two doort west of IrtaViv aud near l

Page 1: puii.i-KVKs.Nos:^!;^: P1TY It · 2017. 12. 12. · hisui "Tf VV eiUi..* cl.*es will re, pen in Octoher next, IBhwimiii, ^.> M Kast I3U. at, two doort west of IrtaViv aud near l

puii.i-KVKs.Nos:^!;^:t,a*st. be-

i.r_ lt**-



hlM'l' ,, e....... ,.LaMu4u,alk>»'i>

¦wwwa**-*"^ .'."Ta.fc.^J llatut. N.. 10, Ja..----^Hr:x-...,.«,,/ kkwd**.*.*""'.'-vM-*-*-'!.-*;._2f^l2ml H.-Ntv ...Cark.t.1-

^^T^S»ram.-.rH-^tMJ^.;X: llosuNtv S, l,.d..w.t.n._X,k "

«V__-__B*I B*8B8 **'' V ****°* ¦" .f0rnert iit Wt'l " *'. !*~**V**

,1 ftgtl **,,. .,, H*W* No tt **... .. > *****

.tt* lt Bl **** ** II.-B-* No al. Hsilsiii.

rtt^,r^^,M^Nai7,or^ .

¦" *.«»'¦»*. ^4 iiou*. No tt LUh st, near

_\i>vt.'« ..*.*.** v*

tkardB*l-*l»«'-*N" ¦'¦'". *"¦..*. '-.-'

ittthVtaid vvardsa....' « «ai.**»«"- N-^-«>*k«.ns-

v.vx4W8«s.^lH"""N' ls<",h,t'nw\ \ .. VV ,',' tt a.t.

***** oi t'*t\ tiik tDI C4TI0H OP

t_ _.¦ ln.t r'.vSB'ni Bohootl for theN_... a BBB a*--'(S# .rnw4,., Mo. lav, ttattttla.

ad*f*i*tv ..r "'^TL jvwarlt. *n't ol the fo iowing SchooigMai a ibs »».-'¦

Mews** .,., jtfh,vi Hi-'i* No 1°, J.imevst, be-,, l» H ltk-* TLmam ,re Madii tn au.

k vk.Tvl.-d Saaool Hoaaa No 2',, C!a*k-rt.,**** wweeeOrot-neand .*.>'.t.g-sl.

IU « .rt. vv .-d MBSl Hemp N° ¦*. Lod'o'* 8k, near

_ltfc IPatt-^Sil-kaal Hoose No. -\ BUnton-st., cor-

tvik Wa*-'- »i-d"irVfck.x'1 House No.2.1, lath-at., nearsal) .f

ti\_ V>sf w*ti Sakool Hoo.9 No. 13, l"t!. at, near

¦ed person* wlll he opened in Colored*Tfrpa-i H. ¦:.*> ** -¦ 1.8-ir-os st. rear Bronne-sl ara etper.-f-e.1 teache. litve rteen *nfa*»f,''^ piavlded thnt mty !?* r*.|tiired tocoi la i

___"_~Jj_l BBtTsB rd ihorOBgh inrtmclioti to tbe pupna,*f*V- --..-. Application for Bdn.i8.ion must be made Bt^ttwrntl Rfv-. u soon u th- -*eho -ls .'* i>e*>ned.¦*r POP.iK WM oODNNKHs,»a,Aw.iia,iM*

Comni'tteemi Fveniog Schooli.(gttsf Board of Kd-..rat*or.:Sept 11_

SCHOOL for BOYS..B. A. S.MITH,a»Ptioclp-if Leiceeter Aeademy, Maaa., will open oa

»...*_.'. tas 1 "h ol 8eplembei next, tb Pair Haven,gHa,s.inily schooi for h.j. Tbe numht-r be lun*ij y Bvvlv* The loeaaoa i. daflghtlal, aud pup.itr_u tti ln tle faioiik of Mr 8 a pleaaant home and.m* fairnl.i caie Hii put experi.-nc* kfifl i..n«v U

.mm**" a iuiiicient guaraoty that the very heat of ln-jjmO* '" '- *** .-* Kor further inff-rmation address| * I.'ITH. Ial Hat en, ConnIifia. Bt*.*- The P.rvideot »rd Profe**)- of Y»le Col-

JjT\ C Bi ->' E*q , No.7'i Wail-.t., Nvw-Yoi* Cltp)p, J goit<.. Nn .r. P.ut 14th vL; Tlimna* Denny, ,

B*IJs.s.ey Coart; R Bi.regue k fions, N'o ll.Pev.rl-a D 8 Anpletoa,, No.5'8. Bro.Iway; A R>*>d. !_..,gitliftilton-ai ; Bev Oeairg. Allan. Worceaier, Maaa.

nUV ERS1TY (vRAMMAR SCHOOL,aJ-Prof Y. A Johnson. Rector Th. thre*. DeparvbmU. -8 Junior, the Ipper iiah, »nd the Clutic.. re-

Z_a-iilta-jr.iul"/ oo Monday. Sept 6. Pupll* are re-

my*i al lhe age of aev*b yeaia ai.d upward, and oieparedBi Ba eo-inting house, or for U. any (;.,.lea..Cataisrt may be ohlait.ed at Appletou'a Ie«>d s. oc

Cn-at>i, ln BioBfiw.y. .ud .1 R.ytiora, ln tii*fputri tlY.O 8 PARKKR. Principal.


aKo.8ll:*-t l..tli-it..on IdONUAY%the6thof September.VBtaat T. will he happy toaee tli* pupila audggysev/t.'t-s wbo may propese to fili tbe vacaiici.tbat mayHSt-Ntw-Yoik, S. pt_ ii.

ffllTED STATES FREE BOARD-_, PO-8CHOOLCI8CULAR8 OivlBg a foll Oaasris-tmtfll- ln*!i'»ti'-n. inay be had at Nu. L'O Katt Brosd-»,,, al 2b CA-ult etth Ottiee hour* frcn Bto 18 .'cloct.9 B-AII ninriry received lor Clreolais wili be for tbe btsH-attof aid ltittituiioo.

W.M. H. LKi.i.ETrs CLASSICALJriiKN. H aai BNOLI8B BCHOOt Wmtt aaai

. Ml of Br..»dway at.d U'th-st wul '>». renpened ,,n HON'WT.rvpt t> «t 9 A M. Circula's at If>rk wood's, No. 411Bna-wmtr Pvaaa ane Britian's, No t. >7 Broad way, and atm iss-ence of the Pnucipal, No '~3 l'th-st., near Tomp-Iji* .

Diuuing -icljoolo.. CARD.Mr. CHARRUALD takaa_L ln tni unclng to his ouiuero.js palrons r.t, rrs.dlrg in tte upper part of the clty. ihat bishisui "Tf VV eiUi..* cl.*es will re, pen in Octoher next,IBhwimiii, ^.> M Kast I3U. at, two doort west ofIrtaViv aud near l ii'vir.ity p'aie. Tl.e licalious arsBt.idious c-nvriiittt and pleating. mitahle for a aettct,aaai Bt'l-""l. and at prt simlty tothe a-ver*l lines oflitslvsy and Btt-BV < iii'iihnaes. »nd tlie Ih »v r.i I ear 8.

TWitvill be aito* at his old iaaaa, No. Ji VVbilvst.TWilhaitl )'h «f. rBiic.rap.ta lo VVest Bitilmy »t allkstn Inrir.g tlu day and evenn.g. and iaud pataonganati_«.ni*r.( VV lntr it mtt.ln balf a block of his saloon.firat io* k fr i paitirulara in fuiure advertiiemr.itk 8-kfr CBarmaad will rvsl hia atl. on aud rooms at

ls k VYIil'e it foi aelt-rt partiea. h.lls.nd «..iers, t'>roU*h-.MBsiniutog *euon Triuismoder.te. Plt-aie call at, Nu 8K VV nt llth it._

A CAR 1)7. Mr. CHAURl'AlJI) mkoattll ea>ly opporttnlty reapectrully toar-qiitint pilvste tee Prtadpab ot Bi>aidiBg|ScfiiKjli, tbtt hu in-

kr,o. )*ins Bot to Bttend »t Brootlyn thu leinti, lie wlllBirjtf thetwiaftrrnooris he attended thero. iu givlnf in.

BJienoBlnettrytlli.g apportainiog to I.i* proffvaion eitlierStttn rrticricri, or st ht* now n»..i, No. M Kut Hth-iUaaw B-oadwiy. All ordera lelt at hi* reeuieuo-. NBat llth it, between jtb and htb avs, will he pundually


ANCINO nnd WALT/INl. CLASS-a*ukci'ignr.p H'e Ml S LANNAY would Inform herlan-t and ihl tesideetiof Brooklyn th.t she wlll roopenatitasset oo WEDN.SDAY. Oct l tth. at 3J oc'jcB.B-r-flBfirgiiieseuoB. I'sfticolar* in future

PtlVAfE DAN( INC and WALTZ^1N0 A(AUKMY ln Btoa.lw.y, eorner of !Sth-*(

ki'JIPARKIR wiiliettoiiiloiiii ber p.t-om.nd*r*i)l_t in tk, ticii itj of I'i.lon-8.|U*re, th.t ih. Intebdsfcrtiai rlaia* (. r ibe lt.stiuclioB ol Ladles an.lkatf-iii. Py [ng at her acadt-ioy in Broadway, on SA I1 KHAY Oet < at t] o'¦ lorkiVllof Tw.i.n. Weiineadaya and Stfurdsvskaa Paikir will give .essons in all the new and luhion-

*»l4«ylei-/daoci..gTfiD.iiuai* known at tts Aeademy on the daya jftuitun,-tiMmParkei'irea d.-i.ce, No. 2t'7 Bowery

Piano-fortts.A PIANO-FORTE of auperiop tono£*. aed tuith, latest ayle of eaae, made hy one of the¦B sakeri in t_s city, and warranted for two years; sevea

*_*?*. lu order; it ia nsw It wiil be sold very.v is the owner is soon to leave tbe city. It oaa be seena»afcw dajtatNo 7J H .id*on-*t-, from 9 ull 11 o'clock,. 8, aad trom i Ull 9 P. M._A^'LEAN PIANO FORTES-No.441f *-i Btoadwty, belween Howard and Orand-et* A*f***-td aworiiner t of Hallet Davia A Co 'a much adu.iredr*_*«. tauaie very neh stylev) with . large sjwor.lent of."«<*_« N.w- .ork Pianiv ol v.n.-ut makera Al»o. arutl5_8J irt munti hand Pianos, iBeluding T Ollbert A Co 'a,¦1th ui wiihout tae I- ohan .I of whtch twe for saie at the^_»m»rlav*-P-»^.u,L*l. LINCOLN k THOMPSON

As-tOEES-lONAL MAN, who is*tul*t*i u> l.av. this city. wlll arll . good fulll.ned

. .tat* l-tll. n.atla by Duboii A Baon, .1 .very mod-***** .tte*, alio. ihe whole set of H.ydn'e CM.rtvtt tor******, wrli boupd, iu lur books, and tbe.wu* ol Mt./arit Iju.nteta, Quaiteta Tnoe and Du >*, inma tn*e\ m\ be *,>ld cbeap. Can bs seen sl 9*3j 7ib-st.

BRADBURY'S BOSTON anl NEW-vohk viaNo w *ky RO..M8. No. l_ Broadway.-'_,.^T!,,k1.'?_l-'-,t As^rted Planta, of app-ov.-d

i_,^e^DdtkMUlM ^-,^" -aSRtaa-.aUy Pttt*ededt*_K. 0_BRADBI'RY.

BOSTON PIANO. KORTES..Tlie.'geet BVBori.i.ent of Ib thi* clty is tu bn kmr.*

_-S v-artaoiiu. o( T OILBKRT A Ci... No Sn BroaiZ¦aj. of AnlJ.uv st, opptraie Bruadway Buk and.aatiai and wlll bv aold st g~al bargaii.e. They have tha_."*..* fi.nv aud aie warraiitvd tu ..nd any rlimata.**A*it sapirlied an tery liberal tenna tliiberti lottaas. Braliar Pt.ii.v, conv.nirnt lor smaal rooma, for e»le low,J*d .trttntr.i A!a>., an ettenalve aaaurtriient ot (i.lbart k_>*8 .prt.ted A.i ian Piaixw, unive.tli* wlmitled to bs8*|mm U. .11 otlier. HOKACK WATKRS, 8ol* AjjenL



dl> w»,u .. ...*,. ^. -- i re \.rt.

., $hb and |--S Carhart .M*.,aeon. $nb

pOR SALE.At No. B lian Uy-st.,.. k B»xt aoor to lhe Astor Hon*v.a variety uf t.| not 7wiatt tuoewjod Piauc Port*A warrantad to give .t.tfao-?. *rt*ry reeptct, or no aale, fot SB-> of apptovwd paaar.'.msatah'rv JAMK.8 TlfoMPsiiN.

J & C. nSCHES, (late Nunna &*** Pvcavr.) D.aoa.story and w.rereo., No |7n Oreaa-******. torner of Uey rt Plaao- Kortva, warraelvd, wttt_^__ krldg. and patent tube, w.ll .Jcol.ed lor knvpiag

I . *m t-.uio-t, itea luned, r»palr«d and eashangvA¦ k-Aiao aColtaa

P>K SALE LHEAI'.-A Baw7oetaaaf.aao. u.a.l* by Dabt.-. hu.ll th* .odaro laipr vv

l"I'."-« >.u t.t.r l*«a t.Md Can be aven al JAMEB"u»OBBO.ji...,s No 7 Lkjbars-ss.

P'ANO J.'ORTEkS..Tha fineat am.rt-i^ .*« sf Piano Porte* lo tts Sll* may bs «ou«d al tha**** wwvrooowor N P. B Ci-Tli k Cf), No 417*-r***1 *.i,*i*t.i.f of Ueorge Hfws's *sl*braUtd Actloa Plan.v, T Ollbert A Co'. popular jKo-Z_B, Oiibert t aad otharV Boudoir Also B vartrty attm*J** *Hiad LAui Piaacs ka **eie n tut* Ho W




F.TROPOL1TAN PIANO-FORTF.a KMPiiRii'M.-MatiaiOiantaauOCHbaaaaaa.

oi. tlie apl*"did aiore No ti_9 Broadway. with a lar.e aaaort-ui.-nt ol bur I'lBoo Porteaand a it.ickof first cl_-s Melode-._a Pi.ichBsen are li.i lt-d to call.

HENRY C W'ATSON. Maoaaer. No , .» Broadway

]»¦ R- tt* H- NaSH. who baa been forJt | more iliantweTity hte yrar»»nrared ln te.*ninr mo-,a,- in thia city and e'*ewh»,«, n*m ieave to atate to hufrirnd* nnd the piil.lie seiirratiy that be has on Band a va-rlely of rh. >re Piiiio-f,,rtes, (*eieried hy hiuis- f ) uf New-Yorl and Boiton nmniifacfire by the nr*i rrit>*ra, whlcbhe wtll le'lat mannfitctureri pncea He-and handPunoifor aale orto let N. B -iven ln Sing ta* snd Piano-torte. K.l.nientniy and ,ilre Claasei.wiil a um ba formed,of which due BOlice will !>e given P H NaSH


No IW Bmoran-it New- York.

FaSSRS. LK.HTE k NEWTON. lneonsev|uene* of thn tocreaard drmaad. and unnvaied

BOpa arlty of Uielr PI ANO-PORTES, have extended theirbusiiiaaa, aud opened . Harernotn io Broadway, No 605,whure we alial oo_*f*_tly keep a choice snlectlon of ourPlano-Portea. frooi bi lo 7j oclavo, tn Roeewood caseB. witball Uie lateat improved patterna tt e shall also continue tokeep a fuil *_*oit.ia"nt of Instmair-nt* at our Mtuufailoryand W arerooiiia, No. 22 Can*!-st. AH Piano-Portn* of corniaiiufactuie are warranted in every respeet Profnaeora.aintt. uis ai d tliuae who anticlpBte purctiaslui. are Invited to call aud examioe. All order* from th* silyor aouutry punrUally axecuted.

EW and 8 E( W )N D-HAWD PlAffO-PORTKS..Wo have now on hand a large aasortmenl

of aew and secocd-hand Piano* for sale and to hire Pianoiftoni tb" tob^K1 Por hlra from |li to ain p*r month No3_.Bru*dway. New-York. SAKKOKU BROTHER.

PLaNO^f6rTE~WAREROt)MS, No".ao. Broadway, one dcir above Thonipwm's Salooa .

Person* ahoet porchadns Planos arn Invited to eall at th*iY|IMIll_-8 of BK.NNr.TT k CO. where >hey wlll fladbb aaaaitmrnl of Rowtwot Piano-rortea, of modern styleEvery mstrmrent warranted for two yeara. Bhooll laahSlbeentertained as to quality, the payment may ba d»f»Tedsetil snch donhs am r»rnov*d Old Pianta reeeived In rar*payment for new... -a New and seeono-hand P'aoosto LetMannfaet'it*.. Nne Sl I. S1S and Slft Rjirlnftarm-el

PlAl**0-FORTES..Persons about pur-etiasii.a Pianta wlll Snd tt to thelr edianiare to call al

R Olrnr, ,v Co.'s Manufaetory. No IM Kuii.i. *t.. (*e»t ofBroadway.) A general aa*orlrnerit of niahoraoy and roae¬wood Piant* conslaratly on hand. wliich will im *ol.j i..w foiaaah or approved paoer I)r*!*r* *u|,i,!ird on lihrral ta-rou

R. OI.KNN li CO.. No. I'H Pultoo-st.

Prinoe & CO.'S MELOUEONS..Tbe or1_lnal Prlcce Melodeon. wnlch bas stood tha

lait for year* and p.-eved itself asaperfor Instrament lo thoss5f any other make, can be bad only of the sole aient, WMHALL a 80N. No. __9 Broadway, (oppollt* th* Park.)

V~F._HARRISON hus removed Ua* Mannfaetory and W'arerooma from No 21 Canal-st.

to No 37 Merrer-*t., near Or_nd-rt., wher* may be fouod a

Bplnod'd ajwortrnnnt of Piano-*ortns


f-ltutjincrp, x*\>t.



public are ,e»\ edfullj ra'.tioi ad _.'.a'ii«t purc!._«ii.«, ualn* ,.r

x, i.r. i> t any int: u gei ..r.t ofthi* Patmt. A* b auta-iltute fortbeoi_it..:i> balls IB'. il ha* uo equal. t.ut ni.uiv lim-tatois. Asaiu.l Uae lattei aults aie i.ow pcdin*. and wlll b*conliijued to the fulleat r-xtmt ol lhe la*. Ou hand, aod foraai. IM in-, liiii.a, fiiin ^1 ti, _i li nuiiihi-rl.JACKSON'I ANNI NClATOR MANPAC'O CO.,

No ,.! Du.i-.elt.

ENGL1SH MACHIflKRY..Uoooa,Wool. Plas and Btlk Machinery, manafaeiored By

Parr, Cnrtu l* Cc Mancherter, tmported to ajrder. Pay-cenl ln New-York. Address, for pnces, ke.. thelr antborlaad aiec'.i la tha I'nited Vtitei. JAS COCKfcR k CO.-***-*-"* No 84 lohn-ir. N-w-York

HJHTiNIN O RODS .ONS kRTREVTER'S Patent Inruiated LichtninrConductor,

* aalrat n. n !>» >l nn i,tf.-ied to the paniio Several hun-i-er, teitiri.oira1* have beria rec-ived tn wmch » nineiitici-BBtifie iner' exrr>ss their upqasliied prefeienc" tor ln'l Rod8llllo|»tner the hestdeviaei, the most perfectly inamated.tnore neatly and periiianently » tacned to ti.r nutiutng, anaBios, econom'r-a) A ailver tnr-rttl wt* awarded to thu Con-ducti-r a' ihe lonn S'atr Kmr, Hartford, and a diolorna atthe Midclra-I Merhatiica' Kair, Lowrll, M»» Local areuUare ht-mfl appo'iited tr, rvery ciry and soonty ln the I. nitedtUH't* 'l hu b»*i tj ia an obiect for eflicient hutine** men.

Appiicatnna pioti plly a'''-nrrri to Priaoiu ln New Y-irkai fl victnlty wiahing tr protect their huildinr*. wili tind itfor thelr interrit tnetan'nr this ,'ordu-tor, nrtula-i. ic.

LLC11 8 LYON li Co Offiee No 1 U-y it.

ST R A W CUTPERS_Patent S, lt-8h*r|, Straw Cutter., thn beit arti-le ifl ,ue.

A io, liotej'a. Uraaaa'a, SinciBir'i, Bad a vanety el oUierl i.llrn in |tetierBl ,.»e

Plovt* of evrr> deal rip,ion, am,.n« wliich am the '' Hirh-eat I'.rii nii""<'oiii Shrllrra, Kannm*; Mills Hnrs* Pow-raThie.iaii g Mariii, ea, losetiier with a general aisoitineut ofAt'ii ol mal liiiplemeiit*.

Bi ne Dust, Onano, -Vc for sale hyJOHN inOORE, No IfnF'ortrt.

y_*lH> TRUE, FARiMERS, tliat OiL.M Bi HTS Kxcrlalor \\ rouaht Ii,.d Tl 8 AAI t K .aa

CLKANK.R, wlll tluash aud clran, fit for i_arkBt, witb Iw,or farui horses. on* half to ona buabel of sra.n paDiioule It ls ptirlahie, o>.rvnn1eQt. and dtws Its worlthorou. hly. A levnr or railway pownr furnlshnd If daslrodPrice. all complete, with power. tHS to ti*'. BO-ordma B«1r. Addreaa. ptaHpald. J08F.PH O. OI I.BERT.

No 218 P-a.i .1. N. 1

nt i H E ESS EX Ct)M PANY'S M a;L CHINKRY DEPOT-.Otaaaa Enrtnei, from 10 lo 81

horse power, Iron Planere, Vertlcal aud H'.niontaJ Onll*Eu.lne Lalhes, Tnp Hammers, larse Bhears, PowaiPuBcht*. and othei aige vaileties of MachinisU' Tool*Botutantly on hand, or in iueh prorren that oiderl may besnpplled fiom the woiki at a ihort notiee. Hi*h and low-pressnre Stnam Euflnes and Bolleis, of any size, SteanBaw Milia, Snrar Mlll* Tnrhine W'aUr W'boela, 8haftin«,Pulleya, Cotton and Woal Machinery inad, to ordrr Als.have on'hand. and make to ordei, Locoinotivns and PrrunlCan. The Essex Company, of Lawrence. Ma**, havin« ona

of tbe lar«e«t uiaclnne shopi ia tbe I'nited States. wlth ei-

lensive lacilitlei for mauuf _ toiiiil Machinery. aie enabledto furnlsh a iood article. and ofter lt at a very low prio*.**-- OORDON MtKAY. ArenL

Oflice and Machlner\ Plptt, No .Sl Broad-st. N. T.**

*Zniitx_f i^aibmaxtf *Qt.

A^DIRONDAC CAST STEEL..ThiaBteel Company are making a lupetloi artlela of Cast

Bteel warranted equal to any in market. and arn preparedto execot* oroers for all kinds of Hamraered Cast SteeiThey a-e eiecuns Sunds of Rolls. aad are also prepared tcreeeive oiders for Rolled aud Hheet Steel to be exacucoladtaarewwerks JOHts W. Ul'INcY,

CempaBy'i W'arehoose, No Sl John-st., N.Y.

American Hardware.


KRB, No. 8 Platt-«t near Pearl,ofler to tbe trade a lar-eetock of gooda which they am eon-

sunily receivim direct from the manufacturera, and wlll beaold on tatoiable leiuis.

(^HAIN PUMPS, Iron and WoodenJ Cuiba, sBperioi palvanlzed Chaln. with tnnied aad

Inrly hniihed bucketa, tobelni. elrht-forked reela, _s _?-

manaf-slured, wboi-aals and retail. bya.aniiiB.'.u.c ^cCLAIiy poW|g< sen-.-** PbIB, N. Y.

GRATES and FENDERS.H. KELrLEY'8 Orata and Pender Manufaetory, No *M

Brm>me-*t^ three doori we* of tha Bowery, aoiolatni DiCone'e Cburc> Bnilders snd other* wbo are about puroha*ta|t, w-uld do well lo eall, as be is eonhdent that bu patt*n__tor vanery and aheapneaB. are aBsorpaaied.


MEX1CAN 8PUR& auitable for theCalif-m'aia Maiket and Pacitie ooaat trade, just re-

c_ < ., and foi aa'e in lois to au.t purchaaers, by(ilT.MAN A. BROTHKR, N.. > Crlarat, up st*ira.

ilTl'S k CORN KLL, Manofactareri1nu uf TIN TOY8 of every vaneiyYaxcy Jstnou-d Tln War*; Planished To1jbi.o Boxes

and Spectacle Caaes and all kmda i f Prewed Ware.Uftce and Sample Room, il John-at u. ar Nawau, N Y.


and Mannfarmrer*, otter for sale at their itore. No. .19Peaii-it, a larae vanety of OasMB. Paocets, GaaaeCocksOil Cups, Patt nt Oll Cana, tlosfl Pipos, Couphaai, BaalaCocks. he.. ka._

WATCJHaMAKERS' and JEWELERS'TOOL8-W'at*h Mateiiali, Sroba, Tooli aod

nin«, Tnrnins Lathe* of all rt_n* ke. Importod, manofaa-tared and foi sa e by WM H PRAS8E, No 40 Chalhaoi8t- thre* doori from Chambers st.. New-York


ATTENT10N! ATTENTION!.Scottaad Oraham Aasociatloo* furi.uhnd wuh Plaia, Haa-

?"»-Trii,spai_ncira, Ar_ bv ACKKRMAN MILLKR, altbelr oid atand, Nu \,,t Nbsbbb st, between Palton andAao-ata.

BLACXSMITHS* RELLOWS.Tliir-*A*a**i*t-i^*--* *""* 8Bd ir. Bellowa very low, old

pi B« bu,l, Caa, .s.aal ai.d Sllt Nall R.,d. tn .ile ,.r ex-cliB-fe lor Bcrap lion, ty W'M. D ANDRP.iVS,

No. ltyCbairy audlA- W'aler-BU.

BL'RNINO ,.fthe HENRY ULAY. audLU.s.Hof 8E\KNTV-riVK UVEB.-Thlaah._ll ba

B *v.tticieot warninau, every traval., u. him or haiself wlth one of DAY 8 Palsot Lila Praaarvara whlol. <_«.but atnfle. and ean alwayi ba loaad u his asubiubuaaoiNo '20 CoortaBodtet.

(^ARI)S Riiil CARD SHEETS._-ThaJ nbaertber has hsd hftren years' praetlc.i experiene*

ln th. ni*notBCtnre af r.ramewd and C .iad Caida, aod taBob B..ncli.a bostBnss fc,r himself Hitends to haaj oo .andBBompieUaaiortiiieot of EnamBled and Coloiad Carda trtCaid rheeu -.'Xak luchsa, which ha wiil od.r lo each Kayars st pneas aic*adl_|ly low. All Csids of hU maoufa-taraBvlll b« warianted lo pilol wall. and a_» sim aod i)_al.ty .(Card caa ba cut al a few mtr.ut*.' notis. Call a_d .al sp*.al_-*-*BBd prioM*! No I Keada-Sl R W RIlBY,

No I Bssitr rt ftornar of Caatra al.


* 8_u Praoclseo.JOBPPH J ((M)RP. k CO

Araall for ths purrhasn aad ahipateatof M*rshaadla* torths Callforala aod Orsfun Marla,* Nn 11 Oraaawicb M,Naw York. JOBI.PII I CMiKK.

i't LKWIB OKIKP.J l i 10. i_r.r nt: drafU oa Baa f ai.c* la

lUOal 10 I'Jlt.

P1TY TRADE..Now ia thn time to\_' Advrrnse in the N»w*p*i>'--. tf nelg_borl-g l meaaadTowaatorrbetr* "aairy; aad tothoae witi d>, si ni'h _;*eriniltiBtnn and cireaiaiptetpo, a mist

¦runi'y 1*. fl-reei bfV B i'ALMER'8 AD\ KRTI-INO ALENCY. TR! K' NE


Merrbaala MmoNetnrers. and oth*ri wuh'nt idv*ri*e-¦Mat* ir*ert,ri in the »*it Bnd moat wide'y ei-eolaied Joor-Ball cf etttirnr ali th* I. il. a:m place* (tb« in- BhMaabl of

Bratof their tradiafia Naw-Yerfc,) ara taeltedteean it \ h raLMEa'd Ai.- -.nos Sfesap, TmmebBildinfa, wbeia ll , papen ,y ;>-*ren.pri*»ia*c»rtfn-'1,.in ev,iy itafpimri lobtalaed f.r ibe adopUjo ol s ^adi*cioni avreni of a"v*rtiiiB|t

B.aAll con-KonicatK ru aneniti la promptly. hy a.dreaiirif,

V. B. PALMf.ItT.-ibBneIiiaildiiiss.NY.A liit ofrth*r Cr.le* and Tosnitn eacb State. in which

pape'i are poMiaheo. can be b> those wlshleg to adver-Uae, Bouth _r W eit. Eaal or North. at .he A.

YJ 9'RED WHEAT..Ooaoaoo Whit«Fllnr,

tnls, Blue Stem. M*di'err»nean -nd ,»,.lden Aa*traiian W neat, for *air at the State A_r. .nlfiral IVar-hoose.


("~«LASSWARE..Whirall. Brothor &J Co.. have on hand, and am aoostantly recel»1n_, dnig-

Kiliard perfumen Oreen Ola.iwara.of all desenpti.. *. alo. 7 Fielihei-st., New-York l_AAC 8H.ARPLK.Sl

G'EORtiE W. TUTTLE, Irnponor ofr rnriuh. Preacb and lerman Oooda, Noveltle*

ard Tnyi. both os*ful a.d ornamental. luiutiie for pieeenU.¦ap,a um. No Sll Bioadway.

JB. HARLOW, dealorin Doors. Saah,a and Bnn^s, No M CMtf si, eorner of B-ek-nan. New-

York J B H ,i prepared to furtiUb thn ahove 'article* iaany qoantity or quality. and will warrent every amcl* to baBl r»pre**r.ted Orrieri till*., ar.d aaan gixi*d atihnrt noUsa

S"TlVER PLATIM. and METALOILDtbO.W. I1IK.TRICH, No R3 Duan*-*t, re*

palrsaiad replaie*all kind* of plated or (lit |ood* la thaalieapeat and best msnner

_Z ELLY'S ENGRAVlNOand PRINT-J\. INO OPKICK., No 111 rultonst-P'Ttraiu. Bill-ileads. Diplomas. Booka, M-_ii.- w .rk. B-Sir.eas Carda,WlddlBB. Miilii.i and at Home (ard*. Autnaiaih*. V*. A*N B -roriale. Copperplate Preaan B till. -c.V*

CHEaP PATENT ROOFING.Domob rooih pi&nk for 4* cent* per foit.ov»r tln or ihtn-

|lee, -i cent. and warraiit-d. by OOODWIN. No.iM Sprlaa-81. c-a- Hudaon


Tbia article h*» bnrn ao inucb Improvrd hy the sunacrt-Ber that hr warraatail much siipntlor to any other ootn-

poni.d in Uie United 8iate* whlle it Is also fr*e from dnlele-rlaaaatal 8** lir Chiitoo's aaattfaata of its punty, oaesfih la'.r-l It t* put up in tln aans, and sold st a inss prlaathan Ihe eommon

Al*.. for .ale. pure Douhle Rrhned dalvratiia. tfnp CarbB.OH. Creen. Tartar, 8t>ap P'.wder, idry) aud Hal -.MiaCooatry rnriehanU and othrrr can ohtain llie ah-.-'e f inyBhobaala grnrar «r drur_nt in thi* citv W'l-iteparti.ularlyfcr lhe trnulne articlre l\ arratted free from adalt»ralloBfor sale ir any ui.aotliy by the manufacturer.

THOMArl ANDR.EW8.No M C-dar»u, N. T.

EAST POWDER..B. T. BAHRITTU the orlglnal liiventoiof theChemtcal Yeaat Powdei

wbieh ls prepared and sold by him al Nob. M and W W'aab-tnrtnnit. N,'w- York. lo tl- cani Those who purahassIhoold sne that they _et that ulth the ahove naina na

/ASHLNO FLU1D_Nelaon'a Ch\-n**e, li the only genome Improvement for SBVin|

abor and rxpenae, and uiskloi hu-na vrry whlte, wlthoolIr.'iry to ti e labrie Refrr to the Ait^r House Sold bytir.a'-rra aaaeiallj Oey/l. No. IM H arren-.l JAMEBPYLK, Manufscturrr Liberal ducount to the trade. *

A DVKRTISE.MENTS are inserted iaj\ 'I - ..*, paprr* Ib otrier sitlee snd townsat V. 8PAI.Ml'R'B Irlvrri rni A**na* Trlhoaa Ba.ldta*.

IV} EW-YORK BlaECTROTYPla W OHKS -Copp-r dupllcavsof fype. Eiuravumi, kc

lt a l.'lrht advance on sterrotype prlc-* prtatetV Joh cuti IB

aoppei OB hanr1, and tlaBtlUtjpaa to ordei, at the *_ine nriaaa* ln tln-apeciinrn b-nk* Balterlr* for *ilvrrinx, «:].llii|and elecUolvplua, mide to order, aud in*tructi.,o siven laUieart. JAMKS K WARD.

ElBCtro-Melaliursut. No hl Aiin-M.


st..i arew l'n ar.d S-.ctla_d M.lla I'a.era at Mlll pn.-.-aPriniiii. aid HI-.I k K, ok i*aper* on hand aod made to ordar

PlULSEN'a REF1NED liELAHNE.Not a.i Iv a d*!lc BBB artlcl* ol finad, taait an etf-ctual ana.rat Ihe dlarasr* of ihe l.unsa, Memhrane*Olaadl ( Brtil«**a etc am h aa r ,naii,np'i..n, 8'in'rnra, >flha Ha.i-a. H a.iii'S ot lh* limb. etc very p' air, haaai aai t,. tn* aaaeral hraith Ka h pv ati* >,

BCCUBipeaied hv tuli d'rrrtion* Kor sale bythe principal.trnpaiaia. snd Hlt.LIA.M A E PAL'LSEN, No. 161Uatei-.t, N Y



GM.ENFIELD PATENT STARCH.-VJ I'l'-i.rin/i wlo are suw uslsa tlli vaiuahe artlola,attrit'oiti Immrnie superloiity over all othen in aie IImpari a tvauiitui clear I'uesy hnlili to Line, ». Lac-*. ka.and I. wholly on.tteeter' by peraplrail >n or atmo*pher*It rruulie* no boi.lns, and do*e not adhere tothe iron. S.ld oyOiocer* (tenerally OY.n WALKKR No ib"A Wa*hln«-ton st, hole Aiflot for Olraheid Boluble Biueand Pataol8urrh


JA. PERRY, Wbolaaala Htnl Retaila Dealei lia Drura. MsitlslflSB I Ihoaa! 'ali, Uyeat

, joaa i...i a c Svrups, No. nto Elm,corner Mancheitrr-it Msnchtiter, N ll


JLEaVKNs. (Succoaaor to Cromolia» Kairhrothrr.) No Ml Prarl a, D I HoBal B.nid-

IL.I*. four door* from Pulu-b-iL. Nrw York, w^e propr'»lor,o. thr (nlied 8late* t.| th* K.NULISH VEBMIN OB-BTROYEB, w_rra,,'ed *upen,.r to any otber article rver of-Br*d for the dr».i,it'l..ri of Anti, h*dei,,ia R.'*rnra. *V*_*hM lha. sun all liisect»UisieiBwl or mhanit caviileaor jointa_f w.aA furniture. trrea. ahrn .bery. kc 9o, SBln as Btwe,in kettlaa *l B. tt centa acd bl. A liberal ducwnl lo tha

'RuiKr-v.iv-Miiirhe'd k Clarha, Prop.letnrs Mer-ibaata' HotoL Ceanlaadni; fl W ReUoai ^ C_ Propne-trrs l.lole- Di. ln» Sal.wn Ni* 7, n and M lulton MarkelA,,lsT. Nrw-Turk: Baaaa,whelaeala dmi-

iiita,ho a* |..lton-*t.; Cli.rle* H Rin|, No 1*2 Broad-way, corner of John at; < llurr M'-wt.ray, No. 44 Kulton-*t ilari.r. I> Kran, No III Pnron-st Yorkville. N Y Dr.Ocii'i Kan.ily Medicine Store. Brookljn N V.: J k loaa No Sl Jinirnt ; Mr* M Hiyes, No 17S Pn -

tinit llsnle" l ,lf rove, No bj Myrtleav : Thomas J.

Hayei. No. M» Atlut'e-* WtlHannho'ih. N Y. JamesD New.-li, Dro||i*t aad Chemui, No. ab Oraud-sL

-t k|k TUNS of WIRE WANTED..8J" fl *

pr,,..,aali are Invited by the andenlrned. oo the-an of the NIAOARA PALL8 INTERNATIONALBRIDOE COMI'ANIKS, for lhe c-onrtrucUon of th* winaab.aaof Uie Rmllioad rtnapenilou Bnd.e, of Hufi (W*t * be erected o^ei the Niaaaia River. below the Kall* ONE MILLION Ok* POUN08 or IRONW1RC, or _i.> portion of tt o. t le«* Uian Iba. Bl thaBte ot th* bndpe, on the followin* conditlon*

1 Tbe wire is to be of No. i"aue, au Ui»t S» feet wlllweigh exactly one pound

2. T-e*kein*tiJ wei^h oo lea. than 18 Ib* Aa ofler MK to 4i Ibs wlll be sreatly prrlerrrdI The wire musi be finished x. llh a llme ooal, smouth and

.ven. bolh end* of the **m. thlckneas4 lt most i« bnlshed ln thre* hole* or nearly al hard aa

epnri-wire6. The iron n.'-st bave been uianufaetared ofth* h_B qaail-

n a.f *i arcoal blooni* which will make hard wira of graal.l_.U.ii>. *u.U|ith. fibre and u,ujihne_ib Tbe hl «.n,i moat hat* heen uieiiufactured of eold-biast

Bharao-l plf. aod nol of aathraclle pif. oor of bok-blaB pig7 RaOalscu.ry evidence wlll be rnouired beforehand of

Ibe qoalily ol Uie Iron. of which the wira U to ba draw*B8 Tha wire must be drawa oa blooki of a* laa thaa two

feet lo dlarneter9 It must be put ap la bnnaleaof*0 Iba-as near u eaa ba

4onn, without irnsil ikelmII Tbe wirelstob*deliveredlB flve Bqaa.1 oortloni dnr-

ing the mooiha of Msy. Jnn*. July, Aogu*. aad Septambarofoeil ye*r _. w

11. Ob dellvery tbe wire wlll ba examln-d aad t**t*t ia

Uie fc.llt.wiBg rnaaner Of every I bandlea, or I,'""1 Ibs , oo*

afcrlB wtll b_^el-ct_d, aad suspendnd b-twnen two poaw*.*. fe*t apaf t. U.e ,..,* end attaehed to a sapstan. by whieb 11wlll he giaduailj l-au.ed on onul it breaJia Tne eoodiUoa

aow 1* that thu wira n.o*t a.l break with 1***** d"fl«»Hon ihan mnthe* wbich Is e<inlTBleBt to IJ8I lt*-. ****___mn soperfiria' ineh nf wlid win leatloB lf u ***"_*__*tnl then fnrthei .lamioatioo of Ibal I.*""' *_- I* _******loothei qualltla*, wiil be aontlnned bnt lf abt. lt wlll BS

rxdectrt ui pit-t*3 at the aupoaai of tbe oootractorU A* regard* _>u.h_e_* and hhre. aaeb .nd of * ikein wiu

ae tmted by bei.dieg it woare over the Jiw* o' s large pau7f new andaharp ph.r* and Beod'ng ll bxxct *M*\___*wtre most Band this test wlthoot tb* leasl Bga af *****Ita barlna-i _nd elutlcity wlll al lha sam. Um. be «*»

tnsd by bendirr aad awlnglng. alao by bMaBABBMB]BrtaBflVl Ui* .ed*. whleh kw-oe part of Uia o**«uoa of

.fa'B*aah lots bsBbv* stood Uie TBrtoos taeu SBtBB*toj1ly.will BhaB be -ro.atedeondltlo__Jly.Bnd *___*_***_____Ml valna wiil thaa ba paid to lh. aoalraBtoi la ban-swa

'"tfTh.S" p*r a*at wlll ba reaarved far Ibar tnoalhlIon,., Bhould ln th.t Um., during b* OonltnicU,* of lh*

aablra. any defr, -ive akelm be ducvaiad suob lasins

Wlll br lejaeuad »i.d plaerd Bl Ui. s.jOtrB-U.r*s dia|j-aaai

alUir, hiokvB oi whole. oilnd or i.ol ollnd. In sach 0«»dlOoBas lhe) bsppen ti, n* d-iriui lhe progrrw of Ui. worl

value ot such wire, log.lhar wlth Uis lah*i e»pendj* apu*

lt, wlll Uiaa ba dedoelrd of U.e */> par ennt rnanrvadI urdBLlgnrd. as Uia K._*iD_ai * th* ******_*!;_

t* ,t * that ivAgn ,,t u,e aaaaa t**ls. h. wlll st**d as an im-

paru.l SD.t.lir Irl.r.l. ti.r caml.BJ-li.l ai.d Uia B'tll* !*-**¦

8**laa bj d fion, bUd*«i«.ja Uiara ahall ba ao .PP** ita^Ib rrop.aaJ* far ln.po,-ad wira wlll alao baareepi*!* °»

Balf o, jV^i i<« iu wlll la* u*~l un tha Canada *lda. aaawi *J

Ba ..-t,8ad. If l,>>|M,rlad k* .*» ,JH*w Vi.ik17 P,.,|ra.l. .111 ba raanlvad onMI <h. Ial of Orf'-M


.. . ...y eam win aa raanivao an,,, .*.* .¦* ¦¦ .aait tiwyar* la. ha a,re_t_d la. lha onAaraigort. Bl BBaBBra Palla. N Y a«d ebumld be mtutrt ..* Ou manl**-*i" Pi. l» aala f... H.arfa. \V |,. -

II 1 lii.r r.,,,1,ar...,., al, xt* pi-SHB-.BIB aaB*8* of th* SbbI by utall h-fa'- ". «¦" ** [**;"'a- ... JOHN A ROK.HI.INO.r ..»'.**, "t tha titgeta Pali* R.ll.-bd 8uap-_ak_i Bridfathatua talla, N Y . Aaasat *, UM.


. pat rat* Corn:.".*. Baode, I'ms. C "r.1T.s.1*. LM t. ANI) M. 'LIN l HTklN. Buff aedB - BflBsaia, tc ki CHILD* v <MITH, N 881Pearl-tt ci rnei ol VV nliari, near (. hatin-n-


;e\v paper hancings .fran-K CI8 PARISACO, No rn Prarl-rt.. harv. >«*t ra-¦lv*d triair new ,i*wlaBa ol tne r .hest and ona: (

Irei.tii P8ier ilanr> ft s-i-t >d *j.preulv to dee.irateth*i. tti ior a, sririK-iit* ..f l:.e _>j*t "a-.tiqas and f.idvrBI.. .« The uj.vt ak.i.ful wortuieo ars siupioyed to

hsng the Pej «rs


I ean lLstruci any pei.a how to ka banass.sI teach S. w u. maAe *._.>. ta-o ik'.n fair and alear.I teach bcw to re..ove taa. ptmplw tnd frweklea1 teach how to change the w tave lalo oovof seaaSyI teach bow to mtke the wtlnkled t.n «.toolh.I teorr, how 10 mat* brown tevlb u wB:t* u pvarlaI teach hi w ts make oflet. v* bres.l psrfcetiy iwesAI tetch how to make bare b..wn bat.ssoft and wbltt1 teach how to make d.eued ga.* bard and sooaAI teach how to maAe tbe hair grow Ituonaaliy.I caa huten tbe growtb of wh.-era, .oastaahikt Ba,I tesch bow to bave brlght aad ip_-kilng era.I teach bnw to preservt the eyeslgot for Ilk.1 teach bs w to rertors imp_red eyedgbLI teach how to ahange g*»y hair toit* orfg-tasl sslor.I teach how to ehange ibe color of tbe bair u destrsi.I tetcu .sa to make the bair aoft, nch aod g.aay.I teach bow to make the tipe aod cbeeka tat.1 teach h. w to remove superfluGa* bair.I know tbe abote are aii perfectly hti.leaa.I know they tre all very cheap and pleuant1 know e-.nry p*r*oa will like tbem oo give direcf.uiM to make and a*e thess scmpoaads.I know they ara better thaa any adv.rtlaed ao.netlaa.luk n.NLV UM. OOLLAR for all thU lafot.t._.I receive on lerter* onleu p<.tpaid

Address or send to M LAVAB8K. freaeh Chemtrt, Nel'l, eorner Ana. New-York. Ha wtll aaad tt*wnrk hy mail or nthertsr1**>

X_rmtnr*\ *2t.

CHEAP IKoN BED-TEAP WARE-Ri tiM.- Al. .'.'rs and p8!!»rnt.'rim |l lo f )" Also,

t.'.e br* d v, rea: .tp.igt Maitreeeee. now tnown to *** thebrtt si weil ss chesp*<t new made any where*(¦ tn fl m t-1" Cld Mvtretees altered to eomfortnhie,el_:ie Beti«, erom *b tn Bli N. B..Kvery amcla war-rtnrrd Hotela and supplied. on fair terms.Ho. ,~J Broadway. above Spnn* st . w-«t «-de.


Ml Orsai P. Ld OBSS '**t of .aaas-st, New-Yort..CheapI'pr-olttrrj snd f.oibnt Store The attentija of familiesahool purchuiog k r**T-cifall* lnvited to Ihe larse aaiBe*ultfol euor-menl of Bed. Maltr«»***, Pa,lia*s. Bvd-Beada, O.ta, ic *H 0* which have been purehuted at low«a*h pncee, and will he eold at such pricea u t» make tl aaIrdore.nent dr tli to eall and etamlne the anove atoek prv-vi. ut la n.ak.ns their purehu** .louda aent to say part oflhe eity, Br..'k)>nand vv.ii.nnahiirgb fr**> of eax_ge. OldBad* aad M*tlrtarea renovated ar.d marl* river

W CRAWBI CK.Noi-v-Orand-et,Id door eart of Vvaei-rt., N T.


whtsh foli ttoesapyttaapac. ofackair; *»' I'.tent Mat-t pt.aai or fra.hers, Sim)

i . ,* 8a, pr-N.i|MBin.t Yankee**

knitr. B.o./ed Kp.f..)ai aud Hmsts.d., i.c BS llvouI.t* -ur.r ilwp ai.n sn...t n.tht. huy onr B»n..eads .ndMfltWesaSS t),.y ue pr,.il ata.n.t verinln Tli- trade Bndpul.l'i- arr invit-d toeall N. B Advsnrr, n.ade oa coa


j_Tlie suhst-niri, ^re Urtely rn*a*ed in tl.e n. ni'ifto-t...r 4 Phuapaaa Oa* Baraiag Plals Csaiipttana, an.i allthe varirtin of itt. p. f.r the v»r.ou* u.aler.I*a)*.ve-ii.entloi.e.i. asvirll ** «ll.

B-i. * O.8.H.(ac.uierinf Ihe abov*.. they effsr special tn-dnr.eii.rpts to eouatri dealers to make th-lr ptircliaaes alNo 117 Puiton-st. CHAS. STARR. Jn k CO.

METROPOLITAN nf (his n.agn'.hVent pslta* are froin the Bel-

ui tnanufsciort ai S*'ute Mane d'Oisoie*1A m.l.K.R. MOLLMANN h A PKRIPB.

Bole lor th* l'nited IttIm, No L.V> Pe*_l-*t

SHOW CASES..A Irirnr* Baaoptmeateooitat.tly on hat d altn caaea made to order of Sllver, S.Ker. R..fwix>d. ,VUh. ..-any. Bltck VV.lnut.AaN B -Ct*e» to lrt 'or lhe by B K PEKBLKO, No.I.i i.ianii-rt Sdi-rt*ut of Broadway. NT.

Jnenrance Compamef.

B LILDINU A8-OC1ATION and oVn-., eral Plie Iniuranee Company, eorner o' Tryonrow

_u.n Ch.iha-n-rt in the H.rl.'iii Railroad Bull.linga, ar*uku < riak.i.n Reot* Buildinra. >e on the moet favorabla

len.a JOHN BRICK, PreaideatBaBtBt. Bta ir.k, Bwcretaj-y

ITIZEN8' E1RE INSURANCEC COM PAN Y-iJlfiee* No r,7 at, and h-i Bowery.Tmi;. with a eash eapltaI of 8l T*i..a.i, and a l.rgesnrpltu aecurrly inv-aierl, ei.t.f.nuea t<- lnaure._rvi.rt Loa*ot l)ama*e *ty Iire on Owellln* llrniaea,, llooav-bold Paniitnre, and all devatiptloos of parsonaJ prupertT omta* moat r.vor.hl. terms.

DIBlCTOtl.Oantel Bnrtnett, Robert Btrklay,Jereml»hJohn»oB, Wtllltm Wallaao,Alonso A Alverd, Prtneis A PaJmer,Jame*C Kaldwla. VVm J Valeollaa,Jay Jarvit Jacob Miller,JohnHHanIs, Jaiues M VVaWrbary,

Joha Bodlnnj,.r- M McLcsa.Hee DANIKL BL'RTNETT,Prsa

|| 0 WARD LIFE INSURANCE1 n i.M PANV of New Tirk-Office No. 1*L Broadway.

.7 I.-, (-. a.pany helng ln tueeeaaful operatIon, lasue* p. ilcleeof w.sTj.aj.-e upon ihr Mutusl. or Ji.iut Stock principle. oa

the terma, consist. ut wllb entire ufety tothe li.surrd Any laformation rrspe, tlng Life Insuranea,Ani.ulty. t* , may bv oblamed on appbeatloa al .v OO**of lhe Company.

OlIltToBI.J-keob Reew^ B. W. Howss.8. CsnihroieBg, Joseph Poalke,John R Suydam, Hauiuel H P.vter,Hemy BrtJel, John Orav,John L. Buckley. Oeorge Vv". Rlggs,Thtimas Dean. f A Paimer,John VV MeisefesB, N*th»n Biarr,Or, .r Clark, **. N MclnUra,R. l-.i IsfcSSA Lemuel Banga,Jat.hAio.8, S Harrla,Henry B Leverteh, N H VVolfe, B Sandf.rd, J. VV Kellogg,P VV Kdmonds, Jouph Br.ttoa,Benj. Bahctk. AlBert VV ard.Eugene Dmilh, John Bl.vaon.^^ JACOB RKKSr. Prertdent.

B. (J H Hl NTINOTON, Aetuary.8 c vmbri Li.No Caaaaal.

Wl. V. PoBTta, BecrnlaryJOHNT MKTCALPE. MDj MedtsslEIlVVARI) KII.I.DS M V, K..ilne.,

At the Ofice of U.e Company daily from 3 lo Weiosk.

LIKE INSURANCE..NrmoorI Loantaii* Llfe Boclety of London Oennral

Ageni'i Ofbre No 7, Jersey Clty.The abovaCompauy coi.tinae* to tftect insnrajirri on tbe Hvea of per.¦BSISSBSfM in 'hr l-f.itrd States, and on Caltfornia aadotber special l.atards. .1 '.ir rrtu of premium Por isr.s,kliok form*. Ae. *PP'? u .h.»e. to

J LEANDKR 8TARR, Oeneral AgentLlfe Invortnev,


aat of lhe Premium KundOffce No Mr Broadway, aorovrof Llbvity-rt.

h.OCssspmiy cBBBkmm . taiaro ag..* *U manner otLlfe rltka on rocat (tvorabla term*.Parv tv may ln«ure, pay*ble at any glvea age, or aooner ta

sau of death CaJHornla permlls granted at reduced ra.t

A. A AJLYOBO, PrasldssA.C Y. vYkmmb, Secretary.fl. D _OBBAB, u. 8.11, M u. al ttsofflsa lally f: I ml

gplocA. P_M__r%J_w7EN(iLAND UVE STOCK IN-I 1 Sl RANl. COMPANY. ot New Hat... Coaa,fXANCH OPPICE. N-> tsWallvt N Y

CAPITAL, 860,000.fhla >t_^.ip*By tn»kue* Live itoe*. such u HeraaaV Ca.v,

Ita., BO. from death. o*e*.>.ned elther from BaturaJ .BMor ueldeol. or I'ooote tt oay desenptioa whatvetver.

w TllllMABKENDRICs-PrssldsBAa» k-» V a.VHO.D*. «..-¦«¦.


** P*,*/'" CAPITAL BJ'-OO.l'OO.At au eievtloa he.dt-Uday, the (ollow.ggvatliaeasa war*

aho-n Dlrtc-r.uf th- Couioauy lor _*e.uln* y**r.tuupm-n Moore. Mf-e. Taylor, OSMBS _d«t.BeajS Sheimsa, Marshall J-epooa, Praaais Hkiddy.Vein B^tln. Al.t H Oruit, Ciiu. Bul.hsJt**,¦.iu ".Iry Au 8 Portar. JBMI B W.-ja,Kan 1 da*. -BM C Tayloi, William R r.-ur

Al . *i.bseaoenl meeting of tb* Boa/d. 8AMPSONaifwiltl' y so wu onacimouly reelee.ed Pruldenl ol ib*

Cssapsa; J, MILtoM 8MITH, -asrsury

n'b Jl.oCaaaamwooaa.aaaa»aaaaa BoDding*. M*r-ahand *. H. uaeh..- Pur_ll«-«. V e.el* ln PofV A. oa thammt ****** urms All -sau promplly _J-Ud aaaipald __

REPUBLIC KIRE INSURANCE CO.-laauraoc* Ballding*. eormet ot Wall aad Wtlllast

.. (rfficea. Noa l"sDd II gro-iad f.oor_lU-Cll J havtba tbvir Capl-J *flim.w p*14 ta. ls

mTt. uti teemely inva*.d. are prepared to tamit* agalaaInuavd eaa.oa* hy I-*, 00 favorable terma

Th* aharief ot ttr.* Ca..p.iy prortdea tha. after pvy.gmtrrrt M tb. stockboldfra U tb* rat* of 7 per aent pvr aa- fc._ar_s orth* -malnlng proht* ****>*. ***** beartag lalvrert. W*}*****J* ta euh whaaevvi th* *s*am_aud *r_m_4 uaBBlI 48.11 *******'» .» ll."""."""."¦TSk.rsr. -.._._.

gan-ael B How land, Robert B M ara.,Buphei. VV oitMy, Bvobva VV ithera,BS B r*_iog, fdwm,,dl.. L*****VklilUni H Ruuell. J*-****^*-*****??*,. ,,Aag-au C Oown-g, 10,,",'li'vtl!itaL_Oaaaway B Lunax. JpmmU VV atartrvy,Willian. B Aapinwall, ____.?_VV lllaia Ballar VitttOtm, S-SlVsf- "-S-CBar_..l Bu_.ll, Darti 8 aaaaaip.Isa., T 1 _mI. Joha ' ****'. "1j*Z A si*ah*_a rr_.rtct A Dvlaaa,Ja»> «. W-r.n. JbujuL Be.lAith.. Irnxry. Baalvl Dt*.* Bo-ltt.Mtvtim*. vv' Htii.IItoa, Prv4*ri_ U Pcmst,Dwne.rg Daa, ***** ii*'\i, .its.siit.-d Ji, BoksrtB Hooa.Juh. auwara.

a-oBERT I U0M1, PmBiBBa,Baaaaa P tiast, 8**-eUiy

]\-EW-YORKHEALTH INSURANCE!l A880CIATION,0»ica No 117 Brradw.y --Ca.-,..r!H,.Ikr,-W.|lWe tbn hea, thof bothmS^^^at . ptboiIub. rf la to ar" per yaar aad oar »_ \_ tJr, £week when met, tnd double th*t am«.0< far fao«Tal o*

peoses Apply al «h* o«ce far papera gtvi.g , .-,_, _tm_itmBiplanstioa Ail eoraroanic*rioos n.-iat ka iddromd to Uu.Secretary. post-paid D P. W'UEDEN. PrB._a.iT8 A Piiiti, 8n-rst_ryWw H Ms-WBIX, M D, ExamiBtnf Pbysie:**. ra*.

lenee, No fl 'A a.l-r it

DPtofiflBiondi Xfuuea

R. H. F. BRK^S, No. 701 Broid-b «ray, inv.tei ladles and gentieni.a to exanriln (thaotiy way to know the valna of an advartised a-Uclel bbPateet Bnspeoders *ol 8k1rt Supportera. which xie wora

by many wbo wiil aot wear aay other kiad . also asad byphyr.ciaas who r*)«et all nihers.


fl.-RVKY BLRDELL. M* D.. Dent-I 1 tot. mmoved 00 tb* litof M*y. from No BM Broad¬

way to No Jl B,<nd-*t, where he bu oermmeotly ittentrth i otf-cn and ntmdeooe Ib Rhod.'i fctmcury IrllMthe alteratioB from previooi yeari waa aot made, aa 11

afioald hs*e be.a._m

J~^XmbTeR. MD-, Dentlst, would. reipectfullv Infonn hli frieadi snd the puhlle, thal ha

bas returned fmm thn eountry, and would ba pleased to saa

all who may fr*or him with U>elr patnuiaie. Bt his reBdenc*.No.31 W'aBhiaitoo pla-*. ,ad»ini-| tb* Naw-Vork Ual-»er*1ty >_

MIMATURE PAINTINU .J. A. Mc-DOl'OALLtnfann* hti frtendi that he hai reiumed

th* prart-.c* t f hu profn**ion, it Brady'i. oorher of r*Jtoe-at. aad Broadway DaiBBfraotlP** Coplod_PH< »N0CRAPHY..T. C. LELAND.

Tsacner and Beporter. removed ftom No Ml to N.i..I'Br.adwsy over <iu,n»v'* Da_'i.rretaa i.a.aery. t er-

b*tim Reprrt* of Tril* and ArfBaM-ta in Law. Sernioos,Artdree»es, acd Lectore*, glvrn with faithtulnaas aud du.


SPECTACLEJ. BcieDtlfically ailjusted toImperfect vlsl.n, wlth anernng aecuracy, by Mr.

PRANRS. -rectaale Maker. No. M Bowsrr. N V Rerar-.ocns-Drs Dubota, Wiikes. and Halstod, Surg-Hjua to thaNew-York Fye Infirniary Dr* 8teoher*,u and R..asrs,,-_r-|e«uti.theN V Kve li.«pit*l and Dr Wallao.and Or Mott

S. PASSPi )RTS for all parta of thoworld.tndiipBBsabl* to traveiet*.tasoed by

J. 8 NONE8. Noury. No. wi Broadway.

ILLlA.M P- MINER, Attorn.y-at-V". ilke*h«T*, Penea._^^^

fNoncn tDantcb anb to toan.ONEY to LOAN.On Bood «n,l.Mnrtfage. on producti'" city propertv, in lam* af

Appiy to BELUKN i. COLTON,F.roker*. No. 11J Cl.ani'Mi*-*-



COAL..Tha aubeeriber haa Ib yardaand la aoastaotly d!*c__r<1iig all the varloai ktndi o!

Anthracita and Bttumlbooi Coal*, v'.r Psaah OrcbtrlBlack llealh. Lebllh, Liverpool Orrel, Cann.l, BidoayAc _o..ail of th. very baal quality, d.Mvered il haadaoaarordsr, aad for aale low 1 IMr..*. L. WORTH,

Ith-st sor Tbompson, aod fcth sv sor. Amca.Down town ottiee tio. v* all-*

COAL..R«',l Asii Eggand<ko?o,acpeon«ed and delivered ln iood oraier at **> per tun; leasfrom

bost*when ducbargug. Yard No. Iii Rmng'on rtM O'CONNOR.

IAY ln VOUR COAL WHILE it lai I'HFAP-Thesul'scrihers wtll farolab tlieir snperlor

fnab for Movea. ranites. funisftes ind grMee at very lowrate* to Uioae who apply before the fall ativenen* take plao*

ANURK.AS BONYard*. N. e» Omeawleb-av. and *,, av aear l <th M

P1TTSTON COAL..The PewiBylvaiiiaCo*l Company is prepared lo dellver lo Aunlllea la

Biiy part «f Uils clty, Brooklyn and Wiliianishurih, ftoinlBCanal Boati, and aeveral yarda, ths varioua iur* of IBPitUtJ n Coal, whlcb l* a aupertoi Anttira.-.ita for domeetl*aae Apply at th. yards, eoruer of IIU1-.1. and aOa-av.West-sc, near Morton at the fool uf dovnrneur-et.. EaalBlvn fool of Nortb lt-at- Wtll(ain*tHirah. lool of Ooldst Biooklyn, or at lha offlea ofthe Company, eorner olBroadway and Wall-sl The Coal wlll bndallvemd at ll ltper tun. of «.""«' Iba from tba Caaal Bia*!* aad al tl U, r*aa, ne -I tr. ,, lhe yards

rtM) COAL DEALERS-RED ASHB. Nl T COAL The iiliacriberi would call attentlain of

tl.e trsde tollieir Small Nut Itrtl Aih Coal, lr-,in IbflBfohnsnd LawtaVeba aterydialiablaaritela,ai tliii pen.^i ofthe xrtr tat -I ¦'.¦' - »r,l riru-- Por lale by the cargo, eitherut Hlchmotid. or ahlpped fn,ni Port Carhonn by Canal. Allotler al/e* of the -arne hone dr-crlptlmi of Coal furnishedwlth diacatch and in fine ordrr. Addr* .

Y. T\ LER i CO No. ">i W'alnot it., Philadelphia.


CLAIRVOYANT KXA MINaTIONS.\_t hv Mr* H A VK S, that tveli known medieal aal ***-*.**e ( lairvoyan, Mr* H»ve* n,a heen thr ni*an« of sav-

i: lt ir, in a premai'irn grave a ureat n.unlmr every y-tr, t mie

<f thrmti' talentefl lafl lea aod ient-inen in thi. city aodrour t,y l.*r at No llbdprlng-st, aad be e-ammed by tbat talente.l t lairvoyant

DR. I.ANNINCS MECHANIC SUR-OICAL IN8TITI TE-Por the treitment ot Chronle

rt >, xt, a. ar d fur the appliratloo of b.a Body Bra.e*. diino¦hoaidei Br* ei. Spinal Props Bisce Truaaei, 1'ile Sprlng**iirl T avrling Compiuilors, witb or without hia galvanlc at-tarlimrnts) for the cure ot vo. al. pului .o-iry. digestive, nortou-. apisal and femai. weakoeMe*. aud for ruplura* droop-li.g anc languor. Also, for tne *n|ip..rt of eacient. lad.a* andlaflie* durms _ot.tin.meut. No 21 Maicei-tt., 1', door* ^ut olCana!-at, flew-York


l^bR. B.BROWN WILLIA.MS,nsslsr«dI J by Ur A D OLM8TEAD, aa F.lretropathUt, No bttB.. aflw tv, by hl* new mi-da of medieal treatmnil, is daHyBuniig »uiice«*fullv Pal*y, RbeumatKin. A-rolula, H.oiicnltl*,Iniip'nni laBBg fllaeaae*, Neitou* arfectlo.U ofthe Hnad,e I.r.ei, Ac Ilrafnew, Week K.yie, Bilndoes* Dya>pepsia. Teltei, witi- a'l rrades of K.ruptlvn Uisnaan* I Icera,and 8«, L,>n* Stanning, and Cancrs, by eorraet cousU-tuii.a.aal and I. «*i trratment Hours f.,r cnsultat'on andtreatnwnt 'r,.m I A M lo i P M " Mv daushtar has hn«Bso deaf f.,r tive yaar* thal we feared ahe wo.ld los. hervoli* Ur Willfa., * to two weeia, raatored b*r perfactlyto fll] great aalia'aetior aod utter a*t,.niah.nenl Mar-garet Flampey, N. l/l Clinton^t " UrWllliains eurnd meof a Berarafiue and'ic alfactioo of tha kn*« joibi,wbich dlaahted _>a from walklng fnr a long whlln, in tnreeviait*. and that, loo. alter thre* uf Um beet physician. badtrled la valB to help ine


C H BTOCKW'KLIj, No 113 Broadway.

GMvEATCl KKlor DYSPEPSlA!.Dr.I" liOL'taliTON 8 PEPKIN. the trne Ulaewlve Ploidol

Oastrc lala* piepared frum Renuet, or lhe stomach of thaOi atter diractioiu from Baron Llehlg, the great Phyalolof*leal Cheniut, by I. 8. HOl'OHTON, M U. PblladelpOl^Pa Tbu li a Oreat NataraJ Remedy fnr fadlsgetion andUy*pep*i_,eannr after Naturn* own Nature iobtb

agent theOastneJulce Pepitn li tbe chlef elnmeator greatUigrating Pniictpleof the Oastnc Joiee -the SolventofthaPi., _, tbe purityir.i, preservu g and stlmulatlng agBnt of tharomarh and Inteittnes It I* extiacted from Uie dlgerivaItomacb ol the ut, thu* fonning an artihcial Dlgastive Plnid.precuely like Uie catoral gastno julc*. In ltl ^imicalnowrra, ard furniihing a eomniet. and perteel *-he"tut*for^t By the aid of tiiu prepa-Btion, the pains aud sviU ottndlgeBion and d>ipepsla are removed. Jost ai they wooldbe by s bealthy ib.ioach It U doing wooders for dyspep-Uci. curing csses of Ueetllty, Emaciatioa, Nerroos Declina.acd Uyspeptic Consomption, *nppt*t>d to be on tha va.-ge oll_e grave The seientihe evidence opon which ll ls basedIs ln the degie* curtous and reoiarkable. Whul»sale and retail Agent*. J BALLA CO.. No. 188 N-ssau-H.

MRS. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR1*1 RKSTORKR un,t ahalrdy*. and cootalni n, del*.ie- r., u* inftetueul. It never failsto restore the hair, howev-8i gray. tolUor:*inai color, ai.d at tbe aamallme toBrensthen ano tertor. Uie auht. how.ver waak, lf appned a_cordi_|t», directioi * Tbn liair will r.tain IU origlaaJ color duringIfe By invteoraUPS tii* akin. irinacin.. nerve*, biood veMnlsai.ri m '.« of lh* hair, prevrnu ti.e hall from raallng, curnab*i,ii raa reinove. and pieven's dtuinea* iiradariin ion of the beaii. dandrufl, *c* <l lirad, or any erupli-os ofthe bead ee ,\rv> York Chcmirle fot old and large adver-tisriiirnt. Pnc*|l Mper bottle. Por sslnat thn principalietuA No _V> Brtjom*-st,correrof Ell-slwth; No. lf«aadl23Btw*ry, No IM Br.jadway Nu. r,o Wasinngton st;No Ml Kuit,.n-t Brooklyn


bi CBclaia Pievintive -The great soecnasof thu pi*p_ra-tion. during the p.-etaW.' e ofthe CBolara. ln !*_!, hwg ven

it an arpr»c»»entod ceirbrlty. and ln many thoosand Casaswbers il wm ased, it rarely taUed to .hech s dlarrhea wiUatbe flrs*. dose .

ll u no a-cret, as tba infradleats of whleh ltu c-mpoae-. *r* ob the label of aaah bott'e, and It u rec^oi-

n.en<ird a_,l preacrlbed bv the mo« emin*at obyiiclan*.Poll dlrr-ctioci oti eacb label. Preoared ar.d uld only BT

Rinbu n. Clark k l o, t bemUtsaod U.-niUts, No._bb Broad¬way. No. 10 Aitoi House and No /IS Bioadway, New-Tork,

r|MlKlioMt>NMKRCANTILEJODR-_\ NAL siieith* luilowing notie* ol the moat popuiarre.ed, ul tn. dey^ ^^^ BAWAMU r ipeak In piai** of Wutar's Baiaem of W ild ( harry,

txraoas wa ksneve fnai cur .wn knowladga of Uia aroclethat it la ona of the best ia the market tor the coeptalnts forwklch lt u ircoic-iended.Thu meaicina, eoming from roch a reapectahle aource. aad

aarsfalll prepared by an expenenead and Uilifol pby*l_ia,la isciiea by t_« pnhnc *Ui cor.:.dene*. Its e*e*cy baabaen pieved in may ubdma*.* ea*e* ot dueasa, and tts farnahas rapidly riUtSed lt BB* besn axtenfl rely tued :a tv, rfpott of U.e auunuy, particaiariy in the Middl. aad NnrtharnState*. and txruig lemmoty from intelli«eot aad hlghif re-

¦p*tt*bie persoba bas bees addue>d ln favor of Ita m*rUl aaa r» na». i tor ceida aud eoughs, a_*eUon* of lhe shaat, dla-tS*rd liari. Ic keTle gei.u i.r aad .r.g_BBi DR. WISTAR'S BAL8AM OP

WILD CH-.BBY. oo account of IU am*t populanty, haab*rr. r»i*i *i»*lv .BB**rfeii*d la Pbllade'pBii, and aometboua*** buitles of tbe ipurtoos imitaUoo throwa Into th*maikrt ai.d eita_siicly*cijcuiat*d Eaaiaiaa c'-obb batorapurcbaali g Look wai. to UM OXtltt.Tb* S»i oine Balaan, 1* put up In bottles, wlth Uia Word*Dr W la'ai'a 1-aB.ii ol W ild Chairy, Phll.." blowo tn th*

t .-a , **_h U.IU* bmuint * 1*0*1 oo UM froat. with the dg-D_tur*cf li VM-TA1L M UThu will b* aavalopad wtth a wrappar copyruht *a-

cared. .'41, oa which wiU alwayi appear lh* wnii*o aigni-Wr»tf I Bl TT-

-. a a,

.... Bt wboleaUa or lalall. hy A Bl 0 land* Oea-.ra' Ag«nt*. No ian Paitoa et tmmmtmk Maiw-.l. No JbWillBBi-si.. John MUbau. No. IM Bnwdway; Aitoi aadirviai LWue Dra| **-***. *** **-¦ .¦- i*******-

It OBACK. THE ASTROLOGER.Th. prophetleal gi A fur io. g yea-a haadvd .lowa.To the great name o| Robtck b*,.,ogt; |*rowtia.

Ti* I | lt '>>r tshtca roonar.. wwald bartar _**JAnd wl.lW. Swedea etlola ,a Bar kiwaa

For th* rich aad the paot tot the tauitmh aai wiu,Pr Roaark tbs for*:*!..

And t*lb'i perpl*aed, to hstv*.sac* bie*.Aad lov. ke* lut lnfall bi* speii*

Th* ttatranian. tlie pr*vebcr, thv .erthant, thv m.'d,Tb* m.ran. tb* ioier, aad .I

Wh,. a*rk for tb* truth. ai.d for cooaa*1 aad aid,DoR kaak, ..eorat-le, . .Ue Poinu.ut 'bedai.**ro.. Ure fortunat* day*.Tbat«tu. m the ;oun.*y of llfe,

Ad.1 tb. .s uoio U- .atr.a (hr eunet of waysn, r Tf-V*""'."'"*«-h*a.(h. or . wif*.Dr C VV RORAl K hu awi.ed tho ia*nd*of tts warlafB

,.. . ,..ii . _. , ." "* ~« * « Olle * t'.ia litnrm taw

.-0-un. CwbT"DR. SHEWS -U.MMER Watfr

Cl'RE KBTABLI8HMKNT. al b_..._* ******]

(one bonr'a railroad nde frotn Albany aad Tro*t ^ooen " .*** ~.-* * *"**open. Mo.italn aesnery sjotarg


ttustotbi* inrtuutloia take the Mumtud I'smi ths ..fC,.iiitI*ndt.t.. .: , t¦ n .<*) , aad I aad 0 Mt.Returning, laava VV aier-4 ure sutlon al 7 and 8| A.M,aaai

Boulh Ora-g. al S*. aad A| P.M_EAST BROADWAY WATERCURR.

. Dr. Ql'lMBY oontinoMtv receive patlvot* at thlaMtabliahment. A few Boarders caa bv B8888BB11'lisUd. No.1 : Kart Broadway, New-York.


ta'i'i.l.n.ent, No > Laight-M, (reSfntly eola-ged by aavvv

buiMng ) A apeelal deparlment f«r tlie MschemeaJ aaOS.iri'e.1 treatineiit of female diuauv di.placein.nt*. k*.,1* under tbe ch*rge of l)r* TRALL aad HOSKORD

Ttl RS. L. N. FOWLER, .M. D., wMJ? I eonsult with ladie* medtcally. al hei ruadvaov, No.B~ Kut Broa.iway. front I A M to l P M.

leqai iSoiutt.

IN PUR8UANCE of aa atdor af taa Banafata..ith* C>.iriiy..l Nrw fatk,BMMVM h.rehy g<>*a to all p*r*SSBkat.u* r*tmr tptom ihakij. K Vao tl I.B, Mt* of th*City u Nrw \ ..,*. d-, raae.1, ti- prw*»nt t.<* same, wiffc .naeharathoreet.k tk* aikaa riliw. iikss aassdaa* a. Ba i*i tk..i «sjsl,.soi -r,..s.wy . ,f,,i Kstrtiaiy aaat-.!),... *..-. \.,k,trr|et>. I.f or J '», IBBli

vkniikai ra.aui.a, Aimiiusaaaa,

1\ l'l K-l \,\('i: ui an or.ler ..t the Siirrogativ, \ 1 rk.r.l r . r,-r-t,» |,rl t* BB PSIBSSB

aai, ,.tt..a**:.t*..i QBOBUB ls.-..I tha-, 8-vt , rk, j*. m.rd, lu pr*-eot th* «»n)* »,,.,,h*r*>

ttierwnl ... .>.«. !.«, ri'r,. , ,i.iri*-i, Wo. ttl Hnraiw.f, iaiavCitf Bew York, " < '¦¦ ..-..>tb***>, ad day... K*brj.B.f»»,t Datad,Baa \ -. .-..nt.r. lit.%4.

.i law n.l! . JABB8 D ITIII 1. Alimaiktrator

I N l'l K8I A.M'K ..I an oi-der ol JE__E C..rnui tn imisa- ** oi* 6* ty k ,-* _

. >i , .w.lo ill per.. n* hati n* U.'.i. tgtiatSPEKDINAKD i.Hi-illHIII81 t I'.ty ,.f kVilbam*

.. li.r, tri r-j.ii.-i ... et.I .t tl.* «*.n*. wii_( .» thalurrv-

gf* «l h Bg* Co«| 'y. ii, t. - l -t 11 rtfc* Oat <d Hn.Vlfn.i.y ,.. li..-i wil Da*»a.ipa 10,180*.

fell law. RirlltKDl. aiR.8. AJiotB-lraU.

fi\ IM KkSI'ANCK of aa onli-r ,.f _w Surropita.. tl.efi. .ry ... Nrw y..rk. n.-n. e .. h*rek* girea ta, all p*r*.,o*

Ml/k 8BAATB, Ui. ... tl.« fiir ,.. N.w\ - .. l.r,. l.,-r«,,f, (. 0.V

inrtB K -r, k", ,...8«rl lii ...JJiiua--i.'N-.v, ¦-.» ».iii*tl. day ol 8«a-

IfOibUMSt I'atwJ N*w >....- ' Msr.h.lHM.0ARRB1 N KI.KKI-kKR.J-.s.llaaOB-Th* j..iin i ¦>*».]. {ai*.*u>r*.

JN l'l KSI ANCE >>) nu ..r.l.-r of tEr*rt*M i\SMI I H. y -q .4 ....,,-. ofthot . k, ,., . ,,. ,B

i . 8 laains sga.naa,II. MiV Jl BBBN8 Ibsbo! lha Ut* v, r..* ^..w CMp) *l kV,l8*m.b'.irtl.. 1*. rs-.-.l. tl.rf , -t.D*. Wilh IJJV

!.. tl.e lubarnaa.. JOHN II COKDK.S. al I.t*. - H y ... ii ,t ii thr r.'f *,.* y .k, ,,q or b-..r*.v17th day oi ^..t.nlb.r n*,' Datad Bay n.iw*.

M4KIII8 Jl III.»'Ii.i _

iryll law-lin* Ji.HN H 4:>iKI>KS, | /4J",I"~"»-...

fN Pl R8I \M'K ut nn i.r.t.-r ..I lha flBiiagaBB- ...iiiy i>l Nrw Y..rk, .,..ti. . ,. hrrrhf attrea t.. all|Mw-snu

. . iWILLIABcliAJtno o m: i*t*..ith*cias., N-w l.rk.i- ii,h .jn,» wili, v.uclieri th*r*W

..rl - N iu Ckarry rt,, ia ti.* Ciig *)N-w Y,.rk, «a or hr,..i- il - .». , lir.t dst ol K*.,ruary aail..Dltrdhew York, th*. Ith d.y .i"A . .-i ISm

TII'.Mki C ill.lli kVi.TVr.) ... ,tm; i.m.Tk' aauBtiB Mi Hkitm M.y NK,i'."."'**"¦

Sl PK£M- <<H IM* "t tlir. SOitft of New-v.rk. H..NJ8MIN ii hii. er\ilks I i ...iirm.. rnm

aad HIANk I..H i,..i iin> ..,,,.-i ktiii.i.M vv i.aarKKl I KLUABBTH SK11 It.B ttsl ItBt'l l. HI'KKITT..

r .- I rr r-r,, I,, II,. V,*l ar«sn -- a_ ruuirad iv a ¦ ,.t,*.h,. artaov.

... i.i |,| thr ..rt.. r.l 1 r 1 IrrS ..I ll.e 4'ity tad C intg o/h-w y,,rk, tt Um Cftp Ks" iii .. oy, «....'.. .-rt. teasf r 1ii.-.'i t.. li.« .... .....pU.iit, .... the «nli.n"er at his >4B. . tm,K. kk.ll st., in sa.J ity.witiin. It>- , . woh.^Ui.

Uf »l . h Bff*t.| .ud J tOBbil tn urt. th* .an - tha lime*a>d, Ukap.'*n.tirt. oi th.« si -...., wi lappht lo u.e i nvn n.r ...* rs.Ml i.iusaA..d ia th* ce. loao.t. Dated Bm, Y..k,J..iy ll, isis;

HEMIV I D.kVI.s.*-Attormry,'* * -wlh f4o. a., kkall .i,«»w Yurk.

f r«-e u.e im.t» - thal I... .......pluint ,n Ih* ah. .«., i«,o wa* 81*4.' -rk,at,d Bt tli* plt,.., tl,* nl. .I.f ol

II C. l)*VIKS,P.s»,t.ns- AttoriMf.

SUPERIOR CorKT.-C'.fy ol .New-Vork .J» H'a i> and He.ry S's-it..... A-..*.,au -.( H.

I.--, W nmC 4'.-.|,.n.i CharlMl t .... pi.,,.- rl., aaaiuslWil . Wkite. I. .... .... oa coatrs.t. Ts WILLIAM Waira. Oe.tdaal V.. i... i.*r*hf tnmBoaad BBd r.t *ni t>. . tver lha roraplai.1 ... thi. artmn whu>is th . daf pto.1 iti ti.* i.iti. e ... thr 1 lerk ... t. - I.f ai.d t'....ntf rtB«a I'.rk. .ud 0. urt* S >"l" .t t" -i 8. -wer tn th. ss... ,.,«.Iils.l.t ..litl - ..illi.e *l.,. 1*1 Hr,,.|« ,f. N#w J,,,k

i a -wn tf d.y. artar Ikeaafvi. kutalLssssuwaas thv>¦'.-.,* y i.i ti, s.,.w*r th* .aei rostplaiat

w.llnn th.lnne *.. re.. -. Bs tl... .. t...n w.ll lst* Judgrr er,r a*a.»st f,. li.r th* «'.m i.l ... h'*C 8.,.. I*B 4»Bar* 8r_

- . l'l'-.*-. fr..T l_ea,.|*« th. .,,.ts ofthw ai'tiaa.Datad S-i," - 1*1,1 W 11.1.1 kBPKKI. Pkkioul s Attarup*.. law wTh

Sl I'KI.Mi: COI Kl*..Ii. tl.r- ii.aff.-r*l lii* Maf..r, 8l>l*rn*a sn.1 Cmmnnirty .4 tha

,-f 14-. I rk, r-lar... '. ... I' K. > N. I ,,r ON8 Ml NDItKl.'AN|. Ikk KMY rt'l tt I'I 81 rm ll.. IHS Cl.... I. Il>.I to U.Bi-n .» .n th* 4 it, ..I N*w y.r| Th* unlertitn».|, C,,n,»8M,oo*rw

0 lt* .sd t.-e.-. *..' . . t « * ...aller. avaskaj.|i>* rjotx*. Iti*t t'.«f w,lim**ttt tl,* -.rn . .. OKOROB I. D8I, l| V 8 4" M.i'.rr.f .1 ii. New y.r| f.n TI'fB-i>ay. ti.e ti.t i.t ..i ppymtmnr, .M, *4 j.. ..... k... .h. a.i-f**oa,

l "i. r..u uat* aud en'a i.i tkt ...d (.I.UI......I. u*ra, s'.y p*r*..B »r p*rs..ns who naa.,*., l-r Oi*iJ.M,h*s si.'-.' '-.-'»' V I'siaS, N*w yort. 8*pt.

; maa. nkNKi aaaKBta 1HRBBf BKKIH'.IP, /(..,. if-.«.o*r..>.r." L. OI-OIlK**., )

H.-.r r n......aaBwaap _ssimiSl I'Kh.M I-. t'OI Hl .In thn mattar of tha aa->

pL....<* uf th* Baf.-f, AJaaru.aiai^C.wimjwatip nf tjt'***ol N.w fofk, i.Utjt* to tba uritUtlO snd LA IIBO OUT ofaPl Hl IC «k(t'AKE,k.wb as BLOOMlNtmiLB I41UAKB, rtUa *4.ii*i*«r,i_r, Ward sf t.4cty -Tha ,n..**4, E.'ji. ata and AsMumar.t r. Iba st».»a *nUU*8 aiallar, bartVff¦its L..U*, pur.uautli. ti* r*^ )>.*,. ...'*. f ** A, I »f Ih* L*Si*M4lur. ..( th** of th* lut* of fl.w V.rk, *oi.-J** .. Aa ActSBa-re-.« bb A«-t ....¦'.M *a A.-t to radi.* s*»*f*l 8«l r.lau-i* part .-ly r, -.r,*C.ty.»l B*w y»ra..aUi .iNl't," ouud ApnltSilOAt; .ud .m. Ih* t..-t*Btitla* " Aa A'l tn arr.*.laa Aet «nUU*dau Att .r. ralaUua to laa »l_a-ua-a .,l'ts***..i,*nU sn* Tat**, ib tb*Ci'-y t'.d C.ui.ty o! Baw Tork,aod for <tth*r p.,rp>.**, pa**** Baa14, :-*'.' pa.^-d May 7, 1*41,'.. tha awauvfawast*,*, upaalat*o< **nt»of ail h»a***, an* .ipr.,..I »r so.reproT** MSbvart*ck*d1, .i. t, u »f ..>. .,iupl*t*d tbwr **tjma>* BSS aa****in*tit IBtl.* aU>.*«BUtl*d autt*r aod that all parw.o. wr,,** ,Dtaf*.uar*aAert** U_r*t>y,sa* .ta. nsy Uo u. tkt tsu*, SSS r*8ssstaallo pr****it thair oblvtioo* .a wriung, lo B.'SU BAVHAKD, Jr«|t^ th* Cr,8ir'nsn <r( rh* "s < -r i.-i.'.r«, sl .1,8 ottttot Jo**A vi'wSs. !S.» Se Wtll *l, id th*C>ty »f S.w y.fl, ViUi.a t-trkPityi (roo. U.« daU of ti... aot*. Aud that th* lim.t* tmpettmi**lha said satjaial* ao* as.ass Baaat, *r* as u.llow.that v lo aag. ABth. k>t*. pi*< .* »fBia*.*w..tii WaOui w.slaiuin* as 8.I1..WS, Uiat. lvi_arlf h-_.i.r..d*<)f*>iU> *.«.*.*t., (*T_ .!.)"¦ laa suaU, »»

>u a_ a..**.a.a'.ara as U.liow. * msag' ast.*.)! aart.V ,,l land, wti.t*. Iria* .** *-M ¦ *.

, sr J wl U* ... S*w Tork, aod a-.'.o***, ls»n*mt,»,.,,(L,w«, u.siis u. aay Oa lut *trrk,n Ottm.tPtt

* , ..a . and *-' t a_d at*» touUmi, " Bag *f arupaftp rvi*.)ir*d f.,r BB* t>*a*8t*d kl th* opMia* sa* Bfue unt ,A o tvOAmSv.ars, ln. w,. a* Bk«.m.n*4*ks*f ,ar*,.o tha Bk.mtoth Wu4 *'.thaC.ty ol S*w V ft tnt Oai .*_ Coruattsaioaa. 'or.Sr **p*..- a, that thair romtrt i* Ott **.¦'* tnUlk*I *_*t*f tsifl Be rnaSvai.d praasola* u, th**a. Court of Ut* luu nf Hom Tort, M VSp*< .ai Tar- of th* aa.« Court, to M baU al Ua City Hall of thmC<. of |8*w Tork. ob latsrdag lk*ld lag '* ttttmkmi, *A*k\ al .1nptninp nt th* Cnirn ->a thsr dsy aad that lhar. aaid thaa. at aa)at.oo th*r**J.f u ,-..«». .... 8* h**rd, t moittm WiU M bim OkBBta_ ria.,iiM co*Ar-*-l (>.t-s n.w V .... J ,1* ll.laSS."" ** Utmtt BATIiARD.dr.)

; ¦.> t wkcks, >Baaaaa.aaaaJOSBPHS tobji! iBssBsaB*v-a.S.arves ****9*A*M

SLl'KKMKt'OI KT..ln tBe mattar of timaawpBratmk tl tb* Bayor, iMirnst as* C.-ruo_ky ol tkt

C-T N.w Y rt, '*«-.-. . .rtNi.i, ,j.*r H. BDhJUBAKD TWEBTT ?..' KTH IT fro- tli* Did Charrb (C. to USS. a».,'is tbS City oi' B.w I at T * BSSIii-gnaS, Cnaaiaa utt**)ol Ev.n.*'_ BJid aataatmsot .i, tba SBS** », utioi .tlir, aerep-a aou. a, punuant ti. lha -**...r»r.,ot_s of aa A. lot _a l_a_.or* of _. paopl* ot tu. Staw of Baw Tort. MUtM " Aa Ad Jgan*** aa A.l mtallU ao A.l *. rttl ic* .*.***. 8*t rwtel.aStnraPaia/.f lo tb. Crtf ofttm Tort, .au. oa. Aet, "pa.aad April*0, ISMk,aad alaotb* ActoottOmi "ii A.t to *n.*u4*o A-t sauilsl u AtTtla r*lati»e k> tb* eollactioa of Assas*.aou aad Tuaa >a Ib* CrtBBoV CnaBtp of B*w T"rt, and tnr >h*r parpou., paaaed Hap 1*8-* _.-. Map 1, IM.. ls. thv or <>wBw., oecaaaat or oerj

camiit*'-' ail b...w. aod'ad or natrape-.tU laeis af*r*v4Iharaop.ihwl.ap h.** tamal*.d tba.r *>tj-*_*a*i_Ib* tboveeo.led roataar i a.I tbat aB **.... BB_**BBM*mi ttwmPbrtad*»y,aa* wbon.g baoppouiu. .. aaaM.Bssra*.ao Bts*.*! lhair o**w_«* .8 fntrr, _ HEBKT SBBBBAB.f.."..*--< lb*aa. tb* oBew of mofU*4-ru, Bo 14T O.'.u*rry*L, .* .. C.'.y ¦.«¦*** rat,ttrty dtys fios* tbe lou* of thm tmnwo A.d mmimtma,krntol t.y ih* aa.8 **t,a>al* *ad a***a* ar* aa "0J___1,,_.k.r* p*r**..r par-*w<.i ta..*. ._.-.*...** *_<«'¦ ._._.*_..Uaf -...C-, B.w Tort.aa* ..,.*** w,t_* u* "rT"""^"^;wtt. Oa tta wl ly Ih* *_l*rlf I. _ sad* W ***\. **Z m»Zv*st. *P th* **J*4*fr» kaa or aaSa ¦/ 8U. aj^ SBus ^bn* of th.|. **tr* of th* t>b»-b B**:w»st IU«* **¦ "T*- 1Ma -L]^tb. *_.-. kf asBassf ta. r-tr. f£7_Srm%8maiBan-wi.-r" ^__:'_8-.^--tMs;.riBa

ISM mi* Ooarvaa BO- '. rr^va_"o_^n_\M|g^^^ov-.rrsr.tam¦ .'i;-Jn..T_X.|..,.. -..-sl saa U ba«AIS-SU&t-oSTaaiSS M ei-Ur.-DU- B^f**/

f^i». au.

B80. 4,0880888.Bssii-B

hibki airtraaLtVtf'