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Page 1: Psycho journal

Name : Patricia Kong Weng Yee

Student ID : 0315837

Group : Monday (8 – 11a.m)

Subject : Pyschology

Course : Foundation in Natural & Built Environment (FNBE) July Intake '13

Submission Date : 12th May 2014 (Monday)

Page 2: Psycho journal

Entry # 1

For this entry, I would use the topic 'Self Concept'. This is about a mental representation of oneself

where it is a large part of how would one describe onself. This could be related to the text and chats

I have with one of my close trusted friend. This is because sometimes to relieve our stress after

chatting about our assignments, we would go off topic and start talking about stuff. Like food or

movies and it would then lead to deep conversations like some personal matter. The deep

conversation would only occur during the night where it is said that people would tend to be more

honest than they are in the day. We would talk about ourself to each other like what's our favourites

or what we dislike or what we like. Chatting with her about myself makes me realized how much I

had changed for the past 4-9 years. I was really really quiet and shy during my primary and

secondary school years and I had really little friends. But as time passes and I experience, meet and

greet a lot of new people from different countries, I tend to be more open minded and more bolder. I

had more friends than before and I am a lot cheerful too although I am still a shy one.

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Entry # 4

I'm going to use the concept 'relative deprivation' and 'low self – efficacy' for today's entry. Relative

deprivation comes from one of the motivational factors where one will feel unhappy because of the

thought of those being in an outgroup will fare better than oneself. I can relate this to the day I had

my maths test. It was a tough and stressful week and I was busy with moving to a new house. I

didn't quite had much time to prepare for the maths test that was going to be held the next day but I

did tried my best to read a few chapters. And on the next day, I blanked out during the exam. My

friends (outgroup) was doing so well with their papers and I was just there sitting and staring at the

paper, answering nothing at all. Because of the thought that they will definitely pass the test, I felt

unhappy. I almost broke down in tears while trying to answer at least a question but I didn't. And

this is where 'low self – efficacy' comes in. I knew I couldn't answer a single question and so I just

gave up answering eventhough I know that I might lose 10% for it.

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Entry # 5

There was this incident that happened when I was still in secondary school. I was in Form 2 where I

once have a good friend named Sylvia. She was the kind that would hurt or offend someone without

realizing it for she sometimes act without thinking about the consequences. And because of that

characteristics of hers, she offended a guy. That guy, well...I can't say he's a gangster nor a smart

one, he's just a rich bad boy who had a crush on me. News sure travel fast in my school. And Sylvia

heard about it too and she wrote about it in her blog. I think the guy was offended or maybe he was

scared of his image being ruined. He came to our class one day with his bad naughty friends and

called her out. She didn't know what was going on nor did I but I felt like he was going to do

something bad. I didn't went out with her but after I saw them arguing, I quickly rushed out to stop

it from getting worst. He told me to back off but I didn't budge. His friend then pushed me hard to

the side of the wall and blocked me from getting near Sylvia. He didn't continue the argument

though after he saw what his friend did to me. He warned Sylvia and left with his friends. I was hurt

but it was just a sprained shoulder. Though Sylvia was kind of shocked and scared. To relate the

incident, the concept of Altruistic Models of Helping is used which is the empathy - altruism model

of prosocial behaviour where one are more likely to help others' whose welfare is threatened.

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Entry # 3

For today's entry, I would use the concept of 'affective,implicit and explicit attitude' where affective

attitudes means it is an emotional based kind of attitude and implicit attitude means the attitude

formed without one's conscious awareness whereas explicit attitude means the attitude where one

recognizes and can get a control on it. To relate them to me, it happened a few days ago. A boy in

my course, well, I'm usually okay with him but recently I started to have a dislike on him. I didn't

realized I was disliking him (implicit) until just yesterday while we were working on our project

(explicit). Usually when I dislike someone, I would tend to argue with them, disagreeing with every

choices or decisions or any ideas they provide. But I didn't do all that yesterday because I did not

want to cause a scene out of a sudden and affect the other teammates.

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Entry #2

The concept I would like to use for today's entry would be the emotional expression and detecting

deception. This is where usage of body gestures, speed of the gestures and the context of

communication are being perceived whereas for detecting deception, it is where we have self

verification where because we see ourselves as an honest person, we tend to have trouble seeing

other people as dishonest. And to relate this to my entry of the day, started of like this. One

day, I asked my best friend a question. I asked her to answer it honestly. “What do you really think

about me?” was the question. I wanted to find out what was her thoughts on me and I did not want

her to give those usual answers like “Oh you're smart, quiet, helpful, kind etc etc” bullcrap. And

when she replied, I was surprised. She said I need to express myself more often and not keep

everything inside..well which was true because I was afraid of making the others worry about me

and I did not want to trouble them. Second, I was good at hiding. What she meant was even with all

the problems I had (which I had told her days before), I was still being cheerful. She was impressed

or should I say...disappointed? that I was deceiving my other friends. Should I be astonished by my

actions or should I be guilty about it? That, I have no idea. But I will definitely try my best to

improve myself by learning to express my feelings.