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Table of Content

Content Page

Acknowledgement 3

Introduction 4

Method 5

Procedure 6

Story Synopsis 7

Concepts 8

Appendix 12

References 18


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First and foremost, we would like to thanks our Social Psychology lecturer, Mr. Shankar for giving his guidance throughout the semester. We learned and have a better understanding of the objective of our assignment and all the concepts that taught by Mr. Shankar throughout the semester.

Next, we would like to thank to our friends that are willing to spend their time with us to give us support and cooperated nicely throughout the filming process. They are Letty, Theresa, Brandon, Jie En, Ravender, Wing Chun and Siew Wen. Special thanks to Crystal, who act as the part of the female lead in our video.

Not to be forgotten, we would like to show our thanks to Taylor's University, Syopz Mall and DK Senza for allowing us to film our video around the specific places.

Lastly, we thank all the people for their contribution and help no matter it is directly or indirectly to help us to complete our tasks.


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In this project, we were assigned to make a video clip in a group of four. The video clip must incorporate the concepts learned in class. Besides making a video clip, we need to produce a report and present the clip to the class. This project allows students to recognize and identify the connections among the concepts and perspectives within psychology and with other disciplines. In addition, it allows students to engage in psychological inquiry and become self-regulated learners. From this project, we learned to have critical analysis and demonstrate our understanding to the development of our video clip. This assignment provides an opportunity for us to be a lifelong learner through developing a method of self-reflection in the individual’s own learning process. However, it also increase our understanding towards human relationships and increase our communication skills.

Each of our group members play a part in the video. The main protagonist will be Pui Chun Shian, known as Chun in the video, a boy who wanted to have a change of himself. Loh Mun Tong plays part as Mun who’s been a friend who always supporting Chun. Leong Li Jing as class lecturer and Teo Chiang Long who play part as skinny version of Chun.


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To produce a high quality video, we created a storyline and record it by using the apparatus and materials below at the specific settings.

Apparatus/Materials Filming equipment- DSLR NIKON camera- Camera stand

Video Editing Software- Windows Movie Maker

Props- Phones- Laptop- Exercise set: bottle, towel- Students' stationaries- Flower

Settings- Classroom at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus- Block E’s lift- Spaces outside library- Syopz Mall- DK Senza


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DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION12th January 2016 Meeting Select one group leader and briefly

discuss about the task given.15th January 2016 Meeting Do some research for video and decide

the concept that will apply in the video.16th January 2016 Meeting Discuss the storyline, concepts and also

assign the character to group member.Pui Chun Shian – ChunLoh Mun Tong – MunTeo Chiang Long – Skinny ChunLeong Li Jing - Lecturer

21st January 2016 Meeting Finalize the script of the story and delegate the tasks.

Pui Chun Shian – Video editorLoh Mun Tong – Report writerTeo Chiang Long – Report writerLeong Li Jing – Videographer, report and slider writer

23rd January 2016 Filming At DK Senza from 11am to 3pm

29th January 2016 Filming At Taylor’s University from 3pm to 4pm

30th January 2016 Filming At Taylor’s University from 1pm to 5pm

31st January 2016 Meeting Finalize video, report and presentation slides


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Story synopsis

The story starts with Chun, the main character in this story. Chun is taking Foundation in Natural and Built Environment in Taylor’s University. He is a hardworking student but he always late to class. He is also a friendly person and easily liked by people. Chun met his best friend, Mun in the first semester of foundation.

New semester started, Chun late to class again as usual. He met his new course mate, Crystal. Chun fell in love at the first sight. The friendship between Chun and Crystal is getting better day by day. Mun feel sad and jealous. Chun starts to tell Mun how he feels towards Crystal and how good Crystal is but Mun just ignore him. One day, Chun and Mun are texting and Mun told Chun that Crystal likes skinny guy. Chun also found that Crystal is stalking skinny guy photos. He started to think a lot that Crystal might like someone who is skinny. Therefore, he decided to change himself.

Mun gives her support to Chun to help him achieve his target – to be a skinny guy. Few months later, he achieved what he want. His hard works paid off. He decided to confess his feeling towards Crystal. Mun supports him. Sadly, he get rejected by Crystal and feeling down for days. Mun tries to comfort him and encourage him to be happy. Chun starts to eat a lot and day by day past, he becomes the old him again.

One day, Chun and Mun are sitting at the lakeside. Chun calms down himself and starts to flashback the memories with Mun. He realized that there is something between them. Before they leave, Chun holds out his hand to Mun and Mun holds it back.

Love is not based on how good you look, but how good your heart is.


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We used 5 psychological concepts in our video clip, they are first impression, false consensus, looking glass self-theory, self-fulfilling prophecy and love and


First Impression

In psychology, first impression are impression made instantaneously toward a person whom you just met. Impression accuracy varies depending on observer and the target being observed. First impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics: age, race, culture, language, gender, physical appearance, accent, posture and voice. The first impressions individuals give to others could greatly influence how they are treated and viewed in many contexts of everyday life. First impression may be instantaneous and research finds that impressions are made only at 10 seconds. People often decide how others are like in 2 effects. They are primacy effect and recency effect. Primacy effect is the first piece of information we receive and recency effect is the last piece of information we receive. Both effects can cause a large impact on our impression. However, people also tend to make mistake when forming the first impression of others. They assume that people who look more attractive have many other good qualities while that might be completely wrong in some cases.

In the story, although Chun is not good looking but he was being friendly and outgoing at making new friends on the first day of University. So, he had developed a first impression towards his new friends in which he was a kind and funny person. However, Chun also caused a bad impression towards his lecturer as he was late during the first day of class during the semester start.


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False Consensus

In psychology, the false-consensus effect or false-consensus bias is a cognitive bias whereby a person tends to overestimate the extent to which their opinions, beliefs, preferences, values, and habits are normal and typical of those of others (i.e., that others also think the same way that they do). This cognitive bias tends to lead to the perception of a consensus that does not exist, a "false consensus".

False consensus effect has appears in this scenarios when Chun directly put a conclusion that Crystal is always into skinny boys. It happens when Chun walked out from the campus library and accidentally saw Crystal were scrolling through some thin figure boys pictures with her mobile phone. Next, with additional information by Mun that stating Crystal was always favourite in skinny looking boys especially her idol - Justin Bieber. But in fact Crystal wouldn’t easily fall for a person just because he has a thin figure, instead she would rather go for the heart first.Chun tend to overestimate Crystal’s spouse criteria with his own beliefs, values and behaviors. This creates a false consensus, which can influence his decisions and perspectives.

Looking-glass Self

The looking-glass self is a social psychological concept, created by Charles Horton Cooley stating that a person's self grows out of society's interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others. The term refers to people shaping their self-concepts based on their understanding of how others perceive them. Cooley clarified that society is an interweaving and inter-working of mental selves. The looking-glass self a person views himself or herself through others' perceptions in society and in turn gains identity. Identity, or self, is the result of the concept in which we learn to see ourselves as others do. The looking-glass self begins at an early age and continues throughout the entirety of a person’s life as one will never stop modifying their self unless all social interactions are ceased.


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Chun decided not to stay with his original appearance. Chun shaping his self-concept based on Crystal’s spouse criteria. He decided to lose weight and becoming thin since he is assuming Crystal only into skinny looking guys. Chun is forming his self-image with idea of Crystal’s.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Any positive or negative expectations about circumstances, events, or people that may affect a person’s behavior toward them in a manner that he or she (unknowingly) creates situations in which those expectations are fulfilled. ‘In other words, causing something to happen by believing it will come true.’

By putting the idea that he will become a thin figure guy, Chun started off his daily workout routine without hesitation. He is confident that he’s able to slim down and turn-over his self-appearance. He is living the way of life similar as a thin guy, for example jogging on the evening and cutting down his meal portion. With the supporting and motivating by Mun, Chun is delighted with the new outcome. After a period of time, Chun successfully slimmed down and achieved his goals, his expectations do come true too.

Love and Belonging

The hierarchy of needs is one of the best-known theories of motivation. This theory is created by psychologist Abraham Maslow, and is displayed as a pyramid, with the most basic needs at the bottom and more complex needs at the peak. The pyramid includes 7 needs, they are physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, intellectual aesthetic and self-actualization. As we move up to the third level of Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, humans need to love, acceptance and belonging. At this level, the need for emotional relationships drives human behavior. Some of the things that satisfy this need


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includes friendships, romantic attachments, family, social groups, community groups, churches and religious organizations. In order to avoid problems such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety, it is important for people to feel loved and accepted by other people. Personal relationships with friends, family, and lovers play an important role, as does involvement in other groups that might include religious groups, sports teams, book clubs, and other group activities.

In the story, Chun and Mun had developed a great friendship. Mun encouraged Chun to strive his goal and provides mental support to him. Mun is a great friend of Chun.


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SCRIPTScene 1Venue: ClassroomCharacter: Chun, Mun, lecturer and studentsScene started with lecturer go into class giving the first assignment.Lecturer: Good morning class. Please get ready for the class today. Okay so, I am going to talk about our first assignment. Is everyone here? Suddenly, Chun open the door.Chun: Sorry, I am late!Chun go into the classroom and sit beside Mun. Chun: Can I have a paper?Mun: Oh yeah.Chun: So, what is your name?Mun: I am Mun.Chun: So, I am Chun.Then, Chun turns around and makes new friends, Theresa and Letty.

Scene 2Venue: LiftCharacter: Chun, CrystalNew semester started. Chun was late to class again. He run to the lift and bumped into crystal.Chun: I am so sorry for just now!Crystal: It’s okay, it’s okay.Chun: Eh? You are going to the 6th floor as well?Crystal: Yeah.Chun: What course are you taking?Crystal: FNBE SEM 2.Chun: Oh, I am also from FNBE SEM 2! I am Chun.Crystal: I am Crystal. Nice to meet you.Chun: So, welcome to FNBE.Crystal: Thanks.

Scene 3Venue: ClassroomCharacter: Chun, Mun, Crystal, studentsIn the class, Chun sit between Mun and Crystal.


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*Chun talks to Crystal.*Mun: Hey hey, look at this!!Chun: Okay okay, wait wait, please calm down.*Mun is sad. Chun continue talks to Crystal.*

Scene 4 Venue: Syopz Mall, Face to FaceCharacter: Chun, MunChun keep talking to Mun about how good Crystal is. Mun just try to ignore him.

Scene 5Venue: Library and classroomCharacter: Chun, Mun, CrystalChun and Mun texting via Whatsapp.Chun: So what do you think of Crystal? I think she is damn funny haha.Mun: Hmm, I think she is kind and friendly. She is pretty cute.Chun: You wanna go out with her sometimes?Mun: Yeah sure.Chun: What kind of guy does she likes?Mun: Hmm, I think she likes skinny guys, like Justin Bieber.Chun: Okay, yeah yeah, whatever, see you later.Chun stands up and leave the table. He saw Crystal is stalking a skinny guy photos. Chun decided to change.

Scene 6Venue: DK Senza GymCharacter: Chun, MunChun decided to be like the skinny boy inside Crystal’s phone. He decided to change his physical looks. Mun helps Chun to achieve his target. *Jogging*Chun gets tired and rest. Mun gives Chun water and they continue to jog.

Scene 7Venue: DK SenzaCharacter: ChunFew months later, the new Chun is born.


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Scene started with Chun wake up and wash himself in the washroom. He have a completely new look. He tried his old clothes and it doesn’t suit him anymore so he change to his new clothes.

Scene 8Venue: DK SenzaCharacter: Chun, Mun, CrystalChun decided to confess his feeling towards Crystal. Mun accompany Chun to Crystal’s place and give him support and motivation. Crystal: Hey!Chun: Hey.Crystal: What are you doing here?Chun: I am here to confess to you. Since the first day, I’ve always notice you. And I would like to take care of you. Can you be my girlfriend?Crystal: I am sorry. I’ve always treated you like a brother. I bet you can find a better one.Chun: Okay…Chun leaves sadly and Mun comfort Chun.

Scene 9Venue: CampusCharacter: Chun, MunChun scrolling his apps sadly. Mun meet him and ask him to eat some food.Chun bought a lot of snacks and eating non-stop. Mun tries to comfort Chun.Chun became the old Chun.

Scene 10Venue: LakesideCharacter: Chun, MunChun and Mun sit at the lakeside. Chun starts to flashback his memories with Mun. Chun holds out his hand and Mun holds it.


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Video Link:


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