Download - Pseudo Dynamic Traffic Assignment

  • Pseudo Dynamic Traffic Assignment

    A Duration Based Static Assignment Process

  • Planning Context: I-285 Strategic Implementation PlanARC RegionalTravel DemandModel24-Hour VolumesStatic Assignment Process13 County RegionSOV, HOV, Trucks and Transit

  • Big Leap from Macro to MicroMicroscopicModelVISSIM24-Hour VolumesStatic Assignment Process13 County RegionSOV, HOV, Trucks and Transit15-Min. Volumes I-285 CorridorTraffic ControlITS StrategiesSOV, HOV and TrucksDynamic Traffic AssignmentARC RegionalTravel DemandModel1. Temporal distribution of traffic2. Better peak period paths

  • Overall Modeling ProcessMicroscopicModelVISSIM24-Hour VolumesStatic Assignment Process13 County RegionSOV, HOV, Trucks and Transit15-Min. Volumes I-285 CorridorTraffic ControlITS StrategiesSOV, HOV and TrucksDynamic Traffic Assignment15-Min. Volumes 13 County RegionSOV, HOV and TrucksStatic Assignment ProcessARC RegionalTravel DemandModel1. Temporal distribution of traffic15-Min. Volumes 13 County RegionTraffic ControlITS StrategiesSOV, HOV and TrucksDynamic Traffic AssignmentMatrixVariegator2. Better peak period pathsMesoscopicModelDTA

  • Planned Mesoscopic ApproachVISTANorthwestern UniversityOnly DTA program reported to be able to handle the problem size at the timeIssues encountered:Data assumptionsData preparationSoftware bugsMemory intensiveExcessive runtimesPlan B required

  • Plan B Options ConsideredSuccessive Static AssignmentsWrite custom applications to track long tripsUse a different DTA packageCube Avenue, Dynameq, DynaSMART-P, etc.

    Discovered an option in Citilabs software already in the assignment pathload function that enables volumes to be saved in travel time segments

  • Pathload Option pathload path=TIME, vol[1]=mw[1], time=0-15, vol[10]=mw[1], time=15-30, vol[11]=mw[1], time=30-45, vol[12]=mw[1], time=45-60, vol[13]=mw[1], time=60-75, vol[14]=mw[1], time=75-99999

  • Pseudo DTA Overview75 minute trip

  • Pseudo DTA Preload Management

  • Two-Zone Examples60-mile single-lane corridorAssume capacity of 2000 vphAssume free-flow speed of 60 mphLink sub-divided into 5-mile segments in order to see the progression of volume during the PDTA process

  • Two-Zone ExamplesFree-Flow Traffic Conditions (1000 vph)

  • Two-Zone ExamplesCongested Traffic Conditions (2000 vph)

  • Two-Zone ExamplesOver-Saturated Traffic Conditions (3000 vph)

  • I-285 Application

  • Pseudo DTA - Validation

  • Potential ApplicationsRefined time-of-day assignmentsEvacuation ModelingSpecial Events Arrival & DepartureLane Closures

  • Questions / Comments