Download - Public Typography


Music plays a large part in a large amount of peoples

lives. Typography also plays a very large part, but un-

like music goes rather unnoticed. This book shows how

these two have harmony by breaking down the anatomy

of a rock and roll musician and showing everything that

the two share. This includes, instruments, microphones,

clothing, amplifiers and other accessories. Each of these

items have their own typographic look, form, shape and

style and serve a myriad of different purposes.

Table Of Contents

• • • • 1.Guitars

• • • • 2.Amplifiers

• • • • 3.Microphones

• • • • 4.Clothing

• • • • 5.Accessories

GUITARSChapter 1• • •

Guitars, if you didn’t know, are a six

stringed instrument with a wide range of

tones and sounds. It is used most common-

ly as the lead instrument, but often is used

as a rhythm component to accompany the

lead. The typography on each is another

form of expression for the musician.

✬There are tons of guitars out in the world and tons

of typography for each one. Guitars are the home of

multiple uses of typography. They signify brand and

they inform the user of certain settings that the guitar

possess. The typography on each and every guitar is

different, and always depends on the musician and

the style of music then instrument is designed for.

SHRED IT / / / / / / / / / / / / /


AMPLIFIERSChapter 2 • • •

Amplifiers project the sound from the instrument to the

crowd. They come in so many different shapes and sizes.

Each brand has their own unique flavor and offers a dif-

ferent solution to their own typographic needs.


Amplifi ers are some of the crucial parts

of a rock show to a musician. They sup-

ply the whole show with the beautiful

noise that we call music and come in

so many shapes, sizes and colors. The

typography on them tends to be mini-

mal because of the space needed for the

pure rocking power of the speakers and

tube amps. However the type that

is there is either big and beautiful,

or small and descriptive. The small

type usually is giving directions on

the sometimes dozens of settings that

each amplifi er has, so that the musi-

cian can dial each one in to their own

specifi c preference.

CRANK IT UP/////////////////✦tube amps. However the type that ✦tube amps. However the type that

is there is either big and beautiful, ✦is there is either big and beautiful,

or small and descriptive. The small ✦or small and descriptive. The small

type usually is giving directions on ✦type usually is giving directions on

the sometimes dozens of settings that ✦the sometimes dozens of settings that

CRANK IT UP/////////////////✦CRANK IT UP/////////////////✦✦✦


The ValveKing cab head has rather blocky typography. The smooth lines along with the solid color scheme really makes it a visually interesting amplifi er.


No other instrument lets you speak your mind like the mi-

crophone. With so many different variations , shapes and

sizes, the typography on each can be wildly different.

TESTING 1/2//3///Microphones by nature are made to say things, but visually do

not have to much typography on them. Most type on microphones

consists of just the logo and the name of that particular model of

microphone. Some of the best instances are looking at vintage

microphones versus the modern day version. It is always an inter-

esting comparison when it comes to typography.

This particular microphone has the typography of the brand the filter. The filter protects the microphone from bodily fluids like spittle, and also the sound quality from harsh bursts of air and breaths.


Chapter 4•••C L O T H I N GTake it from off your back or from in your closet, from

your laundry or see it in the store. There are clothes

everywhere so take a look at what the music world

provides with style and typography.

Clothing is the one of the few things that a musician can own a large

majority of and still express themselves. Some of the most infl uential

musicians are known for their clothing, and with no doubt, typogra-

phy and clothes are a perfect match. Band shirts are collectables for

most people, and the typographic limitations are endless.


WEAR IT / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

✮Clothing is the one of the few things that a musician can own a large

✮Clothing is the one of the few things that a musician can own a large

majority of and still express themselves. Some of the most infl uential

✮majority of and still express themselves. Some of the most infl uential

musicians are known for their clothing, and with no doubt, typogra-

✮musicians are known for their clothing, and with no doubt, typogra-

phy and clothes are a perfect match. Band shirts are collectables for ✮phy and clothes are a perfect match. Band shirts are collectables for

most people, and the typographic limitations are endless.✮most people, and the typographic limitations are endless.

WEAR IT / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

✮WEAR IT / / / / / / / / / / / / / /






There are hundreds of accessories in the musical word,

but this book only covers a few. Each has their own typo-

graphic nuances, and individual flair.


Here is a macro shot of a guitar pick above at

home on the fretboard of the instrument. As you

can see the logo of the company has been in-

corporated into the type making for a well de-

signed and flashy guitar pick for the user to flick

into the crowd at the end of a show.

Picks are the smallest item on the list, but a lot great picks are

have great typography. Mostly they just consist of the logo-

type of the company or the brand name. Nonetheless they are

a great collectors item and a crucial item for rocking.


✹The connective life to all of the instruments

pedals and amplifi ers that every rock-star

could use. The cables range from 3 inches

to over 30 feet. There are so many different

types of cables used in the music industry that

type is the only way to distinguish some of

the subtle differences.

CABLES / / / /

STRAPS / / / / / / / / / / / / / /Straps are literally keep the guitar play attached to the guitar. Seeing how necessary

they are for the musician it stands to reason why something with so much face time

gets a design. The typography is minimal on the basic strap design, unless of course

the actual design includes type.✱STRAPS / / / / / / / / / / / / / /✱STRAPS / / / / / / / / / / / / / /Straps are literally keep the guitar play attached to the guitar. Seeing how necessary ✱Straps are literally keep the guitar play attached to the guitar. Seeing how necessary

they are for the musician it stands to reason why something with so much face time ✱they are for the musician it stands to reason why something with so much face time

gets a design. The typography is minimal on the basic strap design, unless of course ✱gets a design. The typography is minimal on the basic strap design, unless of course ✱✱✱✱✱✱✱✱

✵Each pedal is differentiated by color. Each with a different sound effect and variable settings.

✵THE EFFECT PEDALEffect pedals are one of those things most people not in the music indus-

try would recognize as the major sound modifi ers but they are. These ped-

als can range from tiny to huge and have so many different functionalities

that they take a lot of practice and some reading to dial in just right. The

small type on the pedals are the closest we get to instructions. So check

into the details. The type treatment for each pedal is different, however it

usually depicts the settings of the particular pedal.






TYPEFACES:Memphis- Gotham- Times New Roman-Dingbats-Wingdings

CAMERA:Canon Digital Rebel Xsi





THANKS TO:John and Ruthanne Bell for financing this project, Awkward Silence

band for the release of photos. Steve Zampono, Andrew Cutillo, James

Sanderson,Chet Williams, Robert Salazar. Kelsea Eckenroth, Blake Till-

man, Adam Smith, Beau Beashore.