Download - PSY: Assignment 2 - Comic


A Story about Prejudice and Love


Group Members:

1. Ang Wei Yi (0317885)

2. Ahmad Razin (0318799)

3. Khor Hao Xiang (0318065)

4. Bridget Tan Su Ting (0318370)

Forbidden Love is a story about a young girl who fell in love

with a boy of a different race and was forbidden to continue with the

relationship by her mother. Her mother faced a traumatic experience

when young which imprinted a great prejudice in her. However,

following a heartwarming sacrifice by the lover that saved her mother’s

life, their love persevered and eventually overcame her mother’s bitter



After school, Ang Wei Yi walks back to her home. On the way

home, she passes through a dark alley. Suddenly, a speeding van stops

abruptly beside her and pulls her into the van. She immediately blacks

out due to the overwhelming fear. When she wakes up, she realises that

she had been raped in the process. She wanders aimlessly but somehow

instinctively manages to find her way home. It was such a traumatic

experience that she dared not relay to anyone hoping that the ugly

incident will be washed away from mind, body and soul. She stays

home and refuses to go out for three months.


After three months, she makes the decision to go out and sees

an Indian boy getting bullied. However, she notices that no one is

taking the initiative to help him, and so she does not too. That is

accompanied with the reason of her newly developed stereotype of

Indians after the terrifying rape incident. In her mind, she convinces

herself that the Indian boy deserves to be bullied.

15 years later, Ang Wei Yi gives birth to a little baby girl named

Law Yong Yi. Since young, Law Yong Yi was educated in Chinese

schools and was constantly warned not to go near any Indians and to

ignore any Indians who approach her to avoid danger.


However, the lack of Chinese high schools in her town leaves

her no choice but to enter a multiracial government high school. She

experiences a culture shock as she walks into the school after seeing

Malays and Indians walking about the school canteen. A week later, she

starts mixing with Malays and Indians.

Months later, she comes to a realisation that Indians are not so

bad after all. She sees them helping teachers and students, sharing

knowledge with others as they often achieve the best results in class.


As time passes, Yong Yi falls in love with an Indian classmate,

Harish. She does not tell her mother about this and tries her best to

hide him away from her.

One day, in the midst of doing her daughter’s laundry, Ang Wei

Yi finds a Polaroid of Yong Yi and Harish in her daughter’s pocket. She

consults her daughter and proceeds to interrogate her. Yong Yi

persuades her mother that Harish is actually a good boy with good

intentions. Her mom is not convinced and grounds her daughter.


One day, Ang Wei Yi goes to the doctor after facing an extreme

pain whilst urinating. The doctor diagnoses her with kidney failure.

Yong Yi feels extremely upset about the fact that no one is willing to

donate a kidney to her mother. She cries out to her friend about this

matter. Harish overhears this and immediately makes the decision to

donate his kidney to Ang Wei Yi.

After the surgery, the doctor tells Yong Yi that a boy named

Harish was kind enough to donate one of his kidney to her. Feeling

thankful, she allows her daughter to date Harish and they all carry on

with their lives happily.


1. Pluralistic Ignorance

2. Stereotype

3. Racism

4. Confirmation Bias

5. Persuasion





• The tendency not to respond to a potentially dangerous situation because of a

collective uncertainty about what is happening that is reinforced by the fact that no

one else seems concerned or is responding.

After that incident happened, she kept herself in her house for three months due to

phobias, depression and sadness. When she finally got over it in a little after three

months, she finally gained the courage to step out to the world again. One day as she

was walking on the road, she saw a bunch of gangsters beating up an Indian boy.

Although it is obvious that the Indian boy is being bullied and in danger, she noticed

that the other by passers just looked and continued to let the beating happen instead

of taking the initiative to help that Indian boy. Therefore, she reacted the same way by

not doing anything to stop that incident so that she would not get into any trouble.





• A thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways

of doing things.

• These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.

As for the same incident, being a bystander looking at the Indian boy getting bullied

instead of helping him is not only about the pluralistic ignorance, but also about how

Wei Yi stereotyped that Indian boy. She believed that all Indians were bad people and

this Indian boy must have had done something bad to these bunch of gangsters

therefore got bullied and beaten up. Wei Yi then chose not to help because she did not

think that the Indian boy deserved any form of help and should have paid the price for

what he did wrong to the gangsters.





• Consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of

biological differences between people.

• It often takes the form of social actions, beliefs, or political system that consider

different races to be rank as inherently superior or inferior to eat other.

Racism is clearly portrayed by Wei Yi on her daughter. Since Wei Yi’s daughter, Law

Yong Yi was young, she was sent to all-Chinese schools to be educated and was

warned by her mom to not be close with any Indians to avoid any form of danger. Wei

Yi showed racism when she relayed that Indians are all evil and should be avoided by

her daughter in all aspects.





• Also called myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, or prioritize

information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses.

• It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic of inductive reasoning.

After Yong Yi’s mom picked her up and caught her mixing with a bunch of Indian

friends, she became so angry that she immediately scolded Yong Yi once she entered

the car for disobeying her on not mixing with Indian people. However, Yong Yi really

did not like how her mom was being so racist and stereotyped all of them as bad

people. To prove her mom wrong, she showed her mom the class standings for the

recent exam which showed that Indians achieve top positions and told her that they

too have good intentions. Even after the explanation and proof, her mother is still

convinced that all Indians are up to no good and warned her to stay away from them to

keep her daughter from ‘danger’.





• An umbrella term of influence.

• Can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations or

behaviours. Can also be interpreted as using one’s personal or positional resources

to change people’s behaviour.

In order to let her mom accept her relationship with Harish, she needed to persuade

her mother. She persuaded her mom by telling how much of a good boy Harish is like

how he often helped teachers to do things in school, despite using most of his time

doing voluntary work for charity to prove that he is a smart and kind-hearted person

unlike how her mom perceives Indian people.

