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7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 1/27

EN BANC[G.R. No. 125299. January 22, 1999]PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintif-appellee, vs.FLORENCIO ORIA y BOLAO, an! "IOLETA GAAO yCATA#A $ %NENETH,% accused-appellants.


On December 7, 1995, accused-appellants Florencio Doria yolado and !ioleta "addao y #atama $ %Nenet&% 'ere c&ar(ed'it& )iolation o* +ection , in relation to +ection 1 o* t&eDan(erous Dru(s ct o* 197./10  &e in*ormation reads:

%&at on or about t&e 5t& day o* December, 1995 in t&e #ity o* 2andaluyon(, P&ilippines, a place 'it&in t&e 3urisdiction o* t&is

4onorable #ourt, t&e abo)e-named accused, conspirin(,con*ederatin( and mutually &elpin( and aidin( one anot&er and'it&out &a)in( been aut&oried by la', did, t&en and t&ere 'ill*ully,unla'*ully and *eloniously sell, administer, deli)er and (i)e a'ay toanot&er ele)en 611 plastic ba(s o* suspected mari3uana *ruitin(tops 'ei(&in( 7,81. (rams in )iolation o* t&e abo)e-cited la'.

#ON;;< O =>.%/0

 &e prosecution contends t&e o?ense 'as committed as *ollo's:@n No)ember 1995, members o* t&e Nort& 2etropolitan District,P&ilippine National Police 6PNP Narcotics #ommand 6Narcom,recei)ed in*ormation *rom t'o 6 ci)ilian in*ormants 6#@ t&at one%Aun% 'as en(a(ed in ille(al dru( acti)ities in 2andaluyon( #ity.

 &e Narcom a(ents decided to entrap and arrest %Aun% in a buy-bustoperation. s arran(ed by one o* t&e #@Bs, a meetin( bet'een t&eNarcom a(ents and %Aun% 'as sc&eduled on December 5, 1995 at C.

 Aacinto +treet in 2andaluyon( #ity.On December 5, 1995, at 8: in t&e mornin(, t&e #@ 'ent to t&e

PNP 4eaduarters at CD+, Eamunin(, ueon #ity to prepare *ort&e buy-bust operation. &e Narcom a(ents *ormed eam lp&acomposed o* PG@nsp. Nolasco #ortes as team leader and POH #elso2anlan(it, +PO1 Cdmund adua and *our 6 ot&er policemen asmembers. PG@nsp. #ortes desi(nated POH 2anlan(it as t&e poseur-buyer and +PO1 adua as &is bacI-up, and t&e rest o* t&e team asperimeter security. +uperintendent Pedro lcantara, #&ie* o* t&eNort& 2etropolitan District PNP Narcom, (a)e t&e team P,.to co)er operational eJpenses. From t&is sum, POH 2anlan(it setaside P1,8.-- a one t&ousand peso bill and siJ 68 one &undredpeso bills/H0-- as money *or t&e buy-bust operation. &e marIet priceo* one Iilo o* mari3uana 'as t&en P1,8.. POH 2anlan(it marIedt&e bills 'it& &is initials and listed t&eir serial numbers in t&e policeblotter./0 &e team rode in t'o cars and &eaded *or t&e tar(et area.

t 7: o* t&e same mornin(, %Aun% appeared and t&e #@introduced POH 2anlan(it as interested in buyin( one 61 Iilo o* 

mari3uana. POH 2anlan(it &anded %Aun% t&e marIed bills'ort& P1,8.. %Aun% instructed POH 2anlan(it to 'ait *or &im att&e corner o* +&a' oule)ard and Aacinto +treet '&ile &e (ot t&emari3uana *rom &is associate./50 n &our later, %Aun% appeared at t&ea(reed place '&ere POH 2anlan(it, t&e #@ and t&e rest o* t&e team'ere 'aitin(. %Aun% tooI out *rom &is ba( an ob3ect 'rapped inplastic and (a)e it to POH 2anlan(it. POH 2anlan(it *ort&'it&arrested %Aun% as +PO1 adua rus&ed to &elp in t&e arrest. &ey*risIed %Aun% but did not Knd t&e marIed bills on &im. Upon inuiry,%Aun% re)ealed t&at &e le*t t&e money at t&e &ouse o* &is associatenamed %Nenet&.%/80 %Aun% led t&e police team to %Nenet&Bs% &ousenearby at Daan( aIal.

 &e team *ound t&e door o* %Nenet&Bs% &ouse open and a 'omaninside. %Aun% identiKed t&e 'oman as &is associate. /70 +PO1 aduaasIed %Nenet&% about t&e P1,8. as POH 2anlan(it looIed o)er%Nenet&Bs% &ouse. +tandin( by t&e door, POH 2anlan(it noticed a

carton boJ under t&e dinin( table. 4e sa' t&at one o* t&e boJBsLaps 'as open and inside t&e boJ 'as somet&in( 'rapped inplastic. &e plastic 'rapper and its contents appeared similar tot&e mari3uana earlier %sold% to &im by %Aun.% 4is suspicion aroused,POH 2anlan(it entered %Nenet&Bs% &ouse and tooI &old o* t&e boJ.4e peeIed inside t&e boJ and *ound t&at it contained ten 61bricIs o* '&at appeared to be dried mari3uana lea)es.

+imultaneous 'it& t&e boJBs disco)ery, +PO1 adua reco)eredt&e marIed bills *rom %Nenet&.%/0 &e policemen arrested %Nenet&.%

 &ey tooI %Nenet&% and %Aun,% to(et&er 'it& t&e boJ, its contentsand t&e marIed bills and turned t&em o)er to t&e in)esti(ator at&eaduarters. @t 'as only t&en t&at t&e police learned t&at %Aun% isFlorencio Doria y olado '&ile %Nenet&% is !ioleta "addao y#atama. &e one 61 bricI o* dried mari3uana lea)es reco)ered *rom%Aun% plus t&e ten 61 bricIs reco)ered *rom %Nenet&Bs% &ouse 'ereeJamined at t&e PNP #rime =aboratory. /90  &e bricIs, ele)en 611 in

all, 'ere *ound to be dried mari3uana *ruitin( tops o* )ar'ei(&ts totallin( 7,81. (rams./10

 &e prosecution story 'as denied by accused-appellaFlorencio Doria and !ioleta "addao. Florencio Doria, a HH-yearcarpenter, testiKed t&at on December 5, 1995, at 7: in mornin(, &e 'as at t&e (ate o* &is &ouse readin( a tabne'spaper. 'o men appeared and asIed &im i* &e Ine' a cer%otoy.% &ere 'ere many %otoys% in t&eir area and as t&e muestionin( &im 'ere stran(ers, accused-appellant denied Ino'any %otoy.% &e men tooI accused-appellant inside &is &ouse accused &im o* bein( a pus&er in t&eir community. >&en accusappellant denied t&e c&ar(e, t&e men led &im to t&eir car outand ordered &im to point out t&e &ouse o* %otoy.% For K)e

minutes, accused-appellant stayed in t&e car. &erea*ter, &e (a)and tooI t&em to %otoyBs% &ouse.Doria InocIed on t&e door o* %otoyBs% &ouse but no

ans'ered. One o* t&e men, later identiKed as POH 2anlanpus&ed open t&e door and &e and &is companions entered looIed around t&e &ouse *or about t&ree minutes. ccuappellant Doria 'as le*t standin( at t&e door. &e policemen caout o* t&e &ouse and t&ey sa' !ioleta "addao carryin( 'ater *t&e 'ell. 4e asIed !ioleta '&ere %otoy% 'as but s&e replied &e not t&ere. #urious onlooIers and Iibiters 'ere, by t&at tisurroundin( t&em. >&en !ioleta entered &er &ouse, t&ree men 'already inside. ccused-appellant Doria, t&en still at t&e do)er&eard one o* t&e men say t&at t&ey *ound a carton boJ. urto'ards t&em, Doria sa' a boJ on top o* t&e table. &e boJ 'open and &ad somet&in( inside. POH 2anlan(it ordered &im !ioleta to (o outside t&e &ouse and board t&e car. &ey 'brou(&t to police &eaduarters '&ere t&ey 'ere in)esti(ated.

ccused-appellant Doria *urt&er declared t&at &is co-accu!ioleta "addao, is t&e 'i*e o* &is acuaintance, otoy "addaosaid t&at &e and otoy "addao sometimes dranI to(et&er at nei(&bor&ood store. &is closeness, &o'e)er, did not eJtend!ioleta, otoyBs 'i*e./110

ccused-appellant !ioleta "addao, a H5-year old rice )enclaimed t&at on December 5, 1995, s&e 'as at &er &ouse at DaaIal, 2andaluyon( #ity '&ere s&e li)ed 'it& &er &usband and 65 c&ildren, namely, r)y, a(ed 1, r3ay, a(ed , t&e t';aymond and ;aynan, a(ed 5, and Aason, a(ed H. &at accused-appellant 'oIe up at 5:H in t&e mornin( and bou(&t de sal *or &er c&ildrenBs breaI*ast. 4er &usband, otoy&ousepainter, &ad le*t *or Pan(asinan K)e days earlier. +&e '&er c&ildren and bat&ed t&em. 4er eldest son, r)y, le*t *or sc&at 8:5 .2. en minutes later, s&e carried &er youn(est

 Aayson, and accompanied r3ay to sc&ool. +&e le*t t&e t'ins

&ome lea)in( t&e door open. *ter seein( r3ay o?, s&e and Aayremained standin( in *ront o* t&e sc&ool soaIin( in t&e sunabout t&irty minutes. &en t&ey &eaded *or &ome. lon( t&e 't&ey passed t&e artesian 'ell to *etc& 'ater. +&e 'as pum'ater '&en a man clad in s&ort pants and denim 3acIet suddeappeared and (rabbed &er le*t 'rist. &e man pulled &er and t&er to &er &ouse. +&e *ound out later t&at t&e man 'as 2anlan(it.

@nside &er &ouse 'ere &er co-accused Doria and t&ree 6H otpersons. &ey asIed &er about a boJ on top o* t&e table. &is 't&e Krst time s&e sa' t&e boJ. &e boJ 'as closed and tied 'itpiece o* (reen stra'. &e men opened t&e boJ and s&o'ed &econtents. +&e said s&e did not Ino' anyt&in( about t&e boJ andcontents.

ccused-appellant !ioleta "addao conKrmed t&at &er co-accuFlorencio Doria 'as a *riend o* &er &usband, and t&at &er &usb

ne)er returned to t&eir &ouse a*ter &e le*t *or Pan(asinan. denied t&e c&ar(e a(ainst &er and Doria and t&e alle(ation tmarIed bills 'ere *ound in &er person./10

*ter trial, t&e ;e(ional rial #ourt, ranc& 158, Pasi( con)icted t&e accused-appellants. &e trial court *ound eJistence o* an %or(aniedGsyndicated crime (roup% and sentenbot& accused-appellants to deat& and pay a Kne o* P5,eac&. &e dispositi)e portion o* t&e decision reads as *ollo's:

%>4C;CFO;C, t&e (uilt o* accused, F=O;CN#@O DO;@ y O=$ %Aun% and !@O=C "DDO y #2 $ %Nenet&% &a)in( bestablis&ed beyond reasonable doubt, t&ey are bot& #ON!@#Ct&e present c&ar(e a(ainst t&em.

ccordin( to t&e amendatory pro)isions o* +ec. 1H o* ;epublic No. 7859 '&ic& co)er )iolations o* +ec. o* ;epublic ct No. 8and '&ic& 'as eJ&austi)ely discussed in People ). +imon, H +#555, t&e penalty imposable in t&is case is reclusion perpetuadeat& and a Kne ran(in( *rom K)e &undred t&ousand pesos to

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million pesos. aIin( into consideration, &o'e)er, t&e pro)isions o* +ec. H, also o* ;epublic ct No. 7859 '&ic& eJplicitly state t&at:

B&e maJimum penalty s&all be imposed i* t&e o?ense 'ascommitted by any person '&o belon(s to an or(aniedGsyndicatedcrime (roup.

n or(aniedGsyndicated crime (roup means a (roup o* t'o ormore persons collaboratin(, con*ederatin( or mutually &elpin( oneanot&er *or purposes o* (ain in t&e commission o* any crime.B

t&e #ourt is &ereby constrained to sentence 6&ereby sentencessaid F=O;CN#@O DO;@ y O=DO $ %Aun% and !@O=C "DDO y#2 $ %Nenet&% to DC4 and to pay a Kne o* Fi)e 4undred

 &ousand Pesos 6P5,. eac& 'it&out subsidiaryimprisonment in case o* insol)ency and to pay t&e costs.

 &e conKscated mari3uana bricIs 67,81. (rams s&all beturned o)er to t&e Dan(erous Dru(s oard, N@ *or destruction inaccordance 'it& la'.

=et a #ommitment Order be issued *or t&e trans*er o* accusedDO;@ *rom t&e 2andaluyon( #ity Aail to t&e Ne' ilibid Prisons,2untinlupa #ity and also *or accused "DDO *or &er trans*er tot&e #orrectional @nstitute *or >omen, 2andaluyon( #ity.

=et t&e entire records o* t&is case be *or'arded immediately tot&e +upreme #ourt *or mandatory re)ie'.

+O O;DC;CD.%/1H0

e*ore t&is #ourt, accused-appellant Doria assi(ns t'o errors,t&us:%@ 4C #OU; UO ";!C=< C;;CD @N "@!@N" >C@"4 O 4C C+@2ON< OF 4C >@NC++C+ FO; 4C P;O+C#U@ON >4CN 4C@; C+@2ON@C+ >C;C +4O >@4 D@+#;CPN#@C+,@N#ON+@+CN#@C+ ND 4 4C #O;PU+ DC=@#@ OF 4C

2;@AUN ==C"CD=< ECN F;O2 PPC==N >+ NOPO+@@!C=< @DCN@F@CD < 4C PO+CU;-U<C;.@@ 4C #OU; UO ";!C=< C;;CD @N D2@@N" + C!@DCN#C 4C 2;@AUN F;U@@N"+ FOUND @N+@DC 4C #;ON OM + 4C+C >C;C O@NCD 4;OU"4 >;;N=C++ +C;#4 NDDOC+ NO #O2C >@4@N 4C P=@N !@C> DO#;@NC.%/10

ccused-appellant !ioleta "addao contends:%@ 4C =O>C; #OU; C;;CD @N F@ND@N" PPC==N "U@=< DC+P@C 4C @N#;CD@@=@< OF 4C PO=@#C !C;+@ON OF 4C 2NNC; 4C==C"CD U<-U+ + #ONDU#CD.@@

 4C PNP OFF@#C;+B !C;+@ON+ + O >4C;C 4C U<-U+ 2ONC<#2C F;O2 ;C @N#ON+@+CN >@4 ONC NO4C; ND =+O;CCE+ >@4 @N#;CD@@=@<.

@@@ 4C =O>C; #OU; C;;CD @N F@ND@N" PPC==N "U@=< ND+CNCN#@N" 4C; O DC4 DC+P@C 4C 2N@FC+=<@;;C#ON#@==C @N#ON+@+CN#@C+ @N 4C !C;+@ON+ OF 4CPO=@#C + O 4O> ND < >4O2 4C ==C"CD U<-U+ 2ONC<>+ ;C#O!C;CD F;O2 4C;, >4@#4 @N #ON+CUCN#C ;C+U=+ @N

 4C C!@DCN#C, OF ;C;@C!= F;O2 4C; OF 4C +2C,NCU=OU+, C+, N@=, >O;+.@!

 4C =O>C; #OU; C;;CD @N UP4O=D@N" 4C !=@D@< OF 4C>;;N=C++ +C;#4 =CD@N" O 4C +C@U;C OF 4C2;@AUN ==C"CD=< FOUND @N+@DC 4C 4OU+C OF ##U+CD-PPC==N.%/150

 &e assi(ned errors in)ol)e t'o principal issues: 61 t&e )alidityo* t&e buy-bust operation in t&e appre&ension o* accused-appellantDoria and 6 t&e )alidity o* t&e 'arrantless arrest o* accused-

appellant "addao, t&e searc& o* &er person and &ouse, and t&eadmissibility o* t&e pieces o* e)idence obtained t&ere*rom.ccused-appellants 'ere cau(&t by t&e police in a buy-bust

operation. buy-bust operation is a *orm o* entrapment employedby peace ocers as an e?ecti)e 'ay o* appre&endin( a criminal int&e act o* t&e commission o* an o?ense./180 Cntrapment &as recei)ed

 3udicial sanction '&en undertaIen 'it& due re(ard to constitutionaland le(al sa*e(uards./170

Cntrapment 'as unIno'n in common la'. @t is a 3udicially createdt'entiet&-century merican doctrine t&at e)ol)ed *rom t&eincreasin( use o* in*ormers and underco)er a(ents in t&e detectiono* crimes, particularly liuor and narcotics o?enses. /10 Cntrapmentsprouted *rom t&e doctrine o* estoppel and t&e public interest in t&e*ormulation and application o* decent standards in t&e en*orcemento* criminal la'./190 @t also tooI o? *rom a spontaneous moralre)ulsion a(ainst usin( t&e po'ers o* (o)ernment to be(uile

innocent but ductile persons into lapses t&at t&ey mi(&t ot&er'resist./0

@n t&e merican 3urisdiction, t&e term %entrapment% &a(enerally ne(ati)e meanin( because it is understood as inducement o* one to commit a crime not contemplated by &imt&e mere purpose o* institutin( a criminal prosecution a(ainst &/10  &e classic deKnition o* entrapment is t&at articulated by Aus;oberts in Sorrells v. United States,/0 t&e Krst +upreme #decision to acIno'led(e t&e concept: %Cntrapment is conception and plannin( o* an o?ense by an ocer, and procurement o* its commission by one '&o 'ould not &perpetrated it eJcept *or t&e tricIery, persuasion or *raud o* ocer.%/H0 @t consists o* t'o 6 elements: 6a acts o* persuas

tricIery, or *raud carried out by la' en*orcement ocers or a(ents to induce a de*endant to commit a crime and 6b t&e oro* t&e criminal desi(n in t&e minds o* t&e (o)ernment ocrat&er t&an t&at o* t&e innocent de*endant, suc& t&at t&e crimt&e product o* t&e creati)e acti)ity o* t&e la' en*orcement oce

@t is reco(nied t&at in e)ery arrest, t&ere is a certain amounentrapment used to out'it t&e persons )iolatin( or about to )iot&e la'. Not e)ery deception is *orbidden. &e type o* entrapmt&e la' *orbids is t&e inducin( o* anot&er to )iolate t&e la', %seduction% o* an ot&er'ise innocent person into a criminal care/50 >&ere t&e criminal intent ori(inates in t&e mind o* entrappin( person and t&e accused is lured into t&e commissiot&e o?ense c&ar(ed in order to prosecute &im, t&ere is entrapmand no con)iction may be &ad./80 >&ere, &o'e)er, t&e crimintent ori(inates in t&e mind o* t&e accused and t&e crimo?ense is completed, t&e *act t&at a person actin( as a decoyt&e state, or public ocials *urnis&ed t&e accused an opportu

*or commission o* t&e o?ense, or t&at t&e accused is aided in commission o* t&e crime in order to secure t&e e)idence necessto prosecute &im, t&ere is no entrapment and t&e accused mustcon)icted./70 &e la' tolerates t&e use o* decoys and ot&er artiKto catc& a criminal.

Cntrapment is reco(nied as a )alid de*ense/0 t&at can be raby an accused and partaIes o* t&e nature o* a con*ession a)oidance./90 @t is a positi)e de*ense. @nitially, an accused &as burden o* pro)idin( sucient e)idence t&at t&e (o)ernminduced &im to commit t&e o?ense. Once establis&ed, t&e burs&i*ts to t&e (o)ernment to s&o' ot&er'ise. /H0 >&en entrapmeraised as a de*ense, merican *ederal courts and a ma3ority o* scourts use t&e %sub3ecti)e% or %ori(in o* intent% test laid din Sorrells v. United States/H10 to determine '&et&er entrapmactually occurred. &e *ocus o* t&e inuiry is on t&e accuspredisposition to commit t&e o?ense c&ar(ed, &is state o* mind

inclination be*ore &is initial eJposure to (o)ernment a(ents./H

rele)ant *acts suc& as t&e accusedBs mental and c&aracter traits,past o?enses, acti)ities, &is ea(erness in committin( t&e crimereputation, etc., are considered to assess &is state o* mind be*t&e crime./HH0 &e predisposition test emp&asies t&e accuspropensity to commit t&e o?ense rat&er t&an t&e ocmisconduct/H0 and reLects an attempt to dra' a line bet'ee%trap *or t&e un'ary innocent and t&e trap *or t&e un'criminal.% /H50 @* t&e accused 'as *ound to &a)e been ready 'illin( to commit t&e o?ense at any *a)orable opportunity, entrapment de*ense 'ill *ail e)en i* a police a(ent used an undpersuasi)e inducement./H80 +ome states, &o'e)er, &a)e adopted%ob3ecti)e% test./H70 &is test 'as Krst aut&oritati)ely laid do't&e case o* Grossman v. State/H0 rendered by t&e +upreme #oulasIa. +e)eral ot&er states &a)e subseuently adopted t&e tes

 3udicial pronouncement or le(islation. 4ere, t&e court considers

nature o* t&e police acti)ity in)ol)ed and t&e propriety o* poconduct./H90 &e inuiry is *ocused on t&e inducements used(o)ernment a(ents, on police conduct, not on t&e accused andpredisposition to commit t&e crime. For t&e (oal o* t&e de*ense deter unla'*ul police conduct./0 &e test o* entrapment is '&et&e conduct o* t&e la' en*orcement a(ent 'as liIely to inducnormally la'-abidin( person, ot&er t&an one '&o is ready 'illin(, to commit t&e o?ense/10 *or purposes o* t&is test, presumed t&at a la'-abidin( person 'ould normally resist temptation to commit a crime t&at is presented by t&e simopportunity to act unla'*ully./0 Ocial conduct t&at merely o?suc& an opportunity is permissible, but o)erbearin( conduct, sas bad(erin(, ca3olin( or importunin(,/H0 or appeals to sentimesuc& as pity, sympat&y, *riends&ip or pleas o* desperate illness,not./0 Proponents o* t&is test belie)e t&at courts must re*usecon)ict an entrapped accused not because &is conduct *alls outst&e le(al norm but rat&er because, e)en i* &is (uilt &as b

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establis&ed, t&e met&ods employed on be&al* o* t&e (o)ernment tobrin( about t&e crime %cannot be countenanced.% o some eJtent,t&is reLects t&e notion t&at t&e courts s&ould not become taintedby condonin( la' en*orcement improprieties./50 4ence, t&etransactions leadin( up to t&e o?ense, t&e interaction bet'een t&eaccused and la' en*orcement ocer and t&e accusedBs response tot&e ocerBs inducements, t&e (ra)ity o* t&e crime, and t&ediculty o* detectin( instances o* its commission are considered in

 3ud(in( '&at t&e e?ect o* t&e ocerBs conduct 'ould be on anormal person./80

ot& t&e %sub3ecti)e% and %ob3ecti)e% approac&es &a)e beencriticied and ob3ected to. @t is claimed t&at t&e %sub3ecti)e% testcreates an %anyt&in( (oes% rule, i.e., i* t&e court determines t&at an

accused 'as predisposed to commit t&e crime c&ar(ed, no le)el o* police deceit, bad(erin( or ot&er unsa)ory practices 'ill be deemedimpermissible./70 Del)in( into t&e accusedBs c&aracter andpredisposition obscures t&e more important tasI o* 3ud(in( policebe&a)ior and pre3udices t&e accused more (enerally. @t i(nores t&epossibility t&at no matter '&at &is past crimes and (eneraldisposition 'ere, t&e accused mi(&t not &a)e committed t&eparticular crime unless con*ronted 'it& inordinate inducements./0 On t&e ot&er eJtreme, t&e purely %ob3ecti)e% test eliminatesentirely t&e need *or considerin( a particular accusedBspredisposition. 4is predisposition, at least i* Ino'n by t&e police,may &a)e an important bearin( upon t&e uestion o* '&et&er t&econduct o* t&e police and t&eir a(ents 'as proper./90 &eundisputed *act t&at t&e accused 'as a dan(erous and c&ronico?ender or t&at &e 'as a s&re'd and acti)e member o* a criminalsyndicate at t&e time o* &is arrest is rele(ated to irrele)ancy. /50

Ob3ections to t&e t'o tests (a)e birt& to &ybrid approac&es to

entrapment. +ome states in t&e United +tates no' combine bot&t&e %sub3ecti)e% and %ob3ecti)e% tests./510 @n Cruz v. State,/50 t&eFlorida +upreme #ourt declared t&at t&e permissibility o* policeconduct must Krst be determined. @* t&is ob3ecti)e test is satisKed,t&en t&e analysis turns to '&et&er t&e accused 'as predisposed tocommit t&e crime./5H0 @n Baca v. State,/50 t&e Ne' 2eJico +upreme#ourt modiKed t&e stateBs entrapment analysis by &oldin( t&at %acriminal de*endant may success*ully assert a de*ense o* entrapment, eit&er by s&o'in( lacI o* predisposition to commit t&ecrime *or '&ic& &e is c&ar(ed, or, t&at t&e police eJceeded t&estandards o* proper in)esti(ation./550 &e &ybrid approac&escombine and apply t&e %ob3ecti)e% and %sub3ecti)e% testsalternati)ely or concurrently.

s early as 191, t&is #ourt &as eJamined t&e conduct o* la'en*orcers '&ile appre&endin( t&e accused cau(&t in fagrantedelicto. @n United States v. Phelps,/580 'e acuitted t&e accused *rom

t&e o?ense o* smoIin( opium a*ter Kndin( t&at t&e (o)ernmentemployee, a @; personnel, actually induced &im to commit t&ecrime in order to prosecute &im. +mit&, t&e @; a(ent, testiKed t&atP&elpsB appre&ension came a*ter &e o)er&eard P&elps in a saloonsay t&at &e liIed smoIin( opium on some occasions. +mit&Bstestimony 'as disre(arded. >e accorded si(niKcance to t&e *actt&at it 'as +mit& '&o 'ent to t&e accused t&ree times to con)ince&im to looI *or an opium den '&ere bot& o* t&em could smoIe t&isdru(./570  &e conduct o* t&e @; a(ent 'as condemned as %mostrepre&ensible.% /50 @n People v. Abella,/590 'e acuitted t&e accused o* t&e crime o* sellin( eJplosi)es a*ter eJaminin( t&e testimony o* t&eappre&endin( police ocer '&o pretended to be a merc&ant. &epolice ocer o?ered %a temptin( price, JJJ a )ery &i(& one%causin( t&e accused to sell t&e eJplosi)es. >e *ound t&at t&ere 'asinducement, %direct, persistent and e?ecti)e% by t&e police ocerand t&at outside o* &is testimony, t&ere 'as no e)idence sucient

to con)ict t&e accused.


 @n People v. Lua Chu and U Se !ieng,/810 'e con)icted t&e accused a*ter Kndin( t&at t&ere 'as noinducement on t&e part o* t&e la' en*orcement ocer. >e statedt&at t&e #ustoms secret ser)iceman smoot&ed t&e 'ay *or t&eintroduction o* opium *rom 4on(Ion( to #ebu a*ter t&e accused &adalready planned its importation and ordered said dru(. >e ruledt&at t&e appre&endin( ocer did not induce t&e accused to importopium but merely entrapped &im by pretendin( to &a)e anunderstandin( 'it& t&e #ollector o* #ustoms o* #ebu to betterassure t&e seiure o* t&e pro&ibited dru( and t&e arrest o* t&esurreptitious importers./80

@t 'as also in t&e same case o* People v. Lua Chu and U Se!ieng/8H0 'e Krst laid do'n t&e distinction bet'een entrapment )is-a-)is insti(ation or inducement. uotin( 18 #orpus Auris,/80 'e &eld:

%CN;P2CN ND @N+@"@ON. -- >&ile it &as been said t&att&e practice o* entrappin( persons into crime *or t&e purpose o* institutin( criminal prosecutions is to be deplored, and '&ile

insti(ation, as distin(uis&ed *rom mere entrapment, &as o*ten bcondemned and &as sometimes been &eld to pre)ent t&e act *bein( criminal or punis&able, t&e (eneral rule is t&at it isde*ense to t&e perpetrator o* a crime t&at *acilities *orcommission 'ere purposely placed in &is 'ay, or t&at t&e crimact 'as done at t&e Bdecoy solicitationB o* persons seeIin(eJpose t&e criminal, or t&at detecti)es *ei(nin( complicity in t&e'ere present and apparently assistin( in its commission. Cspecis t&is true in t&at class o* cases '&ere t&e o?ense is one o* a I&abitually committed, and t&e solicitation merely *urnise)idence o* a course o* conduct. 2ere deception by t&e detec'ill not s&ield de*endant, i* t&e o?ense 'as committed by &im, *rom t&e inLuence or insti(ation o* t&e detecti)e. &e *act t&at

a(ent o* an o'ner acts as a supposed con*ederate o* a t&ie* isde*ense to t&e latter in a prosecution *or larceny, pro)ided ori(inal desi(n 'as *ormed independently o* suc& a(ent and '&a person approac&ed by t&e t&ie* as &is con*ederate notiKes o'ner or t&e public aut&orities, and, bein( aut&orised by t&emdo so, assists t&e t&ie* in carryin( out t&e plan, t&e larcenne)ert&eless committed. @t is (enerally &eld t&at it is no de*ensa prosecution *or an ille(al sale o* liuor t&at t&e purc&ase made by a Bspotter,B detecti)e, or &ired in*ormer but t&ere cases &oldin( t&e contrary.%/850

 &e distinction abo)e-uoted 'as reiterated in t'o 6 decisiont&e #ourt o* ppeals. @n People v. Galicia,/880 t&e appellate cdeclared t&at %t&ere is a 'ide di?erence bet'een entrapment insti(ation.% &e insti(ator practically induces t&e 'ould-be accuinto t&e commission o* t&e o?ense and &imsel* becomes a principal. @n entrapment, 'ays and means are resorted to by peace ocer *or t&e purpose o* trappin( and capturin(

la'breaIer in t&e eJecution o* &is criminal plan. /870 @n People v. !iong,/80 t&e #ourt o* ppeals *urt&er declared t&at %entrapmenno bar to t&e prosecution and con)iction o* t&e la'breaIer.% /890

 &e pronouncement o* t&e #ourt o* ppeals in PeopleGalicia 'as armed by t&is #ourt in People v. !iu /70 Cntrapment, 'e *urt&er &eld, is not contrary to public policy. insti(ation t&at is deemed contrary to public policy and ille(al./71

@t can t&us be seen t&at t&e concept o* entrapment in merican 3urisdiction is similar to insti(ation or inducemenP&ilippine 3urisprudence. Cntrapment in t&e P&ilippines is node*ense a)ailable to t&e accused. @t is insti(ation t&at is a de*eand is considered an absolutory cause./70 o determine '&et&ere is entrapment or insti(ation, our courts &a)e maeJamined t&e conduct o* t&e appre&endin( ocers, not predisposition o* t&e accused to commit t&e crime. &e %ob3ecttest Krst applied in United States v. Phelps &as been *ollo'ed

series o* similar cases./7H0

 Ne)ert&eless, adoptin( t&e %ob3ectapproac& &as not precluded us *rom liIe'ise applyin( %sub3ecti)e% test. @n People v. Boholst ,/70 'e applied bot& testseJaminin( t&e conduct o* t&e police ocers in a buy-bust operaand admittin( e)idence o* t&e accusedBs members&ip 'it& notorious and dreaded +i(ue-+i(ue +putniI "an(. >e considered accusedBs pre)ious con)ictions o* ot&er crimes/750 &eld t&at &is opprobrious past and members&ip 'it& t&e drea(an( stren(t&ened t&e stateBs e)idence a(ainst &im. #on)erst&e e)idence t&at t&e accused did not sell or smoIe mari3uana did not &a)e any criminal record 'as liIe'ise admitted in Peopl"utuc/780 t&ereby sustainin( &is de*ense t&at led to &is acuittal.

 &e distinction bet'een entrapment and insti(ation &as proto be )ery material in anti-narcotics operations. @n recent year&as become common practice *or la' en*orcement ocers a(ents to en(a(e in buy-bust operations and ot&er entrapm

procedures in appre&endin( dru( o?enders. nti-narcotics la's,anti-(amblin( la's are re(ulatory statutes./770 &ey are rulescon)enience desi(ned to secure a more orderly re(ulation o* a?airs o* society, and t&eir )iolation (i)es rise to crimes m prohibita./70 &ey are not t&e traditional type o* criminal la' sas t&e la' o* murder, rape, t&e*t, arson, etc. t&at deal 'crimes mala in se or t&ose in&erently 'ron(*ul and immoral./790 =deKnin( crimes mala prohibita condemn be&a)ior directed, a(ainst particular indi)iduals, but a(ainst public order. /0 !iolatiodeemed a 'ron( a(ainst society as a '&ole and is (enerunattended 'it& any particular &arm to a deKnite person. /10 &o?enses are carried on in secret and t&e )iolators resort to mde)ices and subter*u(es to a)oid detection. @t is rare *or member o* t&e public, no matter &o' *uriously &e condeacts mala prohibita# to be 'illin( to assist in t&e en*orcement o*la'. @t is necessary, t&ere*ore, t&at (o)ernment in detectin( punis&in( )iolations o* t&ese la's, rely, not upon t&e )olun

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action o* a((rie)ed indi)iduals, but upon t&e dili(ence o* its o'nocials. &is means t&at t&e police must be present at t&e time t&eo?enses are committed eit&er in an underco)er capacity or t&rou(&in*ormants, spies or stool pi(eons./0

 &ou(& considered essential by t&e police in en*orcin( )icele(islation, t&e conKdential in*ormant system breeds abominableabuse. Freuently, a person '&o accepts payment *rom t&e policein t&e appre&ension o* dru( peddlers and (amblers also acceptpayment *rom t&ese persons '&o decei)e t&e police. &e in*ormant&imsel* may be a dru( addict, picIpocIet, pimp, or ot&er pettycriminal. For '&ate)er noble purpose it ser)es, t&e spectacle t&at(o)ernment is secretly mated 'it& t&e under'orld and usesunder'orld c&aracters to &elp maintain la' and order is not an

inspirin( one.


 Cually odious is t&e bitter reality o* dealin( 'it&unscrupulous, corrupt and eJploitati)e la' en*orcers. =iIe t&ein*ormant, unscrupulous la' en*orcersB moti)ations are le(ion--&arassment, eJtortion, )en(eance, blacImail, or a desire to reportan accomplis&ment to t&eir superiors. &is #ourt &as taIen 3udicialnotice o* t&is u(ly reality in a number o* cases/0 '&ere 'eobser)ed t&at it is a common modus operandi o* corrupt la'en*orcers to prey on 'eaI and &apless persons, particularlyunsuspectin( pro)incial &icIs./50  &e use o* s&ady under'orldc&aracters as in*ormants, t&e relati)e ease 'it& '&ic& ille(al dru(smay be planted in t&e &ands or property o* trustin( and i(norantpersons, and t&e imposed secrecy t&at ine)itably s&rouds all dru(deals &a)e compelled t&is #ourt to be eJtra-)i(ilant in decidin(dru( cases./80#riminal acti)ity is suc& t&at stealt& and strate(y,alt&ou(& necessary 'eapons in t&e arsenal o* t&e police ocer,become as ob3ectionable police met&ods as t&e coerced con*essionand t&e unla'*ul searc&.s 'ell put by t&e +upreme #ourt o* 

#ali*ornia in People v. Barraza,/70

%/C0ntrapment is a *acet o* a broader problem. lon( 'it& ille(alsearc& and seiures, 'iretappin(, *alse arrest, ille(al detention andt&e t&ird de(ree, it is a type o* la'less en*orcement. &ey all sprin(*rom common moti)ations. Cac& is a substitute *or sIill*ul andscientiKc in)esti(ation. Cac& is condoned by t&e sinister sop&ismt&at t&e end, '&en dealin( 'it& Ino'n criminals o* t&e Bcriminalclasses,B 3ustiKes t&e employment o* ille(al means.%/0

@t is t&us imperati)e t&at t&e presumption, $uris tantum, o* re(ularity in t&e per*ormance o* ocial duty by la' en*orcementa(ents raised by t&e +olicitor "eneral be applied 'it& studiedrestraint. &is presumption s&ould not by itsel* pre)ail o)er t&epresumption o* innocence and t&e constitutionally-protected ri(&tso* t&e indi)idual./90 @t is t&e duty o* courts to preser)e t&e purity o* t&eir o'n temple *rom t&e prostitution o* t&e criminal la' t&rou(&la'less en*orcement./90 #ourts s&ould not allo' t&emsel)es to be

used as an instrument o* abuse and in3ustice lest an innocentperson be made to su?er t&e unusually se)ere penalties *or dru(o?enses./910

>e t&ere*ore stress t&at t&e %ob3ecti)e% test in buy-bustoperations demands t&at t&e details o* t&e purported transactionmust be clearly and adeuately s&o'n. &is must start *rom t&einitial contact bet'een t&e poseur-buyer and t&e pus&er, t&e o?erto purc&ase, t&e promise or payment o* t&e consideration until t&econsummation o* t&e sale by t&e deli)ery o* t&e ille(al dru( sub3ecto* t&e sale./90 &e manner by '&ic& t&e initial contact 'as made,'&et&er or not t&rou(& an in*ormant, t&e o?er to purc&ase t&edru(, t&e payment o* t&e %buy-bust% money, and t&e deli)ery o* t&eille(al dru(, '&et&er to t&e in*ormant alone or t&e police ocer,must be t&e sub3ect o* strict scrutiny by courts to insure t&at la'-abidin( citiens are not unla'*ully induced to commit an o?ense.#riminals must be cau(&t but not at all cost. t t&e same time,

&o'e)er, eJaminin( t&e conduct o* t&e police s&ould not disablecourts into i(norin( t&e accusedBs predisposition to commit t&ecrime. @* t&ere is o)er'&elmin( e)idence o* &abitual delinuency,recidi)ism or plain criminal procli)ity, t&en t&is must also beconsidered. #ourts s&ould looI at all *actors to determine t&epredisposition o* an accused to commit an o?ense in so *ar as t&eyare rele)ant to determine t&e )alidity o* t&e de*ense o* inducement.

@n t&e case at bar, t&e e)idence s&o's t&at it 'as t&e conKdentialin*ormant '&o initially contacted accused-appellant Doria. t t&epre-arran(ed meetin(, t&e in*ormant 'as accompanied by POH2anlan(it '&o posed as t&e buyer o* mari3uana. POH 2anlan(it&anded t&e marIed money to accused-appellant Doria as ad)ancepayment *or one 61 Iilo o* mari3uana. ccused-appellant Doria 'asappre&ended '&en &e later returned and &anded t&e bricI o* mari3uana to POH 2anlan(it.

POH 2anlan(it testiKed in a *ranI, spontaneous, strai(&*or'ardand cate(orical manner and &is credibility 'as not crumpled on

cross-eJamination by de*ense counsel. 2oreo)er, POH 2anlan(testimony 'as corroborated on its material points by +PO1 ad&is bacI-up security. &e non-presentation o* t&e conKdein*ormant is not *atal to t&e prosecution. @n*ormants are usuallypresented in court because o* t&e need to &ide t&eir identity preser)e t&eir in)aluable ser)ice to t&e police./9H0 @t is 'ell-sett&at eJcept '&en t&e appellant )e&emently denies sepro&ibited dru(s and t&ere are material inconsistencies in testimonies o* t&e arrestin( ocers,/90 or t&ere are reasonsbelie)e t&at t&e arrestin( ocers &ad moti)es to testi*y *ala(ainst t&e appellant,/950 or t&at only t&e in*ormant 'as t&e posbuyer '&o actually 'itnessed t&e entire transaction,/980

testimony o* t&e in*ormant may be dispensed 'it& as it 'ill me

be corroborati)e o* t&e appre&endin( ocersB eye'itntestimonies./970 &ere is no need to present t&e in*ormant in co'&ere t&e sale 'as actually 'itnessed and adeuately pro)edprosecution 'itnesses./90

 &e inconsistencies in POH 2anlan(itBs and +PO1 adtestimonies and t&e ot&er police ocersB testimonies are minor do not detract *rom t&e )eracity and 'ei(&t o* t&e prosecute)idence. &e source o* t&e money *or t&e buy-bust operation isa critical *act in t&e case at bar. @t is enou(& t&at t&e prosecutpro)ed t&at money 'as paid to accused-appellant Doriaconsideration o* '&ic& &e sold and deli)ered t&e mari3uana.

#ontrary to accused-appellant DoriaBs claim, t&e one Iilomari3uana %sold% by &im to POH 2anlan(it 'as actually identiKedPOH 2anlan(it &imsel* be*ore t&e trial court. *ter appellaappre&ension, t&e Narcom a(ents placed t&is one 61 bricImari3uana reco)ered *rom appellant Doria inside t&e carton lumpin( it to(et&er 'it& t&e ten 61 bricIs inside. &is is '&y

carton boJ contained ele)en 611 bricIs o* mari3uana '&en broube*ore t&e trial court. &e one 61 bricI reco)ered *rom appelDoria and eac& o* t&e ten 61 bricIs, &o'e)er, 'ere identiKed marIed in court. &us:

%<. ;@+, #ounsel *or Florencio Doria:2r. Police Ocer, '&en you identiKed t&at boJ,. ell court, &o' 'ere you able to identi*y t&at boJQ

&is is t&e boJ t&at @ brou(&t to t&e crime laboratory '&contained t&e ele)en pieces o* mari3uana bricI conKscated *rom t&e suspect, sir.

Please open it and s&o' t&ose ele)en bricIs.P;O+C#UO; >itness brin(in( out *rom t&e said boJ...<. !=DC, #ounsel *or !ioleta "addao:

 <our 4onor, @ must protest t&e line o* uestioconsiderin( t&e *act t&at 'e are no' dealin( 'it& eleitems '&en t&e uestion posed to t&e 'itness 'as '

'as &anded to &im by AunQ#OU; +o be it.<. ;@+ 2ay 'e maIe it o* record t&at t&e 'itness is pul

out item a*ter item *rom t&e boJ s&o'ed to &im brou(&t in *ront o* &im.

#OU; Noted. No' tell t&e court, &o' did you Ino' t&at t&ose are

ele)en bricIsQJ J J.

@ &a)e marIin(s on t&ese ele)en bricIs, sir. Point to t&e court, '&ere are t&ose marIin(sQ 4ere, sir, my si(nature, my initials 'it& t&e date, sir.P;O+C#UO; >itness s&o'ed a '&ite 'rapper and pointin

#=2 and t&e si(nature. >&ose si(nature is t&atQ< !=DC <our 4onor, may 'e 3ust limit t&e inuiry to

basic uestion o* t&e Kscal as to '&at 'as &anded to by t&e accused Aun, your 4onorQP;O+C#UO; <our 4onor, t&ere is already a rulin( by

4onorable #ourt, your 4onor, despite reconsideration.#OU; =et t&e prosecution do its o'n t&in( and lea)e

appreciation o* '&at it &as done to t&e court.<. !=DC >e submit, your 4onor. &is bricI is t&e one t&at 'as &anded to me by t&e susp

 Aun, sir.#OU; >&y do you Ino' t&at t&at is t&e t&in(Q re you s

t&at is not %tiIoyQ% <es, your 4onor. >&at maIes you so sureQ @ am sure t&at t&is is t&e one, your 4onor. &is is t&e CJ&

%% '&ic& @ marIed be*ore @ brou(&t it to t&e P##=, y4onor.

>&at are you sure o*Q

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@ am sure t&at t&is is t&e bricI t&at 'as (i)en to me by onealias Aun, sir.

>&at maIes you so sureQ ecause @ marIed it 'it& my o'n initials be*ore (i)in( it to t&e

in)esti(ator and be*ore 'e brou(&t it to t&e P##=, your4onor.

J J J.P;O+C#UO; 2ay 'e reuest t&at a ta( be placed on t&is '&ite

plastic ba( and t&is be marIed as CJ&ibit %DQ%#OU; 2arI it as CJ&ibit %D.% o stress, '&o made t&e entries o* t&is date, CJ&ibit %% t&en

t&e ot&er letters and K(ures on t&is plasticQ &is one, t&e si(nature, @ made t&e si(nature, t&e date and

t&e time and t&is CJ&ibit %.% 4o' about t&is oneQ @ donBt Ino' '&o made t&is marIin(, sir.P;O+C#UO; 2ay it be o* record t&at t&is 'as 3ust entered t&is

mornin(. @ am asIin( you about t&is %itim% and not t&e %asul.% &is #=2, t&e date and t&e time and t&e CJ&ibit %,% @ 'as t&e

one '&o made t&ese marIin(s, sir.P;O+C#UO; 2ay 'e place on record t&at t&e one t&at 'as

enclosed...<. ;@+ <our 4onor, t&ere are also entries included in t&at

enclosure '&ere it appears D-H9-95, also CJ&ibit %,% etc.etc., t&at 'as not pointed to by t&e 'itness. @ 'ant tomaIe it o* record t&at t&ere are ot&er entries included int&e enclosure.

#OU; Noted. &e court sa' it. No', and t&is alle(ed bricI o* mari3uana 'it& a piece o* 

paper, 'it& a ne'spaper 'rappin( 'it& a piece o* paperinside '&ic& reads: %D-H9-95, CJ&ibit , 97 (rams ++=%be marIed as our CJ&ibit %D-Q%

#OU; a( it. 2arI it. &is particular eJ&ibit t&at you identiKed, t&e 'rapper and t&e

contents 'as (i)en to you by '&omQ @t 'as (i)en to me by suspect Aun, sir. >&ereatQ t t&e corner o* oule)ard and Aacinto +t., sir. 4o' about t&e ot&er items t&at you 'ere able to reco)erQ

J J J. &ese ot&er mari3uana bricIs, because durin( our *ollo'-up,

because accordin( to Aun t&e money '&ic& @ (a)e &im 'asin t&e &ands o* Nenet& and so 'e proceeded to t&e &ouseo* Nenet&, sir.J J J.%/990

 &e Krst bricI identiKed by PH 2anlan(it 'as t&e bricI o* 

mari3uana %(i)en to /&im0 by suspect Aun% at t&e corner o* oule)ard and Aacinto +treets. &is bricI, includin( t&e ne'spaperand '&ite plastic 'rappin( 'ere marIed as CJ&ibits %D,% %D-1,% and%D-% and described as 'ei(&in( nine &undred se)enty 697(rams./10

>e also re3ect appellantBs submission t&at t&e *act t&at POH2anlan(it and &is team 'aited *or almost one &our *or appellantDoria to (i)e t&em t&e one Iilo o* mari3uana a*ter &e%paid% P1,8. strains credulity. ppellant cannot capitalie ont&e circumstance t&at t&e money and t&e mari3uana in t&e case atbar did not c&an(e &ands under t&e usual %Iali'aan% system. &ereis no rule o* la' '&ic& reuires t&at in %buy-bust% operations t&eremust be a simultaneous eJc&an(e o* t&e marIed money and t&epro&ibited dru( bet'een t&e poseur-buyer and t&e pus&er./110 (ain, t&e decisi)e *act is t&at t&e poseur-buyer recei)ed t&emari3uana *rom t&e accused-appellant./10

>e also &old t&at t&e 'arrantless arrest o* accused-appellantDoria is not unla'*ul. >arrantless arrests are allo'ed in t&reeinstances as pro)ided by +ection 5 o* ;ule 11H o* t&e 195 ;ules on#riminal Procedure, to 'it:%Sec. %. Arrest &ithout &arrant' &hen la&(ul. -- peace ocer or apri)ate person may, 'it&out a 'arrant, arrest a person:

6a >&en, in &is presence, t&e person to be arrested &ascommitted, is actually committin(, or is attemptin( to commitan o?ense

6b >&en an o?ense &as in *act 3ust been committed,and &e &as personal Ino'led(e o* *acts indicatin( t&at t&eperson to be arrested &as committed it and

6c >&en t&e person to be arrested is a prisoner '&oescaped *rom a penal establis&ment or place '&ere &e isser)in( Knal 3ud(ment or temporarily conKned '&ile &is caseis pendin(, or &as escaped '&ile bein( trans*erred *rom oneconKnement to anot&er.J J J.%/1H0

Under +ection 5 6a, as abo)e-uoted, a person may be arres'it&out a 'arrant i* &e %&as committed, is actually committin(, oattemptin( to commit an o?ense.% ppellant Doria 'as cau(&t&e act o* committin( an o?ense. >&en an accused is appre&enin La(rante delicto as a result o* a buy-bust operation, t&e poare not only aut&oried but duty-bound to arrest &im e)en 'it&o'arrant./10

 &e 'arrantless arrest o* appellant "addao, t&e searc& o* person and residence, and t&e seiure o* t&e boJ o* mari3uana marIed bills are di?erent matters.

Our #onstitution proscribes searc& and seiure 'it&out a 3udi'arrant and any e)idence obtained 'it&out suc& 'arraninadmissible *or any purpose in any proceedin(./150 &e rule

&o'e)er, not absolute. +earc& and seiure may be made 'it&o'arrant and t&e e)idence obtained t&ere*rom may be admissiblt&e *ollo'in( instances:/180 61 searc& incident to a la'*ul arr/170 6 searc& o* a mo)in( motor )e&icle/10 6H searc& in )iolao* customs la's/190 6 seiure o* e)idence in plain )ie'/11

'&en t&e accused &imsel* 'ai)es &is ri(&t a(ainst unreasonasearc&es and seiures./1110

 &e prosecution admits t&at appellant "addao 'as arre'it&out a 'arrant o* arrest and t&e searc& and seiure o* t&e bomari3uana and t&e marIed bills 'ere liIe'ise made 'it&ousearc& 'arrant. @t is claimed, &o'e)er, t&at t&e 'arrants 'erenecessary because t&e arrest 'as made in %&ot pursuit% and searc& 'as an incident to &er la'*ul arrest.

 o be la'*ul, t&e 'arrantless arrest o* appellant "addao mustunder any o* t&e t&ree 6H instances enumerated in +ection ;ule 11H o* t&e 195 ;ules on #riminal Procedure a*oreuoted. &e direct testimony o* POH 2anlan(it, t&e arres

ocer, &o'e)er s&o's ot&er'ise:%< !=DC, #ounsel *or appellant "addao:

>e submit at t&is 3uncture, your 4onor, t&at t&ere 'ilno basis *or t&at uestion.

&is particular eJ&ibit t&at you identiKed, t&e 'rapper andcontents 'as (i)en to you by '&omQ

@t 'as (i)en to me by suspect Aun, sir. >&ereatQ t t&e corner o* oule)ard and Aacinto +treet, sir. 4o' about t&e ot&er items t&at you 'ere able to reco)erQ<. !=DC: >e submit at t&is 3uncture, your 4onor, t&at t&

'ill be no basis *or t&at uestion.#OU; &ere is. ns'er. &ese ot&er mari3uana bricIs, because durin( our *ollo'

because accordin( to Aun t&e money '&ic& @ (a)e &im in t&e &ands o* Nenet& and so 'e proceeded to t&e &o

o* Nenet&, sir. >&ereatQ t Daan( aIal near t&e crime scene at +&a' oule)ard, si nd '&at &appened upon arri)al t&ereatQ >e sa' alias Nenet& inside t&e &ouse and 'e asIed &im

(i)e us t&e buy-bust money, sir. <ou mentioned %&imQ% 4er, sir. >e asIed &er to (i)e us t&e money, t&e mar

money '&ic& Aun (a)e &er, sir. nd '&at &appenedQ t t&is instance, it 'as +PO1 adua '&o can testi*y re(ard

t&is buy-bust money, sir.J J J.%/110

+PO1 adua testiKed on cross-eJamination t&at: >&at 'as your intention in (oin( to t&e &ouse o*


o arrest &er, sir. ut t&e *act is, 2r. >itness, '&en you reac&ed t&e &ouslin( Nenet&, lin( Nenet& 'as t&ereQ

<es, sir. s *ar as you can see, s&e 'as 3ust inside &er &ouseQ @ sa' &er outside, sir. +&e 'as *etc&in( 'ater as a matter o* *actQ +&e 'as Rsa bandan( poso.B #arryin( a babyQ No, sir. t t&at particular time '&en you reac&ed t&e &ouse o*

Nenet& and sa' &er outside t&e &ouse, s&e 'as committin( any crime, s&e 'as 3ust outside t&e &ouseQ

No, sir. +&e 'as not about to commit any crime because s&e 'as

outside t&e &ouse doin( &er daily c&ores. m @ correctQ @ 3ust sa' &er outside, sir.

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nd at t&at point in time you already 'anted to arrest&er. &at is correct, is it notQ

<es, sir. No', i* any memory o* your testimony is correct, accordin( to

you +PO1 2anlan(it approac&ed &erQ POH 2anlan(it, sir. <ou did not approac& &er because POH 2anlan(it approac&ed

&erQ <es, sir. Durin( all t&e time t&at t&is con*rontation, arrest or '&ate)er

by +POH 2anlan(it 'as taIin( place, you 'ere 3ust in t&eside linesQ

@ 'as 3ust 'atc&in(, sir.

+o you 'ere 3ust an on-looIer to '&at 2anlan(it 'as doin(,because precisely accordin( to you your role in t&is buy-bust operation 'as as a bacI-upQ

<es, sir. >&o (ot t&e alle(ed mari3uana *rom inside t&e &ouse o* 2rs.

Nenet&Q POH 2anlan(it, sir. 2anlan(it (ot t&e mari3uanaQ <es, sir. nd t&e money *rom lin( Nenet&Q @ donBt Ino', sir. <ou did not e)en Ino' '&o (ot t&e money *rom lin( Nenet&QP;O+C#UO;:

 &ere is no basis *or t&is uestion, your 4onor. 2oney,t&ereBs no testimony on t&at.

<. !=DC:@ 'as asIin( &im precisely.

P;O+C#UO;:No basis.


lri(&t. @ 'ill asI you a uestion and @ eJpect an &onestans'er. ccordin( to t&e records, t&e amount o* P1,8.'as reco)ered *rom t&e person o* lin( Nenet&. &atBsri(&tQ

<es, sir, t&e buy-bust money. >&at you are no' sayin( *or certain and *or t&e record is t&e

*act t&at you 'ere not t&e one '&o retrie)ed t&e money*rom lin( Nenet&, it 'as 2anlan(it maybeQ

@ sa' it, sir. @t 'as 2anlan(it '&o (ot t&e money *rom lin( Nenet&Q &e buy-bust money 'as reco)ered *rom t&e &ouse o* lin(

Nenet&, sir.

@t 'as taIen *rom t&e &ouse o* lin( Nenet&, not *rom t&eperson o* lin( Nenet&. @s t&at '&at you are tryin( to tellt&e #ourtQ

No, sir.<. !=DC: @ am t&rou(& 'it& t&is 'itness, your 4onor.% /11H0

ccused-appellant "addao 'as not cau(&t red-&anded durin( t&ebuy-bust operation to (i)e (round *or &er arrest under +ection 5 6ao* ;ule 11H. +&e 'as not committin( any crime. #ontrary to t&eKndin( o* t&e trial court, t&ere 'as no occasion at all *or appellant"addao to Lee *rom t&e policemen to 3usti*y &er arrest in %&otpursuit.%/110 @n *act, s&e 'as (oin( about &er daily c&ores '&en t&epolicemen pounced on &er.

Neit&er could t&e arrest o* appellant "addao be 3ustiKed undert&e second instance o* ;ule 11H. %Personal Ino'led(e% o* *acts inarrests 'it&out 'arrant under +ection 5 6b o* ;ule 11H must bebased upon %probable cause% '&ic& means an %actual belie* or

reasonable (rounds o* suspicion.%


  &e (rounds o* suspicion arereasonable '&en, in t&e absence o* actual belie* o* t&e arrestin(ocers, t&e suspicion t&at t&e person to be arrested is probably(uilty o* committin( t&e o?ense, is based on actual *acts, i.e.,supported by circumstances suciently stron( in t&emsel)es tocreate t&e probable cause o* (uilt o* t&e person to be arrested./1180 reasonable suspicion t&ere*ore must be *ounded on probable cause,coupled 'it& (ood *ait& on t&e part o* t&e peace ocers maIin( t&earrest./1170

ccused-appellant "addao 'as arrested solely on t&e basis o* t&ealle(ed identiKcation made by &er co-accused. POH 2anlan(it,&o'e)er, declared in &is direct eJamination t&at appellant Dorianamed &is co-accused in response to &is 6POH 2anlan(itBs uery asto '&ere t&e marIed money 'as./110 ppellant Doria did not pointto appellant "addao as &is associate in t&e dru( business, but ast&e person 'it& '&om &e le*t t&e marIed bills. &is identiKcationdoes not necessarily lead to t&e conclusion t&at appellant "addao

conspired 'it& &er co-accused in pus&in( dru(s. ppellant Dmay &a)e le*t t&e money in &er &ouse,/1190 'it& or 'it&out Ino'led(e, 'it& or 'it&out any conspiracy. +a)e *or accuappellant DoriaBs 'ord, t&e Narcom a(ents &ad no reason(rounds to belie)e t&at s&e 'as en(a(ed in dru( pus&in(. @* t&erno s&o'in( t&at t&e person '&o e?ected t&e 'arrantless ar&ad, in &is o'n ri(&t, Ino'led(e o* *acts implicatin( t&e perarrested to t&e perpetration o* a criminal o?ense, t&e arresle(ally ob3ectionable./10

+ince t&e 'arrantless arrest o* accused-appellant "addao ille(al, it *ollo's t&at t&e searc& o* &er person and &ome and subseuent seiure o* t&e marIed bills and mari3uana cannotdeemed le(al as an incident to &er arrest. &is brin(s us to

uestion o* '&et&er t&e trial court correctly *ound t&at t&e boJmari3uana 'as in plain )ie', maIin( its 'arrantless seiure )alidOb3ects *allin( in plain )ie' o* an ocer '&o &as a ri(&t to be

t&e position to &a)e t&at )ie' are sub3ect to seiure e)en 'it&osearc& 'arrant and may be introduced in e)idence./110 &e %p)ie'% doctrine applies '&en t&e *ollo'in( reuisites concur: 6ala' en*orcement ocer in searc& o* t&e e)idence &as a p

 3ustiKcation *or an intrusion or is in a position *rom '&ic& &e )ie' a particular area 6b t&e disco)ery o* t&e e)idence in p)ie' is inad)ertent 6c it is immediately apparent to t&e ocer tt&e item &e obser)es may be e)idence o* a crime, contrabandot&er'ise sub3ect to seiure./10  &e la' en*orcement ocer mla'*ully maIe an initial intrusion or properly be in a position *r'&ic& &e can particularly )ie' t&e area./1H0 @n t&e course o* sla'*ul intrusion, &e came inad)ertently across a piece o* e)ideincriminatin( t&e accused./10  &e ob3ect must be open to eye &and/150 and its disco)ery inad)ertent./180

@t is clear t&at an ob3ect is in plain )ie' i* t&e ob3ect itseplainly eJposed to si(&t. &e diculty arises '&en t&e ob3ecinside a closed container. >&ere t&e ob3ect seied 'as insidclosed pacIa(e, t&e ob3ect itsel* is not in plain )ie' and t&erecannot be seied 'it&out a 'arrant. 4o'e)er, i* t&e pacIproclaims its contents, '&et&er by its distincti)e conK(urationtransparency, or i* its contents are ob)ious to an obser)er, t&en contents are in plain )ie' and may be seied. /170 @n ot&er 'ordt&e pacIa(e is suc& t&at an eJperienced obser)er could in*er *its appearance t&at it contains t&e pro&ibited article, t&en article is deemed in plain )ie'./10 @t must be immediately appato t&e police t&at t&e items t&at t&ey obser)e may be e)idence crime, contraband or ot&er'ise sub3ect to seiure./190

POH 2anlan(it, t&e Narcom a(ent '&o *ound t&e boJ, testiKedcross-eJamination as *ollo's:

%<. !=DC:

+o &ere 'e are. >&en you and adua arri)ed, lin( Nen'as inside t&e &ouseQ

<es, sir. adua demanded *rom lin( Nenet& t&e buy-bust moneyQ <es, sir. t t&at particular instance, you sa' t&e cartonQ <es, sir. &is carton, accordin( to you 'as under a tableQ <es, sir, dinin( table. @ noticed t&at t&is carton &as a co)erQ <es, sir. @ asI you 'ere t&e Laps o* t&e co)er raised or closedQ @t 'as open, sir. Not liIe t&at.#OU;

"o do'n t&ere. +&o' to t&e court.@NC;P;CC;

>itness 'ent do'n t&e 'itness stand and approac&ecarton boJ. =iIe t&is, sir.P;O+C#UO;

#an 'e describe itQ<. !=DC


One Lap is inside and t&e ot&er Lap is standin( and 't&e contents )isible.


t t&is 3uncture, you 'ent inside t&e &ouseQ <es, sir. nd (ot &old o* t&is cartonQ <es, sir. Did you mention anyt&in( to lin( Nenet&Q

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@ asIed &er, '&atBs t&is... No, no. no. did you mention anyt&in( to lin( Nenet& be*ore

(ettin( t&e cartonQ @ t&inI it 'as adua '&o accosted lin( Nenet& re(ardin( t&e

buy-bust money and &e asIed %+a iyo (alin( an(mari3uanan( ito, nasaan an( buy-bust money naminQ% sir.

2aIin( re*erence to t&e mari3uana t&at 'as (i)en by alias AunQ

<es, sir. >&en you proceeded to taIe &old o* t&is carton, lin( Nenet&

'as not yet *risIed, is it not /sic0Q @ 3ust donBt Ino' i* s&e 'as *risIed already by adua, sir. >&o (ot &old o* t&isQ

@ 'as t&e one, sir. <ou 'ere t&e one '&o (ot t&isQ <es, sir. t t&at particular point in time, you did not Ino' i* t&e alle(ed

buy-bust money 'as already retrie)ed by aduaQ <es, sir. <ou 'ent inside t&e &ouseQ <es, sir. <ou did not &a)e any searc& 'arrantQ <es, sir. @n *act, t&ere 'as not&in( yet as *ar as you 'ere concerned to

)alidate t&e *act t&at 2rs. "adao 'as in possession o* t&ebuy-bust money because accordin( to you, you did notIno' '&et&er adua already retrie)ed t&e buy-bustmoney *rom &erQ

<es, sir. 4o' *ar 'as t&is *rom t&e doorQ

'o and a &al* meters *rom t&e door, sir. @t 'as in plain )ie'. Under t&e table accordin( to youQ <es, sir, dinin( table. +ome'&ere &ereQ @tBs *ar, sir.P;O+C#UO;

2ay 'e reuest t&e 'itness to place it, '&ere &e sa' itQ 4ere, sir. >&at you see is a cartonQ <es, sir, 'it& plastic. 2arIed %+no' ime @ce PopQ% <es, sir. >it& a piece o* plastic )isible on top o* t&e cartonQ <es, sir. &at is all t&at you sa'Q <es, sir.

P;O+C#UO;For t&e record, your 4onor...

<ou 'ere only able to )eri*y accordin( to you...P;O+C#UO;

Panero, 'ait. ecause @ am ob3ectin( to t&e 'ords a pieceo* plastic. y readin( it...

<. !=DC &atBs a piece o* plastic.

P;O+C#UO;y readin( it, it 'ill connote... t&is is not a piece o* plastic.

<. !=DC>&at is t&atQ >&at can you say, FiscalQ @Bm asIin( youQ

P;O+C#UO;>it& due respect, '&at @ am sayin( is, letBs place t&e sieo* t&e plastic. piece o* plastic may be bi( or a small one,*or record purposes.

#OU;=ea)e t&at to t&e court.P;O+C#UO;

=ea)e t&at to t&e court. &e only reason accordin( to you, you 'ere able to... =ooI at

t&is, no e)en +uperman... @ 'it&dra' t&at. Not e)en a man'it& )ery Iin /sic0 eyes can tell t&e contents &ere. ndaccordin( to t&e #ourt, it could be %tiIoy,% is it not /sic0Q

<es, sir. +iopaoQ <es, sir. #anned (oodsQ <es, sir. @t could be ice cream because it says +no' Pop, @ce PopQ @ presumed it 'as also mari3uana because it may ... @ am not asIin( you '&at your presumptions are. @Bm asIin(

you '&at it could possibly be.

@tBs t&e same plastic, sir.<. !=DC

@Bm not e)en asIin( you t&at uestion so '&y are )oluntarily sayin( t&e in*ormation. =et t&e prosecutort&at *or you.

#OU;#ontinue. NeJt uestion.J J J.%/1H0

POH 2anlan(it and t&e police team 'ere at appellant "add&ouse because t&ey 'ere led t&ere by appellant Doria. &e Narca(ents testiKed t&at t&ey &ad no in*ormation on appellant "aduntil appellant Doria named &er and led t&em to &er./1H10 +tandby t&e door o* appellant "addaoBs &ouse, POH 2anlan(it &ad a )o* t&e interior o* said &ouse. 'o and a &al* meters a'ay 'as

dinin( table and underneat& it 'as a carton boJ. &e boJ partially open and re)ealed somet&in( 'rapped in plastic.@n &is direct eJamination, POH 2anlan(it said t&at &e 'as s

t&at t&e contents o* t&e boJ 'ere mari3uana because &e &imc&ecIed and marIed t&e said contents. /1H0 On cross-eJaminat&o'e)er, &e admitted t&at &e merely presumed t&e contents tomari3uana because it &ad t&e same plastic 'rappin( as t&e %bbust mari3uana.% close scrutiny o* t&e records re)eals t&at plastic 'rapper 'as not colorless and transparent as to clemani*est its contents to a )ie'er. Cac& o* t&e ten 61 bricImari3uana in t&e boJ 'as indi)idually 'rapped in old ne'spaand placed inside plastic ba(s-- '&ite, pinI or blue in color. /1HH0 2anlan(it &imsel* admitted on cross-eJamination t&at t&e conteo* t&e boJ could be items ot&er t&an mari3uana. 4e did not IeJactly '&at t&e boJ contained t&at &e &ad to asI appe"addao about its contents./1H0 @t 'as not immediately apparenPOH 2anlan(it t&at t&e content o* t&e boJ 'as mari3uana.

mari3uana 'as not in plain )ie' and its seiure 'it&out t&e reusearc& 'arrant 'as in )iolation o* t&e la' and t&e #onstitution./1

'as *ruit o* t&e poisonous tree and s&ould &a)e been eJcluded ne)er considered by t&e trial court./1H80

 &e *act t&at t&e boJ containin( about siJ 68 Iilosmari3uana/1H70 'as *ound in t&e &ouse o* accused-appellant "addoes not 3usti*y a Kndin( t&at s&e &ersel* is (uilty o* t&e crc&ar(ed./1H0propos is our rulin( in People v. Aminnudin,/1H90 )i:%&e #ourt stron(ly supports t&e campai(n o* t&e (o)ernma(ainst dru( addiction and commends t&e e?orts o* our en*orcement ocers a(ainst t&ose '&o 'ould inLict malediction upon our people, especially t&e susceptible yout&.as demandin( as t&is campai(n may be, it cannot be more so tt&e compulsions o* t&e ill o* ;i(&ts *or t&e protection o* t&e libo* e)ery indi)idual in t&e realm, includin( t&e basestcriminals. &e #onstitution co)ers 'it& t&e mantle o* its protec

t&e innocent and t&e (uilty aliIe a(ainst any manner o* &&andedness *rom t&e aut&orities, &o'e)er praise'ort&y tintentions.

 &ose '&o are supposed to en*orce t&e la' are not 3ustiKeddisre(ardin( t&e ri(&t o* t&e indi)idual in t&e name o* order. Ois too &i(& a price *or t&e loss o* liberty. s Austice 4olmes, a(said, B@ t&inI it a less e)il t&at some criminals s&ould escape tt&at t&e (o)ernment s&ould play an i(noble part.B @t is simplyallo'ed in t&e *ree society to )iolate a la' to en*orce anotespecially i* t&e la' )iolated is t&e #onstitution itsel*.% /10

+ection o* ;epublic ct No. 85, t&e Dan(erous Dru(s c197, as amended by +ection 1H o* ;epublic ct No. 7859 punist&e %sale, administration, deli)ery, distribution and transportatioa pro&ibited dru(% 'it& t&e penalty o* reclusion perpetua to deand a Kne ran(in( *rom P5,. to P1 million, to 'it:%Sec. ). Sale# Administration# *eliver# *istribution

!ransportation o( Prohibited *rugs.-- &e penalty o* reclus perpetua to deat&, and a Kne ran(in( *rom K)e &undred t&ouspesos to ten million pesos s&all be imposed upon any person 'unless aut&oried by la', s&all sell, administer, deli)er, (i)e a'to anot&er, distribute, dispatc& in transit or transport any pro&ibdru(, or s&all act as a broIer in any o* suc& transactions. J J J.%@n e)ery prosecution *or ille(al sale o* dan(erous dru(s, '&amaterial is t&e submission o* proo* t&at t&e sale tooI place bet't&e poseur-buyer and t&e seller t&ereo* and t&e presentation o*dru(, i.e., t&e corpus delicti, as e)idence in court./110 prosecution &as clearly establis&ed t&e *act t&at in considerao* P1,8. '&ic& &e recei)ed, accused-appellant Doria sold deli)ered nine &undred se)enty 697 (rams o* mari3uana to 2anlan(it, t&e poseur-buyer. &e prosecution, &o'e)er, &as *ato pro)e t&at accused-appellant "addao conspired 'it& accusappellant Doria in t&e sale o* said dru(. &ere bein( no miti(a

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or a((ra)atin( circumstances, t&e lo'er penalty o* reclusion perpetua must be imposed./10

@N !@C> >4C;COF, t&e decision o* t&e ;e(ional rial #ourt,ranc& 158, Pasi( #ity actin( as a +pecial #ourt in #riminal #aseNo. HH7-D is re)ersed and modiKed as *ollo's:

1. ccused-appellant Florencio Doria y olado is sentencedto su?er t&e penalty o* reclusion perpetua and to pay a Kne o* K)e &undred t&ousand pesos 6P5,..

. ccused-appellant !ioleta "addao y #atama is acuitted.+O O;DC;CD.


[G.R. No. 1215&2. #ar'( )1, 2***]

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintif-appellee, vs. JOEL

ELA#PARO + FONTANILLA, accused-appellant. E-/

D C # @ + @ O N

U@+U2@N", J.:

On 2ay H1, 1995, t&e ;e(ional rial #ourt o* #aloocan #ity,/10 con)icted appellant o* t&e crime o* ille(al possession o* dru(s,

imposin( upon &im t&e penalty o* reclusion perpetua and orderin(

&im to pay a Kne o* P9,,..

s summaried by t&e solicitor "eneral, t&e *acts o* t&is case '&ic&

'e Knd to be supported by t&e records are as *ollo's:/0

%On February 1, 1995, at about 5: in t&e mornin(, prosecution

'itness Police Ocer ;omeo aldonado, '&ile attendin( to &is

duties as super)isin( policeman o* t&e EalooIan Police +tation,

recei)ed a report *rom an in*ormant t&at some people are sellin(

s&abu and mari3uana some'&ere at a(on( arrio, #aloocan #ity

6+N, pril 11, 1995, p. H +N, pril , 1995, p. H. +aid

in*ormant stated t&at &e &imsel* succeeded in buyin( said dru(s

6ibid., p. H.

4ence, Police Ocer aldonado *ormed a buy-bust operation

team 'it& &imsel* as team leader and Police Ocers Crnesto

ndala, ;onielo ;eantillo and ismarI "a)iola as members 6+N,

pril , 1995, p. . +aid team proceeded to t&e area reported to

at Pro(reso P. "ome, a(on( arrio, EalooIan #ity at around

5:5 in t&e mornin( o* t&e same day 6ibid., p. H. Ey-le

Upon arri)al at t&e area, prosecution 'itness "a)iola, to(et&er

'it& t&e in*ormant asset stood at t&e corner o* P. "ome +treet,

a(on( barrio, EalooIan #ity, since t&e said spot 'as identiKed

to be t&e marIet or '&ere t&e buyers o* mari3uana a'ait a runner

6seller. &erea*ter, a runner later identiKed to be Cr'in +pencer

approac&ed t&e poseur-buyer, "a)iola, '&o 'as asIed @iscore ba

Iayo 6+N, pril 5, 1995, p. . 4a)in( ans'ered, @iscore Iami,

+pencer t&en le*t and returned a*ter K)e minutes 'it& t&e

mari3uana 6ibid., p. . "a)iola t&en &anded o)er t&e marIed

money and arrested +pencer, but '&o *reed &imsel* and ran

6+N, pril , 1995, p. 7.

 &en, t&e buy-bust team pursued +pencer, '&o ran inside a

bun(alo'-type &ouse 'it& steel (ate 6ibid., p. . 4a)in( trapped

+pencer inside t&e &ouse, t&e police ocers *risIed &im and

reco)ered t&e marIed money 6ibid., p. 9. &e police ocers

liIe'ise *ound appellant repacIin( K)e 65 bricIs o* mari3uana

'rapped in a ne'spaper on top o* t&e round table inside t&e

&ouses sala 6+N, pril 11, 1995, p. 7. ppellant 'as t&en

arrested and &e con*essed t&at t&e source o* t&e mari3uana 'as

en(uet 6+N, pril , 1995, p. 1.

+pencer and appellant 'ere later taIen to t&e precinct '&

t&ey 'ere deli)ered to t&e inuest Kscal *or *urt&er in)esti(a

6+N, pril 11, 1995, p. . &e arrestin( ocers t&en eJecu

an ada)it on t&e incident and made a reuest *or t&e Natio

ureau o* @n)esti(ation to conduct eJamination o* t&e dr

seied 6+N, 2ay H, 1995, p. . &e N@ ;eport conKrmed

dru(s seied to be mari3uana 'ei(&in( K)e 65 Iilos 6ibid., p. H

On February 15, 1995, t&e #ity Prosecutor c&ar(ed appellant '

t&e crime o* ille(al possession o* dru(s under t&e *ollo'


%&at on or about t&e 1t& day o* February 1995 in EalooIan #

2.2. and 'it&in t&e 3urisdiction o* t&is 4onorable #ourt,

abo)e-named accused, 'it&out &a)in( been aut&oried by

did t&en and t&ere 'il*ully, unla'*ully and *eloniously &a)e in

possession, custody and control 5. I(s. o* 2ari3uana, Ino'

t&e same to be a pro&ibited dru(s 6sic.

#ON;;< O =>.% Ey-calr

On 2arc& 1, 1995, appellant, duly assisted by counse

o+cio# entered a plea o* not (uilty. /0

Durin( trial, t&e prosecution presented as its 'itnesses 61 ismarI "a)iola, t&e poseur-buyer, 6 +PO ;omeo aldonado,

o* t&e police ocers '&o tooI part in t&e buy-bust operation,

6H Auliet "elacio 2a&ilum, a *orensic c&emist at t&e National ur

o* @n)esti(ation 6N@. 2a&ilum testiKed t&at s&e conducted t&

types o* eJamination on t&e K)e 65 bricIs o* mari3uana Lo'e

tops 6c&emical eJamination, microscopic eJamination,

c&romato(rap&ic eJamination and t&at eac& o* t&e K)e 65 br

(a)e positi)e results *or mari3uana./50

For t&e de*ense, appellant and n(elo ernales, a boarde

appellants &ouse, testiKed. &eir )ersion o* t&e incident is


%AOC= C=2P;O y FONN@==, t&e accused &erein, (a)e a )di?erent )ersion o* t&e incident. t around 8: to 7:H in

mornin( o* February 1, 1995, &e 'as at t&eir &ouse '

somebody InocIed at t&eir door. 4is *at&er opened t&e same

'as in*ormed t&at somebody 'as looIin( *or &im. 4e 'ent

and sa' Cr'in +pencer 'it& &andcu?s and bein( &eld by

arrestin( ocer. 4e liIe'ise si(&ted POH ismarI "a)iola &old

a bi( boJ. >&en &e persistently uestioned Cr'in +pencer a

'&y &e 'as arrested, t&e arrestin( ocers (ot mad at

promptin( t&em to liIe'ise brin( &im to t&e police station '&

&e 'as detained. &e arrestin( ocers demanded t&e amoun

P15,. *or &is release. 4e remained in 3ail as &e re*used

accede to t&eir demand. On t&e ot&er &and, Cr'in +pencer '

released t'o 6 days a*ter t&ey 'ere 3ailed *or t&e latter (

money to t&e police ocers. 6+N, pp. 1-, 2ay 9, 1995. #alr-

N"C=O C;N=C 6sic, a student, testiKed t&at &e is rentin

small room at t&e accused 6sic &ouse located at No. P. "om

+t., a(on( arrio, EalooIan #ity. On February 1, 1995, at ab

8: to 7: oclocI in t&e mornin( &e 'as about to (o out o*

accused 6sic &ouse to brin( breaI*ast to &is *at&er '&en

si(&ted Cr'in +pencer in &andcu?s, in t&e company o* t&

policemen one o* '&om 'as &oldin( a boJ. &en &e sa'

policemen InocIed at t&e door o* t&e accused 6sic &ouse. +&o

t&erea*ter, t&e accused 'as taIen a'ay by t&e policemen.%

*ter trial, t&e court rendered its decision,/70 disposin( as *ollo's

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 9/27

%>4C;CFO;C, premises considered, t&is #ourt Knds accused AOC=

C=2P;O < FONN@==, "U@=< beyond reasonable doubt *or

)iolation o* +ection , rt. @@ o* ;.. 85, and is &ereby

sentenced to su?er t&e penalty o* ;C#=U+@ON PC;PCU and a

Kne o* N@NC 2@==@ON 6P9,,. PC+O+, pursuant to +ection

17 o* t&e Deat& Penalty. >it& #osts.

+O O;DC;CD.%

4ence, t&e present appeal. ppellant no' contends t&at t&e trial

court erred in -/0

@. "@!@N" #;CDCN#C O 4C C+@2ON@C+ OF 4C P;O+C#U@ON

>@NC++C+ ND D@+;C";D@N" 4C 4CO;< OF 4C DCFCN+C.

@@. F@ND@N" 4C ##U+CD "U@=< C<OND ;C+ON=C DOU

FO; !@O=@ON OF +C#@ON /+4OU=D C +C#. 0 OF ;.. 85.

@@@. #ONCND@N" ;"UCNDO 4 4C ##U+CD @+ "U@=< OF

 4C OFFCN+C #4;"CD, 4C ;@= #OU; ";!C=< C;;CD @N

NO PP;C#@@N" 4C 2@@"@N" #@;#U2+N#C OF

2@NO;@<. A3s-c

@n &is brie*, appellant assails t&e credibility o* t&e prosecution

'itnesses. 4e contends t&at it is &i(&ly unusual *or arrestin(ocers to act on an in*ormation o* an unIno'n source 'it&out

conKrmin( t&e )eracity o* t&e report, and t&at it is incredible t&at a

peddler o* mari3uana 'ould be so braen as to approac& total

stran(ers and o?er to sell t&em mari3uana. ppellant insists t&at &e

'as c&ar(ed 'it& ille(al possession o* mari3uana because &e *ailed

to pay t&e police ocers t&e amount o* P15,. *or &is release,

unliIe +pencer, '&o paid said amount. ppellant assails t&e le(ality

o* &is arrest inside t&e &ouse o* &is *at&er *or *ailure o* t&e

appre&endin( ocers to secure a searc& 'arrant. =astly, appellant

contends t&at i* *ound (uilty, t&e pri)ile(ed miti(atin( circumstance

o* minority s&ould be appreciated in &is *a)or.

 &e Oce o* t&e +olicitor "eneral, *or t&e +tate, contends t&at

*urt&er sur)eillance 'as unnecessary because t&e police %asset%&ad personal Ino'led(e o* t&e open buyin( and sellin( o* 

%mari3uana% in t&e area, &a)in( purc&ased &is %mari3uana% a *e'

&ours be*ore reportin( t&e matter to t&e police. ppellant also

misrepresented &imsel* in sayin( t&at +pencer 'as released

'it&out c&ar(es considerin( t&at a separate in)esti(ation 'as

conducted a(ainst t&e latter. &e O+" contends t&at appellants

arrest 'as an incident to a la'*ul &ot pursuit made a(ainst +pencer.

ppellant, in t&e course o* t&e pursuit 'as surprised in plain )ie' to

be repacIin( t&e K)e 65 bricIs o* mari3uana. &e O+" concedes,

&o'e)er, t&at t&e pri)ile(ed miti(atin( circumstance o* minority

s&ould be appreciated in *a)or o* appellant.

#onsiderin( t&e assi(ned errors and t&e *ore(oin( contentions, 'e

Knd t&at &ere t&e issues pertain, Krst, to t&e assessment o* credibility o* 'itnesses second, t&e )alidity o* appellants arrest

and t&ird, t&e correctness o* t&e penalty imposed by t&e trial court.

s to t&e Krst issue, it is 'ell-settled t&at t&e assessment o* 

credibility o* 'itnesses is 'it&in t&e pro)ince o* t&e trial court '&ic&

&ad an opportunity to obser)e t&e 'itnesses and t&eir demeanor

durin( t&eir testimonies. Unless t&e trial court o)erlooIed

substantial *acts '&ic& 'ould a?ect t&e outcome o* t&e case, 'e

accord t&e utmost respect to t&eir Kndin(s o* *acts. s compared to

t&e baseless disclaimers o* appellant, t&e narration o* t&e incident

by t&e prosecution 'itnesses appears 'ort&y o* belie*, comin( as it

does *rom la' en*orcers '&o are presumed to &a)e re(ularly

per*ormed t&eir duty in t&e absence o* proo* to t&e contrary./90Csm

ppellants claims t&at it is &i(&ly suspect t&at +pencer 'ould o

to sell mari3uana to total stran(ers. 4o'e)er, in many cases, d

pus&ers did sell t&eir pro&ibited articles to prospecti)e custom

be t&ey stran(ers or not, in pri)ate as 'ell as in public places, e

in t&e daytime. @ndeed, some dru( pus&ers appear to &a)e beco

eJceedin(ly darin(, openly deKant o* t&e la'. 4ence, '&at mat

is not t&e eJistin( *amiliarity bet'een t&e buyer and t&e seller

t&e time and )enue o* t&e sale, but t&e *act o* a(reement as 'e

t&e act constitutin( sale and deli)ery o* pro&ibited dru(s./1

*ound a ,uo# it 'as t&e consummated sale bet'een PO "a)

and +pencer '&ic& led to t&e e)entual arrest o* appellant.

s to t&e 'arrantless searc&, +ection rticle @@@ o* t&e 1

#onstitution pro&ibits a searc& and seiure 'it&out a 3ud

'arrant. Furt&er, +ection H t&ereo* pro)ides t&at any e)ide

obtained 'it&out suc& 'arrant is inadmissible *or any purpos

any proceedin(.

4o'e)er, not bein( absolute, t&e ri(&t a(ainst unreason

searc&es and seiures is sub3ect to eJceptions. &us, *or eJam

+ection 1 o* ;ule 18, o* t&e ;ules on #riminal procedure, pro)

t&at a person la'*ully arrested may be searc&ed *or %dan(er

'eapons or anyt&in( '&ic& may be used as proo* o*

commission o* an o?ense, 'it&out a searc& 'arrant.%

Fi)e (enerally accepted eJceptions to t&e ri(&t a(ainst 'arrantsearc&es and seiures &a)e also been 3udicially *ormulated, viz

searc& incidental to a la'*ul arrest, 6 searc& o* mo)in( )e&ic

6H seiure in plain )ie', 6 customs searc&es, and 65 'ai)e

t&e accused t&emsel)es o* t&eir ri(&t a(ainst unreasonable sea

and seiure./110marinella

#onsiderin( its *actual milieu, t&is case *alls suarely un

t&e plain )ie' doctrine. @n People ). Doria# H1 +#; 88, 71-

61999, 'e &eld t&at

%Ob3ects *allin( in plain )ie' o* an ocer '&o &as a ri(&t to b

t&e position to &a)e t&at )ie' are sub3ect to seiure e)en 'it&

a searc& 'arrant and may be introduced in e)idence. &e %p

)ie'% doctrine applies '&en t&e *ollo'in( reuisites concur:

t&e la' en*orcement ocer in searc& o* t&e e)idence &as a p

 3ustiKcation *or an intrusion or is in a position *rom '&ic& &e

)ie' a particular area 6b t&e disco)ery o* t&e e)idence in p

)ie' is inad)ertent 6c it is immediately apparent to t&e o

t&at t&e item &e obser)es may be e)idence o* a cr

contraband or ot&er'ise sub3ect to seiure. &e la' en*orcem

ocer must la'*ully maIe an initial intrusion or properly be

position *rom '&ic& &e can particularly )ie' t&e area. @n

course o* suc& la'*ul intrusion, &e came inad)ertently acros

piece o* e)idence incriminatin( t&e accused. &e ob3ect must

open to eye and &and and its disco)ery inad)ertent.%

>&en +pencer 'renc&ed &imsel* *ree *rom t&e (rasp o*

"a)iola, &e instincti)ely ran to'ards t&e &ouse o* appellant.

members o* t&e buy-bust team 'ere 3ustiKed in runnin( a*ter

and enterin( t&e &ouse 'it&out a searc& 'arrant *or t&ey 'ere

in t&e &eels o* a Leein( criminal. Once inside t&e &ouse, t&e po

ocers cornered +pencer and reco)ered t&e buy-bust money *

&im. &ey also cau(&t appellant in fagrante delicto repacIin(

mari3uana bricIs '&ic& 'ere in *ull )ie' on top o* a table. P

"a)iola testiKed as to t&e circumstances o* appellants arrest

*ollo's /10

PU=@# P;O+C#UO; CU=O"@O 2NNU@=, A;.

: No' &o' 'ere you able to enter t&e &ouseQ

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 10/27

PO "!@O=: ni(el

: ecause t&e door 'as already open.

: >&en you entered t&e &ouse, '&at &appened inside t&e


: >e sa' Aoel Clamparo, sir. 4e 'as t&en repacIin( K)e 65

bricIs o* mari3uana 'rapped in a ne'spaper.

: >&ere 'as it placed, t&is K)e 65 pacIed 6sic o* mari3uanaQ

: @t 'as placed on top o* t&e table, sir.

: >as Aoel Clamparo alone '&en you sa' &im repacIin( t&ese

K)e 65 bricIs o* mari3uanaQ

: 4e &as some companions in t&e &ouse, &is 'i*e, ot&er

'omen, &is *at&er and t&ere 'as one man t&ere '&o 'as a


: No' you said t&at you sa' Aoel Clamparo repacIin( K)e bricIs

o* mari3uana, no' '&o 'as &is companion in repacIin( t&e


: 4e 'as alone, sir.

4ence, appellants subseuent arrest 'as liIe'ise la'*ul, comin( as

it is 'it&in t&e pur)ie' o* +ection 5 6a o* ;ule 11H o* t&e 195

;ules on #riminal Procedure, to 'it:

%+ec. 5. Arrest &ithout &arrant# &hen la&(ul.  peace ocer or a

pri)ate person may, 'it&out a 'arrant, arrest a person:

6a >&en, in &is presence, t&e person to be

arrested &as committed, is actually committin(,

or is attemptin( to commit an o?ense...%

+ection 5 6a is commonly re*erred to as t&e rule on in fagrante

delicto arrests./1H0 4ere t'o elements must concur: 61 t&e person to

be arrested must eJecute an o)ert act indicatin( t&e &e &as 3ust

committed, is actually committin(, or is attemptin( to commit a

crime and 6 suc& o)ert act is done in the presence or &ithin the

vie& o* t&e arrestin( ocer./10  &us, '&en appellant 'as seen

repacIin( t&e mari3uana, t&e police ocers 'ere not only

aut&oried but also duty-bound to arrest &im e)en 'it&out a

'arrant. ella

lt&ou(& t&e caption o* t&e @n*ormation c&ar(es t&e appellant 'it&

)iolation o* +ection o* rticle @@ o* ;epublic ct No. 85, as

amended by ;epublic ct No. 7859,/150

 ot&er'ise Ino'n as t&edeat& penalty la', '&ic& re*ers to t&e sale, administration, deli)ery,

distribution and transportation o* pro&ibited dru(s, t&e body o* t&e

@n*ormation c&ar(es appellant 'it& t&e crime o* ille(al possession o* 

pro&ibited dru(s under +ection o* rticle @@ o* ;.. No. 85, as

amended by ;.. No. 7859. >e &a)e &eld t&at it is not t&e

desi(nation o* t&e o?ense in t&e @n*ormation t&at is controllin( but

t&e alle(ations t&erein '&ic& directly apprise t&e accused o* t&e

nature and cause o* t&e accusation a(ainst &im./180 ppellant &a)in(

been *ully apprised o* t&e elements o* t&e crime o* ille(al

possession o* pro&ibited dru(s, &e may properly be con)icted o* t&e

crime o* ille(al possession o* mari3uana.

@n dru( cases, t&e uantity o* pro&ibited dru(s in)ol)ed is

determinati)e o* t&e imposable penalty. +ection o* ;.. No.

85, as amended by +ection 17 o* ;.. No. 7859, pro)ides t

'&en t&e uantity o* indian &emp or mari3uana is 75 (rams

more, as in t&is case, t&e penalty s&all be reclusion perpetu

deat& and Kne ran(in( *rom K)e &undred t&ousand pe

6P5,. to ten million pesos 6P1,,..

ppellant &a)in( been born on Aanuary 9, 197,/170 'as only

years, 1 mont&, and H days old, at t&e time o* t&e commissio

t&e crime on February 1, 1995. e(innin( 'it& our decision

People ). +imon,/10 and reiterated in a number o* decis

t&erea*ter, t&e #ourt &as reco(nied t&e suppletory applicatio

t&e rules on penalties in t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode to t&e Dan(erDru(s ct a*ter t&e amendment o* t&e latter by ;epublic ct

7859. ppellant bein( a minor o)er K*teen and under ei(&tee

t&e time o* t&e commission o* t&e crime, &e is entitled to a redu

penalty due to t&e pri)ile(ed miti(atin( circumstance o* mino

under rticle 1H 6 o* t&e ;e)ised Penal code. rticle 8 6 o*

;e)ised Penal #ode pro)ides t&at t&e penalty neJt lo'er t&an t

prescribed by la' s&all be imposed, but al'ays in t&e pro

period. pplyin( t&e pro)isions o* rticle 81 6 o* t&e ;e)ised P

#ode '&ic& prescribes t&e rules *or (raduatin( penalties,

imposable penalty on appellant is t&e penalty neJt lo'er in de(

immediately *ollo'in( t&e lesser o* t&e penalties prescribed in

respecti)e (raduated scale. &e penalty neJt lo'er in de(

t&an reclusion perpetua is reclusion temporal. &ere bein(

(eneric miti(atin( or a((ra)atin( circumstances, t&e pen

o* reclusion temporal s&all be imposed in its medium per

pplyin( t&e @ndeterminate +entence =a', t&e minimum s&al

'it&in t&e ran(e o* t&e penalty neJt lo'er in de(ree '&ic& is pri

maor . No Kne is imposable in t&is case, *or it is imposed a

con3uncti)e penalty only i* t&e penalty is reclusion perpetu


>4C;CFO;C, t&e decision o* t&e ;e(ional rial #ourt, #aloocan #

ranc& 11, in #riminal #ase No. #-7 695 Kndin( appel

 AOC= C=2P;O < FONN@== (uilty beyond reasonable doub

t&e crime o* ille(al possession o* dru(s is &ereby FF@;2CD >

2OD@F@#@ON t&at &e is &ereby sentenced to su?er

indeterminate penalty o* ten 61 years and one 61 day o* pri

maor  as minimum, and se)enteen 617 years, *our 6 mont&s

one 61 day o* reclusion temporal, as maJimum. #osts a(a



Cr0/0na La 2 P3o43 o 6(3 P(00440n3 7. E0a Lo73!0oy Ca6roT(0 'a3 0 06( r38ar! 6o Ar6 1) o 6(3 R.P.C R3:3Ca3 o P3o43 o 6(3 P(00440n3 7. E0a Lo73!0oroCa6roG.R.No. 1122)5 29No73/:3r1995 ;P3o43 7. Lo73!0oro SCRA )F#+ OF 4C #

Clias =o)edioro 'it& H ot&er companions *atally s&ot +POH Ae=ucilo '&ile =ucilo 'as 'alIin( alon( ur(os +t. a'ay *rom Daralbay Public 2arIet. &e )ictim died on t&e same day *rom masblood loss. On No)ember 8, 199, Clias =o)edioro 'as t&en c&aro* t&e crime o* murder, and subseuently *ound (uilty. =o)edt&en appealed t&e decision, contestin( t&e )erdict o* muinstead o* rebellion. @t 'as conKrmed by t&e prosecutionSs princ'itness t&at =o)edioro 'as a member o* t&e Ne' PeopleSs r@++UC+ OF 4C #>as t&e ;# correct in &oldin( =o)edioro liable *or t&e crimemurder, instead o* rebell- <es. ecause, o)ert acts and purpose are essential componentt&e crime o* rebellion, 'it& eit&er o* t&ese elements 'antin(, crime o* rebellion does not eJ- Political moti)e s&ould be establis&ed be*ore a person c&ar'it& a common crime- alle(in( rebellion in order to lessen possible imposable penalty- could beneKt *rom t&e la'Ss relati)

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 11/27

beni(n attitude to'ards political crimes. @* no political moti)e isestablis&ed or pro)ed, t&e accused s&ould be con)icted o* t&ecommon crime and not o* rebellion.- @n cases o* rebellion, moti)e relates to t&e act, and meremembers&ip in an or(aniation dedicated to t&e *urt&erance o* rebellion 'ould not, by and o* itsel* suce.- &e Iillin( o* t&e )ictim, as obser)ed by t&e +olicitor "eneral,o?ered no contribution to t&e ac&ie)ement o* t&e NPSs sub)ersi)eaims, in *act, t&ere 'ere no Ino'n acts o* t&e )ictimSs t&at can beconsidered as o?endin( to t&e NP.- C)idence s&o's t&at =o)edioroSs alle(ation o* members&ip to t&eN.P. 'as con)eniently in*used to miti(ate t&e penalty imposableupon &im.

4C=D:>4C;CFO;C, P;C2@+C+ #ON+@DC;CD, t&e trial courtBs decisiondated +eptember 1, 199H, sentencin( t&e accused o* 2urder is&ereby FF@;2CD, in toto.



G.R. No. 1122)5 No73/:3r 29, 1995


LO"EIORO y CASTRO, !33n!an6a443an6.


O?-duty policeman +POH Aesus =ucilo 'as 'alIin( alon( ur(os +t.,

a'ay *rom t&e Dara(a, lbay Public 2arIet '&en a man suddenly

'alIed beside &im, pulled a .5 caliber (un *rom &is 'aist, aimed

t&e (un at t&e policemanBs ri(&t ear and Kred. &e man '&o s&ot

=ucilo &ad t&ree ot&er companions 'it& &im, one o* '&om s&ot t&e

*allen policeman *our times as &e lay on t&e (round. *ter taIin(

t&e latterBs (un, t&e man and &is companions boarded a tricycle

and Led. 1

 &e incident 'as 'itnessed *rom a distance o* about nine meters by

Nestor rmenta, a 5 year old 'elder *rom Pilar, +orso(on, '&o

claimed t&at &e Ine' bot& t&e )ictim and t&e man '&o Kred t&e*atal s&ot. rmenta identiKed t&e man '&o Kred at t&e deceased as

Clias =o)edioro y #astro, &is nep&e' 6appellantBs *at&er 'as &is Krst

cousin and alle(ed t&at &e Ine' t&e )ictim *rom t&e *act t&at t&e

latter 'as a resident o* a(umbayan.

=ucilo died on t&e same day o* massi)e blood loss *rom multiple

(uns&ot 'ounds on t&e *ace, t&e c&est, and ot&er parts o* t&e

body.  On autopsy, t&e municipal &ealt& ocer establis&ed t&e

cause o* deat& as &ypo)olemic s&ocI.H

s a result o* t&e Iillin(, t&e oce o* t&e pro)incial prosecutor o* 

lbay, on No)ember 8, 199 Kled an @n*ormation c&ar(in( accused-

appellant Clias =o)edioro y #astro o* t&e crime o* 2urder under

rticle o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode. &e @n*ormation reads:

 &at on or about t&e 7t& day o* Auly, 199, at more or less 5:H

oBclocI in t&e a*ternoon, at ur(os +treet, 2unicipality o* Dara(a,

Pro)ince o* lbay, P&ilippines, and 'it&in t&e 3urisdiction o* t&is

4onorable #ourt, t&e abo)e-named accused, to(et&er 'it&

"ilberto =on(asa, '&o is already c&ar(ed in #rim. #ase No. 59H1

be*ore ;#, ranc& @, and t&ree 6H ot&ers '&ose true identities

are at present unIno'n and remain at lar(e, conni)in(,

conspirin(, con*ederatin( and &elpin( one anot&er *or a common

purpose, armed 'it& Krearms, 'it& intent to Iill and 'it&

treac&ery and e)ident premeditation, did t&en and t&ere 'il*ully,

unla'*ully and *eloniously Kre and s&oot one +POH AC+U+ =U#@=O,

a member o* t&e Dara(a Police +tation, inLictin( upon t&e latter

multiple (uns&ot 'ounds causin( &is deat&, to t&e dama(e

pre3udice o* &is le(al &eirs.

*ter trial, t&e court a ,uo *ound accused-appellant (uilty bey

reasonable doubt o* t&e crime o* 2urder. &e dispositi)e portio

said decision, dated +eptember , 199H states:

>4C;CFO;C, in )ie' o* all t&e *ore(oin( considerations,

#ourt Knds t&e accused C=@+ =O!CD@O;O (uilty bey

reasonable doubt as principal, actin( in conspiracy 'it& &is

accused '&o are still at lar(e, o* t&e crime o* murder, deK

and penalied under rticle o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode, &ereby sentences &im to su?er t&e penalty o* eclus

Perpetua 'it& all t&e accessories pro)ided by la' to pay

&eirs o* t&e deceased +POH Aesus =ucilo t&rou(& t&e 'ido',

;emeline =ucilo, t&e amount o* Fi*ty &ousand 6P5,. Pe

representin( t&e ci)il indemnity *or deat& to pay t&e said 'id

t&e sum o* &irty &ousand 6PH,. Pesos represen

reasonable moral dama(es and to pay t&e said 'ido' t&e sum

Ci(&teen &ousand Fi)e 4undred Ci(&ty-Ci(&t 6P1,5

Pesos, representin( actual dama(es, 'it&out subsid

imprisonment &o'e)er, in case o* insol)ency on t&e part o*

said accused.

>it& costs a(ainst t&e accused.


4ence, t&e instant appeal, in '&ic& t&e sole issue interposed is t

portion o* trial court decision Kndin( &im (uilty o* t&e crime

murder and not rebellion.

ppellant cites t&e testimony o* t&e prosecutionBs principal 'itn

Nestor rmenta, as supportin( &is claim t&at &e s&ould &a)e b

c&ar(ed 'it& t&e crime o* rebellion, not murder. @n &is rie*,

asse)erates t&at rmenta, a police in*ormer, identiKed &im a

member o* t&e Ne' PeopleBs rmy. dditionally, &e contends t

because t&e Iillin( o* =ucilo 'as %a means to or in *urt&eranc

sub)ersi)e ends,% 

 6said Iillin( s&ould &a)e been deeabsorbed in t&e crime o* rebellion under rts. 1H and 1H5 o*

;e)ised Penal #ode. Finally, claimin( t&at &e did not Kre t&e *

s&ot but merely acted as a looI-out in t&e liuidation o* =ucilo

a)ers t&at &e s&ould &a)e been c&ar(ed merely as a participan

t&e commission o* t&e crime o* rebellion under para(rap&

rticle 1H5 o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode and s&ould t&ere*ore &

been meted only t&e penalty o*  prison maor  by t&e lo'er court

ssertin( t&at t&e trial court correctly con)icted appellant o*

crime o* murder, t&e +olicitor "eneral a)ers t&at t&e cr

committed by appellant may be considered as rebellion only i*

de*ense itsel* &ad conclusi)ely pro)en t&at t&e moti)e or intent

t&e Iillin( o* t&e policeman 'as *or %political and sub)er

ends.% 5

 2oreo)er, t&e +olicitor "eneral contends t&at e)eappellant 'ere to be con)icted o* rebellion, and e)en i* t&e t

court &ad *ound appellant (uilty merely o* bein( a participant

rebellion, t&e proper imposable penalty is not prision mao

appellant contends, but reclusion temporal, because CJecu

Order No. 17 as amended by ;epublic

No. 898, t&e Coup *Betat =a', prescribes reclusion temporal as

penalty imposable *or indi)iduals *ound (uilty as participants


>e a(ree 'it& t&e +olicitor "eneral t&at t&e crime committed

murder and not rebellion.

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 12/27

Under rt. 1H o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode, as amended by ;epublic

ct No. 898, rebellion is committed in t&e *ollo'in( manner:

/0y risin( publicly and taIin( arms a(ainst t&e "o)ernment *or

t&e purpose o* remo)in( *rom t&e alle(iance to said "o)ernment

or its la's, t&e territory o* t&e ;epublic o* t&e P&ilippines or any

part t&ereo*, o* any body o* land, na)al or ot&er armed *orces, or

depri)in( t&e #&ie* CJecuti)e or t&e =e(islature '&olly or

partially, o* any o* t&eir po'ers or prero(ati)es. 8

 &e (ra)amen o* t&e crime o* rebellion is an armed public uprisin(

a(ainst t&e (o)ernment. 7

 y its )ery nature, rebellion is essentiallya crime o* masses or multitudes in)ol)in( cro'd action, '&ic&

cannot be conKned a priori 'it&in predetermined bounds.  One

aspect note'ort&y in t&e commission o* rebellion is t&at ot&er acts

committed in its pursuance are, by la', absorbed in t&e crime itsel* 

because t&ey acuire a political c&aracter. &is peculiarity 'as

underscored in t&e case o* People v . /ernandez , 9 t&us:

@n s&ort, political crimes are t&ose directly aimed a(ainst t&e

political order, as 'ell as suc& common crimes as may be

committed to ac&ie)e a political purpose. !he decisive (actor is

the intent or motive. @* a crime usually re(arded as common, liIe

&omicide, is perpetrated *or t&e purpose o* remo)in( *rom t&e

alle(iance %to t&e "o)ernment t&e territory o* t&e P&ilippine

@slands or any part t&ereo*,% t&en it becomes stripped o* its%common% compleJion, inasmuc& as, bein( part and parcel o* t&e

crime o* rebellion, t&e *ormer acuires t&e political c&aracter o* 

t&e latter.

Di)ested o* its common compleJion t&ere*ore, any ordinary act,

&o'e)er (ra)e, assumes a di?erent color by bein( absorbed in t&e

crime o* rebellion, '&ic& carries a li(&ter penalty t&an t&e crime o* 

murder. @n decidin( i* t&e crime committed is rebellion, not murder,

it becomes imperati)e *or our courts to ascertain '&et&er or not t&e

act 'as done in *urt&erance o* a political end. &e political moti)e

o* t&e act s&ould be conclusi)ely demonstrated.

@n suc& cases, t&e burden o* demonstratin( political moti)e *alls on

t&e de*ense, moti)e, bein( a state o* mind '&ic& t&e accused,

better t&an any indi)idual, Ino's. &us, in People v . Gempes, 1 t&is

court stressed t&at:

+ince t&is is a matter t&at lies peculiarly 'it& 6t&e accusedBs

Ino'led(e and since moreo)er t&is is an armati)e de*ense, t&e

burden is on t&em to pro)e, or at least to state, '&ic& t&ey could

easily do personally or t&rou(& 'itnesses, t&at t&ey Iilled t&e

deceased in *urt&erance o* t&e resistance mo)ement.

From t&e *ore(oin(, it is plainly ob)ious t&at it is not enou(& t&at

t&e o)ert acts o* rebellion are duly pro)en. ot& purpose and o)ert

acts are essential components o* t&e crime. >it& eit&er o* t&ese

elements 'antin(, t&e crime o* rebellion le(ally does not eJist. @n*act, e)en in cases '&ere t&e act complained o* 'ere committed

simultaneously 'it& or in t&e course o* t&e rebellion, i* t&e Iillin(,

robbin(, or etc., 'ere accomplis&ed *or pri)ate purposes or proKt,

'it&out any political moti)ation, it &as been &eld t&at t&e crime

'ould be separately punis&able as a common crime and 'ould not

be absorbed by t&e crime rebellion. 11

#learly, political moti)e s&ould be establis&ed be*ore a person

c&ar(ed 'it& a common crime T alle(in( rebellion in order to

lessen t&e possible imposable penalty T could beneKt *rom t&e

la'Bs relati)ely beni(n attitude to'ards political crimes. @nstructi)e

in t&is re(ard is t&e case o* 0nrile v  .

 Amin, 1 '&ere t&e prosecution sou(&t to c&ar(e +enator Auan Ponce

Cnrile 'it& )iolation o* P.D. No. 19, 1H

  *or alle(edly &arborin( or

concealin( in &is &ome #ol. "re(orio 4onasan in spite o*

senatorBs Ino'led(e t&at 4onasan mi(&t &a)e committed a cri

 &is #ourt &eld, a(ainst t&e prosecutionBs contention, t&at rebe

and )iolation o* P.D 19 could be tried separately 1 6on

principle t&at rebellion is based on t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode '

P.D. 19 is a special la', t&at t&e act *or '&ic& t&e senator

bein( c&ar(ed, t&ou(& punis&able under a special la',

absorbed in t&e crime o* rebellion bein( moti)ated by, and rela

to t&e acts *or '&ic& &e 'as c&ar(ed in 0nrile vs. Salazar 6".;. N

918H and 918 a case decided on Aune 5, 199. ;ulin( in *a

o* +enator Cnrile and &oldin( t&at t&e prosecution *or )iolatio

P.D. No. 19 cannot prosper because a separate prosecution

rebellion &ad already been Kled and in *act decided, t&e #ourt sa

 &e attendant circumstances in t&e instant case, &o'e

constrain us to rule t&at t&e t&eory o* absorption in rebel

cases must not conKne itsel* to common crimes but also

o?enses under special la's '&ic& are perpetrated in *urt&era

o* t&e political o?ense. 15

Notin( t&e importance o* purpose in cases o* rebellion t&e c

in 0nrile vs. Amin *urt&er underscored t&at:

/@0ntent or moti)e is a decisi)e *actor. @* +enator Ponce Cnril

not c&ar(ed 'it& rebellion and &e &arbored or concealed #olo

4onasan simply because t&e latter is a *riend and *orassociate, t&e moti)e *or t&e act is completely di?erent. ut i*

act is committed 'it& political or social moti)es, t&at is

*urt&erance o* rebellion, t&en it s&ould be deemed to *orm par

t&e crime o* rebellion instead o* bein( punis&ed separately.

@t *ollo's, t&ere*ore, t&at i* no political moti)e is establis&ed

pro)ed, t&e accused s&ould be con)icted o* t&e common crime

not o* rebellion. @n cases o* rebellion, moti)e relates to t&e act,

mere members&ip in an or(aniation dedicated to t&e *urt&era

o* rebellion 'ould not, by and o* itsel*, suce.

 &e similarity o* some o* t&e *actual circumstances o* Peo

v . 1mpad, Jr ., 18 to t&e instant case is striIin(. 'o 'itnesses, b

*ormer NP recruits identiKed t&e accu

Ompad, alias %#ommander rando,% a Ino'n &itman o* t&e NP

&a)in( led t&ree ot&er members o* t&e NP in t&e liuidation

Dionilo arlaan, a military in*ormer, also in a rebel in*ested area

spite o* &is notoriety as an NP &itman, Ompad 'as merely c&ar

'it& and con)icted o* murder, not rebellion because political mo

'as neit&er alle(ed nor pro)ed.

s stated &ereinabo)e, t&e burden o* proo* t&at t&e act commit

'as impelled by a political moti)e lies on t&e accused. Polit

moti)e must be alle(ed in t&e in*ormation. 17 @t must be establis

by clear and satis*actory e)idence. @n People v . Paz  and !ica


 &at t&e Iillin( 'as in pursuance o* t&e 4uI rebellion is a ma

o* miti(ation or de*ense t&at t&e accused &as t&e burden

pro)in( clearly and satis*actorily. &e lone uncorrobora

assertion o* appellant t&at &is superiors told &im o* Dayrit be

an in*ormer, and &is suspicion t&at &e 'as one suc&, is neit

sucient or adeuate to establis& t&at t&e moti)ation *or

Iillin( 'as political, considerin( appellantBs ob)ious interes

testi*yin( to t&at e?ect. 1

+imilarly, in People v . Buco, 19 t&e #ourt stressed t&at accuse

t&at case *ailed to establis& t&at t&e reason *or t&e Iillin( o* t

)ictim 'as to *urt&er or carry out rebellion. &e e)idence addu

by t&e de*ense t&erein simply s&o'ed t&at appellant Francisco

'as ordered by omas #alma, alias %#ommander +ol% to

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 13/27

municipal mayor #onrado ". Dion. 4o'e)er, t&e e)idence liIe'ise

s&o'ed t&at #alma 'as induced by an acuaintance, a ci)ilian, to

order t&e Iillin( on account o* pri)ate di?erences o)er a ninety 69

&ectare piece o* land. &e court attributed no political moti)e *or

t&e Iillin(, t&ou(& committed by Ino'n members o* t&e

4uIbala&ap mo)ement. 

People v . *asig 1 &as a *actual milieu almost similar to t&e instant

case. &ere, t&e #ourt &eld t&at %t&e act o* Iillin( a police ocer,

Ino'in( too 'ell t&at t&e )ictim is a person in aut&ority is a mere

component or in(redient o* rebellion or an act done in *urt&erance

o* a rebellion.% @n *asig t&e #ourt &o'e)er noted t&at t&e accused,'&o 'as c&ar(ed 'it& murder, not only admitted &is members&ip

'it& t&e NP but also eJecuted an eJtra3udicial con*ession to t&e

e?ect t&at &e 'as a member o* an NP %sparro' unit,% a *act to

'&ic& e)en t&e +olicitor "eneral, in &is brie* t&erein 'as in

a(reement. &e +olicitor "eneralBs brie* in *asig '&ic& t&is #ourt

*a)orably uoted, noted t&at:

/0&e sparro' unit is t&e liuidation suad o* t&e Ne' PeopleBs

rmy 'it& t&e ob3ecti)e o* o)ert&ro'in( t&e duly constituted

(o)ernment. @t is t&ere*ore not &ard to compre&end t&at t&e

Iillin( o* P*c. 2anatad 'as committed as a means to or in

*urt&erance o* t&e sub)ersi)e ends o* t&e NP.

y contrast, t&e +olicitor "eneral )i(orously ar(ues *or a di?erentresult in t&e case at benc&. 4e states t&at accused-appellantBs

belated claims to members&ip in t&e NP 'ere not only

insubstantial but also sel* ser)in( Han a)erment to '&ic&, (i)en a

t&orou(& re)ie' o* t&e circumstances o* t&e case, 'e *ully a(ree.

4e states:

/@n t&e case cited0 t&e appellants, admittedly members o* t&e

NP, clearly o)ercame t&e burden o* pro)in( moti)e or intent. @t

'as s&o'n t&at t&e political moti)ation *or t&e Iillin( o* t&e

)ictim 'as t&e *act t&at ;a(aul 'as suspected as an in*ormer *or

t&e P#. &e perpetrators e)en le*t a letter card, a dra'in( on t&e

body o* ;a(aul as a 'arnin( to ot&ers not to *ollo' &is eJample.

@t is entirely di?erent in t&e case at bar '&ere t&e e)idence *or

t&e appellant merely contains sel*-ser)in( assertions and denialsnot substantial enou(& as an indicia o* political moti)ation in t&e

Iillin( o* )ictim +POH Aesus =ucilo. 

@n t&e case at benc&, t&e appellant, assisted by counsel, admitted

in &is eJtra3udicial con*ession to &a)in( participated in t&e Iillin( o* 

=ucilo as *ollo's:

>&at 'as t&at incident i* any, please narrateQ

Auly 7, 199 at more or less 1: noon. @ am at &ome, t&ree

male person a certainalias =>@N, AL2AS +2UC= and t&e ot&er

one unIno'n to me, *etc&ed me and told me to (o 'it& t&em, so

@ asIed t&em '&ere, l'in &anded me a &and (un and same &estoppedGcall a passen(er 3eepney and told me board on said

 3eepney. 6sic

Please continue.

Upon reac&in( Dara(a, lbay *rontin( Petron "asoline +tation,

'e ali(&ted on said 3eep, so 'e 'alI to'ards Dara(a aIery 'e

stopped 'alIin( due to it is rainin(, '&en t&e rain stopped 'e

continue 'alIin( by usin( t&e road near t&e baIery. 6sic

>&en you reac&ed Dara(a baIery, as you &a)e said in . 7 you

used t&e road near t&e baIery '&ere did you proceedQ

@ am not *amiliar 'it& t&at place, but @ and my compan

continue 'alIin(, at more less :H P.2. Auly 7, 199 one o*

companion told us as to uote in icol dialect, to 'it: %2O

 <D@ N @N2PO P=U>+% 6&is is t&e place to'ards

poblacion, so, @ placed mysel* 3ust a&ead o* a small store,

t&ree 6H companions continue 'alIin( to'ards poblacion, l

on a policeman sportin( '&ite -s&irt and a I&aIi pant

'alIin( to'ards me, '&ile t&e said policeman is ne

approac&in( me, =>@N s&ot t&e said policeman in *ront o*

small store, '&en t&e said policeman *ell on t&e asp&alted ro

=>@N tooI t&e ser)ice Krearm o* t&e said policeman, t&en

ran to'ards t&e subdi)ision, t&en my t'o 6 compan

commanded a tricycle t&en 'e Led until 'e reac&ed a

'&erein t&ere is a small brid(e, t&erea*ter Ea +amuel tooI

&and(un t&at 'as &anded to me by t&em at Pilar, +orso(on. 6s

Do you Ino' t&e policeman t&at 'as Iilled by your compan

@ 3ust came to Ino' &is name '&en @ reac&ed &ome and &e

it radio, t&at &e is AC+U+ =U#@=O. 6sic

>&at is your participation in t&e (roupQ

=ooI-out sir.

@ &a)e not&in( more to asIed you '&at else, i* t&ere is a


No more sir. 5

@t bears emp&asis t&at no'&ere in &is entire e3tra$udi

con(ession did appellant e)er mention t&at &e 'as a member o*

Ne' PeopleBs rmy. t&orou(& readin( o* t&e same re)eals not&

'&ic& 'ould su((est t&at t&e Iillin( in '&ic& &e 'as a particip

'as moti)ated by a political purpose. 2oreo)er, t&e in*orma

Kled a(ainst appellant, based on s'orn statements, did not con

any mention or allusion as to t&e in)ol)ement o* t&e NP in

deat& o* +POH =ucilo. 8 C)en prosecution eye'itness Ne

rmenta did not mention t&e NP in &is s'orn statement o* Octo19, 199. 7

s t&e record 'ould s&o', alle(ations relatin( to appella

members&ip in t&e NP sur*aced almost merely as an a*tert&ou

somet&in( '&ic& t&e de*ense merely picIed up and *ollo

t&rou(& upon prosecution eye'itness rmentaBs testimony

cross-eJamination t&at &e Ine' appellant to be a member o*

NP. @nterestin(ly, &o'e)er, in t&e same testimony, rme

admitted t&at &e 'as %*orced% to pinpoint appellant as an

member.  &e lo(ical result, o* course, 'as t&at t&e trial court

not (i)e any 'ei(&t and credence to said testimony. &e trial co

a*ter all, &ad t&e prero(ati)e o* re3ectin( only a part o* a 'itn

testimony '&ile up&oldin( t&e rest o* it. 9 >&ile disbelie)in(

portion o* rmentaBs testimony on appellantBs alle(ed membersin t&e NP, t&e trial court correctly (a)e credence to &is unLa'

narration about &o' t&e crime 'as committed.  H +uc& narratio

e)en corroborated in its pertinent portions, eJcept as to t&e iden

o* t&e (un 'ielder, by t&e testimony o* t&e appellant &imsel*.

@n any case, appellantBs claim re(ardin( t&e political color attend

t&e commission o* t&e crime bein( a matter o* de*ense, its )iab

depends on &is sole and unsupported testimony. 4e testiKed t

upon t&e proddin( o* aliasl'in and alias +amuel, &e 3oined t&e

because o* t&e or(aniatio

(oals. H1 4e claimed t&at &is t'o companions s&ot =ucilo because

%&ad o?ended our or(aniation,% H 'it&out, &o'e)er, speci*

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 14/27

'&at t&e %o?ense% 'as. ppellant claimed t&at &e &ad been a

member o* t&e NP *or K)e mont&s be*ore t&e s&ootin( incident. HH

s correctly obser)ed by t&e +olicitor "eneral, appellantBs

contentions are couc&ed in terms so (eneral and non-speciKc H t&at

t&ey o?er no eJplanation as to '&at contribution t&e Iillin( 'ould

&a)e made to'ards t&e ac&ie)ement o* t&e NPBs sub)ersi)e aims.

+POH Aesus =ucilo, a mere policeman, 'as ne)er alle(ed to be an

in*ormer. No acts o* &is 'ere speciKcally s&o'n to &a)e o?ended

t&e NP. (ainst appellantBs attempts to s&ade &is participation in

t&e Iillin( 'it& a political color, t&e e)idence on record lea)es t&e

impression t&at appellantBs bare alle(ations o* members&ip in t&eNP 'as con)eniently in*used to miti(ate t&e penalty imposable

upon &im. @t is o* 3udicial notice t&at in many NP in*ested areas,

crimes &a)e been all-too-uicIly attributed to t&e *urt&erance o* an

ideolo(y or under t&e cloaI o* political color *or t&e purpose o* 

miti(atin( t&e imposable penalty '&en in *act t&ey are no more

t&an ordinary crimes perpetrated by common criminals. @n Balosis

v . Chavez# Jr ., #&ie* Austice Nar)asa aptly obser)ed:

 &e eJistence o* rebellious (roups in our society today, and o* 

numerous bandits, or irresponsible or deran(ed indi)iduals, is a

reality t&at cannot be i(nored or belittled. &eir acti)ities, t&e

Iillin(s and acts o* destruction and terrorism t&at t&ey

perpetrate, un*ortunately continue unabated despite t&e best

e?orts t&at t&e "o)ernment aut&orities are eJertin(, alt&ou(& itmay be true t&at t&e insurrectionist (roups o* t&e ri(&t or t&e le*t

no lon(er pose a (enuine t&reat to t&e security o* t&e state. &e

need *or more strin(ent la's and more ri(orous la'-en*orcement,

cannot be (ainsaid. H5

@n t&e absence o* clear and satis*actory e)idence pointin( to a

political moti)e *or t&e Iillin( o* +POH Aesus =ucilo, 'e are satisKed

t&at t&e trial court correctly con)icted appellant o* t&e crime o* 

murder. H8 @t is o* no moment t&at a sin(le eye'itness, Nestor

rmenta, sealed &is *ate, *or it is settled t&at t&e testimony o* one

'itness, i* credible and positi)e, is sucient to con)ict.  H7 (ainst

appellantBs claims t&at &e acted merely as a looI-out, t&e testimony

o* one 'itness, &is blood relati)e, *ree *rom any si(ns o* impropriety

or *alse&ood, 'as sucient to con)ict t&e accused. H

2oreo)er,neit&er may lacI o* moti)e be a)ailin( to eJculpate t&e appellant.

=acI or absence o* moti)e *or committin( a crime does not

preclude con)iction, t&ere bein( a reliable eye'itness '&o *ully and

satis*actorily identiKed appellant as t&e perpetrator o* t&e

*elony. H9 2n the case at bench# the strength o( the prosecution4s

case &as (urthermore bolstered b accused5appellant4s admission

in open court that he and the ee&itness# his o&n uncle# bore no

grudges against each other .

Finally, treac&ery 'as adeuately pro)ed in t&e court belo'. &e

attacI deli)ered by appellant 'as sudden, and 'it&out 'arnin( o* 

any Iind. 1 &e Iillin( &a)in( been ualiKed by treac&ery, t&e crime

committed is murder under rt. o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode. @n

t&e absence o* any miti(atin( and a((ra)atin( circumstances, t&etrial court 'as correct in imposin( t&e penalty o* reclusion

 perpetua to(et&er 'it& all t&e accessories pro)ided by la'.

>4C;CFO;C, P;C2@+C+ #ON+@DC;CD, t&e trial courtBs decision

dated +eptember 1, 199H, sentencin( t&e accused o* 2urder is

&ereby FF@;2CD, in toto.


PEOPLE "S A#AO HERNANE?  699 P4@= 5151. >&at


bout 2arc& 15, 195, mado 4ernande and ot&er appella

'ere accused o* conspirin(, con*ederatin( and cooperatin( '

eac& ot&er, as 'ell as 'it& t&e t&irty-one6H1 de*endants c&ar(e

t&e criminal cases o* t&e #ourt o* First @nstance o* 2anila. &ey'

accused o* bein( members o* PEP #ommunity Party o*

P&ilippines '&ic& 'asacti)ely en(a(ed in an armed rebe

a(ainst t&e (o)ernment o* t&e P&ilippines. >it& t&e party

4UE=4P 64uIbo n( ayan =aban sa m(a 4apon, t

committed t&ecrime o* rebellion causin( murder, pilla(e, loo

plunder, etc., enumerated in 1H attacIson (o)ernment *orce

ci)ilians by 4UE+.

. #rime #ommitted:

;ebellion 'it& multiple murder, arsons and robberies

H. #ontention o* t&e +tate:

 &e (o)ernment, &eaded by t&e +olicitor "eneral, ar(ued t&at

(ra)ity o* t&ecrime committed reuired t&e denial o* bail. 2oreo

t&e compleJ crime c&ar(ed

t&e(o)ernment a(ainst 4ernande &as been success*ully impose

'it& ot&er arrestedcommunist leaders and

sentenc0bbbbbbbbbbmed to li*e imprisonment.

. #ontention o* t&e ccused:

n appeal prosecuted by t&e de*endants re(ardin( t&e 3ud(m

rendered by t&e#F@ in 2anila t&at rebellion cannot be a comp

crime 'it& murder, arson or robbery.

5. ;ulin(:

 &e court ruled t&at murder, arson, and robbery are m

in(redient o* t&e crime o* rebellion as means necessaryV *or

perpetration o* t&e o?ense. +uc& common o?ense isabsorbed

in&erent o* t&e crime o* rebellion. @nasmuc& as t&e acts speciKe

rticle 1H5constitutes, one sin(le crime it *ollo's t&at said a

o?er no occasion *or t&e application o* rticle '&ic& reu

t&ere*ore t&e commission o* at least t'o crimes.WWW


: ;ebellion cannot be compleJed 'it& commoncrimes suc&

Iillin(s, destruction o* property, etc., committed on t&e occas

and in*urt&erance t&ereo*. &e t&inIin( is not anymore correct m

so t&at t&ere is no le(al basis*or suc& rule no'. ;ebe

constitutes ON=< ONC #;@2C.


G.R. No. L@*25 #ay )*, 19@


A#AO ". HERNANE?, ET AL., a''u3!, A#AO ".

HERNANE?, ET AL., !33n!an6a443an6.

G.R. No. L@*2@ #ay )*, 19@



TEOPISTA "ALERIO, !33n!an6a443an6.

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 15/27

=;DO;, J.-

 &is is t&e appeal prosecuted by t&e de*endants *rom t&e 3ud(ment

rendered by t&e #ourt o* First @nstance o* 2anila, 4on. (ustin P.

2ontesa, presidin(, in its #riminal #ase No. 151, People vs.

 Amado 6. /ernandez# et al., and #riminal #ase No. 1579, People

vs. Baani 0spiritu# et al. @n #riminal #ase No. 151 6".;. No. =-

88 t&e c&ar(e is *or ;ebellion 'it& 2ultiple 2urder, rsons and

;obberies t&e appellants are mado !. 4ernande, Auan A. #ru,

"enaro de la #ru, mado ;acanday, Fermin ;odillas and Aulian

=umano( uilino unsol, driano +amson and ndres aisa, Ar.

'ere amon( t&ose sentenced in t&e 3ud(ment appealed *rom, butt&ey &a)e 'it&dra'n t&eir appeal. @n #riminal #ase No. 1579 6".;.

No. =-88 t&e c&ar(e is *or rebellion 'it& murders, arsons and

Iidnappin(s t&e accused are ayani Cspiritu eopista !alerio and

ndres alsa, Ar. t&ey all appealed but ndres alsa, Ar. 'it&dre'

&is appeal.

 &e in*ormation Kled a(ainst de*endants 4ernande and ot&ers in

#riminal #ase No. 151 alle(ed:

@. &at on or about 2arc& 15, 195, and *or some time be*ore t&e

said date and continuously t&erea*ter, until t&e present time, in

t&e #ity o* 2anila, P&ilippines, and t&e place '&ic& t&ey &ad

c&osen as t&e ner)e center o* all t&eir rebellious acti)ities in t&e

di?erent parts o* t&e P&ilippines, t&e said accused, conspirin(,con*ederatin( and cooperatin( 'it& eac& ot&er, as 'ell as 'it&

t&e t&irty-one 6H1 de*endants c&ar(ed in #riminal #ases Nos.

1971, 1, 17, 1H15 and 1H o* t&e #ourt o* First

@nstance o* 2anila 6decided 2ay 11, 1951 and also 'it& ot&ers

'&ose '&ereabouts and identities are still unIno'n, t&e said

accused and t&eir ot&er co-conspirators, bein( t&en &i(& ranIin(

ocers andGor members o*, or ot&er'ise aliated 'it& t&e

#ommunist Party o* t&e P&ilippines 6P.E.P., '&ic& is no' acti)ely

en(a(ed in an armed rebellion a(ainst t&e "o)ernment o* t&e

P&ilippines t&ru act t&ereto*ore committed and planned to be

*urt&er committed in 2anila and ot&er places in t&e P&ilippines,

and o* '&ic& party t&e %4uIbon( 2apa(palaya N(

ayan%64.2.. ot&er'ise or *ormerly Ino'n as t&e

%4uIbala&aps% 64uIs, unla'*ully and did t&en and t&ere 'ill*ully,unla'*ully and *eloniously &elp, support, promote, maintain,

cause, direct andGor command t&e %4uIbon( 2apa(palaya N(

ayan% 64.2.. or t&e %4uIbala&aps% 64uIs to rise publicly and

taIe arms a(ainst t&e ;epublic o* t&e P&ilippines, or ot&er'ise

participate in suc& armed public uprisin(, *or t&e purpose o* 

remo)in( t&e territory o* t&e P&ilippines *rom t&e alle(iance to

t&e (o)ernment and la's t&ereo* as in *act t&e said %4uIbon(

2apa(palaya N( ayan% or %4uIbala&aps% &a)e risen publicly

and taIen arms to attain t&e said purpose by t&en and t&ere

maIin( armed raids, sorties and ambus&es, attacIs a(ainst

police, constabulary and army detac&ments as 'ell as innocent

ci)ilians, and as a necessary means to commit t&e crime o* 

rebellion, in connection t&ere'it& and in *urt&erance t&ereo*,

&a)e t&en and t&ere committed acts o* murder, pilla(e, lootin(,

plunder, arson, and planned destruction o* pri)ate and public

property to create and spread c&aos, disorder, terror, and *ear so

as to *acilitate t&e accomplis&ment o* t&e a*oresaid purpose, as.

*ollo's, to 'it: 6Cnumeration o* t&irteen attacIs on (o)ernment

*orces or ci)ilians by 4uIs on 2ay 8, 198, u(ust 8, 198, pril

1, 197, 2ay 9, 197, u(ust 19, 197, Aune, 198, pril ,

199, u(ust 5, 195, u(ust 8, 195, u(ust 5, 195,

+eptember 1, 195, 2arc& , 195 and 2arc& 9, 195.

@@. &at durin( t&e period o* time and under t&e same

circumstances &erein-abo)e indicated t&e said accused in t&e

abo)e-entitled case, conspirin( amon( t&emsel)es and 'it&

se)eral ot&ers as a*oresaid, 'ill*ully, unla'*ully and *eloniously

or(anied, establis&ed, led andGor maintained t&e #on(ress o* 

=abor Or(aniations 6#=O, *ormerly Ino'n as t&e #ommittee

=abor Or(aniations 6#=O, 'it& central oces in 2anila

c&apters and aliated or associated labor unions and o

%mass or(aniations% in di?erent places in t&e P&ilippines, as

acti)e a(ency, or(an, and instrumentality o* t&e #ommunist P

o* t&e P&ilippines 6P.E.P. and as suc& a(ency, or(an,

instrumentality, to *ully cooperate in, and sync&ronie

acti)ities T as t&e #=O t&us or(anied, establis&ed, led an

maintained by t&e &erein accused and t&eir co-conspirators,

in *act *ully cooperated in and sync&ronied its acti)ities 'it&

acti)ities o* t&e %4uIbon( 2apa(palaya N( ayan% 64.2..

ot&er or(ans, a(encies, and instrumentalities o* t&e #ommu

Party o* t&e P&ilippines 6P.E.P., to t&ereby assure, *acilitate,

e?ect t&e complete and permanent success o* t&e ab

mentioned armed rebellion a(ainst t&e "o)ernment o*


 &e in*ormation Kled a(ainst t&e de*endants in #riminal #ase

1579, ayani Cspiritu ndres aisa, Ar. and eopista !ale


 &at on or about t&e 8t& day o* 2ay, 198, and *or somet

prior and subseuent t&ereto and continuously up to t&e pres

time, in t&e #ity o* 2anila, t&e seat o* t&e (o)ernment o*

;epublic o* t&e P&ilippines, '&ic& t&e &erein accused &

intended to o)ert&ro', and t&e place c&osen *or t&at purposet&e ner)e center o* all t&eir rebellious atrocities in t&e di?er

parts o* t&e country, t&e said accused bein( t&en &i(& ranI

ocials andGor members o* t&e #ommunist Party o*

P&ilippines 6P.E.P. andGor o* t&e %4uIbon( 2apa(palaya

ayan% 64.2.. ot&er'ise or *ormerly Ino'n as

%4uIbala&aps% 64UE+, t&e latter bein( t&e armed *orces o* s

#ommunist Party o* t&e P&ilippines &a)in( come to

a(reement 'it& t&e 9 o* t&e H1 accused in #riminal #ases N

171, 1, 17, 1H15, 1H o* t&e #ourt o* First @nsta

o* 2anila and decided to commit t&e crime o* rebellion,

t&ere*ore, conspirin( and con*ederatin( 'it& all o* t&e 9 accu

in said criminal cases, actin( in accordance 'it& t&eir conspir

and in *urt&erance t&ereo*, to(et&er 'it& many ot&ers '&

'&ereabouts and identities are still unIno'n up to t&e Klin(

t&is in*ormation, and &elpin( one anot&er, did t&en and t&

'ill*ully, unla'*ully and *eloniously promote maintain, ca

direct andGor command t&e %4uIbon( 2apa(palaya N( aya

642 or t&e 4uIbala&aps 64UE+ to rise publicly and taIe

a(ainst t&e "o)ernment or ot&er'ise participate t&erein *or

purpose o* o)ert&ro'in( t&e same, as in *act, t&e said %4uIb

2apa(palaya N( ayan% or 4uIbala&ap 64UE+ &a)e r

publicly and taIen arms a(ainst t&e "o)ernment, by t&en

t&ere maIin( armed raids, sorties and ambus&es, attacIs a(a

police, constabulary and army detac&ment, and as a necess

means to commit t&e crime o* rebellion, in connection t&ere'

and in *urt&erance t&ereo*, by t&en and t&ere committin( 'an

acts o* murder, spoila(e, lootin(, arson, Iidnappin(s, plan

destruction o* pri)ate and public buildin(s, to create and spr

terrorism in order to *acilitate t&e accomplis&ment o* a*oresaid purpose, as *ollo's to 'it: 6Cnumeration o* t&irt

attacIs on "o)ernment *orces or ci)ilians by 4uIs on 2ay

198. u(ust 8, 198, pril 1, 197, 2ay 9, 197, u(ust

197, Aune 198, pril , 199, u(ust 5, 195, u(ust

195, u(ust 5, 195, +eptember 1, 195, 2arc& , 195

2arc& 9, 195.

3oint trial o* bot& cases 'as &eld, a*ter '&ic& t&e court rende

t&e decision sub3ect o* t&e present appeals.

 APP0AL 17 A8A*1 6. /09A9*0: 

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 16/27

*ter trial t&e #ourt o* First @nstance *ound, as a(ainst appellant

mado !. 4ernande, t&e *ollo'in(: 61 t&at &e is a member o* t&e

#ommunist Party o* t&e P&ilippines and as suc& &ad aliases,

namely, !ictor or +oliman 6 t&at &e 'as *urnis&ed copies o* 

%itis%, a #ommunist publication, as 'ell as ot&er publications o* t&e

Party 6H t&at &e &eld t&e position o* President o* t&e #on(ress o* 

=abor Or(aniations 6 t&at &e &ad close connections 'it& t&e

+ecretariat o* t&e #ommunist Party and &eld continuous

communications 'it& its leaders and its members 65 t&at &e

*urnis&ed a mimeo(rap&in( mac&ine used by t&e #ommunist Party,

as 'ell as clot&es and supplies *or t&e military operations o* t&e

4uIs 68 t&at &e &ad contacted 'ell-Ino'n #ommunists comin( to

t&e P&ilippines and &ad (one abroad to t&e >FU con*erence

russels, el(ium as a dele(ate o* t&e #=O, etc. C)idence 'as also

recei)ed by t&e court t&at 4ernande made )arious speec&es

encoura(in( t&e people to 3oin in t&e 4uI mo)ement in t&e


 &e court also *ound t&at t&ere 'as a close tie-up bet'een t&e

#ommunist Party and t&e #on(ress o* =abor Or(aniations, o* '&ic&

4ernande 'as t&e President, and t&at t&is #on(ress 'as or(anied

by 4ernande in con3unction 'it& ot&er 4uIs, namely: l*redo

+aulo, 2ariano al(os, "uillermo #apadocia, etc.

>e 'ill no' consider t&e nature and c&aracter o* bot& t&e

testimonial as 'ell as t&e documentary e)idence, independently o* eac& ot&er, to Knd out i* t&e said e)idence supports t&e Kndin(s o* 

t&e court.

!estimonial 0vidence

mado !. 4ernande tooI t&e oat& as member o* t&e #ommunist

Party in t&e mont& o* October, 197, at t&e oces o* t&e #on(ress

o* =abor Or(aniations at 7 carra(a in t&e presence o* 

"uillermo #apadocia, ;amon Cspiritu, Pedro #astro, ndres alsa,

etc. s a #ommunist &e 'as (i)en t&e pseudonyms o* !ictor and

+oliman, and recei)ed copies o* t&e #ommunist paper %itis%. 4e

made )arious speec&es on t&e *ollo'in( dates and occasions:

61 On u(ust 9, 19 be*ore t&e Democratic Peace ;ally o* t&e

#=O at Plaa 2iranda, in '&ic& &e announced t&at t&e people 'ill

soon meet t&eir dear comrade in t&e person o* #omrade =uis


6 On +eptember , 19 &e con*erred 'it& 4indu E&omal

"ou*ar at t&e Cscolta, at '&ic& occasion al(os told "ou*ar t&at

t&e PE2, #=O and t&e 4uIs are in one e?ort t&at t&e PE2 are t&e

peasants in t&e Keld and t&e 4uIs are t&e armed *orces o* t&e

#ommunist Party and t&e #=O *alls under t&e UD o* t&e

#ommunist Party. ;<&ph=;.>?t 

6H On October , 19 &e 'ent abroad to attend t&e +econd

nnual #on)ention o* t&e >orld Federation o* rade Unions anda*ter arri)al *rom abroad a dinner 'as (i)en to &im by t&e people

o* "a(alan(in, at '&ic& 4ernande deli)ered a speec& and &e

said t&at &e pre*erred to (o 'it& t&e 4uIs because &e *elt sa*er

'it& t&em t&an 'it& t&e aut&orities o* t&e "o)ernment.

6 @n pril, 199, &e made a speec& be*ore a (roup o* tenants in

2alabon attacIin( t&e *rauds in t&e 197 elections, (ra*t and

corruption in t&e elections and t&at i* impro)ement cannot be

made by t&e ballots, t&ey could be made by bullets and en3oined

t&e people to (o to t&e &ills and 3oin =uis aruc t&e &ead o* t&e

dissidents in t&e P&ilippines.

65 On October , 199 &e deli)ered a speec& on t&e occasio

t&e commemoration o* t&e >orld Peace at t&e #=O &eaduart

at HH P. #ampa. 4e attacIed t&e city mayor and incited

people to (o to alinta'aI and see oni*acio t&ere and t&erea

 3oin *our comrades under t&e leaders&ip o* =uis aruc.

68 On October 18, 199 &e deli)ered a speec& be*or

con)ention o* t&e unemployed at HH P. #ampa. 4e asIed

unemployed to appro)e a resolution ur(in( t&e "o)ernmen

(i)e t&em 3obs. @n conclusion &e said t&at i* t&e "o)ernment *

to (i)e t&em 3obs t&e only 'ay out 'as to 3oin t&e re)olution

*orces K(&tin( in t&e &ills. 4e *urt&er said t&at 2ao se uleader o* t&e PeopleBs rmy in #&ina, dro)e #&ian( Eai +&eI *

&is country, and t&at =uis aruc 'as also bein( c&ased

"o)ernment *orces run by puppets liIe uirino, etc.

67 On Aanuary 1H, 195 t&ere 'as anot&er meetin( at HH

#ampa. @n &is talI 4ernande eJpressed re(ret t&at t'o *orem

leaders o* t&e #=O, al(os and #apadocia, &ad (one to t&e K

to 3oin t&e liberation army o* t&e 42, 3usti*yin( t&eir (oin(

and becomin( &eroes by K(&tin( in t&e Kelds a(a

"o)ernment *orces until t&e ultimate (oal is ac&ie)ed.

 &e abo)e e)idence 'as testiKed to by Florentino Diolata '&o

t&e ocial p&oto(rap&er o* t&e #=O since u(ust, 19.

On t&e tie-up bet'een t&e #ommunist Party and t&e #=O "uille

#alaya(, a #ommunist and a 4uI *rom 19 to 195, eJplained:

61 &e ultimate (oal o* t&e #ommunist Party is to o)ert&ro'

president (o)ernment by *orce o* aims and )iolence t&ru arm

re)olution and replace it 'it& t&e so-called dictators&ip o*

proletariat t&e #ommunist Party carries its pro(ram o* arm

o)ert&ro' o* t&e present (o)ernment by or(aniin( t&e 42

ot&er *orms o* or(aniationBs suc& as t&e #=O, PE2, u

or(aniations, and t&e pro*essional and intellectual (roup

#=O 'as or(anied by t&e rade Union Di)ision UD o*

#ommunist Party.

6 (ood ma3ority o* t&e members o* t&e CJecuti)e #ommit

and t&e #entral #ommittee o* t&e #=O 'ere also top ranI

ocials o* t&e #ommunist Party acti)ities undertaIen by t&e

- t&e )ital undertaIin( o* t&e UD is to see t&at t&e directi

comin( *rom t&e or(aniational bureau o* t&e #ommunist P

can be discussed 'it&in t&e #=O especially t&e CJecu

#ommittee. nd it is a *act t&at since a (ood ma3ority o*

members o* t&e CJecuti)e #ommittee are party members, t&

is no time, t&ere is no sin(le time t&at t&ose directi)es

decisions o* t&e or(aniational department, t&ru t&e UD

bein( ob3ected to by t&e CJecuti)e #ommittee o* t&e #=O. &

directi)es re*er to &o' t&e #=O 'ill conduct its *unctions.

eJecuti)e committee is under t&e c&airmans&ip o* accu

mado !. 4ernande.

6H &e #=O played its role in t&e o)erall #ommunist pro(ram

armed o)ert&ro' o* t&e present (o)ernment and its replacem

by t&e dictators&ip o* t&e proletariat by means o* propa(an

by propa(atin( t&e principles o* #ommunism, by (i)in( mone

aid, clot&in(, medicine and ot&er *orms o* material &elp to

42. &is role is mani*ested in t&e )ery constitution o* t&e #

itsel* '&ic& eJpounded t&e t&eory o* classless society and

eradication o* social classes 6par. 5, +ec. 1, rt. , pa(e 1 o*

#=O #onstitution contained in t&e Fourt& nnual #on)en

+ou)enir Pro(ram o* t&e #=O CJ&. %!-1579%. &ru propa(an

t&e #=O promoted t&e aims o* #ommunist Party

disseminated #ommunist ideas by:

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 17/27

6a &e conspicuous display o* t&e portrait or, pictures o* 

#risanto C)an(elista 6CJ&. !-188, *ounder o* #ommunism

in t&e P&ilippines, in t&e session &all o* t&e #=O &eaduarters

at 7 carra(a and t&en at HH P. #ampa

6b &e distribution o* *orei(n communist readin( materials

suc& as t&e >orld Federation o* rade Union 2a(aine,

@nternational Union o* +tudents ma(aine, !oice ma(aine o* 

t&e marine cooIs o* t&e #=O, >orld #ommittee o* t&e

De*enders o* t&e Peace ma(aine, Free ul(aria ma(aine,

+o)iet ;ussia oday ma(aine and >orld Federation o* 

Democratic <out& ma(aine 6CJ&s. !-911, !-97, !-91, !-99, !-91, !-5H, >-998 and !-987

6c &e publication and distribution o* some local sub)ersi)e

publications suc& as t&e %itis%, %isi(%, Eidlat%, '&ic& are

#ommunist Party or(ans %&e P&ilippine =abor Demands

 Austice% and %4ands O? Eorea% aut&ored by accused mado

!. 4ernande

6d Principles o* #ommunism 'ere also propa(ated t&ru

lectures, meetin(s, and by means o* or(aniation o* 

committees in t&e educational department as 'ell as

researc&es in t&e >orIerBs @nstitute o* t&e #=O.

6 &e #=O also &elped carry out t&e pro(ram o* t&e #ommunist

Party t&ru inKltration o* party members and selected leaders o* 

t&e 42 'it&in t&e trade unions under t&e control o* t&e #=O. &e

#ommunist Party t&ru t&e #=O assi(ned #ommunist Party leaders

and or(aniers to di?erent *actories in order to or(anie unions.

*ter t&e or(aniation o* t&e union, it 'ill aliate itsel* 'it& t&e

#=O t&ru t&e #ommunist leaders and t&e #=O in turn, 'ill re(ister

said union 'it& t&e Department o* =abor and t&e orientation and

indoctrination o* t&e 'orIers is continued in t&e line o* class

stru((le. *ter t&is orientation and inKltration o* t&e #ommunist

Party members and selected leaders o* t&e 42 'it& t&e trade

unions under t&e control o* t&e #=O is already ac&ie)ed and t&e

(roup made stron( enou(& to carry out its aims, t&ey 'ill be(in

t&e sporadic striIes and t&e liuidation o* anti-labor elements and

anti-#ommunist elements and 'ill create a so-calledre)olutionary crisis. &at re)olutionary crisis 'ill be done *or t&e

party to (i)e directi)es to t&e 42 '&o are K(&tin( in t&e

countrysides and made t&em come to t&e city (ates. &e entry o* 

t&e 42 is bein( pa)ed by t&e simultaneous and sporadic striIes,

by ultimate (eneral striIes t&ru t&e mana(ement o* t&e #=O.

2mportant *ocuments Submitted at !rial

1. Documents '&ic& pro)ed t&at mado !. 4ernande used t&e

aliases %!ictor%, or 'as re*erred to as %!ictor% or %+oliman%.

6a =etter dated pril H, 195 6si(ned by 6ictor  addressed to

 Aulie tellin( t&e latter o* &is sympat&ies *or ot&er communists,describin( &is eJperiences 'it& #ommunists abroad, tellin(

 Aulie to dispose o* materials t&at may be sent by !ictor. 6CJ&. D-


6b %Paano 2aisasa(a'a, etc.% T mentions di?erent (roups o* 

labor unions o* '&ic& !ictor &eads one (roup, consistin( o* t&e

2;;#O, P=D, P">U, C2>U and @;>U 6CJ&. #-1-

#adres assi(ned to di?erent industries. 6CJ&. !--1

6c 4and'ritten certiKcate o* 4ono*re 2an(ila states t&at &e

Ine' mado 4ernande as !ictor *rom co-party members 4u(o

and Cly. 6CJ&. ==

6d =etter o* Clias to Ea Cto reuestin( t&e latter to del

attac&ed letter to !ictor. 6CJ&. 11H

6e +auloBs letter about &is escape, asIs !ictor '&y &is pr

statement 'as not publis&ed in t&e ne'spapers. 6CJ&. #-H

=etter 'as &o'e)er publis&ed by 4ernande in t&e Daily 2ir

6* =etter o* aruc to 2aclan( directin( t&e latter to (i)e cop

4uI +tory to !ictor. 6CJ&. D-8H-8

6( Notes o* +alome #ru, 4uI courier, statin( t&at s&e 'en

+oliman at Pampan(a +t. to brin( to t&e latter communicat*rom t&e #ommunist Party. 6CJ&. D-1H &at +oliman

(i)en copies o* %itis%. 6CJ&. D-19

6& +C# directions to Politburo members, +oliman not to

in)ol)ed 'it& Nacionalista ;ebels. 6CJ&. F-9-9H. +C#

6i =etter o* +C# to Politburo reportin( t&at +aulo be sent

and +oliman &as %tendencies o* careerism and tendency

'ant to deal 'it& leaders o* t&e party% t&at &e s&ould be as

to c&oose to (o under(round or K(&t le(ally. 6CJ&. F-58

63 CJplanation (i)en by 4ernande '&y &e did not 3oin +aul

(oin( under(round. 6CJ&. !-7 61 4is election as councuntil December, 1951. 6CJ&s. !-, >-9 6 4is election

President o* #=O until u(ust o* *ollo'in( year. 6CJ&s. !-


. =etters and 2essa(es o* 4ernande.

6a o =yden 4enry and 4arry ;eic&, tells 4uIs still K(&t

6CJ&. !-

6b o +O+@ AaIarta T t&at Filipinos are 3oinin( o

communist countries o* t&e Cast. 6CJ&. !-

6c Press release on +auloBs disappearance publis&ed by m4ernande. 6CJ&. >-118-1

6d o 4u(& and Cddie, Auly , 199 T CJtends (reetin(

National Union o* 2arine #ooIs and +te'ards, states t&at la

&as one common stru((le T %t&e liberation o* all t&e peo

*rom t&e c&ains o* tyranny, *ascism and imperialism%. 6CJ&


6e o Eas. Pablo and Cstrada - talIs o* t&e K(&t - K(&t o* la

6CJ&. !-5-9

6* ppeal to t&e >omen and sia. 6CJ&. !-5-1

6( =etter to Aulie 6CJ&. !-1-

6& =etter to #&an =ieu - states t&at leaders durin( t&e 'ar

bein( persecuted, liIe aruc. ells o* re'ard o* P1,.

 arucBs &ead. 6CJ&. M-5-

6i =etter to Ao&n "ates o* t&e Daily >orIer T condemns >

+treet maneu)ers corruption and (ra*t in u

administration, etc. 6CJ&. !-H

63 #able(ram: #=O 3oin @=>U commends 4arry rid(es,

#ommunist. 6CJ&. !-79

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 18/27

6I #ommunication o* 4ernande to #=O at 2;;#O T Praises

al(os and #apadocia *or 3oinin( t&e 4uIs. 6CJ&s. !-1-, !-


6l %P&ilippine labor Demands Austice% T ttacIs cars o* >all

+treet and U.+. rmy and "o)ernment. 6CJ&. !-9 .

6m =etter to aruc T Aune , 19.-+tates solidarity amon(

t&e #=O 4uIs and PE2. ttacIs Nort& tlantic Pact. Praises 2ao

 se un( 6contained in CJ&. !-9

6n %P&ilippines @s Not Paradise% T +tates o* a dele(ation to;oJas attacIin( unemployment. 6CJ&. !-9-9H

6o rticle %Pro(ressi)e P&ilippines% T 6CJ&. !-7

6p rticle %4ands O? Eorea% T 6CJ&s. !--9, 95-51,

59-515, >-5-8

6 %=iman( u'an( alaI +a Pa(papalaIas N( Or(anisasyon%.

6CJ&. M-H5-H

6r Press statement o* 4ernande T opposes acceptance o* 

decorations *rom "reece by ;omulo. 6CJ&. !-7

H. Ot&er cti)ities o* 4ernande.

6a 4ernande recei)ed clot&es *rom Pres. =ines t&ru P. #ampa,

'&ic& clot&es &e sent to t&e Keld. =etters s&o' o* sendin( o* 

supplies to 4uIs. 6CJ&. +-HH

6b 4ernande 'as asIed to *urnis& portable type'riter, '&ic&

&e did *urnis& to 4uIs. 6CJ&. #-H8

6c 4ernande brou(&t arucBs letter about *acts and incidents

about 4uIs to ulosan *or inclusion in ulosanBs booI. 6CJ&. FF-


6d 4ad con*erence 'it& Eumar "os&al a 4indu, about t&e 4uIs

and t&eir armed *orces. 6P&oto(rap&s, CJ&s. M-8 ;;-5-55

6e +uper)ised taIin( o* pictures o* sons o* #apadocia and

 Ao)en. 6P&oto(rap&s, CJ&s. -1, ;;-1H8-1H

6* 4ad Ino'led(e o* t&e (oin( under(round o* #apadocia and

al(os and issued press release about t&eir (oin(

under(round. 6CJ&. F-91

6( !ictor mentioned to continue as contact *or #&ino. 6CJ&. #-


6& arucBs letter to 2aclan( s&o's t&at Soliman &ad sent 7

lessons to aruc. 6CJ&. D-51-51-

6i ssociated 'it& *ello' ranIin( #ommunist leaders.

 &e #ourt upon consideration o* t&e e)idence submitted, *ound 61

t&at t&e #ommunist Party 'as *ully or(anied as a party and in

order to carry out its aims and policies a establis&ed a National

#on(ress, a #entral #ommittee 6##, Politburo P, +ecretariat

6+C#, Or(aniation ureau 6O, and National #ourier or

#ommunication Di)ision 6N#D, eac& body per*ormin( *unctions

indicated in t&eir respecti)e names 6 t&at in a meetin( &eld on

u(ust 11, 195 t&e +C# discussed t&e creation o* a 2ilitary

#ommittee o* t&e Party and a ne' "4, under '&ic& on +eptem

9, 195 t&e +C# or(anied a special 'ar*are di)ision, 'it

tec&nolo(ical di)ision 6H t&at on 2ay 5, 195 a body Ino'n as

National @ntelli(ence Di)ision 'as created, to (at&er essen

military intelli(ence and, in (eneral, all in*ormation use*ul *or

conduct o* t&e armed stru((le 6 t&at a National Fina

#ommittee 'as also or(anied as a part o* t&e Politburo

ans'erable to it 65 t&at t&e country 'as di)ided into 1 ;ecos,

1t& ;eco comprisin( t&e 2anila and suburbs command 68 t

since No)ember, 199 t&e #PP &ad declared t&e eJistence

re)olutionary situation and since t&en t&e Party &ad (

under(round and t&e #PP is leadin( t&e armed stru((le *or natio

liberation, and called on t&e people to or(anie (uerrillas

coordinate 'it& t&e 42 on t&e decisi)e stru((le and K

o)ert&ro' o* t&e imperialist (o)ernment 67 t&at in accorda

'it& suc& plan t&e #PP prepared plans *or eJpansion

de)elopment not only o* t&e Party but also o* t&e 42

eJpansion o* t&e cadres *rom H,8 in Auly 195 to 58,

+eptember 1951, t&e 42 *rom 1, in Auly 195 to 17,

+eptember 1951, et se,.

round t&e mont& o* Aanuary, 195 it 'as decided by t&e #PP

intensi*y 42 military operations *or political purposes.

Politburo sanctioned t&e attacIs made by t&e 4uIs on

anni)ersary o* t&e 42 on 2arc& 5, 195. &e 42 attacIs t

'ere reported to t&e P 'ere t&ose made in 2ay, 198 Aune, 19

pril 1, 197 2ay 9, 197 u(ust 19, 197 u(ust 5, 19

u(ust 8, 195 October 15 and 17, 195 2ay 8, 198 u(us

198 pril 1, 197 2ay 9, 197 u(ust 19, 197 pril 9, 19

u(ust 5, 195 u(ust 8, 195 +eptember 1, 195 2arc&

195 2arc& 9, 195.

 &e t&eory o* t&e prosecution, as stated in t&e lo'er cou

decision, is as *ollo's:

 &e e)idence does not s&o' t&at t&e de*endants in t&ese ca

no' be*ore t&is #ourt &ad taIen a direct part in t&ose raids an

t&e commission o* t&e crimes t&at &ad been committed. @t is

&o'e)er, t&e t&eory o* t&e prosecution t&at t&ey in *act

direct participation in t&e commission o* t&e same but rat&er tt&e de*endants in t&ese cases &a)e cooperated, conspired

con*ederated 'it& t&e #ommunist Party in t&e prosecution

success*ul accomplis&ment o* t&e aims and purposes o* t&e s

Party t&ru t&e or(aniation called t&e #=O 6#on(ress o* =a


 &e #ourt *ound t&at t&e #=O is independent and separate *rom

#PP, or(anied under t&e same pattern as t&e #PP, &a)in( its o

National #on(ress, a #entral #ommittee 6'&ic& acts in t&e abse

o* and in representation o* t&e National #on(ress, an CJecu

#ommittee 6'&ic& acts '&en t&e National #on(ress and

CJecuti)e #ommittee are not in session, and se)en perman

#ommittees, namely, o* Or(aniation, Unemployment and Pu

;elations, Di?erent +triIes and PicIets, Finance, udit=e(islation and Political ction. 2embers o* t&e #ommunist P

dominate t&e committees o* t&e #=O. &e supposed tie-up bet'

#PP and t&e #=O o* '&ic& 4ernande 'as t&e President

described by t&e court belo' in Kndin(, t&us:

 Aust &o' t&e #=O coordinates its *unctions 'it& t&e #ommu

Party or(an under '&ic& it operates 'as eJplained by 'itn

"uillermo +. #alaya(, one-time ranIin( member o* t&e #ommu

Party and t&e #=O '&o type'rites t&e %Patnubay sa Cducation% *

a &and'ritten dra*t o* #apadocia, '&ic& is one o* t&e teJts use

t&e >orIerBs institute o* t&e #=O. ccordin( to &im, t&e #=O pl

its role by means o* propa(anda, (i)in( monetary aid, clot&

medicine and ot&er material *orms o* &elp to t&e 42, '

constitutes t&e armed *orces o* t&e #ommunist Party. Propa(and

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 19/27

done by lectures, meetin(s, and t&e or(aniation o* committees o* 

t&e educational department as 'ell as researc&es at t&e #=O

>orIerBs @nstitute.

not&er 'ay o* &elpin( t&e #ommunist Party o* t&e P&ilippines is

by allo'in( t&e #ommunist Party leaders to act as or(aniers in

t&e di?erent *actories in *ormin( a union. &ese Party 2embers

&elp 'orIers in t&e *actories to a(itate *or t&e eradication o* 

social classes and ultimately e?ect t&e total emancipation o* t&e

'orIin( classes t&ru t&e establis&ment o* t&e so-called

dictators&ip o* t&e proletariat. @t is t&e duty o* t&ese #ommunist

Party members to indoctrinate uninitiated 'orIers in t&e union tobecome proselytes o* t&e #ommunist Party ideolo(y. *ter t&e

ri(&t number is secured and a union is *ormed under a

communist leader, t&is union is aliated 'it& t&e #=O and t&is in

turn re(isters t&e same 'it& t&e Department o* =abor. &e

orientation and indoctrination o* t&e masses is continued 'it& t&e

&elp o* t&e #=O. &e primary ob3ecti)e o* t&e #=O is to create

'&at is called a re)olutionary crisis. @t seeIs to attain t&is

ob3ecti)e by Krst maIin( demands *rom t&e employers *or

concessions '&ic& become more and more unreasonable until

t&e employers 'ould Knd it dicult to (rant t&e same. &en a

striIe is declared. ut t&e striIes are only preparation *or t&e

ultimate attainment o* t&e #ommunist (oal o* armed o)ert&ro'

o* t&e (o)ernment. *ter t&e 'orIers in t&e *actories &a)e

already strucI in (eneral at t&e be&est o* t&e #ommunist Party

t&ru t&e #=O a critical point is reac&ed '&en a si(nal is (i)en *or

t&e armed *orces o* t&e #ommunist Party, t&e 42, to inter)ene

and carry t&e re)olution no' bein( conducted outside to 'it&in

t&e city.

On t&e basis o* t&e abo)e Kndin(s, t&e court belo' *ound

4ernande (uilty as principal o* t&e crime c&ar(ed a(ainst &im and

sentenced &im to su?er t&e penalty o* reclusion perpetua 'it& t&e

accessories pro)ided by la', and to pay t&e proportionate amount

o* t&e costs.

Our study o* t&e testimonial and documentary e)idence, especially

t&ose cited by t&e #ourt in its decision and by t&e +olicitor "eneral

in &is brie*, discloses t&at de*endant-appellant mado !.4ernande, as a #ommunist, 'as an acti)e ad)ocate o* t&e

principles o* #ommunism, *reuently eJ&ortin( &is &earers to *ollo'

t&e *ootsteps o* aruc and 3oin t&e uprisin( o* t&e laborin( classes

a(ainst capitalism and more speciKcally a(ainst merica and t&e

uirino administration, '&ic& &e dubbed as a re(ime o* puppets o* 

merican imperialism. ut beyond t&e open ad)ocacy o* 

#ommunistic &eory t&ere appears no e)idence t&at &e actually

participated in t&e actual conspiracy to o)ert&ro' by *orce t&e

constituted aut&ority.

4ernande is t&e *ounder and &ead o* t&e #=O. s suc&, '&at 'as

&is relation to t&e rebellionQ @*, as testiKed to by "uillermo +.

#alaya(, t&e #=O plays merely t&e role o* propa(ation by lectures,

meetin(s and or(aniation o* committees o* education by#ommunists i*, as stated, t&e #=O merely allo'ed #ommunist Party

leaders to act as or(aniers in t&e di?erent *actories, to indoctrinate

t&e #=O members into t&e #ommunist Party and proselytie t&em

to t&e #ommunist ideolo(y i*, as also indicated by #alaya(, t&e

#=O purports to attain t&e ultimate o)ert&ro' o* t&e "o)ernment

Krst by maIin( demands *rom employers *or concessions until t&e

employers Knd it dicult to (rant t&e same, at '&ic& time a striIe

is declared i( it is onl a(ter the various stri@es have been carried

out and a crisis is thereb developed among  the laboring class, t&at

t&e #ommunist *orces 'ould inter)ene and carry t&e re)olution T it

is apparent t&at t&e #=O 'as merely a steppin( stone in t&e

preparation o* t&e laborers *or t&e #ommunistB ultimate re)olution.

@n ot&er 'ords, t&e #=O &ad no *unction but t&at o* indoctrination

and preparation o* t&e members *or t&e uprisin( t&at 'ould come.

@t 'as only a preparatory or(aniation prior to re)olution, not

re)olution itsel*. &e leader o* t&e #=O t&ere*ore, nam

4ernande, cannot be considered as a leader in actual rebellion

o* t&e actual uprisin( sub3ect o* t&e accusation. 4ernande

President o* t&e #=O t&ere*ore, by &is presidency and leaders&i

t&e #=O cannot be considered as &a)in( actually risen up in arm

rebellion a(ainst t&e "o)ernment o* t&e P&ilippines, or taIen pa

t&e conspiracy to commit t&e rebellion as c&ar(ed a(ainst &im

t&e present case &e 'as merely a propa(andist and indoctrina

o* #ommunism, &e 'as not a #ommunist conspirin( to commit

actual rebellion by t&e mere *act o* &is presidency o* t&e #=O.

 &e court belo' declares t&at since No)ember 199 t&e #ommu

Party o* t&e P&ilippines &ad declared t&e eJistence o*

re)olutionary situation and since t&en t&e Party &ad (

under(round, 'it& t&e #PP leadin( t&e stru((le *or nati

inte(ration and t&at in t&e mont& o* Aanuary 195, it 'as deci

by t&e said Party to intensi*y t&e 42 military operations

political purposes. &e court implicates t&e appellant 4ernande

a co-conspirator in t&is resolution or acts o* t&e #ommunist Party

&is mere members&ip t&ereto. >e Knd t&is conclusion un'arran

 &e seditious speec&es o* 4ernande tooI place be*ore No)em

199 '&en t&e #PP 'ent under(round. &e court belo' &as

been able to point out, nor &a)e >e been able to Knd amon(

acts attributed to 4ernande, any sin(le *act or act o* &is *

'&ic& it may be in*erred t&at &e tooI part in t&e deliberat

declarin( t&e eJistence o* a re)olutionary situation, or t&at &e

(one under(round. s a matter o* *act t&e prosecutionBs e)idenc

to t&e e?ect t&at 4ernande re*used to (o under(round pre*er

to en(a(e in '&at t&ey consider t&e le(al battle *or t&e cause.

>e &a)e also looIed into t&e di?erent documents '&ic& &a)e b

presented at t&e time o* t&e trial and '&ic& 'ere conKscated *

t&e oce o* t&e Politburo o* t&e #ommunist Party. &e speec&e

4ernande 'ere deli)ered be*ore t&e declaration by t&e #ommu

Party o* a state o* re)olutionary situation in 199. Neit&er 'a

s&o'n t&at 4ernande 'as a member o* t&e CJecuti)e #ommit

or o* t&e +C#, or o* t&e Politburo o* t&e #ommunist Party so

presumption can arise t&at &e &ad taIen part in t&e accord

conspiracy declarin( a re)olution. @n s&ort, t&ere &as been

e)idence, direct or indirect, to relate or connect t&e appe

4ernande 'it& t&e uprisin( or t&e resolution to continue

maintain said uprisin(, &is participation in t&e deliberations lead

to t&e uprisin( bein( in*erred only *rom t&e *act t&at &e 'a


 &e practice amon( t&e top #ommunists, as declared by t&e

court appears to &a)e been *or important members, i* t&ey int

actually to 3oin t&e rebellion, to go underground, '&ic& me

lea)in( t&e city, disappearin( *rom si(&t andGor secretly 3oinin(

*orces in t&e Keld.

 &e document, CJ&ibit F-58, '&ic& is uoted in t&e decis

contains t&e directi)e o* t&e +C# o* +eptember 1, 195, to +aand 4ernande, '&ic& reads:

11. @n )ie' o* t&e ne' de)elopments in t&e city, send out C

'&o pre*ers to 'orI outside. Present problem o* K(&tin( le(all

#om. +oliman. @* +oliman is prepared *or martyrdom, retain

to K(&t le(ally. @* not, send &im out 'it& Clias. +ame (oes '

#om. 2ino and ot&er relati)ely eJposed mass leaders.

nd t&e lo'er court itsel* *ound t&at '&ereas +aulo '

under(round and 3oined t&e under(round *orces outside t&e #

4ernande remained in t&e #ity, en(a(ed in t&e 'orI

propa(anda, maIin( speec&es and causin( t&e publication o* s

matters as t&e #ommunist Party leaders directed &im to publis&.

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 20/27

 &at 4ernande re*used to (o under(round is a *act '&ic& is *urt&er

corroborated by t&e *ollo'in( reasons 6eJcuses (i)en by &im *or

not (oin( under(round, namely 61 t&at &is term o* councilor o* t&e

#ity o* 2anila 'as to eJtend to December, 1951 and 6 t&at &e

'as elected President o* t&e #=O *or a term '&ic& 'as to end t&e

year 1951.

s a matter o* *act t&e +C# (a)e instructions to 4ernande not to

be in)ol)ed 'it& Nacionalista ;ebels, and reported to t&e Politburo

t&at 4ernande %&as tendencies o* careerism, and tendin( to 'ant

to deal 'it& leaders o* t&e Nacionalista Party instead o* *ollo'in(

#PP or(aniational procedures.%

 &e court belo' *urt&er *ound t&at 4ernande &ad been *urnis&in(

supplies *or t&e 4uIs in t&e Keld. ut t&e )ery document dated

December H, 199, CJ&ibit D-, cited in t&e decision 6printed,

p. 9, is to t&e e?ect t&at clot&es and s&oes t&at 4ernande 'as

supposed to &a)e sent &a)e not been recei)ed. @t is true t&at some

clot&es &ad been sent t&ru &im to t&e Keld, but t&ese clot&es &ad

come *rom a cre' member o* a s&ip o* t&e merican President

=ines. 4e also, upon reuest, sent a portable type'riter to t&e +C#

or Politburo. Furt&ermore, a certain Nia(ara Duplicatin( mac&ine

recei)ed by 4ernande *rom one ;olland +cott ullard a cre'

member o* t&e ++ President #le)eland, appease later to &a)e been

*or'arded by &im to t&e ocers o* t&e +C# or t&e Politburo.

=astly, it *urt&er appears t&at aruc and ot&er #PP leaders used to

send notes to appellant 4ernande, '&o in turn issued press

releases *or '&ic& &e *ound space in t&e local papers. 4is acts in

t&is respect belon( to t&e cate(ory o* propa(anda, to '&ic& &e

appears to &a)e limited &is actions as a #ommunist.

 &e acts o* t&e appellant as t&us eJplained and analyed *all under

t&e cate(ory o* acts o* propa(anda, but do not pro)e t&at &e

actually and in *act conspired 'it& t&e leaders o* t&e #ommunist

Party in t&e uprisin( or in t&e actual rebellion, *or '&ic& acts &e is

c&ar(ed in t&e in*ormation. nd &is re*usal to (o under(round

because o* &is political commitments occasioned by &is term o* 

election as president o* t&e #=O and t&e impressions caused by &is

acts on t&e #ommunist leaders, to t&e e?ect t&at &e 'as in directcommunication or understandin( 'it& t&e Nacionalista Party to

'&ic& &e 'as aliated, creates in Us t&e reasonable doubt t&at it

'as not &is #ommunistic leanin(s but &is political ambitions, t&at

moti)ated &is speec&es sympat&iin( 'it& t&e 4uIs. For '&ic&

reason >e &old t&at t&e e)idence submitted *ails to pro)e beyond

reasonable doubt t&at &e &as conspired in t&e insti(ation o* t&e

rebellion *or '&ic& &e is &eld to account in t&is criminal case.

 &e uestion t&at neJt comes up *or resolution is: Does &is or

anyoneBs members&ip in t&e #ommunist Party per se render

4ernande or any #ommunist (uilty o* conspiracy to commit

rebellion under t&e pro)isions o* rticle 1H8 o* t&e ;e)ised Penal

#odeQ &e pertinent pro)ision reads:

;. 1H8. Conspirac and proposal to commit rebellion or 

insurrection. T &e conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion

or insurrection s&all be punis&ed, respecti)ely, by prision

correccional in its maJimum period and a Kne '&ic& s&all not

eJceed 5, pesos, and by prision correccional in its medium

period and a Kne not eJceedin( , pesos.

 &e ad)ocacy o* #ommunism or #ommunistic t&eory and principle

is not to be considered as a criminal act o* conspiracy unless

trans*ormed or con)erted into an ad)ocacy o* action. @n t&e )ery

nature o* t&in(s, mere ad)ocacy o* a t&eory or principle is

insucient unless t&e communist ad)ocates action, immediate and

positi)e, t&e actual a(reement to start an uprisin( or rebellion or an

a(reement *or(ed to use *orce and )iolence in an uprisin( o*

'orIin( class to o)ert&ro' constituted aut&ority and seie t&e r

o* "o)ernment itsel*. Unless action is actually ad)ocated

intended or contemplated, t&e #ommunist is a mere t&eo

merely &oldin( belie* in t&e supremacy o* t&e proletaria

#ommunist does not yet ad)ocate t&e seiin( o* t&e reins

"o)ernment by it. s a t&eorist t&e #ommunist is not yet actu

considered as en(a(in( in t&e criminal Keld sub3ect to punis&m

Only '&en t&e #ommunist ad)ocates action and actual upris

'ar or ot&er'ise, does &e become (uilty o* conspiracy to com

rebellion. orro'in( t&e lan(ua(e o* t&e +upreme #ourt o*

United +tates:

@n our 3urisprudence (uilt is personal, and '&en t&e impositio

punis&ment on a status or on conduct can only be 3ustiKed

re*erence to t&e relations&ip o* t&at status or conduct to ot

concededly criminal acti)ity 6&ere ad)ocacy o* )iolent o)ert&r

t&at relations&ip must be suciently substantial to satis*y

concept o* personal (uilt in order to 'it&stand attacI under

Due Process #lause o* t&e Fi*t& mendment. 2embers&ip, 'it&

more, in an or(aniation en(a(ed in ille(al ad)ocacy, it is

said, &as not &ereto*ore been reco(nied by t&is #ourt to be s

a relations&ip. ... .

>&at must be met, t&en, is t&e ar(ument t&at members&ip, e

'&en accompanied by t&e elements o* Ino'led(e and specintent, a?ords an insucient uantum o* participation in

or(aniationBs alle(ed criminal acti)ity, t&at is, an insucie

si(niKcant *orm o* aid and encoura(ement to permit

imposition o* criminal sanctions on t&at basis. @t must indeed

reco(nied t&at a person '&o merely becomes a member o*

ille(al or(aniation, by t&at %act% alone need be doin( not&

more t&an si(ni*yin( &is assent to its purposes and acti)ities

one &and, and pro)idin(, on t&e ot&er, only t&e sort o* m

encoura(ement '&ic& comes *rom t&e Ino'led(e t&at ot&

belie)e in '&at t&e or(aniation is doin(. @t may indeed

ar(ued t&at suc& assent and encoura(ement do *all s&ort o*

concrete, practical impetus (i)en to a criminal enterprise '&ic

lent *or instance by a commitment on t&e part o* t&e conspira

to act in *urt&erance o* t&at enterprise. member,

distin(uis&ed *rom a conspirator, may indicate &is appro)al

criminal enterprise by t&e )ery *act o* &is members&ip 'it&

t&ereby necessarily committin( &imsel* to *urt&er it by any ac

course o* conduct '&ate)er. 6+cales ). United +tates, H87

H, 8 =. ed. 7

 &e most important acti)ity o* appellant 4ernande appears to

t&e propa(ation o* impro)ement o* conditions o* labor t&rou(&

or(aniation, t&e #=O. >&ile t&e #=O o* '&ic& &e is t&e *ounder

acti)e president, &as communistic tendencies, its acti)ity re*er

t&e stren(t&enin( o* t&e unity and cooperation bet'een la

elements and preparin( t&em *or stru((le t&ey are not

indoctrinated in t&e need o* an actual 'ar 'it& or a(a

#apitalism. &e appellant 'as a politician and a labor leader an

is not unreasonable to suspect t&at &is labor acti)ities especiall

connection 'it& t&e #=O and ot&er trade unions, 'ere impelled

*ostered by t&e desire to secure t&e labor )ote to support

political ambitions. @t is doubt*ul '&et&er &is desire to *oster

labor union o* '&ic& &e 'as t&e &ead 'as impelled by an ac

desire to ad)ance t&e cause o* #ommunism, not merely to ad)a

&is political aspirations.

@nso*ar as t&e appellantBs alle(ed acti)ities as a #ommunist

concerned, >e &a)e not *ound, nor &as any particular act on

part been pointed to Us, '&ic& 'ould indicate t&at &e

ad)ocated action or t&e use o* *orce in securin( t&e ends

#ommunism. rue it is, &e &ad *riends amon( t&e leaders o*

#ommunist Party, and especially t&e &eads o* t&e rebellion, but

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 21/27

not'it&standin(, e)idence is 'antin( to s&o' t&at &e e)er attended

t&eir meetin(s, or collaborated and conspired 'it& said leaders in

plannin( and encoura(in( t&e acts o* rebellion, or ad)ancin( t&e

cause t&ereo*. @nso*ar as t&e *urnis&in( o* t&e mimeo(rap& mac&ine

and clot&es is concerned, it appears t&at &e acted merely as an

intermediary, '&o passed said mac&ine and clot&es on to ot&ers. @t

does not appear t&at &e &imsel* *urnis&ed *unds or material &elp o* 

&is o'n to t&e members o* t&e rebellion or to t&e *orces o* t&e

rebellion in t&e Keld.

ut t&e )ery act or conduct o* &is in re*usin( to (o under(round, in

spite o* t&e apparent desire o* t&e c&ie* o* t&e rebellion, is clearproo* o* &is non-participation in t&e conspiracy to en(a(e in or to

*oster t&e rebellion or t&e uprisin(.

>e neJt consider t&e uestion as to '&et&er t&e *act t&at

4ernande deli)ered speec&es o* propa(anda in *a)or o* 

#ommunism and in *a)or o* rebellion can be considered as a

criminal act o* conspiracy to commit rebellion as deKned in t&e la'.

@n t&is respect, t&e mere *act o* &is (i)in( and renderin( speec&es

*a)orin( #ommunism 'ould not maIe &im (uilty o* conspiracy,

because t&ere 'as no e)idence t&at t&e &earers o* &is speec&es o* 

propa(anda t&en and t&ere a(reed to rise up in arms *or t&e

purpose o* obtainin( t&e o)ert&ro' o* t&e democratic (o)ernment

as en)isa(ed by t&e principles o* #ommunism. o t&is e?ect is t&e

*ollo'in( comment o* !iada:

#UC+@ON 1. Cl ue &ace propa(anda entre sus con)ecinos,

induciendoles a ue el dia ue se anunciara la subasta de

consumes se ec&aran a la calle para conse(uir aunue *uera

preciso acudir a la *uera el reparto entre los )ecinos ricos

solamente, sera responsable de un delito de conspiracion para la

sedicionQ T Cl ribunal +upreme &a resuelto la ne(ati)e al casar

cierta sentencia de la udiencia de !alencia, ue entendio lo

contrario: %#onsiderando ue, con are(lo a lo ue dispone el art.

. del #odi(o Penal, &ay conspiracion cuando dos o mas personas

se conciertan para la eJecution de un delito y resuel)en

cmeterlo y no constando ue eJistiera ese concierto en cuanto a

los &ec&os ue se reKeren en la tercera pre(unta del )eredicto,

pues en ella solo se &abla de los actos de induccion ue elprocesado realio, sin eJpresar el e*ecto ue la mismo produ3o en

el animo de las personas a uienes se diri(ian, ni si estas

aceptaron o no lo ue se las propuso, resulta e)idence ue *altan

los clementos inte(rantes de la conspiracion, etc.% 6+e. de 5 de

 Aulio de 197, "aceta de 7 de Cnero de 199. 6!iada, omo @,

#odi(o Penal, p. 15

@n )ie' o* all t&e abo)e circumstances >e Knd t&at t&ere is no

concrete e)idence pro)in( beyond reasonable doubt t&at t&e

appellant 64ernande actually participated in t&e rebellion or in

any act o* conspiracy to commit or *oster t&e cause o* t&e rebellion.

>e are constrained, in )ie' o* t&ese circumstances, to absol)e, as

>e &ereby absol)e, t&e appellant mado !. 4ernande *rom t&e

crime c&ar(ed, 'it& a proportionate s&are o* t&e costs de o+cio.

 APP0AL 17 1!/0 *0709*A9!S5APP0LLA9!S

ll t&e ot&er de*endants 'ere *ound (uilty as accomplices in t&e

crime o* rebellion as c&ar(ed in t&e in*ormation and 'ere eac&

sentenced to su?er t&e penalty o* 1 years and 1 day o*  prision

maor , 'it& t&e accessories pro)ided by la', and to pay t&eir

proportionate s&are o* t&e costs.

Legal Considerations. T e*ore proceedin( to consider t&e appeals

o* t&e ot&er de*endants, it is belie)ed use*ul i* not necessary to lay

da'n t&e circumstances or *acts t&at may be determinati)e o* t&eir

criminal responsibility or t&e eJistence or nature t&ereo*. o be(in

'it&, as >e &a)e eJ&austi)ely discussed in relation to t&e appea

4ernande, 'e do not belie)e t&at mere members&ip in

#ommunist Party or in t&e #=O renders t&e member liable, eit&e

rebellion or o* conspiracy to commit rebellion, because m

members&ip and not&in( more merely implies ad)ocacy o* abst

t&eory or principle 'it&out any action bein( induced t&ereby

t&at suc& ad)ocacy becomes criminal only i* it is coupled '

action or ad)ocacy o* action, namely, actual rebellion or conspir

to commit rebellion, or acts conduci)e t&ereto or e)incin(


On t&e ot&er &and, members&ip in t&e 42 64uIbala&ap impparticipation in an actual uprisin( or rebellion to secure, as

4uIs pretend, t&e liberation o* t&e peasants and laborin( class *

t&raldom. y members&ip in t&e 42, one already ad)oc

uprisin( and t&e use o* *orce, and by suc& members&ip &e a(r

or conspires t&at *orce be used to secure t&e ends o* t&e pa

+uc& members&ip, t&ere*ore, e)en i* t&ere is not&in( more, rend

t&e member (uilty o* conspiracy to commit rebellion punis&able


nd '&en a 4uI member, not content 'it& &is members&ip, d

anyt&in( to promote t&e ends o* t&e rebellion liIe solici

contributions, or actin( as courier, &e t&ereby becomes (uilt

conspiracy, unless &e taIes to t&e Keld and 3oins in t&e rebellio

uprisin(, in '&ic& latter case &e commits rebellion.

@n U.S. v. 6ergara, in(ra, t&e de*endants or(anied a secret soc

commonly Ino'n as t&e %Eatipunan%, t&e purpose o* '&ic& 'a

o)ert&ro' t&e (o)ernment by *orce. Cac& o* t&e de*endants

)arious times solicited *unds *rom t&e people o* 2eJico, Pampan

 &e #ourt &eld t&at t&e de*endants 'ere (uilty o* conspiracy

proposal to commit rebellion or insurrection and not o* rebellio

insurrection itsel*. &us, t&e #ourt ruled t&at:

From t&e e)idence adduced in t&is case 'e are o* t&e opinion t

t&e said de*endants are (uilty, not o* incitin(, settin( or *oot

assistin( or en(a(in( in rebellion, but rat&er o* t&e crime

conspirin( to o)ert&ro', put do'n, and destroy by *orce

"o)ernment o* t&e United +tates in t&e P&ilippine @slands, t&ere*ore 'e Knd t&at said de*endants, and eac& o* t&em,

to(et&er 'it& ot&ers, in t&e mont&s o* February and 2arc&, 19

in t&e Pro)ince o* Pampan(a, P&ilippine @slands, conspire

o)ert&ro', put do'n, and to destroy by *orce t&e "o)ernmen

t&e United +tates in t&e P&ilippine @slands. 6U.+. ). !er(ara, et

H P&il. H, H.

 JUA9 J. CU: 

 &e court *ound &im to be a #ommunist 'it& )arious aliase

member o* t&e #entral #ommittee o* t&e #=O member o*

#entral #ommittee o* t&e #PP and as suc& committed to

establis&ment o* t&e dictators&ip o* t&e proletariat o t&e sa

e?ect is t&e testimony o* "uillermo #alaya(.

 &ere is no e)idence to connect &im 'it& t&e rebellion or to

conspiracy to commit rebellion. 4e s&ould t&ere*ore be absol)e

t&e c&ar(es contained in t&e in*ormation.

 A8A*1 ACA9*A" 

 &e trial court *ound &im (uilty as a #ommunist, a +ecretary

CJecuti)e #ommittee member o* t&e #=O a communications ce

o* t&e #ommunist Party, &a)in( been *ound in possession o* lett

*rom Federico 2aclan( to +alome #ru, and solicitor o* contribut

*or t&e 4uIs.

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 22/27

;acanday admits bein( a member o* t&e CJecuti)e #ommittee o* 

t&e #=O Cditor o* t&e Eidlat o* t&e "o)ernment >orIers Union,

recei)in( copies o* t&e itis. #alaya( testiKed t&at &e 'as a

member o* t&e #entral #ommittee o* t&e #ommunist Party

entrusted 'it& t&e duty o* recei)in( directi)es o* t&e ;e(ional

#ommittee o* t&e #ommunist Party.

 &e letters *ound in &is possession are dated February 1, 195,

be*ore t&e #ommunist Party 'ent under(round. >e &a)e been

unable to Knd t&e e)idence upon '&ic& t&e court bases its

conclusion t&at &e recei)ed contributions *or t&e 4uIs. >it& t&ese

circumstances in mind, >e are not con)inced beyond reasonabledoubt t&at as a #ommunist &e tooI part in t&e conspiracy amon(

t&e ocials o* t&e #ommunist Party to taIe part and support t&e

rebellion o* t&e 4uIs.

>e are, t&ere*ore, constrained to absol)e &im o* t&e c&ar(es Kled

a(ainst &im.

G09A1 *0 LA CU: 

 &e court *ound &im to be a #ommunist since 195, an ocer o* an

or(anied #ommunist branc& in Pasay #ity, a member o* t&e

#entral #ommittee and reasurer o* t&e #=O. 4e admitted &is

members&ip and &is position as member o* t&e eJecuti)e

committee and treasurer o* t&e #=O t&ese *acts bein( corroborated

by t&e 'itness "uillermo #alaya(.

4is members&ip in t&e #ommunist Party dates as *ar bacI as t&e

year 195. s a communist, "enaro de la #ru recei)ed uotas and

monetary contributions comin( *rom t&e areas under &is

 3urisdiction, and one time &e made a receipt *rom a member *rom

#aloocan at t&e #=O &eaduarters at carra(a si(nin( t&e receipt

as %"onalo% '&ic& is one o* &is aliases. 4e also distributed copies

o* t&e %itis% ma(aine. R

>&ile &is members&ip in t&e #ommunist Party plus &is &a)in(

recei)ed contributions *or t&e party indicate t&at &e is an acti)e

member, it 'as not s&o'n t&at t&e contributions t&at &e recei)ed*rom #ommunist Party members 'ere recei)ed around t&e year

195 '&en t&e #entral #ommittee o* t&e #ommunist Party &ad

already a(reed to conspire and (o under(round and support t&e

4uI rebellion. Under t&ese circumstances >e cannot Knd &im (uilty

o* conspiracy to commit rebellion because o* t&e lacI o* e)idence to

pro)e &is (uilt beyond reasonable doubt.


 &e court *ound &im to be an or(anier o* 42 amon( t&e mill

'orIers, solicited contributions *or t&e 42 and #entral #ommittee

member o* t&e #=O as per estimony o* "uillermo #alaya(.

4e admitted t&at &e 3oined t&e #ommunist Party because &e 'as

made to belie)e t&at t&e Party is *or t&e 'el*are o* t&e laborers. 4e

also admitted bein( a member o* t&e #entral #ommittee o* t&e #=O

#alaya( testiKed t&at =umano( or(anied t&e 42 units o* t&e

#ommunist Party in t&e =umber Unions and attended a #ommunist

meetin( &eld by 2aclan(.

Domin(o #larin testiKed t&at &e 6Aulian =umano( used to (i)e t&e

money collected by &im to one Nicasio Pamintuan, one o* t&e

members o* t&e 42 +pecial Unit ri((er +uad in 2anila *or t&e

use o* t&e said unit.

#onsiderin( t&at t&e 42 'as en(a(ed in a rebellion to o)ert&ro'

t&e (o)ernment, it is e)ident t&at by (i)in( &is contributions &e

actually participated in t&e conspiracy to o)ert&ro' t&e (o)ernm

and s&ould, t&ere*ore, be &eld liable *or suc& conspiracy,

s&ould be sentenced accordin(ly.

70829 1*2LLAS

 &e trial court *ound t&at Fermin ;odillas 'as a member o* t&e

and t&e #=O t&at &is acti)ities consisted in solicitin( contributio

in cas& and in Iind, *rom city residents *or t&e use o* t&e 4

turnin( o)er said collections to t&e Party t&at &e &as (i)en asy

to a 'anted 4uIbala&ap at &is &ouse at Auan =una +t., "a(alan

'&ic& &ouse 'as used as 2ilitary post. &e abo)e Kndin(s o* court are *ully supported by t&e testimony o* Domin(o #larin.

#onsiderin( t&at '&ile &e &as not actually taIen part in

rebellion, &e &as s&o'n sympat&y 'it& t&e cause by solici

contributions *or it and &ad (i)en s&elter to t&e 4uIs. >e *eel t

t&e court 'as *ully 3ustiKed in Kndin( &im (uilty, but >e &old t

&e s&ould be declared liable merely as a co-conspirator in t&e cr

o* conspiracy to commit rebellion, and s&ould be senten


BA"A92 0SP22!U

 &is appellant 'as *ound by t&e court to be a #ommunist,&a)in( admitted members&ip in t&e #ommunist Party since 19

t&at &is duties as a #ommunist 'as to &elp in t&e oce o*

National Finance #ommittee, assortin( papers and 'ri

documents t&at sometimes &e accompanied t&e purc&aser

medicines, s&oes, papers, *oodstu?s and clot&in( to be (i)en to

4uIs t&at &e is a member o* t&e #ommunication Di)ision o*

#PP in 2anila, in c&ar(e o* distribution o* letters

communications t&at &e admits &a)in( 'ritten to +alome #

courier o* t&e #ommunist Party, '&en &e asIed *or &is necessit

suc& as money and s&oes, etc.

 &e *acts *ound by t&e court are suciently supported by

communications and e)idence submitted by t&e prosecution.

eJ&ibits s&o' t&at &e 'as in constant communication 'it& communists ser)in( t&em as courier. 4is oat& as a member o*

#ommunist Party 'as submitted in court and in it &e ad

obedience to all orders o* t&e Party and to propa(ate t&e stabilit

t&e PEP.

#onsiderin( t&at t&e PEP 'as en(a(ed in an actual uprisin( a(a

t&e constituted "o)ernment and t&at ayani Cspiritu 'as

constant communication 'it& t&e #ommunist Party and ser)ed i

courier, >e belie)e t&at t&e court 'as *ully 3ustiKed in Kndin(

(uilty. 4o'e)er, >e belie)e t&at not &a)in( actually taIen up a

in t&e uprisin( &e may only be declared (uilty o* conspiracy

commit rebellion.

!01P2S!A 6AL021

 &e court belo' *ound t&at t&is appellant 3oined t&e #ommunist

19H in +an =uis, Pampan(a, under #asto le3andrino, '&o la

became &er common-la' &usband t&at &er aliases are %Cstre

and %+tar% t&at s&e 'as *ound in possession o* )arious docume

'ritten to top #ommunists liIe le3andrino, =a)a and ;omy, as

as a letter *rom aruc con(ratulatin( &er *or t&e deli)ers, o* a so

 Aose a(uian( testiKed t&at s&e 'as a member o* t&e Pro)in

#ommittee o* t&e #PP in Nue)a Cci3a, later #&airman o* t&e Fina

Department, and t&en promoted to Finance Ocer o* t&e #en

=uon #ommittee. licia !er(ara, a 4uI courier, testiKed t&at

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 23/27

deli)ered letter *rom t&e mountains to eopista !alerie, '&o 'as in

turn also a courier.

>it&out considerin( t&e close relations&ip t&at s&e &ad 'it& top

#ommunist #asto le3andrino, >e are satisKed t&at s&e &ersel* 'as,

aside *rom bein( a 4uI courier, also a 4uI, a member o* t&e 42

*rom 19 to 1951. s s&e 'as a #ommunist and at t&e same time

a member o* t&e 42, and considerin( t&at t&e 42 'as en(a(ed

in an uprisin( to uproot t&e le(itimate (o)ernment, t&ere cannot be

any uestion t&at s&e 'as in conspiracy 'it& t&e ot&er members o* 

&er Party a(ainst t&e constituted (o)ernment. >e &old, t&ere*ore,

t&at t&e e)idence pro)es beyond reasonable doubt t&at s&e is (uiltyo* conspiracy to commit rebellion.

*0709*A9!S 91! 29CLU*0* 29 *0C2S219

@n #rim. #ase No. 151 6".;. No. =-85 t&e c&ar(e a(ainst

"uillermo #apadocia, 2ariano P. al(os, l*redo . +aulo and Aacobo

Cspino 'as dismissed because t&ey &a)e not been appre&ended at

t&e time o* t&e trial.

P01PL0 6S. 06A9G0L2S!A# % P/2L. %) A9*

0PUBL2C AC! 91. ;# *2S!29GU2S/0*

@n t&e case at bar t&e prosecution is *or actual rebellion '&ic&consists in risin( publicly and taIin( aims a(ainst t&e "o)ernment

*or t&e purpose o* remo)in( *rom t&e alle(iance to said "o)ernment

or its la's, t&e territory o* t&e P&ilippines, or any part t&ereo*, etc.,

a crime deKned in rticle 1H o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode '&ereas

C)an(elista 'as c&ar(ed and con)icted *or incitin( to rebellion

under rt. 1H, ;e)ised Penal #ode 6*ormerly +ec. , ct No. 9.

s t&e speciKc c&ar(e a(ainst appellants is t&at o* risin( up in arms

in actual rebellion a(ainst t&e "o)ernment, t&ey cannot be &eld

(uilty o* incitin( t&e people to arms under rticle 1H, '&ic& is a

di?erent o?ense.

On t&e ot&er &and, ;ep. ct 17, Ino'n as t&e nti-sub)ersion

ct, '&ic& penalies members&ip in any or(aniation or association

committed to sub)ert t&e "o)ernment, cannot be applied to t&eappellants because said ct 'as appro)ed on Aune , 1957 and

'as not in *orce at t&e time o* t&e commission o* t&e acts c&ar(ed

a(ainst appellants 6committed 195-195 t&e nti-+ub)ersion ct

punis&es participation or members&ip in an or(aniation committed

to o)ert&ro' t&e duly constituted "o)ernment, a crime district *rom

t&at o* actual rebellion 'it& '&ic& appellants are c&ar(ed.


>4C;CFO;C, in #riminal #ase No. 151 6".;. No. =-85

de*endants-appellants mado !. 4ernande, Auan A. #ru, mado

;acanday and "enaro de la #ru are absol)ed *rom t&e c&ar(es

contained in t&e in*ormation, 'it& t&eir proportionate s&are o* t&e

costs de oKcio. &e de*endants-appellants Aulian =umano( andFermin ;odillas in #riminal #ase No. 151 6".;. No. =-85 and

t&e de*endants-appellants ayani Cspiritu and eopista !alerio in

#riminal #ase No. 1579 6".;. No. =-88 are &ereby *ound (uilty

o* t&e crime o* conspiracy to commit rebellion, as deKned and

punis&ed in rticle 1H8 o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode, and eac& and

e)eryone o* t&em is &ereby sentenced to su?er imprisonment *or

K)e years, *our mont&s and t'enty-one days o* prision correccional,

and to pay a Kne o* P5,., 'it& subsidiary imprisonment in

case o* insol)ency and to pay t&eir proportional s&are o* t&e costs.

+o ordered.


G.R. No. 921@) Jun3 5, 199*



;Pr30!0n8 Ju!83 o 6(3 R380ona Tr0a Cour6 o u3on C06





LI#, BRIG. GEN. EGAR LA TORRES ;Su43r0n63n!3n6 o6(3 Nor6(3rn Po0'3 06r0'6= AND OR AN+ AN ALL



G.R. No. 921@ Jun3 5, 199*





0n (0 'a4a'06y a Pr30!0n8 Ju!83, R380ona Tr0a Cour6,u3on C06y, Bran'( 1*), r34on!3n6.

N;!+, J.:

 &irty-*our years a*ter it 'rote &istory into our crim

 3urisprudence, People vs. /ernandez  1 once more taIes center st

as t&e *ocus o* a con*rontation at la' t&at 'ould re-eJamine, i*

t&e )alidity o* its doctrine, t&e limits o* its applicability. o be s

t&e inter)enin( period sa' a number o* similar cases  t&at t

issue 'it& t&e rulin(-all 'it& a marIed lacI o* success-but none

'ould eem, '&ere season and circumstance &ad more e?ecti)

conspired to attract 'ide public attention and eJcite impassio

debate, e)en amon( laymen none, certainly, '&ic& &as seen

t&e Iind and ran(e o* ar(uments t&at are no' brou(&t to beat&e same uestion.

 &e *acts are not in dispute. @n t&e a*ternoon o* February 7, 19

+enate 2inority Floor =eader Auan Ponce Cnrile 'as arrested by

en*orcement ocers led by Director l*redo =im o* t&e Natio

ureau o* @n)esti(ation on t&e stren(t& o* a 'arrant issued by 4

 Aaime +alaar o* t&e ;e(ional rial #ourt o* ueon #ity ranc& 1

in #riminal #ase No. 9191. &e 'arrant &ad issued on

in*ormation si(ned and earlier t&at day Kled by a pane

prosecutors composed o* +enior +tate Prosecutor urelio #. ram

+tate Prosecutor Ferdinand ;. besamis and ssistant

Prosecutor Culo(io 2ananuil, Ar., c&ar(in( +enator Cnrile,

spouses ;ebecco and Crlinda Panlilio, and "re(orio 4onasan '

t&e crime o* rebellion 'it& murder and multiple *rustrated mualle(edly committed durin( t&e period o* t&e *ailed coup atte

*rom No)ember 9 to December 1, 199. +enator Cnrile 'as ta

to and &eld o)erni(&t at t&e N@ &eaduarters on a*t )en

2anila, 'it&out bail, none &a)in( been recommended in

in*ormation and none KJed in t&e arrest 'arrant. &e *ollo'

mornin(, February , 199, &e 'as brou(&t to #amp o

Earin(al in ueon #ity '&ere &e 'as (i)en o)er to t&e custod

t&e +uperintendent o* t&e Nort&ern Police District, ri(. "

Cd(ardo Dula orres. H

On t&e same date o* February , 199, +enator Cnrile, t&ro

counsel, Kled t&e petition *or habeas corpus&erein 6'&ic&

*ollo'ed by a supplemental petition Kled on 2arc& , 19

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 24/27

alle(in( t&at &e 'as depri)ed o* &is constitutional ri(&ts in bein(, or

&a)in( been:

6a &eld to ans'er *or criminal o?ense '&ic& does not eJist in

t&e statute booIs

6b c&ar(ed 'it& a criminal o?ense in an in*ormation *or '&ic&

no complaint 'as initially Kled or preliminary in)esti(ation 'as

conducted, &ence 'as denied due process

6c denied &is ri(&t to bail and

6d arrested and detained on t&e stren(t& o* a 'arrant issued

'it&out t&e 3ud(e '&o issued it Krst &a)in( personally

determined t&e eJistence o* probable cause.

 &e #ourt issued t&e 'rit prayed *or, returnable 2arc& 5, 199 and

set t&e plea *or &earin( on 2arc& 8, 199. 5On 2arc& 5, 199, t&e

+olicitor "eneral Kled a consolidated return 8 *or t&e respondents in

t&is case and in ".;. No. 9187 >&ic& &ad been

contemporaneously but separately Kled by t'o o* +enator CnrileBs

co-accused, t&e spouses ;ebecco and Crlinda Panlilio, and raised

similar uestions. +aid return ur(ed t&at t&e petitionersB case does

not *all 'it&in t&e /ernandez rulin( because-and t&is is puttin( it

)ery simply-t&e in*ormation in /ernandez  c&ar(ed murders andot&er common crimes committed as a necessar means (or the

commission o( rebellion# '&ereas t&e in*ormation a(ainst +en.

Cnrile et al.c&ar(ed murder and *rustrated murder committed on

the occasion# but not in (urtherance# o( rebellion. +tated ot&er'ise,

t&e +olicitor "eneral 'ould distin(uis& bet'een t&e compleJ crime

6%delito comple3o% arisin( *rom an o?ense bein( a necessary

means *or committin( anot&er, '&ic& is re*erred to in t&e second

clause o* rticle , ;e)ised Penal #ode, and is t&e sub3ect o* 

t&e /ernandez rulin(, and t&e compound crime 6%delito

compuesto% arisin( *rom a sin(le act constitutin( t'o or more

(ra)e or less (ra)e o?enses re*erred to in t&e Krst clause o* t&e

same para(rap&, 'it& '&ic& /ernandez  'as not concerned and to

'&ic&, t&ere*ore, it s&ould not apply.

 &e parties 'ere &eard in oral ar(ument, as sc&eduled, on 2arc& 8,

199, a*ter '&ic& t&e #ourt issued its ;esolution o* t&e same

date  (rantin( +enator Cnrile and t&e Panlilio spouses pro)isional

liberty conditioned upon t&eir Klin(, 'it&in &ours *rom notice,

cas& or surety bonds o* P1,. 6*or +enator Cnrile and

P,. 6*or t&e Panlilios, respecti)ely. &e ;esolution stated

t&at it 'as issued 'it&out pre3udice to a more eJtended resolution

on t&e matter o* t&e pro)isional liberty o* t&e petitioners and

stressed t&at it 'as not passin( upon t&e le(al issues raised in bot&

cases. Four 2embers o* t&e #ourt 9 )oted a(ainst (rantin( bail to

+enator Cnrile, and t'o 1 a(ainst (rantin( bail to t&e Panlilios.

 &e #ourt no' addresses t&ose issues inso*ar as t&ey are raised

and liti(ated in +enator CnrileBs petition, ".;. No. 918H.

 &e partiesB oral and 'ritten pleas presented t&e #ourt 'it& t&e

*ollo'in( options:

6a abandon /ernandez  and adopt t&e minority )ie' eJpressed

in t&e main dissent o* Austice 2ontemayor in said case t&at

rebellion cannot absorb more serious crimes, and t&at under

rticle o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode rebellion may properly be

compleJed 'it& common o?enses, so-called t&is option 'as

su((ested by t&e +olicitor "eneral in oral ar(ument alt&ou(& it

is not o?ered in &is 'ritten pleadin(s

6b &old /ernandez  applicable only to o?enses committed in

*urt&erance, or as a necessary means *or t&e commission, o

rebellion, but not to acts committed in t&e course o* a rebel

'&ic& also constitute %common% crimes o* (ra)e or less (ra)


6c maintain /ernandez as applyin( to maIe rebellion absor

all ot&er o?enses committed in its course, '&et&er or not

necessary to its commission or in *urt&erance t&ereo*.

On t&e Krst option, ele)en 611 2embers o* t&e #ourt )oted a(a

abandonin( 4ernande. 'o 6 2embers *elt t&at t&e docts&ould be re-eJamined. 1- @n t&e )ie' o* t&e ma3ority, t&e ru

remains (ood la', its substanti)e and lo(ical bases &a)e 'it&st

all subseuent c&allen(es and no ne' ones are presented &

persuasi)e enou(& to 'arrant a complete re)ersal. &is )ie'

rein*orced by t&e *act t&at not too lon( a(o, t&e incumb

President, eJercisin( &er po'ers under t&e 198 Freed

#onstitution, sa' Kt to repeal, amon( ot&ers, Presidential Dec

No. 9 o* t&e *ormer re(ime '&ic& precisely sou(&t to nulli*y

neutralie /ernandez  by enactin( a ne' pro)ision 6rt. 1-

t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode to t&e e?ect t&at %6'&en by reason, o

t&e occasion, o* any o* t&e crimes penalied in t&is #&a

6#&apter @ o* itle H, '&ic& includes rebellion, acts '&ic& constit

o?enses upon '&ic& (ra)er penalties are imposed by la'

committed, t&e penalty *or t&e most serious o?ense in its maJimperiod s&all be imposed upon t&e o?ender.%B 11@n t&us actin(,

President in e?ect by le(islati)e Lat reinstated /ernande

bindin( doctrine 'it& t&e e?ect o* la'. &e #ourt can do no

t&an accord it t&e same reco(nition, absent any sucie

po'er*ul reason a(ainst so doin(.

On t&e second option, t&e #ourt unanimously )oted to re3ect

t&eory t&at /ernandez  is, or s&ould be, limited in its applicatio

o?enses committed as a necessary means *or t&e commissio

rebellion and t&at t&e rulin( s&ould not be interpreted as pro&ibi

t&e compleJin( o* rebellion 'it& ot&er common crimes commit

on t&e occasion, but not in *urt&erance, t&ereo*. >&ile

2embers o* t&e #ourt *elt t&at t&e proponentsB ar(uments 'ere

entirely de)oid o* merit, t&e consensus 'as t&at t&ey 'ere sucient to o)ercome '&at appears to be t&e real t&

o* /ernandez  to rule out t&e compleJin( o* rebellion 'it& any ot

o?ense committed in its course under eit&er o* t&e a*orec

clauses o* rticle , as is made clear by t&e *ollo'in( eJcerpt *

t&e ma3ority opinion in t&at case:

 &ere is one ot&er reason-and a *undamental one at t&at-

rticle o* our Penal #ode cannot be applied in t&e case at

@* murder 'ere not compleJed 'it& rebellion, and t&e t'o cri

'ere punis&ed separately 6assumin( t&at t&is could be do

t&e *ollo'in( penalties 'ould be imposable upon t&e mo)

namely: 61 *or t&e crime o* rebellion, a Kne not eJceed

P, and prision maor# in t&e correspondin( per

dependin( upon t&e modi*yin( circumstances present, but neeJceedin( 1 years o* prision maor# and 6 *or t&e crim

murder, reclusion temporal in its maJimum period to de

dependin( upon t&e modi*yin( circumstances present. in ot

'ords, in t&e absence o* a((ra)atin( circumstances,

e3treme penalt could not be imposed upon &im. 4o'e

under rticle said penalt &ould have to be meted ou

&im, even in the absence o( a single aggrava

circumstance. &us, said pro)ision, i* construed in con*orm

'it& t&e t&eory o* t&e prosecution, 'ould be un(avorable to


Upon t&e ot&er &and, said rticle 'as enacted *or

purpose o* (avoring t&e culprit, not o* sentencin( &im t

penalty more severe t&an t&at '&ic& 'ould be proper i*

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 25/27

se)eral acts per*ormed by &im 'ere punis&ed separately. @n t&e

'ords o* ;odri(ue Na)arro:

=a uniKcacion de penas en los casos de concurso de

delitos a ue &ace re*erencia este articulo 675 del #odi(o

de 19H, esta basado *rancamente en el principio pro reo.B

6@@ Doctrina Penal del ribunal +upremo de Cspana, p.


>e are a'are o* t&e *act t&at t&is obser)ation re*ers to rticle

71 6later 75 o* t&e +panis& Penal #ode 6t&e counterpart o* our

rticle , as amended in 19 and t&en in 19H, readin(:

=as disposiciones del articulo anterior no son aplicables en

el caso de ue un solo &ec&o constituya dos o mas delitos,

o cuando el uno de ellos sea medio necesario para

cometer el otro.

Cn estos casos solo se impondra la pena correspondiente

al delito mas (ra)e en su (rado maJimo, &asta el limite

ue represents la suma de las ue pudieran imponerse,

penando separadamente los delitos.

#uando la pena asi computada eJceda de este limite, se

sancionaran los delitos por separado. 6;odri(ue Na)arro,Doctrina Penal del ribunal +upremo, !ol. @@, p. 18H

and t&at our rticle does not contain t&e ualiKcation

inserted in said amendment, restrictin( t&e imposition o* t&e

penalty *or t&e (ra)er o?ense in its maJimum period to t&e case

'&en it does not eJceed t&e sum total o* t&e penalties

imposable i* t&e acts c&ar(ed 'ere dealt 'it& separately. &e

absence o* said limitation in our Penal #ode does not, to our

mind, a?ect substantially t&e spirit o* said rticle . @ndeed, i* 

one act constitutes t'o or more o?enses, t&ere can be no

reason to inLict a punis&ment (ra)er t&an t&at prescribed *or

eac& one o* said o?enses put to(et&er. @n directin( t&at t&e

penalty *or t&e (ra)er o?ense be, in suc& case, imposed in its

maJimum period, rticle could &a)e &ad no ot&er purposet&an to prescribe a penalty lo&er  t&an t&e a((re(ate o* t&e

penalties *or eac& o?ense, i* imposed separately. &e reason *or

t&is bene)olent spirit o* article is readily discernible. >&en

t'o or more crimes are t&e result o* a sin(le act, t&e o?ender is

deemed less per)erse t&an '&en &e commits said crimes t&ru

separate and distinct acts. @nstead o* sentencin( &im *or eac&

crime independently *rom t&e ot&er, &e must su?er t&e

maJimum o* t&e penalty *or t&e more serious one, on t&e

assumption t&at it is less (ra)e t&an t&e sum total o* t&e

separate penalties *or eac& o?ense. 1

 &e re3ection o* bot& options s&apes and determines t&e primary

rulin( o* t&e #ourt, '&ic& is t&at /ernandez remains bindin(

doctrine operatin( to pro&ibit t&e compleJin( o* rebellion 'it& anyot&er o?ense committed on t&e occasion t&ereo*, eit&er as a means

necessary to its commission or as an unintended e?ect o* an

acti)ity t&at constitutes rebellion.

 &is, &o'e)er, does not 'rite +nis to t&e case. PetitionerBs (uilt or

innocence is not &ere inuired into, muc& less ad3ud(ed. &at is *or

t&e trial court to do at t&e proper time. &e #ourtBs rulin( merely

pro)ides a taIe-o? point *or t&e disposition o* ot&er uestions

rele)ant to t&e petitionerBs complaints about t&e denial o* &is ri(&ts

and to t&e propriety o* t&e recourse &e &as taIen.

 &e #ourt rules *urt&er 6by a )ote o* 11 to H t&at t&e in*ormation

Kled a(ainst t&e petitioner does in *act c&ar(e an o?ense.

Disre(ardin( t&e ob3ectionable p&rasin( t&at 'ould com

rebellion 'it& murder and multiple *rustrated murder,

indictment is to be read as c&ar(in( simple rebellion.

in /ernandez , t&e #ourt said:

@n conclusion, 'e &old t&at, under the allegations o(

amended in(ormation a(ainst de*endant-appellant mado

4ernande, t&e murders, arsons and robberies descr

t&erein are mere ingredients o* t&e crime o* rebellion alle(e

committed by said de*endants, as means %necessary% 6

t&e perpetration o* said o?ense o* rebellion t&at

crime charged in t&e a*orementioned amended in*ormationt&ere*ore, simple rebellion, not t&e compleJ crime o* rebel

'it& multiple murder, arsons and robberies t&at t&e maJim

penalty imposable under suc& c&ar(e cannot eJceed t'e

61 years o* prision maor  and a Kne o* P4,444 and t&at

con*ormity 'it& t&e policy o* t&is court in dealin( 'it& accu

persons amenable to a similar punis&ment, said de*endant m

be allo'ed bail. 1H

 &e plaint o* petitionerBs counsel t&at &e is c&ar(ed 'it& a cr

t&at does not eJist in t&e statute booIs, '&ile tec&nically correc

*ar as t&e #ourt &as ruled t&at rebellion may not be compleJed '

ot&er o?enses committed on t&e occasion t&ereo*, must t&ere

be dismissed as a mere Li(&t o* r&etoric. ;ead in t&e con

o* /ernandez , t&e in*ormation does indeed c&ar(e t&e petitio'it& a crime deKned and punis&ed by t&e ;e)ised Penal #o

simple rebellion.

>as t&e petitioner c&ar(ed 'it&out a complaint &a)in( b

initially Kled andGor preliminary in)esti(ation conductedQ &e rec

s&o's ot&er'ise, t&at a complaint a(ainst petitioner *or sim

rebellion 'as Kled by t&e Director o* t&e National ureau

@n)esti(ation, and t&at on t&e stren(t& o* said complain

preliminary in)esti(ation 'as conducted by t&e respond

prosecutors, culminatin( in t&e Klin( o* t&e uestio

in*ormation. 1  &ere is not&in( in&erently irre(ular or contrary

la' in Klin( a(ainst a respondent an indictment *or an o?e

di?erent *rom '&at is c&ar(ed in t&e initiatory complain

'arranted by t&e e)idence de)eloped durin( t&e preliminin)esti(ation.

@t is also contended t&at t&e respondent Aud(e issued t&e 'arr

*or petitionerBs arrest 'it&out Krst personall determinin(

eJistence o* probable cause by eJaminin( under oat& or arma

t&e complainant and &is 'itnesses, in )iolation o* rt. @@@, sec.

t&e #onstitution. 15 &is #ourt &as already ruled, &o'e)er, t&at

not t&e una)oidable duty o* t&e 3ud(e to maIe suc& a perso

eJamination, it bein( sucient t&at &e *ollo's establis

procedure by personall  e)aluatin( t&e report and t&e suppor

documents submitted by t&e prosecutor.  18 Petitioner claims t&at

'arrant o* arrest issued barely one &our and t'enty minutes a

t&e case 'as raXed o? to t&e respondent Aud(e, '&ic& &ardly (

t&e latter sucient time to personally (o o)er t&e )oluminrecords o* t&e preliminary in)esti(ation. 17 2erely because

respondent &ad '&at some mi(&t consider only a relati)ely b

period 'it&in '&ic& to comply 'it& t&at duty, (i)es no reaso

assume t&at &e &ad not, or could not &a)e, so complied nor d

t&at sin(le circumstance suce to o)ercome t&e le(al presump

t&at ocial duty &as been re(ularly per*ormed.

Petitioner Knally claims t&at &e 'as denied t&e ri(&t to bail. @n

li(&t o* t&e #ourtBs rearmation o* /ernandez as applicable

petitionerBs case, and o* t&e lo(ical and necessary corollary t&at

in*ormation a(ainst &im s&ould be considered as c&ar(in( only

crime o* simple rebellion, '&ic& is bailable be*ore con)iction, t

must no' be accepted as a correct proposition. ut t&e ues

remains: "i)en t&e *acts *rom '&ic& t&is case arose, 'as a petit

7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 26/27

*or habeas corpus in t&is #ourt t&e appropriate )e&icle *or assertin(

a ri(&t to bail or )indicatin( its denialQ

 &e criminal case be*ore t&e respondent Aud(e 'as t&e normal

)enue *or in)oIin( t&e petitionerBs ri(&t to &a)e pro)isional liberty

pendin( trial and 3ud(ment. &e ori(inal 3urisdiction to (rant or

deny bail rested 'it& said respondent. &e correct course 'as *or

petitioner to in)oIe t&at 3urisdiction by Klin( a petition to be

admitted to bail, claimin( a ri(&t to bail per se by reason o* t&e

'eaIness o* t&e e)idence a(ainst &im. Only a*ter t&at remedy 'as

denied by t&e trial court s&ould t&e re)ie' 3urisdiction o* t&is #ourt

&a)e been in)oIed, and e)en t&en, not 'it&out Krst applyin( to t&e#ourt o* ppeals i* appropriate relie* 'as also a)ailable t&ere.

C)en acceptance o* petitionerBs premise t&at (oin( by

t&e /ernandez  rulin(, t&e in*ormation c&ar(es a non-eJistent crime

or, contrarily, t&eoriin( on t&e same basis t&at it c&ar(es more

t&an one o?ense, 'ould not eJcuse or 3usti*y &is improper c&oice o* 

remedies. Under eit&er &ypot&esis, t&e ob)ious recourse 'ould

&a)e been a motion to uas& brou(&t in t&e criminal action be*ore

t&e respondent Aud(e. 1

 &ere t&us seems to be no uestion t&at ll t&e (rounds upon '&ic&

petitioner &as *ounded t&e present petition, '&et&er t&ese 'ent

into t&e substance o* '&at is c&ar(ed in t&e in*ormation or imputed

error or omission on t&e part o* t&e prosecutin( panel or o* t&erespondent Aud(e in dealin( 'it& t&e c&ar(es a(ainst &im, 'ere

ori(inally 3usticiable in t&e criminal case be*ore said Aud(e and

s&ould &a)e been brou(&t up t&ere instead o* directly to t&is #ourt.

 &ere 'as and is no reason to assume t&at t&e resolution o* any o* 

t&ese uestions 'as beyond t&e ability or competence o* t&e

respondent Aud(e-indeed suc& an assumption 'ould be demeanin(

and less t&an *air to our trial courts none '&ate)er to &old t&em to

be o* suc& compleJity or transcendental importance as to disuali*y

e)ery court, eJcept t&is #ourt, *rom decidin( t&em none, in s&ort

t&at 'ould 3usti*y by passin( establis&ed 3udicial processes

desi(ned to orderly mo)e liti(ation t&rou(& t&e &ierarc&y o* our

courts. Parent&entically, t&is is t&e reason be&ind t&e )ote o* *our

2embers o* t&e #ourt a(ainst t&e (rant o* bail to petitioner: t&e)ie' t&at t&e trial court s&ould not t&us be precipitately ousted o* 

its ori(inal 3urisdiction to (rant or deny bail, and i* it erred in t&at

matter, denied an opportunity to correct its error. @t maIes no

di?erence t&at t&e respondent Aud(e &ere issued a 'arrant o* arrest

KJin( no bail. @mmemorial practice sanctions simply *ollo'in( t&e

prosecutorBs recommendation re(ardin( bail, t&ou(& it may be

percei)ed as t&e better course *or t&e 3ud(e motu proprio to set a

bail &earin( '&ere a capital o?ense is c&ar(ed. 19 @t is, in any e)ent,

incumbent on t&e accused as to '&om no bail &as been

recommended or KJed to claim t&e ri(&t to a bail &earin( and

t&ereby put to proo* t&e stren(t& or 'eaIness o* t&e e)idence

a(ainst &im.

@t is apropos to point out t&at t&e present petition &as tri((ered arus& to t&is #ourt o* ot&er parties in a similar situation, all

apparently taIin( t&eir cue *rom it, distrust*ul or contemptuous o* 

t&e ecacy o* seeIin( recourse in t&e re(ular manner 3ust outlined.

 &e proli*eration o* suc& pleas &as only contributed to t&e delay

t&at t&e petitioner may &a)e &oped to a)oid by comin( directly to

t&is #ourt.

Not only because popular interest seems *ocused on t&e outcome o* 

t&e present petition, but also because to 'as& t&e #ourtBs &and o? 

it on 3urisdictional (rounds 'ould only compound t&e delay t&at it

&as already (one t&rou(&, t&e #ourt no' decides t&e same on t&e

merits. ut in so doin(, t&e #ourt cannot eJpress too stron(ly t&e

)ie' t&at said petition interdicted t&e ordered and orderly

pro(ression o* proceedin(s t&at s&ould &a)e started 'it& t&e

court and reac&ed t&is #ourt only i* t&e relie* appealed *or

denied by t&e *ormer and, in a proper case, by t&e #ourt o* pp

on re)ie'.

=et it be made )ery clear t&at &erea*ter t&e #ourt 'ill no lon

countenance, but 'ill (i)e s&ort s&ri*t to, pleas liIe t&e pres

t&at clearly s&ort-circuit t&e 3udicial process and burden it 'it&

resolution o* issues properly 'it&in t&e ori(inal competence o*

lo'er courts. >&at &as t&us *ar been stated is eually applicabl

and decisi)e o* t&e petition o* t&e Panlilio spouses 6".;. No. 91

'&ic& is )irtually @dentical to t&at o* petitioner Cnrile*actualmilieu and is t&ere*ore determinable on t&e same princi

already set *ort&. +aid spouses &a)e uncontestedly pleaded  

'arrants o* arrest issued a(ainst t&em as co-accused o* petitio

Cnrile in #riminal #ase No. 9-191, t&at '&en t&ey appea

be*ore N@ Director l*redo =im in t&e a*ternoon o* 2arc& 1, 19

t&ey 'ere taIen into custody and detained 'it&out bail on

stren(t& o* said 'arrants in )iolation-t&ey claim-o* t

constitutional ri(&ts.

@t may be t&at in t&e li(&t o* contemporary e)ents, t&e ac

rebellion &as lost t&at uitessentiany uiJotic uality t&at 3ust

t&e relati)e leniency 'it& '&ic& it is re(arded and punis&ed by

t&at present-day rebels are less impelled by lo)e o* country t&an

lust *or po'er and &a)e become no better t&an mere terrorist'&om not&in(, not e)en t&e sanctity o* &uman li*e, is allo'ed

stand in t&e 'ay o* t&eir ambitions. Not&in( so underscores

aberration as t&e ras& o* seemin(ly senseless Iillin(s, bombin

Iidnappin(s and assorted may&em so muc& in t&e ne's t&

days, as o*ten perpetrated a(ainst innocent ci)ilians as a(ainst

military, but by and lar(e attributable to, or e)en claimed by

called rebels to be part o*, an on(oin( rebellion.

@t is enou(& to (i)e anyone pause-and t&e #ourt is no eJcept

t&at not e)en t&e cro'ded streets o* our capital #ity seem s

*rom suc& unsettlin( )iolence t&at is disrupti)e o* t&e public pe

and stymies e)ery e?ort at national economic reco)ery. &ere is

apparent need to restructure t&e la' on rebellion, eit&er to r

t&e penalty t&ere*or or to clearly deKne and delimit t&e oto?enses to be considered as absorbed t&ereby, so t&at it canno

con)eniently utilied as t&e umbrella *or e)ery sort o* ille(al act

undertaIen in its name. &e #ourt &as no po'er to e?ect s

c&an(e, *or it can only interpret t&e la' as it stands at any (i

time, and '&at is needed lies beyond interpretation. 4ope*

#on(ress 'ill percei)e t&e need *or promptly seiin( t&e initiati)

t&is matter, '&ic& is properly 'it&in its pro)ince.

>4C;CFO;C, t&e #ourt reiterates t&at based on t&e doct

enunciated in People vs. /ernandez# t&e uestioned in*orma

Kled a(ainst petitioners Auan Ponce Cnrile and t&e spouses ;ebe

and Crlinda Panlilio must be read as c&ar(in( simple rebellion o

&ence said petitioners are entitled to bail, be*ore Knal con)iction

a matter o* ri(&t. &e #ourtBs earlier (rant o* bail to petitionbein( merely pro)isional in c&aracter, t&e proceedin(s in b

cases are ordered ;C2NDCD to t&e respondent Aud(e to KJ

amount o* bail to be posted by t&e petitioners. Once bail is KJed

said respondent *or any o* t&e petitioners, t&e correspondin(

bond Lied 'it& t&is #ourt s&all become (unctus o+cio.

pronouncement as to costs.


Cruz# Gancaco and egalado# JJ.# concur.

8edialdea# J.# concurs in G.. 9o. DE;F) but too@ no part in G..


7/25/2019 Public Order Cases 27/27

Cortes and Gri>o5A,uino# JJ.# are on leave.


Enr03 7 Saaar G.R. No. 921@) Jun3 5, 199*Facts:@n t&e a*ternoon o* February 7, 199, +enate 2inority Floor =eader

 Auan Ponce Cnrile 'asarrested by la' en*orcement ocers led byDirector l*redo =im o* t&e National ureau o* @n)esti(ation on t&estren(t& o* a 'arrant issued by 4on. Aaime +alaar o* t&e;e(ional rial#ourt o* ueon #ity ranc& 1H, in #riminal #ase No.9191.&e 'arrant &ad issued on an in*ormation si(ned and

earlier t&at day Kled by a panel o* prosecutors composed o* +enior+tate Prosecutor urelio #. rampe, +tate Prosecutor Ferdinand;.besamis and ssistant #ity Prosecutor Culo(io 2ananuil, Ar., c&ar(in( +enatorCnrile, t&espouses ;ebecco and Crlinda Panlilio, and "re(orio4onasan 'it& t&e crime o* rebellion 'it&murder and multiple*rustrated murder alle(edly committed durin( t&e period o* t&e*ailed coupattempt *rom No)ember 9 to December 1, 199.+enator Cnrile'as taIen to and &eld o)erni(&t at t&e N@ &eaduarters on a*t )enue,2anila,'it&out bail, none &a)in( been recommended in t&ein*ormation and none KJed in t&e arrest'arrant. &e *ollo'in(mornin(, February , 199, &e 'as brou(&t to #amp omasEarin(al inueon #ity '&ere &e 'as (i)en o)er to t&e custody o* t&e +uperintendent o* t&e Nort&ernPolice District, ri(."en. Cd(ardo Dula orres.On t&e same date o* February , 199,+enator Cnrile, t&rou(& counsel, Kled t&e petition *or&abeas corpus&erein 6'&ic& 'as *ollo'ed by a supplemental petition Kled on2arc& , 199,alle(in( t&at &e 'as depri)ed o* &is constitutionalri(&ts.@ssue:6a >&et&er t&e petitioner &as committed compleJ crimes 6delitocompleio arisin( *rom ano?ense bein( a necessary means *orcommittin( anot&er, '&ic& is re*erred to in t&e secondclause o* rticle o* t&e ;e)ised Penal #odeQ4eld:

 &ere is one ot&er reason and a *undamental one at t&at '&y rticle o* t&ePenal #ode cannotbe applied in t&e case at bar. @* murder 'erenot compleJed 'it& rebellion, and t&e t'o crimes'ere punis&edseparately 6assumin( t&at t&is could be done, t&e *ollo'in(penalties 'ould beimposable upon t&e mo)ant, namely: 61 *or t&ecrime o* rebellion, a Kne not eJceedin( P,and prision mayor,in t&e correspondin( period, dependin( upon t&e modi*yin(circumstancespresent, but ne)er eJceedin( 1 years o* prisionmayor, and 6 *or t&e crime o* murder,reclusion temporal in

its maJimum period to deat&, dependin( upon t&e modi*ycircumstancespresent. @n ot&er 'ords, in t&e absence a((ra)atin( circumstances, t&e eJtreme penalty couldnot imposed upon &im. 4o'e)er, under rticle said penalty 'o&a)e to be meted out to&im, e)en in t&e absence o* a sia((ra)atin( circumstance. &us, said pro)ision, i* construecon*ormity 'it& t&e t&eory o* t&e prosecution, 'ould be un*a)orato t&e mo)ant.&e plaint o* petitionerBs counsel t&at &e is c&ar'it& a crime t&at does not eJist in t&e statute booIs, 'tec&nically correct so *ar as t&e #ourt &as ruled t&at rebellion mnot becompleJed 'it& ot&er o?enses committed on t&e occast&ereo*, must t&ere*ore be dismissedas a mere Li(&t o* r&eto;ead in t&e conteJt o* 4ernande, t&e in*ormation d

indeedc&ar(e t&e petitioner 'it& a crime deKned and punisby t&e ;e)ised Penal #ode: simplerebellion.Petitioner Knally clat&at &e 'as denied t&e ri(&t to bail. @n t&e li(&t o* #ourtBsrearmation o* 4ernande as applicable to petitionerBs caand o* t&e lo(ical and necessarycorollary t&at t&e in*ormaa(ainst &im s&ould be considered as c&ar(in( only t&e cro* simple rebellion, '&ic& is bailable be*ore con)iction, t&at mno' be accepted as a correctproposition. ut t&e uestion rema"i)en t&e *acts *rom '&ic& t&is case arose, 'as a petition*or &abcorpus in t&is #ourt t&e appropriate )e&icle *or assertin( a ri(&bail or )indicatin(its denialQ &e criminal case be*ore respondent Aud(e 'as t&e normal )enue *or in)oIin( t&epetitionri(&t to &a)e pro)isional liberty pendin( trial and 3ud(ment. ori(inal 3urisdictionto (rant or deny bail rested 'it& respondent. &e correct course 'as *or petitioner to in)oIe

 3urisdiction by Klin( a petition to be admitted to bail, claiminri(&t to bail per se byreason o* t&e 'eaIness o* t&e e)ide

a(ainst &im. Only a*ter t&at remedy 'as denied by t&etrial cos&ould t&e re)ie' 3urisdiction o* t&is #ourt &a)e been in)oIed, e)en t&en, not'it&out Krst applyin( to t&e #ourt o* ppi* appropriate relie* 'as also a)ailable t&ere.&e #ourt reitert&at based on t&e doctrine enunciated in People )s. 4ernandt&euestioned in*ormation Kled a(ainst petitioners Auan PoCnrile and t&e spouses ;ebecco andCrlinda Panlilio must be readc&ar(in( simple rebellion only, &ence said petitioners are entitlebail, be*ore Knal con)iction, as a matter o* ri(&t. &e #ourtBs ea(rant o* bail to petitionersbein( merely pro)isional in c&aracter,proceedin(s in bot& cases are ordered remanded tot&e respond

 Aud(e to KJ t&e amount o* bail to be posted by t&e petitioners. Obail is KJedby said respondent *or any o* t&e petitioners, correspondin( bail bond Lied 'it& t&is #ourts&all become *uncoKcio. No pronouncement as to costs.