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NCHS Surveys

2011 Linked Mortality Files

Public-Use Data Dictionary

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Last updated: 4/16/2015

Section 1: List of Variables

Section 2: NCHS Survey Identifiers - Participant Identification Numbers

Section 3: Death Information

Section 4: Cause of Death

Section 5: Survey Specific Data – National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the

Second Longitudinal Study on Aging (LSOA II)

Section 6: Survey Specific Data – National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

(NHANES – including NHANES III and 1999-2010)

Appendix 1: File Layouts

Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID in NHIS and LSOA II

Appendix 3: Leading causes of death recodes from UCOD_113 (UCOD_LEADING)

Appendix 4: Selected Causes of Death (UCOD_113)

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Section 1: List of Variables

NCHS Survey Identifiers Variable Label


SEQN NHANES Respondent Sequence Number

Death Information

ELIGSTAT Eligibility Status for Mortality Follow-up

MORTSTAT Final Mortality Status

MORTSRCE_NDI Mortality Source: NDI Match

MORTSRCE_SSA Mortality Source: SSA Information

MORTSRCE_CMS Mortality Source: CMS Information

MORTSRCE_DC Mortality Source: Death Certificate Match

MORTSRCE_DCL Mortality Source: Data Collection

Cause of Death

CAUSEAVL Cause of Death Data Available

UCOD_LEADING Underlying Cause of Death Recode from UCOD_113; Leading Causes

DIABETES Diabetes flag from multiple cause of death

HYPERTEN Hpertension flag from multiple cause of death

Survey Specific Data – NHIS and LSOA II

DODQTR Quarter of Death

DODYEAR Year of Death

WGT_NEW Weight Adjusted for Ineligible Respondents - Person-level Sample Weight

SA_WGT_NEW Weight Adjusted for Ineligible Respondents - Sample Adult Sample


Survey Specific Data – NHANES III and 1999-2010

PERMTH_INT Person Months of Follow-up from Interview Date

PERMTH_EXM Person Months of Follow-up from MEC/Exam Date

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Section 2: NCHS Survey Identifiers - Participant Identification Numbers



Type: Character Width: 14

Public use identifier assigned by NCHS.

Researchers linking to 1985-2009 NHIS and LSOA II public-use data should use PUBLICID.

See notes on constructing PUBLICID in NHIS and LSOA II

The previous NHIS - Linked Mortality Files also contained the variable PUBLICID_2. The family serial

number was not necessary to uniquely identify a person-level record for the years 1997-2003 but was included

in PUBLICID_2 for researchers who preferred to include it. The current file uses only PUBLICID, which was

constructed with family serial number for all survey years. To be consistent with previous files, the space for

PUBLICID_2 remains but the field is empty.


SEQN NHANES Respondent Sequence Number

Type: Numeric Width: 5

Public use identifier assigned by NCHS.

Researchers linking to NHANES III and 1999-2010 NHANES should use SEQN.


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Section 3: Death Information


ELIGSTAT Eligibility Status for Mortality Follow-up

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Eligible

2 Under age 18, not available for public release

3 Ineligible

Survey participants are defined as ineligible for mortality linkage if they had insufficient identifying data to

create a National Death Index submission record. Please note that all survey participants from the survey files

are included on the linked mortality files regardless of linkage eligibility. See the Linked Mortality File

methodology report for more information.


MORTSTAT Final Mortality Status

Type: Numeric Width: 3

0 Assumed alive

1 Assumed deceased

Blank Ineligible or under age 18

The MORTSTAT variable is NCHS’s final determination of vital status and should be used as an outcome

variable and to calculate survival. Each survey participant who is eligible for mortality follow-up is assigned a

vital status code (0=Assumed alive, 1=Assumed deceased).


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Death Information (Cont.)


Mortality Source. NCHS uses multiple sources of information to determine the final mortality status of a

survey participant. Variables indicating which source or sources were used to determine vital status are

available on the linked mortality files and are described below. Any combination of these mortality sources was

used to identify survey participants as decedents.


MORTSRCE_NDI Mortality Source: NDI Match

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Yes

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18

A code 1 indicates that mortality status was ascertained through a probabilistic match to a National Death Index

(NDI) record.


MORTSRCE_SSA Mortality Source: SSA Information

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Yes

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18

A code 1 indicates that mortality status was obtained from the Death Master File or Numident file from the

Social Security Administration (SSA).


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Death Information (Cont.)


MORTSRCE_CMS Mortality Source: CMS Information

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Yes

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18

A code=1 indicates that mortality status was obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services



MORTSRCE_DC Mortality Source: Death Certificate Match

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Yes

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18

Variable is available for NHANES III. MORTSRCE_DC =1 indicates that mortality status was obtained from a

death certificate. Death certificates may be reviewed to compare information provided on the death certificate

with data collected from NHANES III survey records in order to assist NCHS in determining if a potential

National Death Index match record correctly matches the NCHS survey participant.


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Death Information (Cont.)


MORTSRCE_DCL Mortality Source: Data Collection

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Yes

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18

Death information was obtained during the LSOA II follow-up period. Analysts should note that there are

records on the LSOA II public-use survey file indicating deceased status but were ineligible for NDI matching.

On the linked mortality file, these records are classified as ineligible, and thus have no source of mortality. ________________________________________________________________________________________

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Section 4: Cause of Death


CAUSEAVL Cause of Death Data Available

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1 Yes

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18

Death certificate data is available only for cases where the variable MORTSTAT=1 and MORTSRCE_NDI = 1.

Users should note that it is possible to have an NDI match but no cause of death data available.


UCOD_LEADING Underlying Cause of Death Recode; Leading Causes

Type: Character Width: 3

001 Diseases of heart

002 Malignant neoplasms

003 Chronic lower respiratory diseases

004 Accidents (unintentional injuries)

005 Cerebrovascular diseases

006 Alzheimer’s disease

007 Diabetes mellitus

008 Influenza and pneumonia

009 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis

010 All other causes (residual)

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up,

under age 18, or no cause available

UCOD_LEADING is derived from UCOD_113, which is available on the Restricted-use Linked Mortality File.

UCOD_113 was created to assist researchers conducting mortality analyses that span across years using ICD-9

and ICD-10 coding. In UCOD_113, all underlying causes of death were recoded into comparable ICD-10 based

groups. The UCOD_113 codes included in each UCOD_LEADING category are provided in Appendix 3. The

full coding of UCOD_113 is provided in Appendix 4.


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HYPERTEN Flags from Multiple Cause of Death

Type: Numeric Width: 1

0 No

1 Yes – Condition listed as a multiple cause of death

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up,

under age 18, or no cause available

Certain contributing causes of death are only coded in the multiple causes of death codes according to ICD

coding rules. The current Public-use Linked Mortality Files do not include the 20 entity-axis multiple causes of

death codes. The multiple causes of death codes are only available on the restricted-use versions of the Linked

Mortality Files. However, in an effort to increase the utility of the public datasets, NCHS selected two

commonly reported conditions found in the multiple causes of death codes (diabetes and hypertension) and

included a flag variable for each condition on the public-use versions of the Linked Mortality Files. The flag

variables were coded a 1 if specific ICD codes were found in any one of the 20 contributing or multiple causes

of death fields as follows.

DIABETES: ICD-9 code ‘250’ or ICD-10 codes ‘E10 thru E14’ was coded in the entity-axis multiple cause of

death codes

HYPERTEN: ICD-9 codes ‘401’ or ‘403’ or ICD-10 codes ‘I10’ or ‘I12’ was coded in entity-axis multiple

cause of death codes

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Section 5: Survey Specific Data – NHIS and LSOA II


DODQTR Quarter of Death

Type: Numeric Width: 3

1-4 Quarter

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18


DODYEAR Year of Death

Type: Numeric Width: 2

1985 - 2011 Year

Blank Assumed alive, ineligible for mortality follow-up, or

under age 18


WGT_NEW Weight Adjusted for Ineligible Respondents - Person-level Sample Weight

Type: Numeric Width: 8

Blank Ineligible, under age 18, or weights not adjusted

1987-2009 NHIS: Values for WGT_NEW reflect the eligibility adjusted Person-level Sample Weights created

to account for those ineligible for linkage to the NDI.

For the 1985 and 1986 NHIS Linked Mortality Files, there are no eligibility adjusted sample weights and

WGT_NEW is therefore left blank. NCHS recommends using the final basic weight variable from the public-

use files (WTFA).

WGT_NEW is not available for LSOA II.


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Survey Specific Data – NHIS and LSOA II (Cont.)


SA_WGT_NEW Weight Adjusted for Ineligible Respondents - Sample Adult Sample


Type: Numeric Width: 8

Blank Ineligible, under age 18, or weights not adjusted

1997-2009 NHIS: SA_WGT_NEW is available on the file. Blank values represent those ineligible or not a

sample adult.

1987-1996 NHIS: The Sample Adult Sample Weight is not applicable for the 1987-1996 NHIS analyses and is

therefore left blank. NCHS initiated a redesign of the NHIS questionnaire that was implemented in 1997. The

Sample Adult File does not exist prior to the 1997 NHIS.

SA_WGT_NEW is not available for LSOA II.


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Section 6: Survey Specific Data – NHANES III and 1999-2010


PERMTH_INT The Number of Person Months of Follow-up from Interview Date

Type: Numeric Width: 3

0 – 277

Blank Ineligible for mortality follow-up or

under age 18


PERMTH_EXM The Number of Person Months of Follow-up from MEC Exam Date

Type: Numeric Width: 3

0 – 272

Blank Ineligible for mortality follow-up or

under age 18


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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 1: File Layout

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Appendix 1: File Layout

Please note that all surveys now use the same file layout and that the data for survey-specific variables will be

blank in files for other surveys. Programs to read in the files into SAS or STATA are available on the Linked

Mortality File website:

Variable Type Position Length Label

PUBLICID* character 1-14 14 NHIS, LSOA II Public-use ID Number

SEQN* character 1-5 5 NHANES Respondent Sequence Number

ELIGSTAT numeric 15 1 Eligibility Status for Mortality Follow-up

MORTSTAT numeric 16 1 Final Mortality Status

CAUSEAVL numeric 17 1 Cause of Death Data Available

UCOD_LEADING character 18-20 3 Underlying Cause of Death Recode from UCOD_113; Leading Causes

DIABETES numeric 21 1 Diabetes flag from multiple cause of death

HYPERTEN numeric 22 1 Hypertension flag from multiple cause of death

DODQTR numeric 23 1 NHIS, LSOA II Quarter of Death

DODYEAR numeric 24-27 4 NHIS, LSOA II Year of Death

WGT_NEW numeric 28-35 8 NHIS Weight Adjusted for Ineligible Respondents - Person-level Sample Weight

SA_WGT_NEW** numeric 36-43 8 NHIS Weight Adjusted for Ineligible Respondents - Sample Adult Sample Weight

PERMTH_INT numeric 44-46 3 Person Months of Follow-up from Interview Date

PERMTH_EXM numeric 47-49 3 Person Months of Follow-up from MEC/Exam Date

MORTSRCE_NDI numeric 50 1 Mortality Source: NDI Match

MORTSRCE_CMS numeric 51 1 Mortality Source: SSA Information

MORTSRCE_SSA numeric 52 1 Mortality Source: CMS Information

MORTSRCE_DC numeric 53 1 Mortality Source: Death Certificate Match

MORTSRCE_DCL numeric 54 1 Mortality Source: Data Collection

*PUBLICID and SEQN overlap in position but are not included on the same files.


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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID

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Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID in NHIS and LSOA II


PUBLICID – NHIS Public ID Construction

The NHIS Linked Mortality Data Files are person-level files and can be linked to the NHIS public-use files by

matching on the unique person-level NHIS ID number (PUBLICID). LSOA II is a supplement of the NHIS and

therefore, construction of PUBLICID applies to this survey as well. Across the NHIS years included in the

Linked Mortality Files, NHIS has changed its construction of a unique person-level ID.

The ID number available on the Linked Mortality Files is consistent with the documentation provided for each

NHIS year. Below are instructions on constructing a person-level id from the NHIS public-use files that can be

merged with the Linked Mortality Files. The PUBLICID variable on the Public-use Linked Mortality Files is in

character format with an assigned length of 14.

1985-1994 NHIS


identify a person within each NHIS year. When combining across NHIS years it is necessary to include the

NHIS year as part of the unique person-level ID.

Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items that can be concatenated to create the unique person

identifier. Note: The NHIS SAS input statements available from the NHIS public-use data website do NOT

input all of these variables as character and they must be in character format.


NHIS Public-use

File Location


Length Description

YEAR 3-4 2 Year of interview

QUARTER 5 1 Calendar quarter of interview

PSUNUMR 6-8 3 Random recode of PSU

WEEKCEN 9-10 2 Week of interview within quarter

SEGNUM 11-12 2 Segment number

HHNUM 13-14 2 Household number

PNUM 15-16 2 Person number within household

SAS example: length PUBLICID $14;


Stata example: (note this will convert the variables to string variables) egen PUBLICID = concat(YEAR QUARTER PSUNUMR WEEKCEN SEGNUM HHNUM PNUM)

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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID

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1995-1996 NHIS

The data items HOUSEHOLD NUMBER x PERSON NUMBER identify a person within each NHIS year.

When combining across NHIS years it is necessary to include the NHIS year as part of the unique person-level


Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items that can be concatenated to create the unique person

identifier. Note: the NHIS SAS input statements available from the NHIS public-use data website do NOT input

all of these variables as character and they must be in character format.


NHIS Public-use

File Location


Length Description

YEAR 3-4 2 Year of interview

HHID 5-14 10 Household number

PNUM 15-16 2 Person number within household

SAS example: length PUBLICID $14;


Stata example: (note this will convert the variables to string variables) egen PUBLICID = concat(YEAR HHID PNUM)

1997-2003 NHIS

The data items HOUSEHOLD NUMBER x FAMILY NUMBER x PERSON NUMBER identify a person

within each NHIS year. When combining across NHIS years it is necessary to include the NHIS year as part of

the unique person-level ID.

Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items that can be concatenated to create the unique person

identifier. Note: the NHIS SAS input statements available from the NHIS public-use data website do NOT input

all of these variables as character and they must be in character format.


NHIS Public-use

File Location


Length Description

SRVY_YR 3-6 4 Year of interview

HHX 7-12 6 Household number

FMX 13-14 2 Family number

PX 15-16 2 Person number within household

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Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID

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SAS example: length PUBLICID $14;

PUBLICID= trim(left(SRVY_YR||HHX||FMX||PX));

Stata example: (note this will convert the variables to string variables) egen PUBLICID = concat(SRVY_YR HHX FMX PX)

2004 NHIS

The data items HOUSEHOLD NUMBER x FAMILY NUMBER x PERSON NUMBER identify a person

within each NHIS year. When combining across NHIS years it is necessary to include the NHIS year as part of

the unique person-level ID.

Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items that can be concatenated to create the unique person

identifier. Note: the NHIS SAS input statements available from the NHIS public-use data website do NOT input

all of these variables as character and they must be in character format.


NHIS Public-use

File Location


Length Description

SRVY_YR 3-6 4 Year of interview

HHX 7-12 6 Household number

FMX 13-14 2 Family number

FPX 15-16 2 Person number within household

SAS example: length PUBLICID $14;


Stata example: (note this will convert the variables to string variables) egen PUBLICID = concat(SRVY_YR HHX FMX FPX)

2005 - 2009 NHIS

The data items HOUSEHOLD NUMBER x FAMILY NUMBER x PERSON NUMBER identify a person

within each NHIS year. When combining across NHIS years it is necessary to include the NHIS year as part of

the unique person-level ID.

Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items that can be concatenated to create the unique person

identifier. Note: the NHIS SAS input statements available from the NHIS public-use data website do NOT input

all of these variables as character and they must be in character format.

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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID

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NHIS Public-use

File Location


Length Description

SRVY_YR 3-6 4 Year of interview

HHX 7-12 6 Household number

FMX 16-17 2 Family number

FPX 18-19 2 Person number within household

SAS example: length PUBLICID $14;


Stata example: (note this will convert the variables to string variables) egen PUBLICID = concat(SRVY_YR HHX FMX FPX)



identify a SOA/LSOA participant.

Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items that can be concatenated to create the unique person

identifier. Note: The public id variable on the restricted-use LSOA Linked Mortality Files is in character format

and includes YEAR giving it an assigned length of 14.


SOA Public-use

File Location


Length Description

YEAR 3-4 2 Year of interview

QUARTER 5 1 Calendar quarter of interview

PSU 6-8 3 Random recode of PSU

WEEKPROC 9-10 2 Week of interview within quarter

SEGNUM 11-12 2 Segment number

HHNUM 13-14 2 Household number

PNUM 15-16 2 Person number within household

SAS example: length PUBLICID $14;


Stata example: (note this will convert the variables to string variables) egen PUBLICID = concat(YEAR QUARTER PSU WEEKPROC SEGNUM HHNUM PNUM)

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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 2: Notes on Constructing PUBLICID

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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 3: Tenth Revision 113 Selected Causes of Death

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Appendix 3. Leading causes of death recodes from UCOD_113



UCOD_113 Recode Cause Title and ICD-10 Codes Included

001 054 – 064 Diseases of heart (I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51)

002 019 – 043 Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)

003 082 – 086 Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40-J47)

004 112 – 123 Accidents (unintentional injuries) (V01-X59, Y85-Y86)

005 070 Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)

006 052 Alzheimer’s disease (G30)

007 046 Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)

008 076 – 078 Influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18)

009 097 – 101 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00-N07, N17-N19,


010 All other causes (residual)

Cause of death coding for all U.S. deaths occurring prior to 1999 follows the 9th revision of the International

Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death (ICD-9) guidelines, while all deaths after 1998

follows the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death

(ICD-10) guidelines. To assist the researcher with analyses that span the entire survey specific mortality period, the

UCOD 113 variable was created as a recode of all deaths occurring prior to 1999 coded under ICD-9 guidelines into

comparable ICD-10 based underlying cause of death groups. In the public-use linked mortality file, codes from the

leading causes of death (UCOD_LEADING) are provided and based on the UCOD_113 variable available on the

restricted-use linked mortality file. The coding for UCOD_113 is provided in Appendix 4.

For more on the comparability of ICD-9 and ICD-10 underlying cause of death UCOD 113 recode see: Anderson RN,

Minino AM, Hoyert DL, Rosenberg HM. Comparability of cause of death between ICD-9 and ICD-10: Preliminary

estimates. National Vital Statistics Reports; Vol 49 No.2. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

2001. This document is also available on the NCHS website.

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2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 3: Tenth Revision 113 Selected Causes of Death

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Appendix 4: Tenth Revision 113 Selected Causes of Death (UCOD_113)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ST: 1 = Subtotal Limited: Sex: 1 = Males; 2 = Females

Age: 1 = 5 and over; 2 = 10-54; 3 = 28 days and over;

4 = Under 1 year; 5 = 1-4 years; 6 = 1 year and over;

7 = 10 years and over

****Cause Subtotals are not identified in this file ****

113 S Limited

Recode T Sex Age Cause Title and ICD-10 Codes Included


001 Salmonella infections (A01-A02)

002 Shigellosis and amebiasis (A03,A06)

003 Certain other intestinal infections (A04,A07-A09)

004 1 Tuberculosis (A16-A19)

005 Respiratory tuberculosis (A16)

006 Other tuberculosis (A17-A19)

007 Whooping cough (A37)

008 Scarlet fever and erysipelas (A38,A46)

009 Meningococcal infection (A39)

010 3 Septicemia (A40-A41)

011 Syphilis (A50-A53)

012 Acute poliomyelitis (A80)

013 Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis (A83-A84,A85.2)

014 Measles (B05)

015 Viral hepatitis (B15-B19)

016 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (B20-B24)

017 Malaria (B50-B54)

018 Other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases and their sequelae (A00,A05,A20-A36,A42-

A44,A48-A49, A54-79,A81-A82,A85.0-A85.1,A85.8, A86-B04,B06-B09,B25-B49,B55-99)

019 1 Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)

020 Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx (C00-C14)

021 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus (C15)

022 Malignant neoplasm of stomach (C16)

023 Malignant neoplasms of colon, rectum and anus (C18-C21)

024 Malignant neoplasms of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (C22)

025 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas (C25)

026 Malignant neoplasm of larynx (C32)

027 Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus and lung (C33-C34)

028 Malignant melanoma of skin (C43)

029 Malignant neoplasm of breast (C50)

030 2 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (C53)

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Appendix 3: Tenth Revision 113 Selected Causes of Death

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031 2 Malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri and uterus, part unspecified (C54-C55)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ST: 1 = Subtotal Limited: Sex: 1 = Males; 2 = Females

Age: 1 = 5 and over; 2 = 10-54; 3 = 28 days and over;

4 = Under 1 year; 5 = 1-4 years; 6 = 1 year and over;

7 = 10 years and over

****Cause Subtotals are not identified in this file ****

113 S Limited

Recode T Sex Age Cause Title and ICD-10 Codes Included


032 2 Malignant neoplasm of ovary (C56)

033 1 Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61)

034 Malignant neoplasms of kidney and renal pelvis (C64-C65)

035 Malignant neoplasm of bladder (C67)

036 Malignant neoplasms of meninges, brain and other parts of central nervous system (C70-C72)

037 1 Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue (C81-C96)

038 Hodgkin's disease (C81)

039 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (C82-C85)

040 Leukemia (C91-C95)

041 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasms (C88,C90)

042 Other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue


043 All other and unspecified malignant neoplasms (C17,C23-C24,C26-C31,C37-C41, C44-


044 In situ neoplasms, benign neoplasms and neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behavior (D00-D48)

045 Anemias (D50-D64)

046 3 Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)

047 Nutritional deficiencies (E40-E64)

048 Malnutrition (E40-E46)

049 Other nutritional deficiencies (E50-E64)

050 Meningitis (G00,G03)

051 Parkinson's disease (G20-G21)

052 Alzheimer's disease (G30)

053 1 Major cardiovascular diseases (I00-I78)

054 1 Diseases of heart (I00-I09,I11,I13,I20-I51)

055 Acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart diseases (I00-I09)

056 Hypertensive heart disease (I11)

057 Hypertensive heart and renal disease (I13)

058 1 Ischemic heart diseases (I20-I25)

059 Acute myocardial infarction (I21-I22)

060 Other acute ischemic heart diseases (I24)

061 1 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease (I20,I25)

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Appendix 3: Tenth Revision 113 Selected Causes of Death

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062 Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, so described (I25.0)

063 All other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease (I20,I25.1-I25.9)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ST: 1 = Subtotal Limited: Sex: 1 = Males; 2 = Females

Age: 1 = 5 and over; 2 = 10-54; 3 = 28 days and over;

4 = Under 1 year; 5 = 1-4 years; 6 = 1 year and over;

7 = 10 years and over

****Cause Subtotals are not identified in this file ****

113 S Limited

Recode T Sex Age Cause Title and ICD-10 Codes Included


064 1 Other heart diseases (I26-I51)

065 Acute and subacute endocarditis (I33)

066 Diseases of pericardium and acute myocarditis (I30-I31,I40)

067 Heart failure (I50)

068 All other forms of heart disease (I26-I28,I34-I38,I42-I49,I51)

069 Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease (I10,I12)

070 Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)

071 Atherosclerosis (I70)

072 1 Other diseases of circulatory system (I71-I78)

073 Aortic aneurysm and dissection (I71)

074 Other diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries (I72-I78)

075 Other disorders of circulatory system (I80-I99)

076 1 Influenza and pneumonia (J10-J18)

077 Influenza (J10-J11)

078 Pneumonia (J12-J18)

079 1 Other acute lower respiratory infections (J20-J22)

080 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (J20-J21)

081 Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection (J22)

082 1 Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40-J47)

083 Bronchitis, chronic and unspecified (J40-J42)

084 3 Emphysema (J43)

085 Asthma (J45-J46)

086 Other chronic lower respiratory diseases (J44,J47)

087 Pneumoconioses and chemical effects (J60-J66,J68)

088 Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids (J69)

089 Other diseases of respiratory system (J00-J06,J30-J39,J67,J70-J98)

090 Peptic ulcer (K25-K28)

091 Diseases of appendix (K35-K38)

092 Hernia (K40-K46)

093 1 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (K70,K73-K74)

094 Alcoholic liver disease (K70)

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NCHS Surveys

2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

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095 Other chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (K73-K74)

096 Cholelithiasis and other disorders of gallbladder (K80-K82)

097 1 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00-N07,N17-N19,N25-N27)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ST: 1 = Subtotal Limited: Sex: 1 = Males; 2 = Females

Age: 1 = 5 and over; 2 = 10-54; 3 = 28 days and over;

4 = Under 1 year; 5 = 1-4 years; 6 = 1 year and over;

7 = 10 years and over

****Cause Subtotals are not identified in this file ****

113 S Limited

Recode T Sex Age Cause Title and ICD-10 Codes Included


098 Acute and rapidly progressive nephritic and nephrotic syndrome (N00-N01,N04)

099 Chronic glomerulonephritis, nephritis and nephropathy not specified as acute or chronic,

and renal sclerosis unspecified (N02-N03,N05-N07,N26)

100 Renal failure (N17-N19)

101 Other disorders of kidney (N25,N27)

102 Infections of kidney (N10-N12,N13.6,N15.1)

103 1 Hyperplasia of prostate (N40)

104 2 Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs (N70-N76)

105 1 2 7 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O99)

106 2 7 Pregnancy with abortive outcome (O00-O07)

107 2 7 Other complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O10-O99)

108 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (P00-P96)

109 Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (Q00-Q99)

110 Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)

111 All other diseases (Residual) (D65-E07,E15-E34,E65-F99,G04-G12,G23-G25,G31-H93, K00-

K22,K29-K31,K50-K66,K71-K72,K75-K76,K83-M99, N13.0-N13.5,N13.7-N13.9,


112 1 Accidents (unintentional injuries) (V01-X59,Y85-Y86)

113 1 Transport accidents (V01-V99,Y85)

114 Motor vehicle accidents (V02-V04,V09.0,V09.2,V12-V14,V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-

V19.6,V20-V79,V80.3-V80.5,V81.0-V81.1,V82.0-V82.1,V83-V86, V87.0-

V87.8,V88.0 V88.8,V89.0,V89.2)

115 Other land transport accidents (V01,V05-V06,V09.1,V09.3-V09.9, V10-V11, V15-

V18,V19.3,V19.8-V19.9,V80.0-V80.2,V80.6-V80.9,V81.2-V81.9, V82.2-


116 Water, air and space, and other and unspecified transport accidents and their sequelae (V90-


117 1 Nontransport accidents (W00-X59,Y86)

118 Falls (W00-W19)

119 Accidental discharge of firearms (W32-W34)

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NCHS Surveys

2011 Public-Use Linked Mortality Files

Appendix 3: Tenth Revision 113 Selected Causes of Death

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120 Accidental drowning and submersion (W65-W74)

121 Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames (X00-X09)

122 Accidental poisoning and exposure to noxious substances (X40-X49)

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ST: 1 = Subtotal Limited: Sex: 1 = Males; 2 = Females

Age: 1 = 5 and over; 2 = 10-54; 3 = 28 days and over;

4 = Under 1 year; 5 = 1-4 years; 6 = 1 year and over;

7 = 10 years and over

****Cause Subtotals are not identified in this file ****

113 S Limited

Recode T Sex Age Cause Title and ICD-10 Codes Included


123 Other and unspecified nontransport accidents and their sequelae (W20-W31,W35-


124 1 1 Intentional self-harm (suicide) (*U03,X60-X84,Y87.0)

125 1 Intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms (X72-X74)

126 1 Intentional self-harm (suicide) by other and unspecified means and their sequelae (*U03,X60-


127 1 Assault (homicide) (*U01-*U02,X85-Y09,Y87.1)

128 Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms (*U01.4,X93-X95)

129 Assault (homicide) by other and unspecified means and their sequelae (*U01.0-*U01.3,*U01.5-


130 Legal intervention (Y35,Y89.0)

131 1 Events of undetermined intent (Y10-Y34,Y87.2,Y89.9)

132 Discharge of firearms, undetermined intent (Y22-Y24)

133 Other and unspecified events of undetermined intent and their sequelae


134 Operations of war and their sequelae (Y36,Y89.1)

135 Complications of medical and surgical care (Y40-Y84,Y88)