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Social Media

• Debate Review• Article Discussion

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Article Review

• Cover Page– Running Head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER/SUMMARY

Page #– Title– Author’s Name– Institution

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• One page summarizing the article • Must properly reference sources• Last paragraph may add opinion

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Personality Test


• Career Path• What type of personalities you work well with• What type of personality you are

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Developing through a Lifetime..


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Developing through a lifetime..

Developmental PsychologyHow people are continually developing –

physically, cognitively, and socially – from infancy to geriatrics.

Physical, Cognitive, and Social changes through a lifetime

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Centers of Research

• Nature vs. Nurture : – How do genetic inheritance (nature) and

experiences (nurture) influence our development?

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Centers of Research

• Continuity vs. Stages :– Is Development a gradual, continuous process like

riding an escalator, or does it proceed through a sequence of separate stages, like climbing rungs on a ladder?

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Centers of Research

• Stability vs. Change : – Do our early personality traits persist through life,

or do we become different persons as we age?

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Life before Birth

• Conception:– Woman’s Ovary releases

mature egg– 200 million + Sperm swim

towards egg• 1 sperm is welcomed by

the egg– Less than 24 hours and

the sperm nucleus and egg nucleus fuse and become one nucleus.

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Prenatal Development

• Zygotes: a fertilized egg. • Cell Division– Differentiate -> Specialize in

structure and function• Embryo: 2 weeks through 8

weeks– About day 10, zygote attaches

to uterine wall

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Prenatal Development

• Fetus: 9 weeks into development

• Placenta: formed as a zygote, transfers nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus.– Screens out harmful


• Teratogens: harmful agents such as viruses and drugs

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Prenatal Development

• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)– Alcohol predisposition– Birth Defects– Intellectual and

Developmental disabilities– Misproportioned head and

brain abnormalities– Depressed CNS

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• Automatically equipped with responses to survival– Withdraw limbs to escape pain– Turn head side to side or swipe away cloth to

breath if placed over face– Turn toward touch– Open mouth and rooting for nipple, suckling– Hunger = crying

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• Prefer sights and sounds that facilitate social responses– Turn heads toward human voices– Gaze at faces longer than a pattern– Prefer to look at objects that are 8-12 inches away

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Infancy and Childhood

• Infancy: The time when a baby grows from a newborn to toddler.

• Childhood: The time from toddler to teenager.

– Cognitive, brain and mind, develop together

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Brain Development

• In the Womb, developing brain forms nerve cells at nearly quarter-million per minute.

• By birth, have most brain cells• Nervous system is still

immature at birth• Branching neural networks

begin– Birth– 3 months– 15 months

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Brain Development

• 3-6 years old = most rapid growth in the frontal lobes– Rational planning

• Association Areas (last to develop)– Thinking– Memory– Language

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• Orderly sequence of Biological growth processes. – Set the basic course for development; experience

adjusts it. – Genetic growth tendencies are inborn

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Motor Development

• As the brain develops so will physical coordination.

• Muscle and Nervous systems mature = more complicated skills emerge– Roll over before sitting

unsupported– Crawl on all fours before

they walk

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Motor Development

• USA Babies walking– 25% by age 11 months– 50% by 1 week after 1st

birthday– 90% by age 15 months

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Motor Development

• Genes play role in motor development– Twins– Development of

cerebellum at back of brain creates readiness to learn, experiences prior has limited effect• Potty Training

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• Infantile amnesia– Little memory prior to 3.5

years old• Age 4-5, remembered


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Cognitive Development

• Cognition: all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing remembering, and communicating.

• Some where in your life you become Concious… – Jean Piaget

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Piaget’s Theory

• Children’s minds develop through a series of stages– Newborn.. Simple reflexes– Adult.. Abstract reasoning

power• Schemas: a concept or

framework that organizes and interprets information

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Piaget’s Theory

• Assimilate: interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas.

• Accommodate: adapting our current understandings (schemas) to incorporate new information.

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Piaget’s Theory

• Proposed 4 stages of cognitive development

• Sensorimotor Stage• Preoperational Stage

• Concrete Operational Stage• Formal Operation Stage

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Sensorimotor Stage

• From birth – about 2 years of age. • Infants know the world mostly in terms of

their sensory impressions and motor activities. – Looking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and

grasping– Lack of object permanence

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Preoperational Stage

• From age 2 up to ages 6 or 7• Children learn to use language but do not yet

comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic– Lacks concept of conservation– Glass of Milk Demonstration

• Theory of mind– People’s ideas about their own and others’ mental

states- about their feelings, perception, and thoughts and the behaviors these might predict.

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• The preoperational children’s difficulty taking another’s point of view.

• Peek-a-boo– 2 year old thinks that they are “invisible”, if they

can’t see other people. • Theory of mind– People’s ideas about their own and others’ mental

states- about their feelings, perception, and thoughts and the behaviors these might predict.

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Concrete Operational Stage

• Ages 6 or 7 years old to 11 years old• Children gain the mental operationas that

enable them to think logically about concrete events. – Fully gain the mental ability to comprehend

mathematical transformationtions an conservations

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Formal Operational Stage

• By age 12• Begin to think logically about abstract

concepts.– If this, then that.• If john is in school, then Mary is in school. John is in

school. What can you say about Mary?

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Social Development

• The brain, mind, and social-emotional behavior develop together

• Stranger Anxiety – usually develops around 8 months

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• An emotional tie with another person; shown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress on separation

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Harlows’ Monkey Experiment

• Attachment does not correlate with need for nourishment – Harlows’s monkey

experiment• Body Contact– Critical period

• Familiarity– Imprinting

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Basic Trust

• A sense that the world is predictable and reliable.

• “Out of the conflict between trust and mistrust, the infant develops hope, which is the earliest form of what gradually becomes faith in adults” – Erik Erikson

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Parenting Styles

• Parenting research focusing on how and to what extent, parenting styles impact their children.– Authoritarian– Permissive– Authoriative

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• Parents impose rules and expect obedience: “Don’t interrupt.” “why? .. Because I said so”

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• Parents submit to their children’s desires. They make few demands and use little punishment.

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• Parents are both demanding and responsive. They exert control by setting rules and enforcing them, but they also explain the reasons for rules.– Esp. in older children, encourage open discussion

and allow some exceptions to rules.

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• Too Hard• Too Soft• Just Right

• Research supports – Highest self-esteem– Self-reliance– Social competence– Warm, concerning parents

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• The years spent morphing from child to adult. • Starts with physical beginnings of sexual

maturity and ends with the social achievement of independent adult status.

• “storm and stress”– Looking back as a time most will not want to relive

• Very care free time period

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Physical Development

• Begins with Puberty– The time when we sexually mature.– Surge of hormones– Primary Sex characteristics– Secondary Sex characteristics

• Girls age 11 • Boys age 13

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Physical Development• Brain Development– Growth of myelin– Fatty tissue that forms around axons and speeds

up neurotransmissions. – Improved judgment, impulse control, and ability

to plan long term.• Frontal Lobe Maturation lags the emotional

limbic system.– Hormone surge and limbic system development– “heat of the moment”

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Cognitive Development

• Become capable of thinking about your thinking, and thinking about other peoples thinking, they begin imagining what other people are thing about them.

• Cognitive abilities mature, think about what is ideally possible and compare that with the imperfect reality of their society, parents, self.

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Reasoning Power

• Early teen years, reasoning is self-focused.– “But mom, you really don’t understand!! I am in

love!”• Gradually become capable of abstract

reasoning– Which stage of Piaget theory?

• Reason Hypothetically and Deduced consequences

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Developing Morality

• Discerning Right from Wrong– Crucial task from childhood and adolescence

• Lawrence Kohlberg, moral reasoning stages– Preconventional Morality– Conventional Morality– Postconventional Morality

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Preconventional Morality

• Before age 9, most children’s morality focuses on self-interest: They obey rules and social rules, simply because they are the laws and rules.

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Conventional Morality

• By early adolescence, morality focuses on caring for others and on upholding laws and social rules, simply because they are the laws and rules.

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Postconventional Morality

• With the abstract reasoning of formal operational thought, people may reach a third moral level. Actions are judged “right” because they flow from people’s rights or from self-defined, basic ethical principles.