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Integrative functional genomicanalysis of human brain developmentand neuropsychiatric risksMingfeng Li*, Gabriel Santpere*, Yuka Imamura Kawasawa*, Oleg V. Evgrafov*,Forrest O. Gulden*, Sirisha Pochareddy*, Susan M. Sunkin*, Zhen Li*, Yurae Shin*,Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, Donna M.Werling, Robert R. Kitchen, Hyo Jung Kang,Mihovil Pletikos, Jinmyung Choi, Sydney Muchnik, Xuming Xu, DaifengWang,Belen Lorente-Galdos, Shuang Liu, Paola Giusti-Rodríguez, HyejungWon,Christiaan A. de Leeuw, Antonio F. Pardiñas, BrainSpan Consortium,PsychENCODE Consortium, PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup, Ming Hu, Fulai Jin,Yun Li, Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O’Donovan, James T. R. Walters, Danielle Posthuma,Mark A. Reimers, Pat Levitt, Daniel R. Weinberger, Thomas M. Hyde, Joel E. Kleinman,Daniel H. Geschwind, Michael J. Hawrylycz, Matthew W. State, Stephan J. Sanders,Patrick F. Sullivan, Mark B. Gerstein†, Ed S. Lein†, James A. Knowles†, Nenad Sestan†

INTRODUCTION: The brain is responsiblefor cognition, behavior, and much of whatmakes us uniquely human. The developmentof the brain is a highly complex process, andthis process is reliant on precise regulation ofmolecular and cellular events grounded in thespatiotemporal regulation of the transcrip-tome. Disruption of this regulation can leadto neuropsychiatric disorders.

RATIONALE: The regulatory, epigenomic, andtranscriptomic features of the human brainhave not been comprehensively compiled acrosstime, regions, or cell types. Understanding theetiology of neuropsychiatric disorders requires

knowledge not just of endpoint differences be-tween healthy and diseased brains but alsoof the developmental and cellular contexts inwhich these differences arise. Moreover, anemerging body of research indicates that manyaspects of the development and physiology ofthe human brain are not well recapitulated inmodel organisms, and therefore it is necessarythat neuropsychiatric disorders be understoodin the broader context of the developing andadult human brain.

RESULTS:Herewe describe the generation andanalysis of a variety of genomic data modalitiesat the tissue and single-cell levels, including

transcriptome, DNA methylation, and histonemodifications across multiple brain regionsranging in age from embryonic developmentthrough adulthood. We observed a widespreadtranscriptomic transition beginning during latefetal development and consisting of sharplydecreased regional differences. This reductioncoincided with increases in the transcriptionalsignatures ofmature neurons and the expressionof genes associated with dendrite development,

synapse development, andneuronal activity, all ofwhichwere temporally syn-chronousacrossneocorticalareas, as well as myelina-tion and oligodendrocytes,which were asynchronous.

Moreover, genes including MEF2C, SATB2, andTCF4, with genetic associations to multiplebrain-related traits and disorders, converged ina small number of modules exhibiting spatialor spatiotemporal specificity.

CONCLUSION:We generated and applied ourdataset to document transcriptomic and epige-netic changes across human development andthen related those changes to major neuro-psychiatric disorders. These data allowed us toidentify genes, cell types, gene coexpressionmodules, and spatiotemporal loci where dis-ease risk might converge, demonstrating theutility of the dataset and providing new in-sights into human development and disease.▪


Li et al., Science 362, 1264 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1

Fetal Infancy Childhood Adolescence AdulthoodEmbryonic Perinatal

Spatiotemporal dynamics of human brain development and neuro-psychiatric risks. Human brain development begins during embryonicdevelopment and continues through adulthood (top). Integrating datamodalities (bottom left) revealed age- and cell type–specific properties andglobal patterns of transcriptional dynamics, including a late fetal transition(bottommiddle).We related the variation in gene expression (brown, high;

purple, low) to regulatory elements in the fetal and adult brains, cell type–specific signatures, and genetic loci associated with neuropsychiatricdisorders (bottom right; gray circles indicate enrichment for correspondingfeatures among module genes). Relationships depicted in this panel donotcorrespond tospecificobservations.CBC,cerebellarcortex;STR, striatum;HIP, hippocampus; MD, mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus; AMY, amygdala.

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected](M.B.G.); [email protected] (E.S.L.); [email protected] (J.A.K.); [email protected] (N.S.)Cite this article as M. Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615(2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7615


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Integrative functional genomicanalysis of human brain developmentand neuropsychiatric risksMingfeng Li1*, Gabriel Santpere1*, Yuka Imamura Kawasawa1,2*, Oleg V. Evgrafov3*,Forrest O. Gulden1*, Sirisha Pochareddy1*, Susan M. Sunkin4*, Zhen Li1*,Yurae Shin1,5*, Ying Zhu1, André M. M. Sousa1, Donna M. Werling6,Robert R. Kitchen7,8, Hyo Jung Kang1,9, Mihovil Pletikos1,10, Jinmyung Choi1,Sydney Muchnik1, Xuming Xu1, Daifeng Wang11, Belen Lorente-Galdos1, Shuang Liu1,7,Paola Giusti-Rodríguez12, Hyejung Won12,13, Christiaan A. de Leeuw14,Antonio F. Pardiñas15, BrainSpan Consortium†, PsychENCODE Consortium†,PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup†, Ming Hu16, Fulai Jin17, Yun Li18,Michael J. Owen15, Michael C. O’Donovan15, James T. R. Walters15,Danielle Posthuma14, Mark A. Reimers19, Pat Levitt20,21, Daniel R. Weinberger22,Thomas M. Hyde22, Joel E. Kleinman22, Daniel H. Geschwind23,24,25,Michael J. Hawrylycz4, Matthew W. State6, Stephan J. Sanders6, Patrick F. Sullivan11,Mark B. Gerstein7,26,27,28‡, Ed S. Lein4‡, James A. Knowles3‡, Nenad Sestan1,8,29,30,31‡

To broaden our understanding of human neurodevelopment, we profiled transcriptomicand epigenomic landscapes across brain regions and/or cell types for the entire span ofprenatal and postnatal development. Integrative analysis revealed temporal, regional,sex, and cell type–specific dynamics. We observed a global transcriptomic cup-shapedpattern, characterized by a late fetal transition associated with sharply decreased regionaldifferences and changes in cellular composition and maturation, followed by a reversalin childhood-adolescence, and accompanied by epigenomic reorganizations. Analysisof gene coexpression modules revealed relationships with epigenomic regulation andneurodevelopmental processes. Genes with genetic associations to brain-based traits andneuropsychiatric disorders (includingMEF2C, SATB2, SOX5, TCF4, and TSHZ3) converged in asmall number of modules and distinct cell types, revealing insights into neurodevelopmentand the genomic basis of neuropsychiatric risks.

The development of the human central ner-vous system is an intricate process thatunfolds over several decades, during whichtime numerous distinct cell types are gen-erated and assembled into functionally

distinct circuits and regions (1–4). These basiccomponents of the brain are neither born ma-ture nor static throughout their lifetimes; over

the course of development, they undergo a vari-ety of molecular and morphological changes. Asa consequence, the characteristics of a givencell, circuit, or brain region described at a giventime offer only a snapshot of that unit.The processes guiding the development of the

nervous system are reliant on the diversity andprecise spatiotemporal regulation of the tran-

scriptome (1–4). There is increasingly persuasiveevidence that dysregulation of the transcrip-tional, regulatory, and epigenetic processes un-derlying the spatial architecture and temporalprogression of human neurodevelopment canhave dire consequences for brain function orstrongly affect the risk of neuropsychiatric dis-orders (5–7). Indeed, many of the regulatory andepigenomic features governing the transcriptomeof the developing human nervous system may bespecific to particular developmental contexts inhumans or closely related primate species. As such,it is difficult to identify or fully study human func-tional genomic elements using most commonmodel organisms or cell culture systems (8). Assay-ing human cells and postmortem tissues solvessome of these problems, but challenges, includingthe availability and quality of developmental tis-sue, limit the scale of such analyses. Consequent-ly, despite ongoing efforts, our understanding ofdifferent facets of the transcriptional, regulatory,and epigenetic architecture of the human ner-vous system, particularly during early develop-mental periods, remains highly incomplete (8–21).To begin rectifying this deficiency, the Na-

tional Institutes of Health–funded PsychENCODE( and BrainSpan Consortia( sought to generate andanalyze multidimensional genomics data fromthe developing and adult human brain in healthyand disease states.

Study design and data generation

Here we describe the generation and integratedanalysis of multiple genomic data modalities,including transcriptomic profile, DNA methyla-tion status, histone modifications, CTCF bindingsites, and genotype generated from bulk tissue(1230 samples from 48 brains) or at the single-cell or single-nucleus level (18,288 cells or nucleifrom 12 brains) from 60 de-identified postmor-tem brains obtained from clinically and histo-pathologically unremarkable donors of bothsexes and multiple ancestries. Subject ages rangedfrom 5 postconceptional weeks (PCW) to 64postnatal years (PY) (Fig. 1 and tables S1 to S6).Genotyping of DNA extracted from brain with aHumanOmni2.5-8 BeadChip confirmed subjectancestry and revealed no obvious genomic ab-normalities (22).


Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 13

1Department of Neuroscience and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 2Departments of Pharmacology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Institute for Personalized Medicine, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA. 3Department of Cell Biology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn NY, USA. 4AllenInstitute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA, USA. 5National Research Foundation of Korea, Daejeon, South Korea. 6Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,CA, USA. 7Program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 8Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 9Department ofLife Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. 10Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine, MA, USA. 11Department of Biomedical Informatics Stony BrookUniversity, NY, USA. 12Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 13UNC Neuroscience Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.14Department of Complex Trait Genetics, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 15MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics,Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. 16Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Lerner Research Institute, ClevelandClinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA. 17Department of Genetics and Genome Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA. 18Department of Genetics and Department ofBiostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 19Neuroscience Program and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA. 20Departmentof Pediatrics, Institute for the Developing Mind Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 21Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 22Lieber Institute for BrainDevelopment, Johns Hopkins Medical Campus, Baltimore, MD, USA. 23Department of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.24Center for Autism Research and Treatment, Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.25Department of Human Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 26Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, YaleUniversity, New Haven, CT, USA. 27Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 28Department of Statistics & Data Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.29Department of Genetics, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 30Department of Comparative Medicine, Program in Integrative Cell Signaling and Neurobiology of Metabolism, Yale Schoolof Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 31Program in Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, and Repair and Yale Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.*These authors contributed equally to this work. †For each consortium, authors and affiliations are listed in the supplementary materials. ‡Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (M.B.G.);[email protected] (E.S.L.); [email protected] (J.A.K.); [email protected] (N.S.)

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For transcriptome analysis, tissue-level mRNAsequencing (mRNA-seq) was performed on atotal of 607 histologically verified, high-qualitytissue samples from 16 anatomical brain regions[11 areas of the neocortex (NCX), hippocampus(HIP), amygdala (AMY), striatum (STR), medio-dorsal nucleus of thalamus (MD), and cerebellarcortex (CBC)] involved in higher-order cognitionand behavior [Fig. 2A, (22)]. These regions weresystematically dissected from 41 brains rangingin age from 8 PCW to 40 PY [18 females and23 males; postmortem interval (PMI) = 12.9 ±10.4 hours; tissue pH = 6.5 ± 0.3; RNA integritynumber = 8.8 ± 1] (Fig. 1 and table S1). Becauseof the limited amounts of prenatal samples, small-RNA sequencing (smRNA-seq) was performed on16 regions of 22 postnatal brains, with 278 sam-ples passing quality control measures (Fig. 1 andtable S2). These tissue-level RNA-seq analyseswere complemented by single-cell RNA sequenc-ing (scRNA-seq) data generated from 1195 cellscollected from embryonic fronto-parietal neo-cortical wall and mid-fetal fronto-parietal neo-cortical plate and adjacent subplate zone of anindependent set of nine brains ranging in agefrom 5 to 20 PCW (Fig. 1 and table S3) andsingle-nuclei RNA sequencing data (snRNA-seq)generated from 17,093 nuclei from the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DFC, also termed DLPFC)of three adult brains (Fig. 1 and table S4). For epi-genome analyses, DNA cytosine methylation wasprofiled with the Infinium HumanMethylation450BeadChip in 269 postnatal samples coveringthe same 16 brain regions analyzed by RNA-seq(Fig. 1 and table S5). Additional epigenomic datawas generated with chromatin immunoprecipi-tation sequencing (ChIP-seq) for histone marksH3K4me3 (trimethylated histone H3 lysine 4),H3K27me3 (trimethylated histone H3 lysine 27),

and H3K27ac (acetylated histone H3 lysine 27)and the epigenetic regulatory protein CTCF,which together identify a large fraction of pro-moters, repressors, active enhancers, and insu-lators. These data were generated from DFCand CBC of a subset of samples from mid-fetal,infant, and adult brains (Fig. 1 and table S6).Stringent quality control measures (figs. S1 to S8)were applied to all datasets before in-depth an-alyses. We also validated some results by applyingindependent approaches (figs. S9, S10, and S18).Finally, to enable more powerful comparisons, wegrouped specimens into nine time windows (W1 toW9) on the basis of major neurodevelopmentalmilestones and unsupervised transcriptome-based temporal arrangement of constituent spec-imens (Fig. 1A and tables S1 to S6).

Global spatiotemporal dynamics

We found that most protein-coding genes weretemporally (67.8%) or spatially (54.5%) differ-entially expressed (22) between at least two timewindows or regions, respectively, with the ma-jority of spatially differentially expressed genes(95.8%) also temporally differentially expressed.To gain a broad understanding of this tran-scriptomic variation, we analyzed the level ofsimilarity between individual samples in themRNA-seq dataset using multidimensional scal-ing applied to both gene and isoform transcript-level analyses (Fig. 2B and figs. S11 and S12). Inboth analyses, we found a clear divide betweensamples from embryonic through late mid-fetaldevelopment (W1 to W4) and samples from lateinfancy through adulthood (W6 to W9), withsamples from the late fetal period through earlyinfancy (W5) generally spanning this divide. Todetermine the relationship between these threegroups, we performed unsupervised hierarchical

clustering analysis and found that all samplesfrom W5, including the late fetal samples, weremore similar to early postnatal samples than tolatemid-fetal samples (fig. S13). Analysis of large-scale, intraregional changes in the transcriptomeacross time also suggest a major transition thatbegins before birth. The transcriptomes of majorbrain regions and neocortical areas correlatedwell across both embryonic and early to mid-fetal (W1 to W4) and later postnatal (W6 to W9)development but displayed a sharp decrease incorrelation across late fetal development andearly infancy (W5) (Fig. 2C and fig. S14). Thistransition was also apparent at the inter-regional level. Pairwise comparisons of geneexpression across all 16 brain regions found areduction in the number of genes showingdifferential regional expression during W5relative to all other windows (fig. S15). Takentogether, our observation of high variationduring embryonic and early to mid-fetal agesfollowed by a decrease across late fetal agesand the subsequent resumption of higher levelsof inter- and intraregional variation during latechildhood and adolescence revealed a cup-shaped,or hourglass-like, pattern of transcriptomic devel-opment (Fig. 2D).To further explore how regional transcriptomic

profiles change with age, we applied the adjust-ment for confounding principal components anal-ysis algorithm (AC-PCA) (23), which adjusts forinterindividual variations. Within any given de-velopmental window, AC-PCA exhibited a clearseparation of brain regions, but the average dis-similarity between transcription profiles of brainregions declined from W1 to W5 and then in-creased with age after W5 (Fig. 2, E and F, and fig.S16). Implying a relationship between transcrip-tional signatures and developmental origin, we

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 13



Fetal development Infancy Childhood Adolescence AdulthoodEmbryonic




Age (PCW/PY)


Window (W) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9

179 12 22 35 0.5 1 2.8 4 10.7 13 15 1918 2321 30 36 40 13 0.8 2.5 2 8.38375 6 16 2019 21 0.25 0.3 378 018

Single cell RNA-seq


DNA methylationsmall RNA-seq

Histone modifications




Period(after Kang et al.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Single nucleus RNA-seq

Fig. 1. Overview of the data generated in this study. (A) Thedevelopmental time span of the human brain, from embryonic ages(≤8 PCW) through fetal development, infancy, childhood, adolescence,and adulthood, with PCW and PY indicated. Below is the distributionof samples in this study across broad developmental phases (embryonic

to adulthood), age [5 PCW to 64 PY (19)], and developmental windows(W1 to W9). Each circle represents a brain, and color indicatesthe sex [red circles (female) and blue circles (male)]. (B) Postmortemhuman brains sampled for different data modalities in this studyare indicated.


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found that dorsal pallium–derived structuresof the cerebrum (i.e., NCX, HIP, and AMY) aswell as STR became increasingly similar acrossprenatal development, whereas CBC and MDremained most distinct across all time windows.To confirm these observations and to evaluatethe contribution of each brain region to the re-gional variation described by AC-PCA, we quanti-fied the mean distance in the first two principalcomponents across brain regions, excluding fromthe AC-PCA one region at a time. Because of the

relative transcriptomic uniqueness of the CBC, itsexclusion unmasked a qualitatively distinct andpronounced cup-shaped pattern with a transitionbeginning before birth and spanning the latefetal period and early infancy (Fig. 2F). CBC wasagain the most distinct region of the brain aftermultidimensional scaling analysis for expressedmature microRNAs (miRNAs), a small RNA spe-cies enriched within our smRNA-seq dataset, andthe dominant contributor to miRNA expressionvariance (fig. S17).

The global late fetal transition and overall cup-shaped developmental dynamics we observedwere also apparent when this analysis was re-peated for the 11 neocortical areas included inthis study (Fig. 3A and fig. S16). We observedgreater dissimilarity across areas at early fetalages (Fig. 3A), with prefrontal areas [medial pre-frontal cortex (MFC), orbital prefrontal cortex(OFC), DFC, and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex(VFC)] being the most distinct. In addition, re-flecting the spatial and functional topography of

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 13

Pearson correlation




−100 −50 0 50 100







S 2















Neocortex (NCX)


Cerebrum Thalamus Cerebellum

Frontal lobe


Parietal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobePrefrontal cortex (PFC)


Prenatal samplesPostnatal samples


Intra-regional differences

Prenatal brain











W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9

Inter-regional differences

Postnatal brain














50 100 200 500 2000 10000

Mean difference

Post-conception days(log2 scale)












−1e+4 0 1e+4 −1e+4 0 1e+4 −1e+4 0 1e+4


2 (1



Cerebrum Cerebrum


Late midfetal(W4: 19 - 22 pcw)

Late fetal-infancy(W5: 35 pcw - 0.3 py)

Early adulthood(W9: 21 - 40 py)

All regions One region removed







n di




2 (7




2 (1



PC1 (23.4 %) PC1 (16.2 %) PC1 (31.7 %)


2 W3








2 W3






Prenatal Postnatal Prenatal Postnatal











Fig. 2. Global transcriptomic architecture of the developing humanbrain. (A) mRNA-seq dataset includes 11 neocortical areas (NCX) and fiveadditional regions of the brain. IPC, posterior inferior parietal cortex;A1C, primary auditory (A1) cortex; STC, superior temporal cortex; ITC,inferior temporal cortex; V1C, primary visual (V1) cortex. (B) The first twomultidimensional scaling components from gene expression showedsamples from late fetal ages and early infancy (W5, gray) clusteredbetween samples from exclusively prenatal windows (W1 to W4, blue) andexclusively postnatal windows (W6 to W9, red). (C) Intraregional Pearson’scorrelation analysis found that samples within exclusively prenatal(W1 to W4) or postnatal (W6 to W9) windows correlated within, but notacross, those ages. (D) Interregional transcriptomic differences revealed a

developmental cup-shaped pattern in brain development. The interregionaldifference was measured as the upper quartile of the average absolutedifference in gene expression of each area compared to all other areas.(E) AC-PCA for samples from all brain regions at late mid-fetal ages (W4),late fetal ages and early infancy (W5), and early adulthood (W9) showedthat interregional differences were generally greater during W4 and W9but reduced across W5. (F) Pairwise distance across samples using the firsttwo principal components for all regions (left) or excluding one region ata time (right) demonstrated that the reduction of variation we observed iscommon across multiple brain regions, once the most differentiatedtranscriptomic profile (the cerebellum) is excluded. The shaded bands are95% confidence intervals of the fitted lines.


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the NCX, both rostro-caudal and dorsal-ventralaxes were evident in the transcriptome duringfetal development. Areal differences were alsoseen at later ages, with functional considera-tions likely taking precedence over topograph-ical arrangements. For example, VFC clusteredclosely with primary motor (M1C) and somato-sensory (S1C) cortex, likely reflecting functionalrelationships with orofacial regions of the motorand somatosensory perisylvian cortex (fig. S16).Across the entirety of human brain development,transcriptomic variation between cortical regionsalso showed a pronounced decrease centered onthe late fetal and early infancy samples of W5 (i.e.,perinatal window), again reminiscent of a cup-shaped pattern (Fig. 3, A and B, and fig. S16).Similar to gene expression, globalmeasures of

alternative splicing, such as the ratio betweenreads including or excluding exons [i.e., the per-cent spliced in index (PSI)], were higher duringprenatal than postnatal ages (fig. S18 and tableS7). So too was the gene expression of 68 RNA-binding proteins selected because of their in-volvement in RNA splicing and their analysis inadulthood by the Genotype-Tissue Expression(GTEx) project (24). Hierarchical clustering ofexpression data for these proteins also revealeda late fetal transition (fig. S19). Coincident with

these observations, we found that genes exhibit-ing the highest interregional variation in expres-sion in any given window [see (22)] exhibited ahigher PSI during that window than iterativelychosen control groups of genes (fig. S18). Takentogether, these analyses suggest that broadphenomena in the developing human brain,including a late fetal transition in intra- andinterregional transcriptomic variation, maybe amplified by alternative splicing.

Cellular heterogeneity anddevelopmental dynamics

The high interareal variation observed duringembryonic and early to mid-fetal development(Fig. 3B) coincides with a crucial period in neu-ral development and the suspected etiology ofpsychiatric diseases (4). To help understand thetemporal dynamics underlying this variationin gene expression, we analyzed our scRNA-seqdata from embryonic fronto-parietal neocorticalwall and mid-fetal fronto-parietal neocorticalplate and adjacent subplate zone alongside oursnRNA-seq data from adult human NCX andother independent datasets from overlappingdevelopmental time points (12, 25, 26). To doso, we first applied a clustering and classifica-tion algorithm (27, 28) to the prenatal scRNA-

seq data after an initial division of the dataseton the basis of the age of the donor brain (i.e.,embryonic or fetal), obtaining 24 transcriptomi-cally distinct cell clusters (fig. S20). Reflecting therapid developmental change occurring acrossembryonic and fetal development and the rela-tive homogeneity of cell-type composition ascompared to adult ages, as well as the specificdistribution of samples in our dataset, a num-ber of these clusters were comprised of cells fromonly a single donor brain, and vice versa. Sug-gesting that this resulted from spatiotemporalchanges across brain development rather thanartifactual changes related to data processing,we confirmed broad classifications of individ-ual cells and general relationships between cellclusters and donor brains using an alternativeclustering algorithm (fig. S21). Differential ex-pression analysis andmeasurements of expressionspecificity recovered well-known gene markersof distinct types of neuronal and non-neuronalprogenitor and postmitotic cell types (figs. S20and S22 and table S8), as well as closely relatedgroups of cell types (i.e., markers enriched in allprenatal excitatory neuron clusters) (fig. S22).We complemented these data with snRNA-seq

from adult human DFC (fig. S20), from whichwe identified 29 transcriptomically distinct cell

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 13



n di












−2500 0 2500 5000 −2500 0 2500 5000 −2500 0 2500 5000









2 (2

.6 %



2 (2




2 (2



PC1 (3.6 %) PC1 (4.6 %) PC1 (8.6 %)






50 100 200 500 2000 10000

Post-conception days (Log10)





l typ

e de




Astro prenat

Oligo prenatMicroglia prenat

Endo prenat

NPC prenatExN prenat

ExN adult

InN prenatInN adult









NPC prenat

Oligo prenatAstro prenat

ExN prenat

InN prenat

Microglia prenatEndo prenat

ExN adult

InN adultProportion






Late midfetal(W4: 19 - 22 pcw)

Late fetal-infancy(W5: 35 pcw - 0.3 py)

Early adulthood(W9: 21 - 40 py)

All regions One region removed

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9


Prenatal PostnatalBirth


2 W3








2 W3






Prenatal Postnatal Prenatal Postnatal









l typ

e v




ss N





Fig. 3. Dynamics of cellular heterogeneity in the human neocortex.(A) AC-PCA conducted on 11 neocortical areas showed decreased interarealvariation across W5, similar to our observations of interregional variation inmajor brain regions. (B) Pairwise distance across samples using the firsttwo principal components identified a late fetal transition in all of theneocortical areas we assessed, similar to what we observed across other brainregions. (C) Deconvolution of tissue-level data using cell type–enrichedmarkers identified through single-cell sequencing of primary cells from 5 to20 PCW postmortem human brains as well as from single-nuclei sequencing of

adult human brains (27). (D) Maximum interareal variance across celltypes for each window. (E) Neocortical areal variation in the transcriptomicsignatures of each major cell type assayed in each developmentalwindow. Because of dissection protocols and rapid brain growth acrossearly fetal development, progenitor cell proportions are nonreliableestimates after W2 [red dashed line in (C)].The shaded bands are 95% (B)and 50% (C) confidence intervals of the fitted lines. NPC, neuralprogenitor cells; ExN, excitatory neurons; InN, interneurons; Astro,astroglial lineage; Oligo, oligodendrocytes; Endo, endothelial cells.


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clusters representing various populations ofglutamatergic excitatory projection neurons,GABAergic interneurons, oligodendrocyte pro-genitor cells, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, mi-croglia, endothelial cells, and mural cells (i.e.,pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells)(fig. S21). Alignment of our prenatal data withadult snRNA-seq data revealed hierarchical rela-tionships and similarities between major cellclasses, reflecting their developmental originsand functional properties (fig. S23). Notably,putative embryonic and fetal excitatory neuronsclustered near, but did not wholly overlap with,their adult counterparts. We also observed tran-sient transcriptomic entities, such as fetal cellsin the oligodendrocyte lineage that clusteredseparately from their adult counterparts. Sim-ilarly, nascent excitatory neurons generally didnot cluster with progenitor cells nor with fetalor adult excitatory neurons, indicating theirmaturationally distinct status. Confirming thevalidity of our prenatal scRNA-seq and adultsnRNA-seq data, alignment of our prenatal datawith cells from a previously published dataset(9) consisting of mid-fetal and adult humanneocortical cells yielded similar relationshipsbetween prenatal and adult cell types (fig. S23).Comparison of neuronal transcriptomes fromour prenatal single cells with both our adultsingle-nucleus data and independently gener-ated adult single-nucleus data (27) also confirmedkey differences between embryonic, mid-fetal,and adult populations. We observed limited tran-scriptional diversity in embryonic and mid-fetalexcitatory and inhibitory neuron populations inthe NCX as compared to the adult counterparts.The clusters identified in our prenatal datasetdid not express specific combinations of markergenes described for the adult excitatory (fig. S24)and inhibitory (fig. S25) neurons. For example,the embryonic and mid-fetal neocortical excit-atory neurons expressed combinations of genesknown to be selectively enriched in differentlayers in adult human or mouse NCX (29–31),as previously shown in the prenatal human andmouse NCX (12, 31). Notably, genes enriched inadult excitatory projection neuron subtypes lo-cated in layer (L) 5 and L6, such as BCL11B(CTIP2) and FEZF2 (FEZL, ZFP312, or ZNF312),were coexpressed with L2 to L4 intracerebralexcitatory projection neuron markers, such asCUX2, in certain embryonic and mid-fetal ex-citatory cell types (figs. S24 and S26). We alsoobserved temporal changes in the coexpressionpatterns of cell type–specific marker genes inother cell types. For example, single-cell datafrom mid-fetal NCX revealed frequent coexpres-sion of RELN, a marker for L1 Cajal-Retzius neu-rons (32), and PCP4 [75.9% of 133 PCP4 -expressingcells; reads per kilobase of exon model per mil-lion mapped reads (RPKM) ≥ 1], a marker pre-viously shown to be expressed by deep-layerexcitatory neurons (33). By contrast, analysisof snRNA-seq data suggested only sporadic co-expression of these genes [10.8% of 6084 PCP4-expressing cells; unique molecular identifier(UMI) ≥ 1] in the adult human DFC. Subsequent

immunohistochemistry on independent speci-mens confirmed the robust coexpression of thesegenes in L1 of the prenatal cortex, but not in L1or in other cortical layers of the adult cortex(fig. S26). These data imply that the molecularidentities of many neuronal cell types are notfully resolved before the end of mid-fetal de-velopment and are likely malleable during earlypostmitotic differentiation.Next, we utilized our single-cell and single-

nucleus datasets to deconvolve bulk tissue mRNA-seq samples and estimate temporal changes inthe relative proportions of major cell types inthe NCX. The combined analysis revealed thecellular architecture of distinct neocortical areasand their variations across development. Weobserved temporal changes in cellular compo-sition and maturational states, including themost dramatic changes during a late fetal tran-sition (Fig. 3, C to E). For example, transcriptomicsignatures for fetal excitatory neurons and fetalinterneurons were generally inversely correlatedwith progenitor cell signatures during embryonicand early fetal development, but fetal neuronsignatures nonetheless decreased across mid-fetal to late fetal development despite a concom-itant reduction in the progenitor cell signature,an observation that was likely affected by ourdissection strategy [Fig. 3C, (22)]. Similarly, sig-natures for adult excitatory neurons increasedrapidly across the late fetal period and earlyinfancy, coincident with the decrease in signa-tures of fetal excitatory neurons and interneurons(Fig. 3C). As expected, the molecular signaturesfor early born, deep-layer excitatory neurons pre-ceded those for late born, upper-layer excitatoryneurons (fig. S27). Transcriptomic signatures forprenatal oligodendrocytes and prenatal astro-cytes also began to emerge during mid-fetal pe-riods and increased rapidly across the late fetaltransition and early infancy (Fig. 3C). Demon-strating the robustness of these observations,independent deconvolution using two alternatefetal single-cell datasets (12, 26) yielded similarresults (figs. S27 and S30).Given the increase in adult cell-type signatures

during W5, we next reasoned that the observeddecrease in interregional transcriptomic diver-gence during late fetal periods and infancy mayreflect a synchronized transition from fetal tomore mature features of neural cells. Conse-quently, we analyzed the variance in cell type–specific signatures across neocortical areas, whichvaries in accordance with their relative pro-portion, and found that the maximum cell typeinterareal variation through time recapitulatedthe developmental cup-shaped pattern (Fig. 3D),with large variation in the proportion of neuralprogenitor cells and fetal excitatory neurons(figs. S28 and S29). Beginning during early post-natal periods, we observed increased proportionsand variance in the signatures of astrocytes and,by adulthood, mature excitatory neurons (Fig.3E). These observed temporal differences in themagnitudes and variances of the relative pro-portions of certain cell types and the global het-erogeneity of the cell type composition at each

window at least partially explain the observedpattern of interareal differences across develop-ment. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysisusing the top variant genes in each window, withall genes expressed in eachwindowas background,provided further support for these changes in cellcomposition across areas and time. Commensuratewith the changes we observed in discrete cellpopulations, biological processes—includingneurogenesis in early developmental windows(W1 to W4), myelination in the perinatal window(W5), and sensory and ion activity calcium-relatedbiological processes in later postnatal windows(W7 toW9), among others—exhibited regionalvariation in the global brain transcriptome (fig.S31 and table S9). Similar patterns of inter-regional variation involving discrete cell typeswere also observed in the macaque neocorti-cal transcriptome (34), indicating that these areconserved and consistent features of prenatalprimate NCX.Other lines of evidence also suggested pro-

nounced and qualitatively distinct regional dif-ferences in myelination, synaptic function, andneuronal activity. For example, although weobserved differences in the expression of genesassociated with these processes (10) across theNCX (fig. S31 and table S9), TempShift, a Gaussian-based model that allows the quantification oftemporal shifts in the trajectories of groups ofgenes represented by their first principal compo-nents (34), indicated that of these processes, onlygenes associated with myelination displayed sucha shift (Fig. 4A). Conversely, perhaps reflectingfunctional or areal diversity in cell subtypes, weobserved no similar temporal shift in the ex-pression of genes associated with synaptogenesisor neuronal activity, confirming these resultsthrough reference to published posttranslationalanalyses of myelinated fiber density (35) andsynaptic density (36) conducted across multipleneocortical areas (Fig. 4B). Crucially, althoughgenes associated with these processes were ex-pressed across the late fetal transition (Fig. 4C),of the processes analyzed, only myelination con-tributed to the increased interareal differenceswe observed during this period (Fig. 4D). Sug-gesting that these differences are a conserved fea-ture of primate development, we also observedsimilar areal differences in the transcriptional sig-natures of oligodendrocytes in the macaque NCX.Overall, these observations indicate that higher

levels of divergence during early prenatal andlater postnatal development reflect regional var-iations in cell type composition, likely arising fromtopographical variation in progenitor popula-tions and neuron development during prenatalages and cell type and functional diversificationduring later postnatal ages.

Spatiotemporal and multimodal integration

We next sought to assess temporal variation inepigenetic signatures and their relationships togene expression, development, and biologicalprocesses. Global DNA methylation profilingrevealed that most CpG loci were either hyper-methylated [37.5%; beta value (b) ≥ 0.8] or

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hypomethylated (31.8%; b ≤ 0.2) in at least onesample (fig. S32), but only about 10% of thetestedmethylation sites were progressively hyper-or hypomethylated through prenatal windows,postnatal windows, or both. Similarly, mostmethylation sites also exhibited regional varia-

tion, with 64% of tested sites differentially meth-ylated between at least two brain regions atpostnatal ages. Additionally, 16% of tested siteswere differentially methylated between at leasttwo neocortical areas. Conversely, most putativepromoters (66%) and a substantial proportion of

putative enhancers (43%) were not differentiallyenriched between DFC and CBC at either fetalor adult ages. However, a greater proportion ofputative enhancers [H3K27ac-enriched regionsnot overlapping H3K4me3-enriched regions orproximal to a transcription start site (TSS)]

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Transcriptomicmyelination temporal gradient

















Transcriptome Myelinated fiber density Transcriptome Synaptic density









ft (lo

g2 [d












ft (lo

g2 [d












ft (lo

g2 [d











ft (lo

g2 [d




Neuron differentiation

Dendrite development

Synapse development

Neuronal activity

Oligodendrocytes(w/o myelination-related genes)



Transcriptomicneuronal activity temporal gradient




















Transcriptomicsynaptogenesis temporal gradient



























W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9












64 256 1024 4096 16384

Post-conception days (Log2)

Fig. 4. Timing and temporal variation of gene expression associatedwith key neurodevelopmental processes. (A) Temporal variation, asdetermined by the TempShift algorithm (34), in the expression of genesassociated with myelination showed a broad gradient across the NCX andother brain regions, whereas synaptogenesis showed only a shift betweenbrain regions (but not neocortical areas) and neuronal activity indicatedthe distinct nature of the cerebellum. (B and C) Application of theTempShift algorithm to previously published posttranslational analyses of

myelinated fiber density (35) (B) and synaptic density (36) (C) in multipleneocortical areas yielded relationships between areas similar to thoseobserved in the transcriptome. (D) Expression of genes associated withassorted biological processes highlights pronounced change during thelate fetal period and W5. (E) Variation in myelination-associated genespeaks during W5, as evidenced by the standard deviation of the fittedregional mean, driving interregional variation during this and neighboring(W4 and W6) windows.


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were regionally (15%), temporally (17%), or spatio-temporally (24%) enriched than putative pro-moters (8, 14, and 12%, respectively). Thesedifferences, which suggest a greater role forenhancers relative to promoters in contributingto differential spatiotemporal gene expression,

were selectively validated using quantitativedroplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR)(fig. S10). We next explored correlations betweenmethylation, histone modifications, and geneexpression (figs. S32 to S34). In the adult, wefound that TSSs that were more highly meth-

ylated were associated with genes that wereexpressed at low levels at the correspondingage, and vice versa. These relationships were notstrongly indicated for methylation at other lo-cations in the gene body (fig. S32). The presenceof CBC-enrichedH3K4me3 andH3K27acmarks in

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W6 W9W9







Fetal enhancers

NUM sites

Neuronal expression

Glial (G


Adult enhancers

Non-NUM sites

Glial expression

All WGCNA modules
















of n










al s







l cel













































Adult enhancers

Fetal enhancers














YESNOLate fetal transition





RO 2goL









Prenatal sex-DEX

Late fetal sex-DEX

Postnatal sex-DEX

Enriched in:Sex-DEX

Enriched in:G-type

Enriched in:N-type

29 44

16 13 17 27YESNO

Late fetal transition





Gene ontology terms


TSS Allen











Progressively hypo-methylatedpostnatally




Fig. 5. Integration of gene expression and epigenetic regulation withcell types and biological processes. (A) Fetal-active enhancers (top left)were generally enriched for sites where methylation progressively increasedacross postnatal ages and associated with genes whose expression washigher during fetal development than adulthood and whose expression wasenriched in neurons as compared to glia. Conversely, adult-active enhancerswere enriched for sites exhibiting progressively lower methylation acrosspostnatal ages and depleted for associations with higher fetal geneexpression and expression in neurons. These enhancers were also enrichedfor gene ontology terms generally involving neurons and glia, respectively. OR,odds ratio. (B) Sites where methylation progressively increased acrosspostnatal ages and where methylation progressively decreased acrosspostnatal ages were generally enriched for fetal enhancers and genes whoseexpression was enriched in neurons, or adult enhancers and genes whoseexpression was enriched in glia, respectively, as well as related gene

ontology terms. (C) Modules identified through WGCNA were segregatedby regulation across brain regions, prenatal and postnatal gene expressionin the NCX, both, or neither. Spatiotemporal modules (right) wereenriched for modules that are themselves enriched for genes associatedwith enhancers active in the fetal DFC, associated with sites under-methylated in NeuN-positive (neuronal) cells, and/or enriched in neurons(N-type associations). Temporal, nonspatial modules (second from left)were enriched for modules that are themselves enriched for genesassociated with enhancers active in the adult DFC, associated with sitesundermethylated in non-NeuN-positive (non-neuronal) cells, and/or genesenriched in glia (G-type associations). Modules exhibiting no spatial ortemporal specificity (left) were enriched for genes exhibiting sex-biasedgene expression across neocortical development. Full circles (gray)indicate the proportion of modules in each category of modules exhibitingtheir greatest rate of change in W1 through W9.


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the adult human brain also correlated stronglywith increased gene expression in CBC relative toDFC (fig. S33), and vice versa. Similarly, putativefetal-active and adult-active enhancers were as-sociated with higher fetal or adult gene ex-pression, respectively.In addition to epigenetic effects on gene ex-

pression, we observed discrete relationshipsbetween specific enhancers, methylation sites,and cell type–specific signatures. For example,enhancers identified during the fetal periodwere enriched for methylation sites that wereprogressively more methylated across postnatalages (post-up), whereas adult-active enhancerswere enriched for methylation sites that wereprogressively less methylated across postnatalages (post-down) (P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test)[Fig. 5A and fig. S35, (22)]. Both post-up andpost-down sites were themselves depleted atTSSs and enriched for sites undermethylatedin neurons [neuron undermethylated (NUM)sites] and undermethylated in non-neurons (non-NUM sites) (fig. S35). They were also enrichedfor fetal and adult enhancers, respectively (Fig.5B). Post-up sites were also enriched in bothneuron- and glia-enriched-genes, whereas post-down sites were enriched only in glial genes(Fig. 5B) (P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test). Furthersuggesting a relationship between enhancer ac-tivity, methylation, and cell type, genes associatedwith fetal-active enhancers, as well as those as-sociated with differentially methylated regions(DMRs) composed of post-up sites (22), were en-riched for GO terms related to early events inneural development—such as neurogenesis, celldifferentiation, and synaptic transmission—butgenerally not for processes occurring later indevelopment (Fig. 5B and fig. S35). By contrast,genes near adult-active enhancers and post-down DMRs exhibited enrichment for postnatalor adult processes including myelination andaxon ensheathment (P < 0.01, Fisher’s exact test)

(Fig. 5B and fig. S35). Taken together, these datademonstrate relationships between gene ex-pression and epigenetic modifications, includ-ing methylation status and putative regulatoryelements, as well as signatures of specific celltypes and developmental programs.We next sought further evidence that cellu-

lar dynamics contributed to the late fetal tran-sition through the analysis of cell type– andspatiotemporal-specific patterns of gene ex-pression and epigenetic regulation. We curated73 gene coexpression modules resulting fromweighted gene correlation network analysis(WGCNA) according to spatial relationships be-tween brain regions and the temporal relation-ships of gene expression in the NCX across thelate fetal transition (fig. S36 and tables S10and S11). We found 44 modules that showedexpression differences among regions in thebrain (spatial), 40 modules that showed expres-sion differences between prenatal and postnatalneocortical areas (temporal), 16 modules thatwere neither spatially nor temporally dynamic,and 27 modules that exhibited both spatial andtemporal differences (Fig. 5C). A significantlygreater than expected number of these spatio-temporally dynamic modules (including modules2, 10, 32, and 37) exhibited their greatest changein neocortical expression from W2 throughW5 (P < 0.0118, hypergeometric test) (Fig. 5C,fig. S37, and table S12). Genes whose expressionwas enriched in excitatory neurons, genes asso-ciated with putative fetal-active enhancers, and/orgenes associated with NUM sites—a selectionof characteristics we refer to collectively as neu-ronal (N)–type associations—were also enrichedin spatiotemporal dynamic modules (P < 0.0029,hypergeometric test) (Fig. 5C, fig. S37, and tableS12). Conversely, genes associated with adult-active enhancers, methylation sites hypomethyl-ated in non-NUM sites, and glial genes [glial(G)–type modules or associations in Fig. 5C,

fig. S37 and table S12] were enriched amongthe 13 modules where temporal (P < 0.0002,hypergeometric test), but not spatial, specific-ity was observed. These observations indicateincreased spatial diversity of neuronal cell typesrelative to glial cell populations.Analyses by sex revealed that modules en-

riched for the 783 genes exhibiting sex-differentialexpression (sex-DEX) in at least two consecu-tive windows in at least one brain region wereenriched amongmodules with no spatial or tem-poral differential expression in the NCX (P <0.0029, hypergeometric test) and depleted amongspatiotemporal modules (P < 0.0021, hypergeo-metric test) (Fig. 5C and fig. S37). There werefour modules exhibiting temporal expressiondifferences in the NCX that were also enrichedfor sex-biased genes, as well as glial and othercell type–enriched markers, but these did notrepresent a significant enrichment in sex-DEXenriched modules among strictly temporal mod-ules (P < 0.132, hypergeometric test). In addi-tion, no module comprised of autosomal genesexhibited persistent male or female dimorphismacross both prenatal development and later post-natal ages such as adolescence or adulthood(figs. S38 and S39); in cases in which an auto-somal module was sex-DEX throughout devel-opment, the sex exhibiting higher expressionreversed between early and late postnatal de-velopment (fig. S39). This observation was up-held when multiple thresholds were used for theidentification of sexual dimorphism (fig. S40).Similarly, we identified no autosomal genes thatexhibited sexual dimorphism throughout devel-opment in all brain regions or neocortical areas(figs. S38 and S39).

Cellular and temporal convergenceof neuropsychiatric disease risks

Loci implicated in several neuropsychiatric dis-orders have been identified through genome-wide

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ks Adult
















Fig. 6. Enrichment analysis for GWAS loci among putative regulatoryelements. Putative promoters and enhancers (H3K27ac peaks) specificfor DFC or CBC in the fetal, infant, or adult were enriched for SNPheritability identified through partitioned LD score regression analysis fromGWASs for autism spectrum disorder [ASD, (40)], attention-deficithyperactive disorder [ADHD, (41)], schizophrenia [SCZ, (37)], major

depressive disorder [MDD, (42)], bipolar disorder [BD, (43)], Alzheimer’sdisease [AD, (38)], Parkinson’s disease [PD, (39)], IQ, (44), or neuroticism[Neurot, (45)] but not for non-neural disorders or traits such as height[HGT, (46)] or diabetes [HBA1C, (49)]. Solid color indicates significancefor Bonferroni adjusted P value, and faint color indicates nominalsignificance at LD score regression P < 0.05.


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association studies (GWAS) and are enriched inputative noncoding regulatory elements (29–31).We sought to determine whether the propor-tion of phenotypic variance explained by com-mon single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)in large neuropsychiatric GWAS (i.e., SNP heri-tability) was enriched in the cis-regulatory ele-ments we identified at W1, W4, W5, and W9 inDFC and CBC. Toward this end, we collectedGWAS data concerning neuropsychiatric dis-orders or personality traits including schizo-phrenia (SCZ) from CLOZUK (37), Alzheimer’sdisease (AD) from IGAP (38), Parkinson’s dis-ease (PD) (39), autism spectrum disorder (ASD)(40), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) from iPSYCH (41), major depressivedisorder (MDD) (42), bipolar disorder (BD) (43),intelligence quotient (IQ) (44), and neuroticism(45), as well as non-neural traits such as heightfrom GIANT (46), inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) (47), total cholesterol levels (48), and anendophenotype associated with diabetes (HBA1C)(49). Using partitioned linkage disequilibrium(LD) score regression analysis, we found thatSNP heritability in SCZ, IQ, and neuroticismwere exclusively enriched in DFC-specific, butnot CBC-specific, regulatory elements as iden-tified by peak regions of H3K27ac activity. Bycontrast, SNP heritability in AD or PD renderedno significant associations, and the analysis onASD, ADHD, BD, andMDDwas only nominallyenriched or not enriched in putative region-specific fetal enhancers [Fig. 6 and fig. S41, (22)].Non-neural traits (such as height and HBA1C)were also not enriched in either DFC- or CBC-specific regulatory elements but were insteadenriched in regulatory elements active in thetwo brain regions (fig. S41), indicating a gen-eral enrichment of many of our tested GWASsin H3K27ac regions when considering a set ofmore ubiquitous regulatory regions.After aggregating GWAS SNPs and identify-

ing candidate associated regions on the basisof their P values and LD patterns in individualsof northwest European ancestry (50), we nextleveraged partially overlapping Hi-C datasets,derived from mid-fetal and adult NCX andprocessed by two independent research groups(51–53), as well as H3K27ac activity in the brain,to develop two lists of genes putatively associatedwith those GWAS-associated regions. To doso, we initially populated both lists of disease-associated genes by identifying TSSs overlappingH3K27ac peaks that themselves overlapped aGWAS significant region, as well as genes direct-ly affected by GWAS significant variants withinthe LD region, as predicted by EnsemblV78. Wenext expanded these lists of disease-associatedgenes by identifying TSSs that interact withH3K27ac peaks overlapping GWAS significantregions, excluding interactions that did not over-lap with at least one H3K27ac peak at each endor where peak-to-peak interactions were notconcordant in time and brain region. In the first,less stringent list (list 1), a single interaction fromeither of the two Hi-C datasets was sufficient toassociate a gene to a GWAS locus (table S13). For

the second, more stringent list (list 2), we ex-cluded those genes whose only association to aGWAS locus was via Hi-C interactions identifiedin only one of the two Hi-C datasets (table S14).We next sought to determine the cell types en-

riched for the expression of the high-stringencygenes implicated in neuropsychiatric disordersor brain-based traits, using our prenatal scRNA-seq and adult snRNA-seq datasets and match-ing prenatal and adult datasets generated fromthe macaque (34). We found numerous cell typesenriched for disease-associated loci in bothhuman and macaque (fig. S42). For example,neocortical excitatory neurons were enrichedfor the expression of genes we associated withIQ in both the fetal and adult human as well asthe fetal and adultmacaque. However, we foundno other excitatory neuron populations in themacaque AMY, STR, HIP, or thalamus enrichedfor genes associated with IQ. Similarly, neuralprogenitors in the prenatal macaque AMY,but not progenitors in the prenatal macaqueHIP, thalamus, NCX, or STR, were enrichedfor the expression of genes associated withMDD, a finding especially intriguing given thevariable or potentially increased size of someamygdalar nuclei in MDD patients (54, 55).Similarly confirmatory was the enrichment ofSCZ risk genes in cortical excitatory neurons(56), with enrichment also observed in embry-onic and/or fetal progenitor cells and adultcortical interneurons.Analysis of gene coexpression modules found

that genes in the more-stringent early-onsetdisease (ADHD, SCZ, and MDD) risk lists con-verged on 7 of 73 coexpressionmodules, where-as adult-onset disease (AD and PD) risk-genelists converged on five partially overlappingmodules (fig. S37 and table S12). Eight of these10 total disease-associated modules (Fig. 7A)exhibited spatiotemporal or temporal specific-ity, and all modules exhibited their greatestspatiotemporal change during eitherW2 orW5(fig. S37). A significant number of modules asso-ciated with adult-onset disorders were enrichedfor signatures of glial gene expression (P < 0.0266,hypergeometric test, table S12), and of particularinterest were modules ME3 and ME7, which, inaddition to glial signatures, were enriched fornon-NUM sites, adult-active enhancers, sex-DEXgenes, and AD-associated risk genes (Fig. 7A).Another module of interest was ME37, a mod-

ule of 145 genes enriched for NUM sites and fetalenhancers and whose expression was enrichedspecifically in neurons as opposed to neural pro-genitors or glia. ME37was also exceptional for itsdisease association, as it was enriched for genesassociated with SCZ, IQ, and neuroticism butnot for non-neurological characteristics suchas height or a HBA1C-related trait (Fig. 7A). Com-plementary module-based association analysiswith Multi-marker Analysis of GenoMic Annota-tion (MAGMA), which tested for an enrichmentin association to disease specifically around genesin any given module, confirmed enrichment forSCZ, IQ, and neuroticism in ME37 [MAGMA Pvalues < 0.01; the false discovery rate (FDR) for

all traits and modules was <0.3] (table S11). Atthe gene level, multiple genes in ME37 identi-fied using our less stringent criteria for interac-tion were associated with up to four or moredifferent traits and disorders, including MEF2C,ZNF184, TCF4, and SATB2, all genes critical forneurodevelopment and/or implicated in neuro-developmental disorders (57–65) (Fig. 7, B andC). We also found that ME37 was specificallyenriched in clusters of excitatory neurons inthe fetal and adult NCX (Fig. 7D), and furtheranalysis of adult excitatory neuron populationsidentified in this study and an independent data-base of adult single nucleus data (27) suggestedthat this enrichment was selective for deep-layerneocortical neurons (fig. S43).As the ASD GWAS resulted in only 13 signif-

icant genes, eight of which were non-proteincoding, and because de novo germline muta-tions are known to contribute to ASD risk (66),we next developed two nonoverlapping lists ofneurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) [ASD,intellectual disability (ID), and developmentaldelay (DD)]. The first list was comprised of 65high-confidence ASD risk genes (hcASD) asso-ciated with de novo mutations (66). The secondlist included all ASD genes documented in theSFARI database ( under cat-egories “syndromic” or with scores from 1 to 4, aswell as an independent list of genes associatedwith DD (67), with genes overlapping the hcASDlist removed. We found that these genes werealso significantly enriched in ME37 (FDR <0.0001, Fisher’s exact test), and, commensuratewith the cell-type enrichment found in ME37,the expression of genes in both of these listswas also enriched in several clusters of fetaland adult excitatory neurons identified in oursingle-cell dataset (Fig. 7D). Medium spiny neu-rons in the STR, a population that has also beenpreviously linked to ASD (68), were also enrichedfor the expression of ASD risk genes in the pre-natal macaque (Fig. 7D).We finally studied the overlap betweenWGCNA

modules and modules significantly enriched indifferentially expressed genes in postmortembrains from patients of SCZ, BD, and ASD (69).Interestingly, we found little overlap betweenmodules enriched in genes exhibiting postmor-tem differences in expression between SCZ, BD,or ASD, as compared with neurotypical controls,and modules enriched in GWAS risk genes forthese same disorders (P > 0.05, hypergeometrictest) (fig. S37). Emphasizing the necessity of study-ing neurotypical brain development, these ob-servations may suggest a decoupling betweenthe primary genetic causes of some neurologicalor psychiatric disorders and second-order effectsmanifesting as changes in gene expressionmonthsor years after disease onset.


In this study, we have presented a comprehensivedataset and a multiplatform functional genomicanalysis of the developing and adult humanbrain.The presence of these multiple data modalities ina unified resource, and largely from the same

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Fig. 7. Convergenceof risk for brain-based traits and dis-orders on discretecoexpression mod-ules and cell types.(A) Genes associatedwith disease risk(right; light yellowindicates neuro-psychiatric disorder orbrain-based trait, anddark yellow indicatesadult-onset disorder)were identified byintegrating GWAS,Hi-C, and H3K27acdata and convergedon 10 WGCNA mod-ules. Many of thesemodules exhibiteddynamic expressionacross time; the boldrectangles in the leftpanel indicate thewindows with greatestrate of change. Manywere also enriched forgene expression asso-ciated with distinctcell types (orange),putative activeenhancers (green),and/or sites under-methylated in NeuN-positive (NUM) orNeuN-negative cells(blue, non-NUM).(B) Schematic high-lighting genes in ME37that were implicated byour study in multipleneuropsychiatricdisorders (ADHD, SCZ,MDD, or BD) and neu-rological traits (IQ orNeurot) (list 1, lightblue; list 2, dark blue),as well as neurodevel-opmental disorder(NDD) risk genes,including two inde-pendent lists of high-confidence risk genesassociated with ASDthrough de novo mu-tations or copy number variants [dark blue, (66)] as well as ASD risk genes identified from the SFARI dataset (light blue, or for developmentaldelay (67). Genes implicated in only a single disorder or trait are not shown in this panel. (C) Network representation of ME37 showing connectivity betweengenes based on Pearson correlation. Genes linked to NDDs or neurological characteristics in our study are indicated using either dark blue–shaded or lightblue–shaded hexagons, as in (B). The size of a given hexagon (or circle, indicating no association in this study) is proportional to the degree of eachgene under a minimum correlation value of 0.7. (D) Enrichment for genes in ME37 or two lists of ASD risk genes among the fetal and adult cell typeswe identified from human NCX and multiple regions of the macaque (34) brain. For graphical representation, log10 P values are capped at 25. *Adultmacaque cells were classified into human adult clusters using Random Forest. NEP/RGC, neural epithelial progenitor/radial glial lineage; MSN, medium spinyneurons; NasN, nascent neurons; GraN, granule neurons; PurkN, Purkinje neurons; IPC, intermediate progenitor cells; OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells.


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tissue samples, allows the integration of infor-mation spanning prenatal and postnatal humanbrain development. Resource description and ac-cess are available at development.psychencode.organd transcriptomic differences between

distinct brain regions remain across time, theyare developmentally specified and exhibit anoverall cup-shaped pattern centered on a latefetal transition after a period of high intra- andinterregional variation during embryonic andearly or mid-fetal development. Multiple analy-ses of distinct transcriptomic features all con-firm this transition begins well before birth. Ourcomplementary transcriptomic study of the de-veloping rhesus macaque brain (34) also re-vealed a similar global developmental pattern,with a first transition beginning before birth,indicating that this is a conserved feature ofcatarrhine primate neurodevelopment and notdue to an artifact resulting from difficultiesacquiring samples from late fetal and early post-natal development. Such a phenomenon is con-sistent with previously observed differences intranscriptomic and methylomic profiles of mid-fetal and postnatal human NCX (17–20) andcoincident with processes involved in region-specific cell type generation, differentiation, andmaturation (2). Crucially, this transition is nota-bly distinct from previously reported phyloge-netic hourglass-like patterns that occur duringthe embryonic organogenetic period in severalinvertebrate and vertebrate species (70, 71). More-over, the developmental (ontogenetic) cup-shapedpattern we observe coincides with an “evolution-ary” (phylogenetic) cup-shaped pattern, in whichdevelopmental periods exhibiting high levelsof interregional differences (for example, earlyto mid-fetal periods) also exhibit less conser-vation in gene expression patterns between hu-man and macaque (34).Among the processes that become prominent

during the late fetal period are astrogliogenesis,synaptogenesis, dendritogenesis, and neuronalactivity. In contrast to a previous report of robustareal differences in the progression of synapto-genesis during the same time period in humans(36), this and an accompanying study (34) foundthat genes associated with these processes ex-hibit largely synchronous expression trajectoriesacross the developing NCX in both humans andmacaque. However, myelination—which sharplyincreases during late fetal development, peaksafter birth, and extends through childhood andadolescence (72)—is temporally asynchronous.This asynchronicity in oligodendrocyte develop-ment and myelination is not apparent at thelevel of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs),which suggests that the maturation of OPCs intomyelinating oligodendrocytes is a process witha variable onset and pace across areas. Similarobservations were made in macaque (34), in-dicating that this may be another conservedcatarrhine feature.Transcriptomic variation may reflect sev-

eral distinct cellular and maturational reorgani-zational events. For example, as first described

by Brodmann (73), an ontogenetic six-layeredGrundtypus foreshadows the adult NCX andtransiently transforms the entirety of the neo-cortical plate beginning in the late fetal period,or in our W5. Furthermore, consistent with theextensive changes we observed in the cerebel-lar transcriptome during late fetal developmentand early postnatal ages, cerebellar granule cells,a cell type that represents about two-thirds of allneurons in the brain, are also generated pre-dominately during this period (74). The late fetaltransition may therefore follow an inflectionpoint after which developmental and spatiotem-poral transcriptomic variations are transientlyconsolidated in advance of the emergence ofcellular and functional differences between adultbrain regions.The mid-fetal period of high intra- and in-

terregional divergence that immediately pre-cedes the late fetal transition also coincides witha key developmental period previously associatedwith the etiology of ASD and SCZ (63, 65, 75).Consequently, understanding the developmentaland evolutionary history of this period may beessential for understanding neuropsychiatricdisease. Integrating our multiple data modal-ities with gene coexpression modules allowed usto organize and characterize the whole-braindevelopmental transcriptome and identify mod-ules with dynamic spatiotemporal trajectories,many of them showing a sharp late fetal tran-sition, and enrichment in specific cell types, epi-genetic activity, and disease-associated genes. Ofparticular interest is ME37, a module displayingthe greatest rate of change in the NCXwithin thelate fetal transition and in which putative riskgenes for ASD, NDD, SCZ, IQ, and neuroticismconverged. Several of the genes in ME37 wereimplicated by our study in multiple disordersand traits and have been linked previously toneurodevelopment and human disease. For ex-ample,MEF2C controls activity-dependent expres-sion of neuronal genes, including those linkedto synapse function and ASD (61, 63), andMef2c-mutant mice display numerous behaviors remi-niscent of ASD, ID, and SCZ (58). Similarly, TCF4regulates key neurodevelopmental processes,such as neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity,DNA methylation, and memory function pro-cesses (62, 64). Moreover, mutations in bothMEF2C and TCF4 result in intellectual disabilityin humans (57, 59, 60). Numerous other genes inthis module are similarly involved in neurode-velopment, have been implicated in human braindisease, and are highly plausible disease-riskgenes and potentially therapeutic candidates.For example, NR4A2, a gene encoding anothertranscription factor in ME37 that we linked toneuroticism and IQ, has been linked to ASDand SCZ, among other disorders. Our study alsolinks the gene for the transcription factor TSHZ3to neuroticism and IQ, and previous efforts havelinked murine Tshz3 to ASD and the fetal devel-opment of cortical excitatory projection neurons(76), a cell type and developmental period alsoimplicated in ASD (63, 65). Other genes in ME37,such as SATB2, FEZF2, SOX5, and TBR1, play

critical roles in the development of cortical ex-citatory projection neurons and are mutated inNDDs (29–31, 65, 77, 78). Similarly, the popula-tion of genes included in ME37, as well as geneslinked to ASD and NDD, also exhibit regionaland cell type–specific convergence in neocorticalexcitatory neurons.Moreover, the identification ofME37 and the overlap of genes in this modulewith those implicated in ASD andNDD illustrateshow disease-association signals from commonvariants unveiled by GWAS for any given neuro-psychiatric disorder can identify genes that havealso been associated with the etiology of a differ-ent disease through the study of de novo muta-tions in patient populations (76). Although notevery gene in ME37 is likely to contribute toneuropsychiatric disease etiology, the coinci-dent enrichment within this module of genesassociated with multiple disorders or neurolog-ical traits, along with the multitude of genes inthis module that are associated directly, suggeststhat neuropsychiatric disease might be consid-ered through a broader lens encompassing ad-ditional aspects of brain dysfunction.Interestingly, there is little overlap between

the risk gene–associatedmodules we identifiedand modules enriched in genes that are differ-entially expressed in postmortem brains of SCZ,ASD, and BD, as compared to controls (69). Thiscomparison may help discriminate gene net-works that are primary causes from those thatare secondary or reactive in these neuropsychi-atric disorders while emphasizing the importanceof studying disease in the context of neurotypicaldevelopment.Taken together, these observations demon-

strate the utility of this resource to performintegrated analysis for the understanding ofbrain development and function and for the rapidinterpretation of findings from neuropsychiatricgenomics.

Materials and methods summary

A full description of thematerials andmethods isavailable in the supplementary materials. Brief-ly, we precisely dissected multiple brain regions(HIP, STR, AMY, cerebellum, thalamus, and 11neocortical areas) in more than 60 postmortemhumanbrains ranging in age from5PCWto 64PY.We then applied bulk tissue RNA-seq, scRNA-seqand snRNA-seq, smRNA-seq, DNAmethylationassay, or ChIP-seq to generate multimodal data-sets, often from the same brain. After applyingstringent quality control checks and indepen-dent analysis of each dataset, we performed in-tegrated analyses to gain insights into humanbrain development, function, and disease.


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We are grateful to the many individuals in our laboratories and atour institutions who have provided support and contributed to

these projects. In addition, we would like to thank the NationalInstitute of Mental Health (NIMH), and, in particular, A. Beckel-Mitchener,M. Freund, T. Lerner, and G. Senthil, for providing invaluableinstitutional support and guidance for these projects. Funding:Data was generated as part of the PsychENCODE Consortium,supported by NIMH grants U01MH103392, U01MH103365,U01MH103346, U01MH103340, U01MH103339, R21MH109956,R21MH105881, R21MH105853, R21MH103877, R21MH102791,R01MH111721, R01MH110928, R01MH110927, R01MH110926,R01MH110921, R01MH110920, R01MH110905, R01MH109715,R01MH109677, R01MH105898, R01MH105898, R01MH094714,R01MH109901, P50MH106934, and 5R24HD000836 awarded toS. Akbarian (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), G. Crawford(Duke University), S. Dracheva (Icahn School of Medicine atMount Sinai), P. Farnham (University of Southern California),M.B.G. (Yale University), D.H.G. (University of California, LosAngeles), F. Goes (Johns Hopkins University), T. M. Hyde (LieberInstitute for Brain Development), A. Jaffe (Lieber Institute for BrainDevelopment), J.A.K. (University of Southern California), C. Liu(SUNY Upstate Medical University), D. Pinto (Icahn School ofMedicine at Mount Sinai), P. Roussos (Icahn School of Medicine atMount Sinai), S.J.S. (University of California, San Francisco), N.S.(Yale University), P. Sklar (Icahn School of Medicine at MountSinai), M.W.S. (University of California, San Francisco), P.F.S.(University of North Carolina), F. Vaccarino (Yale University),D.R.W. (Lieber Institute for Brain Development), S. Weissman (YaleUniversity), K. White (University of Chicago), J. Willsey (Universityof California, San Francisco), and P. Zandi (Johns HopkinsUniversity). The BrainSpan Project Consortium was supported bygrants MH089929, MH090047, and MH089921 from NIMH.Additional support was provided by the Kavli Foundation, theJames S. McDonnell Foundation, the Beatriu de Pinós program(BP-DGR 2014 to B.L.-G.), and the Eunice Kennedy ShriverNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development(5R24HD000836). S.J.S. and D.M.W. were supported by a grant

from the Simons Foundation (SFARI #307705) and the AutismScience Foundation (Postdoctoral Fellowship #16-009), respectively.The human embryonic and some of the fetal material wasprovided by the Joint MRC–Wellcome Trust (MR/R006237/1)Human Developmental Biology Resource ( work also received funding from The Netherlands Organizationfor Scientific Research (NWO VICI 435-14-005), SophiaFoundation for Scientific Research. Part of the analyses werecarried out on the Genetic Cluster Computer, which is financed bythe Netherlands Scientific Organization (NWO, 480-05-003), bythe VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and by the DutchBrain Foundation, and is hosted by the Dutch National Computingand Networking Services SurfSARA. Author contributions:Specific contributions to the work are provided in the annotatedauthor list for the consortia in the supplementary materials.Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.Data and materials availability: Scripts used in this manuscriptcan be found at scRNA-seq and snRNA-seq data have beendeposited at Tissue RNA-seq, ChIP-seq,DNA methylation, and SNP array data have been deposited indbGAP under accession number phs000755. All processed filesand scripts pertaining to this manuscript are available on

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS and MethodsFigs. S1 to S43Tables S1 to S16Consortia Authors and AffiliationsReferences (79–124)

2 April 2018; accepted 15 November 201810.1126/science.aat7615

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 13 of 13


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Page 15: PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS Integrative functionalgenomic ... · RESEARCH ARTICLE PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS Integrative functionalgenomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric

risksIntegrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric

Gerstein, Ed S. Lein, James A. Knowles and Nenad SestanKleinman, Daniel H. Geschwind, Michael J. Hawrylycz, Matthew W. State, Stephan J. Sanders, Patrick F. Sullivan, Mark B.James T. R. Walters, Danielle Posthuma, Mark A. Reimers, Pat Levitt, Daniel R. Weinberger, Thomas M. Hyde, Joel E. Consortium, PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup, Ming Hu, Fulai Jin, Yun Li, Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O'Donovan,Giusti-Rodríguez, Hyejung Won, Christiaan A. de Leeuw, Antonio F. Pardiñas, BrainSpan Consortium, PsychENCODE Pletikos, Jinmyung Choi, Sydney Muchnik, Xuming Xu, Daifeng Wang, Belen Lorente-Galdos, Shuang Liu, PaolaM. Sunkin, Zhen Li, Yurae Shin, Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, Donna M. Werling, Robert R. Kitchen, Hyo Jung Kang, Mihovil Mingfeng Li, Gabriel Santpere, Yuka Imamura Kawasawa, Oleg V. Evgrafov, Forrest O. Gulden, Sirisha Pochareddy, Susan

originally published online December 13, 2018DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7615 (6420), eaat7615.362Science 





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