Download - Public Debt & Primary Dealers Etc. Nov 22 (1)

  • 8/3/2019 Public Debt & Primary Dealers Etc. Nov 22 (1)




  • 8/3/2019 Public Debt & Primary Dealers Etc. Nov 22 (1)



    Government Debt (also known as Public Debt, NationalDebt) is money (or credit ) owed by a central government.

    Government debt is an indirectdebtofthetaxpayers.

    Government debt can be categorized as internal debt (owed

    to lenders within the country) and external debt (owed to

    foreign lenders).

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    Reserve Bankof India administers andmanagesthe Public

    Debt Operationsofthecountry andconductstheissue andservicing ofnewloansofthe Central and State

    Governments, primarily Dated Securities,throughits Public

    Debt Offices (PDO).

    To accomplishthetaskofadministration andmanagementofinternaldebt,RBI had a decentralizedsystemof

    operationsthrough 15 Public Debt Officesestablished at 14


    WiththecomputerizationofPublic Debt Office-cum-

    Negotiated Dealing System (PDO-NDS),the PDO systemnowoperates as anintegratedvirtualcentralizedsystem.

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    Public Debt Management

    Processofformulating andexecuting a strategy formanagingthe governmentsdebttoraisetherequired amountof

    funding,withinthe ambitofcost/riskobjectives.

    Public Debt Management alsoencompassesotherfunctions

    such ascash andliquidity managementofCentral and Stategovernments as alsothedevelopmentofa liquid anddeep



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    Primary Dealership (PDs) System

    System of Market Intermediaries 1996


    1.Supporting the market borrowing programme of the


    2.Strengthening the securities market infrastructure and

    3. Improving the secondary market liquidity inGovernment Securities.


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    PDs - Responsible for ensuring the success of primary


    PDs - Given privileges in terms of provision of current

    account and SGL facilities with RBI & Access to the

    liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) ofRBI.

    Section 21A RBI Act 1934 A State entrusts its banking

    business to RBI by voluntarily entering into anagreement.

    23 States enter into such agreements with RBI to

    undertake general banking business in India, including

    payments, receipts, collection, remittance of money,

    management ofpublic debt and issue of new loans.

    Jammu & Kashmir & Sikkim Agreements with the RBI

    only for the limited purpose of managing their public



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    Ways and Means Advances

    Section 17(5) ofRBI Act, 1934 - RBI provides Ways andMeans Advances (WMA) tothe Statesbanking with it to

    help them to tideovertemporary mismatchesin the cash

    flow of their receipts and payments. Such advances, arerepayableineachcasewithin 3 months.

    WMA- 2 Types Normal and Special.Normal WMA - Clean Advances.

    Special WMA - Secured Advances (against the pledge of

    GOI dated securities).

    Operative limit for special WMA for a State is subject to its

    holdings of GOI dated securities up to a maximum of limitsanctioned. RBI determines limits for normal and special

    WMA for each State. Limits revised periodically.


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    Any amount drawn by a State inexcessofWMA is an


    No State allowed to run an overdraft with RBI for more than 10continuous working days. RBI & its agencies stop payments

    on behalf of the State, if this period is exceeded.

    Position of WMA actually utilised & overdrafts of various States

    is closely monitoredin the Internal Debt Management Cell(IDM Cell), RBI, on a daily basis on receipt of the position from

    Central Accounts Section (CAS), RBI, Nagpur.

    When a State avails of WMA in excess of75% of the

    aggregate limit (aggregate = normal plus operative limit for

    special WMA), the State is cautioned to take remedialmeasures to avoid overdraft in its account.


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    The interest rate charged on WMA and overdrafts at present

    are the Bank Rate (9%) and the Bank Rate plus two

    percentage points (11%), respectively

    Surplus Investments

    RBI Sole Agent for investment of the State's surplus funds.

    Surplus cash balance of a State beyond a level indicated by it

    is automatically invested in 14-day intermediate T-bills, on

    which, the rate of interest at present is 6%. The States are

    also free to participate in 14-day and 91-day T-bills auctions as

    non-competitive bidders for investment of their durable




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    RBI & Government's Banking Transactions

    Section20oftheRBI Act 1934 (the Act)

    RBI has the obligation to undertake the receipts and payments of the

    Central Government and to carry out its exchange, remittance and other

    banking operations, including the management of public debt of the


    Section21 - RBI also has the right to transactGovernmentbusiness

    of the Union of India.

    Section21A - State Government transactions carried out by RBI in

    terms of the agreement entered into with the respective StateGovernments.


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    Reserve BankofIndia - BankertoGovernment

    RBI maintains the Principal Accounts ofCentral as well as StateGovernments at its Central Accounts Section, Nagpur.

    RBI has a well structured arrangement for revenue collection as

    well as payments on behalf of the Government across the country.

    A network comprising the Public Accounts Departments ofRBI and

    branches of Agency Banks appointed underSection 45 of the Act

    carries out the Government transactions.

    At present, all the public sector banks and three private sector

    banks viz. ICICI Bank Ltd., HDFCBank Ltd. and Axis Bank Ltd. actas RBI's agents.

    Only authorised branches of Agency banks can conduct

    Government business.


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    Government Security - A tradable instrument issued by the

    Central or the State Governments. It acknowledges the

    Governments debt obligation.

    Such securities are short term (T-bills, with original maturities of

    less than one year) or long term (Government bonds or dated

    securities with original maturity of one year or more).

    CentralGovernmentissuesboth, T-bills andbondsordatedsecurities.

    StateGovernmentsissueonly bondsordatedsecurities,

    which arecalledthe State Development Loans (SDLs).

    G-Secs arecalledrisk-free gilt-edgedinstruments.

    Government of India also issues savings instruments (SavingsBonds, NSCs, etc.) or special securities (Oil bonds, FCI

    Bonds, FertiliserBonds, PowerBonds, etc.). These arenot

    fully tradable and arenoteligibletobe SLRsecurities.


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    T-Bills- Money marketshorttermdebtinstrumentsissuedby

    GOI in three tenors, viz. 91 day, 182day and 364 days.

    T-Bills - Zero Coupon Securitiesand pay nointerest. Issued ata discount and redeemed at the face value at maturity.

    RBI conducts auctions usually every Wednesday to issue T-bills.

    Payments for the T-bills purchased are made on the following


    91 day T-Bills -Auctioned on every Wednesday.

    182 days and 364 days T-Bills -Auctioned on alternate

    Wednesdays. RBI releases an annual calendar ofT-bill issuances

    for a financial year in the last week of March of the previousfinancial year.

    RBI announces the issue details ofT-bills through a press release

    every week.


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    Cash Management Bills (CMBs)

    GOI, in consultation with RBI, has decided to issue a new

    short-term instrument, known as Cash Management Bills

    (CMBs), tomeetthetemporary mismatchesinthecash


    The CMBs have the generic character ofT-bills but are

    issuedformaturitieslessthan 91 days.

    Like T-bills, they are also issued at a discountand

    redeemed at face value at maturity.

    The tenure, notified amount and date of issue of the CMBs

    depends upon the temporary cash requirement of the Govt.

    Announcement of auction made by RBI through a Press

    Release, issued one day prior to the date of auction.


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    DatedGovernment Securities (G-Secs)

    DatedG-Secs arelong termsecuritiesand carry a fixed or

    floating coupon (interest rate) which is paid on the face value,

    payable at fixed time periods (usually half-yearly). Thetenorof

    datedsecuritiescanbe up to 30 years.

    The Public Debt Office (PDO) ofRBI acts as the registry /depository of Government securities and deals with the issue,

    interest payment and repayment of principal at maturity. Most of

    the dated securities are fixed coupon securities.


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    FixedRate Bonds Bonds on which the coupon rate is

    fixed for the entire life of the Bond.

    Floating Rate Bonds Floating Rate Bonds are securities

    which do not have a fixed coupon rate. The coupon is re-set

    at pre-announced intervals (say, every six months or one

    year) by adding a spread over a base rate.

    Zero Coupon Bonds Bonds with no coupon payments.

    Capital Indexed Bonds Bonds, the principal of which is

    linked to an accepted index of inflation with a view to

    protecting the holder from inflation.


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    Bondswith Call/ Put Options Bonds issued wherein the issuer can

    have the option to buy-back (call option) or the investor can have the

    option to sell the Bond (put option) to the issuer during the currency of

    the Bond.

    Government Security (G-sec) -A security created and issued by the

    Govt. for the purpose of raising a public loan or any other purpose asnotified in the Official Gazette.


    1. Government Promissory Note (GPN) payable to or to the order of a

    certain person; or

    2. Bearer bond payable to a bearer; or

    3. A Stock; or

    4. A Bond held in a Bond Ledger Account (BLA).

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    Special Securities GOI also issues, from time to time, special securities

    to entities like Oil Marketing Companies, FertilizerCompanies, the Food

    Corporation of India, etc. as compensation to these companies in lieu ofcash subsidies.

    STRIPS - Separate Trading ofRegistered Interest and Principalof


    Basically "zero-coupon" securities where the investor receives a payment

    at maturity only.

    STRIPS allow investors to hold and trade the individual interest and

    principal components of eligible G-Secs as separate securities of varying



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    State Development Loans (SDLs)

    State Governments also raise loans from the market.

    SDLs aredatedsecuritiesissued through an auction similar

    to the auctions conducted for dated securities issued by GOI.

    Interest at half-yearly intervals and the principal repaid on thematurity date.

    SDLs issued by the State Governments qualify forSLR.

    They are also eligible as collaterals for borrowing through

    market repo as well as borrowing by eligible entities from the

    RBI under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).

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    Gilt Funds,are mutualfundschemesfloated by assetmanagement companies with exclusiveinvestmentsingovernmentsecurities.

    TheGovernment Securities Act,2006 -Act to consolidate

    and amend the laws relating to G-Secs and its management

    by RBI and for relative matters.

    Government SecuritiesRegulations,2007 - Framed by

    RBI to carry out the purposes of the G S Act.


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    RBI provides certain facilities to encourage gilt funds

    to create a wider investor base for governmentsecurities market.

    1. Liquidity Support: The objective of extending

    liquidity support to dedicated gilt funds is to support

    short-term liquidity requirements of such mutual funds.

    The Reserve Bank of India provides liquidity support togilt funds by way of reverse repurchase agreements

    (reverse repos).

    2. SGL & Current Accounts:RBI opens one

    subsidiary general ledger (SGL) account and one

    current account for gilt funds' own transactions at all

    centers ofRBI wherever desired by the gilt funds.


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    3. Funds TransferFacility: The gilt funds are given the facility of

    transfer of funds from one center to another under the RBI

    Remittance Facility Scheme . Also given the facility of clearing ofcheques arising out of government securities transactions,

    tendered at the RBI counters.

    4. Accessto Call Market: Gilt funds can access the call money

    market as lenders.

    5.Ready Forwards:RBI also recommends to GOI to permit the

    gilt funds to undertake ready forward transactions in G-Secs

    market. Such contracts may be undertaken only in i) dated

    securities and T-Bills issued by GOI and ii) dated securities

    issued by the State Govts.


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    AdvantagesofInvestment InG-Secs

    1. Provide income by way of interest.

    2. Offer maximum safety as they carry the Sovereigns commitment

    for payment of interest and repayment of principal.

    3. They can be held in Demat Form, obviating the need for


    4. Available in a wide range of maturities - from 91 days to

    as long as 30 years to suit the duration of a bank's liabilities.

    5. G-secs can be sold easily in the secondary market to meet

    cash requirements.

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    6. G- secs can be used as collateral to borrow funds in the Repo market.

    7. Settlement system for trading in G-secs, based on Delivery versus

    Payment (DvP), is very simple, safe and efficient. The DvP

    mechanism ensures transfer of securities by the seller of securities

    simultaneously with transfer of funds from the buyer of the securities,

    mitigating the settlement risk.

    8. G- secs prices are readily available due to a liquid and active

    secondary market and a transparent price dissemination mechanism.

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