Download - Publicat TEST V

  • 8/11/2019 Publicat TEST V


    SUBJECT I: Choose the best word from the ones in bold type: 24 points

    1. This year, we are going to spend/makeour holidays on the beautiful island/inlandof Crete.

    2. We decided to put up our tent next to a small sea/lakein the Carpathian Mountains..

    3. They built a sandcastle on the beach and listened to the waters/waescrashing on theshore.

    . Where are you going! We are going on/tothe seaside this summer.

    ". We spent all day on the seaside/bea!hwhen we were at the seaside.

    #. $ li%e hi%ing to/inthe mountains &ery much.

    '.(oo% at the hi"h/topof the mountain. What can you see/lookthere!

    ). *urry up or you+ll lose/missthe train

    -. The bus drier/leaderdro&e &ery fast.

    1. $ li%e tra&elling with the/byplane, don+t you!

    SUBJECT II: Choose the !orre!t ariant from the words in bold type: 2# points

    a. They wat!h/wat!hesT/ e&ery night.

    b. 0he don$t "o/ "oesto the seaside e&ery summer.

    c. We want/ wantsto see a mo&ie tonight.

    d. *e haes/ hasa dog and a cat.

    e. %o/ doesthey %now about the new boo%!

    f. *is friend, im, don$t/ doesn$t%now any rench.

    g. My sister and her husband say/ saysthat Chinese is &ery easy.h. We don$t want/ wantto mo&e out, because we li%e it here.

    i. %o/ doesyoung people in your country go out a lot!

    . *e knows/ doesn$t knowrench &ery well, so he will get a good grade in the exam, $+m sure.

    SUBJECT III: &ill in with the '(ST SI)'*E of the irre"+lar erbs, -# points

    When $ 44444444 516go7 to the mountains last winter, $ 44444444444444 526not %now7 how to s%i. $ 44444444 536buy7

    s%i boots and s%is, and on the first day $ 44444444 56ha&e7 a s%i instructor. *e 44444444 5"6teach7 me the basic mo&es,

    and the next day $ 4444444 5#6go7 alone. 8ut it 44444444 5'6not be7 as easy as $ 444444444 5)6thin%7 $ 4444444 5-6try7

    to ma%e a snowplough to stop, but $ 44444444 516not manage7, so $ 4444444 5116fall7 on my nose. 9nd then it

    444444444 5126not be7 easy to get up, either. When $ 4444444445136 can7 finally get up, my face 44444444 516be7 full

    of snow. $ 44444444 51"6feel7 &ery embarrassed

    SUBJECT I.: ead the fra"ment and !hoose the ri"ht answer: 01 points

    Are the sentences Right or Wrong?

    If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt say.

    0omething &ery strange happened to Tamara. 0he ne&er %new she had a twin sister until she started uni&ersity Tamara

    was born in Mexico. *er parents could not ta%e care of her so she went to li&e with a family in Manhattan, :09. When

    Tamara was twenty years old, she started uni&ersity in (ong $sland. 0he enoyed her uni&ersity life. 8ut one day she was

    wal%ing home from class, and a student smiled at her. ;*ello 9driana< said the student. ;$=m not 9driana,< said Tamara.

    This happened to Tamara again and again. >eople Tamara didn=t %now %ept calling her 9driana. $t was &ery strange. ?ne

    day, when a woman called her 9driana, Tamara as%ed ;Why do you %eep calling me 9driana!< The woman replied,

    ;@ou loo% li%e my friend 9driana. @ou ha&e the same face and the same hair. $s 9driana your sister!< Tamara said that she

    did not ha&e a sister called 9driana. 8ut she was interested in this girl 9driana. inally she as%ed someone for 9driana=semail address. When Tamara wrote to 9driana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they loo%ed the same

    and both of them were from Mexico.When Tamara went to li&e with the family in Manhattan, 9driana mo&ed to (ong

    $sland to li&e with a family there. $t had to be true 9driana and Tamara were twin sisters

    1. Tamara and her sister were both born in Mexico. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    2. Tamara=s parents mo&ed from Mexico to Manhattan. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    3. >eople called Tamara ;9driana< many times. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    . 9driana wrote to Tamara first. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    ". 9driana always %new she had a twin sister. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    #. 9driana is Tamara=s only sister. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    '. 9driana was a student at (ong $sland :ni&ersity. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say

    ). 9driana had only recently arri&ed in (ong $sland. a. right b. wrong c. doesn+t say